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daily newspaper of easa007 // wednesday, july 25th // #2

GOSSIP We heard gossips about Frederik (Belgium) getting married and having a baby in few months...we hope to be invited, right? People heard speaking this: Dutch, Danish and co.

Someone said: 'Love?What love?It's too hot for love!”. Hold on baby tomorrow's temperature is promised to chill out to 33 (see the weather forecast), so we expecting more heat in our relationships...The love box is ready, just in case (address: Belorussian floor, second row on the right corner)

Before any visible moves have been made by the love beasts of EASA this year, the countries are getting ready for that by complimenting each other. It has been heard that the Dutch seem to like hot Swedish chicks.

daily newspaper of easa007 // wednesday, july 25th // #2 HMM...


Your back against the wall! Music unites the nations! Yesterday witnessed Russian speaking folk fusion with Irish folk. Apparently at least half of the architects have a backup plan for music career in case architecture boom is over. A bit worse situation if they decide to work in circus...the human pyramid didn't hold longer than a minute... see yourself!



PARTY! Spanish and Italian people presents: SANGRIA PARTY on FRIDAY 26, just bring on 2 Euro to Italian NC Paolo - just look at HIM!


LETTER OF THE DAY: From: kcliona@hotmail.com To: conorobrien7@hotmail.com Subject: EASA Greece Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 09:23:34 +0000

Wednesday, day 4! (or is it day 3?), the second “Umbrella” is being served to you! Have a read about last night, workshops and everything else you need to know. It is amazing to see people working hard this year. From early (EASA timing) morning, workshops gather in small groups all


If you do get this e-mail, could you just confirm that Emmet did arrive and maybe ask him to ring home? I was not able to locate the contact details for EASA greece on the website, so took a chance that as you are down as one of the national contacts for Ireland you might be able to help. Thanks Clíona Kenny


SWEATY BALLS Do you like volleyball? Sweaty men? Booze? Be on the school volleyball court at 4am-ish. After last nights walkover we need some better competition. (a joney)


ORGANIZERS SAY: STOP walking bare foot, START taking loads of showers! Just a friendly advice to be careful with the machinery - 10 people taken to the hospital today.. 5 yesterday...you know you have to pay it all yourself, right?

5 people visited hospital yesterday, 1 – as we know today! Their nationalities have not been disclosed for unknown reasons but knowing the nature of accidents you can take a guess, here's the list:

structed yesterday from some panels and a plastic, today it’s even bigger and better. Diving time!


experimenting with various formworks and ingredients for the concrete mix. The tutors have explained the concept of the workshop as something similar to the familiar scenario that everybody knows. When concrete is poured on the street and some people walk across it while setting leaving footprints in the soft concrete. These footprints are cast insitu permanently leaving clues to the intrepid city explorer on how the people move through the city.

Tutors: Marten and Jurrien (NL)

Dear Conor, My brother Emmet Kenny was booked in for the EASA Greece summer camp. My mother is getting anxious (as mothers do) as we have not heard that he arrived in Greece.

around the site and look busy! We guess this is the way it should be, especially after all the nice but serious words we heard yesterday. Even the weather can’t beat the enthusiasm out! By the way, be sure to hop into the improvised pool we have outside. First con-

HUMAN.BEING.BUILDING Tutors: Inara Nevskaja (RU), Tijana Stevanovic (SR) and Sara Vall (SW) Have you seen those chairs floating in the middle of the hall? Want to know who hung them with ropes? Let me introduce you to Sara, Tijana and Inara, the tutors of Human. Being. Building. A small with big ideas. At the moment, they are experimenting a lot, with mostly anything, trying to create different non-standard spaces and ways to connect our body to the different skins that surround us: clothes, buildings... Does that sound too conceptual? Well they’ve got a very useful proposal: to build some kind of collective changing rooms in order to create a little intimacy in our promiscuous EASA life. But their greatest idea is a Christ-like installation, they’ll try to literally connect body and buildings by making a giant piece of clothing wrapping both humans and houses. So, don’t miss their final presentation!...of which the date is not known yet, but that’s another reason to keep up with us;)

These two Dutch guys hailing from TU Delft are interested in leaving traces of the human body and of movement in the fabric of the city. Wearing hazard masks, possibly referring the intense pollution here in elefsina but probably not, Marten and Jurrien gave an audacious workshop presentation which saw them set about there stall with great panache and swagger. The bright new provocateurs of Dutch Architecture concluded there presentation by proclaiming ‘fuck architecture’ over an image of Rem Koolhaas’s Casa da Musiqa. The workshop is primarily interested in the creation of human scale contemporary interventions using concrete as the sole material. The participants have been

The BIGGEST NEWS: EASA TV is ready. Look for a projector tonight, and visit www.youtube.com/EasaTV tomorrow!

Despite a small set back in a delay with the arrival of the concrete mixer, the workshop is progressing well and the formwork for a public seat is currently being constructed, and a giant ashtray is already there!

