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S I Ngle Game Individ U Al Reco Rds
Most ex tra points-8 ("Moon" Mullins 1951 ; J e rry Pullins vs. Hill sdale, I 968)
Longcsl run from scrimmagc - 97 yards (Don Daly vs. Morehe ad, 19SI)
M ost runs fro m M'.rimmagc-43 (Alfred Thompson vs. M orehead, 1973)
Most yard s rushing- 252 (Stan Mitchell vs. A shland Colleg e, 197S)
Mos t passes ancmpted-45 (Jim Guice vs. Middl e Tennessee, 1966)
Most passes compl ctcd - 25 (J im G ui ce vs. Akron, 1968)
Mos t yards passing- 317 (Jcrf Mc Carthy vs. T e nnesse e Tech, 1973)
Mos t touchdown passes thrown - 4 ( J im Guice vs. Norlhwood, 1967 and Ernie H ouse v s. Austin P eay , 1975)
M ost touchdowns scored- 4 (Aaro n Marsh vs. Northwood, 1967 ; Jimmy Brooks vs. East Tennessee, 197 1; S tan M itchell vs Ashland, 197S)
Most passes rcccivcd - 19 (Aaron Marsh vs . Northwood, 1967)
M ost rece ivi ng yardagc - 3 16 (A aron Marsh vs . Northwood , 1967)
Most passes interce p tcd - 4 (Budd y Pfaadt vs Austin P eay. 1966)
Most times punted-13 (Jeff McCar thy vs. Mo rehead, J97I)
Most yard s pun tcd- 468 ( J eff McCarthy vs. Morehead, 197 1)
Longest fi eld goal - 49 yards (David Flores vs. Mur ray State, 1977)
L o ngest punt-78 yard s (B ob P lott s vs. T ampa, 1966)
Longes1 pun t return - 86 yards (Jimmy Chiu um vs. Mu rray, 1961 )
Most field goa ls 3 ( krry Pullin:i. vs. Morehead. 1968: F.arl Cody vs. Morehead. 1973. ,m d \'!J, Mu rra y. 1974: Da vid F l on·!J v:i.. W estern 1971-t)
Mos1 poi n ts scored by kicking - 13 (Ea rl Cody vs. Morehead, 1973)
Most yanh k ickoff retlll'll!I 20 2 (Jerry Parri h vs. Mu rray State. 197X)
Mos t point s sco red 90 (Dale Patt on 1978)
Most tou c hd o wns :i.corcd I S (Dale !'anon. 1978)
Most cxua points (kic k )-37 (J erry Pullins. 1968)
Mm.t poi nh :,.core d b~ \..id.. 59 (D:n id H o re:,., 1978)
Most runs from scrimmage- 271 (Alfred Tho mpson. 1973)
Most yards rush ing- 1,478 (Everett T a lbert, 1974)
Most passes atl empt ed-2 26 (J im G uice, 1966)
Bes t pa ssing pcrcentage-62. 1 (Larry Ma r mie, 1965)
Most ya rd s passing- 1. :547 (Ernie H o use. 1977)
Most yards total offensc- 1,740 ( Ern ie H ouse, 1977)
M ost t ouc hdown pass es th rown - 14 (J im Guice. 1966)
M ost touc hdown passes received - I I (Aaron Marsh, 1966)
Best ru shing average (min. 50 tim es )-6.7 yard s (Ch uck Bell, 19SJ)
Most ya rdage on pass rcceiving- 1,09:5 (Aaron Marsh , 1967)
Most passes receivcd - 73 (Aa ron Marsh , 1966)
Best punt ing avc rage - 42.2 {Frcd "Malins, 196:5)
Most passes intcrc e pl cd-9 (Budd y Pfaad1, 1966)
Individ Ua L Career Records
M ost yard s rushing- 3,842 (Jimm y Brooks, 1968-7 1)
Most yards passing- :5,041 (J im Gu ice, 196:5-68)
