Annual Report 2011-2012
Presidents, Report 2011–2012 2011-2012 has been another successful year in the life of EAGE. The year has seen a strong and diverse program that concluded with our Annual Conference in Copenhagen. That marked a return to the Danish capital after a twenty two year absence and coincided with Denmark’s 40th year celebration of first production and 50 years of oil and gas exploration. With almost 6,200 delegates, more exhibition space than ever, the largest technical programme and over 1,000 workshop attendees, the Annual Conference was our largest and most successful to date. Throughout the year, the Association has continued to promote geoscientific activities undertaken by our Oil and Gas Geoscience Division (OGGD) and Near Surface Geoscience Division (NSGD), the two entities that make up the Association. Both divisions are thriving and EAGE membership numbers consequently continue to grow. Currently, we have around 16,000 members, which represents a doubling in numbers in the past 8 years. 35% of members are under 35 years of age and 18% are female. Whilst 50% of our members are based in Europe, 13% reside in North America, 11% in Asia Pacific, 11% in Russia & CIS, 10% in Middle East, 3% in Latin America, 1% in North Africa and 1% in Africa. EAGE student numbers now approach 2,000, a doubling of numbers in the past three years alone. Educating and informing the next generation at a time when the great demographic crew-change is expected is a worthy aspiration and one which I hope will continue to be a prime focus for the Association. EAGE has continued to work in partnership with several sister societies. Our co-operation with SPE continues to bear fruit through the successful integration of their EUROPEC meeting within our Annual, our third co-branded workshop on Tar Mats Oil Reservoirs in Abu Dhabi and the inaugural European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition in Vienna. I am delighted to report that thanks to very constructive dialogue with their executive, there has now been a rapprochement between EAGE and SEG. We signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Copenhagen that sets out a new basis for future co-operation and collaboration. It is pleasing to add that the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) also signed a MOU at our Annual. In so doing, we hope to build upon the strong start that we have made in the past year with the deliver of our first joint workshops in Bali and Dubai. I hope that this will deliver similar meetings that serve our respective memberships in a spirit of collaboration to avoid splitting the geoscientific community and mean that members (and their employers)
will no longer have to make difficult choices as to which meeting to attend and instead can go to one combined meeting on a key topic. EAGE has done well in other areas this past year too and especially so in the area of publications. Each of our flagship journals has received critical acclaim and continue to climb citation rankings. Significantly, First Break is celebrating its 30th year, which is a real testament not only to its success both as our main means of communication but also as an informative journal in its own right. Of course, with membership numbers multiplying fivefold since we last visited Copenhagen in 1990, EAGE has faced growing pains and challenges. We continue to strive to get the balance right between being a technical-led Association delivering good products of relevance to our members and having a prudent approach to budget and finances. That our finances have survived the buffeting that European and World markets have felt and indeed grown over the past year demonstrates good governance. As I pass over the baton to Len Srnka, I do so knowing that the Association is in good shape, something that is a testament to the loyalty, support and commitment that a group of volunteers, yes, volunteers, namely our Board of “Government Ministers”, who take decisions on your behalf. We also pay tribute to the office staff, who facilitate the smooth running of the Association. I am sure there will be tests ahead and stresses on staff that man our Houten, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai and Moscow locations so ably. However, if co-operation and communication between the Board and Office can be maintained, focus kept upon our strategy, and primacy given to deliver quality geoscience to our global membership, I am sure EAGE can continue to thrive. Finally and most importantly, I wish to thank you, the membership, for the great honour and privilege of leading you this past year. It has been a pleasure to do so and I am grateful for affording me that opportunity.
John Underhill EAGE President 2011-2012
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Forward together for continued success It is a great honour and privilege for me to be able to serve as your president for 2012–2013. Having just experienced our excellent 2012 Annual Conference and Exhibition in Copenhagen, again held jointly with SPE-EUROPEC, I can say confidently that EAGE is poised to continue the success it has achieved in recent years. I anticipate continued growth in our membership, and new opportunities arising for conferences, workshops, and publications. The skills, dedication, and hard work by many people are responsible for this success, including the permanent office staffs in Houten, Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and Moscow, and the many volunteers who serve the Association on committees, as Board advisors, and on the Board itself. My vision for the Association builds on its substantial current strengths, and can be summarized in two words: Forward Together. These words embrace the established core values of EAGE as a professional geoscience and engineering society, and also provide an optimistic tone for the opportunities that lie ahead in these challenging times. I see Forward meaning to advance our technical disciplines, our professional development, and our technical support for societal needs; and Together as increasing integration of geoscience and engineering disciplines, cooperation and coordination with our sister societies, and participation and diversity within our Association. Above all, EAGE is, and must remain, an association of, by, and for its members. The strategy that implements this vision largely continues what was approved by the Board in 2009, in four main focus areas: 1) use our annual conferences, workshops, and publications to enhance existing and promote emerging technical areas, including both natural resource and environmental topics; 2) grow our educational activities in their scope, demographics, and geographical reach, and promote public awareness of the importance of geoscience and engineering to society; 3) seek cooperation and coordination with our sister societies for the mutual
benefit of members, their host organizations, and technical disciplines; and 4) increase participation and diversity within our Association, especially for women and young professionals. As an example in this last focus area, an initiative is underway by the Local Advisory Committee for London 2013 to enhance the presence and participation of our women members and to seek better ways to support their careers. My predecessor, Past-President John Underhill, was successful in putting new long-term strategic MOUs in place with our sister societies AAPG and SEG as well as building on our existing links with SPE. We plan to hold a joint workshop with the AAPG in Europe on a highly topical subject area, and to hold a joint forum with the SEG on a topic in geophysical fundamentals. During the past year, the SEG invited EAGE to participate in their Oil and Gas Reserves Committee that seeks to incorporate geophysical methods in reserves estimation, and that participation has begun through our Oil and Gas Geoscience Division. As a member of SEG and AAPG as well as EAGE, I share the Board’s and many member’s desires to strengthen such cooperation, whilst ensuring equitable financial and organizational impacts. I am mindful of the fact that I am the first EAGE president who is based in the USA, although I have deep European roots. My location brings with it both the challenge of working effectively with my fellow board members and the Head Office staff in Houten, but also the opportunity to continue strengthening the Association as a global geoscience and engineering organization from a trans-Atlantic perspective. I do feel comforted in my geographical challenge in that our Vice-President, Gladys Gonzalez, and our newly elected Education Officer, Paul Sava, are also based in the USA, so we will work this perspective together to help make EAGE an even stronger Association than it currently is.
