2 minute read


Nov . 2 - Hanger Stadium - 2 p.m.


Location - M urr ay, K e ntu c ky

Enrollment- 8,0 00

President- Dr. Harry Sparks

Nickn ame - R ace rs / Th oro u g hbr e ds

Color s - Bl u e a nd Gold

Stadium - Ca rli sle Cutchin ( 7 ,000)

Conferenc e- Ohio V alley

Offense- Pro-T

Publicist- Jo e T o m Erwin

Office Phone- 7 62 - 42 70

Athletic Dire ctor- Cal Luther

Head Coach -B ill Fur gerso n (Murray, '5C)

Assist ant Coaches - Bill Hina (Murray, '58); Bill Holt

( Western , '57); Carl Oakley ( E astern, '55); Jere Str ipli ng (M urr ay, '58)

1968 Schedule

Bill Fu rgerson

1967 Results


Nov .

Tennessee Tech


Tenn .-2 p .m. (EST)

Location - Cookevil l e , Tenn essee

Enro llm en t - 6,000

President- Dr. Everett Derryberry

Colors - P urpl e an d Gold

Nic kn a m e-Go ld e n Eagles

Stadium - Overall Field (12,000)

Conference- O hio Vall ey

Offense- "!"

Pub li c i st- C h ar les Looper

Off i ce Phone- 5 26-9521

Athle ti c Director-Hooper

Eb len (U. o f T e nn essee, '36)

Head Coach - D o n Wade (C l e m son, '52)

Assistant Coac h es-Bill y S~igler (New b erry College); Chuck Newman (Va nderbilt , '54);

T ony Sto n e ( T e nn essee Tech, '60); Tom Weathers U. of Chattanooga, ' 62) Larry Sc

1968 Schedule 1967 Results

Sept. 21 Northwestern St,ate


Oct. 5 Ark ansas State

Oct. 12 East T ennessee


Oct . 26 Morehead State No v. 2 U. OF CHATTANOOGA


Nov . 16 Austin Peay

Nov 28 MIDDLE T ENNESSEE ( Hom e games in ca p s)

Coach Bill Furgerson is certain that the 1968 Racer s will b e tougher than last year's team which won 4 games and l ost fiv e but he is also certain that th e Ohio Va ll ey Conferenr,e will b ~ tougher throughout and that Mu rr a y's chances for a better record may b e slim. Murray will ha ve 22 lettermen back from last year's team, among whom will be quarterback Larry Tillman, who se t new school and conference records for about all pa ss ing catego r ie s.

Tennessee Tech 's top returnee is Larry Schreiber, and that is enough to put fear in th e opponents' hearts . Schr e iber rushed for 1,069 yards last season in 183 carries, a 5.8 average per carry. David F air is set at quarterback; the offens i ve line is the question mark. T ech's defense is considered strong with lettermen returning at all positions. The biggest prob l em for the Go l den Eagles cou l d be lack of depth . The series is tied 12 - 12.

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