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Hello to the easa community, the 90 participants, 50 helpers and to the 12 organizers of the sesam2009. Hello out there in Europe: This is l’ombrello from the sesam2009 in Rome which was held from 1st to 8th of April 2009. We have got to say that the first day definitely was a first of April Joke: No material, No internet, No bus, No music, No party – PEOPLE WENT TO BED AT 11 PM. Can u imagine? Well, there was no sound system (we think it somehow got stucked in traffic on via del Corso) at the accommodation area at Ex fiera di Roma. As an excuse for the organizers we have to say, they are doing their very best and that they were dealing with much bigger problems, like having NO TIMBER. Some workshops had to wait for their material for 2 days, just because the dean of the university of Valle Giulia didn’t sign the urgently needed paper for delivery. No Opening Party for the sesam: lots of participants (80 percent) haven’t been to a summer easa yet, so they haven’t experienced what easa is like at nights. FINALLY on Saturday night, day four, we had a band (Page 4) and then the party was on, so the more experienced participants and organizers of the sesam2009 were holding each other telling themselves, thanks Darwin, we are having a real easa-spirit-party! We have finally gotten to it. So we want to say it out loud here: WE USUALLY DON’T GO TO BED AT 11PM! THAT S ACTUALLY A NO-THING IN EASA and a very uncommon behavior, except on the nights after national evenings or if you turned very sick sleeping in a leaking circus tent in (very) rainy ireland in summer 2008.




APRIL 8 2009

SESAM2009 EVOLUTION Rome: The Small European Students Architecture Meeting is a network that supports cultural exchange and the interchange of ideas and know-how between European students of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Fine Arts. SESAM is part of EASA (European Assembly of Students of Architecture).

ages their participants to discuss their ideas and opinions and their work and to present new creative solutions in an environment of people with different cultural background and different life experience. The Sesam Organizers asked the Uni of Valle Giulia, if there was an opportunity to celebrate the Darwin Week-the bicentenary of his 200 th anniversary. The idea was to create a Theme according to Dar-

SESAM2009 is a practical, communicative and consultative EVENT, which encour-

wins Theory of evolution and to do workshops in Villa Borghese, next to the Bioparco di Roma in Cooperation with the University of Valle Giulia. This was an unique opportunity to set the base to create common objectives, open to young architects, engineers and designers. The event leads to personal growth of each participant, which is shown by the realization of architectural of design pieces, which are exposed in a public exhibition.

Theme: Evolution is a generic and fascinating issue, which can inclue every aspect of the history of the world; this event intends to investigate this theme both from a conceptual point of view, i.e. how the change and adaptation are the fundamental conditions for life and from a strictly architectural point of view: our installations, built in so many different ways, shall represent the concept of evolution within the sphere of building materials, and thanks to their fundamental and indispensable link with the environment will be interesting proof of how the “habitat” brings about changes and the peculiarities in architecture.

La “U“ in Villa Borghese The aim of the Tutor tural background eleCompetition was to in- ment, which is perceived vestigate the concept of in the crossing speed. evolution from different points of view, borrowing ideas and concepts from as many as possible fields of knowledge. C R O S S I N G




The Structure of the five “U”s was designed as collectors of flows that draw attention to the viewer alluring him the desire to cross it. The development is therefore unexpected on the path of the traveler, it can invite to slowdown his journey or it can be reduced to an architec-

The “U” was also designed as a space denied to the viewer, where the installation becomes exhibition: it frames a foreshortening of the villa acting as field-glasses and altering the perception of what is framed in each of the five different positions of the “U”s.