Len Srnka EAGE President 2012-2013
Quick Reference About EAGE Membership EAGE Awards Events Education Recruitment
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
p. 4 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 16 p. 17
Students Publications PACE Support Fund Financial Report Our Sponsors
p. 18 p. 20 p. 21 p. 22 p. 23
About EAGE Board
Regional Offices
Every year in spring, the members of EAGE elect the new Board. This new EAGE board is presented during EAGE’s Annual Conference & Exhibition. The Board consists of 10 professionals in various fields with an academic and/ or industry background, and play an important advisory role in the activities that EAGE offers throughout the year. New in the 2012-2013 Board are Philip Ringrose, Walter Rietveld, Paul Sava, Roald van Borselen and Dirk Orlowsky. We would like to thank our board members of 2011–2012 for their valuable contribution to EAGE and wish the new board members all the best in their new position. For a presentation of the current board members and board advisors, see the EAGE website (
EAGE has four regional offices in Houten (The Netherlands), Moscow (Russia), Dubai (UAE) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). The Europe Office in Houten is responsible for conferences such as Near Surface Geoscience 2011 or Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition 2011. EAGE's Annual Conference & Exhibition (this year held in Copenhagen) is also organized by the Europe Office. The Russia & CIS Office has been growing steadily since its opening in 2006, which also shows in the number and quality of events organised in the Russia & CIS region, such as the 5th Saint Petersburg International Conference & Exhibition, the Annual Conference Geomodel in Gelendzhik and Engineering Geophysics 2012 in Moscow. In Kazakhstan, the second KazGeo 2012 will be organised in October 2012 and the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference Tyumen will take place in 2013.
Divisional Committees EAGE has two divisions, the Oil and Gas Geoscience Division (OGGD) and the Near Surface Geoscience Division (NSGD). For both divisions, a committee is in place. The purpose of the OGGD is to represent and promote the interests of its members and to ensure that each of the oil and gas geoscience disciplines of geophysics, geology and reservoir engineering is adequately represented within EAGE and its functional committees. The Near Surface Geoscience Division represents the interests of its members who work in geophysical, geotechnical, environmental, hydrogeological, archaeological and other fields of investigation of the shallow subsurface.
Committees In addition to the Board and Divisional Committees, EAGE also has a number of permanent committees in place. The committees of EAGE consist of professionals from the field advising EAGE about a certain topic, such as the technical programme, education, research, membership affairs and more. We would like to thank all volunteers from the committees for their efforts over the past year.
Head Office The EAGE Head Office is based in Houten, the Netherlands. The Head Office continued to grow throughout 2011 and 2012, with 60 employees in 2012. It is undoubtedly the centre of EAGE’s worldwide network.
The Middle East Office is continually organising successful events such as the Third Workshop on Tar Mats & Heavy Oil, the Second Borehole Geophysics Workshop, the Fourth Passive Seismic Workshop and the Fourth Arabian Plate Geology Workshop.
The Asia Pacific Office became operational in July 2010 and is therefore EAGE’s newest accession. The first event organised by this regional office was the Breakfast Talk, which are short meetings that serve an education purpose. The Asia Pacific Office also hosted the first workshop in the Asia-Pacific region on EM Exploration for Hydrocarbons held on 11–13 April 2012 in the Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore. PGCE 2012, held in Kuala Lumpur on 23–24 April 2012, is a Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition that is incorporated by EAGE and organised by Petronas and GSM. After this year’s success, PGCE 2013 (18–19 March 2013) will again be incorporated by EAGE.
Associated Societies EAGE has close ties with several Associated Societies worldwide. When the opportunity arises, events will be organised in close co-operation with other Societies in order to serve the industry best. The map on page 5 shows the global coverage of the Associated Societies
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
of EAGE. EAGE invites all Associated Societies to attend EAGE’s Annual Conference & Exhibition to increase their international exposure and promote their activities. Also, events organised by Associated Societies worldwide are usually attended by a representative of the EAGE staff and/or board. In 2011–2012 EAGE welcomed the Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists (KSEG), the Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF), the Nigerian Mining and Geoscience Society (NMGS) and the Romanian Society of Geophysics (RSG) as new Associated Societies. An agreement was made with SBGf to co-operate on a workshop in August 2013.
Sister Societies In line with its strategies for the future, EAGE aims to create more co-operation with its sister societies in order to serve the industry even better. Often a combined effort is made organising conferences or workshops on a specific topic. There are co-operations with EEGS, The Geological Society of London, PESGB, SEG, SPE, AAPG and EGU.
Local Chapters EAGE has a number of Local Chapters in various regions. The aim of the Local Chapters is to promote EAGE activities and geosciences in general in a specific area. EAGE can
help to support training and education of the local members. Local Chapters encourage EAGE membership in their region and support communication between the local members and the EAGE Head Office. The EAGE Best Local Chapter Award 2011 was granted to Local Chapter Poland. In 2011–2012 EAGE welcomed Local Chapter Sakhalin. The map below shows the distribution of all Local Chapters. Aside from its regular Local Chapters, EAGE has been developing Student Chapters throughout the world. For more information, please refer to page 19.
EAGE Green Fund An important development in EAGE's emerging environmental strategy is the launch of Green Steps, formally introduced for the first time at the Vienna Annual Meeting in May 2011. This programme, in response to membership wishes, brings together initiatives regarding EAGE's events and operations including reduction and compensation of emissions, reducing nature source consumption, reducing and recycling waste and offering more sustainable facilities. In 2011 EAGE installed solar panels on the roof of its Head Office. This year EAGE presented the conference and workshop proceedings on a reusable USB stick, so paper is no longer used for this purpose. Another environmental-friendly development is the digital version of this year's Annual Report (a hardcopy is only available on request). EAGE is also planning a second Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference in 2013.
Organisation of EAGE worldwide
EAGE activities via Associated/Sister Societies, Local Chapters and/or Student Chapters worldwide.
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Membership EAGE membership continues to grow steadily and at this moment we serve around 16,000 members worldwide. Thanks to the ever-growing network of Local Chapters and Student Chapters and the continued success of EAGE meetings over the years, EAGE is growing at a rate of more than 1,000 members a year. EAGE’s international character attracts members from all corners of the world.
EAGE membership 2001-2012 17,000
0 2002
0 2001
EAGE membership 2001–2012
EAGE membership card! EAGE has improved its membership services: as of February 2012 all members have received an EAGE membership card, which is valid for the year 2012. The membership number printed on this credit card gives access to EarthDoc and the EAGE Bookshop. Personal details can be changed easily online at My EAGE, newsletters can be selected and it is easy to keep track of bookshop vouchers. Also it is possible to use it as ID/proof of registration during events and to register on-site.
Geographical spread of EAGE members (15 August 2012)
Europe North America Asia Pacific Russia CIS Middle East Latin America North Africa Africa
50% 13% 11% 11% 10% 3% 1% 1%
Professional interests of EAGE members (15 August 2012)
Geophysics 42% Geology 34% Environment 11% Petroleum/Reservoir Engineering 5% Geochemistry 4% CO2 Storage 2% Mining 1% Petrophysics 1%
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
EAGE Awards 2012 Every year, EAGE presents several prestigious awards to members of the Association who have made a highly significant contribution to one or more disciplines, to authors of the best papers published in EAGE journals and to presenters of the best oral and poster presentation at the Annual EAGE Conference. This year a new award has been introduced. The Robert Mitchum Award is presented to the author(s) of the best paper published in Basin Research in the calendar year preceding the award. During the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition in Copenhagen 2012, the traditional Award Ceremony was held. Please find below an overview of the distinguished award winners.
This year's award winners.
