Deznik. Vol13. Issue03

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Wednesday7th August 2013 |


VOL 13 . ISSUE 03

Make news and serve it HOT!

W H AT T HE FUCK PACK? Yesterday finally we got the hotly anticipated pictures which were missing from the Welcome Pack. We were surprised with something new to EASA, the fuck pack. A flip book of faces can be useful to help you remember who you met at the bar, but there were some requests that they be sorted by country and even by sexual orientation. The book takes you through the history of love-making and even offers some suggested locations if you do get lucky. So the talk last night was the ‘reaction’ to the fuck pack. We spoke to some people and it’s a bit of a mixed reaction. One girl said ‘Fuck the fuck pack’ and there is a also talk

DEŽNIK online


of a movement to distinguish those easians who are not so keen on the new easa pack. Others found it funny and original but there are some questions as to the huge amount of effort put into the research. In case you didn’t realise, the theme of this years assembly is ‘reaction’ and we think perhaps the organisers are going to get one. Matic from the organizing team said ‘There are a lot of packs at easa and no one has ever done something like this, and we wanted something that would get people reading’, Umbrella reminds you that we’re at easa to work and not just to fuck.

BEWARE OF SNAKES! Please don’t go to the river by stairs - one kind local woman said there is danger to be bitten!

contribute Umbrella always wants to hear from you! So drop us a tweer or a mail or even send us a letter! We also welcome any photos or guest contributors.



REVIEW ILLUMIDENTITY At the moment Christof Mathes’ and Matthias Klapper’s workshop can be found from the castle cellar which is a great environment to test lights and projections which are the core ingredients of the workshop. Illumidentity experiments with light projections.

Although the process of making the installations is still in the idea finding phase you can imagine that the finished outcome will be cool. Participants can be seen learning new 3D-programmes, testing lights and projections on different surfaces and objects, waving fabrics and even robot dancing. The workshop will take part in a Lighting Festival on Wednesday together with other light-related workshops. One of the workshop members promised a dance performance in the middle of the lights so this workshop will certainly draw your attention later on.



Tr y ing to escape from t he unbearable heat, drop into the castle cellar. There you’ll find an amazing feeling of being in chilly place as well as nice chat with participants of at least 3 workshops, which were lucky to have this place as their main location for

brain-storming and designing. Light ParaSITE is one of such workshops. Sara Badovinac, one of the tutors, explained that they decided to split into two groups after the design part had been over, because they have 3 places to bring the light up and they all have to be done for the Light festival. But she seemed very confident with getting ready in time for the event. Participants have already made a lot of sketches and concepts for the design of the lamps and now they are taught how to deal with wires, cables and make lamps work.


Are you interested in animations, legends and fairy tales? If you like this kind of stuff, you would definitely love ŽUŽ UP workshop. Three Lithuanian tutors interested in animations are

teaching their participants various techniques trying to connect two different fields – animation and architecture together. Yesterday they were watching short tales and animations and they are going to apply the techniques of five of them. Right now they are working hard on Stop Motion Animation. Final result of the workshop should be an animated movie connecting all the techniques and the best tales. So let’ see how they are going to surprise us.

We weren’t sure what to expect f rom t he R E AC T ION ser ies of lectures - but it turns out they’re looking pretty sweet. Yesterday’s lecture by Arian Lehrer from Austria - the first one in the series - was quite cool and inspiring. Arian was talking about the online tv show project he’s doing together with his friends back home in Vienna, the Mies magazine, and some off line projects, including public talks and architecture festivals he organized. Anyway, it turns out that the whole European architectural community is eager to communicate, and even the leaders of the profession are quite reachable. A rian’s friends f rom U K have a l ready st a r ted spreading the word by founding Mies.UK - a franchise, carrying out the best traditions of the austrian big brother. This really might be the encouragement one needed to start doing his own architectural media or whatever else,and we hope that after this EASA some new channels, blogs and magazines might appear. However, today and tomorrow the REACTION series of lectures is continued and we advise you not to miss a thing!

