EA Bride Summer 2014

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Kansas City


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t o

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Summer Edition 2014 » $4.80

EA Bride Summer 2014 $4.80 Shelve until 6/30/14

Gift Registry : Health & Beauty


Inspiration : A Golden Glam


Flower Power


Contents 6 Decoding Your Destination 12 Couples Corner 17 Real Life Insights 19 Calendar of Events 22 Inspiration : Candy Meets Couture 30 Ask Irene 32 Gift Registry : Health & Beauty 36 Word it Right 40 Wedding Bloopers 42 Inspiration : A Golden Glam 50 Go Big or Go Home 52 Hanky Panky Relationship 56 DIY : String Art 60 Words of the Wedding Wise 66 Inspiration : Restoration of Romance 74 Honeymoon Photography 80 Flower Power 83 Society Pages


EA Bride


Summer 2014

p. 45

p. 96 p. 99

p. 27 p. 81

p. 6

p. 70

EA Bride Staff Âť Summer 2014 Christie Scott Publisher christie@eabride.com

Nathan Fried Lead Design & Branding nathan@eabride.com

Britney Beach Executive Editor britney@eabride.com

Treasa Hershberger VP of Sales treasa@eabride.com

Jana Marler Art Director jana@eabride.com

Christine Saxer Events Coordinator events@eabride.com

EA Bride info@eabride.com www.eabride.com Ph. 816.272.5143 Staff photos by Freeland Photography Published Quarterly in January, April, July, & October. Printed in the USA by Harvest Graphics Advertising Inquiries: Email: info@eabride.com

A special thanks to our contributing writers : Irene Sparks, Jon Bartlett, Michael & Jennifer Lewis, Timmy Gibson

Claire Reagan Account Executive claire@eabride.com

Christine Busch Layout Designer

Cover. Models: Justin & Jessica Parr Gown: Casablanca Menswear: Suit Supply Chicago Photographer: Lark Photography Hair: Laura Franco at Appease Inc Makeup: Jen Stoller from Magnificent Brides Car: 1953 Chrysler New Yorker Deluxe Hemi Powered Convertible, Owned by Steven & Beth Pagnotta

Copyright 2014 for EA Bride. All rights reserved. The views expressed in this magazine and through the advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of EA Bride Magazine. No responsibility is assumed for unsolicited materials. EA Bride is not responsible for the return of any materials or artwork submitted. EA Bride shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information herein or the interpretations thereof. We have no liability for the infringement of copyright, and reserve the right to edit any and all submissions before publication. Any reproduction of any form without written consent is strictly prohibited. All requests can be sent to info@eabride.com.


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Letter from the Publisher

And once again... wedding season is back in full swing! In fact, this will be record year in wedding attendance for me. With the warmer weather moving in as well, Spring is shaping up to be my favorite season.

Christie Scott Publisher

2014 just keeps getting better here at EA Bride. Our team is expanding, readership is on the rise, and we’ll be unveiling several new components aimed at creating the ultimate experience for our couples. Not to mention two of our team members getting married and the launch of our first exclusive bridal show. Simply put, you’ve spoken and we’ve listened. We’re excited to bring you even more content, some iconic Kansas City professionals, and another edition of the most comprehensive directory KC has ever seen. We’re on a mission to feature the most inspirational ideas and highlight some of the best vendors that you simply don’t want to wed without! So, sit back and enjoy the issue. When you’re done, send us a message and let us know what you think. We’re all ears. Happy Reading.



decoding your

After months of dress fittings, sorting wedding details, hot gluing centerpieces, and cringing over the seating chart, you’re going to need some time away. Hence, the honeymoon! Just knowing that you will have time away from the bustling world for a week or even a few days is enough to encourage a deep sigh of relief. And while planning a vacation might sound overwhelming; there is an easy way to start the process that takes no more effort than a few moments of soul searching. Through this article, you will be able to identify the most suitable honeymoon for you and your hubby by finding the best destinations suited to your personalities.

Beach Bums - As cliché as a beachy honeymoon may be, sometimes you just can’t beat your feet in the sand and warm sun on your skin. For those couples that are looking for the ultimate relaxation experience, this type of honeymoon is perfect for you. Some of the world’s finest beaches can be found in Antigua, Brazil, the Maldives, or at Bora Bora, an island in French Polnesia.


EA Bride | Summer 2014

 Sometimes you just can’t beat your feet in the sand and warm sun on your skin.



Adrenaline Junkies - If you and the hubby don’t mind a rush of adrenaline, why not include a once-in-a-lifetime experience into the honeymoon. Throughout the world, there are endless opportunities to get your remedy. You could ski the Swiss Alps, go cage shark diving in Australia, bungee diving in New Zealand, or climb mount Fuji in Japan.

For the Kid in You - Just because you are getting married doesn’t mean you have to grow up. The most magical place on earth is filled with youthful memories, unique characters, parades, and spectacular entertainment. Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida is the epitome of excitement to indulge the child that you are at heart.

Old World Romance - You have seen these castles, bridges, and moments in movies but you can make the oldworld romance part of your honeymoon. Skip across the sea to lavish in the timeless architecture of castles in Wales, relax together on a gondola ride along Venice’s channels, or steal a kiss under the sparkling Eiffel Tower at night.

Do Gooders - Feel like you should do some good while taking your honeymoon? Together you can make a lasting impression on a humanitarian effort over a weeks time. If a natural disaster happened recently, you can volunteer clean up efforts. If you have a love for marine life, offer to clean up oil-spills. If you have a heart for people, participate in mission work in Africa.


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Wine Enthusiast - Wine county is some of the most beautiful land one can see, and why not tour it with a glass of vino in you hand? You could stay in the states and go to Napa Valley or Sonoma Valley in California. Or bump it up a notch and savor real wine country in Tuscany.

Nomads - Why settle to going to one place on the honeymoon when you can go from place to place and spend as much time there as you want. For the couple looking for a raw adventure that could possibly include the worlds largest ball of twine, this is for you. Rent an RV and travel the states exploring the finest niches the country has to offer. Don’t forget to stop at some of the nations finest, including Mount Rushmore, the Smokey Mountains, and the Grand Canyon.

Sea Legs - Your honeymoon is the perfect opportunity to stretch out your sea legs. Cruise lines travel from the sandy beaches of the Caribbean, to the natural snow capped Alaska terrain, and the captivating dwellings of Greece. You get to enjoy the luxury of seeing the land while traveling to new locations during your slumber.

