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Oktober 28 th 2012 Issue 1 Page 1



I . N . C . M . 2 0 1 3 . B I D D ING romanIA vS belgium Two quiet different teams, different countries, different presentations. But both made all the preparations very well! Belgian team›s strong point was having sponsors already,but it seemd to the majority of the NCs that they experienced a lack of enthusiasm or energy or passion. Romanian team›s advantage was their passion about this event and their eagerness to arrange it in their country, but NCs had doubts that they would manage to organize it properly... The disscussion lasted something about 8 hours but NCs could reach an unanimous decision. till midnight. Poor teams had to stay nervous for all this time . Thats how it seemed to me, but when i went to cheer them up i found them searching for a place on the map where they could carry out the incm together))) But finally at 00.12 the desicion was made ... INCM 2013 is going to be in ROMANIA!

INCM 2013 «RETHINK EASA!» A letter from Romanian team CONCEPT: The city is growing faster than anytime before. It brings people, cultures, habits together in one place. In Eastern Europe this phenomena is peculiar: the lack of applied legislation, the dynamic growth and the movement of people have generated a context so chaotic that no law can control. This is where experiments can be made. This is the place where there is no general answer. This is EASTERN LAB. The uncontrollable urban sprawl generates the urban lab – thus Bucharest becomes a starting point: the place for experiment, it is challenging by the lack of an unique solution, it offers a certain liberty of action, without ignoring restraints. Bucharest is a perfect place for this experiment as a universe of chaos and dystopia. Our bid was a call for experiment, a call towards rethinking the city. Doubt your limits! Rethink EASA!

Team: Our core team is made up by seven architecture students from two different universities in Romania. We are really enthusiastic about organizing the INCM as we see it as a both ways opportunity: both for Bucharest and for the EASA community. We wish the INCM to be more of a manifesto. We think that the EASA Spirit is about communication, exchange and alternative solutions: How can we help EASA learn from the eastern chaos and how can the eastern chaos learn from EASA? That answer is to be figured out together with our colleagues and friends from all around the world. We want to make a proper study and thus we wish to involve more countries from the former soviet block in the process. Conferences, workshops and debates will be the means to do that. We thank EASA for choosing us and we wish to make a great INCM!

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I . N . C . M . 2 0 1 3 . B I D D ING romanIA vS belgium

Oktober 28 th 2012 Issue 1 Page3

e a s a . 2 0 1 4 . B I D D ING Questions to Team Bulgaria

Questions to Team Portugal 1. Who are you?

Portuguese people (Joana, Francisco, Monica, Andre, Rui, Jose, Daniela, Tope, Sara, Criti, Artur, Ferreira)

Symbol of EASA 2014 Bulgaria?

Connect the dots

1. Who are you?

We are madflavour sixpack! 2. Why you?

Come sense us! 3. What is official drink of EASA 2014?

2. Why you?

Well..Nobody else really knows what is EASA in Portugal but everything can change in 2014

Beer with lemon and ice Burning shots Beer with tequila Mint with soda

3. What is official drink of EASA 2014?

Porto wine, super bock and receita 4. Is a sea far from EASA 2014 site?

Of course NOT! Ahah... we live by the sea! 6. Love box. Yes or no?

WTF? Yeah, why not? Yes! 7. Cheers in your language?

Bai a cima, bai a baixo, bai ao centro e bai a coxa a outra e esta todo la dentro!

Symbol of EASA 2014 Portugal?

House + Tool

4. Is a sea far from EASA 2014 site?

2 hours drive 6. Love box. Yes or no?

Yes, please. 7. Cheers in your language?


here could be your joke! tell hanna, alexandra, and yvonne

Oktober 28 th 2012 Issue 1 Page4







Party People Entering the uni for partying I proudly showed my wristband and bumped into a security guy’s question: ‚What’s that?’

I mummbled something about easa and nc stuff but he interupted me with : ‚What-

ever. Payment is there’.

