SATURDAY | 28 MARCH 2015 13:45 - 15:15
ALEXANDRA (ALEKA) BILAN / Counseling (for all delegates) PS FUNCTION ROOM 6 SHAUN McELROY / JEFF STEUERNAGEL Naviance: Not for College Only - Naviance is an excellent tool for college research, organization, and secure document submission. However, there are many tools within the Naviance that can enhance your entire counseling program, from middle school onwards. A panel of counselors will share how we use these modules in our curriculum delivery, including incorporating ISCA standards. Participants are also encouraged to share their ideas for augmenting their work using Naviance tools. LORI BOLL SENIA / Open to All MS MEETING ROOM 1 Put Your Finger on It:A Multi-sensory Approach to Math - TouchMath has been around for over 30 years.This multi-sensory approach combines auditory, visual, and tactile elements, and has been a successful program for students of all ability levels and learning styles. Lori has used TouchMath successfully in both the general and special education classroom to differentiate instruction for struggling math learners. Upon completion of this interactive workshop, educators will have mastered TouchMath counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is a simple strategy that you can take back to your own classrooms immediately. DOUG GOODKIN Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 8 Songs for All Ages from All Places - Singing and chanting are the young child’s preferred vocal expressions and songs—a technology just right for their language development, social integration, and musical skill. Songs with motions, cumulative songs, rounds, nonsense word songs, song themes (animals, trains, etc.) and more will help build a repertoire that will change your teaching.
RACHEL KNUDSEN Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 5 Attention/Impulse Control Difficulties and Spectrum Delays: Identification and Practical Interventions - This workshop provides valuable knowledge and skills that teachers and staff need to confidently and accurately identify attention/impulse control and spectrum difficulties. While this is not a training in formal diagnostics, these particular difficulties continue to be very common, palpable issues in many international schools that warrant the education of staff in informal assessment. Further, this workshop provides practical strategies and effective practices to implement with students and parents to aide in their behavioral and academic growth. KARLI KONING / AMY DIEFENDORF SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 4 Looking Beyond the Basics: Social/Behavioral Interventions outside Traditional Classroom Management - Today’s teachers are ready for classroom management issues; What do you do when you have a student that has social/behavioral needs beyond your bag of tricks? We will review strategies that cover social and behavioral troubles and provide ideas that address these needs. You will hear an overview of how to collect baseline data to match why behaviors are occurring, pair interventions with behavior, and use progress monitoring to know if your intervention is working. BRIAN KREMBS Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 6 Examining Child Safeguarding in the Context of a Unique Case Study at JIS - Through a highly unusual and impactful series of events, Jakarta International School continues to learn how to strengthen and enhance its child safeguarding practices. Join in on a conversation among colleagues about how together we can improve our schools’ protection of children. JON NORDMEYER ELL MS MEETING ROOM 3 Language Learning or Learning Disability? - This session will consider the challenging intersection of language learning and learning disabilities, and possible integration of support for English language learners with learning support. We will explore the role of a student’s first language and the importance of a collaborative approach to serving multilingual learners which involves classroom teachers, LS/ EAL specialists, counselors, and parents. KAY ODDONE Technology MS MEETING ROOM 10 Remix, Reuse and Re-energise using Creative Commons and Open Education Resources - Teachers and students are becoming creators and publishers due to the possibilities new technologies provide. Traditional copyright can limit creativity, however. Creative Commons and Open Educational Resources open up a new world of content to re-energise the possibilities when developing resources, and encouraging students to design new ways to demonstrate their learning. ANNE SIBLEY O’BRIEN Author Talk PACIFIC BALLROOM 1 Creating The Legend of Hong Kil Dong - How a white American produced an award-winning retelling of the hero tale about a 15thcentury Korean boy who breaks the bonds of his class to lead an army to bring justice to the poor, with a bit of help from martial arts and magic. TIMOTHY PETTINE General Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 9 Faster Feedback: Effective Assessment through Technology - Modern technology offers educators a variety of emerging tools that can be used in the classroom to provide a continuous feedback loop to students. Through real time methods and an integration of tools, teachers track and assess their students’ (as well as their own) performance in the classroom. Specific focus will be on rubric driven assessment, formative assessment tools, and community-based learning platforms. 42
EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2015