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Women's Volleyball
1979 Schedule
Op ponent Miami
Ke ntu cky
M ars hall
No rthern Ke ntuc ky
Ohio Stat e
College of Mt. S t. J os e ph
EKU In vitational
Morehead State
No rth e rn Kent uc ky
Lou isvi ll e
Mi c hi gan State
Int e rnational Invitationa l
Ken tu c ky
Wr igh t State Inv it atio nal
Oct. 26-27
Oct. 30
Oct. 31
Nov. 5
Nov. 9- 10
Nov. 16-1 7
SI U Inv ita ti o nal Tourname nt
St. Xa vier
Midw ay College
Tennessee Te c h
KWIC Champions hip, Division
AIA W Region II Champio n s hip , Division I
Dec. 6-8 A IA W ational ChampionshipUni ve rsity o f Hawaii
1979 Ro Ste R
Letters o r Recogn ition : .
Lauri e Briggs - Suburban Trib All-Star; Kim Dodson - Honorable Me nti o n All Kettering Area and Wes tern Ohio League Teams; Brenda Magee- Hi gh School letter in Volleyball , College Le tt e r , two years ; Ramona M cGovern - All-Conferen ce 1st Team , All- Reg ion 1s t Tea m; J o an Messerknecht - Player of the year in mid-state league; Tina Nibert - Hig h Sc hool letter in Vo lley ball; S haron Renners - College letter in Volleyball, three years; Sharon Wa lkerNume rous award s a nd re cognition s in high s chool, College lett e r two years; Na ncy StoeckleAll Reg iona l Player; Nancy Wingat e - C ollege lette r in Volleyball, three years.
1979 Prospectus
A young and d etermined team will face the challenge of regaining Eas tern 's traditional top ranked position in volleyball. The y will encounter one of the toughest schedules ever put together. The EKU Invitational will draw teams from seven s tates and incl ude teams with top AJA W national titles. Kentucky volley ball has advanced to a point where both repre sentatives took winner and runner-up titles in the AJA W Regionals. In-state competition wi ll afford no re lief from th e tough sc he dule.
Senior setter Nancy Wingate will lead the team's offense. He r experience and sound judgemen t will contribute stability to the young team. The success of th e offense wi ll depend upon Nancy's ability to free her hitters enabling th em to spike one on one against the opponent's block.
The 1979 Eastern t eam will be a power attack team and will be led by junior Sharon Walk e r and so phomo re Laurie Briggs and Nancy Stoeckle Strong defensive leadersh ip will come from senio r Sharon Renners and sop homore Kay Biege r. A co n sistent and determined effort wi ll be necessary to achieve this season' s goals.
Top Returnees
Nancy Stoeckle - 1978 KWIC All Star Team. Received the set more t imes than any me mber of the t eam ( 1780) for a 62% s piking av erage
Laurie Briggs - Hold s the record for th e highest spiking ave rage in a s ingle match with a 94% against George Wa s hingt o n College.
Nancy Wingate - Played no com petitive high school volleyball. She wi ll be the t eam's leading sette r. Nan cy has p lay ed backup setter for three years and is well prepared for he r new assignment.
Brenda Magee - Played no co mpetitiv e high sc h oo l volleyball. She read s the opponents attac k , as the middl e blocker , better than any member of the team. She has bee n an outstanding midd le bloc ker throughout her two years of co ll ege play.
I. W o n 67% state , regiona l and national competition since 1967.
2. Above record in cludes 4 KWIC state cha mpion shi ps, 3 AIAW Region II cha m pionships.
3. Team Records
Spi king: Evy Abell 67% (Class of 1979)
Serving: Kim Shibinski 85 % (Class of 19 79)
Pass ing: Kay Biege r 75% (Soph)
Block in g: Janie Burgess 55% (will not return next season)
Serve Receive: Evy Abell 71 % (Class of 1979)