0:1 easa spirit was loosing. But we moved forward to the uni and in a moment all easians dissolved in the crowd of TU students. Well at least we know where to find each other! BAR! Drinks were served at two bars and crossing the corridor we were able to come out with drinks in the two court yards. There was one very interesting





e at

announcement at one of the entrances to the yard. I guess a very few of you noticed it but maybe because it was written in German. But i will reveal this secret for you. The announcement said ‚Please pee quietly’. I hope you observed this rule ;) It was so interesting to watch the transformation of the building from studying to partying. And according to old austrian tradition when you say ‚ PARTY’ David the Duke of PARTYshire appears immediately. I guess lots of you met him yesterday. That was he who got me acquanted to marvelous cocktail Mate + Vodka. And thats how the party ended (at least for some of us).


i tu




And we think that the TU liked us a lot because even on the next day its floor was very sticky and it seemed like it didn’t want to let us leave, even when we came back to the Kuppelsaal at TU for our discussions:

Love is that sticky stuff, that holds us together.

News and FUN Movie night is coming On Sunday after the easa 2014 bidding we are going to Schikaneder cinema to film noir directed by Carol Reed ‹The third man› It is particularly remembered for its atmospheric cinematography, performances, and unique musical score.


Oktober 28 th 2012 Issue 1 Page5


lost - black muffler (knitted scarf)

WEATHER 28OKT12: - 1 |+4 - Partly cloudly

The screenplay was written by novelist Graham Greene, who subsequently published the novella of the same name (which he had originally written as a preparation for the screenplay). its title music «The Third Man Theme» topped the international music charts in 1950. It is often ranked among the greatest films of all time The Third Man won the 1949 Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, the British Academy Award for Best Film, and an Academy Award for Best Black and White Cinematography in 1950. Its interesting to know that: * the story happens in Vienna in 1940s * there are several tourist agencies in Vienna that offer the guided tour to the places of ‹The third man› * in order to distinguish main actors from the crowd in film noir their costumes were brightly painted. * Cafe Mozart in Vienna promotes itself as one of the places of ‹The third man› but its is not!

Movie starts at 20.00 The Cinema is situated next to U - Kettenbrückengasse. Be There!

Oktober 30 th 2012 Issue2 Page 1



E A S A . 2 0 1 4 . B I D D ING bulgaria vS portugal

EASA 2014 is going to Bulgaria Theme: Symbiosis

Both teams did a great job. Themes of the proposals were so different, that it was very difficult to compare the two proposals.

Symbiosis is about coming together: living together, thinking together, creating together. Symbiosis starts now – it’s not only the two weeks in 2014. It seeks a massive input from all European countries during the process of organization. A platform will be created, where organizers, tutors and participants will exchange their ideas for the assembly and develop the workshops and events together. All easa media workshops have already reserved their studio in the old post office so muuve your minds and get the hot talks going. Veliko Tarnovo provides a huge amount of spaces, awaiting your (small, or not that small) interventions. The beer factories have scheduled extra-productions for 2014, so the summer heat will be treated appropriately. Bring you sunglasses and your swimming suits, easa is going south!

Each theme had very strong and important points for easa an event, and in order to choose what is more related to an easa event, Ncs spent lots of hours discussing and figuring out, what is easa all about. Lots of Ncs found the theme of Portugal “Rehab” very challenging and interesting to work with, but at the same time there were concerns about the depth of this subject and the lack of time to solve it properly. In contrast, the Bulgarian theme was more open, and was considered as «spatial solid foundation»for an AWESOME EASA! A big «thank you» to the Portuguese team. Thanks to you also a very important question was raised:should the easa theme be more constraint, cause the more limits you have the more creative you think, or should it be more open and provide “space” for experiments. it depends... it depends on EASA Spirit at that time.

