daily newspaper of easa007 // tuesday, july 31th // #7
We’re back again with another ID, this time it’s not an EASA thing, but belonging to an EASA person! Guess who has lost weight recently?
Tine from Denmark has lost her camera. It’s a Nikon Coolpix (Dadi [IT] has one as well, so don’t take his by accident). It was lost at National Night on the steps beside the volleyball court, wrapped in a green scarf. It’s actually her dad’s so the importance of getting it back is doubled ... I’ve no doubt it will show up, so if it’s found, just leave it back to the Infopoint. Please and thank you!
In the school area, we have 8 “private” showers in total, and that’s not very many. Of course, the outdoor showers are a great idea and have been used continuously as well. But people like privacy as well, and thats why the “private” showers are essential. All of them. This morning people found themselves queuing for the “private” showers for quite a long time, we must note, longer than other mornings. Why? Because only 3 could be used properly. The others presented someone’s idea of art, a conceptual picture out of the curtains. Five curtains were cut, four of them horizontally, one of them was 5 cm long, the fourth covered about one half of body... And the fifth one was cut vertically, only one half remaining. Nobody really knows who worked on that with his big pair of scissors... Hilarious, or maybe a bit idiotical, don’t you think? See more on EASA TV tonight.
Ana from Serbia lost her phone, or better o say, the phone is not where it should be. It’s Sony Ericsson k608i and of course Ana would like it back. To the infpoint or directly her, guys!
NATIONAL EVENING INJURIES You’ll be delighted to know that Brian Collins (IRL) is alright. You’ll be disappointed to know that he’s a total and utter lightweight and a big attention seeking baby. He only had about half a white wine spritzer and then he fell over and banged
his head and had a big temper tantrum. Then he went to hospital and had two of the Greek girls hold his hand all the way. Altogether now: “Aaaahhhh.”
EMMET KENNY’S MAMMY Dear Emmet, We haven’t heard from you now in a few days and we’re really beginning to get worried. To be honest Emmet we were so worried that I rang that lovely Conor O’Brien, but he told us that even he hasn’t seen you since that National Night of yours. He told us that your bed hadn’t been slept in for a couple of days as well ... well I hope that you’re able to get some sleep somewhere, Emmet, EVEN IF YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SLEEPING THERE. What would happen if the local police found out? Would they find A LAWYER for you? [Hmmm, I think I’ve made that pretty clear.] Well Emmet, I suppose you’re a big boy now - what with your fashionable bell-end haircut and you’ll have forgotten your old Emmet Kenny’s Mammy back here in Ferbane, Co.Offaly. To be honest Emmet, it had to come at some time, although I’m surprised it’s come this early - you only stopped sucking your thumb when you were nineteen and you’ve still never mastered riding a bike without stabilisers. Still, I’m glad that you’re cutting loose of your mother’s apron strings ... at least you haven’t gone gay like that Neal Patterson. With much love Emmet Kenny’s Mammy
women favoured architects “due to the esteem associated with the profession”.
We received an email this afternoon, which was a forward of quite an old, but still essential (because of the maximum possible architects concentration here in EASA) article about architects as hotties. It was forwarded by Simon, the tutor from the Netherlands, which doesn’t surprise us regarding the superarchitecture of that country.... take a read.
Architects are seen as being “balanced and rounded individuals who combine a creative approach with a caring, thoughtful disposition”, the survey found. It concluded: “Their ability to cope with pressure of work in a relaxed manner was also deemed to be a significant plus.”
What’s wrong with being sexy?
Male architects beat stockbrokers, doctors, film directors and teachers on the top spot.
Architects have been voted the sexiest male professionals in a survey of women’s ideal partners.
However female members of the profession fared less well and did not feature in the top 10 out of male preferences.
The survey, conducted by the introduction agency Drawing Down the Moon, found that
RIBA president David Rock commented that architects were probably unaware of their
daily newspaper of easa007 // tuesday, july 31th // #7
WORKSHOPS Inductive Ecosystems Tutors: Vasileious Ntovros (GR), Chrysokona Mavrou (GR), Fabiano Spano (IT) The Tutors of IEP met while working as architects in Barcelona. After studying a Masters in self sufficiency, they were driven to create a workshop at easa007 that would explore the city of Elefsina through the creation of 1:1 scale prototype eco-
logical machines that interact with natural climate and phenomena like wind, sunshine and water. The participants are currently working on eight prototypes being constructed. The output of the machines responds to environmental effects varies from the production of energy, movement, sound, shadow and light. The machines are being constructed low tech. and low budget
A very nice news indeed. Thursday night, after the presentations of Ireland’s EASA008, Croatia’s INCM007, Moscow’s INCM006 and ELEA/CLEA in general, the night will be known as THE JURRASIC PARTY.
