EASA Lithuania 2016 - Issue 8

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RESOSSEOUS While visiting the IT Lab, you may have noticed the 3D printers working constantly on a series of identical and seemingly inexplicable structures. These objects are actually the future joints of the polyhedral Ressosseous structure, made for housing the electronic components of the installation. The honeycomb-like structure on their inner sides actually holds the joint in place while it’s still being printed as a sort of scaffolding, preventing it’s collapse, and, once the piece is done, is removed and the joint is then hollowed out and sanded.




Yesterday Umbrella was helping to unload the Dune materials to the site, and today look at the progress! The team have made almost half of the enormous structure. Great job!


It really does look amazing even if it's not yet finished! The team have been working hard over the last week in the bar to prepare the frames of their maze. It is now on site and being finished in pleasant natural surroundings of Nida. They are located in the trees next to Collector Gatherer, both sitting behind the bar. The next task is to fix the structure and paint everything black. We are excited to get lost in the labyrinth soon!

DREAM DUNE Look what arrived from the factory! Somebody had decided that we’re going to make toys for children maybe with these modules. Sunless time for everybody, but that couldn't stop the working day at the beach. With the sangria mood from yesterday the participants of dream dune finally have the materials to construct the wave of wood. It will be big and comfortable for sitting, napping, maybe even sleeping. They've promised us they're going to be on time and we will be chillin’ there and on the furniture for the Art Colony which is also almost ready!

04 08 16



Aleksandra Ognjanov (obsessed tutor) had her charger cable stolen. It has “AO” on one side, and “Sandberg” on the other. If not returned she will send out a hit squad. Marco (Serbian Helper) has lost his reading glasses between two shower containers. Needs help to retrieve, long arms required. The helper will be rewarded with free drinks!


Today at Tappaland we have Poland and Albania! For those hungry easasian the Polish and Albanian team prepared two salty snacks; Russian dumplings coupled with fried zucchini in yogurt and fresh herbs. A perfect hangover cure! LIKE TAPALAND3.0 on FACEBOOK!

VOTE for your favourite

snack of EASA016, the vote BOX is in the lobby on the workshop board.


The Next Step is racing to finish their steps to the dune; after being plagued by lack of electricity on site and falling behind the schedule, this most remote workshop will by tomorrow assemble their structure. Although the construction is just the final part of the process; before there was the design stages, and, most importantly, research. In the first week, and even before the start of EASA, the tutors (and later the participants) tried to meet daily with as many locals as possible, culminating in visits from representatives of the municipality and a night out with many local artists; but the workshop was, most of all, communicating with bypassing residents of Nida. In retrospect, the tutors wish they had spent more time on site, as the process of questioning each decision and communicating with the locals earlier on took up a lot of their time. Designwise, the project was conceived as both a dialogue and commentary on city planning; each participant was allotted a square ‘parcel’, distributed along the stairs and functioning as a whole, to build upon in any way they thought would fit the location and topic. Most of the works comment on the treatment of the man-made Nida environment, and communicate with their neighbours. The participants were asked to think of a person in the square opposite them before their own. It was a bit of a dice roll, the tutors said, giving the varied participant nearly complete creative freedom within a single structure. The whole was eventually formed however, with various levels of cooperation and contrast between square producing fascinating results.

WORKSHOP WATCH Beacuse of the remoteness of the location and the unavailability of electricity, most of the units were prefabricated off-site, using materials and techniques from other workshops with which The Next Step participants worked closely during the construction of their respective units. The location was chosen by the municipality, and the structure is actually just a small part of a planned future route to the dunes. The workshop members are hoping for their project to become a seed - a starting point of a continuing process of not just expanding that single pathway, but also of discussing the landscape and conservational issues of Nida. In that regard, it’s safe to say that the steps pose both a question and an answer.

GIFTING ENVIRONMENTS The Gifting Environments workshop is really hard at work these days, adding the final touches to their now refined 3D sketches. They have expanded upon their earlier outdoor auditorium, adding a parallel hanging structure for sitting, and, if able, will make two more climbers with hammocks, like the one already in use by the football field. Good job guys!





Hola chicas y chicos! Did you all enjoy the kissy kissy shot game last night? Quick pecks on the lips soon changed to soppy ten second snogs, which people gathered for in throngs. Of course the game was always going to be susceptible to cheats, and swapping of the cat picture cards for preferred pairings gradually caught on.


We had a nice chat with two Bosnian girls from A BODY IN THE CONTEXT workshop, Natasa and Biljana. They were very relaxed and talkative while soaking up the sun at the terraces of Nida Art Colony: 'If you want to be a good architect and be aware of your surroundings, you need to know your body. At this workshop we are learning how to connect our body with space around us using all our senses. We really enjoy discovering what kind of space gives our body freedom, makes him lean or even both... We as architects should never forget that we make architecture for people, human beings, that are in the centre as a main topic so that's why BODY IN CONTEXT is an infallible part in process of creation!"