In 1879, the German mycologist Heinrich Anton de Bary defined it as:

«the living together of unlike organisms.» The Team spoke the language of EASA. The NC s thought, that this is what EASA is about. What a nice Theme. Congratulations to Bulgaria. Team Bulgaria: Their Moment at INCM2012 in Vienna

Oktober 30 th 2012 Issue2 Page2

i m p u l s e _ L e c t u r e n i g h t _ o n _ a r c h i t e c t u r e INCM2012 presented the Impulse Lecture evening «Night on Architecture» at Az W Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria Speakers: Dietmar Steiner (Az W) Michael Obrist (feld72) Hermann Czech Marlies Breuss (Holodeck architects) Jakob Dunkl (Querkraft) Kristina Schinegger (soma) Iris Podgorschek (podpod design) Günter Katherl (Caramel) Kabru (Propeller Z) You should all look them up in the Internet. We were highly impressed by these austrian architects. We have picked 2 projects we really liked and will first focus on Michael Obrist from Feld72: The Million Dunkey Hotel: 2005 – 73% of the European population are living actually in cities. This constantly increasing number does not result only in a constant enlargement of the cities and suburbia, but has a direct reflection in the disintegration of large areas of cultivated landscape by migration which in its complexity and negative consequences for the larger eco- and social system is hard to predict. The future of that areas is also the future of Europe. “PaeSEsaggio – Azione Matese” has invited a group of international artists to the regional parc of the Matese to create projects with the partecipation of the population. The projects should focus on the relation between identity, territory and social space. The Million Donkey Hotel of feld72 Prata Sannita is a town on the base of the Massiccio del Matese and is divided into the “borgo”, a medieval part on a hillside situation on the river Lete, called Prata Inferiore and the Prata Superiore of the last century. Whereas the medioeval town has suffered a lot by

migration – right now its population is mainly formed by older persons-, Prata Superiore has had a bigger success with its different building typologies and the urban grid shaped by the impact of the revolution of the car and other paradigmata of modernity. How could one transform this lost spaces of migration into a new potential for the future whithout denying its past? How could the spatial complexity of some already forgotten parts of Prata Inferiore again be part of a living public space? Prata Sannita will be perceived as a big diffuse hotel, which has some free rooms left: The abandoned spaces. Those will not be considered just as space of memory, but as a space where everything is possible. This cells through the bigger concept of the million donkey hotel all become interconnected and the whole town of Prata Sannita changes into one space of interaction. With the help

of more than 40 volunteers of Prata Sannita and with a very low budget in a month full of improvisations the spaces were transformed into new ones of experience, becoming so a big extension of the public space. The Million Donkey Hotel is a new perception of the whole town of Prata Sannita (21km²) and has re-given forgotten parts of the town to a broader audience of people, also the young ones. They can be used as meeting places, bedrooms, siesta spaces and a public bathroom. Occasionally they are filled with the protagonists of a new, much more contemporary kind of migration: the nomad of nowadays, the tourist, which in some moments can transform these spaces into a non-commercial version of a “Hotel”. But this all depend on the public itself – on their own responsibility how they use and how they share their new spaces.

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ML MUSEUM, LIAUNIG The museum liaunig projects out on two sides over steep-sided ground, high up in the landscape. A cut through the hill marks a precise intervention in nature. Planted into the site the new museum emerges more like a work of landart. Only a small part of the outstretched museum building is visible. Cut through the hill, the main body of the museum slices through a densely-wooded, steep-sided embankment, providing an unparalleled view over the river drau seventy meters below. The building cantilevers an impressive thirty meters out, over a steep bank towards the approach road – clearly visible to approaching visitors. The museum entrance zone is orientated toward both the centre of neuhaus and the nearby historical castle owned by the museum’s patron. The substantial viewing storage depot is one of the main areas of the museum. Stretching the whole length of the gently sloping approach to the main exhibition hall, visitors are accompanied by this ‘wine cellar of art’. This underground volume offers the possibility to organize a variety of exhibitions by virtue of flexible screens and lighting arrangements. The building’s core is a 160metre long, fully daylight exhibition hall, with protected terraces at each end. The continuous 13metre wide, 7metre high room is covered by a part translucent curved-skin – an industrial element permitting daylight. the hall is organized with mobile exhibition panels.