The “U” is a place to live in and to interact with: it is therefore essential the visitor’s interaction with the elements of the installation thus allowing an active exploration of the theme:






LECTURES AT UNI VALLE GIULIA Is Evolution transportable to Architecture? ings are just very sustainable in everything what we do, because otherwise we would not be alive anymore. In the Office of Avatar, they are very much adapting to sustainable design in Architecture, as their Project ”SWAP T.I.M.E” shows very well: IT’S SWAP T.I.M.E

Step 1:

buy a site

Step 2: a Field

P l a n t of Bamboo

Step 3:

let it grow

Step 4 : Cut out as much as you need, for building your house out of Bamboo

On April 2nd, according to the theme, lectures were held at the University of Valle Giulia.

Jesus Christ, so it was very controverse having him taking about Evolution and he was also wondering why world is Is Evolution transport- still existing-so he sugable to Architecture? gested that the reason Evolution in architec- must be, that human beture can be considerate to be sustainable design. This was also an interpretation of the organizers during the preparations for sesam2009.

Step 5: use the free Space for your house and build it

A v a t a r “Society is very sustainable”, said one of the architects of the Architectureal Office “Avatar” in his lecture. He actually kind of looked like 2

According to history in Architecture and Lanscape History of Architecture, 6000 years ago after Iceage was finished, all of Europe was later on covered with Forest. This is in Fact how Europe started up: We used the Trees for building a house in the new

Space we created, while we cut the trees on the area, which started to be a settlement of housesand society was born. This is actually a very old idea and a deeply archaic way of using space and building up a community within a settlment, since Network is one of the most important things in Eco-System. This should actually come back to our minds, as soon as we think of it!

“Questione” of the Week What animal would you like to be if you could choose and why? Giulia (IT): B R A D I PO (SLOTH) - because it doesn’t move and it doesn’t have to move.... (i dont know the english name)

Flavia (IT): T I G E R - because it’s orange, fast and it moves nicely Giovanni (IT): W O L F - because it’s always alone and doesn’t like people (so sexy- ha?)

Giacomo (IT): C R O C O DILE - because it is very low profile and it is always horizontal and it has a very long mouth and it seems always smiling and it coexist with a bird in it’s mouth;)

Ivelina (BU): E A GLE- to be able to fly away to freedom.

Leyla (AZ): S E A G U L L - because I sound like them and I am free and white ;)(very modest) Hayriyye (CY): ANT - they are like people and they also have private life...

Natasha (LT): H O U S E CAT – because I like milk and I am lazy...

Natalia (RBL): WILD CAT - I just enjoy being wild and sexy;) Didem (TR): KOALA nice and lazy (but still she Darko (MK): G I R A F F E showed us what koala is) - it’s long and it’s neck is looong and I like his skin... (what else????) Nunzio (IT): E L E PHANT - it’s big and moves slowly, and it’s strong! (cigarette is a nose) Beycet (CY): BAT – be- Ernesto (IT): MONKEY cause I am black and I like because monto hang upside down:) keys are like people!

Aida(UK&SP): FROG - it can swim and it is green

Monica (VZ): FISH - Umit (TR):PENGUIN - acyou are silent but you tually I dont want to be a have a funny face... penguin but it’s the only thing I can show (haha) Eleni (GR): P I R A NHA - it lives in tropics and is very powerful, survives in any conditions, and so on.... bubbles???

Erhan (CY): H E D G E HOCK - they dont like to change their ideas Alina (ROM): R A B and they can hide them- BIT - because I have selves.... (hidden Er- the same kind of tooth;) han on the picture) 3

Yvonne (??) - WHITE OWL well, I’m a bit dark, but I’m wise and organized! (i never sad this)

Workshop Report VOL. 1 The Winners of the Tutor Competition of Sesam2009 telling us about their workshops The Purpose of the contest was the selection of five plan of set up, to be carried out during the event within the workshops. Therefore, the authors of the winning projects, are also playing the role of tutor of the workshops. The competition suggested these main subjects to the becoming totors • The reinterpretation of the knots caused by the overlaping between the historical paths and a spontaneous enjoyment; • The integration of new with the old, by the insertion of ephemeral installations within a context of great historical, cultural and landscape significance; • The change of perception of architecture and nature throughout the Villa. Every stand is not visually linked to another, nor is an episode of a narrative consequential, but are different interpretations of the theme that characterizes the event.

