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Women's Volleyball

1979 Football Schedule

To The News Media

The 1979 Football Factbook has been prepared especially for the members of the press, radio and television who cover th e Colonels. We sincerely hope that it will provide many of the answer s concerning the Colonels and Eastern Kentucky University. If you de s ire additional information, special features, p ictures, etc., or have questions not answered in this brochure, feel free to contact the Division of Public Information located in the Jones Building (Telephone: 606-622-2301 and 606-622-2302).

Information for Visiting Newsmen

WORKING PRESS TICKETS - All requests for press tickets by work ing n ewspaper, radio, or television pers onnel should be made BY NAME, a s far in advance as possible. Press tickets cannot be mailed less than one week in advance of the game. In the event of a large press turnout, priority will go to our regular coverage and state wide media.

RADIO - All correspondence concerning Radio Broadcasting R ig hts should be addressed to the Division of Public Information Eastern Kentu c ky University. Reques t s should be made BY NAM E as early as possible. Lines are t o be o rdered by the req uest ing station direct from th e South Central Bell Telephone Company with in s truction s to contact this office prior to installing lines. Spotters can be made available if reque sted in advance. The "official station", as de s ignated by the Di re ctor of Athletics of the visiting institution, will be assigned priority space. Requests by other stations will be considered in relation to availabilit y of space and date of reques t.

TELEVISION - Live television c overage is prohibited unless permission is granted by the Vi ce President for Public Affairs well in advance.

SCOUTS - All requests by scouts should be made BY NAM E as far in advance as possible. Scouts represe nting a college or university are limited to two per school, while professional scouts are restricted to one per team. Professional scouts' requests a rc to be made from the team's main office.



BY NAME are required and, as a general policy, there should be no more than one photographer per school or medium. Photographers may take pictures from the s id el ines during the game provided they remain within specified areas - away from the immediate sidelines and the front of the bench and coaching areas (30 to 30 yd. line). Motion picture crews may use the facilities provid ed in the press box, upper deck .

SEAT ING - In reque sting working p res s tickets, please advise BY NAME as to the number in your part y It is desired that newspaper requests be limited to no more than two pers o n s, radio requests, three persons

PRESS TAGS - Press ta gs m ust be worn for id e ntification by all newsmen, photographers and scouts seated in the press box or located on the field. Please not e : all press passes arc issued BY NAME to authorized working personnel and are non-transferable.


The working newspaper and radio personnel, as well as scouts and other officials, will be furnished a copy of the play-by-p lay report and complete team and individual s tati s t ics at halftime and approximately five minutes after the game. Refres hm ents are served before and during the game.

General Information

Location - R ichmond, Madison County, Kentucky , a growing city of about 17,000.

Enrollment - 13, 8 15

Founded - 1906

President - Dr. J. C. Powell

Vice President for Academic Affairs - Dr. John Rowlett

Athletic Conference - Ohio Valley, N.C.A A. - Men; K WJ C, AJA W - Women

Gymnasium - Alumni Coliseum (capacity 7,500)

Stadium - Hanger Field (capacity 20,000)

Nickname - Colonels, Maroo ns

Symbol - Col o nel

Colors - Maroon and White

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