Eagle Hill School - Compendium Fall 2020

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Contents FEATU RES Operation Diploma Delivery Texas Wisconsin California Maine2 Snapshots of a mulitstate and multicountry Massachusetts New York Puerto Rico surprise diploma delivery. OPERATION Pennsylvania Maryland Maine DIPLOMA DELIVERY Commencement 2020—Faculty Address New Jersey Michigan Virginia C 5 Recognizing and cultivating your strengths. Bermuda Florida Connecticut




Commencement 2020—Student Address We were still a community together, even though we were apart!


Commencement 2020—Ode to the Class of 2020 Dr. McDonald's annual graduation poem.


Commencement 2020—The Class of 2020


Eagle Hill School Loyalty Club and Giving Roster






Message from the Head of School


The Annual Giving Fund


End of Year Awards


School Honors and Traditions


Welcome to Eagle Hill Connect



On Saturday, May 30, 2020, Operation Diploma Delivery was underway. This was a massive, coordinated, covert, multistate and multicountry effort to have each senior's diploma delivered to him or her in person by an alum, a parent, a past parent, a trustee, a faculty member, or a friend of EHS. In the midst of an unprecedented pandemic and global uncertainty, the privilege to personally hand-deliver diplomas to graduates will undoubtedly go down in Eagle Hill’s history as one of our most memorable and happiest moments.

Texas Wisconsin California Maine Massachusetts New York Puerto Rico OPERATION Pennsylvania Maryland Maine DIPLOMA DELIVERY New Jersey Michigan Virginia Bermuda Florida Connecticut



Maine New Jersey Bermuda CaliforniaMassachusetts Florida OPERATION Connecticut Pennsylvania Maryland DIPLOMA DELIVERY Virginia Michigan New York

Puerto Rico Texas Maryland


COMMENCEMENT 2020-Faculty Address

Recognizing and cultivating your strengths.


Transcript of the 2020 faculty baccalaureate address by Mrs. Kim Bonica, English teacher and student advisor

Welcome and congratulations to family and friends and, most importantly, to the Class of 2020! I know that today is bittersweet for many of us, as we would prefer to celebrate this graduating class as a community and a family, in person, but, like any family would, we have prioritized safety first. However, today’s nontraditional ceremony does not diminish the significance of your accomplishments, as we come to celebrate the completion of your high school career and the transition

to your next steps as adults who are moving on to make your marks on the world. You have worked incredibly hard to get to this milestone; you have faced many challenges, some successfully and some still a work in progress, and now you are ready to apply the lessons that life has taught you thus far about overcoming obstacles through effort and determination. As a teacher, I value hard work and intellectual curiosity, and I understand

the role that they play in one’s success. However, are these elements alone the key to achievement? What other components should we consider? Competitive spirit? Intrinsic motivation? Self-confidence? Should we move forward independently with our eyes fixed squarely forward, or should we use others as a measuring stick for our own progress? I think that it is human nature, at any age, to look to our peers in order to evaluate ourselves and our behavior, to some degree. While I do think COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 5

that there is something to be said about learning from the accomplishments and mistakes of those in our lives, though, in my experience, constantly looking to others in order to assess our progress isn’t the healthiest method of inspiring motivation. We all have our own individual strengths and weaknesses, our own pace, and our own path, and constant comparison can cloud our recognition of our accomplishments and strengths. After many years pursuing my own education, pushing to stretch myself academically, when I picture the epitome of intellectual curiosity and promise, I immediately think of . . . my older sister. Now, referencing my sister’s performance instead of my own may not be what many of you were expecting, so let me provide some context. My sister, Kristen, is three and a half years older than me, but upon meeting us for the first time, many people ask if we are twins. Despite our clear physical resemblance and similarly sardonic sense of humor, however, we have wildly different personalities, interests, and strengths. Logical, structured, and somewhat rigid, Kristen can be guarded with folks she doesn’t know well, but she strives to make a positive impact on the world around her, routinely volunteering her time helping others, such as working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation or building houses for Habitat for Humanity. I, on the other hand, tend to improvise more often than not, have very few natural organizational skills and rely almost entirely on lists, reminders, and alerts on my phone and calendar in order to survive as an adult, and I am a veritable golden retriever with 6 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

new people in small groups, just happy to be here! My sister is absolutely my best friend, but our differences are deeper than mere personality traits. From her very first year of life, Kristen has always been extraordinary, and my awareness of that has been deeply and personally impactful. When I asked my mother when she first realized that Kristen was different from other children, she told me a story about one of my sister’s early pediatric appointments. While her doctor was measuring her head circumference to track

Our strengths are not merely those skills in which we excel, but rather those skills that bring us joy.”

the fusion of her skull plates, a common practice for children in their first two years, Kristen quite casually began reading the numbers on the tape measure to him. Shortly after turning two, my sister decided that she wanted her own library card, since she felt that she had graduated from sharing one with my parents. My mother dutifully brought her to the public library, where the librarian informed my mom that the minimum age for card membership was five years. Kristen was not pleased, but the librarian insisted that card holders needed to be able to read in order to be issued a card, so my sister nonchalantly walked to the bookshelf, selected a Little Golden book, and read it to the librarian, who immediately issued her the card,

which Kristen then signed, herself, since, doesn’t every toddler insist on writing her own name when she gets her first library card!?!?!?!?! In addition to early reading, Kristen showed great aptitude for numbers and memory. My mom says that shopping with her could be daunting when she was little, as Kristen would routinely tell strangers the addresses, ages, birthdays, phone numbers, and social security numbers of family members, since she had them all memorized. These early milestones and other accelerated skills led to enrollment in gifted and talented programs, including summer elementary school classes where she would study other languages, chemistry, robotics, and other such academic pursuits that one would expect for the average third grader, right? When we moved to a new town, though, Kristen didn’t like that the gifted program there was actually a pull-out program and she would be responsible for the work missed in her regular classes, too, so she dropped the gifted program and settled for merely taking honors and advanced placement classes in high school, completing each with ease and earning As and Bs while rarely, if ever, bringing home a book. Anyone with an older sibling, particularly if that sibling shares the same gender, knows that the elder is 100% the standard of normalcy to which we initially compare ourselves; I was no exception to this tendency, and the effects of this comparison were quite apparent from an early age. My parents, having only Kristen for reference, would frequently try to

engage me in the same sorts of enrichment activities that she had enjoyed at the same age. Needless to say, my experience with these ventures was significantly different. I would actively avoid even attempting pursuits in which Kristen had excelled, often to my own detriment, as this cut me off from exploring skills that I may actually have enjoyed. More significant, though, was the impact on my view of myself, as I quickly developed a pervasive, inaccurately pessimistic view of my own capabilities. For example, for the majority of my life, I have stated that I was a late bloomer in reading and that I initially struggled with the reading process. However, in chatting with my parents to find examples and anecdotes as I prepared to write this speech (I’m a writing teacher-research is EVERYTHING!), my mother informed me that I was a fluid reader around the age of three. I was absolutely stunned when she told me that I had actually been an early reader, just like my sister, but that because I hadn’t been child-prodigy-level early, I had internalized the idea that I had actually struggled as a reader and had been late to the game. Clearly, my reference point for what constituted success was somewhat skewed. Making matters worse was the fact that my own strengths and my sister’s strengths were diametrically opposed. See, despite Kristen’s early reading prowess, her true gifts lay in science and math, whereas I excelled in humanities and art, and while I had shown initially good number sense, as I got older and math became more complicated, I began to have significant difficulty in this subject. This caused intense anxiety,

which was exacerbated by my perception that my sister could easily master complex mathematical concepts. I simply could not visualize or follow multistep equations or complicated expressions, and when Kristen tried to help me with math homework, she would often mentally skip steps without realizing it, leading to total meltdowns on my part; in my estimation, this was explicit proof that I was absolutely, without a doubt, the stupid sibling. The fact that

To what degree do we continue to compare ourselves to others, and how does that truly impact us and our journeys in life?”

family members and folks who knew me well would routinely reassure me that I was, indeed, intelligent and capable fell on deaf ears; I pretty much figured it was their job to make me feel better about myself, even if it meant lying directly to my face. While I went out of my way to avoid putting my full effort into any form of academic work, lest I try my hardest and still not stand up to Kristen’s capabilities, I did eventually excel in both English classes and visual arts. I quickly realized that these were relative weaknesses for my sister (well, English was a relative weakness…to this day, she still can’t draw anything more recognizable than a stick figure), and I did actually begin to push myself in these areas, with noticeably good results, such as inclusion in honors programs for English

and writing. However, at the same time, I also developed a disconcerting habit of deflecting any form of recognition of my hard work or success. Compliments on a skillful piece of writing or successfully reading the room while completing a presentation would be brushed aside as “useless soft skills,” and whenever someone would remark favorably on my artwork, I would immediately respond by pointing out all of the elements of it that I felt didn’t measure up to my extremely talented cousin, who had actually attended art school. I simply couldn’t see what other people saw and, what’s worse, I completely devalued the things that I was good at, instead referring to them as mere trivialities instead of actual skills. I was unable to see my strengths for what they were. In College Orientation, Mrs. Kelly teaches that our strengths are not merely those skills in which we excel, but rather those skills that bring us joy. Because I constantly used Kristen’s path to gauge the success of my own wildly different one, I denied myself recognition of my strengths and, therefore, full enjoyment and appreciation of them. This habit persisted through my college years when, upon graduating magna cum laude, I pointed out to a friend that I had only earned an English degree, not something “useful.” Because I spent so much time looking at Kristen, I couldn’t see myself. I really didn’t truly learn to appreciate and cultivate my strengths until I graduated from college and began teaching. For one thing, teaching at a school focused on educating students who often have language-based learning differences made me realize that many of COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 7

my students viewed reading and writing with the same anxiety that I held towards math. Additionally, I saw that a lot of my students had the same lack of confidence in their own abilities that I had experienced in school, and, much like me, it was clouding their ability to see, pursue, and truly appreciate their strengths. Soon I made it my mission to help my students find their potential, and also to, in some way, share my enjoyment in making connections through reading. In order to do that, I had to figure out how to help them learn the process of making those connections and choose books that reflected their interests and personalities . . . you know, making use of those “pointless soft skills” that I am so good at? Additionally, I have focused on taking kids who remind me of myself, who avoid putting in full effort because they fear that the result won’t measure up, and helping them to realize that they are far more capable than they think, that they can actually do the things that I am asking them to do. Some of my most rewarding moments as a teacher have been when alumni return after their first year of college to inform me that the freshman writing requirement wasn’t so bad, after all.