Oktober 30 th 2012 Issue2 Page4

P a r ty - R e v i e w - p r e v i e w m o n day NIGH T , 2 9 O K T 1 2 aT louvre-Bar Party People vol. 2 It was good, cause it was only EASA people and it was easy to find home to the dorms: drunk. it was not too far away from our Gym. Ali and Heschi, both from Vienna, Waste-Bikes Workshop-Tutors in Helsinki popped in, everyone was delighted to see them, especially the ladies. We were also celebrating Kamila Kawecka`s Birthday! Alle the best Kamilla. The Good Bye-Wien-Party (before we Post EASA Trip to Bratislava) also is in Louvre - Bar.

Hello-Wien Party

Date: 31okt12 Place: top Secret and special When: after dinner, but on time! thursday, 1NOV12 is a holiday --> the metros are running all night!

10 Last-Minute Halloween Costumes for Halloween 2012


What you need: -A tan stocking -Markers/Makeup -A robe -Desire to offend devout Christians

What you need: -A hangover -Gatorade -The remains of a once glorious costume

What you ll Need: -2 pieces of posterboard -Twine -A vagina

News and FUN NOT ANOTHER AR- * LOST and FOUND mainly lost things: CHITECTURE PARTY -iphone cable, pls check if you have FEAT, WOLFRAM ELIPHINO

2? and several phones. give it to umbrella. also: the INCM012 Banner.

Oktober 30 th 2012 Issue 2 Page5

WEATHER 30OKT12: +5 partly sunny. bid cold.

WOLFRAM (Permanent Vacation) ELIPHINO (Somethinksounds) COLT AUS GOLD / FLOWJOB EXTRATURBO VISUALS BY THE29NOV Wolfram is a musician and producer whose record intelligently and lovingly sings the praises of the significant contributions that the euro sound from those early days of electronic music dance has made on pop music. Wolfram is an aesthete, operating in that Warholian tradition of seeing beyond what is considered by many to be “trash” and finding the beauty in it. The songs are listenable; so listenable, that in a way, listening feels like a guilty pleasure. When truly analyzed and contextualized however, the listening experience becomes a more substantial oneone might go so far as to even say a challenging one. - Andy Butler (Hercules & Love Affair) Like many producers, Leeds native Eliphino took to beatmaking at a young age. His first productions were strongly influenced by hip-hop, garnering comparisons to

artists like Madlib and other LA experimentalists based on his «Out of Phase» and «Seasons» EPs. Eliphino has fast been picking up praise from some of the scenes most influential taste makers and producers. As well as support from Giles Peterson Eliphino›s previous releases have made their way on to Zane Lowe and Mary Ann Hobbs Radio 1 shows and

Mistajam›s 1Xtra show and Eliphino can count Martyn and Illum sphere as big fans of his work. It is going to be legendary!!! HO TO GET HOME TONIGHT: it WOULD BE BEST to take taxis. one taxi to the dorms is 16 Euros-travel in Groups of 4. AROUND 5 AM, YOU CAN TAKE THE FIRST METRO «U2» TO RATHAUS.

What is the best thing about living in Switzerland? Well the Flag is a big plus ! Cecily Weeks from Ireland, now living in ZHR, Switzerland.

Oktober 30 th 2012 Issue 2 Page6

Graphisoft QUESTION OF THE DAY WE ASKED THE LECTURERS: wine If you were the King or Queen of Architecture what would you change first?

I only knew its software but not its hardware! Hey its graphisoft plugin! Some might think, Is the wine as bad as its software? Wine! now in 3d! Could you please upload a bit to my glass? It’s rendering my brain! Tastes like ink! Oh! That’s how archicad tastes!

