Annual Report 2012-2013

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Annual Report


President’s report 2012-2013 I am delighted to report that 2012-13 continued the string of successful years for EAGE. The year delivered a technically strong and diverse programme of topical and timely conferences, workshops, short courses, lecture series, and a suite of educational and student activities. Taken as a whole, these resulted in good financial performance for the Association. In some cases, negative financial results were accepted in order to deliver a key workshop or other activity in a new location or on a new subject. The yearly cycle of activities concluded with our 75th Annual Conference that was held at the ExCel Centre in London. With more than 8400 attendees, more exhibition space than ever, a Technical Programme with nearly 1,400 oral and poster presentations, and an expanded set of 16 workshops, the 2013 Annual Conference is our largest and most successful to date. Throughout the year, EAGE had activities in both the Oil and Gas Geoscience Division (OGGD) and in the Near Surface Geoscience Division (NSGD). Both divisions continue to thrive, and overall membership numbers continue to grow with over 17,000 members in more than 110 countries. The age group under 35 is growing rapidly, as are our student and young professional memberships which comprise most of that group. We are especially pleased that our percentage of women memberships is at a record level. Whilst most of our members are based in Western Europe, most of our membership growth now comes from outside of Europe, reflecting the global reach of the Association. The OGGD contains 87% of the total membership. We were pleased to negotiate a Corporate Membership for Saudi Aramco, a model we hope to develop with other large geoscience and engineering organizations. We continued working with several sister geoscience and engineering societies to bring new professional opportunities to our respective members. This included working with the SPE by integrating their EUROPEC meeting in our Annual for the ninth consecutive year. Following the signing at the Copenhagen Annual of strategic agreements with the SEG and the AAPG, we are well on our way with the planning of a Joint Forum with the SEG, and a joint workshop with the AAPG, both to be held in Lisbon in November. Many other examples of cooperative activities can be readily found on the EAGE website. And I am especially pleased to report that we have been signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Houston-based Chinese-American Petroleum Association (CAPA) at the London Annual, following the MOU with the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG)


in March in Calgary, which encompass a wide range of cooperation including educational activities. Speaking of educational activities, this has been a notable year. Our EET programme, now grown to EET 8 with numbers 9-12 being developed, is drawing ever-larger number of attendees. For the first time an EET (#5) was presented in North America. Furthermore, we are moving our Distinguished Lecturer Programme (DLP) to the electronic world, offering web-based lectures on demand over the Internet. This has also been a watershed year for EAGE in the use of other modern electronic media, including the social media that resonate with our younger members and with some of us more senior types as well. We were piloting the use of a mobile application for our London Annual programme. We joined Facebook, and created a LinkedIn profile. Our five journals continue to do well as measured by technical quality, citation indices, and financial health. I thank our editors, editorial boards, and outside reviewers who continue to make that all possible. In particular, I heartily thank Andrew McBarnet, editor of First Break, who will step down in July after a remarkable 31 years of devoted service to the journal. And as you have seen, we changed our publications pricing structure, reducing costs for online subscriptions to encourage wider readership of subjects, as well as moving greener to reduce paper use and the carbon footprint associated with physical journals. As I pass the presidential reins to Gladys Gonzalez, our first female President, I do so with the firm knowledge that the Association is in good hands. My fellow 20122013 Board members have performed extremely well. But renewal of our Board membership is a key part of the health of the Association, and this year sees Mohammed Alfaraj from Saudi Aramco taking over from Phil Ringrose as Vice-President-Elect, Cherieke Zunder-Doek from Paradigm replaces Chris te Stroet as Secretary-Treasurer, and Gerhard Diephuis replaces Neil Goulty as Publications Officer after a full six-year commitment by Neil. I extend my personal thanks to the more than 70 employed staff at our Houten headquarters and regional offices in Moscow, Dubai, and Kuala Lumpur. Using any metric, EAGE is an efficient organization whose performance continues to improve with time, and this is due in no small part to our staff. Finally and most importantly, I thank you, my fellow EAGE members, for the honour and privilege of leading you this past year.

Len Srnka EAGE President 2012-2013

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

President’s Preview 2013-2014 Serving as your president for 2013-2014 is a great honour and brings also a lot of responsibilities. I look forward to channeling my energies into the leadership of EAGE and have clear ideas about what I want to achieve during the presidential year. The theme of my presidency refers to the need of narrowing the gap between geoscience and engineering disciplines; professional development across the regions; academic and industry efforts to develop emerging technologies to address society’s needs; for young professionals and women in career development; professional degrees and professional occupation; and active and inactive members. To that end, planned initiatives include multi-disciplinary conferences, workshops and programmes in partnership with other geoscience and engineering societies. There will also be analysis of how members participate in EAGE committees, events and ballots. Most EAGE members received part of their education in their native countries, while others studied and worked in foreign nations during their careers. This means our members are professionals with a global presence. I believe tapping into the strengths of the different regions will help to narrow the gaps. I also would like to continue to work with sister and local societies and explore where our Association can make a difference in narrowing gaps, particularly in Latin America, Asia and Africa. All the regions have outstanding professionals that deserve worldwide recognition for their achievements. I would also like to do more for young professionals and to improve their professional network by using modern communication tools. One idea is to encourage young professionals to chair sessions at EAGE events to build up their experience. Women should especially be more actively involved in the EAGE organization. Therefore, I will promote the participation of women

in EAGE by asking our members, both male and female, to recognize their female colleagues for their qualities and achievements. I will ask members to invite qualified women to participate on existing and new committees, to provide short courses, to present papers and to nominate them for awards and officer positions. We have talented professional women in all regions, but I do not believe in imposing quotas for the equal representation of women on the board or committees. This was also the unanimous conclusion from 80 participants of our first women in geoscience event that took place during our 75th Annual Meeting in London. Female representation should be a natural process. In my view the statistics do not tell a good story. EAGE shows a sustainable growth in members. There was a record attendance at the Annual Meeting in London with more than 8,400 visitors, far more than the 6,000 members who came to London in 2006. There is an even distribution of age among the Association’s 17,000 members. The disappointing figure is that only 18% of members are women. However, today, of the ten EAGE Board members, three are women in key officer positions (an increase from one in the period 2006−2011). I think we are moving in the right direction. But there is plenty of room for improvement. We, the very strong Board I have the fortune to be leading, the excellent staff in our Business offices and mainly you, the members, can go beyond the barrier of distance and language to partner in the common objective of narrowing the gap to promote the innovative development and application of geoscience and engineering.

Gladys Gonzalez EAGE President 2013-2014

Quick Reference About EAGE p.4 Membership p.6 EAGE Awards 2013 p.7 Events p.8 Meet EAGE at Other Events p.12 Events around the Globe p.14 Education p.16

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Recruitment p.18 Students p.18 Student Chapters p.20 Publications p.21 Financial Report 2012 p.23 Our Sponsors p.24


About EAGE Board Every year in spring, the members of EAGE elect the new EAGE Board. The new Board is presented during EAGE’s annual conference & exhibition. The EAGE Board consists of 10 professionals in various fields with an academic and/or industry background. The EAGE Board plays an important advisory role in the activities that EAGE offers throughout the year. We would like to thank our Board members of 2012-2013 for their valu­ able contribution to EAGE and wish the new Board members of 2013-2014 all the best in their new position. For a presentation of the current Board members, see the EAGE website (

Divisional Committees

Saint Petersburg, regional biennial conferences Tyumen and GeoBaikal in Irkutsk, the annual conferences Geomodel and Engineering Geophysics in Gelendzhik, Geoinformatics in Kyiv, Far East Hydrocarbons workshop in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, EAGE/SPE joint workshop in Moscow, Education Days Moscow 2012 and IT for Geosciences 2012 conference in Dubna. In Kazakhstan, the second KazGeo 2012 was organised. The regional office in Dubai is continually organizing suc­ cessful events, a number which are continuations in the development of topics and results such as Fourth Passive Seismic, Second Borehole Geophysics and the Third Tar Mats and Heavy Oil workshops. The Dubai team has also been successful in developing new and dynamic workshops for the region including an Integrated Reservoir Modelling Conference, Workshop on Dead Sea Sinkholes and a Forum on Students and Young Professionals.