myself. I realized that, in order to best model healthy behavior for my students, I would have to change my own habits and mindset. I started actively monitoring my own speech patterns for instances where I discounted my own skills or worth, seeking to avoid those moments and instead to take ownership of my value. Not only did this provide a positive influence for the kids in my class, but it also truly helped me heal some of the damage I had done to my own self-worth.

as smart as Kimberlee.” I didn’t realize it at the time, but she was completely right. By focusing on what I perceived to be lacking in myself, I denied myself the opportunity to recognize and enjoy who I was and what I could actually accomplish.

Over the years, I have pushed myself outside of my comfort zone, as well. Children and teens are in the process of growing and exploring who they will become as adults, and that process often includes adopting some of the habits of

Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and this statement really strikes me on a deep level. To what degree do we continue to compare ourselves to others, and how does that truly impact us and our journeys in life? Where is the line between checking our own progress versus losing our identity and worth? It may be tempting to compare ourselves with those around us, but I say that this is a habit that we must break, because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and everyone’s journey is different, with different challenges and successes. What is easy for some may be challenging for others, but we often forget that there is not a single

So what does this have to do with graduating and heading off to your new adventure, you may ask. Well, you are about to enter uncharted waters for yourself, meeting new people and becoming part of a totally new community. You are leaving your family and your safe space behind, and the temptation to immediately begin comparing yourself to the people you meet will be overwhelming. When we are unsure of ourselves, we often look to others to see how to proceed. Don’t fall victim to the tendency to use that comparison as the measure for your own worth. While I fully recognize that it is not realistic to assume that every single one of you will blaze a shining path of extroversion and independence straight out of the gate, I urge you all to move forward with the confidence that you and your strengths have value. You are intelligent. You are hardworking. You are enough. When you falter or lose your way, look back at the struggles that you have overcome and know that you are fully capable and ready to take on more challenges. Don’t fall into a pattern of doubt, negative self-talk, and dismissing your successes. You are celebrating your graduation today, not as

the adults with whom they spend a good deal of their time. I would frequently chide my students about self-deprecating “humor” or negative self-talk, but I would consistently engage in that very behavior,

person who doesn’t stumble somewhere along the way. When I was a child, I would frequently tell my mother that I would never be as smart as Kristen, and she would unfailingly reply, “No, you will be

some fluke of luck, but through your own strength, intelligence, and determination. These are the capabilities that you have cultivated and which will carry you through to success in the next stages of your life.


Don’t fall victim to the tendency to use that comparison as the measure for your own worth.”


Annual Giving


ALL IN The Annual Giving Fund exclusively supports our faculty compensation initiative, which includes salary, retirement, and professional development funding. Support of the Annual Giving Fund is crucial to our ability to employ the very best of the best. It’s also a resounding statement of gratitude for their effort and impact. Please take the next step in securing Eagle Hill’s place at the forefront of education for learning diversity by showing your support today.

www.eaglehill.school/support-ehs T: 413.477.6000 E: development@eaglehill.school


COMMENCEMENT 2020-Student Address

We were still a community together, even though we were apart!


Well, here we are at our delayed graduation . . . considering the path to EHS is never a straight line, it is appropriate that our graduation would take some extra effort! None of us came to EHS for the sparkling social life of Hardwick or the easily accessible location (a highlight of our social life is a weekly trip to Walmart). It seems everyone has their own story of frustration and loss of years before we rang the EHS bell (or at least most of us . . . Dr. McDonald, I still need to do that!). 10 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

Transcript of the 2020 student graduation address by Connor Ryan

I still remember when I was younger my mom told me that I had a special graduation year, 2020. Wow, I didn’t realize how special this would get! This is not what I was expecting by “special.” A lot is being said about what the class of 2020 has missed, those typical high school rites of passage of prom, last sports seasons, spring events, parents' weekend, and senior week. I believe how we are responding to this unprecedented time is what we will truly remember. It is remarkable that from

the time the school closed the campus to the time we all logged onto our virtual classrooms was only two days! We were still a community together, even though we were apart! Sure, the campus is great, top-notch, better than some colleges, but the community and the interactions we have is what makes this place so special. I would like to begin with some thank yous. First, Dr. McDonald, thank you for creating an atmosphere conducive to

learning and shall I say almost fun, but safe as well. My thanks to you and the rest of the team. Thank you, Mr. Moreland, for being the best advisor ever, and being there for me whenever I needed to talk. Thank you to Mr. Blais; I met you on my first day here and you have been my math teacher all two and a half years, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Thank you to Dr. Kim. Just like Mr. Blais, you have been my writing teacher for almost two and a half years, but your technique and style have shaped me to become the writer I am. Thank you, Dr. Raymond, for the greatest chemistry class of all time. Mr. Ward, for teaching me the ins and outs of anatomy of the human body. Thank you, Mr. Kanozek, for helping me look at sports and writing as two very similar mediums and how they can be intertwined. Thank you Mrs. Bonica, and Mr. Bliss. While I never had you as teachers, I am happy that I can call you now my friends. And, thank you, Mr. Geary, for helping me with the college process, the essay edits in the application crunch time, and being a great supporter. And thank you to all of Eagle Hill’s incredible teachers; there will always be a special place in our hearts.

with your college thing going on, but there was not a day that went by that I wasn’t proud of you, not only on the field but off the field as well. I always look up to you as my brother and friend. So thank you. Finally, I would like to thank all my friends, whether it was my basketball teammates, my fellow theater members, or a classmate of mine, you have made Eagle Hill a truly special place and you hold a special place in my heart.

taught me to be myself and to have fun, whether it’s being around Stanley and his two daughters and their dog, or watching Leyva coaching the girls’ basketball team or just playing his guitar. Trust in yourself and trust in the adults around you.

I would also like to thank my family. Mom, you found Eagle Hill for me. I was skeptical at first, but after the first day I realized it was the place for me and I can’t thank you enough for that, and to Nana for making it happen. Dad, you have come

Beyond all of the amazing people, there were three things that stood out to me that make Eagle Hill so special. I hope that as we move on from Eagle Hill that we take away these important life lessons: the importance of trust, hard work, and commitment. We learned the importance of these values at EHS and I hope we will all take them with us as we leave. We learned trust from the teachers. The teachers here know how to teach things in a different way and will do anything to make sure a student understands. Most importantly, the teachers want to see us succeed and they want to celebrate our accomplishments. This is evident in the dorm life as well. Mr.

Next, we learned the value of hard work. Now, obviously this can be shown in the classroom, but I also found it on the athletics side of things. I originally was a two-sport athlete. I loved basketball, but baseball was my favorite. When I discovered baseball wasn’t at EHS, I was a little disappointed, as I still love the game, but I knew my education was more important than that. So basketball it was and I worked and worked. I didn’t play my sophomore year, as I came in halfway through the year. But my junior and senior year I was blessed. I was given my two favorite coaches: a tall, burly man who is always cool, calm, and collected; and then on the opposite end was a little ball of energy who will scream at you for not being in a defensive stance. These two people of course are Coach Myra and Coach Coughlin. I never had Mr. Myra as a teacher, but I feel as if I gained the wisdom he imparts to his students. He taught me how to be a leader on and off the court, to go into everything with the right attitude, and to always put your best foot forward. Coach Coughlin I did have for a teacher. She was my PE teacher and I also was her AD intern, which I thought was a fancy way of saying “do the athletes’ laundry,” but

to this campus more times than I can remember, whether it was for my shows, basketball games, or just coming to visit me. I will always cherish those moments. And AJ, I know I don’t see you as much

Foley introduced me to living on my own and he helped me with that transition. And I don’t think I would become the person I am today without the help from these two men: Mr. Stanley and Mr. Leyva. They

it was much more than that. Making the schedules for the week, getting the med kits ready, and setting up the courts. She does not get nearly as much credit as she deserves and it was an honor to be your wingman.

Important things that we will take away with us: trust, hard work, and commitment.”


