DEZNIK Vol.13 Issue07

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Monday 12th August 2013 | VOL 13 . ISSUE 07

Make news and serve it HOT!


Yesterday was too fresh… too fresh to process what actually happened the night before. Lucky are the few that can speak about their experience at national evening without any blanks. We can help you to remember. Have you seen any naked people? Have you danced on a speaker? Have you partied in an orange box full of undressed people? Did your ass get slapped by turkish policemen? Yes? Have you woken up with some marks? Silver ( Kuba), Orange (Dutch), Black (??)? Have you seen alive chicken in a cage? No joking. Have you tried some disgusting liquor? Why are your clothes soaked with soap? The foam tent from Bulgaria, remember? Thats good: you are on the way to retracing

DEŽNIK online


your national evening. We have been wondering what easians felt about this national evening because we, as we have experienced many of them, can tell you that yes it was a great national evening, probably one of the best. The place to be during National Evening was the raised path next to the Belarus stand. If you were there you could have seen it all, the set up was amazing. Never before has national evening taken place in such a beautiful location. Compared to previous national evenings there were two positives: first is the bar which allowed you to get away from craziness and second, the stage where a series of DJs got the people dancing right from

the start. Come on, hands up everyone for Willem, the dutch guy with the microphone, who sacrified his voice for us to get on the dancefloor. Music might be the key to such a good ambiance. Isnt it true that when you dance you drink just a little bit less… maybe because your wild moves cause you to spill most of your drink on the person next to you?! Maybe because it requires great talent to hold your glass steady and at the same time hold your dancing partner?! Yes for this year people were drunk and crazy and wild but yet inspired enough to not get into this state of overdrunkeness. Almost no injuries were counted and the organisers had as much a good time as anyone..

contribute Umbrella always wants to hear from you! So drop us a tweet or a mail or even send us a letter! We also welcome any photos or guest contributors.




Did you notice some completely naked guys running around? That was probably the Norwegians next to their pussy wagon. The Turks were mostly fighting the dutch with water balloons and guns. Lichstenstein had big eyebrows and Croatians had a lot of black dots. The Belarus stand gets a special mention: several people remember those tasty snacks, crackers, salami, cheese and the girly yet delicious honey alcohol. Italians had homemade cocktails that we cant really name, but it sure was good, as good as their food. Did you find Switzerland? You could find some sweet alcohol through the trees at the Estonian stand.

Danish lego-men wondered through the crowd to the swedish stand where you could try chewing tobbaco. The Austrians had the classic flame biscuits which we all love, while the French had some pretty good crepes. Polish bisons gave us the best bison vodka and the English had a picnic on the stage (untill it got super crowded). Slovenians had traditional cherry liquor with lovely cakes and Irish whisky was served by Irish green men. If you sat on santa´s knee you could sample some Finnish glu wine, and of course the spanish had sangria.. The party at the castle stopped around ..(anyone checked the time?)…

but you cannot stop a good party. The party continued at the dinner tent until sunrise, with some sleeping only twenty minutes as excursions started at 7 ( kayak group). Some people didnt follow the party in the tent as they were busy… so have you kissed anyone? Several? Do you remember any names? None? Maybe gossip girl can help you... Bravo, you made it.

UNKNOWN ABOUT KNOWN We’re all enjoying chatting to new people from every nation in Europe (and further afield) at the bar, but once we’ve covered the basics of where you’re from and what workshop the conversation can run a little dry. Here are some little known facts about known countries that you can throw into the conversation to impress your new friend... SWITZERLAND Toblerone / Shape of Toblerone is the silhouette of the Matterhorn mountain. Bet there were more acceptable ones. Drugs / Swiss government provides free drugs for drug addicts. Well, good to know. Emmentaler / Made by Swiss, not mice.