Desiderius Erasmus Award
Loránd Eötvös Award
Award for Lifetime Contribution in the field of resource exploration and development Presented to André Journel
Best Paper Award for Geophysical Prospecting Presented to Leiv-J. Gelius and his co-author Endrias Asgedom
Falcon Aw ar
Honorary Memberships Award for highly significant and distinguished contribution to the geoscience community or to the Association Presented to Robert Mitchum and Paul F. Worthington
Ludger Mintrop Award
Conrad Schlumberger Award
Best Paper Award Near Surface Geophysics Presented to La Hamimu and his co-authors Jamhir Safani and Mohd Nawawi
Alfred Wegener Award
Arie Van Weelden Award Young Professional Award Presented to Yi Huang
Nigel Anstey Award EAGE
Best Paper Award for First Break Presented to Kurtis Wikel
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
rt be
Mitchum Aw ar d
Award for Outstanding Contribution to the scientific and technical advancement of the geosciences, particularly geophysics Presented to Martin Landrø
Award for Outstanding Contribution to the scientific and technical advancement of EAGE’s disciplines, particularly petroleum geoscience and engineering Presented to Wojciech Górecki
Norman Falcon Award Best Paper Award for Petroleum Geoscience Presented to Brit Thyberg and her co-author Jens Jahren
Robert Mitchum Award Best Paper Award for Basin Research Presented to Sverre Hendriksen and his co-authors William Helland Hansen and Scott Bullimore
Guido Bonarelli Award Best Oral Presentation Award Presented to Raphael S. Hatushika and his co-author Cláudia Lima de Queiroz
Louis Cagniard Award Best Poster Presentation Award Presented to Catherine Wasse and her co-authors Phillipe Heldens and Joost van der Burgh
Events EAGE organises and supports a wide variety of conferences, exhibitions and workshops throughout the world. With almost 6,200 registrations, EAGE’s Annual Conference & Exhibition is the world’s largest multidisciplinary geoscience event. EAGE also offers a Near Surface Annual Conference & Exhibition, biennial regional events in Russia & CIS, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and in the North Africa Mediterranean region, and conferences and workshops focused on a specific topic.
Past EAGE Events Please find below an overview of the events held from July 2011–June 2012.
Conferences (and Exhibitions) Near Surface 2011 17th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 12–14 September 2011 I Leicester, UK Near Surface 2011 was an ideal conference to learn about the latest developments in environmental and engineering geosciences. Attendance: 264 Exhibition space: 190 m² Exhibitors: 24
Sustainable Earth Sciences 2011 The 1st Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference & Exhibition 8–10 November 2011 I Valencia, Spain The main objective of the meeting was to exchange knowledge and technology between the geoscientists within the different disciplines under the three main conference headings – CO2 Storage, Deep-Earth Storage, and Geothermal Energy. Attendance: 153 Exhibition space: 40 m² Exhibitors: 5
First International Conference on Engineering Geophysics 2011 11–14 December 2011 I Al Ain, UAE This conference focused on different aspects of engineering and environmental geophysics. Attendance: 144
International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) 2011 7–9 February 2012 / Bangkok, Thailand IPTC 2011 is a multi-disciplinary event sponsored by four leading industry societies (AAPG, EAGE, SEG and SPE). Attendance: 4,113 Exhibition space: 2,674 m² Exhibitors: 56
Geomodel 2011
GEO 2012
12–15 September 2011 I Gelendzhik, Russia For the 13th time Gelendzhik was chosen to host the Geomodel Conference on the issues involved in interpretation of geological and geophysical data during geological modelling of hydrocarbons deposits. Attendance: 237
4–7 March 2012 / Manama, Bahrain GEO 2012 featured an exhibition of hardware and services coupled with a technical conference programme which ensures a valuable exchange of knowledge among managing, operating and supplying companies Attendance: 4,000 Exhibition space: 14,000 m² Exhibitors: 160
SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition From Potential to Production 20–22 March 2012 I Vienna, Austria Covering exploration, development and production technical topics, the theme reflected the tremendous growth in activity in Europe over the last few years and aimed to address some of the specific challenges, range of environments and opportunities within the European E&P sector. Attendance: 390 Exhibition space: 267 m² Exhibitors: 18
Saint Petersburg 2012 5th Saint Petersburg International Conference & Exhibition 2–5 April 2012 I Saint Petersburg, Russia The theme of this conference and exhibition was ‘Making the most of the Earth’s resources’. Attendance: 490 Exhibition space: 450 m² Exhibitors: 40
PGCE 2012 23–24 April 2012 I Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Petroleum Geology Conference & Exhibition (PGCE) is an established premier geoscience event in Asia. EAGE was the co-organiser, together with Petronas and GSM. This year’s theme was 'Delivering Value: Realising Exploration & Development Potential’ and the event contained short courses, field trips, a golf tournament, student programmes and a gala dinner. Attendance: 2,000 Exhibition space: 1,000 Exhibitors: 40
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Engineering Geophysics 2012 The 8th International Conference and Exhibition 23–27 April 2012 I Gelendzhik, Russia The conference was dedicated to the further development of engineeringgeophysical methods, used for engineering, construction and operation of installations. Attendance: 95 Exhibition space: 24 m² Exhibitors: 4
EAGE/TNO Symposium on Hydrocarbon Exploration in North Africa 2012 Towards a Comprehensive Crossborders Petroleum Geological Atlas 15 May 2012 I Utrecht, The Netherlands This symposium aimed to embrace the knowledge of research institutes, industry and universities to address different aspects of the complex geological, structural evolution and hydrocarbon potential in North Africa. Attendance: 83
Geoinformatics Kyiv 2012 The 11th International Conference ‘Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects’ 14–17 May 2012 I Kyiv, Ukraine The conference brought geoscientists from different countries together to share experiences and ideas, establish partnerships and get up to speed on the latest technological advances. Attendance: 131
Copenhagen 2012 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Responsibly Securing Natural Resources 4–7 June 2012 I Copenhagen, Denmark Whatever your goal, Copenhagen ‘12 provided a perfect opportunity to reach thousands of geoscientists and engineers. Attendance: 6,168 Exhibition space: 21,296 m² (gross) Exhibitors: 364
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
EAGE/AAPG Middle East Tight Gas Reservoirs Workshop
EAGE/SEG Summer Research Workshop 2011
An Integrated E&P Perspective 30 October–2 November 2011 I Dubai, UAE The workshop addressed all E&P aspects of tight gas reservoirs but concentrated more on the area of integration between G&G and engineering. A new addition to this year’s workshop was the economics of tight gas resources in the Middle East. Attendance: 44
‘Towards a Full Integration from Geosciences to Reservoir Simulation’ 1–2 September 2011 I Trieste, Italy This workshop aimed to define the state-of-the-art in the integration process of petroleum engineering and reservoir simulation with preliminary data acquisition, processing and interpretation, highlighting current weaknesses and discussing what we need to develop further. Attendance: 40
Atyrau 2011 First Workshop on Caspian Region 19–21 September 2011 I Atyrau, Kazakhstan The workshop aimed to provide a platform to discuss Caspian specific geological and geophysical challenges. Attendees had an opportunity to share expertise with other local and international professionals in the region. Attendance: 51
First Sakhalin Workshop on Hydrocarbons 2011 Far East Hydrocarbons: from oil and gas basin studies to field models 3–6 October 2011 I Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia The theme of this first workshop on Far East hydrocarbons was: from oil and gas basin studies to field models. The goal was to unite geologists and geophysicists of the Russian Far East region, exchange their experiences and update on the achievements and prospects of this resource rich Russian region. Attendance: 103