EAGE has two divisions, the Oil and Gas Geoscience Division and the Near Surface Geoscience Division. For both divisions, a committee is in place. The purpose of the Oil and Gas Geoscience Division is to represent and promote the interests of its members and to ensure that each of the Oil and Gas Geoscience disciplines of geo­physics, geology and reservoir engineering is adequately represented within EAGE and its functional commit­ tees. The Near Surface Geoscience Division represents the interests of its members who work in geophysical, geotechnical, environmental, hydrogeological, archaeo­logical and other fields of investigation of the shallow subsurface.

Committees In addition to the Board and Divisional Committees, EAGE also has a number of permanent committees in place. The committees of EAGE consist of profession­als from the field advising EAGE about a certain topic, such as the technical programme, education matters, research, membership affairs and more. We would like to thank all volunteers from the committees for their efforts over the past year.

EAGE Offices The EAGE head office is located in the Netherlands, with regional offices in Houten, Moscow, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. The offices continue to grow throughout 2012 and 2013 with a total number of 66 employees in 2013. The regional office in Moscow has been grow­ing steadily since the opening in 2006, which also shows in the number and quality of events organized in the Russia & CIS region, such as the biennial conference & exhibition in


The Asia Pacific Office became operational in July 2010 and is therefore EAGE’s newest accession. The first event introduced by this regional office is one of its own kind which is a Breakfast Talk. Thereafter, the office hosted several events in the Asia Pacific region including workshops on EM Exploration for Hydrocarbons from 11-13 April 2012 in the Pan Pacific Orchard, Singapore, Broadband Marine Seismic held from 20-22 May 2013 in the Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur and Seismic Attenuation from 28-30 October 2013 in Singapore. EAGE also managed PGCE, known as the Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition in 2012 and 2013 that is co-organised by PETRONAS and GSM. In 2014, EAGE Asia Pacific hosts a Joint Regional Conference Petrophysics Meets Geoscience with FESM from 17-18 February 2014 in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre presenting some interesting papers that span all scales “From Nano Pores to Mega Structures”. Another upcoming event is a workshop in Singapore from 31 March – 2 April 2014 on Exploration in Challenging Areas - Joint Interpretation of Geophysical & Geochemical Data.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Local Chapters

Associated Societies EAGE has close ties with several associated societies worldwide. When the opportunity arises, events will be organized in close cooperation with other societies in order to serve the industry best. The map on this page shows the global coverage of the Associated Societies of EAGE. EAGE invites all associated societies to attend EAGE’s Annual Conference & Exhibition to increase their international exposure and promote their activities. Also, events organized by associated societies worldwide are usually attended by a representative of the EAGE staff and/or board. In 2012-2013 EAGE welcomed AAGG, UGM, GSTT, CAPA, CSEG, CAGME, TAPG and SGF as new associated societies.

Sister Societies In line with its strategies for the future, EAGE aims to create more cooperation with its sister societies in order to serve the industry even better. Often a combined effort is made organizing conferences or workshops on a specific topic. There are cooperations with EEGS, The Geological Society of London, PESGB, SEG, SPE, AAPG, EGU and FESM.

EAGE has a number of Local Chapters in various regions. The aim of the Local Chapters is to promote EAGE activities and geosciences in general in a specific area. EAGE can help to support training and education of the local members. Local Chapters encourage EAGE membership in their region and support communication between the local members and the EAGE head office. The EAGE Best Local Chapter Award 2012 has been granted to the Local Chapter Serbia. The map below shows the distribution of the EAGE Local Chapters. Aside from its regular Local Chapters, EAGE has been developing Student Chapters throughout the world. For more information, please refer to page 20.

EAGE Green Fund An important development in EAGE’s emerging environmental strategy is the launch of Green Steps, formally introduced for the first time at the Vienna Annual Meeting in May 2011. This programme, in response to membership wishes, brings together initiatives regarding EAGE’s events and operations including reduction and compensation of emissions, reducing nature source consumption, reducing and recycling waste and offering more sustainable facilities. In 2011 EAGE installed solar panels on the roof of its Head Office. In 2012, EAGE presented the conference and workshop proceedings on a reusable USB stick, so paper is no longer used for this purpose. Another environmentalfriendly development is the digital version of this year’s Annual Report (a hardcopy is only available on request). EAGE is also organizing a second Sustainable Earth Sciences (SES) Conference and Exhibition in 2013.

Organisation of EAGE worldwide

EAGE activities via Associated/ Sister Societies, Local Chapters and/or Student Chapters worldwide.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013


Membership EAGE membership continues to grow steadily and at this moment we serve around 17,000 members worldwide. Thanks to the ever-growing network of Local Chapters and Student Chapters and the continued success of EAGE meetings over the years, EAGE is growing at a rate of more than 1000 members a year. EAGE’s international character attracts members from all corners of the world.

SEPA payments! Since 2013, EAGE offers an easy solution for paying the annual membership fees – the Automatic Debit Transfer

System. This system authorizes EAGE to debit your account with the membership fees and subscription payments automatically, which means they don’t need to take care of transferring money for renewing their membership. Members who have a bank account in one of the 32 member countries which make up the SEPA zone (it comprises all 27 EU member states, the three European Economic Area countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland and Monaco) can take advantage of this service. All they have to do is fill in the Authorization form (which can be downloaded from My EAGE at and send it back to the EAGE Europe Office.

Geographical spread of EAGE members (1 July 2013)

Europe 51% North America 13% Asia Pacific 12% Russia/CIS 10% Middle East 9% Latin America 3% Africa 1% North Africa 1%

Professional interests of EAGE members (1 July 2013)

Geophysics 44% Geology 32% Environment 10% Petroleum/Reservoir Engineering 6% Geochemistry 4% CO2 storage 2% Petrophysics 1% Mining 1%


EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

EAGE Awards 2013



Falcon Aw ar


Desiderius Erasmus Award

This year's award winners.


Every year, EAGE presents several prestigious awards to members of the Association who have made a highly significant contribution to one or more disciplines, to au­ thors of the best papers published in EAGE journals and to presenters of the best oral and poster presentation at the Annual EAGE Conference. During the 75th EAGE Confer­ ence & Exhibition in London ‘13, the traditional Awards Ceremony was held. Please find below an overview of the distinguished award winners.