Passion Chasers - Following your passion is the perfect way to begin your marriage. If you are foodies, travel to taste the finest foods in Italy and sign up to take some classes from world-class chefs. If you are artists, travel to Amsterdam to cultivate your sills with the endless inspiration around you. And if you are photographers, travel on a safari in Africa to capture a world untouched magnificence.

>> To begin your planning preparations get in touch with one of our travel advisors: Bev Falley at Island Dreams Travel or Robert Reismeyer at Travel Benefits by Design



The Baltimore Club

Exceptional moments call for exceptional spaces Kansas City’s finest reception establishment, The Baltimore Club provides the luxurious elegance your wedding deserves. 1228 Baltimore Avenue Kansas City, MO 64105 | 816.221.8986

Photo by David Remley


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Couples Corner

Engaged Couple: Maggie Malone & Cole Wrisinger Wedding Date: November 8th, 2014

How did you two meet? Bride: Cole and I met through my younger sister, Mallory Robinson. Cole and Mallory had Spanish class together at William Jewell College. We set up a double date with Mallory and her boyfriend, but ended up biting the bullet and met for coffee before the double date. We immediately hit it off! Groom: I attended undergrad with Mallory, Maggie’s sister, at William Jewell College. Mallory suggested that Maggie and I should meet. After turning down the suggestion twice, I took her up on it. We met for coffee at Panera soon thereafter. How long did it take to realize he/she was the one? B: When we met for coffee I knew we had something very special. After our first date I went out with friends and I told everyone that night, “I’m going to marry that guy!” I was right! G: About five minutes.

the people we are today, and spend our lives together. We also trust each other and communicate through every life decision. G: We place Christ first and the rest simply falls into place. She cooks me meals, brings me coffee, and is the best woman a man could ask for. What do you plan to splurge on with Newlywed Couple: the wedding? B: I plan Jared to splurge & Mallory on my Robinson bridesmaids because Together: they are amazing! 7 ½ Years Wedding Date: September 28th, 2013 G: Groomsmen and the good times that we will have together throughout this process. What has surprised you most about the planning process? B: It surprises me how hard it is to make a guest list.

How do you two make it work? B: Our relationship works because we have God in the middle. We believe God gave us each other to be

G: The absolutely ridiculous amount of money that one can spend on a wedding.



Photo by Rich & Jo Photo

What was the best thing about your wedding?

What’s the biggest difference in your relationship now that you are married?

Groom: Shannon’s Dad surprised us by performing with his trumpet while we exited the church, truly a special moment!

G: Compromise, if we disagree on something you have to work it out you can’t always just agree to disagree. Also you need to pick and choose your battles.

Bride: The amazing letter Bob wrote me to read before the ceremony meant so much. Not to mention the fact that we didn’t see each other before I walked down the aisle, upon my husband’s insistence. I’m so glad I waited. And my father playing trumpet at the ceremony was a very close second. Looking back on it, what would you have done differently?

Newlywed Couple: Robert & Shannon Leadford Together: 7 Years Wedding Date: August 31st, 2013

G: Everything went by so fast, I felt like I didn’t have a chance to see everyone. We didn’t do a reception line to thank everyone because we were worried about time. But if I could do it over again I would do some form of greeting line. In the end it would’ve been worth the extra time. B: I wish I would have hired a coordinator to keep me from stressing over all the details. I also wish it hadn’t been the hottest day of the year, but at least the air worked!


EA Bride


Summer 2014

B: I understand how deeply our love was and is now and not to stress on the little stupid things as they don’t matter. What is the best part about marriage? G: Those days when nothing seems to be going your way, then you come home see your wife and you know that everything is going to be alright. Shannon and I have a great relationship where a lot of nights we are happy just spending time with each other at home. We don’t need to always go out to enjoy life or each other’s company. B: Planning our future together! It’s no longer a fairy tale as we’re actually living it now! Planning on making a family and seeing him every day still excites me! He’s my best friend and we have so much fun together. What is the hardest part about marriage? G: Sharing in responsibilities from paying the bills to house work. When you live alone you may have a different way of doing things, so adjusting and finding that happy medium is important. B: Having to discuss and agree on almost every decision we make now.

Long-Term Love: Photo by Angela Upton Photography

Chris and Cortney Moreno Together: 15 years Wedding Date: September 1st, 2007

What do you remember most from your wedding day? B: I wanted a Hawaiian theme. Then changed my mind, but forgot to tell Chris. So his family arrived in Hawaiian shirts and lei’s. My college aged sister (Maid of Honor) got “enhancements” two days before so she was humped over. What is the biggest difference in your relationship now that you have been married for several years? Bride: God. Chris and I have been together since high school. Marriage is not always roses, so having a strong relationship and foundation with God is now very important to us. Groom: I say God. Today, it’s so easy for couples-new and old—to fail. It’s almost expected now and that’s sad. A few years ago, we almost did. Instead of quitting, we gave it to God, started working together and surrounded ourselves with positive, like minded, couples. What is the most surprising difference between dating and marriage?

G: Our wedding day was an epic disaster. You can’t make it up. Aside from everything Cort explained, Our pastor sounded like the priest on the movie “The Princess Bride” so I could barely contain myself & we walked out of the courthouse to Carnies setting up for the town fair. If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently? B: At first in our marriage we tried to rush. We wanted to have big jobs, wanted the big house, new cars…we became bogged down with expenses. We had a moment 4 years ago where we lost a lot. I would not do it differently because we are now the strongest we have ever been, but I would say we have learned how to slow down and prioritize ourselves. G: We took everything for granted. I gambled on a new job for more money and we almost lost everything. It wasn’t easy fighting to save our marriage while starting all over in The Great Recession, but once we found God, I put it in his hands. We are stronger and more successful now than ever before!

B: Dating is like the picture of a Monet painting. It looks so beautiful, everything is cute and you have a ton to discover and interpret from it. Marriage is getting up close to that painting. You see all the imperfections, understanding how beautiful and unique the painting is.

Any advice for other couples?

G: Look, I know it’s the “in” thing to discount the validity of marriage, but there is a big difference. Marriage you sacrifice everything. Every decision I make impacts me, my wife and kids as a family.

G: Always take time for one another. Communication is so important. Men, reject passivity and accept responsibility for your role. Ladies, give your man a break and support him in good times and bad. If you want your marriage to succeed, surround yourself with good hearted, married, stable couples.