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Day 3 of EASA and the workshop has fallen behind schedule a bit. Unfortunately they did not get their digger on time to make the hole for the foundation. But do not worry, this crafty gang are not afraid of putting their backs into it and will be completing the digging by hand today. Very impressive since the work is being done in the hot


Slovenian sun. At least they will all get nice tans. After this participants will be building the scaffolding and putting in the reinforcement bars. Hopefully they will be ready for pouring the concrete on Saturday for the structure that will reach a total height of 5(!) meters down by the riverbank. After the concrete sets the scaffolding and formwork will be burnt and a wonderful room for contemplation. Participants say that spirits are high, just like the temperature in the sun and the working rotation with half the crew digging and the other swimming in the river is just brilliant. The workshop appears to be brilliant as well and tutor Alex seems to be pleased with his crew of eager workers.


WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT FUCK PACK? Tapaland crew, Netherlands

It is done badly. Why there is no gay section? And they put only one check box per person? It is very stupid there are no countries listed. How could I know who is from where?

Joris, Lithuania


Not useful since I already have a photographic memory.

Anonymous easaTV participant

It inspired us at easaTV to follow the sexual trend, and I appreciate the attempt of the organizers to start a sexual revolution at easa.

Marius, Norway

I already checked all the boxes. What should I do now?

As you might have noticed EASA participants have so much more in them than just mad architecture skills. Naima Callenberg from the Swedish team was just awarded a prize from her architecture school that`s meant to encourage projects that doesn’t necessarily have something to do with architecture. Using drawing as a release from stressful world of architecture students, she makes bitter drawings of mainly old men combined with different patterns and a bitter short text to follow. The award will allow her to make a collection of the bitter drawings and publish a small book.


If you haven’t notice, Tapaland are serving some scrumptious food every day in the castle from 5pm. Arrive early because it sells out fast. If you booked a place make sure you turn up! Today we were expecting some lovely Polish snacks but unfortunately there was no team in the morning to make them. Tomorrow: Sweden

EASA FM EASA FM is up and running, you can hear the live stream in the castle and and also listen at the links below. If any participants want to try their hand and being a star of the airwaves or making a playlist, go along to EASA FM hq. You can find them in the castle in the first door behind the flags. Facebook: Stream:




part 2

Yesterday we have started talking about the other options, that existed for the EASA pavilion here in Zuzemberk. In this issue we’ll cover the rest of the winning competition entries. So after reading this you can go ahead and decide, which one is the best for yourself.

No.4 - proposal .456

This one is actually noteworthy because it proposes to build a modern pavilion above the foundation of an ancient church that used to stand right by the road opposite to the castle. However, the square has changed significantly since then and that’s why it wasn’t chosen.

No.5 - proposal .974

The final noted proposition is a strong, graphic and linear building, which is correctly placed and would have definitely handle social functions pretty well. However, it is not flexible enough to serve all the needs of the locals, so it was not selected.


THE NEW MEMBER OF EASA Apparently EASA made friends beyond the architectural word and even beyond its own species. The new member of the group seems to be an animal friend with just the right attitude needed to perfectly fit in with the crowd. The very relaxed individual was spotted in the castle, enjoying the music, strolling around the site between the tent, the castle and the workshops. Rumor has it that it ended up sleeping in the tent on someone’s pillow, giving them a heck of a scare. If you still have no idea who am I writing about, let me introduce you to ZUZI, the mighty feline that wonders around the campus. With its fluffy fur, its charming eyes that come with the round cute face and its very sociable behavior, it really got under people’s skins and made itself adored. You will probably meet it quite often, if you haven’t done it already. And if you see it, be friendly, don’t hesitate to say hello and try even to pet it. while smurfed smurf. Trifluperidol - Exactly.

We’re all enjoying chatting to new people from every nation in Europe (and further afield) at the bar, but once we’ve covered the basics of where you’re from and what workshop the conversation can run a little dry. Here are some little known facts about known countries that you can throw into the conversation to impress your new friend...

with a theme park.