Award for Lifetime Contribution in the field of resource exploration and development Presented to Jean Virieux

Honorary Memberships

Award for Outstanding Contribution to the scientific and technical advancement of the geosciences, particularly geophysics Presented to Kees Wapenaar

Alfred Wegener Award Young Professional Award Presented to Nina Gegenhuber

Nigel Anstey Award Best Paper Award for First Break Presented to Caroline E. Gill and her coauthors Alberto Miotto, Mariano Floricich, Richard Rogers, R. David Potter, Josef Hawijanto and Peter Townsley

Best Paper Award Near Surface Geophysics Presented to Stewart Greenhalgh and his co-authors Xu Liu and Bing Zhou

rt be

Mitchum Aw ar d

Conrad Schlumberger Award


Ludger Mintrop Award

Award for Highly Significant and Distinguished Contribution to the geoscience community or to the Association Presented to Roger Arthur Clark



Norman Falcon Award Best Paper Award for Petroleum Geoscience Presented to Alastair H.F. Robertson and his co-authors Osman Parlak and Timur Ustaömer

Robert Mitchum Award Best Paper Award for Basin Research Presented to François Guillocheau and his co-authors Delphine Rouby, Cécile Robin, Catherine Helm, Nicolas Rolland, Christian Le Carier de Veslud and Jean Braun

Guido Bonarelli Award Best Oral Presentation Award Presented to Lars Wensaas and his co-authors Marita Gading and Helge Løseth

Louis Cagniard Award Best Poster Presentation Award Presented to Sergei Stanchits and his coauthors Aniket Surdi and Roberto SuarezRivera

Loránd Eötvös Award Best Paper Award for Geophysical Prospecting Presented to Michael King and his co-authors William S. Pettitt, Jonathan R. Haycox and R. Paul Young

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013


Events EAGE organizes and supports a wide variety of con­ ferences, exhibitions and workshops throughout the world. With around 7,000 geoscientists attending, EAGE’s Annual Conference & Exhibition is the world’s largest multi-disciplinary geoscience event. EAGE also offers a Near Surface Geoscience Annual Conference & Exhibition, biennial regional events in Russia & CIS, the Middle East, Asia pacific, and in the North Africa/ Mediterranean region, and confer­ ences and workshops focused on a specific topic.

Geomodel 2012

Integrated Reservoir Modelling

The Problems of Integrated Interpretation of Geological and Geophysical Data During Geological modeling of Hydrocarbons 10-14 September 2012 I Gelendzhik, Russia Geomodel 2012 was the 14th scientific-practical conference on the problems of integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data during geological modeling of hydrocarbons’ deposits. Attendance: 171

Are We Doing it Right? 25-28 November 2012 I Dubai, UAE This conference focused on the latest developments in Integrated Reservoir Modelling and their implications on reservoir management and field development strategies. A particular emphasis has been on the field applications and validation of new technologies that have emerged over the last decade. Special emphasis was given to case histories and examples of multi-disciplinary integration. Attendance: 141


Past EAGE Events Below please find an overview of the events held from July 2012 – June 2013.

Conferences (and Exhibitions) GeoBaikal 2012 Electromagnetic Research Methods and Integrated Geophysical Data Interpretation 20-24 August 2012 I Irkutsk, Lake Baikal, Russia The conference was geared towards specialists whose areas of interest include theory, instruments, software, and practical implementation of electromagnetic methods, as well as Integrated Geophysical Data Interpretation. Attendance: 67

13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 10-13 September 2012 I Biarritz, France The ECMOR conferences started in Cambridge over 22 years ago and through a sequence of meetings in major European centres, continue a tradition of combining high quality mathematical science with engineering applications. Attendance: 198

Fault and Top Seals From Characterization to Modelling 1-3 October 2012 I Montpellier, France The Third International Conference on Fault and Top Seals informed participants of the state of the art in fault and top seal analysis for both research and industry applications. Attendance: 179

KazGeo Near Surface Geoscience 2012 18th European meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 3-5 September 2012 I Paris, France Near Surface 2012 was an ideal venue to learn about the latest developments in environmental and engineering geosciences. Attendance: 395 Exhibition space: 292 m² Exhibitors: 34


Existing Resources, New Horizons 29-31 October 2012 I Almaty, Kazakhstan The main theme of the Second International Conference KazGeo 2012 has been “Existing Resources, New Horizons”. Attendance: 138

IT for Geosciences Information Technologies for Geosciences 7-9 December 2012 I Dubna, Russia The First international conference IT for Geosciences 2012 has been an unique opportunity to explore the latest developments in information technologies that are applied in geosciences, learn about new methods of preparing young geoscientists and get a hands-on experience with the latest IT solutions. Attendance: 37

PGCE Innovative Geoscience: Securing Energy Needs 18-19 March 2013 I Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition (PGCE) is an established premier geoscience event in Asia. EAGE managed the event together with co-organizers, PETRONAS and GSM. This year’s theme was ‘Innovative Geoscience: Securing Energy Needs’ and the event featured, student programmes, short courses, field trips, a gala dinner and a golf tournament. Attendance: 2,800 Exhibition space: 1,000 m² Exhibitors: 40

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Tyumen 2013

Geoinformatics 2013

New Geotechnology for the Old Oil Provinces 25-29 March 2013 I Tyumen, Russia The theme and topics of the conference were most relevant and interesting to scientists and engineers not only in West Siberia, but also for the geological, geophysical and petroleum society from around the world. Attendance: 179

XIIth International Conference “Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects” 13-16 May 2013 I Kiev, Ukraine Every year the Conference on Geoinformatics in Kyiv attracts more and more participants from around the world, to discuss new actual topics. The conference has been devoted to shale gas. The conference has been filled with interesting lectures, meetings and discussions that have a positive impact on the development of geoinformatics as an integrated discipline of earth sciences. Attendance: 190

IOR 2013 From Fundamental Science to Deployment 16-18 April 2013 I St. Petersburg, Russia The 17th IOR/EOR conference has been held in St. Petersburg. The technical programme offered a wide variety of interesting topics pertaining to improved and enhanced oil recovery. Oral presentations and posters from professionals representing Russia, the CIS, and the rest of the world were sure to stimulate good discussion and a wealth of knowledge sharing. Attendance: 192

Engineering Geophysics 2013 22-26 April 2013 I Gelendzhik, Russia The 9th Engineering Geophysics conference and exhibition in Gelendzhik was another big success with more than 100 participants representing 45 Russian, Ukrainian, and Latvian companies, and among them more young people and women. Attendance: 106 Exhibition space: 48 m² Exhibitors: 8

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

EAGE Workshop on Dead Sea Sinkholes Causes, Effects & Solutions 23-25 September 2012 I Amman, Jordan The sinkholes in relation to the terminal lake level’s lowering were observed for the first time in the dried-up Lynch Strait in the early 1980s, retrospectively, from aerial photographs acquired at that time. Explanatory models of the formation of ground collapses do not explain why the sinkholes occurred from the '80s and not before. This workshop expects to answer this, and other questions. Attendance: 52

Far East Hydrocarbons London '13 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 Changing Frontiers 10-13 June 2013 I London, UK Whatever your goal, London ‘13 provided a perfect oppor­ tunity to reach thousands of geoscientists and engineers. Attendance: 8400 Exhibition space: 22,000 m² (gross) Exhibitors: 356

Workshops Remote Sensing Workshop 2012 Mapping the Morphology, Chemistry and Mineralogy of the Ground Surface 3-5 September 2012 I Paris, France The Remote Sensing Workshop has been organized in conjunction with the Near Surface Geoscience Meeting and covered remote sensing from satellite and airborne sensors, and ground-based measurements. Attendance: 27

From Oil and Gas basin Studies to Field Models 1-3 October 2012 I Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia Attendance: 35

AAPG/EAGE/SPE Shale Gas Workshop 15-17 October 2012 I Muscat, Oman Shale Gas Workshop aimed to cover the key facet of the process; from finding, to appraisal, to pilot, through development and to production. In each step of the process, several petroleum engineering and geoscience disciplines have the potential to impact the success, when leveraged to their full potential. Attendance: 138

Fourth Arabian Plate Geology Workshop Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous Evaporite-Carbonate-Siliciclastic Systems of the Arabian Plate 9-12 December 2012 I Abu Dhabi, UAE This workshop focused on the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (Oxfordian to Valanginian) interval that is characterized by world-class siliciclastic, vaporate and carbonate seal/ reservoir sequences, and source rocks. Attendance: 167