Woman’s suffrage / Women in Switzerland got suffrage in 1971. Go home Switzerland, you’re drunk. Red Cross / Founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland. At least, logo did not bother them. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA The Osmanagic pyramid / An amateur archaeological interpretation of a cluster of natural hills near the Bosnian town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo. If they’re not there, they’ll build them up. Hospitality / 8th country in the world for its hospitality, they say. Perucica / One of the last remaining primeval forests in Europe. Women vs. men / Ratio between women and men in Bosnia and

Herzegovina is 7:1. Beyoncé, welcome. Three national languages / Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. MALTA World War ll / World record for the highest average of bombs per square meter. Not worth competing, we suppose. Joseph Calleja / Grammy awarded Maltese tenor. 500 000 inhabitants / At least, one is not hard to find. Troy / Movie was filmed in the island of Malta, perhaps due to lack of air traffic. Two national languages / Maltese and English.

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Saturday was the big day for the firefighter football challenge. Rules were simple: no rules. At least thats what it seemed like once Izy the referee started the match. The local firefighters have been quite active during this years EASA and they organized the whole thing, from beer and barbeque, to hoses and pumps. A great number of EASAians had taken some time off from their workshops to participate in the wet and eventually quite muddy tournament. Some dirty tricks did occur, like nipple twisting, tickling and the ever popular spraying bikinis of the girls with the firehoses. All in all the event was a massive success with not only participants and spectators from EASA, but from the local community as well. A lot of locals came down to the bar on the riverbank to enjoy cold beers, hot dogs and some pretty intense matches. The firefighters were also competing but was sent out of the tournament in the first match by the spanish ladies who went on to win the entire tournament (with a little help from some substitutes). Maybe its time for a career change for the spanish senoritas who were proudly wearing their medals for national evening.



My National Evening t-shirt, it has a LOT of history. Elias Sweden

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If anyone has any birthdays coming up, please let us know!

Diego Garcia Esteban, Spain, 25


This EASA people are full of surprises. But not all wonders come from new EASians, EASA dinos also have a lot to surprise us with. This time Nikolay Mitov, known as Niko from Bulgaria, has impressed everyone with his knowledge of Processing when he demonstrated his installation for Slovenia Architecture week this year. The main idea was based on writing scripts with the help of a camera that recognizes different signs as commands and starts the adjusted program. Well a very modest Nikolay said there was nothing really complicated in it but I don’t think that it’s an easy task, especially if you had to learn it by yourself, as actually Nikolay did. It really seems that he enjoys it a lot, but at this moment he doesn’t see how it will work with architecture. We are sure that he’ll find some links between IT and architecture, these two so different but yet so similar spheres. And that one day we’ll see some interactive architecture created by our friend, Niko)



First impressions when we you get inside the the cave are – cold, dark and damp – this is ideal place to come after National Evening. We didn’t have any specific expectations from a cave but when we saw it with our own eyes all of us were fascinated by the almighty nature and time. The cave is full of astonishing and unique shapes that were created by water . While the temperature outside the cave reached 30°C the atmosphere inside the cave was quiet chilly – only 12 °degree. The path in the cave, separated from the bottomless abyss with rusty hand-rail, looked a bit scary.


Going deeper and deeper to the bottom of this fantastic place made us feel even thrilled a bit but in a very positive way. But we reached the peak of adrenalin when we got to the passage, where there was a seething mountain river Reka at the bottom. In the Martel hall it is possible to build a skyscraper and even then it would be a lot of free space. It’s height is impressive – around 146 meters. Having found yourself in this cave it feels like you are in a strange, fairy tale place. It looked quiet alike Moria – place described in the “Lord of the Rings” novels.