Third Arabian Plate Geology Workshop Permo-Triassic (Khuff) Petroleum System of the Arabian Plate 28 November–1 December 2011 I Kuwait City, Kuwait The goal of the workshop was to formulate a unified regional stratigraphic nomenclature, propose a time-based sequence stratigraphic framework, produce updated regional palaeogeographical maps as well as identify common stratigraphic markers of the Arabian Plate. Attendance: 109
Workshop on Palaeozoic Limestones of South-East Asia and South China First EAGE South East Asia Regional Geology Workshop 5–8 December 2011 I Ipoh, Malaysia The objective of this workshop was to integrate the current knowledge about the Palaeozoic limestone outcrops in Asia and to assess the regional potential of this carbonate system as a hydrocarbon play. Attendance: 57
Applications & Challenges of Rock Physics for Quantitative Geophysical Interpretation 15–18 January 2012 I Dubai, UAE This workshop, conducted for the first time in the Middle East, intended to bring experts of rock physics and seismic inversion as well as the experts of general quantitative geophysics together to discuss E&P evolving challenges. Attendance: 83
Third EAGE Shale Workshop
EAGE/SPE Joint Workshop
Shale Physics and Shale Chemistry 23–25 January 2012 I Barcelona, Spain The aim of this workshop was to bring experts from many disciplines together to integrate their knowledge of shales. Attendance: 79
Synergy of Static and Dynamic Modelling 13–16 March 2012 I Moscow, Russia Attendance: 70
Petroleum Play Assessment Workshop 13–15 February 2012 I Malaga, Spain The workshop planned to establish a communication and discussion forum to identify common issues and challenges in play assessment engaging with researchers across the industry and academia in identifying key areas of research/development. Attendance: 64
AAPG/ EAGE Joint Workshop Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs 15–17 February 2012 I Bali, Indonesia This was the first workshop in a series of joint workshops between the AAPG and EAGE in the Asia Pacific region. The goal of this workshop was to promote open discussion of the state-ofthe-art on fractured carbonates. Attendance: 120
DGG/ EAGE Workshop 2012 Geophysics for Unconventionals 9 March 2012 I Hamburg, Germany This one-day workshop gave an overview of state-of-the-art research related to deep geothermal energy development, focusing on the geophysical exploration of unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. Attendance: 46
First EAGE/ACGGP Latin American Geophysics Workshop 7–9 March 2012 I Cartagena, Colombia This workshop focused primarily on new seismic interpretation techniques, time-lapse (4D) seismic interpretation for dynamic characterisation techniques, AVA and uncertainty analysis, preferably for practical applications and case studies. Attendance: 93 10
Third EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop Understanding the Behaviour of CO2 in Geological Storage Reservoirs 26–27 March 2012 I Edinburgh, UK The goal of this workshop was to discuss all aspects of understanding the behaviour of CO2 in the subsurface, including monitoring, modelling, mapping and predictions. Attendance: 102
Workshop on EM in Hydrocarbon Exploration Challenges & Prospects 11–13 April 2012 I Singapore, Singapore The goal of this workshop was to bring together key experts, sceptics and managers from oil companies, contractors and research institutions to share and discuss their experiences of EM in different settings. Attendance: 72
First EAGE Workshop on Iraq Hydrocarbon Exploration & Field Development 29 April–2 May 2012 / Istanbul, Turkey The main objective of the workshop was to exchange knowledge between Iraqi G&G experts and the international geoscience community. Attendance: 80
Third EAGE/SPE Workshop on Tar Mats Oil Reservoirs with Tar Mats: Challenges & Opportunities 20–23 May 2012 I Abu Dhabi, UAE Discussing the challenges met by oil companies in managing and developing oil reservoirs with tar mats was the main objective of this workshop. Attendance: 33
Other events EAGE Deep Water Exploration Technology Session 7 September 2011 / Aberdeen, UK This special session, held during Offshore Europe 2011, was convened to examine some of the exploration issues associated with deep-water drilling with a presentation of the issues and potential solutions to operations in deep-water.
PGK/EAGE Evening lecture on EM Electro-Magnetic methods in Exploration and Production 21 September 2011 / The Hague, The Netherlands EAGE and PGK offered a lecture on Electro-Magnetic methods in Exploration and Production.
6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society 3–6 October 2011 / Budapest, Hungary The scope of the topics was wide, covering almost the entire geophysics discipline from the applied side to the more theoretical. EAGE supported the event by making its website available to promote the call for papers.
Breakfast Talk Automated Fault Extraction – Characterising Fractured Reservoirs 11 October 2011 I Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The talk discussed imaging and mapping of the different features of fractures in reservoirs, using a number of data types. Attendance: 70
EAGE/EAGO/CGE/Geovers/IPE RAS Galperin Readings 2011 11th Annual International Conference 25–28 October 2011 / Moscow, Russia The International Galperin Reading (GR) Conference originated in 2001 commemorated the outstanding Russian geophysical scientist Dr Prof Yevsey I. Galperin (1920-1990), inventor of the VSP method. Attendance: 110 EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Future EAGE Events rsburg Saint Pete RUSSIA
From July 2012 onwards. For an up-to-date overview of upcoming events, please refer to the calendar of events on the EAGE website.
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3–5 Sep 2012
Join u First Announcement and Call for Paperss!
Expected attendance: 100 20–24 Aug 2012
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Existing Resources, New Horizons
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Cartagena, Colombia Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, Russia
Paris, France
Expected attendance: 250 Exhibition space: 300 m² Expected exhibitors: 35 10–13 Sep 2012
Biarritz, France
13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery Expected attendance: 150 10–14 Sep 2012
Geomodel 2012
Gelendzhik, Russia
The problems of integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data during geological modeling of hydrocarbons Expected attendance: 250 1–3 Oct 2012
Fault & Top Seals 2012
Montpellier, France
From Characterization to Modelling Expected attendance: 200 29–31 Oct 2012
KazGeo 2012 Existing Resources, New Horizons
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Expected attendance: 200 25–28 Nov 2012
Integrated Reservoir Modelling
Dubai, UAE
Are we doing it right? Expected attendance: 90 20–22 Dec 2012
IT for Geosciences 2012
Dubna, Russia
First International Conference and Exhibition Expected attendance: 50 18–19 Mar 2013
PGCE 2013 Expected attendance: 2,000 Exhibition space: 1,000 m² Exhibitors: 40
25–29 Mar 2013
Tyumen 2013
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tyumen, Russia
New Geotechnology for the Old Oil Provinces Expected attendance: 150 26–28 Mar 2013
IPTC 2013
Beijing, China
Expected attendance: 5,000 Exhibition space: 3,000 Expected exhibitors: 65 16–18 Apr 2013
IOR 2013
St. Petersburg, Russia
From Fundamental Science to Deployment Expected attendance: 150 22-26 Apr 2013
Engineering Geophysics 2013
Gelendzhik, Russia
Expected attendance: 75 13-16 May 2013
Geoinformatics 2013
Kyiv, Ukraine
Expected attendance: 150 10–13 Jun 2013
London 2013
London, UK
75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 Expected attendance: 6,000 Exhibition space: 20,000 m² (gross) Expected exhibitors: 350 9-11 Sep 2013
Near Surface Geoscience 2013
Bochum, Germany
Expected attendance: 250
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Nov 2013
Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) 2013