Michael Obrist (feld72) I would change the idea of “kingdom”. I would make it democracy first. I think we shouldn’t work at the greatness of people, at their skills, they are already brilliant. The main focus right now on the society attach, but the main problem is that society does not give them the money that they sustain. The main problem of architect is not what or how they are doing, but what they are allowed to do and how they are paid for their projects. So as a King, I would give them one big gold bar, so they could sustain kind of a living. Jakob Dunkl (Querkraft) I don’t want to be the King of Architecture, if then I would like to be the democratic leader of architecture and bring everybody good architecture. That is what I want to do. Because architecture is good for the people. Marlies Breuss (Holodeck architects) “Status of the architecture , in general thinking of people. Because architecture is a lot more than making objects. Architecture has a lot of social impacts, a lot of important facts for how we love together, and I think that there should be a lot more honored and taken into account for the students, teacher and the society.” Günter Katherl (Caramel) I would get rid of ALL THESE houses! No more houses in the world. We don’t need them! No more kings because there won’t be any Kingdom!

«BAUSTELLENBESICHTIGUNG» AND OFFICE VISITS. 31OKT12 9:00 starting at the dorms/infopoint.


Kabru (Propeller Z) I wouldn’t be the King I would be the Queen or may be Caliph like. And I would spend more money on education. And I would make people open their mind. It would change everything. podpod design If we talk about the light) we would change the light of architecture. Well nowadays lighning architecture is something that is thought of after the project is already developed. But it should roll together. And as for architecture itself there should be more communication between architects and users. Because usually architects are hired by developers, so they design some nice shape or functional structure and what happens next is that when this building goes to other owner it faces new demands of new users. An also human aspect is very important. As Jakob said: «People are important, not buildings.» Architects should develop a space where some «flowers» can appear. Kristina Schinegger (soma) First I would abolish to queen. Because the biggest problem then would be that architecture has a Queen. For sure everything is so relative. There is no true and no false , no right and no wrong. And architecture just proves it every day. So I would also abolish “the right” and “the wrong” and any trends. And architecture has to be experimental.

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thanks to the organisers! B r a t i s l a v a p o s t . e a s a . t r i p Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and, with a population of about 460,000, thecountry›s largest city. Bratislava is in southwestern Slovakia on both banks of the Danube River and on the left bank of Morava river. Bordering Austria and Hungary, it is the only national capital that borders two independent countries.

example Petržalka (the biggest part in Bratislava) was before 1982 a village which completely destroyed and transformed to residential area with prefab buildings. This and others interesting changes offer Bratislava. WHO WILL SHOW US THE RIGHT PLACES?

WHAT ABOUT ACCOMODATION? We booked 3 crazy hostels. And I can say really crazy, because when I was in the 1st one. The receptionist told me whole story how he puked all night :D (true story, but he was so nice so respectable :D) WHAT ABOUT PARTY?

WHY WE SHOULD GO THERE? Bratislava has his own mystical spirit, because it was not just one of the socialistic countries but always it was a centre between 3 bigger metropoles: Vienna, Budapest and Prague. This spirit of multi culture lives in historic centre. Socialism transformed a lot, for



for the ones, who are and do you need FOR ARCHITECTS Mumok: Light Installation from Dan Flavin

AND The Poesie of Reduction minimal, concept, land art

3 of the best guides ever...anymaniacs: Beatka (Slovak NC), Adam Berka (old-NC) and Michal Sladek (oldNC). All of them has his own tour de Bratislava. Beatka prepared a city walk called: ,,BARtislava»....Adam: ,,Dirty and healthy» and Michal offer:,,Build politics». Personally, I think you have various choice.



1st night=night you can see our favorite clubs and bars and for the 2nd night we prepared for you Slovak Halloween night in Galleria Cvernovka. Where we will have saturday›s discussions and then party, party, party. EVERYONE IS WELCOME FROM 2-4 NOV12!



