EASA012 Sontikka Issue 5

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issue 02 · volume 12 23 Monday JULY 2012 Tonight: TUTOR MEETING ---> 8PM in the bar area

W E E K E N D . R E V I E W MONDAY MONDAY After an action packed weekend kicking off with the KONE party on friday, National Evening on Saturday and Excursions on Sunday, everybody is feeling somehow reborn for the busy week ahead. There is a sense of dejavu about the weather - the rain has come down again making it difficult to work outside but makes being inside is a little more guilt free. So, as you come back to your workshops having worked out all those design issues subconsciously over the last couple of days, take a moment to reflect on what was an unforgettable weekend and get busy preparing for the EASA exhibition and workshop presentations next saturday.

EASAFLU PANIC EXCURSION DAY While the main trip of the day was to take the ferry to Tallinn - over 100 people woke up at 8am to make a groggy sea voyage and didnt come back until today (trip report to follow) Most people stayed back in Helsinki to explore a the hosting city a little bit more. Especially to see this amazing church carved into the rock (go see it!). There was a guided tour of the Aalto University Buildings and another walking tour around the city. Organizer Pekka had suggested taking your inflatable mattress to the forest and coming back to the city by river (take the left fork at the delta) but I think it might have been too adventurous for our fragile state of mind. Another organiser Lotte was kind enough to bring a small group of lucky easaians up to her summer cottage by minibus where they chilled out by a lake, took a finnish sauna, ate, went out on a boat trip, ate smoked fish, chatted with her dad about Nature, probably ate and drank some more and arrived back on site at 2am with the biggest smiles on their faces. The rest of us stared into space groggily until well after lunchtime and made our way to the fortress island Suomenalinna to chill out on the grass. Some crazy Irish and Scottish guys jumped into the freezing sea without first warming up in the sauna. Otherwise we played with military guns and watched some people take bungee jumps across the bay before getting kicked off the island by a finnish navy officer. We got back in time for dinner and for the most part everyone took it easy and went to bed. Except for a few wild cards who held a speaker-party outside the tutors dorms. A nice relaxing day overall.

*Sniffle* It happens every year around this time (even in Spain) We all get run-down from lack of sleep and excess of party. The key to recovery is to GO TO BED EARLY for once. Take some vitamins then lie down in your bed wrapped in warm clothes. Just be glad that it’s happening now and not at a more critical time in the week. Look after yourselves! The weather wont get much better until later in the week.

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THE BEST ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL IN THE WORLD As all Easians well know, studying architecture takes a lot of time and willpower - the familiar blood, toil, tears and sweat. After completing the degree, we have most certainly a diploma to be proud of - but could the school offer us something more? What would the best school of architecture be like? It is very common to choose teachers and professors on their architectural merits, (if a school has STARchitects as teachers, it’s probably a great school, right?) but should the teaching staff be rather chosen by their eagerness to teach and pedagogical background? Are architects themselves always really the best teachers and tutors? It also seems that architecture schools think working within the frame of deadlines and tight schedules from day one is the best way to begin your path to be an architect. Surely you get right into the deep end of the pool, but shouldn’t school be the place where you find your method of dealing with a design process, rather than finding the loopholes and tricks to finish your design on time? Concentrating on the finished design rather than the process itself has proven to cause a lot of added stress and burnouts, not encouraging to find students’ personal way of designing and project managing. The aim of the debate is to find the tools to build the best possible architecture school. To seek new questions and answers, maybe pathways into architecture no school has wondered before. Join the DISCUSSION! 5pm with

at The

the bar everyday Three Little Pigs

Details on the next page

23 Monday JULY

Best Architecture School Question of the Day

QUESTION OF THE DAY What are you reading? Why? Noora Laak (FI) Terry Pratchet “SNUFF” I chose the book because it’s entertaining to read. I thought I shouldn’t take anything too serious to read with me to EASA as I’m kind of on a holiday.

Hanna Vararnets (Belarus) Matio Kaku “Physics of impossible” I’m a huge fan of Star wars and I’m sure that all this fantastic world is possible the question is how and when . and this book give me the answers to these questions!

Alexandr Tujicov (Moldova) George Sand “Consuelo” My girlfriend gave it to me)Personally I prefer something scientific .

Becca Thomas (UK) Erin Morgenstern “The night circus” Look at this cute cover! How could I pass it by))))

Nicholas Goward (Northern Ireland) O.F. Bollnow “Human space” I’m going to write thesis this year about Psychology of space.

