EASA012 Sontikka Issue 8

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issue 08 路 volume 12 26 Thursday JULY 2012 Tonight: Sangria night




Hello EASA people, I am doing some travelling in Europe with 2 freinds from London and I am looking for advice for good things to see/do/stay in the following cities: Tallin Riga Vilnus Warsaw Krakow Lviv Budapest Zagreb I am going to put up some paper at INFO POINT if people want to write stuff there or you can email me: josephframe@gmail.com Thank you!


Watch the 3rd episode of EASA TV tonight at 8.3opm at the bar.



Finally, the Spanish crazy is back. After such a long wait (since EASA Italy 2009), Sangria night is back. For all those who paid to get a taste of the delicious drink, I can assure you it is going to be a very promising night! Vamos!


What is EASA?

Come and join the debate today at 5.00pm at the lounge.

Victor - South Africa Lumia goes with everything

COLUMN no While countries continue erasing borders between each other, Norway remain faithful to themselves!

If you managed to get an insight on any juicy stuff that has been going on, let us know by sending an email on umbrellanewspaper@gmail.com

yes Sam - England well... enough said

Marina - Moldova A stylish dress, and then for 3euros!!

u m b r e l l a n e w s p a p e r @ g m a i l . c o m h t t p : / / E A S A N e w s p a p e r . t u m b l r . c o m



26 Thursday JULY

• final workshop reviews

W O R K S H O P. R E V I E W S



They were first that I talked to after workshop fair but it happened so that they are one of the last to be reviewed. But they have done a lot since I last spoke to them. All the participants and tutors have been working really hard with sketches then prototypes, 3d models and tutors worried so much about meeting the deadline so they also involved helpers to the process of the construction. It seems that they are going to be the 1st workshop which installation will be done. But now we can’t watch the result here in campus because this KINETIC GRAFFITI installation has been moved to the place for which it was designed. They are already making presentation video and I was told that all participants will be introduced there in a style of the workshop theme. I was looking for the secret of their incredible speed of work and found out that these creative Finnish guys (I mean tutors) tried different methods of inspiring and motivating their participants during the workshop, and I heard that party at gay club helped a lot!!



We all know smoking is not good for us – but smoked food definitely is. The whole workshop was all busy discussing construction issues and trying to find the fastest way to finish their construction on time. The brick base is all done however, and placed opposite the bar just next to the brick reading room. The smoker is still in the process of construction, aiming to be finished by tomorrow. On Saturday then, we will all be able to try some tasty smoked nourishment, a much needed break from all the bread we have been eating.

Working behind the massive gas containers, this workshop is hidden to most of the people here. Their work however is very promising and as the tutors explained, the aim is to finish the whole construction by tomorrow morning. The participants were busy working on the façade of what will eventually become the coolest tree house ever. The only sad thing is that it will have to be dismantled after EASA is over (legislation issues…). However, enthusiasm keeps the team going, all smiling and joking with each other. TREESOME will be holding an OPENING PARTY tomorrow after dinner and everyone is welcome to join. The house can only take 3 persons at one go though -> after all, this is Treesome!

26 Thursday JULY



• more workshop reviews




Yes, this workshop is searching for poetry and emotions in these areas of wastelands. The participants could be seen going around, filming and taking pictures. Their aim is to eventually produce a movie using cameras and film. Last week they were trying experimental clips and studying methods how to eventually produce their final product. They have been playing with sounds, sub-titles, with words. It’s a way to express the space using sounds and to say the story of wastelands using these sounds. “That’s what good architecture should be about. It should tell a story”, tutor Joanna explained. The architects should be able to view a spaces from a “normal” persons perspective, so as to create spaces that can communicate.