Sauna - In case you’re wondering how it feels to be in an original Finish sauna, visit Pavilion Workshop around noon.

Eyeglasses - Having problems reading this? Try using this incredible Italian invention.

Linux - Well, at least they tried.

Dictionary - Ukoliko želiš saznati što ovdje piše, iskoristi ga.


Belgian waffles - In case there is any doubt of its origin.

Santa Claus - We think some naughty easians are not getting a visit this year. Nokia - Thank you Finland for our wonderful childhood playing Snake on the never breaking 3310. Angry birds - Probably the first app


French fries - At least the name is a logical choice. Saxophone - Ladies forming a queue since 1846. The Smurfs - Smurfs smurfing around

Condom - Comes in handy in order to not produce any more Italians. Newspaper - Umbrella is grateful. Parachute - Hopefully you’ll only need one while skydiving, otherwise, good luck.

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T H E 3R D ON E A LWAYS EN DS U P A CH A R M Yesterday’s party took a while to really get started. After the daily presentation from the basement, people seemed not that much into dancing, resulting in a kind of weird and uncomfortable situation. The question now is ‘ Where were the EX-YU countries?’ In spite this little bump along the road, have you ever heard about an EASA

party not ending amazing? I guarantee you there is not such a thing. But not all the drinking, the mingling and intrigues happened in the castle last night. A particular group of funky party people moved it down to the river, the night ending up with a cool refreshing skinny dipping.

Hello my dear E A SA ians, and welcome to day 3 of the assembly. Seems like most of you are enjoying yourselves already, and of course each other.. From what Gossip Girl has heard staying in the castle at night has become quite popular, not good. It is fun to go exploring, both the castle and each other, but try to remember the closing hours. G ossip g irl has a lso seen a n increasing amount of lovebirds in and around the festival area, maybe t he hot Balka n music from last night started something exciting. At least the couple on the matrass outside the dorms had an exciting time.. It shouldn’t be a problem finding someone to have fun with, and if you don’t, just look for someone w it h g olden t i g ht s on . T h at ’s always a good way to spot someone who’s desperate for some manlove. Consider your “secret” revieled. A nd who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell.. Xoxo Gossip Girl




LOST & FOUND Lost: - Fan - Orange towel - Black flip-flops with white dots - Golden watch - ID card of Gavril from Bulgaria - The locals are losing their patience. Found: - A lot of underwear to any taste and many other useful stuff


Sleeping in the beach might seem safe - but please, remember to put sunscreen in order not to get burnt!

Sadly we have to announce the surprising and sudden death of an


in the centre of Zuzemberk. The wake was held at the side of the road for several days and was mostly unintentionally attended by many EASA participants. The unknown cat was buried on monday in the trench of the castle, left of the entrance. Since the religious beliefs of the cat remain unknown, the memorial service was a silent one. The unknown cat left behind two juvenile children.

- More sockets in the dorms and music diversity at the parties for Steven and Jean from Malta - Information collaboration with ŽUŽ UP for ILLUMIDENTITY - Breakfast till 10 a.m. at least. For Olga from Poland - Unlimited entrance to the parties for locals. In order to make a reaction we should be more open. For the guys, who prefer to stay anonymous. - More knowledge and less dust at the dancefloor for Darina from Bulgaria. - Bence from Hungary would like to find a bike so he can get down to the river a bit quicker.

ORGANIZER SAYS - Watch out crossing the road. There is traffic here! - All the tools should go back to the toolbox at the end of the day. - No vegetarian food for meat eaters!

ŽUŽIONARY Want to go for a swim? Bi šel/šla plavat z mano? When is the volleyball tournament? Kdaj je turnir odbojke? Nice cat? Lepa mačka Where is my workshop? Kje je moja delavnica? Where is my fuckpack? Kje je moja fuckpack?

- The parties are getting quieter! - Sports is in the morning at the river.

Umbrella Apologises

In umbrella’s first issue there was a note about possible gypsies around the school. The organisers were simply asking us to be wary of any strangers on the school grounds. Umbrella apologises for the comment.

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