B: Do what is best for you. Do not allow a wedding to drain you in debt. Allow your partner to have input and laugh! Don’t hold a grudge and forgive quickly. Always communicate during conflict and always pray over one another.



Real Life Insights By Britney Beach

Trend Alert: Chic Menswear Look out ladies; the men want some flair back. Don’t worry, you can still take your time in getting your apparel, accessories, and shoes, but your man may want the same for his own attire. Give your groom and groomsmen some freedom in selecting their menswear, ties, cufflinks, socks, and shoes. The staple of going to a large rental provider as a one-stop-shop is slipping away as small boutiques and online shops provide a wide assortment of colors and styles.

Going Green Tip: Silk flowers Silk flowers were popular in the 90’s. They stood proud right next to the puffy sleeves and blown out bangs. As much as we would like to erase that wedding era from our minds, we don’t mind if the silk flowers stay awhile.

Budget Buster: Hostess with the Mostess Also known as: The Hosted Bar with the Mostest Sense. Choosing to pay for a hosted bar at your reception is a kind treat to your guests. And most likely, that treat will be one of the most expensive bills you will see for your wedding. Keep your guests and pocket book happy by closing the hosted bar during dinner. When guests are seated, the bar traffic substantially decreases. There is no need to pay for an hours worth of drinking when drinking is minimal.

Seasoned Insights 1. Husband and wife must set their relationship with the Lord first, marriage comes second. All else will fall in place. 2. Prepare yourself for disappointment and difficult challenges that are beyond your imagination, they will happen. Deal with each disappointment as it arises and discuss it together. 3. Fight fair.

Silk flowers have not only made a come back because they are more beautifully made than 20 years ago, they are also now a green alternative. A real flower bouquet costs around $100. While it is beautiful, it only flourishes for a few hours. A silk bouquet can last a lifetime. Once you are done using your silk bouquet, you could display it, re-purpose it into a casual ensemble, or sell it to another bride.

4. Men need to act as the spiritual leader of the household as they were equipped for that responsibility. 5. When you become parents: remain united and discuss your parenting values. The success of your children begins at home! 6. Go back to #1 – Jeff & Rhonda Malone, Married 27 years EABride.com


May 12th FLUX Society Bride Panel Monday, May 12th 6:30-8:30pm Hosted at Black on Burlington 1327 Burlington Street North Kansas City, MO 64116 816.726.2877 info@fluxkc.com Free admission to brides Flux Society will be hosting their second Bride’s Panel in May. Enjoy appetizers and cocktails during the first half hour and then take a seat to hear from previous brides. They reveal to you their strategies and secrets in planning their wedding. Also hear what they would have done differently if they had to do it all over again. Bring your fiancé, maid-of-honor, or mother to join you for this informative evening.

July 17th Berg Event Space Summer Open House Thursday July 17th 5:00pm-8:00pm. 1525 Grand Blvd Kansas City, MO 64108 Entrance in back info@bergeventspace.com 816.842.4488 Free admission. We are hosting our summer open house with food, drinks, music and some of our favorite wedding professionals! It’s a great time to see the venue set up for an event. Friends and families welcome! Come see if Berg Event Space is the right venue for your next event. We host weddings, receptions, rehearsal dinners and more. EABride.com



EA Bride


Summer 2014




EA Bride


Summer 2014




EA Bride


Summer 2014




Ask By Irene Sparks Irene Sparks is Kansas City’s wedding and reception expert. She is the owner of Hawthorne House, an award winning, full-service wedding and reception facility located in Parkville, Missouri. Over the past 17 years, she has advised thousands of brides, grooms, and their parents on creating the ideal wedding and reception while solving stressful etiquette problems. To view her wedding and reception facility, please visit thehawthornehouse.com.


EA Bride



Question: My father has been diagnosed with an illness that is going to require several months of treatment. My fiancée and I have discussed postponing our wedding until after my father’s medical treatments so he can attend and enjoy our wedding and reception. We have spoken with all of our vendors and most of them are willing to work with us on a change of date without losing some or all of our deposit. They have been very understanding especially since our wedding is to take place in a little over two months and they most likely will not be able to rebook our date. We sent out Save the Date cards several months ago and were getting ready to send out our invitations when we found out about my father’s illness and upcoming treatments. Can you please help us with what the proper way is to handle letting our guests know we are postponing our wedding? Thank you so much.

Answer: First, let me say how proud I am of you for making this decision in such a mature and unselfish manner. You and your fiancée must feel very secure in your relationship to understand that your father’s health and attendance at your wedding is what is important. What a great way to start your life “as a family” by making a decision that is best for your family. You still have enough time to send out a printed announcement to everyone you sent a Save the Date card to. Make sure that they received the announcement as soon as possible, but at least two weeks prior to your scheduled wedding date. While you don’t need to put the reason for the postponement, it is fairly common to do so especially if it is for an illness in the family. The card should read something like “Mr. and Mrs. (your parent’s name) announce that the marriage of their daughter (your name) to (your fiancées name) has been postponed due to a family illness”. If you know the new date put the date next. If you don’t know the new date put “Invitations for a rescheduled date will be sent upon selection of that date”. Blessings to you and your family.

Summer 2014

Question: At least a third of our wedding and reception guests are travelling from out of town requiring an overnight stay. I feel uncertain and nervous about not having a brunch or something for these guests the day after our wedding. A few of these out of town family members have asked if there will be a family gathering the day after our wedding since so many of our out of state family will be in town. It really isn’t the cost of doing a brunch or something similar the day after our wedding, but the idea of having to put together another event after the wedding is just too much for me. Would you have any suggestions as to the best way to handle this issue?

Answer: While I can understand that some out of town family members would want to get together the day after your wedding and reception, you are not obligated to host this event. You are hosting a wedding reception that allows them to get together and socialize and that is where your obligation ends. To show your appreciation for these out of town guests making the trip perhaps instead of hosting a brunch, have a welcome box of goodies, a boxed breakfast or a goodie travel box delivered to their rooms with a note thanking them for coming to your wedding. Hope this helps and congratulations on your upcoming marriage!

Health and beauty doesn’t end after the wedding and honeymoon is over. Registering for these items will help you maintain your beautiful self before and after the wedding. Don’t forget- some of these gifts you could get at your shower, allowing you to use them prior to the wedding as well. Users, just like you, have ranked each of these items at the top of its class on ConsumerSearch.com.