Most p la ys 101 al offen se - 92 1 ( J im my Brooks, 1968-71)
Most rus h ing anempts-920 (Jimm y Brooks. 1968-7 1)
M ost fie ld goals in a carcer- 23 ( Earl Cody, 1972-7:5)
M ost point s scored by kick-134 (Earl Cody, 1972-75)
Mos1 point s scored - 2 20 ( Jimm y Broo ks, 1968-7 1)
Most touc hdowns sco rcd-36 (Jimmy Brooks, 1968-7 1)
Mo st kickoffs rclurncd - 57 (John Reve re, 1972-75)
Most yards on kickoffs returned - 1,2 12 (John Revere, 1972-7S)
Mo!)I con:,.cw t iH· e xt rn poinb l-. idcd 60 ( l);n i d I-lores. 1~77-7~)
S I Ngle Game Team Reco Rds
Most points scored by opponcnt- 99 vs. Witte nberg i n 1931
Largest vic tory margin-67 -0 vs. Morehead in 1925
La rges t d e feat margin-99-0 vs. Witte n berg in 193 I
Most net yard s rus hing- 5 10 vs. East Ten nessee in 1977
Mos t pass a ttempts- SO vs Akron in 1968
Most pa ss c ompletions-29 vs. Akron in 1968
Most pass ing ya rdage- 42 5 vs. Northwood in 1967
Most ya rds total o H c nse-662 vs East T en nessee in 1977
Most firs t down s-33 vs. W isconsin-Os hkosh in l97S
Most first d owns rushing - 23 vs. A s hland College in 1975
Most to uchdowns scored - 9 vs E vansv ille in l9S 3
Mos t ex tra pain ts-8 vs Ersk ine in 1951; vs. H illsda le, 1968
Most yards pcnalizcd-155 vs. Mor ehead, 1977
Least ne t yards ~ush ing by opponent-IO vs. Aust in Peay in l97S
Mos t to uchdow n passcs- 6 vs. No rthwood in 1967
Fewes t fi rs t d o wns g ive n up-2 vs. Mu rray Sta te i n 1976
S I Ngle Season Team Records
Undefea ted seasons- 1940 (8-0-0); 19S4 (8-0- 1)'
M o ~, win s 8 in eleven diffcrc m sea :,on~. 1940 (8-0-0): 1948 (X-3- 0): 1953 (X-2-0): 1954(8-0- 1): 1967(8-1 -2): 1968(X-2-0): 1970 (8-2-0): 19 74 18-2-0): 1975 (8-2-1 ): 19 76 ( 8-3-0): 1978 (8-2-0)
Most defea ts-8 in 1929 ( 1-8 -0)
Most t ies-3 in 1933 (1 -2-3)
Most paints sco red-298 ( 1968)
Most poi n ts by opposi t ion - 264 (1930)
Leas t point s scored - IS (1930)
Most consecutive games without a loss- 15 ( 1953 -54-:5:5), 2 tics
Most consecutive games won- 13 (1939-40-41 )
Most touchd o wn s scored-4 1 ( 1940; 1968)
Most ext ra Point s made-37 (1968)
• Tanger ine Bowl G ame not included (Remainder includes 19:52 through 19 77, inclusive)
Most passes completed-170 ( 1967)
Most pa sses attcmptcd-300 ( 1967)
Best passing pcrcc ntage-58.2 (1965)
Least ya rds rushing by oppanc n ts- 9:5 1 ( 1953)
Lea.st ya rds passi ng by opponent s-48 7 ( 1957)
Bes! pu nt ing averagc- 42.2 (196S)
Most ya rds penalized-7 36 ( 1972)
MoSI ya rds ru s h ing- 2,68~ ( l97S)
Most yards passing-2.133 (1967)
Best iota! offense - 3,999 ( 1967)
M O!ll fi l'~I <lO\\.O:,. rushing 1:\4 ( 19 78 )
Mos t passes intercepted b y-2 1 (1976)