TUG February 2025

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Welcome to another TUG.

My wife, who for years taught 'Forest Schools' to primary children, loves to say there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. That often-used phrase was definitely coined by hikers, not motorcyclists. I’m perfectly happy and warm in the motorcycle clothing I own, but it can’t negate icy roads! I don’t lay my bike up for the winter, but on so many mornings over the last month or so, I’ve looked out and seen frost on the lawn and ice on the pond, so I decided it’s not a day for riding. I can’t wait for the weather to warm up just a little, as there are plenty of riding opportunities on the EAMG calendar.

We have plenty of day long rides arranged but sometimes it’s nice to get fully immersed in a few days of riding and of course, socialising so I’ve booked myself on the Wales trip that Michel has arranged. I know that a couple more trips are currently in the planning stage so they’ll be plenty for members to get involved in. I know the majority of members have already renewed this year but if you still need to do so or perhaps you are wanting to join EAMG for the first time you can use the QR code below to find our membership form and all other online activity.

I’m delighted to report that merchandise sales have so far raised £34.78 towards EAMG funds. Visit the shop linked from our website to view the full range of EAMG branded clothing.

If you have photos of group rides or events that you would be happy to share, maybe even a possible cover shot, please do send them to tug@eamg.org.uk

You can find all of our social media and the EAMG membership form when you need via our Linktree using the QR code below.



Slow Riding at North Weald


Well, here we are folks, mid Feb 2025 and the weather seems to have been so lousy many of us have yet to have ridden. Never mind the weather, in what is supposed to be the warmest January on record, the flu has knocked many of us out too. Quite often I do have a flu vaccine around Xmas time, I didn't this year and wow I certainly regret that decision now.

So, you may be reading this at our AGM in Little Channels. This will be our last meeting at Channels, a relationship that has existed for over 30 years? Channels will be making certain changes that means we have had to find a new venue.

And we can announce that we will be having our group nights as usual on the first Tuesday evening of the month at “Notleys Golf Club” Witham rd. White Notley, CM8 1ST.

They have a bar (pint about £4.70) and hot food with all the meat coming from C.Humphreys Butchers just up the road. Plenty of parking, tables and chairs outside for when the weather improves, and plenty of varied golfing opportunities too.

Dave the manager is looking forward to welcoming us, so let’s make an appearance and keep them super busy.

Please remember that we now have rolling membership introduced this year, so please bear this in mind for when you will get a reminder of your membership expiring in about a years’ time. So far around 85%+ of previous members have already subscribed for 2025, that is extremely encouraging.

There will a few subtle changes to some of the training activities we offer, one being AMT/FMT days will be offering a far more flexible range of dates, basically as we aim to do this on a one to one basis we can go whenever is mutually convenient, these days were well attended, but this change could make for far more potential usage of this training format, and at such amazing value too.

Stay tuned for the Eamg trips we are doing. We still have limited availability for Wales May 8th to11th based at Premier Inn Oswestry at £269 per room. Some great full length routes lined up already. Other shorter trips to be announced later on.

London Bike show soon and sure to see quite a few of us there, so looking forward to that, although the show was so noisy I did not stay for so long, becoming a grumpy old git!

Here is to a great Eamg 2025 everyone.!



This has been a busy year for the British Motorcyclists Federation; one that sawa change of government back in July, withthe need toforge newconstructive relationships with new government Ministerswho came into office with arevised set of priorities and policies aligned around a number of key missions designed to develop thefuture economy and civil society, including specific actions todeliver a better integrated transport network and related infrastructure. Initial meetings with new Ministers and officials, following the General Election, were broadly positive with arange ofmotorcycling issues, including road safety imperatives, discussed. In these discussions BMF and National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) have continued topress for a long overdue review of motorcycle licensing, testing and training to ensure better and safer roads for riding and to tacklethe scourge of potholes, whilst alsoseeking to make progress on bringing motorcycling into the mainstream of future transport policy. Wealso continue to seek clarity on plans for motorcycle decarbonisation, whereriders, the motorcycletrade and the motorcycling sector as whole need clarity on government proposals andtimelines to be able to plan effectively for the future.

Key priorities during the new Government’s first few months have included the planned development of a National Integrated Transport Strategy and the delivery of a newRoad Safety Strategy. Improving motorcycle access within the countryside alsopresents amajor opportunity for the newGovernment, with bothmotorcycle sport and active recreation needing greater support and recognition of the positive contributions they make to society and the UK economy.

As we enter 2025, the BMF and NMCwill continue to pressthe Government to deliver on outstanding work streams begun under the previous administration and tobring clarity tothe futurerole of motorcycling in futuretransport and other public policy. Key to this will be the delivery of apolicy pathway that fully unlocks the benefits that motorcycling can bringto afuture national integrated transport solution.

Key meetings attended by BMF officials during December include:

1. National Motorcyclists Council (NMC)/ National MotorcycleDealersAssociation (NMDA) Parliamentary Reception Hosted by Fabian Hamilton MP.

This was an excellent event attended by MPs, motorcycle sector organisations, road safety bodies, policy makers, industry leaders and other transport interest groups, wherethe new NMC policy document “Motorcycling and The Future of Transport”, was launched. The document sets out priorities and key policies for motorcycling, including the need to bring motorcycling intothe mainstream of future UK Government transport policy in order to both improve motorcycle safety and toensurethat motorcycling forms an integral part of the Government’s newIntegrated National Transport Strategy.