EAGE/SPE Joint Workshop Geoscience Monitoring of the Field Development Process 4-6 March 2013 I Moscow, Russia The objective of the workshop was to bring together specialists from Research Organizations and Oil and Gas Service Companies to discuss the state and outlining future trends of research within the workshop area by way of actual examples. Attendance: 62

4th EAGE Passive Seismic Workshop 17-20 March 2013 I Amsterdam, The Netherlands This fourth event in the series of EAGE workshops on passive seismic set out to focus on field examples where the use of passive data was a key enabler for improving engineering operations and field management. These examples come from conventional and unconventional oil and gas developments as well as other extraction and injection activities associated with mining, sequestration and geothermal energy projects. Attendance: 104

Borehole Geophysics Workshop II 3D VSP: Benefits, Challenges and Potential 21-14 April 2013 I St. Julian’s, Malta The objective has been to provide participants with an understanding of the current state-of-the-art and recent/ongoing technology development pertinent to the boreholegeophysics discipline, especially with regards to 3D VSP. Examples have been shared on what technology is commonly used today, what may be available in the near future, and what blue-sky research is being done to develop the tools and techniques to improve understanding of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Attendance: 130


EAGE Workshop on the Promise & Challenges of Broadband Marine Seismic 20-22 May 2013 I Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The objectives of the work­shop were to review and compare the current marine seismic towed-streamer broadband technologies. The current broadband technologies were presented from the point of view of Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation benefits and challenges. The wealth of available broadband solutions is manifested in the rich selection of Acquisition and Processing presentations, but there were also sessions dedicated to Interpretation, Inversion, QI and 4D, as well as sessions dedicated to Case Histories from all over the world. The final session was on Developments and Future Trends. Formulating the way forward was one of the most important take-home messages from the workshop. Attendance: 140

AAPG/EAGE Joint Workshop on Profits & Pitfalls of Shallow Seismic Anomalies 4-5 June 2013 I Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia This workshop focused on seismic anomalies within the topmost 1500m (5000ft) of the sedimentary column. Speakers also described some important shallow discoveries as well as some results that have strong prospectivity implications. Attendance: 81

GeoSkill 2013: 21st Century Training & Education 14 June 2013 I London, UK GeoSkill 2013 provided a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience concerning the local capability challenge as well as general skills development. Topics included academic training, recruiting, professional development, and retention of a global workforce. Key representatives from NOCs, IOCs, academia and industry training providers discussed the regional challenges of developing local talent. Attendance: 50 Exhibitors: 6

Other events EAGE Forum on Students & Young Professionals The Future of Young Talents 8-9 October 2012 | Abu Dhabi, UAE The non-technical Forum aimed to serve as a platform for students and young professionals, both males and females, to discuss and address concerns of school leavers vis à vis the experiences of young professionals in the O&G/G&G industry. The event also highlighted success stories of women professionals and identify skills, qualities and tools for career progression, regardless of gender. Attendance: 105

Galperin Readings Innovative Technologies and Fundamental Research 30 October - 2 November 2012 I Moscow, Russia Galperin Readings is a specialized annual forum on innovative technologies in the seismic prospecting based on the fundamental wave propagation theory. The forum inherits traditions founded by E. I. Galperin, the inventor of the VSP method. Attendance:100

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Future EAGE Events From July 2013 onwards. For an up-to-date overview of upcoming events, please refer to the calendar of events on the EAGE website.

Conferences (and Exhibitions) 09-11 September 2013 Near Surface Geoscience 2013 Expected attendance: 250 Exhibition space: 200 m² Expected exhibitors: 25 9-12 September 2013 Geomodel 2013 Expected attendance: 200 30 September SES 2013 - Sustainable Earth Sciences - Technologies for 4 October 2013 Sustainable Use of the Deep Sub-surface

Bochum, Germany

Gelendzhik, Russia Pau, France

Expected attendance: 200 24-27 November 2013

International Conference on Engineering Geophysics

Al Ain, UAE

Expected attendance: 150 20-22 January 2014

EAGE/AAPG/SEG/SPE - 7th International Petroleum Technology Conference

Doha, Qatar

Expected attendance: 8000 plus 17-18 February 2014

EAGE/FESM Joint Regional Conference Petrophysics meets Geoscience

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Expected attendance: 250 25-27 February 2014

SPE/EAGE European Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition

Vienna, Austria

Expected attendance: 500 Exhibition space: 500 m² Expected exhibitors: 40 9 – 12 March 2014

GEO 2014 - 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition

Manama, Bahrain

Expected attendance: 3600 plus Exhibition space: 8000 m² Expected exhibitors: 145 7-10 April 2014

6th Saint Petersburg International Conference & Exhibition Expected attendance: 700 Exhibition space: 500 m² Expected exhibitors: 40

21-25 April 2014

10th Engineering Geophysics 2014

St. Petersburg, Russia

Gelendzhik, Russia

Expected attendance: 110 Exhibition space: 50 m² Expected exhibitors: 8 16-19 June 2014

76th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2014 Expected attendance: 7000 Exhibition space: 22,000 m² Expected exhibitors: 350

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Workshops 2-5 July 2013

Second EAGE Workshop on Permanent Reservoir Monitoring

Stavanger, Norway

15-18 September 2013

Second Workshop on Iraq

Dead Sea, Jordan

Second Advanced Geosteering & Well Placement Workshop

Dubai, UAE

EAGE Workshop on Seismic Attenuation


AAPG/EAGE Tight Reservoirs in the Middle East Workshop

Abu Dhabi, UAE

First EAGE/SBGf Workshop - Fractures in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Subsurface Challenges in West-Africa

London, UK

EAGE/SEG Forum - Turning noise into geological information: The next big step?

Lisbon, Portugal

EAGE/SPE Joint Workshop - Beyond Closed Loop Integrated Monitoring

Lisbon, Portugal

EAGE/AAPG Workshop - Basin-Margin Wedge Exploration Plays

Lisbon, Portugal

International Workshop on Geomechanics & Energy Second Workshop on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Lausanne, Switzerland Muscat, Oman

Second Workshop on Rock Physics & Quantitative Geophysics

Muscat, Oman

EAGE/ SPE Subsalt Imaging Workshop

Limassol, Cyprus

EAGE Workshop on Exploration in Challenging Areas


Third EAGE Middle East Exploration Workshop

Dubai, UAE

Fourth EAGE Shale Workshop

Porto, Portugal

Fourth EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop

Stavanger, Norway

Land and Ocean Bottom – Broadband Full Azimuth Land Seismic Surveys Workshop

Mallorca, Spain

Fourth SPE/EAGE Tar Mats Workshop

Dubai, UAE

EAGE Workshop on Geomechanics in the Oil & Gas Industry

Dubai, UAE

22-25 September 2013 28-30 October 2013 28-30 October 2013 5-6 November 2013

7 - 8 November 2013 11-14 November 2013

17-20 November 2013

20-22 November 2013 25-28 November 2013 8-11 December 2013 12-15 January 2014 16 – 19 February 2014 31 March-2 April 2014 6-9 April 2014 6-9 April 2014 23-25 April 2014 28 April - 2 May 2014

4-7 May 2014 11-14 May 2014

Exptected attendance: 110 Expected attendance: 80 Expected attendance: 75

Expected attendance: 80 Expected attendance: 80

Expected attendance: 100 Expected attendance: 100

Expected attendance: 50

Expected attendance: 80

Expected attendance: 100 Expected attendance: 120 Expected attendance: 80 Expected attendance: 85 Expected attendance: 75