As hard as I worked, I don’t believe I was as hard of a worker as fellow senior Weston Schumacher. Weston was a three-sport athlete at EHS for 4 years. He is now on his way to Mitchell to play lacrosse and we wouldn’t have been able to win a championship without him. I also would like to thank Mr. Jones, Charlotte Marvin, Mrs. Robidoux, and Mr. Francoeur for working with me. And finally, the last value: commitment. Now, commitment is a value that can be found in every high school and it is not unique to Eagle Hill. There are so many ways to get involved at EHS with all of the activity choices. I really learned about the value of commitment through theater. When I was younger, I always thought of playing college basketball at Duke and then playing in the NBA for the Boston Celtics (I mean, hey! I was a kid!), but then I found the EHS Theater Department. In fact, I will be furthering my theater education at Muhlenberg College with a yet-to-be determined second major. And just like


most things in life, you have to stay focused on your commitment. I also found three of my closest friends in theater, bonding through our similar experiences. There were days I didn’t want to do it, especially in the winter where I would have school, basketball, and a tech rehearsal all in one day. I hated that tech week in January, but it taught me so much. It taught me how to keep pushing, get my homework done, and not to procrastinate. Plus, I was working with a man that I have so much respect for—Mr. G. Besides being a fantastic director, he was my teacher in stage combat. He is genuinely one of the nicest people on this planet. He would get to know you and just talk to you as if you were one of his peers and he created an environment in theater that I couldn’t wait to walk into every day. I still remember when I met him: he took me out of a writer’s workshop class during my sophomore year and asked if I wanted to be in Les Mis, as I had shown interest. After my first rehearsal I wasn’t so sure, but after a day of blocking and working

through the movements with, Mr. G, I knew I wanted to be part of something special. I officially did six, almost seven, shows with Mr. G., which I would have been in green tights for the last one, but his commitment to the craft and details is impeccable (along with Mamma G) and I also found my second dad in Mr. Mercier, who if you didn’t know is one of the most exceptional people and is another one that would literally build mountains (sets) for us. My final message to the class of 2020, just keep going. Born in the shadow of 9/11 and now graduating in this unprecedented time. We will overcome it! We are the Senior Skip Day champions, the Quarantined Class. Continue to build your community, keep in touch with one another, keep working hard, and keep being yourself. And remember, “sometimes we are tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.” Congrats to the class of 2020. It sure will be one to remember.

COMMENCEMENT 2020-End of Year Awards Ronald M. Baglio Student Life Leadership Awards: Lana Lauer ‘20 and Connor Ryan ’20 Be Like Brit Award: Charlotte Marvin ’22 Egenberg Character Award: Vitalyi Schreuer ’20 Headmaster’s Cup: Harrison Stern ’20 Thomas A. Schneider Entrepreneurial Award: Luke Blumencrantz ’21 Arts Department Plaque: Connor Ryan ’20 Athletes of the Year: Zoe Fish ’21 and Weston Schumacher ’20 Citizenship Award: Chumani Heard ’20 and Connor Ryan ’20 Classics Certificate: Carter Benninghoff ’20 and Harrison Torrans ’20 Computer Applications Plaque: Charlotte Marvin ’22 Computer Science Plaque: Charlie LaStage ’22 Diversity and Social Justice Plaque: Tejas Varma ’22 English Department Plaque: Kipp Wharton ’20 History Department Plaque: Cameron Dike ’22 Math Department Plaque: Connor Ryan ’20 Physical Education Plaque: Layth Shehadeh ’23 and Teya Tribuna ’21 Pragmatics Department Plaque: Chumani Heard ’20 Reading Department Plaque: Alex Golioto ’21 Science Department Plaque: Harrison Stern ’20 Student Council Excellence Award: Connor Ryan ’20 Student Council Rookie of the Year: Max Zimmer ’23 Student Council Service Award: Luke Blumencranz ’21 and Angus Lodge ’20 Student Council School Spirit: Charles Shoemaker ’20 World Languages Plaque: Clare McCartin ’20

NBS Outstanding Faculty Award: Mrs. Kim Bonica The Norma B. Shields Award is named for one of the founding members of the Eagle Hill School community and is given each year to the faculty member who best exemplifies Mrs. Shields’ unyielding, heartfelt dedication to the students of Eagle Hill School. Kneeland Distinguished Service Award: Ms. Ashley Green The Thomas A. Kneeland Distinguished Service Award is awarded annually to a member of the faculty or staff who consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty and who continually strengthens the EHS community in a quiet, dignified, and unassuming way. Student Council Faculty Appreciation Award: Mr. Mike Richard The award is presented to a faculty member who has built a mutually respectful relationship with their students, challenges them as individuals and has taken the time to stop and pick them up when they needed it.

FACULTY MILESTONES OF SERVICE 5 Years Regina Donahue Thomas Hopper Rick Macdonald Natalie Mays Tony McCaffrey Douglas Passineau Kara Rys

15 Years Michael Begin Jessica Geary Colleen Groner Elaine Parmenter 20 Years Jenna Hubacz Ken Leyva Diana Mackiewicz Jason Przypek

10 Years Tyler Blais Michael Foley Will Gelinas Casey Kane Germaine Koczur Katherine Poulson

25 Years Robert Begin Laurel Nahorniak

30 Years Carol Lorion Karen Nastasi


COMMENCEMENT 2020-Ode to the Class of 2020

Go light up the world, and make us all proud.


Transcript of the Ode to the Class of 2020 by Dr. PJ McDonald

From Shrewsbury she came, arriving junior year

Next is Alex Balduzzi, who is simply fantastic

Squealing tires announced, when Bella Army was here

A social justice champion, they’re beyond enthusiastic

Volleyball and basketball, she helped her teams win

A three-season athlete, between swimming and crew

And now she’s off to Florida, to study at Lynn

Not to mention an artist, and an amazing one, too

Her humor will be missed, by many of us here

Next off to Warren Wilson College, due north in Vermont

Especially Mrs. Cranford, who holds her so dear

In a student and a person, what more could you want?


Miss Isabel Barner, is known for her heart

Another one from Texas, the gentleman Chance Curd

And the way she expresses herself, pure beauty through art

He’s quiet and thoughtful, sometimes speaking not a word

Always so determined, she sets her own bar very high

Thank goodness he’s a gentleman. Trust me, if you had seen

In classes, and in fitness, how hard she does try

Him work the heavy bag, you’d know what I mean

Next stop is a gap year, and then to Colorado she goes

New Mexico Military Institute, next where he will go

How lucky for U Denver, the school that she chose

They’re lucky to have him, that much I know

From Australia, then New Jersey, to Hardwick she came

Taryn Del Valle is from Belchertown, just down the street

A very serious student, Lily Beitle is her name

Basketball, soccer, tennis . . . she loves to compete

She’s empathetic and caring, we know that for sure

Compassionate and kind, and always with a smile

Her support for the underdog, will always endure

For her teammates and her friends, she’ll go the extra mile

The College of Charleston, where she’s headed next year

Queen’s University in Charlotte, is getting a star

Best of luck my friend Lily, you’ll always have fans here

With such a positive outlook, she’s bound to go far

He hails from Pittsburgh, the Steel City, PA

Hailing from Concord, an easy shot down Route 2

Carter Benninghoff is a robotics whiz, that we can say

Of Damon DeMarco I speak, a fine young man through and through

He is also a rower, working hard in crew

He loves anatomy and physiology, a huge fan of Mr. Ward

A great student and friend, he always remains true

He came into his own this senior year, when his academics really soared

He’s off to great things, we can’t wait to see

A future in veterinary medicine, looks like the path he may choose

All that he’ll accomplish, next year at RIT

This talented lacrosse player to Becker, we’re sorry to lose

Lucas Blocher came from Houston, escaping Texas heat

Lauren Dietz is a worker, always pushing for her best

Funny fact, he’s never full, you should see him eat

She’s quiet but strong, her example leading the rest

His enthusiasm is infectious, eager to learn and to do

Hailing from Bermuda, a two-hour flight away

He’s also a great singer, and speaks several languages, too

She’s turned into quite a squash player, man can she play

A gap year to start, and then when that is through

Meteorology her goal, she’s off to Northern Vermont U

He’ll keep on being awesome, down at Hofstra U

Best of luck in your studies, and order some sunny weather, too

And now Sasha Brown, who is a cybersecurity pro

Young Olivia Gordon, has been here since freshman year

Using digital forensics, he’s always in the know

Her amazing athletic prowess, causing other teams fear

Also on ski club, and for a while he played

Persistent and strong, yet caring and kind

Ultimate Frisbee but then stopped, leaving Mr. Geary dismayed

She’s loyal and compassionate, and always with an open mind

Heading to Champlain College, where he’ll continue to pursue

Mrs. Coughlin will miss her, she helped run our sports scene

All of his many passions, and succeed he will do

She’ll be joining my son Griffin, next year at Dean


Everett Healy is from the Vineyard, the town of Chilmark

Jacqui Krotman is worldly, she’s lived overseas

A friendly debate, he’s always willing to spark

In cross-country and triathlon, she covered miles with ease

He loves politics and the Patriots, always yearning to discuss

Her friendship with Izzy, is sure to endure

Politely, and respectfully, never causing a fuss

And she never misses a chance, for a fresh manicure

He’ll be staying in Mass, off to intern from here

Next up, Manhattanville, a great school indeed

Then to Clark University, after his gap year

We will miss you, dear Jacqui. Best of luck and godspeed

Chumani Heard yearns, for a more equitable society

Livy Larson commutes, from nearby Charlton, Mass.

