Teacher Workshops
THURSDAY | 26 MARCH 2015 11:15 - 12:30
ROXANNE AMOR-ROSS / STACY CROWELL Literacy (Writing/Reading) MS MEETING ROOM 5 Target Audience: All Giving Effective Feedback to Students - What if you could equip your students to be successful with your course content and help them develop a skillset to be successful lifelong learners—all by actually teaching less? Using feedback effectively can do this. This information is relevant to any age or content. By the end of the session you will:1) Understand the 4 components of effective feedback; 2) Gain experience with each component; and 3) Be ready to reap the rewards of giving effective feedback. KIM BLAISE Literacy (Writing/Reading) MS MEETING ROOM 4 Target Audience: Grades 2-8 Close Reading in an Elementary and Middle School Classroom - Close reading is a way to help our students think deeper about their reading. I will share the steps that I take in my classroom. We read and reread to notice details, choose important details, notice patterns, and develop ideas. Finally we look at moves the writer took to make us think this way. I will read aloud a chapter of a book so that we can experience close reading together in addition to close looking and listening. JOANNE CHANG / STEVE McCALLUM Early Childhood Education PS BALLROOM 2 & 3 Target Audience: Early childhood: preschool, kindergarten, grade one Violent Play Themes in the Early Childhood Classroom: Why and How Teachers Can Support It - After attending this workshop teachers will have a clearer understanding of the developmental appropriateness of violent play themes in the lives of young children. Through discussion of both research and anecdotes of classroom practice, teachers will leave the workshop with a variety of strategies to support this often misunderstood area of interest of young children.
MIHOKO CHIDA Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS BALLROOM 1 Target Audience: All grade levels, subjects Maximizing Student Engagement through Formative Assessment - This session will focus on increasing the use of effective formative assessments. Providing feedback to students increases motivation, fosters understanding, and supports lifelong learning. Teachers will reflect on their own practice and learn practical ways to support student learning through formative assessments. This workshop will deepen participants’ understanding of the role formative assessment has in the learning process and provide them with practical strategies that can be adapted across all grade levels and subject areas. EVELYN CHAVERIAT SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 7 Target Audience: K-3 and special education educators Overview for Orton-Gillingham Multi-Sensory Reading Strategies - This overview will cover the philosophy and methodology of Orton-Gillingham Reading. Participants will be provided with hands on materials to experience the program and the benefits of the multi-sensory approach. Classroom teachers and specialists will understand which students this approach may be helpful for and how to learn more about Orton-Gillingham methods. ALIS GORCEA / MARIA RICHARDSON ELL PS FUNCTION ROOM 2 Target Audience: Grades 3-9 Engaging Activities in the Classroom - Brief presentation on the benefits of using vocabulary games in the classroom and how they increase student engagement and cognitive retention. We will look at 5 hands-on activities, that include various vocabulary and reading comprehension activities as well as technology integration. SYBIL HALL Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 9 Target Audience: Early childhood, elementary, EAL, and AS teachers App Smashing—Communicating, Collaborating, Critical Thinking, and Creating on iPads - App smashing (using more than one app on an iPad to create a project) is a powerful way to practice the 4 Cs (creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration). Even our youngest learners can create digital stories, make their photos talk, spread the word about what they are learning, and so much more! Participants will see examples of student work and collaborate with colleagues to try out their new learning for themselves. SARAH HUEBNER Literacy (Writing/Reading) MS MEETING ROOM 10 Target Audience: Secondary teachers Using Theatre Techniques to Support the Understanding of Texts - Theatre techniques are useful for exploring texts in a variety of ways.They help students gain a deeper understanding of texts and topics. Students develop problem-solving skills through collaboration and communication. The techniques are inclusive and cater for a variety of learner profiles. In this participatory workshop, teachers build a repertoire of strategies and activities that can easily be integrated into lessons.
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2015