Evolutionary Walk

Tutor: John Murray, Kearen (Ireland)


Tutors: Elina Pattichi, Erhan Oze, Nicos Yiatros (Cyprus)

Waste of evolution

Tutors: Ales Kobe, Primoz Kovac (Slovenija)

Evolution in a shape of spiral

Tutors: Justyna Juchimiuk, Michal Golanski (Poland)

ne(U)rone Tutors: Sara Petrolati, Elena Tacconi (Italy)

INTRODUCTION: This project is a response to the difference between the physical and mental development of human beings. Within our timber construction we set out our views. FUN: Its much Fun do build something you designed.Good People-very enthusastic!

WORK: As soon as we had all meterials and the Tools we needed, we got very productive. LEARNEFFECT: The Comminication between the Drafter and the Builder is crucial. It needs lots of meetings and a good Management. PPL: Average per day=7, all in all 13 Participants

INTRODUCTION: Time as a man made invention is used to quantify the motion of objects and is mostly experienced through a sequence of events of a certain duration. This initial conceptual assumption lead to the notion of the circle as a form. FUN: Great Time!

WORK: It is going very well, we are about to finish, but very late. LEARNEFFECT: Assembling things in a more professional way in the Group. PPL: 11 Participants: Most of them are helping very well

INTRODUCTION: Choose a life, choose a job , choose a career , choose a fucking big television, washing machines, cars, electric can openers, compact disc players and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning...

FUN: Yes, lots of Fun, we are drinking Martini and eating strawberries! WORK: We are almost finished and all the particiapnts were working very hard. LEARNEFFECT: we learned how to skrew the scafolding many times, when we did a mistake. becomes real, solving the problems is exiting and opens mind. We are surprised that it can work. WORK: We always discusted problems with the participants and they came up with very good ideas. Participants need to have the chance to have an own opinion and getting involved. to improvise, changing the idea togehter with the group. WORK: Once we had all Maerials and the right tools, we could work very well. LEARNEFFECT: We learned how to stabil cables! PPL: 10 Particiapnts, Everybody came every day. TIMING: We will be finished in the eveningso just on time.

INTRODUCTION: Equilateral triangle sybolises equilibrium of the universe. It is one of the purest and simplest geometry. Thesis + antithesis + synthesis give equlibrum. Triangle is the unity of contradictions. FUN: Absolutly! Different Factors were important. Especially to see the different stages, when a drawing INTRODUCTION: Translating the theory in a three-dimensional environment: given a regular pattern, variation elements have been inserted in order to create an unpredictable environment, which can be compared with a regular structure FUN: We hope so, we had unexpected problems-so we had 4

TIMING: Well, we do what we have to do-Faillure is not an option. (very irish) SUMMARY: FUN-As soon as PPL helping eachother. The group makes the projekt-we found better ways to do it. As a Tutor you have to be open for new ideas and take advises from PPL and it is important that the Tutor is not arrogant TIMING: Yes, but we had to wait for Materials for two days, thats way we are getting in a hurry at the end. SUMMARY: We liked the involvement of the paricipants, who are willing to build the design. The Product resembles more to a toy, than an actual artifact, therefore it adds cheerful times to the group. PPL: About 12 Participants, pretty much attended every day. TIMING: Sure!!!We are already finished actually, but we dont have enough trast to fill the boxes inside. We ll be finished after we find more trash. SUMMARY: Great Participants LEARNEFFECT: Small tasks in a Group seem boring, but at the end evryone is a important part of the product-that is Evolution. SUMMARY: Construction was actuallw the Basic meaning and putting things together and also construction new friendships with PPL from different countries. SUMMARY: The Project is depending on the Particiapnts and they really had good ideas and technical skills. Desiding togehter, solving Problems as a group was the Best experience. We hope that the final result is satisfying. Lots PPL passed by and asked us , what we are doing here, so they were quite interested.