1. Electric Toothbrush: Oral-B Professional Healthy Clean Precision 4000 This toothbrush has a triple-action brush head. It has four brushing modes: daily clean, deep clean, sensitive and whitening. It’s also durable and easy to use, and it has a long battery life. It has an LED display with a visual pressure indicator and battery life indicator. It comes with a charger, brush head, refill stand and travel case. Price: $114

2. Hair Dryer: Revlon Tourmaline Ionic Hair Dryer RV544 Owners praise this hair dryer for its ease of use and lightweight design. Like more expensive professional dryers, the Revlon uses tourmaline ionic technology to cut down on drying time. Price: $20


EA Bride


Summer 2014

6. Nasal Strips: Breathe Right Nasal Strips 3. Scale: EatSmart Precision Plus Digital Bathroom Scale This scale offers all the features needed for a basic, home-use scale: an easyto-read, backlit display, accurate and consistent measurements and a wide, 15-inch platform.

These strips are the only over-the-counter snoring remedy that sleep doctors recommend at all. These relatively cheap adhesive strips, which help open up your airway by keeping your nostrils open, are the top-rated snoring remedy among snorers themselves, too. Price: $5

Price: $55

4. Digital Thermometer: BD Digital Thermometer This basic digital thermometer has a foolproof audible indication that the probe is positioned properly, which ensures accuracy. It can produce a reading in one minute or less. Price: $10

5. Electric Shavers: Braun Series 7 Reviewers say this shaver surpass other electric shavers in matching the smooth, close cut of a razor blade. The 760cc-4 represents the best value of the line, with a flexible head to maneuver over facial contours, multiple settings to accommodate different skin and beard types, and a convenient cleaning and charging dock.

7. Teeth Whitening: Crest 3D White Whitestrips Advanced Vivid This is the best over-the-counter whitening system because it is easy to use and lightens teeth about three shades. Designed to be worn for 30 minutes a day over the course of two weeks, these bandage-like strips adhere to teeth and hold bleaching solution in place. You’ll see results even after the first use. Price: $32

Price: $185



word it right

Traditional wedding being held in a church and hosted by the parents of the bride:

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Gibson request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter

Emily Fea Gibson to

Richard Lee Brentwood Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Holy Cathedral Kansas City, Missouri

Ceremony outside the church? Change wording to “pleasure of your company”


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Traditional wedding being held in a church and hosted by divorced parents of the bride:

Ms. Elaine Gibson Mr. Trevor Gibson request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter

Emily Gibson to

Richard Brentwood Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Fairway Baptist Church Kansas City, Missouri

Traditional wedding hosted by both sets of parents: Traditional wedding being held in a church and hosted by divorced, but remarried parents of the bride: Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Carrie Brentwood request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their children Mr. & Ms. Elaine Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Gibson request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter

Emily Gibson to

Richard Brentwood

Emily Gibson to

Richard Brentwood Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Berg Event Space Kansas City, Missouri

Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Eagle Creek Church Lee’s Summit, Missouri Together with their families

Emily Gibson Non-traditional wedding being hosted by both sets of parents and the bride and groom:


Richard Brentwood invite you to share in their joy at the celebration of their marriage Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Town Pavilion Kansas City, Missouri

Invitation samples designed by Clover Hill Promotions



Non-traditional weddings being hosted by the bride and the groom:

Together with their families

Emily Fea Gibson to

Richard Lee Brentwood joyfully request the pleasure of your company at their wedding celebration Saturday, the twenty-third of May two thousand and fifteen at half-past five o’clock Prairiebrooke Arts Gallery Overland Park, Kansas



bloopers “

I was photographing a beautiful Hindu Wedding at a large resort in Southern California. It is tradition during the wedding procession, called a baraat, for the bridegroom to ride either a horse or an elephant into the ceremony. The couple chose to go big and rent an elephant for their celebration. The Groom was also accompanied by a large band, it was festive and beautiful. The wedding proceeded and the couple tied the knot without a hitch. The bride and groom had requested that the elephant also accompany them to the reception hall as the elephant knew how to “dance” and would be great entertainment for their over 500 guests. The ballroom was on the third floor so the over 5,000 lb beast has to take the hotels freight elevator to reach the reception. The wedding coordinator decided to go with the animal handler and up they went, almost. The elevator got stuck! After some frantic phone calls and the help of the hotels maintenance team the elevator made it up to the ballroom and the elephant onto the dance floor where it swayed and knelt and raised its trunk to the music followed by loud cheers from all the wedding guests.


Untold Stories From Industry Insiders

EA Bride


Summer 2014

– Wedding Photographer

There was one wedding where the bridal party had hours between the service and reception. They spent the afternoon driving around in the Trolley, drinking and taking pictures, they even went to a bar for a bit. By the time they arrived at the reception venue EVERYONE was drunk including the bride and groom. So drunk one of the bridesmaid fell out of the Trolley and could not attend the reception. Needless to say their grand entrance was short one person and the rest of them could barely stand up!

– Venue Coordinator


EA Bride | Summer 2014




EA Bride


Summer 2014




EA Bride


Summer 2014





ridal BEvent APRIL 25 10 - 7


APRIL 26 10 - 5:30





Enjoy up to 50% off select engagement rings As well as 20% off our entire collection of wedding bands

with a special

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By Jon Bartlett

In the wedding industry, we tend to put a lot of focus on the grand moments of each couple’s big day. From the flowers and decor, to the photos of their first moments as husband and wife. However, one thing we don’t usually focus on is where their journey all started. The moment where she said, “YES” to the biggest question of all - “Will you marry me?” Many men have caught on to the growing trend of elaborate proposals and have gone to YouTube to help come up with an original idea. In the end, they end up creating a proposal that incorporates their passions and experiences as a couple. Proposals now include everything from Treasure Hunts, to close hand card tricks. One guy even faked a fire to propose to his fiancé with his fire fighter crew.