Throughout history, civilisations have tried to make sense of their world by constructing stories to make sense of natural phenomena. The participants of Korkeasaari began their workshop by forgetting everything they already knew about the way society operates. Then they started to construct a new history piece by piece, starting with a map of the ‘island of wastelands’. They see themselves as ‘the explorers’ of the environment that was created when 450 architecture students gathered in one place and they work on the premise that we are the last surviving people of the old world. They believe the Finnish god Ukko has selected us as a kind of ‘Noah’s Ark’ for the rebirth of civilisation because we have a such a diverse gene pool and many different skills. Here there are Alchemists, Illusionists, Demolishers and Bikers who roam the wastelands causing havoc. Each tribe has it’s own identity and territory on the island which has been meticulously mapped and recorded by the explorers. Meetings of the Council of Pigs try to establish order in the chaos and the only way to communicate to Ukko is through the Archangels, Pekka, Ville, Eero and Lotte. It was very interesting to sit down with tutor Martin from the UK and ask him difficult questions about his understanding of this fantasy world. It is clear that the process of constructing a mythology is a difficult one and sometimes the theories that are created at the beginning must be revised when there are new inexplicable developments. Co-tutors and mythical figures Joe and Thomas have been preparing a video to explain the birth of this civilisation which will be shown at the workshop presentations. If you would like to make an offering to Ukko, there will be a sacred ritual performed on Saturday around the map near the skatepark involving the consumption of a ceremonial beverage that is being prepared by the participants. Be warned, after your drink, you might just start to believe and you will never want to leave this island!



26 Thursday JULY

• final workshop reviews


OF WASTE It seems like hangover is starting being an obstacle for some workshops. But not for this one! One of the tutors of Kingdom of Waste workshop, Sanya, despite of a hangover till midday seemed to be full of enthusiasm to decorate the after party area with nice origami butterflies colored with fluorescent paint. Yesterday we could see them on our “screen” next to the bar. They got their UV lamps only a few days ago so they actually got involved into the process of their workshop not long ago and they have already done the main part of their work in the forest where they went for a picnic. We’ll see the result in the final presentation video. For this bar installation they still need some more UV lamps and some spare workers. So if you have some time or your workshop has finished and you have nothing to do, please join them!


At first this workshop seemed to me contrasting mostly because of the fact of that these nice sweet and pretty participants were talking and discussing the processing of destruction, demolition and death! But after taking a close look at the results and the process of their work I realized how deeply they think. It’s a completely different way of thinking. Participants are supposed to think not only about the shape of the installation but also about the process of its demolition. So in other words they’re designing the process of its whole life starting from birth point till its death. But as one of the participants from Austria, Martina, said “You can’t control the process of dying”. They have to make thousands of experiments to find the most impressive one and document it also in an interesting way. We were shown a lot of astonishing experiment made by EASA destructors at their laboratory. The range of the material used in these researches is really wide: vinyl, candles, paper, sugar, water, even pasta! I’m looking forward to see their final presentation and exhibition.



It seemed to me to be a very logical endeavour. Try to measure and experience a natural process through architecture. The innovation came in the untraditional tools that were invented at the beginning of the week to capture the information. From a kind of octopus that measured wave patterns to a pin-cushion that recorded the topography of a wasted landscape, there were many intuitive ideas for rationalising the irrational. Participants were encouraged to engage with natural forces in a more spatial way and combined heads to design a small pavilion that will encapsulate the lessons they have learnt over the previous days. Tutor Giona described the sudden explosion of productive energy that came over them since yesterday. All of the pieces have been prepared, now it is just a case of assembling the components into a completed object. The construction appears to eliminate sight as a primary sense and instead focuses on interpreting the landscape through the built object itself. The object will be moved to a new location in the docklands just past the skatepark where people can enter alone, sit down and reflect on their surroundings. It has been a busy week of theoretical exploration for tutors Jeanne and Christoph but now they are happy to get down to some manual construction and are pleased with the energy and effort the participants have brought to the project. Well done guys!