Starring in social justice classes, she’s taken every variety

She is a soccer standout, who can run, shoot, and pass

A dedicated student, all four years she’s been here

The hardworking daughter, of parents Dawn and Rob

She won the diversity and social justice award, in just her sophomore year

A testament to her work ethic, while at school she held a job

She is also an athlete, we’re sad to see her depart

Staying close to home, just down the road at Quinsigamond CC

But we know she’ll do wonderfully, next year at Sacred Heart

Where she’ll continue to star, her diligence the key

Sawyer Hurley had no problem, when learning went online

Lana Lauer has been a gift, all the way from L.A.

You see he’s a computer guy, so he settled in just fine

She’s super involved, and works hard every day

He’s creative, and a maker, the STEM Center his station

Leading all school meetings, commanding the stage

Where his great mind was free to create, many a creation

Leading student council, her guidance and wisdom were sage

Staying in Massachusetts, where he’ll attend Merrimack

She’s off to Chapman University, back to the west coast

We’ll miss you young Sawyer, make certain you come back

Her work is now done here, of her time we will boast

An artist, a friend, and with academic acumen there's no one better

His presence and stature, of the intimidating kind

Apt descriptors of Avery Judge, once they’ve met her

But nothing compares, to Penn Lehman’s incredible mind

A top-tier student, she was tailor-made for IB

A history buff first-rate, he knows all the worldwide conflicts and dates

We are on pins and needles, to see what her future might be

He also knows tonnage, with Mr. Macdonald lifting weights

Her vast knowledge and potential, has never been in dispute

He’s headed to St. Lawrence, where he’ll continue to learn

She’ll amaze them this fall, at Pratt Institute

Miss Alwis’s “ ‘little’ ray of sunshine,” will brightly burn

Hailing from the Badger State, this Wisconsinite did arrive

The hardest part, of Ash LoConte’s verse

Hannah Kolsky’s honesty and candor, ensured she would thrive

Is that six lines for her time, just might be too terse

She tells it like it is, no mincing of a word

Starring in soccer and basketball, plus robotics she did do

And from both Leyva and Bonica, many a word she heard.

And oh by the way, she got a D-1 scholarship in crew

She’ll stay right here in Mass, furthering her knowledge

Plus woodworking and a prefect, the list can’t be beat

Next year as a freshman, she too to Dean College

Taking her talents to Loyola Maryland, where in rowing she’ll compete


My dear friend Angus Lodge, just saying his name makes me smile

When Julia Martin arrived from Brooklyn, we had no way to know

A cross-country superstar, racing mile after mile But the single greatest thing, about this incredible young man

The remarkable impact she would have, this community so sad to see her go.

Is the absolute pureness in his heart, I’m a huge fan

An IB student, an athlete, and so very talented in art

He’s traveled the world, the pictures we’ve seen

You’ve made us all proud, as you will at Sacred Heart

I expect frequent updates, next year from you at Dean

Julia and I share a birthday, on May thirty-one of each year And as her honorary godfather, today I join her actual godfather

A throwback to the past, with his vintage typewriter,

AB Whitfield in shedding a tear

But of Amin Lotfi’s future, it has never been brighter An inquisitive young man, with interests galore

Clare McCartin came to Hardwick, from beautiful Cape Cod

He likes catching fish, and maybe cooking them more

To her academic achievements, an honor cord is a nod

He’ll be attending Emerson come fall, as he said it’s “his dream school”

She worked very hard, and as a tutor helped others do the same

About Amin doing great things, not the exception but the rule

On crew, swimming, and soccer, many meets and many games Your EHS time is over, but your journey is not

Peter Mahoney is independent, not much guidance he requires

Good luck in the next chapter, next year at Endicott

He’s always on the right path, to succeed he desires A swift runner in cross-country, the young man has real speed

Some rules can be broken, but some you should never break

Mrs. Nahorniak will miss him, both on the course and in math, indeed

Like don’t get between Ashley Mintz, and her post-workout shake

Hardworking, mature, never one to complain

Hours lifting weights, all that time in the gym

He’ll be a model college student, next year at Champlain

Mr. Macdonald will miss you, I think you inspired even him Never judge a book by its cover, inside so caring and kind

Chris Malley from Jersey, he’s a racquet sports guy

Lasell is getting a good one, much success you will find

Played squash and tennis, and gave acting a try He Instagrams and he Tik Toks, two things I don’t know

Adam Montgomery came north, from Springfield VA

And he motors around in his Jeep, he handles it like a pro

Ever so cheerful, never seems to have a bad day

Be careful in that Jeep, Chris, keep it on all four tires

He’s a positive force, a role model at this school

Best of luck at Providence, we all chant Go Friars

And a talented swimmer, blazing laps in the pool Headed off to Merrimack, to study in the fall

Nelson Mallick has capped off, an impressive four years

Stay true to who you are, Adam, and go have a ball

He always does what’s right, and expects the same from his peers A three-season athlete, with plenty of stamina to spare

Fierce and competitive, is young Kenzi Morein

In cross-country, triathlon, and swimming , you can’t catch him I swear

Watch her play her three sports, you’ll see what I mean

Student council and prefect, not simply a jock

She’s also loyal, and genuine, a true confidant

Go keep being awesome at Lynn, our faculty think you rock

When it comes to being a friend, she’s all you could want


It’s been an exciting five years, isn’t that right, Karan and Mark?

On the court and on the field, he sent many an opponent a-walking

Now go tackle the world, Kenz, for High Point you embark

A life journey made for a movie, when on this earth he first arrived Parents Gayle and Michael now crying, how their little baby has thrived

And now Spencer O’Brien, from Wilton, CT He puts a smile on the face, on whoever he does see

Charlie Shoemaker has acquired, quite the long list

A stalwart on the swim team, ever setting the pace

Of sports that he’s played . . . there aren’t many he’s missed

And he ran cross-country, always eager to race

He’d run cross-country, and swim in the pool

Also in the movie club, a legit cinema buff

Then compete on the triathlon team, representing our school

Off to Mansfield Hall, where no doubt he’ll do great stuff

He also gave squash a try, and he golfed on the team He’ll be busy at Champlain College, if you’re getting my theme

Connor Ryan’s a young man, with some serious skills On the court and on stage, the audience he thrills

When fatigue or exhaustion, should be taking their tolls

But far more importantly, he’s an all-around great guy

Harrison Stern just looked about, for more leadership roles

With the foundation he built here, his ceiling is high

Student council, an intern, and leading orientation

In only a few moments, he’ll deliver his departing speech

He has come further than all, when considering his start in relation

Then off to Muhlenburg College, for greater heights he will reach

And, oh yeah he’s the endangered turtle ambassador, and a traveler to boot

Vitalyi Schreuer is quiet, humble, and even reserved And among the most reliable, and honest I’ve observed A hardworking tech intern, he played multiple sports Loves cribbage and backgammon, a renaissance man of sorts Vitalyi gets involved, and gets active you see This will serve him well, next year at N-E-I-T Play her in tennis, and you’re in for a shock There’s just too much talent, to beat Thana Schrock A serious young woman, she took her academics to heart She impressed the faculty, even with the late start One piece of college advice, as I know you like to sleep late Make sure the alarm clock is set, and at Assumption you’ll do great Is there a finer young man, than Weston Schumacher A leader of his peers, but not a big talker Rather he led by example, he let his hard work do the talking


Great things ahead at the University of New England, the next place he’ll take root Even in Hardwick winters, you could see for a mile The radiance and joy, of Lorenzo Suarez’s grand smile His good nature and willingness, to help those in need Makes friends seek him out, his advice they do heed He brought both warmth and cheer, from his home in Puerto Rico First doing a gap year, then he’ll decide where he wants to go They say everything is bigger, in the Lone Star State The home of Harrison Torrans, who determined his own fate I’m proud of you, Harrison, for when you were at a fork in the road You determined your own future, and from that moment haven’t slowed After six years on the Hill, you’re fully prepared to achieve Next stop U of Denver, in you we believe

From the island of Puerto Rico, we had another fine man Sports of all types, always a part of Robbie Trapaga’s grand plan Mrs. Nastasi can attest, that his imagination never waned When discussing delayed work, always creatively explained But alas he did his assignments, he completed them all Which is why he’ll find success, at Hofstra University come fall Right out of Central Casting, is this young man from Jersey Shore Griffin Veazey definitely looks the part, but he has proven so much more A phenomenal athlete, starring in soccer and lacrosse And he swims like a fish, his departure our loss. Now he’s off to Marist, where they will soon find That Griffin is amazing, legit one of a kind From the island of Bermuda, from where Kipp Wharton came Impeccably tailored, high style is his game He takes in art, and literature, and museums he peruses And he speaks freely and intelligently, on any topic he chooses. Always on the honor roll, he’ll bless them at St. John’s Kipp is a legit rock star . . . all pros and no cons And last but not least, we’ve reached the final student right here Of Tyler Whitman I speak, who arrived just this year. But the short window of time, did not lesson his impact Reinforcing Dr. Riendeau’s love of teaching, you became one of his all-time favorites, in fact. From one Hill to another, choosing Eagle over Primrose a wise choice Best of luck at Catholic University, go find your own voice So there it is, my ode to twenty-twenty So many great seniors, character and talent aplenty This is not how we imagined it, getting short shrift this pandemic year But our love for you is boundless, that much is clear

SCHOOL HONORS AND TRADITIONS Prefect Stoles The white stoles, presented at the baccalaureate ceremony, designate those students who are graduating with Prefect status. Prefect is the highest level of the Eagle Hill privilege system and is an honor that can be held by only ten percent of the school population. Prefects are chosen by vote of the entire Eagle Hill School faculty and are leaders within the Eagle Hill community. The stoles are marked with the Eagle Hill School seal and the designation of Prefect.