EA Bride


Summer 2014

On November 21, 2013, Tyler Danforth of Dallas Texas knew he wanted to go big when proposing to the love of his life, Nellie Jo Metz. It became Tyler’s goal to create a proposal that incorporated Nellie Jo’s passion for dance. One thing that Nellie Jo first noticed about Tyler was his killer dance moves. He was no stranger to busting a move whenever they were out in public. The perfect proposal would be to include a flash mob. After Tyler came up with the idea of having a Flash Mob help him with his proposal, he started to ask around to try and find a way to pull off such a production. It was only three days later that I received a phone call from Tyler telling me about his passionate plan to propose to Nellie Jo. After hours of discussion, we quickly established 3 key elements: 1. Shock + Awe 2. Having a Flash Mob and also being able to Dance with Nellie Jo before proposing 3. Having her Family Secretly Witness the Proposal After 4 weeks of planning, three location changes, and three practice sessions with a dance mob comprised of 30 Dancers – his dreams became a reality. Tyler told Nellie Jo that they were going to see a music video shoot for the wellknown Kansas City Dance Group – TigerStyle Crew. But as we all know, that was just the hook. Words can barely express how well this proposal came together and how Tyler’s love for Nellie Jo made it such an overwhelming success. Watch it for yourself: Go to RemixProposals.com or search Most Amazing Flash Mob Wedding Proposal in Kansas City on YouTube to see the full video.

Photography by Steve Willis Photography Venue – Terrace On Grand



Relationship The “Hanky Panky Challenge” is a challenge for couples in a committed relationship to engage in any form of “Hanky Panky” each and every day for an entire month. Most of us can do anything for 28 days, but could we commit to it every day, for the rest of our lives? Are you a little nervous? Don’t be, it’s a commitment well worth making. What is the "Hanky Panky"? By Timmy Gibson TimmyGibson.com

First off, Hanky Panky is not only the physical act that first came to your mind! It is not only about physical intimacy; it is so much more than that. It is about creating moments of intentional intimacy with your partner every day. The Hanky Panky Challenge is about making your relationship a priority, not an afterthought. Here are some great relationship building activities that will get you jump started on your challenge. Have fun with it, and create some of your own. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Kissing Touching Tickling Massages Foot rubs Bubble baths together Listening to romantic music Washing each other’s hair Comb each other’s hair (If you like that!) 10. Pillow talk 11. Praying together 12. Read a romantic book 13. Watch Dr. Phil – sorry, just kidding!


EA Bride


Summer 2014

14. Watching a romantic movie. (not Texas Chainsaw or Sports Center) 15. Cooking dinner together (Tip: Dude, wash the dishes) 16. Long talks 17. Long walks. 18. Write a meaningful note to one another and read out loud 19. Write a song and sing to each other 20. Share a bottle of *Wine while talking (*Tea, Coffee, etc.) 21. Go on a romantic date (re-live past dates that were so memorable)

You will need: • • • • • •


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Small finishing nails Hammer Wood, or Plywood Letter stencils (paper or wood) Pencil or pen String, yarn or embroidery thread


Gather materials


Print your names or buy wooden letters


Secure your letters to the board


Using a pen or pencil, stencil the lettering on the wood


Remove the stencil


Hammer nails along the lines


Tie the string to your first nail using a simple knot and outline your letter/shape


After the outline is complete, crisscross the string to fill in the gaps


To finish, tie off the string in the same way that you started


Stand back and admire your work!



Wedding Wise... Traditions are important but there aren’t any rules when planning a wedding. It’s your day! Male and female attendants can be on both sides during the ceremony. Choose who’s important to you, regardless of gender. Your brother doesn’t have to stand on your Hubby’s side! If you want to mingle with guests during the cocktail hour instead of leaving for an hour to take pictures, you can! Make the most of your time with the people celebrating with you. Feel free to skip bouquet tosses, cake cuttings and even Mother/Son- Father/Daughter dances, anything that doesn’t feel right for you and your fiancé. The modern wedding is becoming more personalized to each couple’s personalities. Your guests will thank you for throwing a celebration that feels like “you” and not like every other wedding they’ve ever been to.

I like to view each wedding as a major motion picture and I encourage you to do the same. If you were the producer of a motion picture and it was your one big shot, wouldn’t you want to GO BIG! I mean this is your one chance to show the whole world your personal story that has been 20 – 30 years in the making. So hire the best cast + crew money has to offer. Make sound decisions on who you want to create, customize, and represent you on your big day. You only have one shot, so choose wisely and hire wedding professionals that understand your personality, story, and style. – Jon Bartlett, Remix DJs

– Jillian Murphy, Berg Event Space

Do not try to make everyone else happy. Your focus should be on yourself and the groom, this is your day. Everyone will fall into place if they want to be a part of your special day! – Sharon Ko, Town Pavilion


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Downtown is a popular location for marathons. Confirm travel to your venue(s) will not be impeded by closed streets on your wedding day. – Jen Bryant, Lidia’s Italy Kansas City

Marriage Proposal Facts: Before you get down on one knee, here are five important facts about marriage proposals that you should know. • 75% of women are disappointed with their marriage proposal story. • Less than 10% of women say that they’d like to be proposed to a sporting event. • More than 75% of women agree that the “surprise factor” is important in a marriage proposal. • The first thing everyone asks when you’re engaged – “How did he propose?” • The ring must reflect your partner’s personality, taste and style regardless of your budget. – Robert Riesmeyer, Travel Benefits by Design

Somewhere, personalizing a wedding (making it seem reflective of your personalities and unique to the two of you) got confused with slapping a monogram on anything with a hard surface and replicating every cute idea seen around the blogosphere. Use blogs to inspire. But try, really try to make your reception personal. It will pay off. The imagination knows no bounds. From out of the ordinary wedding attire, to fun little surprises that engage your guests and special, memorable, picture perfect moments that frame your amazing love for one another, your limitless imagination is your greatest tool for making your wedding so very personal. – Ron Ruth, Ron Ruth Wedding Entertainment

Back up your computer files of the guest list in case your computer crashes. Especially if you are using the file to record your RSVPs as they come in. – Irene Sparks, Hawthorne House

Planning your wedding is fun and you want to share it with family and friends, but sometimes having an “entourage” along can become very stressful. When shopping for your bridal gown, it is better to have a small group of very special people (4-5 max). You can become overwhelmed and loose control over the number of gowns, styles & price points that the group wants you to try. It is much more relaxing to have a small group that is supporting you and not trying to control the appointment. You do not want to leave frustrated, without a gown, because others could not agree on which dress was the one for you. It is also better to choose a separate day to return with your bridesmaids to select their gowns. Your day should be totally focused on YOU! This is your time--enjoy it! – Geri Watts, Wedding Expressions by Geri

Recently, I have seen couples selecting to have their wedding only a few months after getting engaged. I completely understand that once the decision has been made to wed, that you want it to happen right then. Waiting itself is a challenge, as you are ready to begin your lives together. However, as excited as these couples are to be saying “I Do” in 90 days or less, they are also extremely stressed. Allow your engagement to be a time of celebration and happiness. If that means scheduling your wedding further out, then do so. To enjoy every moment of each celebration you need to be able to live in the moment. – Britney Beach, The Cotillion



