WWS Brochure

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Water & Wastewater Systems eacconsult.com

Program/Construction Management Broward County Water & Sewer Department Neighborhood Improvements EAC is providing Construction Management Services for Broward County Water and Sewer Department for the following Neighborhood Improvement projects consisting of water, sewer and reclaimed water mains, drainage systems, and street reconstruction. •

Bid Pack 1 & 2: Neighborhood improvements in a neighborhood located in the City of Lauderhill on 41st Street between 441 and the Turnpike. Estimated construction cost is $15M.

Bid Pack 9: Neighborhood improvements for The Highland neighborhood located in Pompano Beach. Estimated construction cost is $16M.

Bid Pack 11: Neighborhood improvements for the Pompano Highlands neighborhood located in Pompano Beach Estimated construction cost is $15M.

Program Management Services for Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, Miami Dade County, FL EAC was a part of this Program Management Team. This project involves the provision of program management services for design engineering and construction services to the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, for the implementation of improvements in connection with neighborhood water and sewage collection and transmission systems in areas of Dade County that presently experience problems with water and sewer service.

Planning Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (FLL) Airport - Sewer Master Plan EAC was the prime consultant responsible for the investigation and analyses of FLL’s sewer collection, transmission and pump station system using hydraulic modeling techniques to identify the locations of non-code compliant levels of service. The project also investigated and assessed the Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) levels within the existing system. As part of the master planning activities, EAC Consulting also analyzed the sewer system for years 2020 (interim phase) and 2030 (build-out phase) based on the projected growth and development of the airport facility. In addition, EAC also identified, prioritized and prepared cost estimates for capital improvement projects required to correct deficiencies within the existing system as well as to provide the needed infrastructure improvements for future development. existing system as well as to provide the needed infrastructure improvements for future development. The wastewater system master plan project involved data collection and assembling an inventory of the force mains, gravity sewers and lift stations. EAC utilized a hydraulic model to simulate and assess the existing conditions and future conditions of the sewer system. The hydraulic analyses utilized the ©InfoSWMM modeling software developed by Innovyze, Inc. InfoSWMM was used to integrate a GIS infrastructure database of the airport’s existing sewer pipes, force mains and lift stations with graphic-based hydraulic modeling software.

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (FLL) Airport - Water Master Plan EAC was the prime consultant responsible for the investigation and analyses of FLL’s existing water distribution and fire main system using hydraulic modeling techniques to identify the locations of non-code compliant levels of service. As part of the master planning activities, EAC Consulting also analyzed the water system for years 2020 (interim phase) and 2030 (build-out phase) based on the projected growth and development of the airport facility. In addition, EAC also identified, prioritized and prepared cost estimates for capital improvement projects required to correct deficiencies within the existing system as well as to provide the needed infrastructure improvements for future development. The water system master plan project involved the data collection and assembling an inventory of the existing water transmission and distribution mains and fire suppression systems. EAC utilized a hydraulic model to simulate and assess the existing conditions and future conditions of the water system. The hydraulic analyses utilized the ©InfoWater modeling software developed by Innovyze, Inc. InfoWater was used to integrate a GIS infrastructure database of the airport’s existing pipes, valves, hydrants and other water distribution features with graphic-based hydraulic modeling software.

The FLL water distribution system consist of approximately 90,000 linear feet of water pipeline between 8 inches to 16 inches in diameter with smaller diameter pipes providing service connections. The system is served through two metered connection points from the Broward County District 3A system with three interconnects with adjacent utilities for emergency service. The water system was evaluated under maximum day peak hour demand and maximum day demand with fire flows to identify infrastructure improvements necessary to resolve any system deficiencies and/or improve performance.

Treatment plants Peele Dixie Water Treatment Plant, City of Fort Lauderdale EAC Consulting, Inc. provided the structural design services for the construction of the Peele Dixie Water Treatment Plant, including the membrane process building, the air stripper/transfer pump station, the high service pump station, energizing generator buildings and a transformer facility, chemical storage areas and associated support facilities. EAC was also responsible for the preparation of plans, technical specs and construction estimate. EAC provided assistance during permitting and bidding process.

