Deznik Vol13.Issue01

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Monday 5th August 2013 | VOL 13 . ISSUE 01

Make news and serve it HOT!


Welcome to EASA 013! EASA Pre-party


Hello our dear readers. From this day and for the next two weeks you have become a part of a whole new country, called EASA, with it’s own currency, laws, id bracelets and spirit. You are all now Easians! Umbrella congratulates every newcomer for becoming a part of such a huge event as EASA and assure you, that you’ll never regret it. EASA always leaves some new impressions, thoughts and ideas as well as new information, useful skills and new fun life experience. For those who have been before - welcome back, and get ready to experience EASA spirit Slovenian style! This year promises to be a rather musical affair. Music meets you at the castle entrance and this atmosphere follows you whenever you go. There’s even gonna be some workshops based on sounds. Welcome to Žužemberk! Work! Have fun! Be cool!

WATCH OUT for strangers. Its a school with many entrances. There will be a guard but be observant.

DEŽNIK online


Slovenia seems a very HOT country in every meaning of the word. The first evening started with great lukewarm meal, continued with heartwarming hugs and talks, and ended with hot but not the hottest yet (pre)party. But thats why it is called preparty, everyone is just started to know their capabilities for drinking, chatting, partying and coping with work on the next day. Menu at the bar impresses with the prices! It may tempt you to get wasted, but don’t be fooled by the cool evenings tomorrow’s gonna be a hot day!

Tutors: PLEASE don’t leave your participants! They promise to be good... Smoking is BAD! At least under the tents and in the dormitories and next to dry grass...well. Smoking is bad anyway...

contribute Umbrella always wants to hear from you! New this year is ‘Letters to Umbrella’ so drop us a tweer or a mail or even send us a letter! We also welcome any photos or guest contributors.




This year we’re getting stuck in straight away, and as soon as you’re off the bus its straight to workshop presentations. Some of us might be feeling a little overwhelmed with all the choice so Umbrella has hunted down some of this year’s tutors and asked them five questions about themselves and their workshop. Here’s what we found...


Tutors: Hugo Pointallart, Romea Muryn & Luci Brandoli 1. size doesn’t matter. 2. a print in history and some body f luids. 3. 90.60.90, good at screwing, daddy issues. 4. duschbag is only one word. 5. your mom’s


Tutors: Roland Nemeth, Eszter Macsuga & Zsófia Vancsura. 1. Bounce it, stretch it, pull it, wrap it. 2. A spider web 3. Strong men. Lots of them. 4. We are the Power Puff Girls (and boy??) 5. Roland - pink & lacy, Eszter & Zsófia - bandeau.

1. What’s your workshop motto?

2. What would you like to leave behind in Zuzemberk? 3. Imagine you are placing an ad in a dating column. Describe your ideal participant 4. Tell us a little about yourselves in 5 words 5. What kind of bikini are you planning to bring to Zuzemberk



Tutors: Cansu Pelin, Miles Reay-Palmer & Agnesa Vavrinova 1. Listen to you 2. easa zuzemberk ost album ;) 3. well, we need some ppl who carry the passion of music, mix life with it and love the taste of lemons&pears. 4. energetic, funny, dynamic, relax and hot! 5. oh, cant remember...did we?

Bhavika Mistry & Martin Konieczny 1. It’s a secret only the privileged participants will know ;) 2. A big smile and happy faces on all the people. 3.Good, possitive people with a wicked creative mind will add the extra edge. 4. Fun,fun,fun,fun and FUN! 5. Leather bikini and mankini.



1. Put your lights on! 2. Strangers in the night 3. (K)night rider 4. We like milky way, aha! 5. Inflatable bikini

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2.My socks. 3. Steve ‘The Bull’ Bull. 4. Dry. 5. Pineapple.

Tutors: Brina Vizjak & Sara Badovinac

Tutors: Will Burgess & Jack Richards

18.08.13 |03


Tutors: Milda Kulvičiūtė, Evelina Vasiliauskaitė & Joris Šykovas 1. ŽUŽ IT UP! 2. We’d like to leave a “mark” of different viewpoints concerning surroundings and history of Žužemberk. It would be reflected as creative landscape animation in people minds. 3. If you’re enthusiastic, openminded and creative, “Žuž up” team is interested to date you. We don’t care what’s your age, gender, looks or religion as long as you’re ours! But be prepared because if we get you we won’t let you go for two weeks!!! 4. Open_conceptual_fresh_different_ team. 5. We’re bringing the sexiest ones we have!



1. You won’t be able to escape! 2. Trap for a monster! 3. Hope that NCs did their best to select the participants! we welcome everybody smart 4. love, fun, happiness. 5. black

1. Keep calm & eat an onion. 2. It may contain traces of nuts and soy products. 3. [Fill-in] _______________________. 4. Five words is too much. 5. 100% synthetic.