Workshop Report VOL. 2 Design Workshop of Participants Competition entries: In order to participate to the SESAM, each candidate HAD TO participate to a contest of ideas: concerning the reuse of garbage. We have chosen this theme because it expresses one of the modern meanings of the word ‘evolution’. The current difficult relationship between man and nature forces us to think about another meaning for garbage. Therefore the competition’s purpose was to investigate other uses for the life of used objects. SESAM2009 invited the participants to discover the possibility to reuse these objects and materials: boxes and cardboard, bottles, cans, egg packing, newspapers. One of the most important features of these designs was to be its ease of construction. SESAM asks you to design one of the following objects: chair, table, box, bed, signs supports. TUTORS: Andrea Massei, Fed- you always can come up erica Del Proposto, Raffaele with new ideas, which can Gentile, Federica Russo, Luca be realised very quickly. We worked in Marinelli, M. Cristina Oriz- WORK: and the tutors zonte, Zaira Magliozzi (ITALY) couples helped in every group. INTRODUCTION: Build up LEARNEFFECT: It is more your Trash is our Theme. The simple to produce an obpurpose of these workshops ject, like a chair or a table. is to build design objects with At first we thought it d be trash materials such as plas- more difficult, but id turned tic bottles, card boards, news- out very well. PPL: 10 Parpapers, cans and so on. Using ticipants, they were atmore than 15 participants proj- tending from 9-5 every day. ects received for the contest. SUMMARY: We had to produce FUN: Lots of Fun, because the Winner Projects first and there are lots of interesting then we chosed to do other entries from the Participants participants entries and came Competition. It is simple to up with other ideas, so we prorealise small objects and duced 5-6 Objects in 3 Days.

Winners of the Participants Competition


Workshop Report VOL. 3 Shocking Tours . Research Workshop TUTORS: Clorinda Pagano, Sandra Simoni (ITALY) I N T R O D U C T I O N : Exploring the city of Rome from unexpected points of view and reproducing the emotional feelings of the city walks through models. FUN: very much funny!We made tours all over Rome for three days - 1. Inner City 2. East Suburbs 3. Seaside. We travelled by public transport to show them how different it is to get around. WORK: Work is good. We are going to do a model of our impressions and all participants wrote a travel diary in the form of a booklet.

Follow the street to Pantheon and disappear in the Crowd-Don t miss a gelato in Piazza Navona-Enjoy a 45 min Ride in a crowded bus to reach a dull suburb-pay 5 euros to enter the lovely PUBLIC Beach of Ostia-make your own path through a city of contradiction and paradox, through a bundle of impessions and emotions. Play the Game of Rome. 3 days, tree different directions, twelfe participants on the track to discover the urban phenomena from the point of view of Tourists, suburban inhabitants and local People spending their sparetime at the seaside. The Product: The Game of Rome itself and everyone is invited to play!

LEARNEFFECT: Each student has different points of view and impressions of Rome. PPL: pretty

12 participants. much everyone.

P R O D U C T : A travel diary booklet from each student which is put together into a book.

S U M M A R Y : We wanted to let them know Rome is not just about the Inner City to give an impression of the wider area. Each district is like a little city with a different identity.


Party: National Evening

Party: Saturday night

6 th of April

4 th of April

One night: Photo Competition Allora! It’s our last day here and here we present you the results of the photo competition that took part during the party - do you remember that party? so...if you were OKAY enough to take 3 shots and download them to Giacomo’s laptop - you participated! The prize is the Atlas of photography by Taschen... the others can be free;) Ciao!

