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Glenn E. Presnell Director

of Athletics

Glenn Presnell, former Nebraska All-America halfback and lon gtime Ea stern football coach, became Eastern's first full-time athletic director in November, 19 63, when he resigned his grid coaching position to accept hi s new assignment.

In ten years at the Maroon helm, he guided hi s teams to 42 wins, 49 losse s, and three ties, winning one OVC title outright, and ga inin g a four-way share of the crown in 1962, the only Kentucky coach ever to claim more than one OVC halo.

His first year as head coach, 1954 , was hi s best. His Maroons went undefeated in seaso n play and lo st to Omaha University 7-6 in what is still regarded by many as the greatest Tangerine Bowl games ever played in Orlando, Florida .

Born at Gilead, Nebraska, presnell was an All-America halfback at Nebraska, and p layed in the Ea st -West All-Star Game in San Franci sco at the e nd of his college career in 1927.

Later, with the Portsmouth Spartans and the Detroit Lions in the National League, he was an all-league p erfo rmer .

Against Green Bay in 1934, the popular Presnell kicked a 54-yard field goal, which stood as the N.F.L. record for 19 ye ar s, and is st ill the second lon gest in the League's hi story. The NFL's 1964 yearbook cited Presnell as one of the key men in Detroit's 1935 championship.

Presnell began hi s colle g iate coaching career in 1937 as backfield coach at the Univer s ity of Kansas. In 1938 he returned to Nebraska a s backfield coach, and in 1942 he was named head coach there. Nebraska played Stanford in the Ro se Bowl in 1941, while he was backfi e ld coach of the Cornhuskers.

In 1943 and '44, Presnell coached the backfield at North Carolina Pr e -Flight, while serving as a naval officer. He returned to Nebraska in 1946, before coming to Eastern in the fall of 1947. He was named h ead coach in 1954.

He married the former Lizbeth G ehrl ing of Ironton , Ohio, in 1929, and found in her his most faithful fan and supporter. They have one son, Danny, w ho teaches at Madison Central High School in Richmond. Hi s chief hobb y i s go lf, and he coaches the Eastern golfers, but he takes an inter es t in all sports.

Skip Daugherty Equipment Manager

Hayward 'Skip' Daugherty is rapidl y becoming a legend of sort s wit h Eastern football enthusiasts. Daugherty came to Eastern in the fall of 1964 after a fine high school career as a tailback at North Hardin High School.

A knee injury his sophomore year forced Daugh erty from com. petition. That was w h en he became equ1pmE:nt manag er. H e tried to come back in the spring of '67 but remJured the knee . .

"~kip is dedicated to the game of football," Coach Roy Kidd said. The manag er plays an important role in any athl etic program, and I'll ass u re yo u Skip i s one of the very best."

David Vance Sports Information Director

David Vance is a third-generation journalist who l eft the Fourth Estate in 1966 to become Dir ector of News in Ea ster n 's Office of Public Affairs. Since then his duties have includ ed n ews, sports and publications work while serving as acting dir ec tor of the divis ion of publicity and publications. This year Vance, who also is managing editor of the Ea ster n Alumnus magazine, i s turning hi s attention sole l y to the sports scene. He ha s worked for The Lexington H era l d sports department and The Associated Pr ess. Vanc e holds professional memb ership in the Am e rican Coll ege Public Re lati ons Association, Congress of Sports Information Dir ectors and th e United States Basketball Writers Association . He is marri ed to the former Sharon Chri sman . They hav e two sons (both potential All-Am e ricans , according to Vance) Matt , 17 months, and Troy, three months.


Thi s is hardly the kind of lineup one might find in a football brochure . The team members (some obese, some on the thin side) reserve their talents for two-hand touch contes t s on Sunday aft ernoo n . They also pool their knowledge of football for mas s kibitzing in front of a television . Nonetheless, they are avid sports buffs. Because of this, they compr i se the Eastern Stati stics team. And when it comes to facts and figures, they fancy themselves a s the fastest and most accurate in the country. Starting for ~his motley crew i s Allen Trimble at opponent's chart, Karl "Willie" Park at Ea stern chart, Roy Watso n at pla y - by-play and Craig Ammerman, utilit y man and jack-of-all-positions. Ammerman also handles spontaneous tab::lation ("without th e benefit of a slide - rule") and Watson, because of hi s exceptional speed and versatility, doubles at the ditto machine.

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