Tutors: Nataly Nemkova, Alexander Hodyakov & Artem Atrashevsky

TOWARDS A TOPOLOGY OF BLACK FIRE Tutors: Alex Maxwell & Dicle Kockar


Tutors: Andrius Laurinaitis, Tomas Milkamanavičius 1. Sounds good. 2. Find the acoustic vibe of Žužemberk spaces and reveal it in an artistic way. 3. Intelligent, motivated, easy going. Big Ears is an advantage. 4. All questions at the bar. 5. Topless.

1. Work hard, play hard, swim when it’s too hot to work or play. 2. Well, if we finish on time, a lot of concrete. 3. Male, 26, seeks male or female (18-40) for working relationship, maybe more. Must be flexible, good with their hands and open to new experiences. Good sense of humour a must. 4. Ambitious. Slightly crazy. Good looking. 5. I guess this is one for Didi, but short shorts are a must for the men in this heat...

Tutors: Justinas Jakstonis, Elžbieta Bortkevič & Viktorija Rimkute


Tutors: Helena Mouton & Lisa Henderson 1. Less is more. Also, shoot first ask questions later. 2. Well, hopefully with the photos we can capture some pretty special EASA moments - but we would really like to take some of those with us. 3. Our ideal participant would have to be someone who won’t be easily frightened or blinded by us, we can be a bit weird all of the time. They should be willing to go out there and find photos that haven’t been taken yet. Must be willing to become an honorary tottie. 4. Tea’tjie. Random. Unts! Compassionate. Juxtaposed. 5. From the wetsuit variety.






1. everything is under control. easa tv is still working. 2. the first reality show in Zuzenvberg 3. videomaniac who likes to hang out under the scorching sun. 4. crab-people are around you 5. no bikini only Kondrat (our inflatable dolphin for swimming)

1. Paint or die, but have fun. 2. 10 pregnant woman at least. 3. Creative, hard workers, blond, crafty, motivated, with a degree in a law, party animals. 4. Vamos a la playa ohohoooh. 5. A body painted one.

1. Expect anything. Fear nothing. Be part of the swarm. 2. Nothing, we want to take stuff from here. 3. Reflecting, tough, not too shy, sharing, caring, open for experimenting, big heart full of love . 4. Passionate, Excited, Nice, Investigative, Sunny 5. None. We want to free mankind from the dictate of clothes.



Tutors: Alexandra Kononchenko, Olga Dolinina & Arian Lehner.

Tutors: Inesa Kovalova, Kseniia Pundyk & Alan Thompson 1. You won’t be able to escape! 2. Trap for a monster! 3. Hope that NCs did their best to select the participants! we welcome everybody smart 4. love, fun, happiness. 5. black

Tutors: Andrej Zikic, Diego Garcia Esteban & Etienne Godfrin.

Tutors: Roland Nemeth, Eszter Macsuga & Zsófia Vancsura. 1. Bounce it, stretch it, pull it, wrap it. 2. A spider web 3. Strong men. Lots of them. 4. We are the Power Puff Girls (and boy??) 5. Roland - pink & lacy, Eszter & Zsófia - bandeau.

Tutors: Patrick Jaritz, Zsofia Paczolay & Zsofia Szoke.


Tutors: Willem Barendregt, Sophie van Dorsten & Joost Harteveld 1. Eat,pray,love. 2. International knowledge of different cultures’ cuisine. 3. Finish, blond, 24 age, living on the Helmet island in Finland. 4. Ultra sexy, aphrodisiac, euphorical, sausage fest, chef-cocks 5. Translucent.

18.08.13 |05

WHATS ON TODAY LECTURE where – courtyard of the castle when – 20.30 tomorrow who – Ira Zorko Ira is an architect from Ljubljana. He is best known for collaborating on the Hostel Celica project where an old military prison was transformed into one of the best hostels in the world.



Tutors: Karolina Przybyła & Michal Switalsk

who -Seinsenberg Blues band where – courtyard of the castle when – 22.00

1. Expect anything. Fear nothing. Be part of the swarm. 2. Nothing, we want to take stuff from here. 3. Reflecting, tough, not too shy, sharing, caring, open for experimenting, big heart full of love . 4. Passionate, Excited, Nice, Investigative, Sunny 5. None. We want to free mankind from the dictate of clothes.

who - RDDNDRN where – courtyard of the castle when – 23.00

TOMOR ROW R EACTION where – courtyard of the castle when – 20.30 tomorrow who – participants The Reaction is a series of short lectures given by participants of EASA. It is a pecha-kucha type event and all attendees of EASA013 are able to present their ideas, projects, thesis work. We would like to motiwate you to enter discussions and take as much as possible from each other’s experience.