The harsh morning after national evening is an unavoidable fact, one which we may have omitted from our article about national evening. Sorry for those who missed their excursions because of hangover or any other reasons, caused by the event. You missed a rather lovely excursion to Lake Bled. It started at 9:00, and after a short, quiet drive we reached the gorge, which had some pretty spectacular views. The impression of the power of nature at such a site can be pretty overwhelming, leaving you with doubts and fears that your life in cities is artificial in general. Suddenly I could relate to the nudity of the Norwegian team and the Irish guy and even I wanted to strip away my clothes and escape to the forests shouting as an animal, in order to forever be a part of my nature. After a quite long walk through the gorge we went straight to the lake Bled, where we got an official opportunity to get naked a bit, but as I’m not from countries mentioned above I felt quite fine having my swimming suit on me. Bled is a wonderful lake with a beautiful water colour, which is very difficult to explain, or describe. Mountains make the views so beautiful that you start doubting whether what you see is real or not. No picture could

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EXCURSION reproduce this fascinating feeling. In addition to all this we had an amazing dinner at the restaurant next to the largest golf club in Slovenia. Dear Organizers, thank you so much! You know we love you!


Waking up at 7 in the morning after national evening was fucking hard! The bus was strangely quiet all the way to Bohinj, where we were divided into two groups. While the first one was kayaking, the others were relaxing by the lake. The lack of rain caused a very shallow water level and the kayaking felt more like stone humping than anything else. In the middle of the wet adventure, we stopped shortly for a swim and jumping in the river. All in all the experience was relaxed with some of the most beautiful views of nature one can admire. In the afternoon, after a delicious lunch, the groups switched. The Bohinj lake was perfectly cooled and most of us spent our free time taking a power nap. On the way back one participant was almost forgotten, but luckily was found just in time.

EXCURSION: SEASIDE On Sunday those who were able to wake up went to excursions. The one to the seaside was a very chilling experience and was a great opportunity to rest a bit. In the morning around 50 people sat on a bus, and in 3 hours were already at the seaside. The excursion started at a town

called Pyran, which is quite old, and beautiful. The main part of it is located on a peninsula, and the view from the above is very inspiring. After half an hour in Pyran the group got onto the boat and was taken into the sea. On the way a tasty lunch was served. When the boat arrived at the swimming spot, it parked and everybody jumped off. After a couple of hours of swimming the boat was guided back to Pyran, where the bus was already waiting. It’s a pity that the group didn’t have a chance to see Koper, the city where we were heading from the beginning, but the waves were too big and the boat could not make it. But all in all it was a cool day off and everybody just loved it!

“EXCURSION”: ZUZEMBERK Even if you didn’t have the energy to wake up in time for an excursion, Žužemberk had loads to offer in terms of relaxation. One of the most popular spots must have been the wooden raft by the river which made for a perfect location to enjoy a day in the sun. Many people wanted to recharge their batteries for the other half of EASA and staying in Žuž offered them the possibility to do just that. Now this is a list of things that made the day perfect: A river. Waterfalls. A raft. Sun and shadow. Naps. Picnic goods (most importantly cava and/or champagne). Laughter. Stories. Moments of peace and tranquility. Smiles. Friends. Hugs.

Hello my dear EASAians, Thank you for a great National Evening, seems like most of you enjoyed yourselves. Some of you a bit too much perhaps? I like a good naked run as much as the rest of you. But standing naked on the DJ table? Come on.. As usual on National Evening there is a lot of romantic activity, in fact so much that you literally had to wait in line for the best spots down by river. And to the couple who got caught in the headlights of that car, i’ve already been sent those pictures the driver took. NICE ASS! Usually Gossip Girl reveals secrets, but this time it seems like noone even tries to be discreet especially the girl who was making out with two guys at the same time on top of a group of passed out people. Shame on you, you have been very, very naughty.. Nakedness, random smooching around the castle and nocturnal dungeon activities are all ingrediences for a successful National Evening. Just try to remember that the fun isn’t over just because National Evening is, tonight is another party night. And there is not much time left for getting to know that special someone that you like before this years EASA is over. And who am I? Thats one secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me xoxo xoxo Gossip Girl





It seems like the f loatptures workshop had chosen the best theme for a summer workshop. The name says it all. They spend quite a lot of time next to the river Krka in order to check how their structures work and have already tested at least 3 shapes of participants’ design. The basic material for this workshop as you have probably already guessed, by the name and the amount of material on the beach, is foam plastic. If you see the cubic structure swimming in the river don’t hesitate to take a look inside of it from the bottom, it’s not a simple cube as you might think. Following some initial material exploration, the team are involved in building one huge final structure based on the tutors sketches. The shape of it will be pretty organic and connected to the beach theme. Umbrella is so looking forward to testing it on the “warm” water of Krka at the end of easa.