Honor Cords The gold honor cord, presented at the baccalaureate ceremony, is worn by a student who has maintained academic excellence throughout his or her Eagle Hill School career. To achieve academic excellence a student must have made honor roll in every term that he or she has been enrolled at Eagle Hill School.

IB Medals The International Baccalaureate medal, presented at the baccalaureate ceremony, is worn by students who have completed the IB Diploma Programme, a rigorous, challenging, and balanced two-year university preparation program.

Go light up the world, and make us all proud And we await your arrival back on campus, as soon as we’re allowed. COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 19




Lynn University

Champlain College

Gap YearClark University




Warren Wilson College

New Mexico Military Institute

Sacred Heart University




Gap YearUniversity of Denver

Queens University of Charlotte

Merrimack College




College of Charleston

Becker College

Pratt Institute–Main

Rose Army

McMillan Balduzzi

Maritza Ortiz Barner

Xue Beitle

Curtiss Brown

Creed Curd

Dolores Del Valle

Anthony DeMarco

Crowell Healy

Cara Heard

Emmet Hurley

Bryn Judge

International Baccalaureate



Northern Vermont University –Lyndon

Dean College




Gap YearHofstra University

Dean College

Manhattanville College


Ryan Kauffman Benninghoff Rochester Institute of Technology

Anthony Blocher


Vanessa Dietz

Rose Gordon

Paige Kolsky

Xochitl Krotman




Quinsigamond Community College

Champlain College

Merrimack College




Chapman Univeristy

Providence College

High Point University




St. Lawrence University

Lynn University

Champlain College (Mansfield Hall)

Rose Larson

Martin Mahoney

Christopher Montgomery

Honor Cord

Valentina Lauer

Edward Malley

Grace Morein

Prefect Stole

Peter Bowen Lehman

Edward David Mallick Honor Cord Prefect Stole

Philip O’Brien




Loyola University Maryland

Sacred Heart University

Muhlenberg College

Maria Hassler LoConte

Giselle Martin

Richard Ryan

International Baccalaureate

Honor Cord Prefect Stole




Dean College

Endicott College

New England Institute of Technology

Prefect Stole

Kealy Lodge

Elizabeth McCartin Honor Cord Prefect Stole

William Doyle Schreuer




Emerson College

Lasell University

Assumption College

Sherif Lotfi

Madeline Mintz

Somaly Schrock

Honor Cord





Mitchell College

Gap Year

Marist College




Champlain College

University of Denver

St. John’s College




University of New England

Hofstra University

Catholic University of America

Michael Schumacher

Fransisco Suarez Bragan

Randall Veazey

Prefect Stole

Joseph Shoemaker

David Stern

Lee Torrans

Jaime Trapaga Meyer

Kipp Wharton

Stephen Whitman

Prefect Stole




HAVE ALUMNI/AE NEWS TO SHARE? Whether you have a new job, opportunity, or passion, let us know about it! Email alumni@eaglehill.school so we can hear about your amazing accomplishments and feature you in upcoming announcements.


With well over five hundred members active on the site, Eagle Hill Connect serves as the one-stop shop for all of your Eagle Hill news and resources! Enjoy the newly created EHS Career Toolkit, a growing library of helpful documents and videos from some of the best sources in this space, such as partnerships with Colgate University and their prominent Career Services Department and companies such as Indeed and TED. Stay up-to-date with publications such as Pioneer Pulse, sign up for alumni/ae events, and explore jobs and potential network contacts in your field or area. Visit www.eaglehillconnect.org to register for this free and valuable opportunity! If you have any questions or need networking assistance, email Matt LaCoille at mlacoille@eaglehill.school.

FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA! For the entire Eagle Hill Community: twitter.com/EagleHillSchool facebook.com/eaglehillschool/ instagram.com/eaglehillschool/ For alumni/ae: facebook.com/groups/officialehsalumnipage/ instagram.com/eaglehillschoolalumni/



Annual Giving


Thank you for your 2019-20 contribution.

Eagle Hill School Loyalty Club Membership in the Loyalty Club recognizes the contributions of our most dedicated donors. Membership is granted to donors who make gifts of any amount to support the annual giving campaigns in five or more consecutive years, including the current year. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Allen Ms. Candace Alsop Ms. Elizabeth W. Alsop ’00 Mrs. Jane Alwis Mr. John P. Amershadian and Ms. Denise Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Matt Andresen Mr. John Atwill and Ms. Maree Graham Mr. Bruce W. Baber Dottie Bachtold Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ballard Jr. Mr. James Barkus Mr. Michael Begin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Begin Mr. Alden J. Bianchi and Ms. Mary Kett Dr. Harlan F. Bittner and Dr. Rebecca B. Bittner Mr. Tyler Blais Ms. Pat Bock Mrs. Kimberlee Bonica Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Brecher Mrs. Sara Callahan ’02 Ms. Susan A. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Coughlin Dr. E. Jane Cronin Rich and Erin Cummings


Mrs. Jeanne M. Cutrona Mr. Eric Dannheim and Dr. Lori Quinn Dannheim Mr. Frank Diliddo Ms. Regina Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dube Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dubzinski Jr. Mr. Steven J. Dykstra Mr. Ricardo Escobar ’81 and Mrs. Ingrid Escobar Mr. Daniel J. Feinblatt ’14 Mr. and Mrs. David Feinblatt Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fenton Mr. Richard P. Flaster and Mrs. Alice P. Mead Mr. Erik Fleming and Ms. Torrance Watkins Mrs. Sandra A. Flower Mr. Michael Foley and Ms. Marcella Comerford Mr. and Mrs. Shane R. Francoeur Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gaskill Jr. Mr. Jed Geary and Mrs. Jessica Geary Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gee Mr. William Gelinas Ms. Jeanne Goldberg and Ms. Deborah Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Grafe Mr. Laurence Green and Ms. Karen Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Groman Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hanauer Mr. Christopher J. Hancock Mr. Dana Harbert Mr. and Mrs. W. Guy Harley Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Haseltine Ms. Rosemond M. Haseltine ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopper The Howard Bayne Fund Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hoyt Mrs. Jenna Hubacz Dr. Chiu Hwang Mr. Robert Isabella Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jacobsmeyer Mr. R. Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Alan Joubert Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge Mrs. Casey Kane Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kanozek

Mr. David Kaplan and Ms. Christine Brown Mr. Scott T. Kelley Mr. Edward Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Kelly Mr. William Kennard and Ms. Deborah Kennedy Mr. Richard V. Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Koczur Mrs. Diann Kosla Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. LaCoste Lamoureux Ford, Inc. Mr. Christopher R. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson Jr. Mr. Kenneth Leyva Mr. Scott M. Lincoln and Mrs. Amy A. Auman-Lincoln Mrs. Donna Linnehan and Mrs. Joyce Ward Ms. Donna J. LoConte and Dr. Lisa M. Hassler Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lorion Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Louie Rick and Jessica Macdonald Mrs. Diana T. Mackiewicz Mr. Daniel H. Mackinson ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mahony Ms. Robin Majcher Ms. Tatyana Malyk Ms. Natalie H. Mays Dr. and Mrs. Anthony McCaffrey Mr. William McCartney and Ms. Patricia Bachmann Dr. and Mrs. PJ McDonald Todd C. and Julie L. McDonald Ms. Wendy L. McFaul Mr. and Mrs. David Merjan Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merriam Mr. Scott Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Moreland Mr. and Mrs. George P. Munsey IV Ms. Antonietta Murphy Mr. Jeffrey Myra Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Myra Ms. Laurel Nahorniak Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nastasi Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Parrish Mr. Douglas Passineau Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson Plumb Mr. Simon M. Polakoff ’10 Ms. Katherine M. Poulson Mr. Jason Przypek

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Raymond Mr. Michael J. Richard Mr. James Richardson Mr. Jason L. Richardson ’83 Dr. Michael P. Riendeau and Mrs. Mary Ann Riendeau Mr. Marshall Robinson ’03 Rich Rosen and Millie Zweir Mr. Mark Rust and Ms. Kimberly Clark-Rust Mr. and Mrs. David Sabini Mrs. Robin L. Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shaughnessey Mr. and Mrs. Abbye M. Silver Ms. Nancy J. Skamarycz Mrs. Cheryl A. Southwick Mr. and Mrs. David Spath Mr. Alan D. Sporn Mr. Gary R. Sporn ’96 Ms. Kathleen St. John-Richard Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Staiti Mr. and Mrs. Travis Stolgitis Dr. and Mrs. Eric Stone Mr. Mark Tally and Ms. Teresa Andre Ms. Katherine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Domenic P. Triola Mr. Dirk van Luling Dr. Douglas C. Waite and Dr. Martha B. Waite Ms. Marilyn A. Waller and Mr. Doron Weinberg Ms. Nan Waller Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Jochen Welsch Ms. Stephanie Whitaker Mr. E. J. White and Rev. Kathryn White Mr. Andrew Wingate and Dr. Tanya Bilchik Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witt The Wynne Baglio Family Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Wynne Mr. and Mrs. Neil Zelekowitz Mr. Benjamin E. Zorfas ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Zorfas


