2 minute read
Nov. 15-ot Youngstown Ohio8 p.m. (EST!
Lo ca tion - Youngstown, Ohio
Enrollment- 13,228
Pre s id ent- Dr . Albert L. Pugsley
Nickname - Penguins
Colors - Red and White
St a dium - Rayen Stadium
Con rerence - Independen t, orrense - "Wing T "
Publicist - Pau l J. Gregory
Office Phon e-744-84 5 1, ext. 2161 .· ·•.·
Athl e tic Director - Willard . W e bster i
Nov. 23-Hanger Stadium-2 p.m. (EST)
(Military Day)
Location - Mor e h ea d, K en tucky
Enrollm e nt - 6,200
Presid e nt. - Dr. Adron Doran
Nicknam e - E ag l es
Colors - Blue a nd Go ld
Stad ium - J ayne Stadium, Breathitt Sports Cent er (10,000)
Confer e n ce-Ohio Vall ey
Offense - Sp lit-T
Publici s t - M. C. Garrott
Ath l etic Director- Rob er t Lau g hlin (Morehead, '3 7)
Dwii:-ht B ede
He ad Coach - Dwight "Dike" Bede (Carneg i e T ec h. '26)
1968 Schedule 1967 Results
Head Coa ch- John J. (J a ke) Hallum (Newberry College, i,. '60) If
Assistant Coa c h e s - Mike Brown · (Mor e head, ' 6 3 ); W ayne Chapman (More head, '60);
Larry Marmi e (Eastern, '65);
John Behling ( Otterb e in Col k 6 e, ' 60)
1968 Schedule 1967 Results
O c t. 12 Austin P ea y 8 Aus tin Pe a y .. ...... . ..... ... .. .... ..10
Oct. 19 YOUNGSTOWN 20 K e ntucky Sta t e ....... .. .... ..... .16
O c t. 26 TE NNESSEE T ECH 21 Tenness ee T ech .. . ..... . .... 16
Nov. 2 WESTERN KENT UCKY 19 W es tern Kentu c ky ............. 30
Nov . 9 East T ennessee O Eas t Te n n essee .......... ... ..... .16
Nov. 16 KENTUCKY STATE 7 Centra l M i c hig an . 9
Depth is the biggest probl em for Youngstown University and coach Dwight Bede is pinning his hopes on an outstanding crop of incoming freshmen to solve tho se worries. Els ew her e, sophomore flash Calvin Mason, junior split-end Dave DelSignore and linebacker Chuck J oseph will be counted on for leader sh ip that will be nece ssary if the Pen g uin s are to bounce back from the school's first lo s ing seaso n in 10 y e ars . Youngstown will operate from the side-saddle in an effort to ga in the most from a talented group of running ba cks . Ea ster n l eads the ser ie s 4-3.
Nov. 23 E as tern K e ntucky 7 Eastern Kentu c ky ... 7 (Hom e games in caps) Won 4, Lost 5, Ti e d 1
With a new head coach, J ake Hallum, and three assistants making their debut in th e collegiate ranks, Morehead' s football team could take on a n ew look . But with 21 lettermen returning, their job could be made much easier. Defensive tackles Dave Haverdi c k and Ji m Fi sher, running backs Lewis Rogan and Leon W es ley and quarterback Bill Marston will be counted on to l ead the Eagle s back from la st year 's fifth place conference fin i s h. Ea ste rn lead s the series 24-11-4 .