Expected attendance: 200 24–27 Nov 2013
Second International Conference on Engineering Geophysics 2013 Al Ain, UAE Expected attendance: 150
16–19 Jun 2014
76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2014
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Expected attendance: 6,000 Nov 2014
EAGE/IAPG Conference & Exhibition Expected attendance: 150
Mendoza City, Argentina
Remote Sensing Workshop 2012
Paris, France
Workshops 3–5 Sep 2012
Expected attendance: 250 23–25 Sep 2012
EAGE Workshop on Dead Sea Sinkholes
Amman, Jordan
Causes, Effects & Solutions Expected attendance: 60 1–5 Oct 2012
Sakhalin 2012 Second Workshop on Far East Hydrocarbons Expected attendance: 150
8–9 Oct 2012
EAGE Forum on Students & Young Professionals
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Abu Dhabi, UAE
Expected attendance: 75 15–17 Oct 2012
AAPG/EAGE/SPE Shale Gas Workshop
Muscat, Oman
Expected attendance: 100 9–12 Dec 2012
Fourth Arabian Plate Geology Workshop
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Evaporite-Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems of the Arabian Plate Expected attendance: 120 17–20 Mar 2013
Fourth EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop Expected attendance: 80
21–24 Apr 2013
Borehole Geophysics Workshop II
Amsterdam, The Netherlands St Julian’s, Malta
3D VSP: Benefits, Challenges and Potential Expected attendance: 120 Spring 2013
EAGE/SPE Applied Technology Workshop
Expected attendance: 100 15–18 Sep 2013
Second Workshop on Iraq
Dead Sea, Jordan
Expected attendance: 75 22–25 Sep 2013
Second EAGE Workshop on Advanced Geosteering & Well Placement
Dubai, UAE
Expected attendance: 70 Autumn 2013
EAGE/SEG Workshop combined with Shales Workshop
Expected attendance: 150 Autumn 2013
Second workshop on Caspian Region
Baku, Azerbaijan
Expected attendance: 100 Oct 2013
First EAGE/SBGF Joint Workshop
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Expected attendance: 150 2–3 Oct 2013
Second EAGE Geoskill Workshop 2013
Pau, France
Expected attendance: 150 26–28 Nov 2013
International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy The Ground as Energy Source and Storage
Lausanne, Switzerland
Expected attendance: 120 8–11 Dec 2013
Second EAGE Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Muscat, Oman
Expected attendance: 80
Meet EAGE at other events EAGE works in partnership with other associations and societies to expand its global presence while maintaining its leadership role. We would like to thank the EAGE Board members who travel abroad representing 12
EAGE and our technical representatives within the technical committees of non-EAGE events. They provide continuous support and are essential for the continued growth and development of EAGE. EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
EAGE was present at the following events: 15–18 Aug 2011
28 Aug–02 Sep 2011 SAGA / GSSA / 06–08 Sep 2011 18–23 Sep 2011
18–23 Sep 2011 25–28 Sep 2011 26–29 Sep 2011 03–06 Oct 2011 23–26 Oct 2011
30 Oct–02 Nov 2011 04–08 Dec 2011 16–18 Feb 2012
SPE World Petroleum Council SPG India
26–29 Feb 2012
03–08 Mar 2012
25–29 Mar 2012
19–20 Apr 2012 23–24 Apr 2012 22–27 Apr 2012 23–25 May 2012 27–29 May 2012
DGMK/ÖGEW GSM/Petronas EGU Enerchange AGS Serbia
29 Jul–1 Aug 2012
12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Geosynthesis Conference & Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa SPE Offshore Europe 2011, Aberdeen, UK 25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Interlaken, Switzerland International Exhibition and 81st Annual Meeting, San Antonio, USA MEOS 2011, Manama, Bahrain Joint Convention Makassar 2011, Makassar, Indonesia 6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society, Budapest, Hungary International Conference & Exhibition Milan, Italy Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition 2011, Denver, USA 20th World Petroleum Congress, Doha, Qatar 9th International Conference & Exposition on Petroleum Geophysics, Hyderabad, India 22nd Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG) Conference and Exhibition 2012, Brisbane, Australia 72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg, Germany SAGEEP 2012 Tucson, Arizona, USA Frühjahrstagung, Celle, Germany PGCE 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria 8th International Geothermal Conference (IGC 2011), Freiburg, Germany Third International Conference Geosciences and Environment, Belgrade, Serbia XI Somposio Bolivariano, Cartagena, Colombia
Meet EAGE at these upcoming events: 16-19 Sep 2012
19–21 Sep 2012
25–28 Sep 2012 3–5 Oct 2012
7–10 Oct 2012 4–9 Nov 2012 20–22 Nov 2012 4–7 Mar 2013
17–21 Mar 2013 18–19 Mar 2013 7–12 Apr 2013 11–14 Aug 2013
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
AAPG 2012 International Conference & Exhibition (ICE), Singapore, Singapore KSEG International Symposium on Geophysics for Discovery and Exploration, Jiju Island, Japan 2nd International Conference & Exhibition ‘Alpine-Petrol 2012’, Krakow, Poland International Conference & Exhibition ‘Integrated Approach for Unlocking Hydrocarbons’, Baku, Azerbaijan Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, USA International Exhibition and the 82nd Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA PETEX 2012, Conference & Exhibition, London, UK 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG), Leipzig, Germany 26th Annual SAGEEP 2013, Denver, USA PGCE 2013, Conference & Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 23rd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia
Events Around the Globe
Legend EAGE conferences and workshops (p. 8) EAGE Education (p. 16) Student Lecture Tours (p. 18) Events of Associated and Sister Societies (p. 12)
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Education One of the Association’s goals is to exchange knowledge. EAGE invites acknowledged experts (both industry professionals and academics) to lecture on the latest developments in various geoscience disciplines. EAGE offers various educational activities via the Learning Geoscience website; • EAGE Short Courses • EAGE Education Days • EAGE Education Tours (EET & OTE) • Distinguished Lecturer Programme (DLP) • Online Trainings • In-house Courses Learning Geoscience is an easy way for EAGE members to find the ideal educational trainings. Go to www. and discover a number of educational activities and get free access to online learning and to find the ever growing selection of e-lectures.
Past Educational Activities Please find below an overview of education activities that were provided from July 2011–June 2012.
EAGE Education Tours (EET & OTE) The EAGE Education Tour is a one-day course (with EET course book) by a distinguished instructor. The tour is targeted at locations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Russia & CIS, Latin America and North America. In 2011–2012, the following tours were actively scheduled at various locations throughout the world: EET 5 & EET 6.
Education Days Stavanger, Norway I 17–21 October 2011 6 courses – attendance: 231 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I 31 October – 4 November 2011 5 courses – attendance: 97 Moscow, Russia I 21–25 November 2011 7 courses – attendance: 203 London, UK I 19–23 March 2012 6 courses – attendance: 141
EAGE Short Courses Throughout the year, EAGE offered several short courses. In-house courses - Cairn Energy, Etienne Robein, one-day course - WesternGeco, Etienne Robein, two-day course - RXT, Gijs Vermeer, four-day course - Total, Philippe Doyen, two-day course EAGE courses - Nick Barton, Italy, Locations: 3 Attendance: 75 (per location) - Serge Shapiro, Geofizyka Krakow Attendance: 59 - Philippe Doyen, Workshop Cartagena Attendance: 17 - Various courses during the St. Petersburg conference, EAGE's Annual Conference in Copenhagen and Geo 2012. - Konstantin Zakrewski, Krakow Attendance: 26 - Per Avseth & Tor Arne Johansen, Rock Physics Dubai Workshop Attendance: 33
EET 5 – ongoing Seismic Geomechanics: How to Build and Calibrate Geomechanical Models using 3D and 4D Seismic Data By: Dr Jörg Herwanger (WesternGeco) Locations: 4 Attendance: 121
EET 6 – ongoing Seismic Surveillance for Reservoir Delivery By: Mr Olav Inge Barkved (BP) Locations: 4 Attendance: 147
Short course in Krakow, Poland.