Let’s make it loud! Have you heard that amazing music playing in Zuzemberk for the last couple of days? You’re right, that’s EASA FM finally has begun broadcasting! We’ve been waiting for that for quite a long time. Due to lack of funding the tutors, Miles and Cansu, could not do any broadcasting the first week. But on Friday evening the transmitter had finally arrived and now you can listen to our very own radio anywhere in the city. There are also some special spots, where radios are installed permanently: the castle and the info point. As for programming – they are playing some pretty cool music. You can always trust their taste, if you like indie and electronic music, want to hear something refreshing or inviting to dance. Anyway, everyone can just come to the radio headquarters in the castle, first floor behind the flags and put on something - so we guess the broadcast will be pretty diverse. The tutors also say they’ll be doing something like small talk shows with some of the participants. So if you wanna say something just come and do it. We’ll be happy to hear! 93,6!

In one of the castle towers you can find a strange and interesting workshop called Accordion. Scandinavian duo Elias and Lars are working with their participants on their installation in a very relaxed atmosphere. The idea of the project belongs to architecture related to time and persistent transformation. Boys also have applied the topic of reaction as a connection between models and drawings. At the beginning they were mainly learning how to use and work with the material - thin wooden slates, which need soft and loving care. The tutors encourage their participants be creative and bring their own ideas to the table. At the moment they are making two different sculptures. Material investigation and simple methods of assembly are being used to make 1:1 prototypes which help them to work directly with models and drawings at the same time. Participants can explore the materials possibilities and limitations with their own hands. The result will be very interactive, the visitor is welcome to touch and change it, not only to watch the static object. Lets say that team of Accordion have solution for every problem and what is more, they have fun.

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Menso / Montenegro

WHEN: 22:00

The Mister of Rakia.

WHERE: Castle

Irma / Croatia


I remember I saw aliens. Was I drunk? And the flaming cookies from Austria.

WHEN: 22:45 WHERE: Castle dungeon?

Archil / Georgia

I remember naked guys running around.

WHERE: Castle dungeon EASA TV 23:00h

Luke, Switzerland


Trying to walk straight, walking like a crap instead.

PARTICIPANTS SAY Marcos, Spain A lot of orange.

Thank you,ORGANIZER TEAM, for such a wonderful excursion day and awesome national evening. You did a great job! We love you, hug you and thank you a lot!

Carlo, Italy

I don’t know, I had some Dalmatian spots.

David, Austria

Everything. I remember a very good choice of liquers.

Umbrella also would like to thank Jure Zagar for providing many of lovely photos that you could see in our issues.


HOT-ish, day 30˚ night 13˚

Kerstin, Austria

Medica, Polish Votka and the nut stuff from Albania. I was actually too sober for National evening.








LOST & FOUND Lost: Crown with pink roses. Necklace, silver with a cross. HTC Phone black. Blackberry with black rubber case. Silver Nokia phone / Nielsine, Denmark Logitek keyboard for iPad + new ipad chord (Maria, Russia) Found:

WANTED Extra helping hands on stand-by for the Pavillion. More rubbish bins New NC for Norway Hot guys for Hanna Varanets (at least one) Seen this guy before? Yet again he managed to fall asleep inside the castle walls

Less flies

ŽUŽIONARY I’m glad I survived the National evening. Water is freaking cold. I’m thirsty. How can I remove these black dots? Do you have maybe an active coil?

Me veseli da sem prezivel national evening. Voda je presneto mrzla. Zejen sem. Kako naj odstranim te crne packe? Imas morda kaj aktivnega oglja?

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Have anything you want to say in Umbrella? Send us an email at or write it here. We welcome feedback too.

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