Mikal Skodjereite (Norway) George R.R “a Storm of Swords” I got impatient waiting till the sequel to come up so I bought the book to know the end of the story.

Nikolay Mitov (Bulgaria) Ivon Shuinar is owner of one of the biggest company “Patagonia”. This book is autobiographical one. And it’s interesting to know how almost homeless mountaineer became millionaire.

Inesa Kovalova (Ukraine) Umbrella “Sontikka” Well, because I’m EASAian!!! All the hot news is here! I’m looking forward to get a fresh issue!

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23 Monday JULY


Love Special Discuss EASALYMPICS

WORLDS BEST LOVERS DISCUSS! Which countrys guys are the best lovers?? The Three Little Pigs debate afternoons are back! Just like last year, each afternoon we have a different topic to discuss on. All of EASA is invited to share their thoughts and opinions. There will be FREE coffee also. In order to get things started, we offer a short introduction in Umbrella before each debate. Here we go! Tuesday 24th July 5.00pm at the BAR. Wednesday Wastelands Thursday Architect vs. non-architect Friday Open topic

EASALYMPICS Football game tonight @ 7pm on Wasteland Basketball game on Wednesday @ 1pm behind the skatepark

Hello ladies.......Before wasting your time trying out different EASA lovers from different courties check out this list that should help you to make the best decision. A recent onepoll.com survey of 15000 “well travelled” women, revealed the following hillarious resultes. WORLD'S WORST LOVERS 1. Germany (too smelly) 2. England (too lazy) 3. Sweden (too quick) 4. Holland (too dominating) 5. America (too rough) 6. Greece (too lovey-dovey) 7. Wales (too selfish) 8. Scotland (too loud) 9. Turkey (too sweaty) 10. Russia (too hairy)

WORLD'S BEST LOVERS 1. Spain 2. Brazil 3. Italy 4. France 5. Ireland 6. South Africa 7. Australia 8. New Zealand 9. Denmark 10. Canada

So there you have it Spain top the best list while the “smelly” Germans top the worst list. The Lazy English also faired quite poorly in the results coming second, when confronted with the results English man and Zero Base Tutor Chris Maloney was quoted as saying “It’s True”. Geman Tutor of Rational Irrational Christoff Holz also had this to say about the results “nothing better than a good smell” As expected the lat in countries were at the top of list, but somehow Ireland manged to make it to number 5, we asked Irish man and Wasted Light tutor Darragh Breathnach what he thought about the results “We just love the craic”. Here at Umbrella though we are not satisfied with these results, so seeing as National evening usually results in quite a few international “Lover Tests” we have decidecd to conduct our own EASA lovers survey. This Tuesday at Dinner we will be setting up a Table next to the sinks where all EASA ladies will be able to vote for their favourite lovers. So guys you have one night left to convince the Girls to vote for you.So make sure to vote! As the results will be published in the next days Umbrella.

DR. LOVE The last days have proven the quality of my advice, everybody’s hooking up and love İs definitely in the air or on the roof as some of you might know… For the people who haven’t done some serious kissing action on national evening, here is a plan to help you get some sexy time. Learn it, work it, apply it and enjoy.