Left: Nunzio Bonina 1st prize (we pray Italy is not corrupted - and his picture is really good! any one disagree?) Down: Dina Leonova from Belarus - 2nd prize Right: Emmanouela Georgitsi -

Greece - 3d prize

thanks to all participants!!!! 7

Excursion on Sunday Tour of the north

April 5 th

Itinerary 1 - The colonization of the territories between the Tevere loop and Parioli hills. With Arch. Francesco Cianfarani and Luca Porqueddu. - 10.00 a.m. : bus at ex Fiera di Roma (Via Cristoforo Colombo, 287) - 11.00 : meeting in Foro Italico with our tour guides. Walking through Stadio Olimpico zone and then toward Renzo Piano Auditorium. - 13.00 : with the bus, from the Auditorium, till Ara Pacis museum. Packed lunch. The tour wants to suggest an example of the dynamics of Rome Evolution in the modern age; the complexity of the site permits to appreciate contiguity and contradiction of city development, from the beginning of the 20th century until our times. The excursion will be in the zone around Flaminio district, starting from Via del Corso. Spots and themes: - A modern building attempt (the Olympic Village) - the Saint Just expected city (via flaminia and “lungotevere”) - “palazzina”: a type of roman building (city texture changes around via flaminia; some excellent examples-palazzina furmanik) - Pier Luigi Nervi (Sporting Palace-Stadio Flaminio) - dynamics of the Contemporary city (Auditorium – Maxxi erecting yard) - ancient and 19th century expansion textures (Campo Marzio a Prati di Castello-Muraglioni del Tevere-Castel Sant’Angelo-San Pietro and Città Leonina) - Architectures and “styles” compared (Piazza Augusto Imperatore-Ara Pacis)

Tour of the south

tinerary 2 - Ancient and Modern. The Emperors’ “urbe” chaos and two different examples of a “rational” city. With the Prof. Giorgio Muratore, Università La Sapienza, Valle Giulia. - 10.00 a.m. : bus at ex Fiera di Roma (Via Cristoforo Colombo, 287) to reach the Eur district. Walking tour. - 11.30 : to the bus; along Via Cristoforo Colombo and Via Ostiense till Basilica of San Paolo. Walking tour trough Garbatella quartier. Arrival at Circo Massimo. Walking tour along Via dei Fori Imperiali and neighbouring sites. - 13.00 : with the bus, crossing Piramyd zone and Ostiense quartier, till Circo Massimo. Walking tour along Via del Fori Imperiali. The tour begins with the visit of the most ancient and significant part of the city, suggesting an analysis of the chaotic and contradictory changes of the city center in the 20th century. In the meantime the difference between opposite urban design attitudes will be underlined: fitting new settlements within an historical city such Rome is one of the most discussed challenges. The tour will be in the sites around Via dei Fori Imperiali, Garbatella and Eur. Spots and themes: - an unfinished monument toward the sea and the modernity, 65 years later (Eur architectures) - the reconstruction, the garden cities experience and the vernacular architecture (the Garbatella district) - the Ancient revival and the politic-urban needs (Via dei Fori Imperiali-Piazza Venezia)


You can... if you are...

Night time And suddenly one of in sesam009. the girls (the name is hidden for no reasons) What architetti are do- said «I know one game, ing when they are tired but it’s a bit strange...» enough for partying but Without any «buts»!!!!! still not dead to fall asleep? NO way of NOT playing it!

The dots are: you have to KISS MY CHEEK if you are A GIRL you have to HOLD MY HAIR if you are WEARING GLASSES and so on.....

even quicker and hold a person of IF... and not allow him go and do what they HAVE TO... then you change your couple if you did what you HAVE TO and so on....