Expected attendance: 80 Expected attendance: 80 Expected attendance: 80

Expected attendance: 120

Expected attendance: 100 Expected attendance: 65

Expected attendance: 80

Meet EAGE at Other Events EAGE works in partnership with other associations and societies to expand this global presence while maintain­ ing its leadership role. We would like to thank the EAGE Board members who travel abroad representing EAGE


and our technical representatives within the technical committees of non-EAGE events. They provide continuous support and are essential for the continued growth and development of EAGE.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

EAGE has been present at the following events: 29 Jul-1 Aug 2012 16-19 Sep 2012 19-21 Sep 2012


3-5 Oct 2012


7-16 Oct 2012 24-26 Oct 2012 4-9 Nov 2012 13-16 Nov 2012 20-22 Nov 2012 14-15 Nov 2012 4-7 Mar 2013


07 March 2013 11-13 Mar 2013 17-21 March 2013 7-12 April 2013 18-19 April 2013 6-10 May 2013 15-17 May 2013 22-24 May 2013


19-22 May 2013 2-5 July 2013


XI Simposio Bolivariano AAPG 2012 International Conference & Exhibition (ICE) KSEG International Symposium on Geophysics for Discovery and Exploration International Conference & Exhibition “Integrated Approach for Unlocking Hydrocarbon Resources” SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition 7th Congress of Russian Geologists & ROSGEO SEG International Exhibition and 82nd Annual Meeting Geothermal Kongress PETEX 2012 GeoENERGIA 73. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) Annual General Meeting 18th Middle East Oil & Gas Show and Conference (MEOS) 26th Annual SAGEEP 2013 EGU General Assembly 2013 Frühjahrstagung GeoConvention 9th International Geothermal Conference (IGC 2013) VIII POLISH CONGRESS Oil and Gas Industry - Annual Meeting Annual Convention & Exhibition 7th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar

Cartagena, Colombia Singapore, Singapore Jeju Island, Korea Baku, Azerbaijan San Antonio, Texas, USA Moscow, Russia Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Karlsruhe, Germany London, UK Karlsruhe, Germany Leipzig, Germany Calgary, Canada Manama, Bahrain Denver, USA Vienna, Austria Celle, Germany Calgary, Canada Freiburg, Germany Bobrka, Poland Pittsburgh, USA Nantes, France

Meet EAGE at these upcoming events: 11-14 Aug 2013 26-29 Aug 2013


8-11 Sept 2013 16-20 Sept 2013


22-27 Sept 2013 30 Sept 2 Oct 2013 07-10 Oct 2013 6-11 Oct 2013 3-8 Nov 2013 18-20 Nov 2013 23-25 Nov 2013 20-22 January 2014

Melbourne, Australia Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


23rd International Geophysical Conference & Exhibition 13th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEf AAPG ICE 26th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG) SEG International Exhibition and 83rd Annual Meeting SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition


7th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society 13th Biennial Conference Annual Meeting 11th SEGJ International Symposium 10th Biennial International Conference & Exposition 7th International Petroleum Technology Conference

9-12 March 2014 10-13 March 2014


Tirana, Albania Kruger National Park, South Africa Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Yokohama, Japan Kochi, India Doha, Qatar

16-20 March 2014 27 Apr-2 May 2014 12-16 May 2014 15-19 June 2014


EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

GEO2014 74. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (DGG) SAGEEP 2014 General Assembly 2014 GeoConvention 2014 21st World Petroleum Congress

Cartagena, Colombia Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Spain Houston, USA New Orleans, USA

Manama, Bahrain Karlsruhe, Germany Massachusetts, USA Vienna, Austria Calgary, Canada Moscow, Russia


Events around the Globe

Legend EAGE conferences, exhibitions and workshops (p. 8) EAGE Education (p. 16) Student Lecture Tours (p. 19) Events of Associated and Sister Societies (p. 13 )


EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013


Education EET 7 - ongoing

One of the Association’s goals is to exchange knowledge. EAGE invites acknowledged experts (both industry profes­ sionals and academics) to lecture on the latest develop­ ments in the various geoscience disciplines.

Environmental Geophysics: Everything you ever wanted (needed!) to know but were afraid to ask! By: Prof. Peter Styles (Keele University) Locations: 4 in Europe, Asia Pacific Attendance: 71

Learning Geoscience Discover the Learning Geoscience website! All infor­ mation about EAGE Education may be found here. It is easy to search for the training options based on learning needs. EAGE members also get free access to online learning and the selection of e-lectures is still growing,

EET 8 - ongoing Seismic Fracture Characterization: Concepts and Practical Applications By: Dr Enru Liu (ExxonMobil) Locations: 8 in Europe Attendance: 340

Past Educational Activities

OTE 4 - ongoing

Please find an overview of education activities that were provided from July 2012 – June 2013 below.

Point Source — Point Receiver Land Seismic Acquisition: an Update on Modern Technologies and Survey Design By: Dr Anatoly Cherepovski (Sercel) Locations: 2 in Russia & CIS Attendance: 42

EAGE Education Tours (EET & OTE) The EAGE Education Tours are a one-day course (including the course book) taught by a distinguished instructor. The EET tour is targeted at locations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, Russia & CIS, Latin America and since 2012 in North America. For the Russia/CIS region, EAGE offers Tours in Russian, OTE. In 2012-2013, the fol­lowing tours were actively scheduled at various locations throughout the world: EET 5, EET 6, EET 7, EET 8 and OTE 4.

EET 5 – finished in 2013 Seismic Geomechanics: How to Build and Calibrate Geomechanical Models using 3D and 4D Seismic Data By: Dr Jörg Herwanger (WesternGeco) Locations: 13 in Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific Attendance: 432

EET 6 – ongoing Seismic Surveillance for Reservoir Delivery By: Mr Olav Inge Barkved (BP) Locations: 13 in Europe, Middle East, Russia & CIS, Latin America, North America Attendance: 395


Education Days EAGE Education Days is a learning event where multiple short courses are offered in one location for the duration of up to five days. The Education Days are organized at various locations worldwide e.g. London, Stavanger, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Abu Dhabi and Khobar. EAGE aims to expand the organization to other locations and organized the first Education Days Aberdeen in May 2013.

Stavanger, Norway I 12 – 16 November 2012 7 courses – attendance: 189

Khobar, Saudi Arabia I 17 – 21 November 2012 4 courses – attendance: 70

Moscow, Russia I 19 – 23 November 2012 6 courses – attendance: 141 London, UK I 25 February – 1 March 2013 6 courses – attendance: 141 Aberdeen, UK I 16 – 17 May 2013 3 courses – attendance: 48

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

EAGE Short Courses

Future Educational Activities

Throughout the year, EAGE offered several short courses.