Headmaster’s Circle - Gold Leader

Oak Society

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Andresen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Archipley II Mr. Eric Blumencranz and Ms. Jessica Berner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Charrington Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merriam Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morein Ms. Camila Pastor and Mr. Stephen E. Maharam Mrs. Abigail F. Steller ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Zimmer

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gerson Mr. and Mrs. David Merjan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman Mr. and Mrs. William Wharton III

$25,000 and up

Headmaster’s Circle - Silver Leader $15,000 - $24,999

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bernier Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Dyckerhoff Mr. Max Herrnstein and Ms. Danielle Curi Thesseling Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Whitman

Headmaster’s Circle - Bronze Leader $10,000 - $14,999

Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Blocher Ms. Sarah L. Boles and Mr. David Norris Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Dreisbach Mr. James Finkelstein and Ms. Pamela Gross Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gruber Mr. Michael E. Haskett Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins Ray and Anne Hyer Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Lanaro Mr. Christopher R. Larson Mr. M. Sherif Lotfi and Mrs. Wassila J. Guiga-Lotfi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Malley Mr. and Mrs. Ira Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roffler Mr. and Mrs. Hamburg Tang Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zisson

Donor is a member of the Loyalty Club 26 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

$7,500 - $9,999

Founder’s Circle $5,000 - $7,499

Mr. John S. Bowen (Penn Lehman ’20) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell Dr. Craig M. Curd and Dr. Deborah J. Gennero Mr. Alexander T. Dike and Ms. Siobhan S. Flynn Mr. Ricardo G. Fernandez and Mrs. Marlene Roque Mr. Erik Fleming and Ms. Torrance Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Granahan The Howard Bayne Fund Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Judge Mr. William Kennard and Ms. Deborah Kennedy Ms. Tina Kim Mr. Claude Maechling and Ms. Carrie McNally Mr. James Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schrauth Mr. and Mrs. Basil Synodinos Mr. and Mrs. Craig Unterberg Ms. Marilyn A. Waller and Mr. Doron Weinberg Dr. Eugene Zappi and Dr. Laura Buccheri Zappi

Benefactor’s Society $2,500 - $4,999

Ms. Candace Alsop Mr. John Atwill and Ms. Maree Graham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bafaro Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Brecher Dr. E. Jane Cronin Ms. Kimberly Dreier Mr. Greg Fontana and Mrs. Julie McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Gnazzo Mr. and Mrs. Vasilios Haseotes Mr. and Mrs. John Jelke Dr. David Kauffman and Mr. Mark Benninghoff Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Kolsky Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lehman

Mr. and Mrs. Andy LeStage The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCartin Dr. and Mrs. PJ McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Terrence W. Olson Mr. Michael J. Orend and Ms. Toni Michelle Peluso Mr. Lucius Palmer and Ms. Sloane Lederer Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson Plumb Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rasmussen Dr. and Mrs. Brad E. Richman Dr. Michael P. Riendeau and Mrs. Mary Ann Riendeau Rollstone Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tribuna Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. von Hoven Mrs. Frank Weise (Andrew Beers ’23)

Hardwick Society $1,000 - $2,499

Anonymous Mr. Bruce W. Baber Dr. Pierluigi Balduzzi and Dr. Margaret McMillan Mr. Alden J. Bianchi and Ms. Mary Kett Mr. Christopher P. Corcoran and Ms. Stella M. Corcoran Rich and Erin Cummings Mr. Eric Dannheim and Dr. Lori Quinn Dannheim Davidowitz Foundation E&R Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. David Feinblatt Mr. Richard P. Flaster and Mrs. Alice P. Mead Mrs. Stephanie Frost Mr. and Mrs. Stephen George Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gesund Mr. Scott C. Gordon and Ms. Lynn N. Wright Mr. Laurence Green and Ms. Karen Hershey Mr. Christopher J. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. W. Guy Harley (Nicolas Keller ’22) Mr. William Hoover and Dr. Ingrid Thranov Insurance Marketing Agencies, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge Ms. Stacey A. Kinnamon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeMaitre Ms. Donna J. LoConte and Dr. Lisa M. Hassler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Lodge Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Louie Rick and Jessica Macdonald Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mahoney III

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Mr. and Mrs. James A. Marvin Mr. William McCartney and Ms. Patricia Bachmann Abby Mintz Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moody Dr. Susan Mooney and Ms. Tish Mooney Dr. Rosanne Murray Mr. and Mrs. Brett Nardini Mr. David O’Brien and Ms. Karin Triester O’Brien Mrs. Debora Odom Stern Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roncaioli (Ainslee Rotondo ’22) Mr. Mark Rust and Ms. Kimberly Clark-Rust Mr. Michael G. Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. David Spath Ms. Kathleen St. John-Richard Mr. Mark Tally and Ms. Teresa Andre Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Trapaga Mr. and Mrs. Domenic P. Triola Mr. John G. Valentino and Dr. Christy P. Valentino Mr. Marc Van Der Hout and Ms. Jody LeWitter Dr. Douglas C. Waite and Dr. Martha B. Waite The Wynne Baglio Family Mr. and Mrs. Neil Zelekowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Zorfas

Green and White Club $500 - $999

Mr. John P. Amershadian and Ms. Denise Hanlon Dr. Harlan F. Bittner and Dr. Rebecca B. Bittner Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Carver VI Ms. Katie A. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Connors Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Granville L. Fleming Mrs. Michelle Garfinkel Mr. Jed Geary and Mrs. Jessica Geary Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Goldman Ms. Karen Goudey and Mr. Kurt Staven Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hanauer Mr. Dana Harbert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hosking The Howell Charitable Family Foundation Mr. Robert Isabella Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Kenig Lamoureux Ford, Inc. COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 27

Dr. Nikolajs Lapins and Mrs. Denise Lapins Ms. Anne M. Lederer (Schuyler Palmer ’23) Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lorion Dr. and Mrs. Anthony McCaffrey Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nastasi Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright Palmer (Schuyler Palmer ’23) Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Parrish Rich Rosen and Millie Zweir Mr. and Mrs. John Rucci Ms. Judith B. Schumacher (Weston Schumacher ’20) Ms. Lisa T. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Abbye M. Silver Dr. and Mrs. Eric Stone Mr. Andrew Wingate and Dr. Tanya Bilchik Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witt

Friendship Club $1 - $499

Mr. Alessandro H. Abys ’12 Mr. Stephen Ahearn Mr. and Mrs. William F. Aldrich Dr. Christopher Allen and Dr. Stephney Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Allen Ms. Elizabeth W. Alsop ’00 Mrs. Jane Alwis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Amidon Mr. David Annunziata Ms. Molly Archambault Donor is a member of the Loyalty Club 28 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

Dottie Bachtold Dr. Juan A. Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ballard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Barba Mr. James Barkus Mr. Patrick A. Beers Mr. Michael Begin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Begin Mr. Tyler Blais Mr. Cody J. Bliss ’12 Ms. Marcia Bobka Ms. Pat Bock Mrs. Kimberlee Bonica Mrs. Kaye Boothman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Botwinick Mrs. Kacie L. Breeds Ms. Cira L. Brown ’04 Ms. Marcy Brown Mrs. Jamie L. Caban Mrs. Sara Callahan ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Campos Mrs. Sally K. Carrona Mr. and Mrs. Culley C. Carson IV Ms. April Rose Carter Ms. Susan A. Casey Ms. Velvet N. Chestnut ’14 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Christie Mrs. Carolyn I. Ciccotelli ’08 Ms. Mallory Colby Dr. and Mrs. R. Timothy Connors Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. David Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Crump Ms. Caroline G. Curtis ’14 Mrs. Jeanne M. Cutrona Ms. Michelle K. Czuber ’17 Mr. Peter W. Deininger ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DeLaney Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Del Valle Ms. Elizabeth J. Dichiara Mr. Frank Diliddo Mr. and Mrs. Brad Doherty Ms. Regina Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dube Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dubzinski Jr. Mr. Steven J. Dykstra Ms. Linda C. Eason Mr. James Ehlen

Mr. Ricardo Escobar ’81 and Mrs. Ingrid Escobar Mr. Daniel J. Feinblatt ’14 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fenton Ms. Laura Fields Ms. Justine E. Flaster ’12 Mrs. Sandra A. Flower Mr. Michael Foley and Ms. Marcella Comerford Mr. and Mrs. Shane R. Francoeur Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gaskill Jr. Mrs. Elaine P. Gauthier Mr. William Gelinas Mr. Bernard S. Gengel ’10 Mr. Richard J. Gengel ’13 Ms. Isabella Gentleman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Geraghty Ms. Jeanne Goldberg and Ms. Deborah Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. Seth Gottlieb Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Grafe Ms. Ashley Green Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Grinnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Groman Cory Grondin Ms. Tammy L. Grondin Ms. JoAnn Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Haseltine Ms. Rosemond M. Haseltine ’14 Mr. David Haynes II and Ms. Heather A. Hyatt-Haynes Ms. Jen Hobby Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holden Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopper Mrs. Jenna Hubacz Dr. Chiu Hwang Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jackson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jacobsmeyer Ms. Erin Johnson Ms. Tabitha Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Josh W. Jones Mr. R. Michael Jones Mr. and Mrs. Alan Joubert Ms. Taylor A. Judge ’07 Ms. Devon Jurczyk Mrs. Casey Kane Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kanozek

