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Growth - in quantity and quality - has been the th e me at Eastern Ke ntu cky University. The quantity spea ks fo r itself. With an e nr o llm e nt of nearly 14,000 stude nt s, t he Un ive r s it y's st ud en t bo dy ha s more than t r ip led sin ce 1960. As a resul t , new do r mitori es and large , well-equipped academic structures have been built.

D r. J. C. Powell will be comp leti ng his thi rd year as president o f the Univers ity in October. Powell, the sc hool's seven th president, succeeded Dr. Robert R M artin who se r ve d EK U in that position for 16 ¼ years.

At a 1978 Boa rd o f R egents meeting, Eastern was reo r ganized int o ni ne colleges and a grad uate sc hool. Five c o lleges - App lied Arts and T ec h nology, Bus iness, Ed uca t io n, Law Enforcement an d Allied Health and Nursing - remained in tact.

Four new colleges we r e creat ed, includ in g College o f Natural and Mathema t ica l Sciences, Social and Behavioria l Sciences, Arts and H um an ities and Health , Ph ys ica l Educa tion , Recreation and Athlet ics.

Th e ma ste rs degree is offered in seve ral fields as is t he spec ialist deg ree. A joi nt d octoral program in etlu ca ti on is s ponso red in cooperatio n with the U niv ers it y of Ke ntu c ky.

Th e ph ys ical plant ha s u nd e rgone building a nd renovation programs to talin g more th an $ 125 million si n ce 1960. Durin g thi s pe r iod every ex isting major campus facility has been rem od e led o r completely reco nst ructed.

Athletic Committee

Members: Dr. Russell Bogue , Chai rm an; Dr. Dixon Barr; Dr. Ann e Brooks; Dr. Larue Cocanougher; Dr. C lyde L ewis; Dr. Na n cy Pee l; Mr. Doug Whitlock ; Mrs. Jeannette Crockett; Dr. Doris Sutton; Mr. C. E . Baldw in ; Mr. A. L. Wh itt; Mr. D o nald Co m bs and D r . Martha Mullins, ex-offici o.

Director of Ath letics - Donald G. Co m bs

Ass istant Director of At heltics - Dr. Martha Mullins.

H ea d Foo tball Coac h - Roy Kidd (Eastern Kentuck y, 1954)

Line Coaches - Joe Kinnan (Florida St a t e 1968) ; Jim Tanara (U T -Cha tta nooga, 1965)

Bac kfield C oac hes - J ac k Ison (Eastern Ken t ucky, 1961); Joe Blanke nship (Eastern Ke ntu c ky , 1965); Leon Hart (Ma ryv ille, 1973).

Dr. J. C. Powell, Preside nt

Head Coaches Othe r Sports - Baseball : Jim Ward; Bas ketball : Ed Byhr e; Golf: R ay S tru der; Swimming: Dan Lichty; M e n's Track: Art Har vey; M en's T enn is: Tom Hi gg ins; G y mnast ic s: Dr. Gerald Ca lk in; R ifl e : Sgt. Nelso n Beard; W omen' s T enn is : Dr. Marth a Mullins; Women's Volleyball: Dr. Ger i Po lvi no; Wo men's Bas k e tball: T o be announced; Women's Gymnas t ics: Dr. Agn es C hrietzb e rg; Women's Field Hockey: Lyn ne Harv e l; Women's T rack a nd Field: Sandra Martin .

A ssistant Coaches Other S por ts - Basketba ll : Max Good and Bobby Washing t o n; Wom en's Bas ketball: To be anno u nced.

Traine r - Bobby Barton .

Ass ista nt Tra in er - Donna Reed

S ports Information Ed itor - Ka r l Park.

Board of Regents

C hairman R obe rt 8. Begley, R ichmond; Vice - C hai r man, C harles C. Co mbs , Ri c hmond ; L u t her Farmer, McKee; J e r ry I kerd , Somerset; H e nry D. Stratton, Pikev ille ; J W Phelps , L ouisville; Beverly Yeis er, Winc hester; J ohn Ke ith , Cy nthia na; Dr. Lee Ge ntry, facul ty r e p rese nt ative , Ri ck Rob inson, s tu dent r e prese nta tive

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