staying in vienna: have you been to the museums? a place to stay? we can help you. POP.INN.111_Guesthouse/Hostel/ FOR YOUNG INTERESTED FEHome POP_INN 111 is an experimenMALES and maybe NAKED MAN tal pop-up project in vienna ! Leopold Museum: The naked Man ( BOOKINGS: since 18 th Century) Phone Lukas:+436604937706, Time: we meet at 12.30 at Leopold Rebecca:+4369915021595 Museum. Here: Email Adress: Schönbrunnerstraße 111/2326 1050 Vienna, Austria

november 2nd 2012 Issue3 Page2

w o r k s h o p

we.made.pinguins.with.caramel! CARAMEL is not only something to eat, its also the name of the Office, that was tutoring the INCM workshop at pratersauna. The office motto: for each projekt a new one. As one of the major offices and no longer a young office but with a noticeable number of high scale buildings, caramel architects join the austrian architectural landscapes. We built pinguins with them; 3D-pinguins out of Paper. we only had to cut it right and to fold the lines, they already had printed on thick paper. You can build everything! Actually is harder as it sounds and its quite challenging to get it right. it also took forever, but the results are very convincing!

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o f f i c e . v i s i t s On Wednesday a small but very informative excursion to the future Vienna Central Station was guided by a representative of Wimmer Architects. And it turned out that he used to be EASA organizer 20 years ago in Turin. EASA is everywhere)). The new central station will be constructed as a through station. For the first time in Austrian’s federal capital, trains will arrive from and depart in all directions. By creating high-performance north-south and east-west connections, the station will become the most important hub for regional, national and international holiday traffic as well as a central intersection in the transEuropean rail network. Each of us had an opportunity to see with one’s own eyes the design and building process. On the site area of the platform that was being constructed we could take a look at building technologies and structure of the station. The design

motto is “universal design”, i.e. the breaking down of barriers and suitability for everyday use. In addition to the station building, the new BahnhofCity [Station- City] will house offices, restaurants, shops, service companies and cultural businesses, flats, hotels and the required car parks.

Thanks a lot to the organizer team!

discussions and

Yesterday the NCs moved on with their discussions. After EASA2014 and INCM2013 have been choosen, the list of topics was long! topics like the everlasting problem of the EASA Homepage, even marko, the old Webmaster tried to help and took some time off for us; the Archive, maybe going to be uploaded online finally, the Workshops, the SESAMs and upcoming Events and last but not least the Fees and Tutorfees. Groups have

And at the moment when we got to the platform we realized that polygonal type of structure is peculiar not only to penguins. What a surprise! The roof had the same folding principle. In general the construction site was very huge and vast which was incredibly fantastic and it impressed us a lot.

been made and we tried to fIgure out who should be responsible for what. But what we are really sure of it, that every NC should know the easa guide. 2 percent of fees are actually for the archive, but it seems to be an articel in our guide, that many EASAians just overlook. Thats why we have INCMs, so everyone knows what we are actually here for. Thats why we talk about it. We hope that soon we can present the new website and archive, combined to


the EASA Community. It shall not take another 5 years. We promise. will be working soon. The day ended with the wonderland lecture, Sesam Rhodos and Igloo Building Sesam in Scuol, Switzerland Presentation.

w o n d e r l a n d . c x

sign up and apply for the platform for european architecture

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Hello-Wien-Party Vampires, witches, ghosts, zombies and naked Slovenians guys could be met on the streets of Vienna on halloween. Till the last moments easians didn’t know what kind of costume they would put on, but as Hugo once said “The more limits you have the more creative you think” and we had a lot of limits: closed shops, lack of time, narrow range of material but thanks to our craziness we did it! And we did it pretty well! We started the night in Werk with drinking. Than we actually had a plan to go from bar to bar, pub to pub but we stuck in the first one, the Loft, and no one had regrets about this. It seemed that Dj played easa playlist! “WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS”, “We are Young” etc. The more we danced the more the 2nd floor looked like sauna. It was getting hot and airless inside but it didn’t prevent us from going crazy on the dance floor. But it was overcrowded inside so easians one by one got squeezed out of the club. And that was a good excuse to go home.

