EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2007

Page 25

friday schedule friday, March 30, 2007


workshop session 5



LAURA ARNOW Title: Every Day Counts: Critical thinking skills through calendar routines Target Audience: Primary (K-6) In 15-20 engaging minutes a day, students develop the ability to understand, explain, and debate mathematical ideas across the curriculum. Calendar time reinforces key skill areas, strengthens oral language skills and math vocabulary, enables students to explore different approaches to problem solving, facilitates mental mathematics, and develops the skill of convincing peers about one’s mathematical thinking. Although Every Day Counts is commercially available through Houghton Mifflin, the concepts and techniques presented can be implemented in classrooms with or without the commercial kit.


RUTH AUTY Title: Theatre Sports for Anyone, In / Out of Any Ordinary Multicultural Classroom Target Audience: K-12 Timed, Competitive, Total Involvement, Exciting, Fun, Endorphin-Enhancing, Adrenaline-Pumping, Mind-Stretching, Subject/Theme/Topic/Event/Holiday Related, For Group/Class/Year Team/Whole School, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Cultural, “No Kid Left Out,” Fantasmagorically Supermendously Outrageously Exhausting Yet Exhilartingly Challenging.... Theatresports In An International School. Do Not Expect To Sit In Your Seat For This One.


MICHAEL CASTELLANI Title: Effective uses of Mathematical Software and TI Series Calculators Target Audience: MS and HS Mathematics & Science Departments Outline ways to implement Geometry Sketchpad into the classroom for the purpose of graphing and creating various diagrams. An introduction to various software packages available, which are powerful tools for graphing functions (including Trig) and basic Calculus exercises. Outlining the basic operations and tools for the TI series calculators including common misconceptions, operations and CPU connectivity. (Participants need to bring TI series Calculator & USB)


VIVIAN WAN-FANG CHENG / BARI RABINE Title: Electronic Portfolios: Making It Happen Target Audience: Applicable to all grade levels and all subject areas This workshop will answer the following questions about electronic portfolios: 1) What are electronic portfolios? 2) Why use them in the classroom? 3) What does an electronic portfolio look like? and 4) How can I do it? by explaining the process of having students put together an electronic portfolio. We will provide examples of guidelines and reflections used by the students and showcase examples of current students’ portfolios.


ROBERT DAVIS Title: Art, Local Community and International School Interactions: a model at Shanghai American School Target Audience: Teachers/Administrators The purpose of this workshop is to look at ways in which international schools can work collaboratively with local schools thru the Arts. I propose to begin with the experience of shared projects between Shanghai American School and Li Min School for children of migrant workers in China.

Brunei 1

LEAH DEWHURST / LIZA STINE Title: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies through Literature Target Audience: Grades 1-3 In this workshop we will explore methods of using children’s literature to teach comprehension strategies with young readers. We will base our workshop on the comprehension strategies described in Oliver and Keene’s book Mosaic of Thought. We will demonstrate and experiment with practical activities for connecting, inferring, questioning, and visualizing that can be used in the classroom. We will also lead a discussion to share experiences and ideas from all of our classrooms.

Ballroom 3

JIM FIDLER / JENNIFER MAGIEROWICZ Title: The 4 Roles Reading Framework – a literacy/reading framework across the curriculum Target Audience: Middle School (focus) Grades 5 – 12 (suitable for) This hands-on workshop will present the 4 Roles Reading Framework. This reading framework can be used in any subject area to structure reading instruction in order to deepen content knowledge, increase critical vocabulary acquisition, and to foster critical thinking.

Myanmar 3

MARK KUCHARSKI Title: How to improve your photography and graphic design Target Audience: All Teachers An informal workshop where teachers can ask questions and discuss issues around photography and graphic design, in order to improve their presentations or handouts. The workshop will cover topics such as photographic technique, film versus digital, image resolution, photoshop, cameras, file management, layout, typography, hierarchy of information.


EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2007 Bangkok, Thailand

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