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Distinguished Lecturer Programme (DLP) EAGE has a list of selected Distinguished Lecturers who can be requested exclusively by EAGE’s Associated Societies and Local Chapters. In 2011–2012, these lecturers visited the following locations: • Local Chapter Krakow, Mark Chapman | 13 October 2011 • Student Chapter Bucharest, Gabor Tari | 5 April 2012 • Local Chapter Hungary, Gabor Tari | 10 May 2012
EAGE Short Course Catalogue EAGE is proud to present the new EAGE Short Course Catalogue 2012. In this catalogue a complete overview of EAGE Short Courses may be found. Icons next to the short course title show readers in an easy way which disciplines are combined in this course. Go to and browse through the catalogue!
Future Educational Activities (From July 2012 onwards)
Education Tours EAGE Education Tour 5 Seismic Geomechanics: How to Build and Calibrate Geomechanical Models using 3D and 4D Seismic Data By: Dr Jörg Herwanger (WesternGeco)
Aberdeen, UK Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia London, UK Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Short courses Various short courses will be scheduled during London ’13 (10–13 June, 2013). More information will be available on
Recruitment In 2012 EAGE supported the recruitment needs of its +/- 16,000 membership. One of the most successful initiatives to date has been the Job Centre, which was held for the seventh time at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition in Copenhagen, Denmark. With 10 exhibitors and a 40% increase in booth space, it was one of the most successful career fairs to date. Another recruitment initiative of EAGE, the Recruitment Special, was once again successfully published and widely distributed at several EAGE and third party events in 2012. The full version is also available on EAGE’s online career section ( Read more about the Recruitment Special on page 20.
EAGE Education Tour 6 Seismic Surveillance for Reservoir Delivery By: Mr Olav Inge Barkved (BP)
EAGE Education Tour 7 Environmental Geophysics: Everything you ever wanted (needed!) to know but were afraid to ask! By: Prof. Peter Styles (Keele University)
OTE 4 Single-Sensor and Single-Source Seismic: an Update on Modern Technologies and Survey Design By: Dr Anatoly Cherepovski (Sercel)
Education Days Moscow, Russia Stavanger, Norway Visitors of the Job Centre 2012 in Copenhagen.
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Students Student Membership 2012 EAGE Student Affairs has shown an approximate 6,1% increase in student membership in 2012 (up until July 2012). We anticipate continued growth as Student Affairs continues to successfully grow, offering more opportunities for student members.
Past Student Activities (From July 2011–June 2012)
Student Conference Programmes 2012 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 4–7 June 2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark • 4-day parallel Student Programme including two student short courses and one student workshop, exhibition tours, challenge card draws and a geo-quiz • Student Court The Recruitment Café, providing an opportu• nity for students to meet up with potential employers • Student Poster Programme • Trial Interviews, providing students the opportunity to practice their interview skills • Student Evening • 368 full delegate student participants • 84 student travel grant award winners • 50 student poster presentations
Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2012 23–24 April 2012 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • One-day Student Programme • + 400 student participants • 8 students from 7 local universities were awarded with a Student Award for Academic Excellence • 4 special talks from industry experts • Geo-Quiz (26 student teams participated) • 65 free student membership applications
5th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Saint Petersburg 2012 3–4 April 2012 – Saint Petersburg, Russia • Two-day Student Programme • Two Student Lectures • Exhibition Tours (75 students participated) • Geo-Quiz (12 student teams participated) • 46 full delegate student participants • 67 local students attending the one-day programme • 13 student travel grant and 7 PACE (students) grant winners
• 12 student poster presentations • Some students presented in the technical programme
FIELD challenge 2012 4 June 2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark The EAGE student FIELD Challenge (Fully Integrated EvaLuation and Development) promotes cross-disciplinary geoscience and engineering integration within universities. The following multi-disciplinary university teams participated this year: • Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark • Ecole Nationale Superieure de Geologie de Nancy, France • Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India • Petroleum Institute (Boys campus), Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. • University of Calgary, Canada The winning team this year is the University of Calgary and received €3,000,-.
Student Lecture Tours 2011–2012 Student Lecture Tours (SLT’s) were provided in Europe, the Middle East, Russia & CIS, North Africa and for the first time in Latin America and Asia Pacific (which started in May 2012 and will run until December 2012). Locations: 84 universities Attendance: 3,820 students
SLT Europe 2011–2012 Shale Gas Perspectives By various lecturers provided by GASH scientists & colleagues team Locations: 41 Attendance: 1,773 (approx)
SLT Middle East 2011–2012 Minerals: Who Needs Them, Who Supplies Them and How Much Is There? By: Dr David Roberts (retired head of Geology at Staffordshire University) Locations: 4 Attendance: 137
SLT Middle East 2011–2012 Iran Shale Gas Perspectives By: Dr István Vetö (Eötvös University Budapest and member of the SLT EU GASH lecture team) Locations: 4 Attendance: 124
SLT Russia & CIS 2011–2012 Geological Modelling on the Base of Geostatistics By: Dr Evgeniy Kovalevskiy (Central Geophysical Expedition) Locations: 22 Attendance: 1,208
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
SLT North Africa 2011–2012 Minerals: Who Needs Them, Who Supplies Them and How Much Is There? By: Dr David Roberts (retired head of Geology at Staffordshire University) Locations: 6 Attendance: 275
SLT Latin America 2011–2012 Which energy sources for our future? A challenge for a sustainable development By: Prof. Christian Chomat (Total Professeurs Associés) Locations: 7 Attendance: 308
SLT Asia Pacific 2012
Student programme participants at Copenhagen '12.
• PDPU Student Chapter members visiting the SEG Hyderabad Conference
Scholarships and Awards 2011–2012
Seismic Imaging Fundamentals with Asia Region Case Studies EAGE is proud to announce that the SLT will visit Asia Pacific for the first time, starting this year.
Scholarships and Awards are an important aspect to EAGE students, motivating students to further develop in the field of geoscience and appreciate their work. In 2011–2012 the following Award was presented:
Student Chapters
2011 Gustavo Sclocchi Award
EAGE has been developing Student Chapters throughout the world, whose aim is to promote, attend and organise geosciences and EAGE activities among students in their area. As of June 2012, we have active Student Chapters in Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, United Kingdom, France, Romania, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Botswana, Colombia, Canada, Russia, Malaysia, India, Indonesia and Ukraine.
Supported Student Events 2011–2012 EAGE supported many student events throughout 2011–2012. Supported events included: • North Britain Student Forum – UK • Geosphere – Poland • IGSC – Serbia • IAUO Chapter Student Week – Iran • Heriot-Watt EET Barkved – UK • Edinburgh Grad School Conference – UK
Presented to: • Michele Bonetti (University of Brescia) • Carlo Fortini, (Politecnico di Milano) • Martina Di Giulio, (University of L’Aquila) The 2012 Thomsen/BP Scholarship will be presented during the academic year 2012/2013.