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23 Monday JULY


NATIONAL EVENING After an early dinner (it’s always good to get a meal into you before sampling drinks from every country in europe) people began to set up their stalls. The rain threatened to upset proceedings but the hardy easaians were not put off and came out dressed in outrageous costumes and face paintings. The Norwegians had made a cosy fire to roast sausages and nearby Irish had prepared hot whiskeys to defeat the cold. The Scottish were bravely challenging the weather with bare chests and the Estonians, amongst others had constructed plastic shelters. After the initial weather tension, the inhibitions started to fade and a variety of national snacks were uncovered, from meats and cheeses to chocolates and jams accompanied by the local aperetif. Slovenia was well represented with a whole army of black-sacked warriors creating havoc around the makeshift exposition and announcing their arrival as future EASA hosts. A small group of british punk vigilantes pelted the royalists with their own jam sandwiches as the portuguese arrived in a cardboard galleon to conquer the new world. In Liechtenstein, easaians were made pregnant with balloons and were rewarded with a cash bribe if they managed to keep the baby for long enough. In Denmark the laws no longer applied once you crossed the boundary of Christiania and easaians were encouraged to throw bricks at the police to win happy brownies. The Dutch christmas elves ran around with sooty faces and the Argentinians held a street party, Russian Ballerinas played roulette, Africans danced with Australians, Swedes ate herring, french carribean rum, swiss chocolate, romanian stray dogs, Greek tattoos, Polish Hooligans, half naked Maltese, Czech beer, German Sausage, Belgian brew, Bulgarian meats, Italian tomatoes, Spanish Sangria, Turkish spices, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Albanians, Hungarians, Ukrainians, Serbians, Slovakians, RAKIA! After this point, my capacity to report events was reduced, my apologies to the other countries involved. The structure of events broke down over time and the abundance of liquids consumed soon distorted the recollections of most particpants. National evening has become a kind of cathartic excersise where memories are wiped clean and people can start fresh the following week in the knowledge they have pushed themselves to the limit and ‘ill never drink again’. It is a hedonistic scene repeated in most cities around the continent at the weekend and acts as a sort of social leveler where people let out pent-up tension and take comfort in the collective guilt the next day. There has never been much opposition to the idea and some see it as a cornerstone of the easa experience. The organisers of each event prepare for a ‘controlled explosion’ and try to limit the damage. This year, as a precaution, seven people were taken to hospital to be monitored as they passed through the night in a state of imebriation. It was more of a reflection of the Finnish compassion than an indicator of a tragic night. Every year there are those who get caught up in the frenzy and live to regret it. But every year we go through the same process again. It is a unique experience to see so many nationalities engaging in a common act of goodwill where boundaries are dissolved, politics are lampooned and we can all engage in the act of being human - and drunk.

GOSSIP COLUMN National Evening officially ended at midnight and the aftermath continued to the EASA bar and beyond. A lot of new international relations were forged - we were all able to see what a hot cocktail Georgia can make with Russia! There were also some couples that skipped the flirting and made out right on the floor - an Irish and Romanian connection? (naming no names to save face). Another Georgian guy was also seen with some beauty Oooh those hot Georgians didn’t waste any time. A guy from Moldova fancied a girl who came with Scotland team but it’s not that simple with her - she speaks Russian. Some other couple were rumoured to have gotten busy in a bathroom with a broken sink? And I was also asked by a girl with an easy name to say ‘Hi’ to Conor from Ireland? So as we see more couples, I would like to hurry up Swing land workshop that promised to build a love box!

23 Monday JULY



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23 Monday JULY

Postcards drom Estonia Kone Party Lost&Found


KONE PARTY On Friday we were invited to the final presentation of 1-day workshop ‘Uplifting Landings’ under the direction of Esa Larksonen. Just at the entrance we were met by installation made by Body Lab workshop which actually made my body feel like a piece of rubber. After this spiderweb installation we entered the main hall in the Cable factory – Cable Hall where the summer industrial design exhibition is taking place. According to Venue Manager of World Design Capital 2012 Helsinki Tuukka Pykäläinen design is mostly about function and this was very much evident in the exhibition. KONE arranged a very impressive reception. We were entertained with delicious finnish canopés and good wine, making us feel like civilised architects again. We would like to thank Ritva Seppänen in particular for the support and for broadening the limits of design for Easaians. Then we were shown the workshop presentation made by easa participants where we could see some of the installations made by Easaians there in Cable factory. You still can see one lift installation left there for some time. Esa Larksonen was pleased with the work that had been done also he made special mention of the result that was achieved by the group of easaians under the direction young and perspective Usability Specialist Otto Miettinen. Easaians felt so comfortable there enjoying the exhibition and party that it took a bit of effort and time to leave. Thank you KONE for a lovely evening.

The Estonian team was delighted to receive 57 postcards with top-class poetry on them during the National Evening. And yes we are sending them as soon as we have put on the Estonian stamps. We cannot be responsible for all the postcards because the writing styles were sometimes pretty clumsy, so it is up to the post office then. It is a little doubtful that the receivers would believe that it was written in a sober condition. All in all hopefully the Tallinn trip was as beautifully composed as the postcards that people sent mostly to their parents. Thank you all for participating in all the attractions we offered and let us know about you trip to Tallinn! Here is a selection by the Estonian jury of some examples:

LOST & FOUND LOST - black sunglasses at the girls’ bathroom - red raincoat - spotty red drinking cup (J.P.) - nokia charger - white i-pod charger with a wheel. - Virginity at the roof top FOUND - teapot (transparent one); - LOTS of umbrellas; - pink tooth brush; - sunglasses

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