Decide what is really important to you (perfect venue, dancing, photography, food) and focus your budget on these items. – Tamara Schranz, Staley Farms Golf Club

Flowers are a very personal part of a wedding. We all have different tastes and favorites. Start by looking through flower magazines and find arrangements that you like. Create a folder/notebook with picture of all your top selections. Armed with this visual inspiration, make an appointment with a florist. They can offer their expertise to your ideas. They will help you incorporate your favorite flowers into your special day. They are only limited by your budget, and they are the experts at what flowers are available during the time of year that your wedding is taking place. They can also make suggestions on similar flowers in color and shape that are less expensive, but give you the same feel. Chatting with a florist can really open your eyes to the possibilities for your wedding flowers. – Ruth Finet, The Korner Shoppe

When shopping for your wedding gown, be sure to consider the final fit of your gown. Does the store you are purchasing from offer in-house alterations? If not, how can they ensure your gown will fit properly? Alterations are generally always an extra fee and nearly every wedding gown requires alterations of some sort, so talk about alterations and those fees when you are shopping. You don’t want to blow your budget, and you definitely don’t want to be left with a gown that doesn’t fit and no one willing to work on it. Also, don’t forget the final step with your wedding gown pressing. You want your gown fresh and ready for your big day! – Tonya Rickard, Mia’s Bridal & Tailoring

If you’re planning on waxing we suggest scheduling an appointment 2-3 days prior to your special day. And if at all possible if you can get more than one wax appointment in before the one you need before your special day would be even better so you get an idea if how your skin reacts and how your hair grows back. If it’s your first time, gently exfoliate the night before your appointment. Do not put any fragrance lotions on around or on the area. You may take a couple tylenol or ibuprofen 30 minutes before your appointment. Drink lots of water no caffeinated drinks or alcohol.. – Malena Peel, The Wax Pot


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Don’t sweat the small stuff. Put someone else in charge of small things so that you can take care of the more important things. – Teresa Ward, Meadowview Gardens

Don’t sacrifice wedding day meals! It is imperative that the bride and groom get something to eat, not only the day of the wedding but after the ceremony too! Providing a meal or a snack for the bridal party on the day of the wedding is often over-looked and can lead to scrambling at the last minute. Scheduling a bridal lunch, sending your groomsmen to the hotel breakfast buffet or having something catered for your group are all easy ways to insure everyone has something in their stomachs before the big event. It is also easy for brides and grooms to rush through dinner in order to make time to greet and thank everyone for coming. Be sure to schedule your own meal with plenty of time on either end commit to taking this time to nourish yourselves. As a couple, you will cherish these few moments together. I encourage you to take the time to really soak in all the day’s activities and truly appreciate the commitment you’ve made to one another, aside from all the commotion. – Jessica Retter, The National Golf Club

Even though the wedding will only last a day, the pictures from that day will last a lifetime. Looking your absolute best is crucial. Even if you think you can handle your own hair and makeup, I still suggest hiring a professional. Someone who specializes in wedding hair will know how to get the exact look you want and make it last all day. Makeup needs to be beautiful in person and photograph well. Plus, being pampered and having one less thing to worry about will be well worth it! – Traci Morby, Making Beautiful




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By: Michael & jennifer Lewis


EA Bride


Summer 2014

Most of our advice for honeymoon photo sessions begins with the question: “Why do you want photos from your honeymoon? Wedding days can be so tightly scheduled and it can take all night to visit with guests, that little time is left for creative photos. A honeymoon session gives you the opportunity to have romantic, intimate, and dramatic photos that couldn’t have possibly been captured on the wedding day. For this reason, some couples choose to bring their wedding attire on their honeymoon for the photo session. Others opt for a casual session with a pretty sundress and tan slacks. Whatever vision you have for your session, the first step is always to find the right photographer. When looking at their website and social media• Do you like their style? • Can they show you a variety of images from one session? • Are they open to your creative suggestions? • Does the photographer know the area? The second step is to schedule a meeting (in person or online) to discover if your personalities are compatible. During these meetings we go a little further and provide wardrobe advice. We don’t want you to wear clothes that will clash, that may not be suitable for the location, or will make you feel uncomfortable during the session. Therefore, we suggest no stripes, plaids or mixing of black and white. When we are shooting a specialty session, such as a trashthe-dress in a freshwater lake (a cenote here in Mexico), we are very careful to make sure the couple are good



swimmers and comfortable underwater. It’s hard to look romantic and elegant if you are afraid of drowning. Your photographers should help you prepare for the underwater session: • Don’t wear contact lenses • Use waterproof makeup • Don’t wear colorful underwear with a sheer dress. Your photographer should also instill a backup plan for rain. If we are close to the session’s location and have days available, sometimes we can reschedule the session. Don't sweat the details. That is the photographers job. After all, you're on vacation.

Written By: Michael & Jennifer Lewis 719.505.9600 www.mandjphoto.com


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EA Bride | Summer 2014

Flowers come in so many colors and styles. Where do you even begin putting together the perfect arrangement to carry with you down the aisle? Use our tips and inspiration bouquets to find your perfect match. Tips to designing your bouquet: 1. Decide on a style: bold, natural, feminine, or quaint 2. Pick the best shape and size to compliment your dress 3. Consider the season of your wedding 4. Choose colors 5. Make it personal with broaches, remembrance frames, and ribbon 80

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Society Pages ÂŤ

Real stories of married Kansas City couples written in their own words.