Mr. David Kaplan and Ms. Christine Brown Mr. Scott T. Kelley Mr. Edward Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Kelly Mr. Richard V. Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Koczur Ms. Chris Komenda Ms. Diann L. Kosla Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krauss Mr. Matthew S. LaCoille Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. LaCoste Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Lagrant Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lavoie Mr. and Mrs. Van D. Lessig Mr. Kenneth M. Leyva Mr. Scott M. Lincoln and Mrs. Amy A. Auman-Lincoln Mrs. Donna Linnehan and Mrs. Joyce Ward Ms. Katherine M. X. Lodge ’19 Mr. Jeffrey Y. J. Louie ’00 Ms. Susan L. Lubelczyk Ms. Carmela Lucich Villarreal Mrs. Diana T. Mackiewicz Mr. Daniel H. Mackinson ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mahony Mrs. Crystal Mailhot Ms. Robin Majcher Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. Mallery Jr. Ms. Tatyana Malyk Mr. James F. Marrs Mr. and Mrs. Denos P. Marvin Ms. Natalie H. Mays Mr. Maxwell J. Mazurczak ’15 The McDade Family Todd C. and Julie L. McDonald Ms. Wendy L. McFaul Mr. Brian S. McGill ’94 Ms. Catharine S. Mehl Mr. Carl Mercier Mr. Scott Metcalf Mrs. Jacqulyn Miarecki Ms. Debbie K. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Moreland Mr. and Mrs. George P. Munsey IV Ms. Antonietta Murphy Mr. Jeffrey Myra Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Myra Ms. Laurel Nahorniak COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 29

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nash . and Mrs. Thomas Osterman Mr. Douglas Passineau Ms. Lee C. Passios Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phaneuf Mr. Sebastian Phillips ’16 Mr. Jonathan A. Phinney ’06 Mr. Simon M. Polakoff ’10 Ms. Katherine M. Poulson Mr. Jason Przypek Ms. Alicia J. Quigley and Mr. Ryan Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Rabbitt Ms. Isabel Raskin Dr. and Mrs. Richard Raymond Ms. Jennifer Ricchiazzi Ms. Caryl Rice Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Rice Mr. Michael J. Richard Mr. Jason L. Richardson ’83 Mr. Wesley A. Richardson Mr. Marshall Robinson ’03 Ms. Hannah N. Roseberry ’13 Mr. and Ms. Richard A. Rosenlev Ms. Johanna M. Ruggiero Mr. Peter Ryzewski Mr. and Mrs. David Sabini Mrs. Robin L. Samuelson Ms. Birgit Schmidt-Wesche Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shaughnessey Ms. Nancy J. Skamarycz Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Snider Mrs. Cheryl A. Southwick Mr. Alan D. Sporn Mr. Gary R. Sporn ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Staiti Mr. Matthew R. St. Jean ’16 Mr. Carl W. Stockwell ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Travis Stolgitis Mr. and Mrs. David Sylvestro Mr. Colin G. Thompson Ms. Katherine Thompson

Donor is a member of the Loyalty Club 30 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

Mr. Dirk van Luling Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wagner Ms. Nan Waller ( Josh Waller-Weinberg ’07 and Gabe Waller-Weinberg ’10) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Jochen Welsch Carla H. Westcott Ms. Stephanie Whitaker Mr. E. J. White and Rev. Kathryn White Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Wynne Mr. Benjamin E. Zorfas ’12

Current Families Dr. Pierluigi Balduzzi and Dr. Margaret McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Barba Mr. Patrick A. Beers Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bernier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Blocher Mr. Eric Blumencranz and Ms. Jessica Berner Mr. John S. Bowen (Penn Lehman ’20) Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown Ms. Marcy Brown Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Campos Mrs. Sally K. Carrona Mr. and Mrs. Culley C. Carson IV Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Carver VI Mr. and Mrs. Peter Charrington Ms. Katie A. Clarke Mr. Christopher P. Corcoran and Ms. Stella M. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. David Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Crump Dr. Craig M. Curd and Dr. Deborah J. Gennero Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Del Valle Mr. Alexander T. Dike and Ms. Siobhan S. Flynn Ms. Kimberly Dreier Mr. and Mrs. Jason W. Dreisbach Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Dyckerhoff Mr. and Mrs. David Feinblatt Mr. Ricardo G. Fernandez and Mrs. Marlene Roque Ms. Laura Fields Mr. James Finkelstein and Ms. Pamela Gross Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Fish Mr. and Mrs. Granville L. Fleming Mr. Greg Fontana and Mrs. Julie McMahon

Mrs. Stephanie Frost Mr. and Mrs. Stephen George Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gerson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Gesund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Gnazzo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Goldfarb Mr. and Mrs. Seth Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Granahan Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. W. Guy Harley (Nicolas Keller ’22)

Mr. and Mrs. Vasilios Haseotes Mr. Michael E. Haskett Mr. Max Herrnstein and Ms. Danielle Curi Mr. and Mrs. William Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holden Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hosking Ray and Anne Hyer Mr. and Mrs. John Jelke Mr. and Mrs. Josh W. Jones Dr. David Kauffman and Mr. Mark Benninghoff Ms. Tina Kim Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Kolsky Mr. and Mrs. Eric Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Lanaro Ms. Anne M. Lederer (Schuyler Palmer ’23) Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Andy LeStage Ms. Donna J. LoConte and Dr. Lisa M. Hassler

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Lodge Mr. M. Sherif Lotfi and Mrs. Wassila J. Guiga-Lotfi Mr. Claude Maechling and Ms. Carrie McNally Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Mahoney III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Malley Mr. and Mrs. James A. Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCartin The McDade Family Ms. Debbie K. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moody Dr. Susan Mooney and Ms. Tish Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morein Dr. Rosanne Murray Mr. David O’Brien and Ms. Karin Triester O’Brien Mrs. Debora Odom Stern Mr. Michael J. Orend and Ms. Toni Michelle Peluso Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Osterman Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright Palmer (Schuyler Palmer ’23) Mr. Lucius Palmer and Ms. Sloane Lederer Ms. Lee C. Passios Ms. Camila Pastor and Mr. Stephen E. Maharam Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson Plumb Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Rabbitt Ms. Isabel Raskin Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Ira Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Brad E. Richman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roffler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roncaioli (Ainslee Rotondo ’22) Mr. and Ms. Richard A. Rosenlev Mr. and Mrs. John Rucci Mr. Michael G. Saliba Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schrauth Ms. Judith B. Schumacher (Weston Schumacher ’20) Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schumacher Ms. Lisa T. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Snider Mr. and Mrs. Basil Synodinos Mr. and Mrs. Hamburg Tang Jr. Thesseling Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Trapaga Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Tribuna Mr. and Mrs. Craig Unterberg COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 31

Mr. John G. Valentino and Dr. Christy P. Valentino Dr. and Mrs. Eric S. von Hoven Mrs. Frank Weise (Andrew Beers ’23) Mr. and Mrs. William Wharton III Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Whitman Dr. Eugene Zappi and Dr. Laura Buccheri Zappi Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Alex Zisson

Alumni Families Mr. Alessandro H. Abys ’12 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Aldrich Dr. Christopher Allen and Dr. Stephney Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Allen Ms. Candace Alsop Ms. Elizabeth W. Alsop ’00 Mr. John P. Amershadian and Ms. Denise Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Matt Andresen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Archipley II Mr. John Atwill and Ms. Maree Graham Mr. Bruce W. Baber Dr. Harlan F. Bittner and Dr. Rebecca B. Bittner Mr. Cody J. Bliss ’12 Ms. Sarah L. Boles and Mr. David Norris Mr. and Mrs. Gary Botwinick Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Brecher Ms. Cira L. Brown ’04 Mrs. Sara Callahan ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Carroll Ms. Susan A. Casey Ms. Velvet N. Chestnut ’14 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Christie Mrs. Carolyn I. Ciccotelli ’08 Rich and Erin Cummings Ms. Caroline G. Curtis ’14 Mrs. Jeanne M. Cutrona Ms. Michelle K. Czuber ’17 Mr. Eric Dannheim and Dr. Lori Quinn Dannheim Mr. Peter W. Deininger ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DeLaney Ms. Elizabeth J. Dichiara Ms. Linda C. Eason Mr. Ricardo Escobar ’81 and Mrs. Ingrid Escobar Mr. Daniel J. Feinblatt ’14 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Fenton Donor is a member of the Loyalty Club 32 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

Ms. Justine E. Flaster ’12 Mr. Richard P. Flaster and Mrs. Alice P. Mead Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gee Mr. Bernard S. Gengel ’10 Mr. Richard J. Gengel ’13 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Geraghty Ms. Jeanne Goldberg and Ms. Deborah Gottesman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Goldman Mr. Scott C. Gordon and Ms. Lynn N. Wright Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Grafe Mr. Laurence Green and Ms. Karen Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Grinnell Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Groman Dr. and Mrs. Lonnie Hanauer Mr. and Mrs. W. Guy Harley (Nicolas Keller ’22) Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Haseltine Ms. Rosemond M. Haseltine ’14 Mr. David Haynes II and Ms. Heather A. Hyatt-Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Hollis Mr. William Hoover and Dr. Ingrid Thranov Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jacobsmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Judge Ms. Taylor A. Judge ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Judge Mr. David Kaplan and Ms. Christine Brown Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Kenig Mr. William Kennard and Ms. Deborah Kennedy Ms. Stacey A. Kinnamon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Koczur Dr. Nikolajs Lapins and Mrs. Denise Lapins Mr. Christopher R. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Van D. Lessig Mr. Scott M. Lincoln and Mrs. Amy A. Auman-Lincoln Ms. Katherine M. X. Lodge ’19 Mr. Jeffrey Y. J. Louie ’00 Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Louie Mr. Daniel H. Mackinson ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mahony Dr. and Mrs. Carl F. Mallery Jr. Mr. James F. Marrs Mr. Maxwell J. Mazurczak ’15 Mr. William McCartney and Ms. Patricia Bachmann