Future Student Activities (From July 2012 and onwards) Many exciting student programmes will be organised throughout the year offering students the possibility to further develop their skills in geoscience. Plans include (among others) to support student events such as the Latin America GeoSciences Conference Medellin, Colombia, the International GeoSciences Conference Berlin, Germany and to establish EAGE Student Chapters in more regions. Check the student section on the EAGE website for a complete overview.
The Student Fund Foundation dedicates itself to supporting EAGE student activities to encourage and support students in participating at EAGE events and activities. Examples of these student activities are Student Scholarships and Awards, Student Travel Grant Support for conferences, workshops and field trips including the EAGE annual Conference & Exhibition, Student Lecture Tours and chapter groups. Thanks to our sponsors, the EAGE Student Fund launch in June 2008 has already begun providing valuable additional support for students. Major E&P players such as Shell, CGGVeritas, and WesternGeco have become main sponsors, and many other companies are showing interest in contributing to the Fund. The net result is that EAGE has been able to continue increasing its focus on the needs of students considering a career in the oil and gas industry or other geoscience and engineering related fields. EAGE intends to continue these initiatives on behalf of students encouraging more companies and institutions to consider sponsorship of the Student Fund.
Main sponsors:
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Publications EAGE publications are well respected in the geoscience industry. No less than five journals are published as well as several books on various geoscience topics.
First Break
UniQ System Sales
*Mark of Schlumberger. © 2012 Schlumberger. 12-se-0015
Volume 30 – Issue 8 – August 2012
Now available for lease or purchase The industry-leading UniQ* integrated point-receiver land seismic system from WesternGeco is now available for lease or purchase to both service and energy companies. UniQ provides the most efficient execution of high-density onshore surveys in the industry. Recent awards and achievements include 200,000 live-channel capacity of continuous point-receiver acquisition Over 20,000 vibrator points per day with high-productivity source techniques
Reliability and in-built redundancy for over 98% average system uptime
Special Topic
Included with the system hardware is integrated software for survey planning, data management, and point-receiver noise reduction and signal enhancement. Flexible support, training and maintenance options are available.
UniQ – Time to take the lead
14743-Cover FirstWestern Break 8 Geco.indd August.indd 1 1-3 CC02994-MA016
Technology Feature
Error analysis and capability modelling for towed streamer electromagnetics
President’s message: ‘Forward Together’ EAGE Copenhagen in pictures
17-07-12 13:10
08-05-12 11:27
Geophysical Prospecting, with an Impact Factor of 1,315 in 2011, is one of the leading journals in exploration geophysics. July 2012 Special Issue was dedicated to Simultaneous Source Methods for Seismic Data. This journal continues to be a favourite among the members of the Association.
NeAr SurFACe GeoPhySiCS
Near Surface Geophysics
Near Surface Geophysics
issn 1569-4445 (print) issn 1873-0604 (online)
Volume 10 · Number 4 · August 2012 Special Issue on Applied Marine Geophysics 263 Foreword 267 Multidisciplinary investigation of a shallow nearshore landslide, Finneidfjord, Norway M.E. Vardy, J.-S. L’Heureux, M. Vanneste, O. Longva, A. Steiner, C. F. Forsberg, H. Haflidason and J. Brendryen
Near Surface Geophysics scored an Impact Factor of 0,945 in 2011, hereby maintaining its high ranking in the category of Geochemistry and Geophysics in the ISI Journal Citation Report. Near Surface Geophysics is well known as an international journal for the publication of research and development in geophysics applied to near surface. 279 A multi-disciplinary approach to marine shallow geohazard assessment B. Marsset, Y. Thomas, N. Sultan, A. Gaillot and Y. Stephan
291 Contribution of high-resolution 3D seismic nearseafloor imaging to reservoir-scale studies: application to the active North Anatolian Fault, Sea of Marmara Y. Thomas, B. Marsset, G.K. Westbrook, C. Grall, L. Géli, P. Henry, G. Çifçi, A. Rochat and H. Saritas
303 Semi-automated characterisation of seabed pockmarks in the central North Sea J. Gafeira, D. Long and D. Diaz-Doce
317 The timing and significance of gully incision on the eastern flank of the Faroe–Shetland Channel and its impact on seafloor infrastructure H.A. Stewart and D. Long
VoluMe 10 · NuMBer 4 · AuGuST 2012
333 An ice-moulded surface from the middle Pleistocene of the Central North Sea F. Buckley 347 Biographies of the guest editors
02-07-12 09:44
12-07-12 15:25
Geophysical Prospecting
CC00957-MA037 Sensor&Software.indd 1 14539-NSG12_aug_cover.indd 1-3
Petroleum Geoscience, a co-publication with the Geological Society of London, is still another favourite among EAGE members. The journal is specialized in providing a multidisciplinary outlet for the publication needs of those involved in the science and technology associated with rock-related petroleum disciplines. In 2011 it scored an Impact Factor of 1,161.
Near Surface Geoscience
■ ■
First Break continues to do well in 2012. This monthly publication steadily serves the geoscience and engineering community with industry news and a steady flow of technical articles, and special topics ranging from Land Seismic to Petroleum Geology and Basins. To serve our members in different regions First Break continuously publishes several articles with a regional focus and is online available in English, Spanish and Russian.
Petroleum Geoscience
Recruitment Special
Every year in spring, EAGE publishes a special magazine focused entirely on the recruitment challenge in the industry. The Recruitment Special was successfully introduced in 2007 and contains many articles and interviews on various recruitment issues. The 2012 edition of Recruitment Special covers a broad range of articles from operators, service companies, academics, consultants and industry bodies. Special Features
Building your future in five days!
Professors and students say what they think The super major factor Tale of the unexpected
Books The EAGE Bookshop still continues to develop and the interest in scientific books only increases. This year well over 1,100 books have been sold during the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition in Copenhagen. At the moment, the Bookshop offers a collection of over 600 scientific, academic and specialist books, USBs and CD-ROMS that are meant for professionals, students and anybody who is interested in the geosciences. EAGE members get attractive discounts on the book prizes. Our wide assortment of publications covers many different fields of study within geology, such as: tectonics, environmental, petrology, stratigraphy, marine studies, economic geology, geophysics and geostatistics.
New in the EAGE Bookshop
Basin Research Basin Research is co-owned with the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) and published by Wiley-Blackwell. The journal publishes high impact research papers on sedimentary basin systems. In 2011 it scored an Impact Factor of 2,061.
• Atlas of Sedimentary structures in Estuarine and TidallyInfluenced River Deposits of the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt System: Their application to the Interpretation of Analogues Outcrop and Subsurface Depositional Systems by A.W. Martinius and J.H. van den Berg • Seismic Surveillance for Reservoir Delivery: From a Practitioners Point of View by O.I. Barkved
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Publish with EAGE EAGE publishes books, magazines, journals, catalogues, newsletters and much more, in-house. EAGE’s extensive marketing network can be used to promote these publications. All publications are promoted and sold in EAGE’s online bookshop and during international conferences. Furthermore, reviews of books and interviews with authors and editors are published in EAGE’s monthly magazine First Break as well as on its website. For more information on publishing with EAGE visit our website ( or send us an e-mail at
EarthDoc EarthDoc is EAGE's Online Geoscience Database. At the start in 2007, it contained roughly 4,170 event papers and scientific articles. Growing every year, EarthDoc now contains around 45,000 scientific documents (2012) and we expect this amount to grow even further, to 50,000 documents in 2013. EAGE members have free access to EarthDoc (access to journal articles is on a subscription basis). Papers from EAGE events are always published two weeks prior to the event.