using recycled material from easa and Elefsina. The wide variety of machines respond to environmental conditions in the city of Elefsina itself. When completed, the prototypes will be placed in their context within the city, for example, the machine dealing with water and waves will be located near the harbour, in its working environment. More information is available on the workshop blog. http://iep.blogspot.com
Don’t be frightened of this monstrous name. By now, everyone knows what a DINO in EASA context is. So, everyone is invited to a party held by the dinos - ones who have been to a significant number of EASA (and other EASA events) and have contributed a lot to the common good and, of course, EASA spirit. Marten, Daniel, Tijana, Adam, Kotryna and probably many more will be DJing on Thursday, with a big archive photos and video presentation running behind their backs... Read the paper tomorrow and the day after for more updates and ... get ready to act the way dinos do!
animal magnetism: “Architects were probably the only group on the list whose self-image is lower than their public image”, he said, but added: “Mind you, you have to question the veracity of any list that includes drama teachers”. RIBA Architecture Gallery director Alicia Pivaro, who is married to architect Paul Monaghan, said she thaugt male architects were highly attractive: “Being married to the architecture’s Mr Sexy, I would have to agree.” But she was surprised at the failiure of women architects to appear on the list. “All the ones I know are very sexy”, she said. Men instead voted PR executives the sexiest profession for females, followed by actresses and journalists.
CRITIQUE CORNER CREASA? This critique is not meant for the brilliant organization and all the other people who put so much effort, energy and time in EASA007. It is a opening of the discussion of the future content of EASA. Easa started as a platform for the exchange of knowledge through discussion, workshops and exhibitions. Each Easa meeting is a conscious ambition to bridge a cultural event and the educational alternatives in order to produce constructive reflections on society in an artistic way.* This year Elefsina warmly welcomed four hundred bright and intelligent Architecture students to help to make their dusty industry city more attractive.
Unfortunately the content of most of the workshops and the ambition of most participants have nothing to do with the theme City Index. Instead of using our brains we are wasting our energy without making a real sustainable contribution to Elefsina. The opportunity to explore outside the common borders of your thinking generates a feeling of freedom which is the main quality of EASA. The overwhelming freedom stimulates the fact that no one is responsible for anything. The necessity for the workshop to contribute towards the theme is absent. If this is the case, why choose a theme at all? Why feel responsible and guilty towards Elefsina if in the end all our work is based on our own happiness and not on that of the inhabitants of the city we're using.
Easa can develop in two directions. Acknowledging the fact that everyone is here for their own fun and do workshops without any social responsibility. This would release the pressure of producing something meaningful and might stimulate our creativity even more. CREASA is born. An other scenario is more difficult to reach. Change our mentality of a drunk,lawless summercamp into a meaningful syntheses of knowledge, creativity, motivation, and a contribution towards the theme of EASA. Karin van Rooij (NL) *from EASA007 tutorpack Thanks for a serious opinion (which is always good), Karin, and there will definitely be an answer tomorrow, innit?
daily newspaper of easa007 // tuesday, july 31th // #7
daily newspaper of easa007 // tuesday, july 31th // #7
SPEAK! Following the immortal phrase of “Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.”, here’s a couple of phrases straight from LATIN America: Abutebaris modo subjunctivo denuo - You’ve been misusing the subjunctive again Ad praesens ova cras pullis sunt meliora - Eggs today are better than chickens tomorrow Quid agis, medice? - What’s up, Doc? Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur - We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving. (Syrus) Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem - In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags Me transmitte sursum, caledoni Beam me up, Scotty
honey-liquour-shot. literally.
group hug from yesterday.. share the love :)
National narcotics
Two days ago it was time for everybody’s favorite, the national evening. The recipe is simple- bring some of the strongest alcohol you can find at home + something edible and bring it along. When the time comes, put it all on a desk, put some funky clothes on and... try to survive. This year there was a bonus (the organizers seriously amaze me – congrats girls & guys!) - a barbecue, again in style. Kilos upon kilos of meaty delicacies. And as if that wasn’t enough, to mark the beginning of the evening, a pick-up truck carrying a fullsized roasted pig (?) came driving in through the front gate. What followed was a mad mix of food, drinks strange names, weird sandwiches and loud music. Next year’s organizers, the Irish came serving their trademark coffee. The UK had gin and tonic, with sandwiches. Hungary had Palinka and Serbia (somewhat surprisingly) soup. Similarly, Russia left their vodka home this year, but Finland had a fantastic combination of vodka and mints. Sweden also had a unique drinking experience, which involved standing in ice-cold water drinking warm mulled wine. San Salvador was serving mostly information and medallions. Malta came serving Limonce and Slovenia’s bees had honey in every conceivable form. Belgians had chocolate and beer, Lithuanians offered a smashing (literally) cocktail of beer and vodka/other weird national things, and the rest... got all mixed up, but very much appreciated at the time ;-) Throughout music was playing and the ones that have drunk (or eaten) enough eventually joined the others on the school dance floor. The rhythm picked up and the strongest survived all the way till morning, when it was time for the excursion no Nafplion. But that’s a different story, best left for another time.