(From July 2013 onwards)

In-house courses -  Total, Philippe Doyen, two-day course -  Saudi Aramco, Gordon Brown, two-day course -  WesternGeco, Eric Verschuur, one-day course -  GXT, Eric Verschuur, one-day course -  CGG, Eric Verschuur, two times one-day course -  Chevron, Olav Inge Barkved, two-day course

Education Tours EAGE Education Tour 6 Seismic Surveillance for Reservoir Delivery By: Mr Olav Inge Barkved (BP)

EAGE courses -  Maurice Dussault, Simposio Bolivariano 2012, Colombia, 5 participants - Prof. Dr Peter Styles, Near Surface, France, 10 participants -  Mickaele Le Ravalec, Integrated Reservoir Modeling 2012 UAE, 35 participants -  2 Russian Lectures at Joint Moscow Workshop, Russia, 24 participants -  2 Russian Lectures at Tyumen 2013, Russia, 33 participants -  2 Russian Lectures at IOR 2013, Russia, 24 participants -  2 Russian Lectures at EngGeo 2013, Russia, 34 participants -  2 Short Courses at IPTC Beijing 2013, China, 34 participants -  Andrew Long, Broadband Workshop, Malaysia, 43 participants -  5 Short Courses at London Annual 2013, UK, 150 participants

Distinguished Lecturer Programme (DLP) EAGE has a list of selected Distinguished Lecturers who can be requested exclusively by EAGE’s Associated Societies and Local Chapters. The format of DLP delivery has been transformed into a webinar session in 2013. In 20122013, these lecturers are organized for the following locations:

EAGE Education Tour 7 Environmental Geophysics: Everything you ever wanted (needed!) to know but were afraid to ask! By: Prof. Peter Styles (Keele University) EAGE Education Tour 8 Seismic Fracture Characterization: Concepts and Practical Applications By: Dr Enru Liu (ExxonMobil) EAGE Education Tour 9 Applications of InSAR to monitoring reservoirs and geohazards By: Mr Alessandro Ferretti (TRE Europe) OTE 4 Point Source - Point Receiver Land Seismic Acquisition: an Update on Modern Technologies and Survey Design By: Dr Anataly Cherepovski (Sercel) OTE 5 Sedimentology of Carbonate Reservoirs By: Prof. Valentina Zhemchugova (Geophysical Data Systems)

Education Days Moscow, Russia Stavanger, Norway Abu Dhabi, UAE Muscat, Oman

•  Steve Ehrenberg, Kazan-Tatarstan | 26 October 2012 •  Steve Ehrenberg, Moscow-Russia | 29 October 2012 •  Taiwen Chen, Krakow-Poland | 26 November 2012 •  Taiwen Chen, Leoben-Austria | 28 November 2012 •  Per Avseth, Bucharest-Romania | 21 May 2013 - Webinar

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia London, UK Aberdeen, UK

Short courses Various short courses will be scheduled during Amsterdam ’14 (16-19 June 2014). More information will be available on EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013


Recruitment In 2013 EAGE supported the recruitment needs of its 17,000 members. For the eighth time in a row, the Job Centre took place at EAGE’s annual meeting in London, UK. A wide range of companies took part in the career fair, including CGG, OMV, Petroleum Geo-Services, Schlumberger, Scout GTS-Geotech Group, Upstream Technical Consultants and Working Smart. Another recruitment initiative of EAGE, the Recruitment Special, was once again successfully published and widely distributed at several EAGE and third party events in 2013. The full version is also available on EAGE’s online Career section ( Read more about the Recruitment Special on page 21.

• Student court with 'Fast Forward' theme and Pit Stop Challenge where students can compete by changing wheels of a F1 Ferrari race car under time conditions. • The Recruitment Café, providing an opportunity for students to meet up with potential employers in an informal and friendly atmosphere. • Student poster programme. A record number of abstracts were submitted for London and the students got to present their poster along with the regular technical posters in the poster arena. • Trial interviews, providing students the opportunity to practice their interview skills with real professionals. • Student evening. A vibrant party at the Honourable Artillery Company (HAC), offering networking opportunities for students, EAGE Board members and company VIP representatives. • 630 student participants • 101 student travel grant award winners • 90 student poster presentations

Petroleum Geoscience Conference & Exhibition 2013 18 - 19 April 2013 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • One-day student programme, sponsored by ExxonMobil • More that 400 student participants • 8 Students from 7 local universities were awarded with Student Award for Academic Excellence • 4 Special Talks from Industry Experts • 26 teams of two from local and international universities participated in Student-Industry Geo-Quiz • 65 Free Student Membership Applications Student Court at London 2013.

EAGE Regional Conference KazGeo 2012

Students Student Membership 2013 EAGE Student Affairs has shown an approximate 6.1% in­ crease in student membership in 2013 (up until July 2013). We anticipate a continued increase as Student Affairs con­tinues to grow successfully, offering more opportunities for student members.

Past Student Activities (From July 2012 – June 2013)

75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2013 10-13 June 2013 - London, UK • 4-day parallel student programme including two Student Short Courses and one Student Workshop, Exhibition Tours, Challenge card draws and a Geo-Quiz.


30 October 2012 - Almaty, Kazakhstan • 1-day student programme conducted in English • 8 student poster presentations • Two student lectures and a motivation speech by industry professionals • 10 student travel grant and 4 PACE (students) grant winners • 20 full delegate student participants • 25 local students attending the student day only

FIELD Challenge 2013 10 June 2013 - London, UK The EAGE student FIELD Challenge (Fully Integrated Evaluation and Development) promotes cross-disciplinary geoscience and engineering integration within universities. The following multi-disciplinary university teams participated this year: • Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University • Heriot-Watt University Dubai • University of Pune • IFP School The winning team this year is Heriot-Watt University Dubai. Their team won €3000,-.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

SLT Russia & CIS 2012-2013 There was no SLT in Russia & CIS

SLT North Africa 2011-2012 Gradual Change of Fossil Energies vs. Alternative Energies By: Dr Louaï Machhour (Total) Locations: 1 Attendance: 100

SLT Latin America 2012-2013 Which Energy Resources for Our Future? A Challenge for a Sustainable Development By: Prof. Christian Chomat (Total Professeurs Associés) Locations: 6 Attendance: 212 Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling: Technology and Applications for Petroleum Exploration Risk and Resource Assessments By: Dr Bjorn Wygrala (Schlumberger) Locations: 1 Attendance: 87

SLT Asia Pacific 2012-2013

Pit Stop Challenge at London 2013.

Seismic Imaging Fundamentals with Asia Region Case Studies By: Dr Deva Ghosh (University Teknologi PETRONAS) Locations: 6 Attendance: 380

Student Lecture Tours 2012-2013 Student Lecture Tours (SLT's) were provided in Europe, Middle East, Russia & CIS, North Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific. Just over 2620 students and academics attended the tour at 48 university locations.

SLT Europe 2012-2013 Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling: Technology and Applications for Petroleum Exploration Risk and Resource Assessments By Bjorn Wygrala (Schlumberger) Locations: 31 Attendance: 1607

SLT Middle East 2012-2013 The Energy Resources in the Middle East; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow By: Dr Louaï Machhour (Total) and Dr Bernard Fourcade (Total Professeurs Associés [TPA]) Locations: 2 Attendance: 150 Seismic Imaging Fundamentals By: Dr Deva Ghosh (Universiti Teknologi Petronas) Location: 1 Attendance: 86

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Participants of a Geo-Quiz.


Student Chapters EAGE has been developing Student Chapters throughout the world, whose aim is to promote, attend and organize geosciences and EAGE activities among students in their area. As of June 2012, we have active student chapters in Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, United Kingdom, France, Romania, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Botswana, Colombia, Canada, Russia, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Egypt and Jordan. This year, in the online Geo-Quiz all EAGE Student Chapters battled for a place in the on-site Geo-Quiz during London `13. The Berlin Student Chapter, Heriot-Watt University UK and the MSU Student Chapter had the best results, earning them free attendance to the 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition in London, UK.

Supported Student Events 2012-2013 EAGE supported many student events throughout 20122013. Supported events included: • Latin American Geosciences Student Conference (Colombia) • Geographical Activity Programme (GAP) 2013 (Germany) • IGSC 2013 - (Germany) • Lustrumcongres Geologisch College Miölnir (The Netherlands) • 3rd Arheo-geophysical Student Field Camp (Serbia)

Support a Student Every year EAGE is forced to reject student applications for a sponsored EAGE membership, because of the limited amount of sponsored memberships that can be offered annually. During the 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, a new initiative is introduced to give more students the opportunity to benefit from an EAGE membership. With this new ‘Support a Student’ initiative, professionals can choose one or more students that he or she would like to sponsor. The professional can sponsor a student’s membership for a year for only € 25. EAGE’s student members enjoy not only the same benefits as regular members, but the many student activities give them the head start they need in their future careers.