Scientific documents on EarthDoc 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* * Expected per January 2013
EarthDat EarthDat ( is a portal to geophysical models and software. The website provides extensive search functionality. The website was launched for EAGE members to: • Stimulate the use of common models • Use existing models/data from major efforts in the past • Stimulate the use of models and methods across disciplines, e.g., seismology and seismic exploration • Stimulate use of open software, programmed at the academia level and/or companies • Stimulate standardisations EarthDat offers specific support for Education and Research & Development (benchmarking and testing).
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Regional Newsletters The Regional Newsletters were successfully launched in 2010. The 8–20 page L newsletters supply EAGE members in the M region with the latest information on EAGE activities. They are also a helpful resource to identify key personnel and organisations dedicated to our goal of strengthening co-operation and shared knowledge in the geoscience and engineering community. Newsletters are available for the following regions: • Asia Pacific • Latin America • Middle East • North Africa/Mediterranean • Russia & CIS EAGE NEWSLETTER LATIN AMERICA
Edición-1 2012
¡Por qué estamos encantados de servirle!
peo, dedicada a asegurar el cumplimiento de las necesidades específicas de los profesionales que trabajan en las diferentes regiones. Debido a su ubicación geográfica, EAGE ha prestado en el pasado relativamente poca atención a Latinoamérica, excepto por el hecho de
Un mensaje de la próxima vicepresidenta de EAGE, Gladys González
e alegra mucho escribir la bienvenida para la que es ya la segunda edición de nuestro boletín de noticias orientado específicamente a la región latinoamericana, lo que considero un excelente ejemplo del compromiso de EAGE para satisfacer las necesi-
dades de sus miembros en todo el mundo. EAGE muestra un avance constante en su misión de ofrecer una asociación global con un toque euro-
Trivia preguntas FMI dice que Brasil será pronto la quinta economía más grande del mundo. ¿Qué país va a alcanzar?
A - Gran Bretaña B - Alemania C - Japón
D - Francia
estar presente en los eventos clave de la industria en países como Brasil, Colombia y Venezuela. Sin embargo, en los últimos cuatro años ha existido una mayor actividad en la región, con visitas y presentaciones, cursos técnicos breves y talleres, especialmente en aquellos países con operaciones de exploración y producción en evolución, como Colombia y Argentina. En su calidad de asociación única profesional multidisciplinaria, creemos que existe para EAGE una clara necesidad de elevar su perfil, en el interés del número cada vez mayor de miembros en la región, y de proporcionar la oportunidad a
todos los geocientíficos e ingenieros de conocer nuestro portafolio de servicios. Ya hemos observado un aumento en el número de miembros en la región (en 2012: aproximadamente 450 miembros), lo que se refleja en nuestra creciente presencia, a través de visitas de los representantes EAGE y de los Memorando de Entendimiento con las asociaciones profesionales locales de América Latina. EAGE está trabajando estrechamente con la Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofísicos del Petróleo (ACGGP), la Sociedad Brasileña de Geofísica (SBGf) y la Sociedad Venezolana de Ingenieros Geofísicos (SOVG), lo que permite a EAGE entrar en contacto más estrecho con los especialistas que trabajan en la región latinoamericana. Esta cooperación ha dado lugar al primer taller Geofísico de Latinoamérica ACGGP/EAGE en Cartagena el pasado mes de marzo, que comprendía una semana técnica completa incluyendo
Respuesta en la p. 5
Lea más en la p. 2 ➤
¡EAGE Copenhague 2012 será la cita obligatoria en junio!
a 74. Conferencia y Exhibición Anual de EAGE, que integra a SPE EUROPEC tendrá lugar en Copenhague del 4-7 de junio, es el acontecimiento multidisciplinario más grande en todo el mundo en el campo de la geotecnia. El programa de seis días incluye una extensa conferencia, talleres, cursillos, una exposición técnica y presentaciones de resultados de viajes de estudio que muestran las novedades en geofísica, geología y en la ingeniería de explotación petrolífera. Además ofrece un extenso programa para estudiantes con múltiples actividades. ¡Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de asistir a cursillos, talleres, entrevistas de prueba, debates, un geo-concurso y mucho más! EAGE y SPE EUROPEC trabajarán una vez más juntas para crear un programa técnico, multidisciplinario y extenso para Copenhague 2012, con la habitual combinación de alta calidad oral y presentaciones.
Lea más en la p. 2 ➤
Cuál está adentro
Libreria en internet
Primer Tour de Conferencias de Estudiantes
Simposio en Bolivia
Nueva era en la exploración de Uruguay
Y más...
PACE Support Fund The Programme for Association and Co-operation in Earth sciences (PACE) focuses on geoscientists in developing countries. In connection with one of EAGE’s main goals (“to promote the application of geosciences”) the PACE Fund strives to encourage the exchange of information and knowledge among the global geoscientific community. Several events received support the past year and 82 delegates received a travel grant to visit the Near Surface conference in Leicester, Saint Petersburg 2012 and the 74th Annual Conference in Copenhagen. PACE is coordinated by the PACE Committee, consisting in a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary-treasurer and several representatives. The committee members convene regularly to discuss projects to support and are in close contact with societies and institutions in many countries.
Financial Report 2011 EAGE Association All figures in Euro (â‚Ź) x 1,000
Balance sheet at 31 December
Financial Statement Actual 2011
Budget 2011
Budget 2012
500 240
496 150
510 164
Total income
Expenses Yearbook Business Office General Expenses Reserve
15 98 21 -
15 99 40 -
16 101 44 -
Total expenditure
Result for the year
Income Membership Net income EAGE Holding BV Financial revenues
3,678 4,375 1,421
3,423 4,534 1,566
Liquid assets
Grand total
8 361
11 409
Fixed assets Share EAGE Holding BV Investments (bonds) Mortgages
Current assets Current Account EAGE Holding BV Amounts Receivable
Equity and Liabilities Surplus Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year
PACE fund Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year
GREEN Fund Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year
Liabilities Amounts Payable Deferred income Prepaid Membership Dues
Grand total
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Our Sponsors July 2011–June 2012 We would like to thank our sponsors for their continuous generous support to EAGE.
C100 M90 Y10
M100 Y80 K10
CMYK 5/100/71/22 100/46/5/18 0/0/0/85 0/0/0/70
0/100/75/4 100/43/12/56
Main sponsors:
EAGE Annual Report 2011-2012
Head Office PO Box 59, 3990 DB Houten, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 88 9955055, Fax: +31 30 6343524 E-mail:, Website:
Europe Office Tel.: +31 88 9955055 Fax: +31 30 6343524 E-mail: Website:
Russia & CIS Office Tel.: +7 495 6619285 Fax: +7 495 6619286 E-mail: Website:
Middle East Office Tel.: +971 4 3693897 Fax: +971 4 3604702 E-mail: Website:
Asia Pacific Office Tel.: + 60 3 27220140 Fax: + 60 3 27220143 E-mail: Website: