Elementary After-School Activities Term 3

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Elementary After-­‐School Activities Term 3 After-­‐School Activities March – May, 2015

All EASA classes are taught by dedicated and professional teachers, many of whom are part the SAS Faculty. Registration information for EASA is sent home via mail prior to each term additional notices are emailed to parents via the SAS

Februray 26th : EASA Program Brochure online March 2nd : Term 3 Registration first choice * registration starts at 10:00 a.m. March 4th : Term 3 Registration 2nd /3rd choices * registration starts midnight of March 3 March 15th : Last Day of Term 3 Registration


Process & Policies PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY • EASA program will be available online on February 26th, 2014. • Students may register on-­‐line (www.sas.edu.sg/easa) for up to 3 classes Online registration for First choice class opens March 2nd at 10 am • Online registration for Second & Third choice classes open from March 4th (midnight of March 3rd). • Registrations received after March 10th will be subject to a $15.00 late fee. • Registrations will not be accepted after March 15th. • There is no “Wish List” in Term 3. EASA do not carry forward “Wish List” to the next/(new) school year. • Minimum and maximum student enrollments are listed with each class description. • There will be no refunds after you have paid and registered your child in a class (once you have received the receipt from PayPal). • There will be no switches (transfers to a different EASA class) after your registration is confirmed (once you have received the receipt from PayPal). • Email reminder will be sent out after class list is completed. If you have not received notification/confirmation email by March 20th, please contact the EASA office at 6360-­‐6282 or email vhardinge@sas.edu.sg

General information when EASA classes start: ♦ All children must report to the ES Cafeteria K-­‐2 or ES Cafeteria 3-­‐5 directly after school at 3pm. ♦ Cafeteria supervision is provided until 3:15pm when EASA classes begin. ♦ ES K-­‐2 students may be picked up at 4:15pm or ride the 4:25 pm K-­‐2 EASA Bus (Registration online), or walk home if written parental permission is given via easainfo@sas.edu.sg. ♦ ES 3-­‐5 students may walk home, be picked up or ride the 4:25pm Student Activity Bus (YOU must contact the Bus Office @ 63606770 to arrange for the Activity Bus) after confirmed enrollment in an EASA class. ♦ Please notify the EASA office (room C-­‐002) or at easainfo@sas.edu.sg if your child will be absent from their EASA class.

Language Mandarin Out-­‐of-­‐the-­‐box! – KG to 3rd grade This program provides opportunities for SAS Elementary students to learn Mandarin in a fun playing environment. Students will be engaged in activities that are rich in visual cues and focus on developing communicative enjoyment and confidence. The main focus will be speech using lots of exciting hands-­‐on activities. The program has been designed as a continuous three term curriculum and students are encouraged to participate for the entire three terms to get maximum benefit from the program.

Tuesdays & Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 16 classes Mar 31, Apr 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21

Mrs. Phan Room M-­‐107 Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $450

Recreation Activities Mondays 1:45pm—2:30pm The Coerver® First Skills soccer 8 classes trainning program is for children aged between 4-­‐6. Fun is the Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, cornerstone of the curriculum May 4, 11, 18 with an introduction to basic

Soccer First Skills -­‐ Pre-­‐K

skills and a positive experience in the game featuring individual and team contests and small sided games. The atmosphere is energetic and joyful as we encourage all soccer players to learn to love the game.

Tuesdays 1:45pm—2:30pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

This class is designed for students who are already water Tuesdays safe (who are able to go 3:15pm—4:15pm underwater and dogpaddle) and 8 classes need to start to work on basic stroke development. In case of rain, please bring sports shoes to Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 every swim class as we will not

Kinder Swim Lessons – KG

cancel class but will offer an alternate activity.

Coerver Coaching SG MS basketball court Minimum—6, Maximum—12 $220 Coerver Coaching SG MS basketball court Minimum—6, Maximum—12 $220 James Tay ES small Pool Minimum—6, Maximum—10 $190

Coerver Coaching SG Soccer Kinder Skills -­‐ KG ES Playfield The Coerver® First Skills soccer trainning program is for children Minimum—8, aged between 4-­‐6. Fun is the Tuesdays Maximum—12 cornerstone of the curriculum 3:15pm—4:15pm with an introduction to basic 8 classes $180 skills and a positive experience in the game featuring individual Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, and team contests and small May 5, 12, 19

sided games. The atmosphere is energetic and joyful as we encourage all soccer players to learn to love the game.

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm Welcome to introductory climbing. Various climbing 8 classes activities, safety and simple techniques will be covered in this Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, class designed to challenge all May 7, 14, 21

Kinder Climb -­‐ KG

levels of climbers. A good pair of athletic training shoes and a positive attitude is all that is needed for this fun activity!

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes The Coerver® First Skills soccer trainning program is for children Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, aged between 4-­‐6. Fun is the May 6, 13, 20 cornerstone of the curriculum

Soccer Kinder Skills for Girls -­‐ KG

with an introduction to basic skills and a positive experience in the game featuring individual and team contests and small sided games. The atmosphere is energetic and joyful as we encourage all soccer players to learn to love the game.

Ms. Lawrence ES Gym B Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $180

Coerver Coaching SG ES Playfield Minimum—8, Maximum—12 $180

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Soccer Skills Development Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, -­‐ 1st/2nd grade May 4, 11, 18

The Coerver®Skills Development program specifically designed to introduce younger players to the Coerver method of player development and to inspire them to move forward in soccer training. This method is recognized around the world as the #1 way to teach and implement the technical skills necessary for the game. The sessions are not only fun but are designed to give players the a strong foundation for them to suceed as soccer players.

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Coerver Coaching SG ES Playfield Minimum—8, Maximum—16 $180

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Soccer Skills Development Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm for Girls -­‐ 1st/2nd grade The Coerver®Skills Development program specifically designed to introduce younger players to the Coerver method of player development and to inspire them to move forward in soccer training. This method is recognized around the world as the #1 way to teach and implement the technical skills necessary for the game. The sessions are not only fun but are designed to give players the a strong foundation for them to suceed as soccer players.

8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Coerver Coaching SG ES Playfield Minimum—8, Maximum—16 $180

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm Welcome to introductory 8 classes climbing. Various climbing activities, safety and simple Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, techniques will be covered in this May 6, 13, 20

Climb On! -­‐ 1st/2nd grade

class designed to challenge all levels of climbers. A good pair of athletic training shoes and a positive attitude is all that is needed for this fun activity!

Ms. Wenstrom ES Gym B Minimum—12, Maximum—15 $140

Game Busters! -­‐ 1st/2nd grade In this EASA class we will focus on games and activities that get students moving and actively engaged! We will play cooperative games, tag games, and invasion games while incorporating sportsmanship and team work. Students will learn important game strategies which will help them develop fundamental motor skills that they can use to play major sports in the future. The ultimate goal of this class is to build each child’s ‘athletic confidence’. Come join the fun!!"

Swim Lessons -­‐ 1st/2nd grade This class is designed for students in grade 1 and 2 who are water safe and have the ability to swim 15 meters without an aid (e.g. without the help of a kickboard). We will be working on basic stroke development and will end each lesson with a fun activity, e.g. the waterslide! In case of lightning risk, please bring sports shoes to every swim class as we will not cancel class but will offer an alternate activity.

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Ms. Selvie & Ms. Wenstrom ES Gym A Minimum—20, Maximum—30 $140

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

James Tay ES small Pool Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $190

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Ms. Mei Krishnan ES small Pool Minimum—8 Maximum—12 $160

Discover Synchronized Swimming – 2nd/3rd grade (Open to New and Returning students) Synchronized Swimming is an Olympic Sport that combines ballet, gymnastics and swimming. This is a great sport for a creative child that likes music, choreography and swim. The coach is the former Captain of the Singapore’s Synchronized Swim Team. All participants must be able to swim at least one length of the pool (any stroke) and be comfortable when fully submerged in deeper water. An athletic swimming suit, swim cap and a yoga mat is all that is needed for this class! At the end of the term, parents will be invited to watch a performance.

Futsal (indoor soccer) Are you ready to play some Futsal? Futsal is widely viewed as the ideal skill-­‐building sport for producing technically exciting soccer players. It is a low contact indoor sport, fast-­‐ paced and the kids can play it rain or shine. With particular emphasis on the skills of passing, dribbling, close control & shooting. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Mr. Donaghey ES Gym A Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm Minimum—8, 8 classes Maximum—14 Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, $140 May 4, 11, 18

Futsal – 2nd grade

Futsal – 3rd/4th grade

Mr. Donaghey ES Gym D Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Minimum—8, Maximum—14 Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $140

Futsal – 4th /5th grade

Mr. Donaghey ES Gym A Fridays 3:15pm—4:15pm 6 classes Minimum—8, Maximum—14 Apr 10, 17, 24, May 8, 15, 22 $140

Touch Rugby Skills (boys & Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm Mr. Shaw girls) – 3rd grade 8 classes MS Playfield Touch rugby is a fast moving, minimal contact, evasive game that Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, is played throughout the world by May 5, 12, 19 boys and girls. The game is similar to rugby but without tackling, scrumming, mauling, lineouts and kicking. This fast, simple and exciting game promotes the fundamentals skills of running, handling, evasion and support play, whilst developing basic principles of attack and defense. It is a great social game too!

Minimum—10 Maximum—15 $140

Girls Sports Sampler – 3rd/4th/5th grade What are the basic skills and rules and tactics for games and sports? Softball, kickball, soccer, floor hockey, touch rugby, soccer, floor hockey, basketball, volleyball and handball, relay racing ? Can we create our own on the last two class based on what we have learned? Come give it a try and bring a friend.

Thursdays 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Mrs. Schuster 8 classes ES Gym C Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Minimum—8, May 7, 14, 21 Maximum—12 $140

Touch Rugby Skills (boys) – 4th/5th grade Touch rugby is a fast moving, minimal contact, evasive game that is played throughout the world by boys and girls. The game is similar to rugby but without tackling, scrumming, mauling, lineouts and kicking. This fast, simple and exciting game promotes the fundamentals skills of running, handling, evasion and support play, whilst developing basic principles of attack and defense. It is a great social game too!

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18

Mr. Shaw HS Baseball Field Minimum—10 Maximum—15 $140

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Mr. Shaw MS Playfield Minimum—10 Maximum—15 $140

Mondays 3:15pm—5:15pm 8 classes (16 hours) Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 *Students can ride a 5:15pm to American Club & Great World City

Ms. Mei Krishnan ES small Pool Minimum—8 Maximum—12 $300

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Ms. Lawrence & Ms. Schuster ES Gym C Minimum—24, Maximum—34 $140

Touch Rugby Skills (girls) – 4th/5th grade Touch rugby is a fast moving, minimal contact, evasive game that is played throughout the world by boys and girls. The game is similar to rugby but without tackling, scrumming, mauling, lineouts and kicking. This fast, simple and exciting game promotes the fundamentals skills of running, handling, evasion and support play, whilst developing basic principles of attack and defense. It is a great social game too!

Discover Synchronized Swimming – 4th/5th grade (Open to New and Returning students) Synchronized Swimming is an Olympic Sport that combines ballet, gymnastics and swimming. This is a great sport for a creative child that likes music, choreography and swim. The coach is the former Captain of the Singapore’s Synchronized Swim Team. All participants must be able to swim at least one length of the pool (any stroke) and be comfortable when fully submerged in deeper water. An athletic swimming suit, swim cap and a yoga mat is all that is needed for this class! At the end of the term, parents will be invited to watch a performance.

Dodge Ball -­‐ 3rd/4th grade Come join us in this fast paced, fun filled, competitive game that is popular with students everywhere! Emphasis will be on developing throwing and catching skills, then using these skills in a number of versions of dodge ball.

Basketball Skills -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade Introducing a high energy, continuous movement basketball skills course. Students will be encouraged to have fun with various dribbling, passing, shooting, and defensive games. Our challenge and emphasis will be on pushing ourselves towards personal improvement in this popular and exciting team sport.

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Mr. Goode ES Gym D Minimum—12, Maximum—24 $140

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Mr. Goode ES Gym B Minimum—12, Maximum—14 $140

Climb On! -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade Welcome to introductory climbing. Various climbing activities, safety and simple techniques will be covered in this class designed to challenge all levels of climbers. A good pair of athletic training shoes and a positive attitude is all that is needed for this fun activity!

Volleyball Skills -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade Introducing a high energy Volleyball skills course. This is a skills and drills class for beginner players that want to learn volleyball fundamentals in a relaxed and fun setting. Students will be encouraged to learn and practice techniques such as footwork for passing, serving and positions. If you really are serious about learning Volleyball this is the class for you!

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Mrs. Schuster ES Gym C Minimum—12, Maximum—20 $140

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Ms. Wenstrom & Ms. Selvie ES Gym A Minimum—20, Maximum—30 $140

Fridays 3:15pm—4:15pm 6 classes Apr 10, 17, 24, May 8, 15, 22

Ms. Schuster ES Gym D Minimum—12, Maximum—18 $140

Game Masters! -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade In this EASA class, students will play a wide variety of cooperative and competitive games that are fun and exciting. Favorite games such as: Mission Impossible, Dodge ball, Pits and Alleys, and Massive Pin Guard will be played. Students will also learn competitive game strategies and team building skills which will help them in most competitive sports in the future. Don’t miss out on the fun!!!

Badminton -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade Learn how to play this exciting and challenging Olympic sport. Students will learn badminton skills and drills while playing a variety of games which includes individual, doubles and team based activities and challenges. Come and join the fun with this popular sport in Singapore and Asia.

Dodge Ball -­‐ 4th/5th grade Come join us in this fast paced, fun filled, competitive game that is popular with students everywhere! Emphasis will be on developing throwing and catching skills, then using these skills in a number of versions of dodge ball.

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Mr. Goode & Mr. Donaghey ES Gym D Minimum—24, Maximum—34 $140

Martial Arts Karate for little ones – Pre-­‐K Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art, which teaches students how to use hands, elbows, knees and legs for self-­‐defense. It teaches children good discipline, healthy lifestyle, good morals and also helps them to make new friends. This class aims to build a solid foundation for children to understand and enjoy Karate. Students will learn how use the strength of their upper body and hips and add it into punches or kicks. Classes are taught by a dedicated Japanese Karate Association qualified 4th Dan black belt instructor who has been coaching for more than 15 years.

Mondays 1:45pm—2:45pm 8 classes Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18

Teacher: Mr. Soo Lin Tan MS/HS Theater Studio Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $200

Karate – KG/1st/2nd grade Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art, which teaches students how to use hands, elbows, knees and legs to become weapons. It teaches children good discipline, healthy lifestyle, good morals and also helps them to make new friends. This class aims to build a solid foundation for children to understand and enjoy Karate. Classes are taught by a dedicated Japanese Karate Association qualified 5th Dan black belt instructor who has been coaching for more than 15 years. It is optional for students to purchase their own Karate uniform. Uniform’ ($50.00) order form will be sent home via EASA confirmation email.

Taekwondo (Beginner Belts) – KG/1st/2nd grade

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21 Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Taekwondo foster strong values and beliefs such as respect, determination, modesty, perseverance and self control. It is a systematic and progressive training that seeks to polish and maximize student’s ability in self-­‐defense together with improving their self confidence and motor skills. This class will be supervised by an International Certified Instructor who is a 7th degree black belter. Taekwondo Instructor will assess new students that already have belts from other countries/organizations and he will determine what EASA Taekwondo class these students should attend. It is optional for students to purchase their own Taekwondo uniform from the coach ($80.00). Order form will be sent home via EASA reminder email.

Mr. Tan Room i-­‐117 Minimum—8, Maximum—14 $200 Mr. Patrick Tan Room P-­‐220 Minimum—8, Maximum—22 $220

Kendo (Japanese Fencing) -­‐ 1st to 5th grade Your child will gain many benefits from this traditional Japanese martial art, including: improved hand-­‐eye coordination and reflexes, enhanced speed and dexterity and developed sense of timing and precision. Kendo carries the principles of samurai swordsmanship cultivating your child’s mind, body, and spirit. Kendo is a fast sport that will build your child’s endurance, obedience and character. New students: it is compulsory for students to purchase a Shinai (bamboo sword) from the coach ($65). Returning students: it is advisable to purchase complete Kendo Uniform ($80) & Armor.

Mondays 3:15pm—5:15pm 8 classes (16 hours) Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 *Students can ride a 5:15pm to American Club & Great World City

Mr. Suresh ES Gym B Minimum—8, Maximum—20 $320 Overview of Kendo gear: Beginners class – Shinai Sword Upper beginners – complete uniform After one year of training – Armor

Taekwondo (K-­‐2 Intermediate Belts/3-­‐6 Beginner Belts) -­‐ 1st to 6th grade Taekwondo is a traditional Korean martial art that involves more than physical fighting skills. This introductory course will focus on the values of Taekwondo, the fundamentals of Taekwondo stances, kicking and hand techniques for situational defense. Course taught by an International certified Taekwondo Instructor who is a 7th degree black belt. Instructor will assess new students that already have belts from other countries/organizations and he will determine what EASA Taekwondo class these students should attend. It is optional for students to purchase their own Taekwondo uniform from the coach ($80.00). Order form will be sent home via EASA reminder email.

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Mr. Patrick Tan Room P-­‐220 Minimum—8, Maximum—20 $220

Fridays 3:15pm—4:15pm 6 classes Apr 10, 17, 24, May 8, 15, 22

Mr. Patrick Tan Room i-­‐117 Minimum—8, Maximum—20 $220

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes

Mr. Tan Room i-­‐117 Minimum—8, Maximum—20

Taekwondo (3-­‐5 Advanced Belts/MS Beginner Belts) – 3rd to 8th grade Taekwondo is a perfect form of stress relief after a long day in school. It brings lots of benefits for student’s physical and emotional being. Students who aspire to be a profound black belter are welcome to join this group after completing the beginner belt program. This class will be taught by an International Certified Instructor who is a 7th degree black belter. Taekwondo Instructor will assess new students that already have belts from other countries/organizations and he will determine what EASA Taekwondo class these students should attend.

Karate (Beginner Belts – Orange belt & below) – 3rd to 8th grade

Karate is a traditional Japanese martial art. It teaches children good discipline, healthy lifestyle, good morals and also helps them to Mar 30, make new friends. Classes are taught by a Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, dedicated Japanese Karate Association qualified 5th Dan black belt instructor who May 4, 11, 18 has b een coaching for more than 15 years. It is optional for students to purchase their own Karate uniform. Uniform’ ($50.00) order form will be sent home via EASA confirmation email.


Karate (Advanced Belts – Orange belt & above) – 3rd to 8th grade

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm Students will continue to learn how to use 8 classes hands, elbows, knees and legs to become weapons. The instructor will design activities Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, to keep the students focused and enthused May 6, 13, 20 with this amazing martial art. Positive reinforcement for goals achieved, is the foundation of this program. It teaches students good discipline, healthy lifestyle and good morals. Classes are taught by a dedicated Japanese Karate Association qualified 5th Dan black belt instructor who has b een coaching for more than 15 years.

Mr. Tan Room i-­‐117 Minimum—8, Maximum—20 $200

Performing Arts Ballet Fairies – Pre-­‐K A fun-­‐filled opportunity for your child to learn ballet and dance to classical music or should we say to the “music of the fairies”. The teacher will transform this ballet class into a delightful imaginary world, while all the time the students will be learning basic ballet techniques. No previous dance experience is required and pre-­‐kindergarten boys and girls can participate. Leotards and ballet slippers are not required and children can wear their PE uniform and socks instead.

Tuesdays 1:45pm—2:45pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Ms. Vivienne Tan MS/HS Theater Studio Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $220

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes

Ms. Vivienne Tan Room i-­‐311 Minimum—8 Maximum—12

Lil’ Ballerinas – KG/1st/2nd grade A fun-­‐filled opportunity for your child to learn ballet and dance to classical music by Tchaikovsky and Léo Delibes. Students learn ballet technique through famous ballets such as Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, Coppélia and more. No previous dance experience is required. Leotards and ballet slippers are preferred.

Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19


Imagine more… StoryPlay “Super Powers”– 1st/2nd grade In Imagine More..StoryPlay each child creates a story and performs as a storyteller to an audience.A storyteller’s goal is to create images in the listeners’ minds. The storyteller must know the most important facts in the story and be able to improvise around them to create the setting and mood to lead his/her audience’s imagination. Children who return to this class gain a deeper knowledge of how to structure and present stories as well as feel more confident from the start, since they are already familiar with the teacher and methods. Each child creates a story following the Imagine More Story Structure Steps: describe the main character, including his/her goal and motive, plan the 5W (Who, Where, When, What & Why),Emotions and 5 Senses (details) for every scene.Each scene corresponds to a logical sequence:Introduction, Problem, Solution and Conclusion.This term we will continue with the theme: Use your Super Power to Help Others. The children will work on storytelling skills (voice volume & intonation, face & physical expression) through drama exercises as well as through interactive feedback. The purpose of this class is to foster each child's confidence in expressing him/herself verbally and physically as a storyteller. We create a safe environment to try new things, challenge oneself and learn from and with friends. Parents receive a weekly summary and are welcome to participate asan audience in the last class, as a way to be involved and nurture the children’s self-­‐esteem.


Mrs. Gavin

8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Minimum-­‐ 6, Maximum-­‐10 $220

3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐213

Mondays Wanna dance like your favourite Disney stars on 3:15pm—4:15pm Yenny – LA Dance TV? Using easy-­‐to-­‐follow steps and lively Hip Room P-­‐103 8 classes Hop music, this class focuses on upbeat routines that develop good rhythmic motions while Minimum—8, having fun. Each class consists of basic technique Mar 30, Maximum—12 of dance, simple stretches and body isolations to Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 help kids improve their flexibility, balance and $220 coordination. Yenny, a choreographer from L.A.

Hip Kids Hop -­‐ 1st/2nd/3rd grade

Dance Connection is the expert teacher for this class and will help your kids develop dance excellence and creativity in a healthy, happy and positive environment.

Acting Antics (Drama Performance) -­‐1st/2nd grade Does your child love to dress up, act and perform? Acting Antics offers students the opportunity to participate in a full theatrical live experience. These fun filled classes give students the opportunity to discover dramatic potential, learn basic acting skills, develop self–expression & and improve confidence. EASA students will audition, rehearse & perform in a fully costumed play. Every student gets a role with dialogue and fabulous costumes. Sneak peek of Act II play: “The Magic Mirror” In far off Arabia lives a Sultan with 2 beautiful daughters. Sadly the Sultan has become very ill and no one knows why – could someone have cast a magic spell on him? The Sultan has recently remarried, but the Princesses do not like their new stepmother nor her pet, the golden phoenix. One day the Princesses find a mirror -­‐ could this be the clue to saving their father’s life? But wait, what is the evil Sorceress doing in the castle, and why has the Wise One returned so suddenly? Great roles and costumes for boys and girls.

Wednesdays Antics 3:15pm—4:15pm Acting Room P-­‐314 11 classes Minimum—10, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—14 29, May 6, $380 May 13 (2 hours dress rehearsal), May 20 (2 hours dress rehearsal), May 25 (Performance)

Does your child love to dress up, act and perform? Acting Antics offers students the

Acting Antics (Drama Performance) -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade

opportunity to participate in a full theatrical live experience. These fun filled classes give students the opportunity to discover dramatic potential, learn basic acting skills, develop self–expression & and improve confidence. EASA students will audition, rehearse & perform in a fully costumed play. Every student gets a role with dialogue and fabulous costumes. Sneak peek of Act III “Arabian Nights" The magic and mystery of far off Arabia comes alive as Aladdin & Ishan, the poor sons of Mustapha the tailor, discover they have a lamp with a genie and a magic ring in their possession. What are they going to do with their 3 wishes, how far will the Grand Vizier go to stop Aladdin marrying the Sultan’s daughter & will the evil Magician’s plan to regain the lamp be foiled by the street urchins and the harem girls? Treachery and intrigue abound in this exciting new “Aladdin” adventure.

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm Acting Antics 11 classes Room P-­‐314 Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, Minimum—10, 20, 27, May 4, Maximum—16 May 11 (2 hours dress rehearsal), $380 May 18 (2 hours dress rehearsal), May 25 (Performance)

Hip Kids Hop – 3rd/4th/5th grade Wanna dance like your favourite Disney stars on TV? Using easy-­‐to-­‐follow steps and lively Hip Hop music, this class focuses on upbeat routines that develop good rhythmic motions while having fun. Each class consists of basic technique of dance, simple stretches and body isolations to help kids improve their flexibility, balance and coordination. Yenny, a choreographer from L.A. Dance Connection is the expert teacher for this class and will help your kids develop dance excellence and creativity in a healthy, happy and positive environment.


Yenny – LA Dance 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐103 8 classes Minimum—8, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—12 29, May 6, 13, 20 $220


Theater Sports -­‐ 4th/5th grade You didn't k now theater could be a sport? Well, by the end of the term we will b e forming teams and competing against our peers on stage. Think fast on your feet and solve problems with silly props. This class will be taught by Leanne Fulcher our Middle School drama teacher. Do you want to know m ore about this hilarious and fast-­‐thinking activity? Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5qfBt5MymQ

Leanne Fulcher 3:15pm—4:15pm Room S-­‐106 8 classes Minimum -­‐ 10, Mar 31, Maximum—20 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $220

Arts & Crafts LEGO® Brick Art – 1st/2nd grade Lego bricks became the new 21st century medium for art. We all know that the best thing about working with Legos is the sense of possibility! In this class, students will learn a new way to express themselves artisticaly using these popular bricks. They will learn Lego building techniques, draft and create their own design and use a PicToBrick software to plan and transform their design into a Lego mosaic. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity, sign up now!

Mondays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18

Brick by Brick Room P-­‐303 Minimum—6, Maximum—10 $240

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Ms. Heathorn Room C-­‐103 Minimum—8, Maximum—12 $180

Great Masters – 1st/2nd grade In this art class we are going to paint, draw, use clay, create collage work, make sculptures and really have fun exploring art! We will be working on a different project each week. Students will have an opportunity to learn and experiment with many different media and techniques.

Imagine more…StoryArt “Super Powers” – 1st/2nd grade In Imagine More..StoryArt children use different arttechniques to create their own picture books and present them to an audience. Children who return to this class gain a deeper knowledge of how to structure a story and feel more confident from the start as they are familiar with the teacher and methods. This term we will be using the following art techniques: markers, water-­‐ color pencils, color-­‐sand collage (on paper) and pic collage (iPad). We will continue with the theme: Use your Super Power to Help Others. Each child creates a story following the Imagine More Story Structure Steps: describe the main character, including his/her goal and motive, plan the 5W (Who, Where, When, What & Why), Emotions and 5 Senses (details) for every scene. Each scene matches a page and corresponds to a logical sequence: Introduction, Problem, Solution and Conclusion. The purpose of this class is to foster each child's confidence in expressing him/herself artistically.We create a safe environment to try new things, challenge oneself and learn from and with friends. Parents receive a weekly summary and are welcome to participate as an audience in the lastclass, as a way to be involved and nurture the children’s self-­‐esteem.


Mrs. Gavin 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐213 8 classes Minimum—6, Mar 31, Maximum—10 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $220

Ms. Heathorn Do you like to snuggle up with a soft toy at night? Do 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐103 you want to design and make your own toy? In this 8 classes class, you will have the opportunity to learn to Minimum—8, create amazing soft toys using hand sewing skills. Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, Maximum—12 You will design, sew and glue cuddly creations. It is 21, 28, May 5, 12, a fun, creative and calming way to make new 19 $180 friends! Sign up now!

Toy Making (Sewing) – 1st/2nd grade



Ms. Heathorn Room C-­‐103 Does your child like to make sculptures? In this 3:15pm—4:15pm class, students will use cookie dough, self hardening 8 classes Minimum—8, clay and modelling clay to make 3D objects. It is an Maximum—10 creative and therapeutic way to create beautiful Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, works of art! 29, May 6, 13, 20 $180

Clay Modeling – 2nd/3rd grade

Masks & Clay – 2nd/3rd grade A play with Masks & Clay keeps the fidgeting away! Sign up for one of our newest art classes and let your creativity flow. Students will love the feeling and the sensory experience of working and creating masterpieces with clay and paper Mache. Students will be encouraged to express themselves while exploring a world of colors, textures and sculpture. It is like art therapy! Sign up now!


Mr. Emery 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐104 8 classes Minimum—8, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—10 29, May 6, 13, 20 $180

Sewing & Dressmaking -­‐ 3rd/4th grade Want to learn to sew? This class will teach students the basics they need to get started! They will learn how to cut fabric by following a pattern, thread the machine, load the bobbin, adjust machine’s tension, hand stitching and much more. Each week they will learn a new skill and the end result will be a WEARABLE project! Students are required to buy their own sewing starter’ kit and material (more information about the materials will be sent via email after registrations).


Ms. Stella 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐223 6 classes Min—6, Apr 10, 17, 24, Max—8 May 8, 15, 22 $180

This class is open for new and returning students. Mr. Iskander This fun class continues to teach all elements 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐103 involved in creating great, professional-­‐looking 8 classes comics and cartoons. Whether you are new or Minimum—10, coming back, this class will show you how to turn Mar 30, Maximum—20 your ideas into cool and funny comics and hone Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, your skills to perfection. The class is taught b y May 4 , 1 1, 1 8 $220 Dutch best-­‐selling author and widely published cartoonist Iskander Walen who will show you all the

Young Cartoonist -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade


tips and tricks of the trade. Every session is filled with hands-­‐on practice and your work will be reviewed on-­‐the-­‐spot so you can improve immediately. http://sgcartoons.com/

Sewing Club – 3rd/4th/5th grade

Calling all sewing enthusiasts! This class is open to Ms. Stella students that have previously attended a b asic 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐223 sewing class and are serious about continuing 8 classes learning to sew. Students will choose their own Min—4, sewing project (teacher will give them 3 options). Mar 30, Max—8 They will work on their project independently. Each Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, week they will review and practice basic sewing May 4 , 1 1, 1 8 $200 skills until they finish their wearable project. Students are required to bring their own sewing starter’ kit and cloth material (more information about the materials will be sent to home after first lesson).


Sewing & Dressmaking – 4th/5th grade Want to learn to sew? This class will teach students the basics they need to get started! They will learn how to cut fabric by following a pattern, thread the machine, load the bobbin, adjust machine’s tension, hand stitching and much more. Each week they will learn a new skill and the end result will be a WEARABLE project! Students are required to buy their own sewing starter’ kit and cloth material (more information about the materials will be sent via email after registrations).


Ms. Stella 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐223 8 classes Minimum—6, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—8 29, May 6, 13, 20 $200

Sketchbook Club – 3rd/4th grade The Sketchbook Club is for students who love to draw and create mixed media art in their sketchbooks. Each week we will practice our drawing techniques and learn a new skill that we can incorporate into our student created theme of the week. In addition to drawing we will be experimenting with watercolors, printing making and collage. Join the Sketchbook Club, to learn, create and have fun. Sketchbooks will be provided.


Ms. McFadzen 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐100 8 classes Minimum—6, Mar 31, Maximum—12 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $160

Calligraphy – 4th/5th grade Come learn the basics of calligraphy and hand lettering. We will learn the italic and unical alphabet along with modern day hand lettering. Experimenting with different fonts, pens and paper you will create cards, logos, and illuminated letters to wow and dazzle your friends.

Art Masters – 3rd/4th/5th grade Calling all future Van Gogh’s and Rembrandts! In this art class we are going to paint, draw, use clay, create collage work, make sculptures and really have fun exploring art! We will be working on a different project each week. Students will have an opportunity to learn and experiment with m any different media and techniques. Come and get creative with us!


Mrs. Meredith 3:15pm—4:15pm Room i303 8 classes Minimum—8, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, Maximum—15 30, May 7, 14, 21 $180 Thursdays

Mrs. Adkison 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐101 8 classes Minimum—8, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, Maximum—10 30, May 7, 14, 21 $200

Mrs. Thompson The ART in Glass class is open to students who have 3:15pm—4:15pm Room C-­‐102 not taken the course previously. Students will get 8 classes creative using new and recycled Glass to make ART Minimum—6, items to display and wear! In this fun class we will Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, Maximum—8 explore creatively recycling, mosaic, embossing, and 30, May 7, 14, 21 fusing Glass in a kiln to make jewelry, tiles, bowls, $240 and m ore.

Art Works in Glass -­‐ 4th/5th grade


Lego bricks became the new 21st century medium for Fridays

LEGO® Brick Art – 3rd/4th/5th grade

art. We all know that the best thing about working with Legos is the sense of possibility! In this class, students will learn a new way to express themselves artisticaly using these popular bricks. They will learn Lego building techniques, draft and create their own design and use a PicToBrick software to plan and transform their design into a Lego mosaic. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity, sign up now!

Brick by Brick 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐303 6 classes Minimum—6, Apr 10, 17, 24, Maximum—10 May 8, 15, 22 $220

Mrs. Phan In this class students will create amazing works of art 3:15pm—4:15pm Room M-­‐107 using polymer clay (AKA Korean Clay). This is an easy, 8 classes colorful and m ess-­‐free clay medium. Students will let Minimum—8, their creative juices flow while using their fine motor Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—10 skills to create small ‘master pieces’! Bring your 29, May 6, 13, 20 imagination to life, sign up now! $180

Korean Clay Art -­‐ 3rd/4th/5th grade


Young Photographer -­‐ 4th/5th grade This class is for new and returning students. This course will cover the basics of digital photography -­‐ planning, composition and lighting of a variety of photographs. Each student will create a portfolio of different topics, including portraiture, landscape, still life, action photography and nature (using macro). In each of these photographs they will apply the techniques they learn in class. All materials (including cameras) are provided for. http://www.flickr.com/photos/youngphotographers/


Mr. Iskander 3:15pm—4:15pm Room I-­‐312 8 classes Minimum—8, Mar 31, Maximum—16 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $220

Mind Stretch Little Cooks – KG Little Cooks is a cooking program designed for Kindergarten children who love to cook, eat and learn. Children will build confidence in Reading, Writing and Math with a fun hands on approach to learning. Each week we will make a new dish. We will learn about the origins of the dish, write a recipe, make our dish, clean up and eat together.

Tuesdays Ms. Goggins 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐103 8 classes Minimum—6, Mar 31, Maximum—10 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $220

Imagine more…Playdate – KG/1st/2nd Imagine More..PlayDate is a class with an emergent curriculum, aimed at making new friends in a relaxed environment, with varied play choices. The children have access to plastic arts such as drawing, painting and moulding essential activities that allow to reflect on experiences or simply relax while letting their imagination flow. The children can choose to be outdoors, where they can play in the playground or sand pit, or choose to be indoors, where they can read books, play board games, build with blocks and more. We create a safe environment to try new things, challenge oneself and learn from and with friends. Parents receive a weekly summary and are welcome to participate in the last class, as a way to be involved and nurture the children’s self-­‐esteem.

Mondays Mrs. Ana Gavin 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐213 8 classes Minimum—7, Mar 30, Maximum—12 Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 $220

Math Maniacs – KG/1st/ 2nd grade In this class, students will play and learn with manipulatives, games and a variety of partnership math games at variaty of levels. Every session will start with a brain “warm up”, move to choice time and end with math investigations! At the end of the term, parents will be invited to watch the class to learn some of the games so kids can continue to play at home.


Mrs. Bokaer 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐226 8 classes Minimum—8, Mar 31, Maximum—16 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $200

Chess for Beginners – 2nd grade


Mrs. Hevey 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐108 For beginners only! No wires, no batteries, no screens – just the classic, fun, thinking game of chess. 8 classes Min—8, Students will learn the complete set of rules as well Mar 31, Max—16 as some of the basic openings and strategies. Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $160 Tuesdays

Jr. Scientists – 2nd grade


8 classes Mar 31, Mrs. Liddell Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, Room P-­‐320 May 5, 12, 19 Min—8, Max—12 https://sites.google.com/a/sas.edu.sg/primary-­‐ science-­‐lab/science-­‐club or watch youtube video Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDwfjMv2sxU 180 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21 Is it magic or is it Science??!!! Come and find out! Learn about Heat, Light, Sound, Magnetism, Electricity, Plants and Animals. Through a range of exciting hands on experiments and computer technology, you will discover the Magic that is Science!! For more information go to

Creative Challenges – 2nd/3rd grade Does your child like creative and exciting problem-­‐solving games? Students will use a variety of everyday materials to design, create and solve challenges. Students will be encouraged to work in an innovative and creative manner while working in collaboration with others.


Ms. Jo Brown 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐318 8 classes Minimum-­‐6, Mar 31, Maximum– 12 Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $180

Fun with Cooking – 3rd grade Kids have the chance to cook 9 different simple healthy recipes during a session. The class will be totally hand’s on with students doing the preparing, cooking and cleaning up. Parents are welcome to join the class as a helper. Students will go home with a sample of what they made during the class. Students with food allergies are not encouraged to sign up for the class.


Mrs. Ferguson 3:15pm—4:15pm Room M-­‐204 8 classes Minimum—8, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—12 29, May 6, 13, 20 $230

Mrs. Brundage You’ll be a junior CSI detective and help crack the 3:15pm—4:15pm ES Library case of the missing library books. Join our crime 8 classes lab experts and learn how to unlock the mysteries Minimum—8, of forensic evidence. You’ll gather evidence at the Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—16 crime scene, take impressions, examine 29, May 6, 13, 20 substances, and gather clues to solve this exciting $200 mystery!

Super Sleuth – 3rd/4th grade


Paper Roller Coaster Engineers – 4th/5th grade Ready for a fun hands on activity? In this class students will learn to design and build roller coaster that will allow a marble to go from beginning to end. They will apply engineering, creative design and physics concepts to built a complex structure. Kids will have a blast learning and collaborating! Don’t miss this opportunity! To learn more about this amazing ‘maker’ activity check this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltyoVPtZzK4


Mr. Diebley 3:15pm—4:15pm Room M-­‐203 6 classes Min—8, Apr 10, 17, 24, Max—12 May 8, 15, 22 $180

Fun with Cooking – 4th/5th grade Kids have the chance to cook 9 different simple healthy recipes during a session. The class will be totally hand’s on with students doing the preparing, cooking and cleaning up. Parents are welcome to join the class as a helper. Students will go home with a sample of what they made during the class. Students with food allergies are not encouraged to sign up for the class.


Mrs. Ferguson 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room M-­‐204 8 classes Minimum—8, Mar 31, Apr 7, Maximum—12 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $230

Eco-­‐Warriors Club – 4th/5th grade This club will provide lots of exciting hands-­‐on and eco-­‐friendly activities to our 4th and 5th grade students. Students will have a chance to create eco-­‐ artwork, bird feeder, work in one of our SAS gardens, learn about recycling and sustainability. This club will be facilitated by a group of dedicated HS students and our very own, Mrs. Early. Don’t miss out, sign up now!


Mrs. Early 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room i-­‐216 6 classes Minimum—8, Apr 10, 17, 24, Maximum—12 May 8, 15, 22 $180

Mad Scientists – 4th/5th grade For all science enthusiasts out there! This course is a perfect opportunity for your child to make science come alive with fun experiments and activities. This class is sponsored by SAS’ High School’ Science National Honor Society students. This course will provide a fun overview study of a variety of scientific subjects (Physics, Biology, Genetics, and Chemistry) with many hands-­‐on scientific experiments supervised by our Middle School Science Teacher, Mr. Chassagne. Sign up now!


Mr. Chassagne 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room M-­‐335 8 classes Minimum—8, Mar 31, Apr 7, Maximum—16 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $230

Junior Journalists – 3rd/4th/5th grade Are you good at taking pictures, writing stories, interviewing people to find out about their lives or are you someone who likes to draw, make posters, or maybe even edit other students' writing? Sign up to help produce the Intermediate School Student Magazine -­‐ created by kids, for kids and all about kids stuff.

Competitive Chess – 4th/5th grade This class is open to all chess enthusiasts. The focus of this class will be to learn intermediate to advance chess skills and competitive playing experience. Students signing up for this class should have at least basic knowledge of the game. Don’t miss this opportunity to play this famous “Royal Game”!


Mrs. Caskey 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room i-­‐312 8 classes Minimum—10, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—14 29, May 6, 13, 20 $160 Tuesdays Mr. Ryan 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room M-­‐127 8 classes Minimum—12, Mar 31, Apr 7, Maximum—15 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $180

Music Kindermusik – Pre-­‐School Kindermusik is the world's most respected musical learning program for our young ones. Research has shown that music improves your child's memory, cognitive development, learning skills and ability to express emotion. Music makes your child a better learner, teaches self-­‐control, improves coordination, enhances creativity, and inspires your child with a life-­‐long appreciation of music through movement. Using Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me program, through movement and musical exploration, vocal play and instrument play, that busy brain and non-­‐ stop body move, make music, listen, and get a multi-­‐sensory workout every week!

Wednesdays 11:10am – 11:55am 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Ms. Kim MS/HS Theater Studio Minimum—7, Maximum—12 $210

Kindermusik is the world's most respected Wednesdays musical learning program for our young 1:45pm – 2:30pm ones. Research has shown that music 8 classes improves your child's memory, cognitive development, learning skills and ability to express emotion. Music makes your child a Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20 better learner, teaches self-­‐control, improves coordination, enhances creativity, and inspires your child with a life-­‐long appreciation of music through movement. Using Kindermusik's ABC Music & Me program, through movement and musical exploration, vocal play and instrument play, that busy brain and non-­‐ stop body move, make music, listen, and get a multi-­‐sensory workout every week!

Kindermusik – Pre-­‐K

Ms. Kim MS/HS Theater Studio Minimum—7, Maximum—12 $210

Piano for Beginners – 1st/2nd grade Open for new students only!

Students will learn piano from square one. Each student will have his or her own keyboard with headphones on which to practice. During Piano for Beginners, students will be working on mastering the following skills: playing high and low sounds, using right and left hands separately and together, playing keys with the appropriate finger number, and finding groups of black keys and middle C. Students will also learn basic rhythms and music notation, as well as beginning improvisation. Students who have already had a keyboarding unit in their music class but do not yet take lessons, will also be able to advance the skills they learned in class. Lessons will include group and individual practice.

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Mrs. Ganske Keyboard Lab, Room C-­‐201 Minimum—6, Maximum—10 $180

Wednesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Mr. Anderson Room C-­‐201 Minimum—8, Maximum—10 180

Keyboard Krazy – 3rd/4th/5th grade Students will have the chance to explore all of the buttons, knobs, and dials on the digital pianos in the keyboard lab with Mr. Anderson. They will learn simple, short melodies and ways to jazz them up with a variety rhythms and instrument voicings. Students will have plenty of time and freedom to explore the instrument in their own way!

Mondays & Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm Mrs. Bell Lim Room i-­‐214 This class is open to returning EASA Violin 16 classes players or for new students who have had Mar 30, Apr 2, 6, 9, 13, Minimum—6, at least one year of private lessons. Maximum—20 16, 20, 23, 27, 30, Emphasis will be placed on playing skills May 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21 and ensemble playing, with opportunities for $380 solo and small group work. We highly encourage students to make a commitment to EASA Strings for the entire school year. All students will need to bring their own violin.

Intermediate Strings (Violin) – 4th/5th grade

(Open to Beginners and returning Term 2 students) Learn to play guitar the easy way. This Fridays course covers the basics of playing guitar as 3:15pm—4:15pm it introduces the fundamentals like correct 6 classes posture, proper fingering and cultivates good habits. The main objective of this course is to Apr 10, 17, 24, create an appreciation for music through May 8, 15, 22 playing the guitar and for students to have playing music together. With Mr. Shameer's unique approach you will learn to play easy tunes and basic chords amazingly quick. All students will need to bring a NYLON STRING CLASSICAL-­‐STYLE guitar to the class. This guitar can be purchased or rented at many music stores around the city.

Guitar for Beginners – 3rd grade

Mr. Shameer Room P-­‐327 Minimum—4, Maximum—6 $200

Wednesdays Mr. Filice 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐302 8 classes Minimum—4, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Maximum—6 May 6, 13, 20 $210

Guitar for Beginners – 4th/5th grade (Open for Term 2 students only)

Students will continue to learn and practice various guitar techniques. We will increase our knowledge of notes and rhythms and continue building our cord vocabulary so that we can strum along to simple songs. All students will need to bring a Nylon String Classical-­‐Style guitar to the class.

Guitar for Beginners (for returning students only) – 4th/5th grade Students will continue to learn and practice various guitar techniques. We will increase our knowledge of notes and rhythms and continue building our cord vocabulary so that we can strum along to simple songs. All students will need to bring a Nylon String Classical-­‐Style guitar to the class.

Thursdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21

Mr. Filice Room P-­‐302 Minimum—4, Maximum—6 $210

Computer & Technology Little Engineers – KG

(Open for new students only) Looking for a creative and fun activity designed for your inquisitive Kindergartener? The Little Engineers does just that! This class introduces children to simple machinery through fun activities. Kids will learn about simple concepts of how machines work through demonstration ,stories and simple play experiments. They will be manipulating and constructing with LEGO® and be amazed by the mechanics of how different parts come together to make an awesome machine. This class is an excellent hands-­‐on activity for your child to explore simple machine concepts.

Mondays Children’s Worklab 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐302 8 classes Minimum—8, Mar 30, Maximum—10 Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18 $280

Xtreme Little Engineers – KG

(Pre-­‐requisite: Completed one term of Little Engineers) Does your child love playing with LEGO®? This continuation class will have kindergarteners exploring science and mechanical concepts through hands on building with LEGO®. They will explore and investigate topics such as how gears interact with axles and how beams and plates differ as they construct a variety of simple LEGO® mechanisms.

Tuesdays 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Children’s Worklab Room P-­‐302 Minimum—4, Maximum—6 $280

(Open for new students only) Join us as a Junior Engineer this term to learn Children’s Worklab more about what LEGO® has to offer. In this Wednesdays i-­‐110 class students will have fun learning science and 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room mechanical concepts through hands on building 8 classes with LEGO®. Kids will have an understanding of Minimum—8, fundamental mechanical concepts and their day Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, Maximum—16 to day applications through an enjoyable “learn 29, May 6, 13, whilst playing” experience. They will explore 20 $280 and investigate topics such as gear trains and different classes of levers as they construct a variety of complex LEGO® mechanisms. The instructors will then help students translate and apply their learning with real life examples

Jr. Engineers -­‐ 1st/2nd grade

(Pre-­‐requisite: Completed one term of Junior Engineers) Children’s Worklab Can’t get enough of constructing LEGO® Thursdays i-­‐110 structures? Your child could proceed on to 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room become Xtreme Junior Engineers. Join us to 8 classes Minimum—8, further explore compound engineering concepts through hands on building with LEGO®. Kids Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, Maximum—16 will explore more advanced building techniques 30, May 7, 14, + basic programming in this class. Opportunities 21 $280 will be available for children to learn and see the relation between what they build and what LEGO® robotics is all about. This class is an excellent lead up to more robotics classes.

Xtreme Jr. Engineers – 1st/2nd grade

Build an ancient civilization structure and defend them from invaders in Minecraft! Learn Thursdays Creatiq Mindz more about ancient civilizations as you play. 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room P-­‐327 Minecraft is more than just a game; it's a tool 8 classes that can be used to enrich students' Minimum—8, learning. Minecraft can be used to teach history, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, Maximum—12 physics, engineering, and programming and lots 30, May 7, 14, more. It is an interactive game that allows 21 $200 players to use digital blocks to create almost anything they can imagine. We will also be incorporating the use of Lego bricks to build structures. The use of Lego bricks helps to enhance the students’ learning in design, mechanics and engineering.

Minecraft (Ancient Civilization) – 1st/2nd grade

Creatiq Mindz Minecraft for Girls (Ancient Civilization) Mondays 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm st nd Room P-­‐327 – 1 /2 grade 8 classes

Build an ancient civilization structure and defend them from invaders in Minecraft! Discover about Mar 30, Apr 6, ancient civilizations while playing. Minecraft is 13, 20, 27, interactive and more than just a game. Girls play it May 4, 11, 18 differently than boys. In this girls only class students will learn physics, engineering, programming and lots more using this popular game that allows players to use digital blocks to create almost anything they can imagine. We will also be incorporating the use of Lego bricks to build structures. The use of Lego bricks helps to enhance the students’ learning in design, mechanics and engineering.

Minimum—8, Maximum—12 $200

Scratch is an MIT-­‐developed computer programming language for children. As students Tuesdays

Coding with Scratch – 2nd/3rd/4th/5th grade

build Scratch projects, they can create their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art by snapping software command ‘blocks’ together. Creating projects in Scratch promotes learning basic computer skills, learn important mathematical and computational ideas, and learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. After learning to use Scratch, we will explore creating programs for the LEGO® WeDo™ robotic construction kits to extend the projects into the physical space to build robots. These sessions will be social, playful, inventive, and fun. View this video to see more: http://vimeo.com/65583694

Ms. VonWahlde 3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room P-­‐303 8 classes Minimum – 8 Mar 31, Apr 7, Maximum – 14 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $200

(Open for new students only) Love LEGO® and Robotics? This class is great for your young budding Robot-­‐Enthusiast. Get Tuesdays

Jr. Robotics – 3rd grade

introduced to LEGO NXT /EV3 and explore all the fun and mechanics that LEGO NXT/EV3 has to offer. In this class you will be introduced to the basics of programming, learn about all the different sensors (Ultrasonic, touch and sound sensors) where robots come alive and to perform different operations at a touch of a button. Your child will get to build Robots and machines using LEGO NXT alongside friends individually and in pairs to pit their skills in order to complete obstacle courses and challenges offered by our instructors. So join us today and learn how to build and program your very own Robot!


3:15pm-­‐4:15pm Room i-­‐110

8 classes Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Minimum—8, Maximum—10 $280

Xtreme Jr. Robotics – 3rd grade

(Pre-­‐requisite: Completed one term of Jr. Robotics) Can’t wait to put your LEGO robotics skills to the test? Join us for an extreme Jr Robotics Adventure where you will come face to face with different crazy robotics mazes and challenges. Put those programming skills to the test and see how accuracy and precision for your robot is all that matters when it comes to completing challenges. A pure mind goggling problem-­‐solving adventure awaits!

Children’sWorklab Mondays i-­‐110 3:15pm—4:15pm Room 8 classes Minimum—4, Maximum—6 Mar 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, $280 May 4, 11, 18

Girls’ Robotics Club – 3rd/4th grade It’s a race against time for the different robot teams to return to the future and stop the monster robots from coming into the present time. They have to be the first to get to the time capsule before the evil robots destroy it. .Can your team help to build and program the fastest robot and get to the time capsule in time? Complete different missions as students will learn about teamwork, simple robot programming and understand the mechanics of the robot as they work together. Find out how you can make your robot react to different situations using sensors. EASA Term 1 and 2 Robotics students (4th grade only) will be invited to represent SAS during term 3 at a local RoboPreneur Challenge. So, don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

Creatiq Mindz Wednesdays Room P-­‐327 3:15pm—4:15pm 8 classes Minimum—8 Maximum—16 Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20 $180

SAS Elementary Robotics Team – 4th/5th grade (Only Open to returning Girls Robotics Club and Robotics students) EASA is proud to announce registrations for SAS' Elementary Robotics Team. Our EASA team will compete against local schools during the MDIS Competition. SAS Elementary team will have 9 weeks to learn and prepare for the challenges. The term will end with a whole day competition at MDIS. Encourage your child to join our team! She/He need to have attended at least one term of EASA Robotics class. This is a great opportunity for your child to represent SAS!

Mondays Robotics 3:15pm—4:15pm Connections 8 classes Room i-­‐312 Mar 30, Minimum—8 Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, Maximum—10 May 4, 11, 18, 25 $340 Competition on June 3 (tentative date)

Ninja Game Coders – 3rd/4th/5th grade Learn to Code your own arcade style web games fast and easily! Create your own space shooting game or a platform game for yourself and your friends. In this course, students will be taught the basics of game creation, using a simple and intuitive game creation engine. Students will learn basic coding and animation in a colorful and interactive environment and the results of their work will be seen almost immediately. During the coding and creation process students will apply math and science skills. They will also have a chance to publish their arcade games on the internet ! So, what are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Tuesdays Creatiq Mindz 3:15pm—4:15pm Room P-­‐327 8 classes Minimum—8 Mar 31, Apr 7, 14, Maximum—16 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19 $200

This class is open to new and returning Thursdays Mr. Iskander students. In this fun course the students will 3:15pm—4:15pm Room i-­‐312 learn the basics of all video (and film) 8 classes productions. The course will cover planning, Minimum—8 filming and editing of all sorts of videos. Maximum—12 Students will work together to create a series of Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14, 21 short videos, applying every technique they $230 learn in class. All materials (including cameras) are provided. The instructor is Iskander Walen, who has worked on award-­‐ winning local sitcoms, television commercials, and created several short films. His short "What's On?" was part of the official selection of the Singapore Short Film Festival. https://www.youtube.com/movievideocreation

Movie & Video Creation – 4th/5th grade

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