1 has cut her finger 2 had a nails in a feet (look at those with 1 has slipped and done something (can you recognize him?) 2 has fallen out of their bedsscaffoldings...too much drinking (Irish,huh)?


daily newspaper of easa007 // wednesday, july 25th // #2



Colorful Deconstruction (CO:DEC)

Glamorously gala

Tutors: Daniel from Germany, Nikolaj from Denmark and Goncalo from Switzerland

Well, if you can imagine EASA in a hotel (Bergun, two years ago, for everybody new to our community), then gourmet hors d’ourves and classy waiters shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. The reason is that yesterday EASA briefly fused with the outside world. You might have noticed when a largeish tour went through the buildings. But hey, at least now I know what a tourist attraction feels like. Anyway, the program continued with the second mammoth lecture series (that is – overwhelmingly huge, not that a mammoth was lecturing). Speeches from the mayor of Elefsina, Mr. Abazoglou, and the vice prefect of West Attica, Stauroula Demou came next. Both were delighted to have us, “the conference”, as they called it, here, and hoped that EASA will bring many good things to Elefsina. After such things being said and such trust shown,

An architects dream has come true! Guess what they have? - It's the whole standing building that is allowed to do anything with it. They have full buckets of paint in different colors (florescent as well) so they could fully go on splashing them on the walls!. The participants received initial kits before the work started, consisting of tshirts (Daniel made a clever deal involving Knut the ice bear back in Germany), color pencils and a booklet about the whole concept and some factual background about what has been done in the field. A perfect preparation, makes us jealous! Today is the main day before principal day. We have just seen them leaving on the bikes...(hardest working workshop so far!)...so decided to chase them in the afternoon.

Our reporter got into the main brainstorm presentation. Looks like the brain hasn’t melted – six groups presented their conceptual ideas (drawings and even models) of what the final result could be, inspired by a bunch of various topics and perceptions of Elefsina, involving Banksy’s drawings in Palestina, geometrical theoremas etc. Tough arguments and wicked improvisations! It’s sad that they have only one house – seems like a whole city could be flourishing after CO:DEC hits their spot. Oh yes, the principal day tomorrow: you probably could join them for a dirty white wall painting part on the seaside. Should be fun! Sounds like it at least.

QUOTES OF THE DAY “Flip-flops are for hippies”, - Paul,. UK, wearing classical black shoes all the time. “Christoph, you are always so wet when you come!”, - Alkis, the organizer.


daily newspaper of easa007 // wednesday, july 25th // #2

we just can’t fool around, can we? With that, the exhibition of almost eighty young (up to 40) Greek architects’ projects was open and the party started. What followed was a lengthy formal chatting session, blessed with unlimited amounts of delicious rolls, sandwichettes, yogurt-filled biscuits, etc., interrupted occasionally by a waiter carrying sinfully delicious chocolate thingies. Mmmmm... Just thinking about it gets my mouth watering. One easa virgin said: “Is it gonna be like this EVERY DAY???”. However, the center of attention was the bar, serving drinks endlessly. But heavenly bites and devilish sips aside, the party / chatting workshop was rather laid back, if not dull. Everyone had loads of time to check out the exhibition (did you notice what the exhibition boxes read in plan?), start doing graffiti, enjoy a couple of beats of electronica at the bar or find


Interview002 Name: Jannis_Spanakis Age: 33 Country: Greece years at easa / years at architecture: 3/0 number of sleepness nights working on projects:0 dancing: n/a flash power: 5 architectural greatness: 8 Interview003

Through a series of experiments with the easa population, we will try and create a people_index, bringing the city index theme of easa007 to life. By surveying the population of easa, and gathering statistics and information we will find who is the most average easaian out there! Will it be a 22.5 year old girl from central Europe, 1.65 m high, travelled 2000km to elefsina? We need questions to ask everybody so we can create the most average easian with statistics and then go and find the best match and crown them ‘the most average easa participant’! If you have any questions that you want to be included on the survey then please post them on the blog. http://easa.antville. org. or write one in the space below and put your umbrella in the box labelled people_index at the bar. The questions can be anything, along as the answers can The survey will be conducted online and it would be great if everybody here at easa can contribute so we can come up with some interesting facts and figures for people_index. some other way to spend the remaining waking hours. The musical part was led by the best EASA djs - Marten and Daniel, accompanied by Despoina. Lots of mellow minimal melodies and maybe just slightly too much Madonna... The mood was picked up early in the morning with some suicidal volleyball, human pyramid making, midnight hairdressing sessions and similar hobbies.

Final grade:

Please write in a question that you think should be asked in this search for the most average easaian and send it to easa007umbrella@gmail.com Interview001 Name: Alejandra_Alvarenga Age: 23 Country: El Salvador years at easa / years at architecture: 1 / 4 number of sleepness nights working on projects:16 dancing: 7.9 flash power: 7 architectural greatness: 8

Name: The_Joe_Frame Age: 21 Country: The_UK years at easa / years at architecture: 1 / 2 number of sleepness nights working on projects: never! dancing: 8* flash power: 5 architectural greatness: 8 * But when I’m drunk I’m amazing

Interview004 Name: Julie_Bart Age: 22 Country: France years at easa / years at architecture: 3 / 5 number of sleepness nights working on projects: 40 dancing: 8 flash power: 10* architectural greatness: 6.5 Flash gordon ain’t got shit on me!


Here’s today set of phrases. Good luck with exercising your tongues, lips and tonsils. First in English: 1) Forty six degrees 2) Can i borrow your telephone charger? 3) The melodic arrangement of structural members is amazing And Russian: 1)Sorok schest gradusov 2)Vy ne moglee by odolzhit’ vashe zar’adnoye ustroystvo dlia telefona? 3)Muzykalnoye resheniye strukturnikh elementov velikolepno Also Irish: 1)Daichead a se cheim 2)An bhfuil cead agam do searsealac foin a usaid? 3)Cionn tui brea ar an tigh sin Croatian as well: 1)Cetrdesetsest stupnjeva 2)Mogu li posuditi tvoj punjac za mobitel? 3)Harmonija svih strukturalnih elemenata je savrsena And Esperanto to finish it off: 1)Kvardek ses gradoj 2)Mi povas deprunt via telefono plianto akuzo 3)La melodia arango de strukturaj membroj estas miriga So now if you meet a leprechaun somewhere in Ireland, you know how to ask him for his charger. And you should be well off if you want to convince an investor speaking only Esperanto.


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