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OTHER EVENTS SZIGET I can tell you for sure that this is the best time and place to be! We are just in the centre of entertainment...and it’s just starting! As soon as easa006 is over the other huge event will take its place in Budapest.

There’s going to be a famous Sziget festival starting from 9th and continuing till 16th of August on Obudai island. So everyone who are still not fed up with Budapest or were too much involved in architectural/arcoholical events and didn’t have a chance to explore it enough... you’re more then welcome to camp here for one more


Quiz Corner Find words within letters to reveal todays well known EASA catchphrase.

Queueing rant

(you are making me angry)

week! As we found out the tickets to the festival is not that fantasticly expensive. If you brought your tents with you, you could buy an all-included weekly ticket for 120 euros, the following is 99 euros for a week full of music without camping inside and then 24 euros if you wish not to stay there longer than one day. Unfortunate-

ly they probably won’t be able to play top 5 from our easa006 top chart, but I’m pretty sure that more than 20 stages with Franz Ferdinand, Jovanotti, Scissor Sisters, Radiohead, Placebo, Prodigy, The Gathering, Therapy?, The Orb and many many more, would compensate this loss. LEt the paaaaaartyyyy contiNUE!

Queueing: The act of standing in a queue - we all find it pretty boring - but mostly we recognise it as the best and only way of installing some kind of order to situations when if it didn’t exist there would just be chaos. It has to be said some countries do it better than others - we Brits are acknowledged as Masters of Queueing (or perhaps queueing is our master) with others such as the French claiming “we don’t queue” (which isn’t true - I’ve seen them do it, silly frogs! - I love them really :-D ). Which brings us round to the question: is queueing a cultural thing, or a personal quality? Personally I’m not so sure, and wouldn’t like to guess, just in case the Southern European nations come and hang me upside down from the scaffolding - (oops!) So, I don’t know about you guys, but it drives me crazy when people are so selfish to cheat the system - it makes everyone else look and feel like idiots, which is why I offer to will help you guys by spelling out the queueing manners below! Asking a friend to wait in the queue and then join them later is OK Asking one person for the nation to queue is OK also - although try not to make it like ten people - you will get dirty looks as strong as voodoo curses Moving to the Vegetarian bit is OK too, as long as you don’t take any of our lovely stew-meat (then you die and we eat you) Banging plates and cups while you wait is fine - the more musical the better, nobody likes to wait, and wait, and wait... Sidling/Sliding/Slithering (like a fast slug) up to the front of the queue looking all innocent is NOT OK - you are a clown. Arguing with experts in queueing is strongly advised against - it is like a religion to us, and one which makes much more sense frankly... I hope that clears it all up for everyone, happy queueing...

F1! We happen to bump into another famous and interesting event here in Hungary. Formula 1, baby, all the way around Hungaroring. Hungarian Grand Prix. Starting Friday, so we can quite make it. It costs money, but the practice is somewhat 10 euros. Sensible... So, if interested, here’s the table.

Friday 04 Aug 2006 11:00 - 12:00 Practice 1 14:00 - 15:00 Practice 2 Saturday 05 Aug 2006 11:00 - 12:00 Practice 14:00 Qualifying Sunday 06 Aug 2006 14:00 Race

Ledding it, stagging it


Oh sure we ledded the Zsimpla Kert up yesterday. The participants of “Led attack” prepared 300 led-airplanes, climbed up the roofs of surrounding houses and attacked the courtyard. It was packed with both EASAns (sadly those who left the boat after the NC meeting were late for the show…) and random visitors of the bar. Two of them, possibly doctors, sadly remarked that nothing like EASA might be happening among medical schools. Yeah, we architects rock and we do enjoy that. The party continued until late night, putting the LEDs on weirdest places (like nipples), then them being collected by the participants and tutors (cuz they don’t have the money to buy more) people leaving it one by one (or couple by couple, we must say), and then two participants went wrestling. Of course, just for fun. The bouncer didn’t get those Dutch-Irish jokes, though, so the participants were thrown out.

Kassa boat filled up slowly, but surely, and around 3 a.m. the bar deck was occupied by eager dancers. The crazy DJ Nizar was acting weird, though, because he kept changing mood from reggae to electro, and the volume was up and down, up and down… Finally he was shut up by the unstoppable drumming machine, the concert that happens every night in EASA. The sun was met by yet another shower party! You don’t know what a shower party is? You poor thing, you are missing a very big adventure! Random people get together in either mens or girls showers, preferably dressed in white, and just let the showers go! The ones outside can be sure they will be washed away as well, as the showers have windows. Wiiiiild. Meanwhile in the sleeping area a loud shout was heard, and it said “By the way I am sorry for the Irish behavior”. It was of course shouted by one of the Irish, who were kind of having a stag night, because all of them were shit-faced and it was the last night in EASA for Franko, the big and handsome lifeguard-like boy. So, they just carried him out of bed and made to drink some more. More. And even more. All the way until regular morning, when people started waking up. But it’s today’s story already, so be sure to check the news tomorrow for some more HOT action.


(The Irish point of view to the last night)


Last night some mental shit happened ... again. People finally made it off the boat for a change, some feeling pretty emotional after a brutal story regarding Hungarian Jews fleeing their Nazi persecutors. Good history lesson, but not exactly a great party starter. LED Attacks #2 went ahead at Szimpla Kert and served to lighten the mood somewhat. Can’t really write that much about the event itself, as I was busy lightening my own mood with a rake of Jagerbombs (Jagermeister and Red Bull. A perfect rocket fuel for the sleepy boozer). A further lightening of mood occurred when Irish Francis managed to drill Serbian Ana in the head with the cork from her own wine bottle. Absolutely nailed her square in the forehead lawks, how we laughed! At this stage, the mood was so light that people were floating off into the air. Make of that what you will, it’s a bit of a throwaway sentence.

Danish guy Chrisptopher missed EASA006 this year for some reasons (we know these obviously)… however he has got really great friends from Denmark team, who sends him best wishes (see pictures)…Oh Christopher just don’t get jealous!

Luckily, Francis has now fucked off home where he can do no more damage to anybody but himself. A nation mourns. That nation is Macedonia.

Temporary Garden (public to common)

WORKSHOPS Sadly, it feels like easa006 is coming towards the end. Therefore more and more tutors started to supply us with information about their upcoming events. We are so glad finally to organize and list at least few of them to inform everyone what to expect. The last few days will be the most intreaging and full of architectural flavour. So be aware and pull your eyes with ears together not to miss anything. We will be here for you! THURSDAY Unstoppable Stick Machine + Small Interventions + Urban Songlines = events during the day at various parts of the city Trash’d will host the evening presentation FRIDAY Outside of the Box + Talking T-shirt =events during the day Soundesign promised an exciting movement towards the end of the day The Polyphonic City will have an evening presentation The venues of events are still under consideration. The other fabulous news that there will be an exhibition held after easa006 with all our presentations. As far as we were informed there will be public authorities and media involved, so we will get pretty famous, huh? The place of event is still unknown, so more information would follow...

Today we followed the members of Temporary Garden around Budapest as they made small interventions here there and anywhere. The idea was to highlight the possiblities of introducing and protecting other forms of life within the city by placing small bird boxes and paper models in places unusual or special. Passers by were intrigued to say the least, and who knows, perhaps they went home and built a shelter for some of our smaller companions of Budapest. Hopefully the rain has not destroyed the cardboard homes!

Grandfatherly Advice ANARCHITECTURE SEIZED! This workshop was left without their tutor Goscha (terrible spelling, I know) for few days, as he had an accident with his bike on Sunday and had been kept at police station while they were investigating the case. After paying the fine he had to cycle back to the boat 150km. Luckily none was injured and they set him free.

Make sure that you aren’t ready to collapse when you order food in a restaurant. Harry Houdini escape acts (while undoubtedly a doff of the cap to our Hungarian hosts) make you look like a big girl. One moment he was there with a Quattro Stagioni pizza in front of him, the next he was gone like Keyzer Soze. After all my giving out about not mowing other people’s lawns, certain lusty Micks should learn not to mug themselves. That’s your namecheck there, Ronan. I’m sure that’s not how you intended to get in the paper, but just try and take the gun away from your foot when you’re talking to Greek girls in case there’s a negligent discharge. Let’s try and get each others names right, people. It’s Middle-Toe, not Middle Finger.

Organisers asked all the tutors to put all their digital workshop material on the network drive. They have started to sell new CDs with Hungarian electronic music

QUOTE(S) OF THE DAY this quote is not from an easa-participant and also needs a small introduction: It happened as Roelant (NL) and yours truly were walking from the Danube to Vaci street. A Hungarian man in a suit came up to us and asked us in bad English: ‘’Come to my house’’, so Roelant asked why. The answer was ‘’You’re in the fucking business right?’’ Other interesting shots: Edwin (NL) : “Beethoven? was he there like before Funk”?


_There is a severe damage made to the girls’ shower. I guess boys are more than welcome there at anytime...just for fixing the showers obviously

Lorenzo (A) : “I have no mirror, so please give me chewing gum.” (Explanation: The Austrian sweety asked for more mirrors during the NC _LED Attackers are very thankful for meeting. Nice point. Anyway the gum thing happened ~5.30 am) everyone who joined their event yesterday evening at Szimple Kert. They would also appreciate if you could share the Umbrella fuck-up area :-( photos or any digital material that you have from yesterday. Thanks! Hurling not Curling: Yesterday one of our over eager report-

ers gave the Irish sport (with big bats) the incorrect name of “Curling” It is in fact known as “Hurling”. Curling is a more gentle sport involving the sliding of big plastic blobs along ice towards a target. Not very similar then...Sorry lads...

Workshop: Homo Ludens - One of our reporters had the bright idea to go and catch up with the Homo Ludens gang at the University, so with another trusting reporter following hopefully along, they set off across the Danube optimistically looking forward to seeing the fruits of this workshop with much potential. Unfortunately our normally thorough “Umbrellas” had not bothered to communicate with the workshop, who are not even working in the University grounds at the moment! Apparently they are preparing the furniture elsewhere for placement in the University later - unless we’ve got it wrong again...oh dear. We did come across a nice cat though...and some guy playing good old Patience on his PC.

_Anyone who has got the spraying water gun, please bring it to info point. We want to keep on playing!


_Matt from UK lost his iPod during the National Night. Silver Mini, 6 GB, precious info inside... _We had a big loss yesterday as three computers from the Tuzrakter were stolen. These were the ones Trash’d workshop were using. Unfortunately don’t have any details; however everyone should be more careful with their things


Today we have an accurate list of found things which can be collected from the info point. Anyone is welcome to take this back Memory stick Datatraveler 512Mb Chaki Hat Grey purse for money (not sure how full it is though) CDR Prince CDR Verbatim Notebook - ‘Discover the natures’ Silver Sony Ericsson Black Headphones

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