Scholarships and awards 2012-2013 Scholarships and awards are an important aspect to EAGE Students, motivating students to further develop in the field of geosciences and appreciate their work. In 20122013 the following scholarship / awards were presented.

2012 Gustavo Sclocchi Award The Gustavo Sclocchi Award reached this year the 20th edition and is for the best theses in geosciences and petroleum engineering by any university graduates from Italian universities and Italian nationals graduated anywhere in the world. Presented to: • Roberto Calandrini (Politechnical School of Milan) • Andrea Dato (Politechnical School of Milan) • Fabio Miotti (Politechnical School of Milan) The following students received an honorable mention: • Simone Bertoli (Politechnical School of Turin) • Piergiacomo Bozza (Politechnical School of Turin) • Gabriele Chiappa Baghin (Politechnical School of Milan) • Giuseppe Malgesini (Southampton University) • Matteo Ravasi (Politechnical School of Milan) • Quinto Sacchi (Politechnical School of Turin)

Future Student Activities (From July 2013 and onwards) EAGE has many student activities planned for the coming year. The Student Programme continues to grow and many exciting programmes will be organized throughout the year offering students the possibility to further develop their skills in geoscience. Plans include to establish EAGE Student Chapters in more regions, further develop our website and online services, support more student events and be able to offer more sponsored student memberships via the 'Support a Student' initiative. Check the Student section on the EAGE website for a complete overview.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Publications EAGE publications are well respected in the geoscience industry. No less than five journals are published as well as several books on various geoscience topics.

First Break


UniQ System Sales

*Mark of Schlumberger. © 2012 Schlumberger. 12-se-0015

Volume 30 – Issue 9 – September 2012

Now available for lease or purchase The industry-leading UniQ* integrated point-receiver land seismic system from WesternGeco is now available for lease or purchase to both service and energy companies.

Special Topic

UniQ provides the most efficient execution of high-density onshore surveys in the industry. Recent awards and achievements include 200,000 live-channel capacity of continuous point-receiver acquisition Over 20,000 vibrator points per day with high-productivity source techniques

Reliability and in-built redundancy for over 98% average system uptime


■ ■

Included with the system hardware is integrated software for survey planning, data management, and point-receiver noise reduction and signal enhancement. Flexible support, training and maintenance options are available.

UniQ – Time to take the lead

14744-Cover FirstWestern Break 9 Geco.indd September.indd 1-3 CC02994-MA016 1

08-05-12 11:27

Technical Articles

Technology Feature


Orthogonal wide azimuth surveys: acquisition and imaging

The Nelson full field model: using iterative quantitative improvements

Technical presentations in geosciences: what do we really understand? Microseismic bootcamp on the way Wet suits for Arab Plate Workshop!

15-08-12 14:19

Petroleum Geoscience, a co-publication with the Geological Society of London, is still another favourite among EAGE members. The journal is specialized in providing a multidisciplinary outlet for the publication needs of those involved in the science and technology associated with rock-related petroleum disciplines. In 2012 it scored an Impact Factor of 1,500.


First Break continued to do well in 2012. This monthly publication steadily serves the geoscience and engineering community with industry news and a steady flow of technical articles, and special topics ranging from Land Seismic to Petroleum Geology and Basins. To serve our members in different regions First Break continuously publishes several articles with a regional focus and is online available in English, Spanish and Russian. Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering

Petroleum Geoscience

Recruitment Special

Every year in spring, EAGE publishes a special magazine focused entirely on the recruitment challenge in the industry. The Recruitment Special was successfully introduced in 2007 and contains many articles and interviews on various recruitment issues. The 2013 edition of Recruitment Special covers a broad range of articles from operators, service companies, academics, consultants and industry bodies. Special Features

Meet prof Iain Stewart, the geoscience media man Students set to fast forward the future Young talent forum set for an encore

Geophysical Prospecting Geophysical Prospecting, with an Impact Factor of 1,360 in 2012, is one of the leading journals in exploration geophysics. In June 2013 a special Anniversary Issue was published because of the 60 year anniversary of Geophysical Prospecting. This journal continues to be a favourite among the members of the Association.

Near Surface Geophysics Volume 11 · Number 4 · August 2013

issn 1569-4445 (print) issn 1873-0604 (online)

Near Surface Geophysics

363 Gravity anomaly modelling of multiple geological sources having differing strike lengths and arbitrary density contrast variations V. Chakravarthi and B. Ramamma 371 Detection of soil and groundwater domestic pollution by the electrical resistivity method in the West Bank, Palestine A. Sirhan and M. Hamidi

Near Surface Geophysics scored a record Impact Factor of 1,123 in 2012, hereby maintaining and consolidating its high ranking in the category of Geochemistry and Geophysics in the ISI Journal Citation Report. Near Surface Geophysics is well known as an international journal for the publication of research and development in geophysics applied to near surface. 381 Investigation of the Azraq sedimentary basin, Jordan using integrated geoelectrical and electromagnetic techniques P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan and A. Haroon

391 Data repeatability and acquisition techniques for time-domain spectral induced polarization A. Gazoty, G. Fiandaca, J. Pedersen, E. Auken and A.V. Christiansen

407 Real-time imaging and data analysis for shallow seismic data using a cloud-computing portal Z. Heilmann, G.P. Deidda, G. Satta and E. Bonomi 423 Automatic filtering of ERT monitoring data in mountain permafrost E. Rosset, C. Hilbich, S. Schneider and C. Hauck

435 Determining hydrological and soil mechanical parameters from multichannel surface-wave analysis across the Alpine Fault at Inchbonnie, New Zealand L.A. Konstantaki, S. Carpentier, F. Garofalo, P. Bergamo and L.V. Socco 449 GPR investigations at an Inca-Spanish site in Argentina N. Bonomo, A. Osella and N. Ratto

457 2D and 3D imaging of a buried prehistoric canoe using GPR attributes: a case study Z. Wenke, T. Gang, W. Bangbing, F. Emanuele, P. Michele, L. Jinxin, S. Zhanjie and L. Xuejing

465 Application of alternative seismic-stacking techniques to ringing noise removal from GPR data M. Rashed

Basin Research Basin Research is co-owned with the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) and published by Wiley-Blackwell. The journal publishes high impact research papers on sedimentary basin systems. In 2012 it scored an Impact Factor of 2,912.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

The making of a Russian geoscience star

Books The EAGE Bookshop still continues to develop and the interest in scientific books only increases. This year well over 1,300 books have been sold during the 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition in London. At the moment, the Bookshop offers a collection of over 600 scientific, academic and specialist books, USBs and CD-ROMS that are meant for professionals, students and anybody who is interested in the geosciences. EAGE members get attractive discounts on the book prices. Our wide assortment of publications covers many different fields of study within geology, such as: tectonics, environmental, petrology, stratigraphy, marine studies, economic geology, geophysics and geostatistics.