26 Thursday JULY • •


Dear Umbrella,

I've been an avid reader of your fine newspaper for more than 5 years. In this time It has established a reputation as the one newspaper at EASA that a participant was able to rely on for quality, accuracy and serious articles. Above all else for the scrupulous ethics of its writing staff and the meticulous way in which all quotes and sources are confirmed has held the credibility of its content beyond reproach. In short Umbrella has become the standard all other EASA papers are judged by. So you can imagine my surprise on reading an article published on the 25th July 2012, by one Alex Maxwell, whom I can only assume is some sort of bumbling, drunken buffoon type character, prone to moments of woeful decision making brought about due to a desperate desire to attain hipster status and gain life validation from a long held man crush, no doubt some media type, perhaps a former editor of a some sort of in house TV channel - but it's not for me to speculate. The article in question stated as fact an intention on my part to host EASA in 2014, and to support this - and at this point I should state: unfounded - claim a number of false quotes were attributed to me. For balance, I wouldn't write the whole article off as fabrication as it has the hint of the shadow of a truth within. No I am not interested in hosting an EASA again, my time came and went, and while I'm glad for the chance, I don't wish to be part of a team where one of the four lead organisers [name redacted] bunks off before the dust even settles. I am interested in the prospect of hosting something in the future though, and as it happens, on an island too, but no where near the UK. Think upside down, and this WASA - if any of your readers are interested in discussion the idea, they should find me in the bar with a gin and tonic... This freakish, blind fumbles upon the truth by Mr Maxwell aside, it can only be restated that the rest of this article is pure balderdash. Bring back The Brolly - that's what I say! Yours Sincerely, Chris Maloney (former reader)


dr.love easa 2014?


Is Portugal really thinking of bidding for EASA 2014? Is there any other country interested? Let us know!!


Hey there, Dr love is back for one last session The topic of the day is : WHERE IS THE LOVE BOX? As nobody builded a lovebox this year, partici-pants and tutors (and organisers) are struggling to find a cosy place to share some loooove. 
Different options are available, although you should not take it for granted, the places i’m gonna suggest might be owned by other people/workshop and you might find yourself in a conflictual situation. So if you get caught there, don’t blame Dr love, blame your lack of timing...
If you’re gonna have some sexy time with your partner, night time is preferable than day time and the latter, the better... So here is a couple of location you can use : -the light pole next to kattilahalli is perfect, great view, and perfect hideout as the lights at night will blind any curious creepy guy. Try not to disturb the strange nature workshop and don’t be to drunk, the fall would be lethal...

Participants of the REFUGE workshop will tomorrow, Friday 27th, be organising a small lunch party between 12 and 2 PM. The party will be held in the park in front of the Hirundo day center for the Roma peoples in Helsinki, and is open for the visitors and management of the day center, the neighbors and all EASA participants. It is hoped that this party will help bridge the gap between the often isolated Roma peoples and the residents of Helsinki. EASA kitchen will be cooking something up, and EASA FM will be there to provide the music, so it should be a good time for all!

-The tutor Sauna, although tutor hang out til late there, i’m pretty sure that nobody’s there at 5, just be quiet and don’t forget to bribe the guard with some tokens if you don’t want to read about your little excursion on the next Sontikka. -The cellar of Valvomo building, it’s a bit dusty but there is a lot of spaces and no one to watch. Just don’t get locked up inside, nobody will here you scream... -The rusty barge boats by the seaside, at 4am, nobody’s there but you and the seagulls. There is nothing like sexytime in the middle of the waves sound. -The Inipi tent is a must, just clean after yourself, the guys from the workshop are tired of picking up used condoms and sextoys every morning...

Address: Pääskylänrinne 5, just two block up towards Lidl/ tram / metro and turn right and then you are there.

-The swing in the middle of Kattilahalli, a bit extreme but probably better than doin it in the middle of a gym like in Manchester010.

One of the Refuge tutors is coming to INFO POINT at 11.45am on Friday to lead people there!

I hope this will help you if you’ve been having a hard time to get away from the easa crowd. Have a good one folks!



26 Thursday JULY

• easa tattoos


Now it's confirmed! Tattoos are the official fever for this year! After last years shaving craze, the ink won over our hearts this year. These are some of the courageous few!

Jelena - Serbia

Nana - Georgia



Jacob - Germany

Check out Adam's (Slovakia) moveable bookshop, either at INFO POINT or just outside in the parking lot. CASH only accepted. He will be selling this colourful stuff till the end of EASA.


Hugh - Ireland

Umbrella needs all of you out there to send photos from your workshop, from your visits around Helsinki, and from late-night partying! Email us asap on umbrellanewspaper@ gmail.com

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