2. Meeting with the National MotorcyclistsCouncil (NMC) and theTrail Riders Federation (TRF) to discuss an Action Plan to Reduce CrimeInvolving Motorcycles.

The involvement ofmotorcycles in criminal activity and anti-social behaviour (ASB) has become an increasing concern for the police, local authorities and communities and is casting a negative light on legitimate motorcyclists.

Thousands of motorcycles, scooters andmopeds are stolen across the UK each year with many being used by criminal gangs for wider criminal activity, including theft and county lines drug activity, where illegal drugs aretransported across police and local authority boundaries. Motorcycle theft has surged over the last decade, particularly in major UK cities, with motorcycles, scooters and mopeds often stolen toorder to be used in criminal activity, exported overseas viaUK ports or broken up as parts for re-sale.

To address this issue, the BMF and TRF, as part of the National Motorcyclists Council, is seeking to develop a comprehensive plan of action to sharewith Ministers and officials in the New Year that will combine enforcement, infrastructure improvements, regulatory measures and education todeter anti-social behaviour and to target and counter the activity ofthe organised crime gangs behind motorcycle theft and related crime.

December Group Night

Our chairman was had the honour of presenting certificates to Ian Halmandres who recently passed his RoSpa test to qualify as a full member and to Clive Taylor who qualified as an EAMG Observer.






Clive Taylor
Ian Halmandres RoSPATestPasses

December Group Night continued.

The evening then continued with our customary December quiz presented by Chris Johnson with his wonderful family once again present to adjudicate.

EAMG Xmas Dinner.

In December about thirty of us enjoyed an excellent Christmas meal at Little Channels. You can see the delicious choices on the menu printed below.

Most of us don’t ride and attend EAMG meetings with our partners so this was a lovely occasion to meet everyone and of course it broadened the conversation. Non riding partners don’t want to talk bikes all night so we chatted about all manner of things including families, holidays and interests we have in addition to motorcycling so it was really interesting.

2025 EAMGEVENTDIARY(ASAT29.10.2024) V5

Month Date(Revisions)


Tuesday,7th GroupNight-NatterNight

Sunday,12th GroupTraining(GT)


Sunday, 19th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,26th Colin'sFullMemberRide

February Tuesday,4th GroupNight-AGM

Sunday,9th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,16th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,23rd Colin'sFullMemberRide

March Tuesday,4th GroupNight

Sunday,9th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,23rd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Thursday27th BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.

Sunday,30th Colin'sFullMemberRide

April Tuesday,1st GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,6th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,13th ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2501)

Saturday,19th Chairman’sCharityRide

Sunday,27th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,27th Colin'sFullMemberRide


Sunday,4th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2501)

Tuesday,6th GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,11th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,18th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,18th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,25th ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2502)

June Sunday,1st SlowRidingSkillsDay,DuntonTechnicalCentre(tobeconfirmed)

Tuesday,3rd GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,8th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,15th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,22nd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,29th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2502)

July Tuesday,1st GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,6th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,13th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,13th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,20th ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2503)

August Sunday,3rd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Tuesday,5th GroupNight

2025 EAMGEVENTDIARY(ASAT29.10.2024) V5

Month Date(Revisions)

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails


BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,10th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,17th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,24th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2503)

Sunday,31st SlowRidingSkillsDay,DuntonTechnicalCentre(tobeconfirmed)

September Tuesday,2nd GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,7th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,14th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,21st Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,28th ObserverPeertoPeerRide(2504)

October Sunday,5th Associate/FullMemberTraining(AMT/FMT2504)

Tuesday,7th GroupNight

SeeForum/ Facebookfordetails

BobCowl/DaveHawkeMid-WeekSocialRideforall.Marchto Octoberonly.

Sunday,12th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,19th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,26th Colin'sFullMemberRide

November Tuesday,4th GroupNight

Sunday,9th GroupTraining(GT)–RemembranceSunday

Sunday,16th Colin'sFullMemberRide

Sunday,23rd Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide


Tuesday,2nd GroupNight-XmasQuiz

Sunday,7th GroupTraining(GT)

Sunday,14th Mick&Alan’sAssociate/MemberRide

Sunday,21st Colin'sFullMemberRide

See the EAMG forum for any last minute updates to the advertised schedule.




BritishMotorcyclistsFederation RegisteredCharityNumber1107703

EssexAdvancedMotorcyclistsGroupLtd,RegisteredOffice,St LaurenceHouse, 2GridironPlace,Upminster,Essex,RM142BE RegisteredinEngland&Wales,RegistrationNo.5258261

DisclaimerandCopyrightNotice:Thearticlespublished hereindonotnecessarilyrepresenttheviewsoftheEssex AdvancedMotorcyclistsGroup.Theyaretheopinionsof individualcontributorsandarepublishedwithaviewthat freeexpressionpromotesdiscussionandinterest.Any spellingorgrammaticalerrorsaretheresponsibilityofthe editor..Inclusionofadvertsisnottobeconstruedas EAMGendorsement,althoughmostadvertisersare excellent,butseekpersonalrecommendations.Text© EAMG2025Illustrations©EAMG2025,exceptwhere indicatedotherwise.Groupmaterialmaybereproduced providedacknowledgementisgiventoEAMGandthe originalauthor






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