Fiveash Water Treatment Plant, Fort Lauderdale, FL EAC Consulting, Inc. provided structural design services related to the improvements at the Fiveash Water Treatment plant. The services were provided on a fast-track basis and were completed using the CADD standards applicable to the City of Ft. Lauderdale. The services were required as part of the re-modeling of the pump room to accommodate two new larger pumps. Also, included was the provision of the loading dock, and hoisting mechanism for the installation of the new pumps. These modifications required the analysis of the existing structure to determine the effects. EAC also provided construction inspection services during previous phases of the improvements to the treatment plant.

South District Wastewater Treatment Plant High-Level Disinfection (HLD) Upgrade (SDWWTP) - Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department As part of the Hazen and Sawyer team that was retained by MiamiDade County to provide fast-track planning, design, and construction administration for a 285-mgd high level disinfection (HLD) facility. EAC is providing design services, inspection services and construction services on the Master (SDWWTP) HLD Upgrade project. This project requires Miami-Dade to implement a fast-tracked project including the design and construction of a 285 mgd (peakflow) high level disinfection (HLD) facility. This program upgraded the South District Wastewater Secondary Treatment Plant to a 285-mgd HLD facility, creating the largest wastewater facility in the State of Florida that treats to stringent reclaimed water standards.

Sewer Systems Treasure Cove Sanitary and Water Distribution Improvements, Broward County Water and Wastewater Services EAC has performed as a subconsultant, design and permitting services for approximately 7200 LF of an 8-inch Gravity Sewer Collection System for Broward County Water and Wastewater. The project is located in District 3A and extended sewer services to the residences and commercial parcels east and south of the Treasure Cove Yacht Club Lift Station. The project also included 7550 LF of Water Distribution Mains and 800 LF of 6-inch of Sewer Force Main.

Pump Station Rehabilitations, City of Pompano Beach EAC as prime consultant and under its Continuing Consulting Professional Services Agreement with the City of Pompano Beach performed design, permitting and bid and award services for the two (2) Master Pump Station rehabilitation projects. EAC performed all the civil related work which included the development of construction plans, specifications, designed the pumps (selection and operational design), wet wells and other appurtenances and obtained all relevant permits.

12-inch Force Main Extension Improvements along Biscayne Boulevard, City of North Miami, FL EAC is currently designing and permitting as a prime consultant, the replacement of an existing 8-inch Sewer Force Main with 5000 LF of 12-inch Sewer Force Main within the City of North Miami. The project limits are along NE 105th Street, west to Biscayne Boulevard, north to NE 119 Street and west to NE 16th Avenue.

water distribution Pine Island Roadway Improvements 30 inch DIP Water main, City of Sunrise EAC as a prime consultant recently completed design, permitting and construction management/administration services for 3600 LF of 30-inch Transmission Main located along Pine Island Road, from just north of Oakland Park Boulevard to NW 44th Street within the City of Sunrise. The watermain was designed and constructed to replace an existing 30-inch spiral welded steel water main along Pine Island Road. EAC also had to design a special thrust block and collar connection to the existing spiral welded main since this material cannot be mechanically restrained. This project was done in conjunction with roadway improvements on Pine Island Road.

Miami-Dade Water and Sewer, Neighborhood Water Distribution Improvements EAC, as a prime general engineering consultant performed several neighborhood improvement projects for the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department. The projects were located in several different neighborhoods and consisted of 8 and 12-inch diameter pipes and ranged from 1,500 LF to 6,300 LF in length. The goal of the program was to upgrade undersized watermains to achieve acceptable potable and firefighting capabilities within each neighborhood.

Omni Area Utility Improvements, City of Miami EAC as a prime consultant and as part of its Professional Services Agreement with the City of Miami has performed design and permitting services. The project include designing approximately 16000 LF of 12 and 16-inch Water Distribution Main upgrades for the Omni Area Neighborhood Utility Improvement project (City of Miami), which was geared towards revitalizing the OMNI area by reducing the burden on developers to upgrade utility services required for their proposed developments.


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