New in the EAGE Bookshop • Cognition in Geosciences - The feeding loop between geo-disciplines, cognitive sciences and epistemology, by P. Dell’Aversana • Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional Facies Models, by P.C.H. Veeken & B. van Moerkerken • Seismic Fracture Characterization: Concepts and Practical Applications (EET 8), by E. Liu & A. Martinez • Environmental Geophysics: Everything you ever wanted (needed!) to know but were afraid to ask! (EET7), by P. Styles


Ebooks EAGE has started to publish ebooks. 'Seismic Fracture Characterization: Concepts and Practical Applications' (EET 8), 'Cognition in Geosciences - The feeding loop between geo-disciplines, cognitive sciences and epistemology' and 'Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional Facies Models' are also available as ebook now. EAGE's ebooks are for sale in the online bookshop (

Publish with EAGE EAGE publishes books, magazines, journals, catalogues, newsletters and much more, in-house. EAGE’s extensive marketing network can be used to promote these publications. All publications are promoted and sold in EAGE’s online bookshop and during international conferences. Furthermore, reviews of books and interviews with authors and editors are published in EAGE’s monthly magazine First Break as well as on its website. For more information visit our website or send us an e-mail at

Regional Newsletters The regional newsletters were success­fully launched in 2010. The 8-20 page newsletЕ ters supply EAGE members and other inЯ dustry professionals in the region with the latest information on EAGE activities as well as being a helpful resource to identify key personnel and organizations dedicated to our goal of strengthening cooperation and shared knowledge in the geoscience and engineering community. The newsletters are distributed via First Break and via events and digital means. All newsletters are also available for reading on the EAGE website. EAGE NEWSLETTER


Выпуск №2 2013

Не останавливаться на достигнутом

ров России, касающиеся деятельности EAGE. Немного о себе. В 1986 г. я окончила Наци-

Глэдис Гонсалес,

президент EAGE в 2013-2014 гг.

хочу воспользоваться возможностью и представиться русскоязычным членам

Ассоциации. В 2013–2014 отчётном году полномочия президента Ассоциации буду исполнять я. В этой роли я обещаю самым тщательным образом учитывать все потребности сообщества геоучёных и инжене-


Какое событие стало причиной массового пермского вымирания?

«Санкт-Петербург 2014» откроет новые горизонты

вропейская ассоциация геоучёных и инженеров (EAGE) рада пригласить

ональный университет дель Сур в Аргентине со степенью бакалавра в области геологических наук. Затем я сразу пошла работать

вас принять участие в 6-й международной конференции и выставке «СанктПетербург 2014. Геонауки — инвестиции

в Национальный технологический научноисследовательский центр, занимающийся изучением структурной геологии бассейна

в будущее», которая состоится 7–10 апреля 2014 г. в Санкт-Петербурге. «Северная столица» с её представи-

Неукен (Аргентина). Моя карьера в области геофизики нефтегазовой отрасли началась с работы в компании Western Geophysical. Я занималась обработкой сейсмических данных

тельным геолого-геофизическим сообществом и выдающимися научно-исследовательскими институтами и университетами стала превосходной площадкой для про-

и получила самые разнообразные профессиональные навыки, занимая должности руководителя проекта, руководителя и куратора

ведения одного из крупнейших международных геолого-геофизических форумов в России.

группы. Основной сферой моих интересов была интеграция геологической информации в статические поправки и скоростные моде-

Каждые два года, начиная с 2003 г., город на Неве принимает конференцию «Санкт-Петербург», предоставляя гео-

ли малоразмерных структур бассейна Неукен, а также складчато-надвиговых поясов Аргентины и Боливии. В 2000 г. в компании

логам и геофизикам разных стран прекрасную возможность встретиться для обмена опытом и идеями, наладить со-

Paradigm я заняла должность старшего геофизика и заведующего отделом временной миграции до суммирования, AVO-анализа

трудничество ознакомиться с новейшими технологиями и при этом насладиться

и построения глубинного изображения в Южной и Центральной Америках. До этого я получила большой опыт, работая в таких

крупных геофизических компаниях, как GecoPrakla-Schlumberger и CGG в Южной Америке и США. В последние годы мой карьерный рост был связан с Paradigm, где в 2007 г. я заняла

A - Усиление катастрофической вулканической деятельности в Сибири

должность руководителя отдела инноваций, основной сферой интересов которого была широкоазимутальное анизотропное глубин-

B - Столкновение Земли с астероидом C - Внезапный выброс метана со дна моря

ное преобразование. С 2002 г. я также работала главным техническим консультантом по глубинному преобразованию и скорост-

продолжение на с. 3 ➤

В этом выпуске

Санкт-Петербург 2014


Геомодель 2013: событие года 4 Образовательные дни в Москве

Молодые профессионалы



ному моделированию в отделе продаж под-

См. ответ на с. 11

продолжение на с. 2 ➤

И другие темы...

Newsletters are available for the following regions: • Asia Pacific • Latin America • Middle East • North Africa/Mediterranean • Russia & CIS

EarthDoc  EarthDoc is EAGE’s geoscience library featuring +50,000 technical documents. At the start of 2007, EarthDoc contained roughly 4,170 papers and articles. By 2010, the number of published articles increased to more than 25,000 documents. As of this writing, the total reached more than 50,000 papers and articles (as shown in figure).


EAGE members have free access to EarthDoc (access to journal articles is on a subscription basis). Papers from EAGE events are always published two weeks prior to the event.

Scientific documents on EarthDoc 55000 50000 45000 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* * Expected per January 2014

EarthDat EarthDat ( is a portal to geophysi­cal models and software. The website provides exten­ sive search functionality. The website has been launched for EAGE members to: • Stimulate the use of common models • Use existing models/data from major efforts in the past • Stimulate use of models and methods across disciplines, e.g. seismology and seismic exploration • Stimulate use of open software, programmed at academia level and/or companies • Stimulate standardizations EarthDat offers specific support for Education and Research & Development (benchmarking and testing).

PACE Support Fund The Programme for Association and Co-operation in Earth sciences (PACE) focuses on geoscientists in devel­ oping countries. In connection with one of EAGE’s main goals (“to promote the application of geosciences”) the PACE fund strives to encourage the exchange of infor­mation and knowledge among the global geoscientific community. Several events received support the past year; 123 applications for a student travel grant to visit the 75th Annual Conference in London were approved. PACE is coordinated by the PACE Committee, consisting of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary-Treasurer and several representatives. The Committee members convene regularly to discuss projects to support and are in close contact with societies and institutions in many countries. Between July 2012 - June 2013 PACE Support has been given to the 'Conference on Earth Sciences and Environment Protection' by the Association of Hungarian Geophysicists, held from 27 September 2012 to 29 September 2012.

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013

Financial Report 2012 EAGE Association All figures in Euro (â‚Ź) x 1,000

Balance sheet at 31Â December

Financial Statement

Income Membership Net income EAGE Holding BV Financial revenues Total income

Actual 2012

Budget 2012

Budget 2013

569 506

510 164

535 403







Expenses Yearbook Business Office General Expenses Reserve

6 100 24 -

16 101 44 -

6 100 46 -

Total expenditure







Result for the year



4.061 4.728 1.076

3.559 4.375 1.421









Liquid assets



Grand total





















7 395

8 361





Fixed assets Share EAGE Holding BV Investments (bonds) Mortgages

Current assets Current Account EAGE Holding BV Amounts Receivable

Equity and Liabilities Surplus Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year

PACE fund Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year

GREEN Fund Balance from Previous Years Surplus Current Year

Liabilities Amounts Payable Deferred income Prepaid Membership Dues

Grand total

EAGE Annual Report 2012-2013


Our Sponsors July 2012 – June 2013 We would like to thank our sponsors for their continuous generous support to EAGE

C100 M90 Y10

M100 Y80 K10




C 100 M 52 J 0 N 15

R 0 V 94 B 158

Pantone 2945 C

N 50

R 156 V 158 B 159

N 100

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