Justin & Jessica Parr Wedding Date: May 18th, 2013 Photography By: Lark Photography


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Summer 2014

Justin and I met early on in our undergraduate studies while attending the University of Wisconsin in Madison, but lost touch later in our college careers. Eight years later we were both living in Chicago and ran into each other one evening (literally, Justin walked right into me) while out with friends. Justin asked me to go out on a date, and I initially accepted but called him a couple of days later to decline. Justin continued to pursue me and eventually convinced me to go out with him. We spent the next year taking trips around the country together, sharing our passion for travel. On my birthday, less than a year after we started dating, Justin took me to France for a long weekend. After our first day sightseeing in Paris Justin presented me with an engagement ring during a quiet moment at the hotel before heading out for dinner. I accepted, of course. When Justin and I got engaged, we immediately knew we wanted to have an intimate wedding. With fewer than 40 people, we had the opportunity to really focus on the details of the day and do exactly what we wanted in terms of decor, food, drink, flowers and everything in between. We wanted our wedding to be romantic, classic, and one that we can look back on in years to come. My mother took the reins as our wedding planner extraordinaire and she spent over a year planning the most perfect day any of us could have imagined. With the help of her A-team (nearly 40 of her closest friends!) almost every detail at our wedding was either borrowed, handmade, or given with love, and that made the day even more special than it already was. Our day really wouldn’t have been the same without the help of our friends and family. We had our ceremony outside, followed by a cocktail hour with yard games for the kids (the adults played too!). Our reception dinner was in the formal living room of the

house, followed by cocktails and dancing in the family room overlooking the back patio, which was illuminated by dozens upon dozens of candle-lit lanterns, tree mounted votives, and candelabras. Our colors were white and blush pink, which we felt added to the classic nature of the event. Guests were served blush pink champagne as they arrived through the white arbor leading to the ceremony site in the back yard. The cherry blossom trees were in full bloom, and in the light breeze the white and light pink petals fell across the ceremony site. My flowers were blush pink peonies, and my broach bouquet (all of which were from my grandmothers collection) included only white crystals, and blush pink ribbon. The light champagne satin platform and handle of the broach bouquet was taken from the extra fabric of my wedding dress, and the bouquet itself was lovingly made by one of my mothers best friends. The flowers in the mason jars lining the aisles, and the arrangements at the guests tables for dinner, were all white, a touch of pink was included in the arrangement at our head table. The flowers on the arbor under which we were wed, were dried hydrangeas, and dried hops from our house in Wisconsin. The chandelier hanging from the arbor had blush pink crystals as well, which worked well with our chosen color palette (a gift from one of my sisters from a small town in Pennsylvania during a family trip where I actually bought my dress). We prayed for good weather for over a year and in the midst of the rainy, cold May Chicago had, we really hoped we would be able to have the backyard wedding we had dreamed and planned for. We had no backup plan for our outdoor ceremony and were very lucky to have a sunny seventy-degree day.



Venue: Private Residence Gown: Casablanca Menswear: Suit Supply Chicago Invitations: White Gown Invitations Makeup: Jenn from Magnificent Brides Hair: Laura from Appease Caterer: Heybeck’s Market Florist: Flowers by Joyce DJ/Band: Marlon Longid Cake: Cookie Cards, Inc.


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Summer 2014

Let our family take care of yours.

Kevin Smith & Emily Kravit-Smith Wedding Date: April 20th, 2013 Photography By: Chelsea Donoho Photography

Kevin and Emily met in Lawrence, KS in late 2007 after graduating from KU. Their first date was on New Years of 2007-08. After that, they knew that they were a match because January 1st, January 2nd, January 3rd, and so on were spent together and have been ever since. They moved to Westport in Kansas City and lived there for 4 years. Kevin proposed to Emily in the beautiful Loose Park in 2012. After he proposed, they walked around the park for about an hour, enjoying the news privately before telling friends and family. Emily and Kevin decided that they wanted an urban wedding with natural elements to combine their love for Kansas City as well as their love for nature. Emily’s love of crystals and gemstones set the theme for this wedding. Foregoing the more traditional approach of choosing colors as a wedding theme, the couple instead opted to highlight gemstones to create a special luminescent atmosphere, much to the chagrin of vendors and bridesmaids. Luckily, they relied heavily on the keen eye of their wedding planner, Emily Ferguson, to deliver a dream team of vendors that could bring the couple’s vision to fruition. Putting this wedding together took a combination of diligence and luck. Emily and Kevin worked very hard to hand pick each and every detail that went into the wedding from designing the groomsmen ties from scratch to the gemstone place card magnet holders that were crafted by the bride herself. Emily also designed each bridesmaid necklace out of real gemstones to honor each of her friends for being so close to her in her life. Aside from the diligence of designing the day, special lucky moments were when they found vendors that helped the couple make their vision happen. One such moment was at Bridal Extraordinaire when Emily fell in love with her dress. Emily had been looking all over 88

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Kansas City for a unique dress to complement the whimsical atmosphere of the wedding theme. Luckily, Bridal Extraordinaire had a wide range of styles including this unique piece. The owners were delighted to see it worn with such enthusiasm; they too agreed it was the right bride for the dress. The wedding took some extra work to handcraft the personal touches, but it was a labor of love that made for an unforgettable event. When asked if Kevin and Emily would have done anything different, they both said they would not have had their Chihuahua at the ceremony. Although he looked dapper clad in a tux, he whined to join the bride and groom. A special thanks is due to the Wedding Planner, Emily Ferguson, for her attention to detail, artistic eye, and encouraging support she provided. Another special thanks goes to Rabbi Alexandria Shuval-Weiner for conducting such a meaningful and liberal Jewish wedding ceremony. And lastly, a special thanks is due to the mother of the bride for her endless patience and loving kindness. We could not have asked for anything more beautiful.



Ceremony & Reception Venue: Berg Event Space Wedding Planner: Emily Ferguson Gown: Bridal Extraordinaire Menswear: Tux- Nordstrom Ties- Cherry from Kaplan’s Invitations: rsvp in the Village Hair: Debbie Brown from the Glam Room Make up: Drew Sjerven from Revolution Artistry Caterer: Blue Pot Florist: Eclectic Stem DJ/Band: Justin Stancil Cake/Cupcake Decorator: Bridal Kitchen Videography: Oscar Pendrosa 90

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Ronald Jr. & Brandiss Drummer Wedding Date: April 27th, 2013 Photography By: Sarah Dickerson Photography

As a young girl, I always dreamed about the person I would marry and how I would meet them. Lots of different scenarios came to mind, but I can honestly say that never once did I imagine it would be in a hall of a dorm! As we all know, things never go quite the way you plan! It was the first week of freshman year at Duke, and Ronnie and I happened to pass one another in the hall. Luckily I was with an outspoken friend, as I probably wouldn’t have stopped him. She made the first introductions and after a few awkward seconds and some giggling, we scurried on our way. I had no idea that would be the person I would eventually marry! As fate would have it, I became very close friends with Ronnie’s roommate. Because of this, I got an opportunity to know him better, and realized what a great guy he was! For three years, Ronnie and I remained great friends, all the while dating other people. Finally, the stars aligned our senior year, and we were both out of relationships. This gave us more free time to spend together and we quickly realized how good we were for each other. Although we are opposites, we are the perfect complements to one another. We have both grown so much from one another, and I can honestly say he has helped me become the woman I am today. Four and half years later, Ronnie was ready to ask me to spend the rest of my life with him. Boy does he know how to keep a good secret! He purchased the ring in March, but decided that he would not propose until he could do so in front of my grandmother. Although he had no idea when that would be, he vowed to himself that he would make sure she could be 92

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a part of it, as he knew how important she was to me, and that her health was rapidly declining. This would not turn out to be until 8 months later on Thanksgiving. On that day, Ronnie got down on one knee in front of my entire family and asked me to marry him. All I remember was a bunch of screaming! Since that time my grandmother has passed, however, this thoughtful and sentimental proposal is one I will never forget. It’s funny how you grow up thinking that true love is a series of grand gestures and fairy tale endings. Yet when you finally find it, you realize that what matters most are the smaller things, the everyday thoughtfulness and sacrifices that you make because you have found the person who is worth it to you. That is what my love story is, two ordinary people who, through a series of chance encounters and mutual friends, found themselves marrying their best friend.

Ceremony & Reception Venue: Hawthorne House Wedding Planner: Confetti Me Gown: Simply Elegant Menswear: Gown Gallery Invitations: Confetti Me & Invitations by Jean Hair & Makeup: Salon Adonai Florist: Final Touch Studios DJ/Band: KC Pro Jocks Cake/Cupcake Decorator: Bridal Kitchen Rental Provider: All Seasons Events Photo Booth: Captured Memories




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Cory & Whitney Ryan Wedding Date: August 18th, 2013 Photography By: Photos Edge


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Summer 2014

Cory and I met at a Bible School in Kansas City called IHOPU. We met during the last few years of school when we were selected to lead a small group together. We clicked instantly during our first conversation. It only took a week for Cory to ask me out on a date to go snowboarding. It was a blast!! We laughed the entire time. After that first date, we decided on four additional small dates to prioritize building a friendship. At the end of those dates, we knew we were compatible to move to the next step. We had been dating for six months when I graduated and felt the Lord calling me to move to Brazil for mission work. It was difficult to leave one another but we knew that if the Lord wanted us to be together it would all work out. I was going to be gone for six months; some of my time would be spent with my family in Idaho and the rest in Brazil. And so our long distance journey began. Long distance is tough, and we found our relationship being tested. In the end it had brought us closer together. As I think back now, it was during the long distance relationship that I fell in love with Cory. He fought for my heart and he won it. I returned back to Kansas City in January of 2013 and we were finally back together again! It was such a beautiful feeling with an abundance of happiness. In March, Cory asked me if I would take his hand and be his forever...and I said YES! He had set up the proposal as treasure hunt. I went from clue to clue, and every step brought me to a new memory of us. The clues led me to a dock sitting on a lake with beautifully arranged flowers, candles, and lights. Standing right in the middle was Cory. I was completely blown away. We planned our wedding for the following summer on August 18, 2013. It was a dream wedding. Afterwards, we honeymooned at the Oregon Coast on the beach at my family’s beach home.

Ceremony & Reception Venue: Longview Mansion Gown: David’s Bridal Invitations: Cortney Williams/Marie Medearis- Mindflint.com Hair & Makeup: Lisa Salisbury Cake/Cupcake Decorator: 3 Women and an Oven Videography: Joshua Kurikeshu Favors/Gifts: Lisa Salisbury Travel Agent: Lisa Salisbury



Brandon & Lindsey Wilcox Wedding Date: June 7th, 2013 Photography By: DColeman Photography In the summer of 2006, right before our junior year of high school, my husband and I met through mutual friends. We hung out a few times and made plans to go to the fall homecoming dance. The night of the dance, he showed up to my house with a bouquet of flowers and escorted me to a nice dinner. When we arrived to the dance, there wasn’t a car in the parking lot. After looking at the tickets, my husband realized the dance didn’t start for another hour. The poor guy was so embarrassed. So instead, we spent the evening eating ice cream and walking around an antique car show. Not exactly the best way to earn brownie points as my feet were dying to get out of the heels. On January 29, 2007 we made our relationship official. Two years later, and a year out of high school, we decided to move in together. One morning, my husband woke me up early and said he had made me breakfast, which was definitely a surprise. He brought me downstairs and sat me down at the kitchen table. As I am sitting there, he tells me “Breakfast is served.” I turn around in the chair and he’s down on one knee, my breakfast in one hand and a gorgeous Verragio ring in the other. As I sat there speechless he asked, “Will you marry me?” After what probably seemed like eternity to my husband, I said yes. We set the date for June 7, 2013 at The Elms Hotel in Excelsior Springs, MO. Once the day was here, everything fell into place and our fairy tale wedding became reality. Lanterns lined the aisle as the music from the harp and violin filled the air. It was a step back in time. The ceremony went perfectly and afterwards our guests enjoyed cigars and cocktails. As we made our grand entrance, the room was filled with the smiling faces of our friends and family. Each table, accented with blush and slate blue décor, was complimented by dozens of fresh flowers. We danced our first dance to the wonderful Ray Charles’, “Come Rain or Come Shine”, and even snuck in a few choreographed moves in the middle to make the first dance one to remember. The remainder of the evening was spent dancing and mingling with the greatest friends and family anyone could ask for. Our day filled with lanterns, lace and love was truly a fairy tale… 98

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Ceremony & Reception Venue: The Elms Hotel Gown: The Gown Gallery Menswear: Tip Top Tux Caterer: The Elms Hotel DJ/Band: Pro DJ KC Cake/Cupcake Decorator: Just Cakes Rental Provider: Something Borrowed (Lanterns) Favors/Gifts: Bob Korn



weddings From traditionally elegant to simply modern our Hy-Vee wedding experts will help you every step of the way. Fresh flowers, luscious cake and delicious food create an ambiance that invites friends and family to enjoy your special day. To get started, call the catering coordinator for an appointment. We cannot wait to help make your day magical.

Blue Springs



Lee’s Summit

Lee’s Summit


625 W. 40 Hwy 816-224-4288 Catering: Wanda Brizendine

1525 E. 23rd St. 816-836-1177 Catering: Victoria Forbes

4545 S. Noland Rd. 816-478-6557 Catering: Brad Cottington

301 NE Rice Rd. 816-524-5760 Catering: Ryan Bryant

310 SW Ward Rd. 816-554-2200 Catering: Mike Moore

9400 E. 350 Hwy 816-358-9940 Catering: Sam Horkman

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