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To The News Media

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The End of an Era

The End of an Era

The 1968 football handbook has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover the Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answers concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you desire additional information, special features, pictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to contact the Office of Public Affairs, with offices located in the Coates Administration Building (Telephone 622-2301 and 622-2302).

Information for Visiting Newsmen

WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for press tickets by working newspaper, radio or television personnel should be made as far in advance• as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. Should your request be on the last-minute basis, however, tickets may be picked up at the main entrance on Park Drive.

RADIO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting Rights should be addressed to the Office of Public Affairs, Eastern Kentucky University. Requests should be made as early as possible. Lines are to be ordered by the requesting station direct from the Southern Bell Telephone Company with instruc- tions to contact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made available if requested in advance.

TELEVISION - Live television coverage is prohibited unless permission is granted well in advance.

SEATING- In requesting working press tickets, please advise as to how many will be in your party. It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two persons, racjio requests, three persons. SORRY, NO WOMEN OR CHILDREN


PHOTOGRAPHERS- Photographers may take pictures from the sidelines during the game if they keep away from the immediate sidelines. Motion picture crews may use the facilities provided in the press box, upper deck. Requests should be made in advance.

ACCOMMODATIONS AT EASTERN - The working newspaper and radio men, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-play report and complete team and individual statistics at half-time and approximately five minutes after the game. Western Union arrangements are to be made by those who desire that service. Phones are available in the press area and refreshments are served at halftime.

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