Tutors: Inesa Kovalova, Kseniia Pundyk & Alan Thompson 1. You won’t be able to escape! 2. Trap for a monster! 3. Hope that NCs did their best to select the participants! we welcome everybody smart 4. love, fun, happiness. 5. black


HOT day 35˚ night 21˚












The official part of the opening star ted with the warm speech of the president of Žužemberk tourist a sso c iat ion V lado, t hen Fr a nc Škufca, the mayor of this hospitable cit y Žužemberk welcomed us in S lov en ia n la n g u a g e. A nd ju s t when everyone started looking for food, organizers’ team appeared! Illu m inat ing w it h yellow light, spreading around passionate spirit, and having the beam of satisfaction! They looked as delicious as was the food they served. Just after the presentations of workshops easians walked around, t r ied to get mor e i n for m at ion about concepts , ideas, plans for workshops, also get acquainted to each other, feel the EASA spirit in general. Gathering together went quite and calm at first but then DJ played some of EASA songs, and it had ver y strong effect on the amount of people at the dance floor. Umbrella’s agents caught sight of

some hot dancers there. One couple that was in white t-shirts danced as they didn’t see anyone around them. A lso couples in love were obser ved on t he dancef loor and all around it. So love is every where already.

It has come even earlier then usually, so it seems that the next question of the day will be “where is the love box”. In conclusion – BE AWA R E of naked british g uys in the dorms. They have something to show you.

18.08.13 |07


W O W! L O O K M A N Y COOL WORKSHOPS WE GOT Yesterday evening started in a very traditional EASA style. 500 hungry students met in a courtyard in the castle looking for food and entertainment. Hunger, thirst and an eagerness to mingle derailed the attention from the presentation, so any attempt from the organizers to regain the interest of students was not very successful (typical Slovenian food was more important, of course). The presentations went pretty smoothly. Each tutor was invited to the stage to present their workshop and each one of them delivered shor t mov ies and eye-catching presentations in order to attract the participants. They all were original and funny to convince everyone that their workshop is the best one. After presentation tutors and participants mingled together and everybody was trying to be nicer than normal in order to get into the chosen workshop or to sell the one they were tutoring. Obviously drinks helped to be more talkative and get the party going. T he f i r s t h a r d n i g ht w a s

accompanied by sleepless noisy individuals and the symphony of loud snoring. In the morning after we got over the shyness and awkwardness at the showers, in the bathroom and also in the tent, the majority of us got breakfast to be ready for the workshops. Of course some of us were still sleeping. The tutors were asked a lot of questions and students were eager to find out more about the workshops and to choose the most interesting one for them. In the end, constructions workshops have been the most successful and popular. It is intriguing to find out that people want to pay for doing manual demanding work. Chilling by the river and laying in the shadow waiting for the results was how the people spent the rest of the day. The fashion show in the swimming suit next to the fountain in front of the castle was also a special moment. As the day still has a lot of things in store for you don’t forget to follow up with the events in tomorrow’s issue.


Aoife Flynn, Ireland What is your workshop, and why did you choose it? I am in the Light Parasite workshop. I wanted to do something different, and experimenting with light. I also liked that is was not a full construction workshop. I am really looking forward to seeing the final result!

Nacho Bergamin, Lichtenstein Diffraction! I liked the light effects and experimenting with daylight. I also wanted to do something a bit different. Looking forward to meeting new people and learning new stuff.

Arda Bakiryol, Turkey Endor! I liked the Spanish tutors, they are really great. The workshop is also by the river. We even have our own shower! It will be fun working in the trees!

Astrid Billev Petersen Small Intervensions. I wanted to do a practical workshop, and build something. Something small perhaps. I also want to have some fun while doing it and find a nice place in Zuzemberk where I can have a small intervention.




LOST & FOUND LOST - 68,5 kilos of weight in total - navy blue sweatshirt - a sponge - white t-shirt with flower - Bulgarian identity card Govril Gavrilov - Pauli Rikaniemi’s straw hat - leftovers of dignity (at the party) FOUND - around 400 of new friends

WANTED Hanna Varanetz, who is a very pretty blonde and, by the way, one of the tutors of UMBRELLA (and single), is looking for a companion for morning jogging around the town. The sessions start at 7 am from the tent. Please wear the sexiest workout clothes avalable. Yet unknown EASian chilling after the long and exhausting first day and night. Loads of romance.

ŽUŽIONARY Hello: [Jivjo] Živjo Thanks: [hva-la] Hvala How much for the beer: [dai me pivu] Daj mi pivo I’m hot(temperature): Vroče je You’re hot: Dobra je Have you seen a gypsy: Ali si videl cigana


sponsor’s presentation Makita Corporation is a manufacturer of professional and consumer power tools. Founded in 1915, it is based in Anjo, Japan, and operates factories all over the world. Thanks to great people working there, Easians got everything to get satisfaction working on workshops.

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