TUG April 2024

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Welcome to another TUG.

Since the last edition of TUG I have made good progress with the update of our website. I won’t say it’s completed as of course that is never the case. There are always updates and changes to be made, the most recent of which I’ll be sharing with you in this edition of TUG.

The forum too is now up and running from its new home so I hope you are making good use of that. It’s the ideal place to find out about group rides and other activities. All previous user names and passwords have been transferred so if you have been registered on the forum in the past you should still have access.

The forum is open to anyone to view but if you want to participate and post on the forum you will need to register. Many people prefer not to use their full name which is fine but I would recommend putting your regular first or nick name at the start as I get many requests for assistance with resetting passwords and some of those people don’t remember what username they registered with. If you at least use your first name I can search for that in the forum members database then match the email address. There is no facility to search the members list by email address so if you have no idea what your username is, I’m sorry but I won’t be able to help.

Twenty odd of us participated in the Chairman’s Charity Ride on Saturday. It was a fabulous day and the weather was kind as the forecast afternoon showers never found us. There are a few photos from the ride in this edition of TUG but you can find more on Facebook.


Use this QR code to find EAMG on Linktree where you can access all of our social media channels including Facebook. There is also a link to our membership form for those requiring it.

www.eamg.org.uk 3
Observers Paul Carden (in front) and Andy Parnham.


Hello Everyone.

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and managed to enjoy yourselves with whatever tickles your fancy!

I must say my Easter has been very bike dominated. Started off with being invited to a fantastic petrol heads evening and talks at Solo Classics in Cheshire. I rode up on Thursday in a mix of very heavy rain and a bit of sun, stayed perfectly dry and really enjoyed the long ride on country roads. A bit of dual carriageway around Derby, which was already at an 8 mile tailback, how nice it was to filter through it all.

I did not quite know what to expect at Solo Classics being my first visit, but on arrival I was blown away by the welcome from about 150 people there. Everyone was incredibly friendly and just wanted to chat, maybe the free food and drink helped. Please do look at their website as it is almost like walking into the National Motorcycle Museum, an incredible collection of bikes old and new. A fair leaning to off road too, as one of the team is an ex world motocross champ.

helped develop a winning car from scratch. And then we were mesmerised by Jane Daniels. Four times World Moto Cross Champion! AND 2022 ParisDakar Winner. What perseverance these winners have. And such normal humble people, just shows you don't have to be flash and loud to be exceptional.

We were treated to talks from Brian Gush, ex Bentley Motorsport Directo for 20 years. Incredible to hear how he



Charity Ride day saw nice weather and 21 meeting in Chelmsford for the ride that raised over £260 to Brain Tumour Research. A lovely ride and great to see everyone having a really lovely time together. Geoff Preston after a delayed start managed to join us for lunch and the ride back.

I would like to thank all those that have donated, turned up, and to all those who helped with the planning and organising to get this together. All done in the very best spirit, being in memory of Joe Johal. Joe was an EAMG member for over 20 years, but no one really knew or thought about that until he passed. Joe was such a kind and gentle man, never heard a cross word from him, ever. And that eventually links up to what I mentioned earlier about great, exceptional people not having to be TOO LOUD. Joe was such a person.

Hopefully the photos of the ride and my visit to Solo Classics make it on here, enjoy the upcoming heatwave and please do give a warm welcome to our many new members when you meet them, just like I got up North.

Best to you and your Loved ones.

Ride safe and keep well.

See more photos from this ride on Facebook.

www.eamg.org.uk 7

Meet The Committee

EAMG is a registered charity and run entirely by volunteers but none the less, it is a business so has to be properly run which is the task of the committee.

Some committee positions are designated officers such as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary which are required to fulfil our obligations of running a business. Other positions are filled for a specific role such as Membership Secretary, Webmaster and Training Team Liaison.

We have further general committee members who may take on specific roles as required. At the moment the committee is fairly small so every member has a designated role but we are always open to new members. If you think you may like to be part of the committee, please speak to any one of us at Group Night.

www.eamg.org.uk 9
www.eamg.org.uk 10

A Look Back at Recent Group Nights

In February our chairman had the pleasure of presenting the “Jane Wilson” Trophy to Dave Crossley.

Since joining EAMG and seeing how the group functions Dave has aspired to train as an Observer. From retaking the RoSPA test to get the required Gold grade to grabbing every training and riding opportunity he is able to, Dave demonstrates his determination which is recognised by this much deserved award.

In March we enjoyed an interesting and quite dramatic presentation by Lee Lowry of Helite.

Jaques, who is already a Helite air vest user, volunteered for the demonstration which entailed a beating by Lee with a baseball bat! Thanks to the inflated air vest, Jaques survived this dramatic demonstration unscathed. Quite a few EAMG members already use Helite products but there was a lot more interest following this interesting presentation.

www.eamg.org.uk 11
www.eamg.org.uk 12

What Activities are Available to EAMG Members?

EAMG has many activities available to members whatever their level of experience or training but it can be difficult to identify which activities are suited to your own circumstances. Some rides and training activities are open to all whilst others are aimed at those who already have an advanced qualification. Recognising that members may be missing out on opportunities they were not aware of, Observer Phil Wilkinson and member Wayne Middleton put their heads together and created a presentation they’ve named the Training Tree. It’s not just about training but details all of the activities available to members.

Whether you are an Associate member, Full Member or Full Member signed up for Further Training, there is a slide detailing all of the activities applicable to you.

Hopefully you will find this useful and take the opportunity to attend some of these rides or sign up to a training day you might not have realised was available to you.

We recognise that some members are more interested in the social aspects of membership and don’t want to feel pressurised into doing additional training. That is fine and a matter of personal choice but your editor can say from experience that any of the training days will be an enjoyable experience and boost your confidence, making every ride more enjoyable.

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These slides are also available to view on our website.
www.eamg.org.uk 16


Month Date Event


Tuesday,2nd GroupNight

Sunday,7th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,14th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2401)

Sunday,14th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,21st Colin'sFullMemberRide

Tuesday,25th BobCowlMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Detailswillbepostedon theforum.


Sunday,5th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,7th GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,12th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,19th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,26th ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2402)


Sunday,2nd SlowRidingDay,NorthWealdAirfield

Tuesday,4th GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,9th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,23rd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,30th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2402)

Sunday,30th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Tuesday,2nd GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,7th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,14th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,14th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,21st ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2403)


Sunday,4th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,6th GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,11th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,18th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,25th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2403)


Sunday,1st SlowRidingDay,NorthWealdAirfield

Sunday,1st Audrey&John’sCotswoldsRide

Sunday, CopdockShowTBA

Tuesday,3rd GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,8th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,15th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

www.eamg.org.uk 17


Month Date Event

Sunday22nd ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2404)

Sunday,29th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Tuesday,1st GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,6th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,13th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2404)

Sunday,20th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,20th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Tuesday,5th GroupNight

Sunday,10th GroupTraining(GT)–RemembranceSunday

Sunday,17th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,24th Colin'sFullMemberRide

December Sunday,1st Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,3rd GroupNight-XmasQuiz

Sunday,8th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,15th Colin'sFullMemberRide

www.eamg.org.uk 18

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