EARCOS Teachers' Conference 2015

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Teacher Workshops

SATURDAY | 28 MARCH 2015 11:30 - 12:45


ASHLEY ALFANO Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS FUNCTION ROOM 8 Target Audience: Grades K-8 writing teachers Creating and Using Demonstration Writing to Enhance Your Students Writing - Conferencing is a powerful tool to improve student writing. In this workshop, we will discuss the different components that make up a teacher’s conferencing toolkit. With special attention dedicated to creating demonstration pieces tailored to your students writing needs, you will walk away with a practical methodology to generate your own student-tailored demonstration pieces. SHELLEY ARNOLD / KAREN KAM Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 9 Target Audience: Teachers of 4-7 year-olds Meaningful Mathematics in Early Childhood - Building a solid foundation and love of mathematics in early childhood goes far deeper than rote learning and memorizing facts. Children learn best in a hands-on environment where they are encouraged to conjecture, invent, and solve problems. A deep, concrete understanding of math includes exploration, experimentation, and discovery through the use of manipulatives. Come learn strategies for implementing a wide range of manipulatives into your classroom to enrich your students learning! MICHAEL E. BALDWIN ELL PS FUNCTION ROOM 1 Target Audience: All teachers (K-12), curriculum leaders, ELL experts An Inquiry-based Framework for Differentiating Instruction for All Learners - The VESTED approach is an inquiry-based model for improving student achievement in all classrooms. This strategy provides a step-by-step model for lesson delivery that develops a structure so that all students have access to instruction and are therefore successful. The overall goal is to provide a framework for teachers to successfully organize and implement proven strategies designed to meet the needs of diverse learners.


ELAINE BROOKER Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 6 Target Audience: Early years educators and administrators An Approach to Managing Learning Stories in the Early Years - Learning stories have been shown to be a powerful tool in assessing and documenting the learning journey of early years students. However, the implementation and management of this assessment approach can seem daunting to practitioners. In this workshop, participants will learn about one school’s approach to digital learning stories that has been relevant and well-received by the school community, while being manageable on a day-to-day basis. Participants are encouraged to bring learning stories to share! TIM BUNN / MINQI CHUA SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 7 Target Audience: Psychologists and teachers who use or work with educational psychologists Towards Better Psychological Assessment: Does WISCV Help? - We introduce some of the main issues in psychological assessment in East Asia: over-reliance on tests, tests not normed in East Asia, reports that use inaccessible language, medical model assumptions, unrealistic recommendations, or too broad in scope, etc. We provide an improvement agenda, and some data from parents’ questionnaires; then we review our own recent experience of using WISC V and encourage discussion of it, in the light of the improvement agenda already discussed. CHRIS CAPADONA Literacy (Writing/Reading) MS MEETING ROOM 5 Target Audience: Teachers, grades 6-12 “Are We Challenging Our Students?” Text Complexity and Content Areas - In order for all students to be college and career ready, schools demand that students engage in appropriately complex text to develop the stamina, skills, and concentration necessary to be successful readers in high school and beyond. This presentation will provide teachers with the tools necessary to determine appropriate text complexity, differentiate between academic and domain specific vocabulary, discuss productive failure, scaffolding/overscaffolding, and specific elements of the close reading process. SOPHIE DELAPORTE Modern Languages MS MEETING ROOM 4 Target Audience: Grades 6-12, any second language teacher Free Writing for All Levels in the Additional Language Class - Share a new approach to develop motivation for writing in the second language classroom. In the workshop, participants will live the “free writing” experience from the beginning to the end. Participants will become aware of how regular journaling in the second language classroom with no prescribed topic and format can: 1) Inform the gaps in their teaching and their students’ learning; 2) Change the perspective of students about their limitations to writing in a second language; 3) Be applied to all levels of language acquisition and become a key tool for differentiation. ROMY FRIEDMAN Technology MS MEETING ROOM 3 Target Audience: Grades 6-12 teachers looking to integrate technology Integrating Technology: My Personal Journey Showcasing a Non-traditional Approach - A showcase of a collaborative journey to create personalized online resources, to both serve the needs of an ELL student population and overcome various challenges associated with being an educator in China. It promotes a non-traditional style classroom, problem-based learning, and is an example and motivation to other teachers looking to do the same. It will explain the philosophy behind this methodology, and allow time to explore and share various resources. 40

EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2015

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