Reading clever books by Rem Koolhaas? - NO! Listening to Mozart and trying to relax? - Ma NO! Relaxing in Shavaasana? (for those who doesn’t know — it’s pose in yoga when you are laying really flat on the floor) — No way! Playing weird games? - OH SI! Once upon a time.... we were 20... and we were really bored, tired and...drunk. ;)

Then people sitting in front have to react very quickly and check if they are like IF. (wearing glasses, blue socks, being a girl, having shower not more than 2 hours ago, hating coffee, having a bicycle etc.) and do what comes after YOU HAVE TO (kiss a cheek, untie shoes, clap the hand, kiss a knee, bite a nose, lick a hand etc.) and people sitting on the back have to react

Now you can imagine what happened.... see pictures and enjoy what you’ve missed;)

Huh! here

Allora the rules of the game: You split into couples — one has to sit in the front of another. Then make a circle of couples. You can be a boy or a girl it really doesn’t matter because you mix 10 minutes later anyway. Then one that’s sitting on the front (nobody knows how to choose this ONE) says “you can …... if you …......”



easa in the near future 2009 INCM LIECHTENSTEIN

TEAM FL & CH Easa 2009 Italy, in Brescia Theme: supermARCHet Spectacular Architecture A new kind of architecture developed in the last years and quickly spread everywhere in industrialized countries: it is a spectacular architecture, often conceived as a sculpture, adopting soft shapes and rejecting right angles. The development of this phenomenon was called the Bilbao Effect based on the reorganization of cities through international architecture styles. The practice of relying on notorious firms to attract worldwide interest and harness the arts has been abundantly adopted. In the last years, Italy is moving towards this direction frequently in opposition with both public opinion and part of the academic world. Shopping malls Shopping malls are large containers of all products of societies. In cities and their outskirts they are visible, reachable, and compelling. As comfortable settings, in

which consumers loose the perception of seasons and night/day periodicity, they attract the public. But are they truly new public spaces? Realizing the importance of architecture in the economy of cities gives birth to Super architecture and shopping malls. However, very astonishing projects set in delicate areas often may not respect neither the home nor the culture of the population.

INCM 009 Liechtenstein (Team FL und Team CH) The INCM will be held in Vaduz, Liechtenstein from the 16 th to the 25./26. th of October in 2009. It is the first Easa-Event ever in Liechtenstein, as it was a lost country for 27 Years. Team Liechtenstein and Switzerland decided to gather resources, so this event can be a great success. After INCM Liechtenstein, we will have a Post-INCM Swiss Trip to Graubuenden, where we will stay in the Chur, the Capital of the Canton, for three days. The Vals Therme of Mister Z. is ready for us.

EASA Italy_2009 wishes to inquiry the possible solutions and effects of architectural interventions in a virgin but developing setting such as Val Camonica. Identities are still strongly rooted in the people: speaking different dialects and sharing different traditions.

We are doing well, we got pretty much started with organizing and going into Detail.

w w w . e a s a . i t you can check on the next Easa in Summer 2009 Contact:easaitalia@ g m a i l . c o m

Further Infos you ll find on the Easa-Blog soon www. or Contact:organizer@ i n c m 0 0 9 . l i

Easa UK 2010, in Manchester During the INCM Cyprus in November 2008 the INCM decided to give easa 2010 to the UK, after almost 30 Years. The 1 st Easa in 1981 was held in Liverpool and since then it was never brought back to its Birthplace. Competition : Check for more Infos and for Downloading the Competition Details: easaUK2010 in association with Ask are proud to announce the launch of the an open competition to redesign the facades of their office building. easaHQ is the old ‘moonfish’ building, and forms part of the First Street development; it sits next to the Mancunian way and is passed by 13,000 commuters each day and your work could be writ large upon it. For more information contact: c h r i s . e a s a m c r @ g o o g l e m a i l . c o m

THANKS TO THE AMAZING SESAM 2009 ORGANIZERS: IT IS HARD TO REALISE AN EVENT IN ROME, IN THE CENTER OF ITALY, BUT YOU DID YOUR BEST AND ARE WORLD CHAMPIONS IN IMPROVISING! Thanks to the Helpers of L’Ombrello: Giacomino, Leyla, Joanna, Yvonne, and all the Participants and Tutors, who gave us their time to do so! 10

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