They also told us they're preparing the film that will show how their senses respond on challenges of environment. We can't wait to see it and oh! If you wish to see how they're sensing without a mediator you should find them nearby Nida Art Colony...we won't tell you the exact place, use your senses....

The 36 Views of Nida workshop has been working continuously, and have reached the final stage of their project. Using various techniques they attempted to start and maintain a dialogue with the Nida landscapes. Through several phases and exercises they gradually moved away from the individual and toward group work, working as a whole on their final assignments. Their thoughts on the Nida landscapes have become more and more clarified as the assignments progressed from a series of sketches through models to group performances, with keywords being distilled from their work as a result of group discussions. Building upon those previous phases the workshop was ready for their final project, a series of three actions in three diverse Nida landscapes. The results of these actions were ephemeral, and were removed after a day, and were also open and spontaneous. Their goal was creating an impossible reality, and attempting to fabricate the real through the lie. They photographed their ephemeral installations in the forest, and are preparing their next action in the dune landscape. They are gaining more and more participants, so if you have the time, you may want to try and take part in the dialogue with the landscape alongside them.

Karma caught up with one Scottish trickster however, when his matching cat found its way into the hands of a certain spectacled Finnish gentleman intent on a passionate mouth to mouth that the poor Scott wasn’t expecting. A Portuguese participant spent much of the evening on the hunt for a Norweigan prospect. But remember now, the more people you kiss the more you drink. And Boy! Those shots were strong. Evidence of the sangria power could be found in a red sticky mess in every corner. As for the workshops today, some people just can’t handle the hangover. To avoid the symptoms, learn from one of the soundscape participants who upon realising his fate, stuck his fingers down his throat to further decorate the floor. Please now leave me in peace, I’m crawling into my kitty box to hide from your naughty shenanigans. xoxo Gossip Cat



EASA Denmark has been given the great opportunity to host the next year’s event in Fredericia. They want to engage the EASA community in an architectural discussion of the theme: Hospitality - Finding the Framework.


For those new to EASA, you may be confused when you hear the letters INCM. This stands for the Intermediate National Contact Meeting, which takes place for one week each autumn.

They envision EASA 2017 to be a catalyst of change, a testbed for architectural innovations and discoveries, which can start the process of implementing problem-driven solutions in the urban environment of Fredericia. We will be staying at the amazing Bülows Kaserne, which is an old military barrack right by the beach. www.easadenmark.dk

It is the meeting where future EASAs and INCMs are organised. So unlike EASA there is no building, mainly just talking and discussion. Countries bid to host future events and it is up to the NCs to decide together where we will be heading. There is no voting system, everything comes down to consensus, which can take days! Last year the national contacts visited Scotland, in the wind and the rain. They worked in Glasgow and also in the highlands. It became an interesting platform to discuss the future role of architects and Spain and Denmark were chosen as future hosts. But what about next year? And the year after that? ....

ANNOUNCEMENTS!! THE GAME OF POWER will be played TOMORROW at 2pm by Full Circle and the Mayor of Nida will be in attendance.



Listening sessions organized by the Soundscapes workshop 5pm everyday - meet at infopoint.


OBSESSED EXHIBITION slopehall Saturday 6th

What happens in EASA, stays in EASA.

WHENEVER EXHIBITION slopehall Friday 5th

AIVARAS KIKAS You already know this face. He is our new EASA friend and we’re so impressed by his unexpected stories. Usually when we say “a security guy” people imagine a person with cold, serious and scary mood with big muscles...And yes, he looks respectable but there’s more behind the tattoos. Have you ever talked with him? The director of the bikers is one of the calmest people on EASA. He and his wife and little charming daughter live in Vilnius for the cold months, where he works in film industry, although he graduated as a Geodesist.

INCM 2017 & EASA 2018 As this year’s EASA draws to a close, chatter has begun over who may want to take on the challenge of becoming an organiser. There was some discussion from both Norway and Finland, to host the INCM 2017. But so far this idea is fading, maybe when the teams return home they can put their heads together and go for it! As for EASA, it appears that an unusual concept of a joint-held EASA is surfacing. This has been done between countries before - for example in 1997 the assembly was held on board a train driving through Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. The 400 students from 36 countries travelled over 5000km in two weeks. It might be time to have a refreshed version of EASA. Perhaps Belgium with The Netherlands or France with Italy?

He loves to be on the road as we can see, but in the city it is harder to travel long distances, so he drives in winter mostly during the night. In the summer it is different. He works a part time job with friends. For the pleasure of riding they usually sleep for 3-4 hours per day after work and then onto another road and new locations for them.

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