It is finally turning colder but we have been fortunate to enjoy some very mild weather for late autumn and social rides have been well attended. Social rides are a great reason to be an EAMG member. I hear many people say they don’t like riding in groups but maybe that is because they have had a bad experience outside of the group. Social media often shows very poorly controlled group riding with no discipline or respect for other road users but that is far removed from the standard you will find on an EAMG ride. For a start, we run the marker system so nobody is pressured into riding quicker than they are comfortable with in order to keep up. Rides are led by experienced members, often Observers, who have devised a great route with suitable refreshment breaks. As a rider all you have to do is turn up at the start point with a full tank of fuel and on the ride, look for the marker at junctions and take your turn at marking when it the time arises. Marking needn’t cause you any concern either as the ride leader will indicate where you should wait. You’ll discover wonderful roads you never thought to use before and enjoy chatting with fellow riders at each refreshment the stop. Sometimes it seems people are reluctant to leave our final coffee stop at the end of the ride.
If you are coveting the lovely beanie I’m wearing in my profile photo, your biggest dilemma will be choosing which one as it is available in more than 50 colours! They make a great Christmas gift as would any of the wonderful EAMG branded garments we have available from our online shop. Now is a good time to drop hints to family members as there is still time to order. I have a stock of clothing samples that I bring to group nights if you would like a better look at them and check sizing before ordering.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you soon, maybe on a ride.
Graham Simpkins, Editor
Use this QR code to find links to all things EAMG including our shop and social media.
There is also a link to our membership form for those requiring it.
Members bikes outside Little Channels.
A big hello to you all as we say goodbye to another year. Time never stands still and as keen motorcyclists we probably make more of our time than most?
Eamg is made up and exists only on its membership, who pay a very reasonable annual fee, and to keep the wheels turning our observers and committee members also donate a lot of their time to you all too. Our continually growing membership has created a demand for more observers, an area we have addressed but is hopefully never going to change, we would love more of our members to consider becoming an observer to help us keep pace with the continual growing demands.
Speaking for myself I love observing for over 9 years now, it is a truly rewarding and thoroughly enjoyable way to spend time. I say speaking for myself, but I know this resonates with the rest of the observer team too.
I find the same reward in having been on the committee for many years too, but we really do now need more members to consider joining us on the committee. Unfortunately, we have not had many volunteering and some key roles now need filling. As our Secretary Magali Ellis is stepping down, we very much need someone to volunteer in this role. Hopefully not as daunting as it sounds, but Magali Ellis kindly volunteered, helped us and you all, but now must give more of her energy elsewhere. Magali thank you very much for being a star!
Adam Bhoyroo also kindly stepped up to the plate and joined the committee to help us with social media etc, but Adam now has to travel very extensively for work, so will be stepping down from the committee too. A big thank you to Adam for his help too! And lastly Mick Hewitt has been on the committee as observer liaison. Being on both the committee and having a key role in the observer team is very demanding, and Mick has announced he is stepping down from his place on the committee, but staying on as a key member of the observer team. Graham Cooper has agreed to join the committee as observer liaison and keep his key role on the observer team too.
So, as well as a new secretary now we really need someone to help on our social media side otherwise it is left solely to me, not a good solution. I should stress that the committee will be functioning on the absolute bare minimum of people if we do not have anyone putting themselves forward. I sincerely hope this does not interfere with getting our 2025 plans through, but it very well might.
Mentioning 2025 plans, if re-elected we are working on a few trips away as we feel this is an important area we want to get going again. So, a three night trip to Wales dates is booked and will soon be announced. Also, a night away in Norfolk. Maybe gymkhana sessions, the list goes on. So please do ask us about what being a committee member might entail. Being a volunteer group, we do our best which is normally way above good, so with your help let’s keep it that way. Eamg is a wonderful group delivering fantastic quality training as recognised by external experts, with many social rides and activities to help our friendships develop and flourish, let’s not take all of this for granted, we do need your much appreciated help too.
So that is enough from me for now, it just leaves me to say that it is an honour to be chairman, I care very much about EAMG, it has given me so much in return. This is a feeling that is a common thread among us all.
Lastly, I wish you all A Very Merry Christmas, a special time of year, so let’s make the most of it.
Best Michel Couque EAMG Chairman
Group Night Presentations
Michel had the pleasure of presenting EAMG Full Member certificates to Geoff King and Dave Moorhead at recent group nights following each of them completing a successful RoSPA test.
In October we welcomed back Ian Davey whose charitable organisation provides affordable first aid cover for small events such as village fetes where the cost of using the nationally recognised first aid organisations would make such events unviable.
Ian demonstrated how easy it is to operate a defibrillator, enabling people with no medical training to perform this life saving procedure.
The highlight for many was watching Ian apparently beat up committee member, Dave.
Despite appearances, Ian was demonstrating how he would assist Dave if he was choking.
There was a good turnout for October’s mid-week ride despite the filthy, wet roads.
Fraser Haynes visited us from Lings Triumph, Great Dunmow. With all the news recently of struggling dealerships our members had plenty of questions for Fraser. It was reassuring to hear that Lings has plans to develop their Dunmow showroom further.
Mick and Alan’s November Social Ride.
As always, Mick guided us along some fabulous roads. A few members needed to get home early but the majority ended at McDonald’s near Little Waltham for a coffee and chat at the end of the ride.
EAMG Mid-Week (Social) rides
Towards the end of 2023, Bob Cowl and I ran a couple of mid-week social rides which seem to be well received, and so for 2024 put a program of rides together running from March through to October. These rides just seem to have gone from strength to strength throughout 2024 with numbers attending often being around the 20 (or so) mark, so much so, that we now lead two rides on the day over the same route, Bob leading those that prefer to ride a little quicker, whilst I lead those that prefer a more sedate pace. This has worked out really well, as with a good mix of Full Members and Associates attending, there is something for all, and new Associates have often had the benefit of following Full members to gain experience. As well as this we have on occasion had prospective members attend who are looking to find out what EAMG is all about and who have often gone on to join the club.
No two destinations have been the same and we’ve managed to find some interesting routes and places to stop for our mid-morning tea and lunchtime chats! Some of the roads at times have been a bit “technical” and latterly with the weather, a little slippery thanks to the mud left on the road from tractors and other farm vehicles.
We’ve also built up quite a camaraderie with our own WhatsApp group which now has over 30 EAMG members on it. The WhatsApp group originally was put together as numbers grew such that if anyone broke down or had issues, we could all be aware and respond appropriately; fortunately we have only had to use this group once this year post a puncture on the October ride; the rest of the time, the group has been used to keep everyone on it apprised of the routes and destinations –all in all its worked out well and throughout the year some firm friendships have been built as a result.
My apologies to those on some of my earlier rides when I changed my Sat Nav to a new one and perhaps didn’t get it set-up quite correctly before leading a ride – all I can say is that I found the stretch of the M11 we rode quite interesting – glad to say that now having got the settings right, that won’t happen for 2025 (famous last words???)!
At present Bob and I are in the planning stages for 2025 when we’ll run another program of monthly midweek rides from March through to October.
Thanks to all those that attended the rides this year and made them such fun – from a personal aspect I’ve found them really enjoyable and look forward to seeing you all again in 2025!