ORGANISERS CROSSWORD 1. Meanings range from cloth to being really drunk; 2. Night; 3. Charm, ironic joke; 4. Cigarette; 5. The police 6. Traditional Viennese restaurant; 7. Sausage stuffed with cheese; 8. Shit (Damn!); Let’s check how well you have learnt MUST TO KNOW list of words! Finish the puzzle Find the keyword Get a FREE shot (only for first 3)

november 2nd 2012 Issue 3 Page6

QUESTION OF THE DAY night on architecture feetback

Adam Powel, UK and Pauli Rikaniemi, FI Monday night we all gathered in the Architecture Zentrum for an evening of lectures from Austrian Architects. With plenty of graphisoft-wine, beers and cake to keep us all going. The lectures covered a wide variety of projects, from sperm walls to moveable facades. We actuallly liked the Sperm Wall a lot, Sweet and funny! When concentration started to falter and the wine seeming more appealing, we were all pulled up with architectural pantomime with cady prizes. The Office CARAMEL exhibiting their buildings with gymnastic expression, Miko Mitow from Bulgaria even won their latest book. The lectures ended on a high note preparing everyone for the late night Louvre party.

what is your impression? who was your favourite, and why? JP Treacy, IRL: This lecture series really impressed me, to condense an office ethos into 20 minutes of speech ensures the most important information is given and without any time for the audience attention to wander. The high standard and variation of offices which spoke was excelent, and I was surprised at the youth of directors. For me the Querkraft director explained their unique mehod of designing buildings in a manner which left me blown away. Inspiring. Karolina Ciplyte, LTU: 9 short concentrated pieces of unique opportunity to rethink the sense of architecture, while getting hit by a caramel bonbon. Yvonne Michel, CH: I was amazed by the current architecture going on in austria. its a pitty, we dont hear that much about it in switzerland, the exchange beetween our countries is very important. we can only build good architecture in collaboration, we should speak the same language, actually we do. and thanks a lot for your humor, i think that is missing in swiss architecture. we are just boring. In 20 years, we will not be of any importance anymore, if we are not adapting to europe. Iurii Kryvokhvatko, Ukraine I liked all ideas in general. That one about bicycles by Feld72 was a very good example of an unconventional way of thinking. Soma’s kind of a parametric projects were very impressive. They look so natural in all senses. I prefer architecture of flexible geometry in general. Anastasiya Andrukovich, Belarus I enjoyed the evening. I liked that the speeches were quite short and contained only important facts, necessary information. I especially like Soma. Why? mmm…Can’t remember for sure, but I even wrote down its name on the palm of my hand in order to have a closer look at their projects later. Tiia Vahula, Estonia Yeah! It was very interesting to listen to the speakers. I was especially impressed by PodPod Design studio team. The way they spoke about what they did was very inspiring. One can see how passionate they are about what they do. ( and interpretation of her speech ) Tati Leonteva, Russia Some of them I found quiet interesting and useful. What I liked more was Querkraft. It seems to me that Jakob Dunkl has his own principles, which he follows either you like it or not. His confidence in the way he sees how the architecture should be done is his main advantage. Karl Ebejer, Malta I noted the architects’ attitude to students. They were very friendly and easy-going and informal in the way they communicated with us. As for the one I liked most, it was Querkraft, especially I noted the way this company worked with its clients. And the way Jakob Dunkl performed was quiet expressive.

News and FUN * LOST and FOUND


last chance to find your stuff and to loose your mind.

another halloween party in Bratislava

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Quaxi ( ORF TV-weather frog ) ist on holyday, too. but generally it feels much warmer!

Tiia and Lucy, these two young females from estonia, are looking for a flat in vienna. starting in january. dont part them, they need to stay together, we can only give them to a good n warm place, where they can be part of a loving family.

Adam Berka, old slovakian NC opened a book and design shop in bratislava. now he comes to EASAsand INCMs, filling us in with the newest books and designs in and for Europe. More Infos: HP:, EMAIL:

ÂŤit is amazing what make-up can do!Âť Nikoloz Bolkvadze, Georgia, living in Praha. at Halloween, borrowing ladies make up, that gave easa a special gothic touch, since it was basicly mascara and lipstick all over our faces.

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