and not really getting back together until today.. So some of us that could get to the beach in time enjoyed a nice concert, followed by a disco night at one of the beachfront bars. It wasn’t entirely empty, but then again it wasn’t packed full either.
get the party started, screamed the pig
hey-ho Silver, away!
National Evening is always followed by an excursion, as it is generally judged that most of the participants will be a little to fragile to effectively participate in their workshops. To be honest, it’s difficult to argue with the logic. The day started with a unique call to arms from certain unnamed Irishmen, urging their fellow participants to be MORNING PEOPLE before regaling them with a chorus of “Raglan Road”. It was felt that any extra minutes of sleep for the tutors would show some sort of hierarchy and would thusly be contrary to EASA spirit, so they all got a burst of early morning paddywhackery too.
The bus journey across to Nafplia was a subdued event except for the denizens of Bus C who apparently weren’t satisfied with the English table’s quantity of gin and tonic and indulged themselves in some dilute anti-malarial beverages. Strictly medicinal stuff. Obviously. Nafplia itself provided a muy tranquillo background to a day of relaxation. EASAians moved in small groups through the old town and most of them eventually made it to the beach. Maybe we’ll all make it back there again in 60,000 years when it’s sandy rather than stoney. Anyway, Nafplios was a certainly important place to visit for us, as it has a long history... For example: Nafplion is supposedly named
after Nafplios, son of Poseidon, and home of Palamidis (see the pic below). Palamidis was their local hero of the Trojan war and supposedly the inventor of weights and measures, lighthouses, and the first Greek alphabet. For some people it was an early night - it would have taken a crowbar to get me out of bed - but most people made it down to the beach to the Full Moon party, a mellow old night. It’s good to see everybody looking so refreshed this morning, and it’s bound to reflect on the impetus of the workshops. Thanks very much to the Greek organisers for all their efforts over the last two days.
screamed until there was nothing to scream out of :>
can i have some of that? and that? and the other stuff as well? please? Marble street
and a bit of this one? and that? oh just a bit of everything, please. :)
Final grade: How can you grade, or at least remember a national evening? And as for yesterday – I believe the national evening took a toll on all of us, most of us crawling through Napflion
the Georgian table - pre party.
Saturday night lecture under a code name "city + new technology" consisted of series of presentations by contemporary Greek architects (and not only them). Sadly, the hall seemed quote empty in the very end (which was really late), because the information provided was essential and even shocking at some points. Firstly and coincidentally, we were introduced to a city museum project in Nafplios, and we hope some EASAns tried the thing out in the excursion yesterday. It is basically an open-air museum throughout the old city center, accessible either in situ or via internet. Metal cubes are put all around the town, equipped with PDAs that are used by the museum visitors. The PDAs provide audio information about the interesting objects to the users! Lovely.
View from the Palamidi castle "We didn't try to create a super realistic project, we wanted to experiment with structures more", - said Dimitris who presented a project within the whole London Olympics issue, that is meant to help people get around the Olympic town in an easier way. They created sentinel-like structures of people’s tracks and used them for further investigation of what can be done in making the Olympics a better place for the users! We wanna go. We were introduced to an “In-Between” project, which is, what seemed to us, based on the online communities, such as MySpace, Facebook and Secondlife, concept, but is actually something completely different. In “In-Between”, you get to present your REAL LIFE living space (an apartment or house, both exterior and interior) and see other people’s real living spaces. Thus, from real-life objects, an online city, or even a country (we aren’t sure about the massiveness
The castle itself (a part of it, of course) of the project) is built. Everyone can participate - check www.medialab.asfa.gr. Later on, we had an introduction to a virtually real, or really virtual, or semivirtual semi-real projects that look like action games. Or even capture-the-flag games. Actually, there is no more border between internet and real life. And that’s very tempting to do a better research on. We will, and you? Concluding, the Saturday night was really really interesting, no matter it was that long. Most of the presentations sounded like sci-fi, "Matrix" and maybe even "1984", and, as one of the speakers pointed out, still it is all done by us, architects, for us, humans, so it shouldn't go too far to fantasy world. P.S. Sorry for not mentioning too many names dowen here - we didn’t take our pens with us, and we don’t want to mess up with Greek spelling.