Dr. and Mrs. PJ McDonald Mr. Brian S. McGill ’94 Ms. Catharine S. Mehl Mr. and Mrs. David Merjan Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merriam Abby Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Moreland Mr. and Mrs. George P. Munsey IV Ms. Antonietta Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nash Mr. and Mrs. Terrence W. Olson Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Parrish Mr. Sebastian Phillips ’16 Mr. Jonathan A. Phinney ’06 Mr. and Mrs. J. Hudson Plumb Mr. Simon M. Polakoff ’10 Mr. Jason Przypek Mr. Jason L. Richardson ’83 Mr. Marshall Robinson ’03 Ms. Hannah N. Roseberry ’13 Rich Rosen and Millie Zweir Ms. Johanna M. Ruggiero Mr. Mark Rust and Ms. Kimberly Clark-Rust Mr. and Mrs. David Sabini Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Abbye M. Silver Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Spath Mr. Alan D. Sporn Mr. Gary R. Sporn ’96 Mrs. Abigail F. Steller ’08 Mr. Matthew R. St. Jean ’16 Mr. Carl W. Stockwell ’00 Mr. Mark Tally and Ms. Teresa Andre Mr. Colin G. Thompson Mr. Dirk van Luling Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wagner Dr. Douglas C. Waite and Dr. Martha B. Waite Ms. Marilyn A. Waller and Mr. Doron Weinberg Ms. Nan Waller ( Josh Waller-Weinberg ’07 and Gabe Waller-Weinberg ’10) Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Weiss Carla H. Westcott Mr. Andrew Wingate and Dr. Tanya Bilchik Mr. and Mrs. Neil Zelekowitz Mr. Benjamin E. Zorfas ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Zorfas

Current Faculty & Staff Mr. Stephen Ahearn Mrs. Jane Alwis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Amidon Mr. David Annunziata Ms. Molly Archambault Dr. Juan A. Bacigalupi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ballard Jr. Mr. Michael Begin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Begin Mr. Tyler Blais Mr. Cody J. Bliss ’12 Ms. Marcia Bobka Ms. Pat Bock Mrs. Kimberlee Bonica Mrs. Kacie L. Breeds Mrs. Jamie L. Caban Ms. April Rose Carter Ms. Velvet N. Chestnut ’14 Ms. Mallory Colby Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. David Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Brad Doherty Ms. Regina Donahue Mrs. Sandra A. Flower Mr. Michael Foley and Ms. Marcella Comerford Mr. and Mrs. Shane R. Francoeur Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gaskill Jr. Mrs. Elaine P. Gauthier Mr. Jed Geary and Mrs. Jessica Geary Mr. William Gelinas Ms. Isabella Gentleman Ms. Karen Goudey and Mr. Kurt Staven Ms. Ashley Green Cory Grondin Ms. Tammy L. Grondin Mr. Christopher J. Hancock Mr. Dana Harbert Mr. David Haynes II and Ms. Heather A. Hyatt-Haynes Ms. Jen Hobby Mr. and Mrs. Jason Holden Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hopper Mrs. Jenna Hubacz Dr. Chiu Hwang Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Jackson Jr.


Ms. Erin Johnson Ms. Tabitha Johnson Mr. R. Michael Jones Ms. Devon Jurczyk Mrs. Casey Kane Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Kanozek Mr. Scott T. Kelley Mr. Edward Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. Kelly Mr. Richard V. Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Koczur Ms. Chris Komenda Ms. Diann L. Kosla Mr. Matthew S. LaCoille Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Lagrant Mr. Kenneth M. Leyva Mrs. Donna Linnehan and Mrs. Joyce Ward Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Lorion Ms. Susan L. Lubelczyk Ms. Carmela Lucich Villarreal Rick and Jessica Macdonald Mrs. Diana T. Mackiewicz Mrs. Crystal Mailhot Ms. Robin Majcher Ms. Tatyana Malyk Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin Ms. Natalie H. Mays Dr. and Mrs. Anthony McCaffrey Dr. and Mrs. PJ McDonald Ms. Wendy L. McFaul Mr. Carl Mercier Mr. Scott Metcalf Mrs. Jacqulyn Miarecki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Moreland Mr. Jeffrey Myra Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Myra Ms. Laurel Nahorniak Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Nastasi Mr. Douglas Passineau Ms. Katherine M. Poulson Mr. Jason Przypek Ms. Alicia J. Quigley and Mr. Ryan Merrill Dr. and Mrs. Richard Raymond Ms. Jennifer Ricchiazzi Ms. Caryl Rice

Donor is a member of the Loyalty Club 34 EAGLE HILL SCHOOL | COMPENDIUM FALL 2020

Mr. Michael J. Richard Dr. Michael P. Riendeau and Mrs. Mary Ann Riendeau Mr. Marshall Robinson ’03 Mr. Peter Ryzewski Mrs. Robin L. Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shanks Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Shaughnessey Ms. Kathleen St. John-Richard Mr. and Mrs. Travis Stolgitis

Dr. and Mrs. Eric Stone Ms. Katherine Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Jochen Welsch Ms. Stephanie Whitaker The Wynne Baglio Family

Friends of Eagle Hill School Dottie Bachtold Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Bafaro Jr. Mr. James Barkus Mrs. Kaye Boothman Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Connors Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Timothy Connors Dr. E. Jane Cronin Mr. Frank Diliddo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dube

Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Dubzinski Jr. Mr. Steven J. Dykstra Mr. James Ehlen Mrs. Michelle Garfinkel Ms. JoAnn Hanson Mr. Robert Isabella Mr. and Mrs. Alan Joubert Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. LaCoste Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lavoie Mr. and Mrs. Charles LeMaitre Mr. and Mrs. Denos P. Marvin Todd C. and Julie L. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Brett Nardini Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phaneuf Mr. Wesley A. Richardson Ms. Birgit Schmidt-Wesche Ms. Nancy J. Skamarycz Mrs. Cheryl A. Southwick Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Staiti Mr. and Mrs. David Sylvestro Mr. and Mrs. Domenic P. Triola Mr. Marc Van Der Hout and Ms. Jody LeWitter Mr. E. J. White and Rev. Kathryn White Mr. and Mrs. Robert Witt Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Wynne

Corporations and Matching Gift Organizations Anonymous Bank of America Charitable Foundation Matching Gifts Program Davidowitz Foundation E&R Cleaners Eversource Energy Foundation, Inc. The Howard Bayne Fund The Howell Charitable Family Foundation Insurance Marketing Agencies, Inc. Lamoureux Ford, Inc. The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc. Rollstone Charitable Foundation, Inc. State Street Matching Gift Program YourCause

Current Trustees Ms. Candace Alsop Mr. Alden J. Bianchi and Ms. Mary Kett Mrs. Sara Callahan ’02 Mr. Erik Fleming and Ms. Torrance Watkins

Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gee Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Joseph Mr. William Kennard and Ms. Deborah Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Merriam Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morein Mr. James Richardson Ms. Marilyn A. Waller and Mr. Doron Weinberg

The 1967 Society The 1967 Society harkens back to the year of Eagle Hill School’s founding and recognizes those generous and farsighted friends who have made the school’s future a part of their personal legacy. Whether made by will, annuity, trust, or another fashion, planned gifts are often a school’s most significant means of support and can have a profound impact. Ms. Candace Alsop Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Archipley Mr. Alden J. Bianchi and Ms. Mary Kett Mr. and Mrs. James Bustamante Ms. Suzanne Chapman Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cobb Mr. Ricardo Escobar ’81 and Mrs. Ingrid Escobar Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Fish Ms. Maura FitzGerald and Mr. Allen Carney Mr. Erik Fleming and Ms. Torrance Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Fortin Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gee Mr. Michael Haskett The David and Janyce Hoyt Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Judge Mr. Arthur N. Langhaus and Mrs. Kathy Marlin-Langhaus Dr. and Mrs. PJ McDonald Mr. and Mrs. David Merjan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morein Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Reynolds Mr. James B. Richardson Mr. Michael P. Riendeau and Mrs. Mary Ann Riendeau Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith The Estate of Thomas G. Stemberg Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Van Pelt Ms. Marilyn A. Waller and Mr. Doron Weinberg Mr. James C. Wiley and Ms. Erica Stumvoll-Wiley COMPENDIUM FALL 2020 | EAGLE HILL SCHOOL 35

Community, In-Kind, and Special Contributions Support for Eagle Hill comes in many forms. Whether it is hosting a reception for EHS families at their home, welcoming Eagle Hill School staff and friends to their country club, volunteering on campus, or any number of things in between, the Eagle Hill family is generous beyond measure. For the year 2019–2020, a special thanks to: Brown Electric Co. David G. Roach & Sons, Inc. E&R Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Michael Altman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown Ms. Linda Carpenter Mr. Frank Diliddo Mr. Erik Fleming Mr. Neal Garelik Mr. and Mrs. John Jelke Mr. Alan Joubert Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Lanaro Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lemaitre Mr. Stephen E. Maharam and Ms. Camila Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ira Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roffler Mr. Steve Rotman Mr. Craig Unterberg Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Stein Drs. Jay and Melissa Varma Drs. Martha and Doug Waite


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