What's On - Spring 2023

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“I enjoy the spring more than the autumn now. One does, I think, as one gets older.”

Welcome to spring!

As nature revives from its winter slumber, our spring ‘What’s on’ guide invites you to awaken your intellect and passions through a diverse collection of events, classes and experiences.

Our aim is not just to serve as a gateway to information, but also as a bridge to inspiration and reflection.

So, as flowers begin to bloom and the world is painted in hues of greens, pinks, and yellows, let our spring ‘What’s on’ be your companion.

Join us for Croydon Library’s 50th Birthday, Local History Month and the Victorian Seniors Festival, in October alone!

Dive in, explore, and let your curiosity flourish. Welcome to a season of renewal, both for the natural world and the world of ideas.

Bookings are required wherever this icon appears
Inside this issue 02 08 12 13 17 23 25 27 29 36 41 42 52 56 62 69 71 75 Our community Behind the book Bookchats + Bookclubs Write now! Tech 101 Career jumpstart Your money For your information Victorian Seniors Festival Our history Dementia Action Week Health + lifestyle Sustainable living Home + garden Creative + crafty Out of the ordinary Fun + friendship Browse events by library How to book into an event: Visit events.yourlibrary.com.au or scan the QR code and select desired event. Where there is a cost indicated, payment is required at time of booking. You can also visit your local branch and ask a staff member to book you into the event of your choice, or call 1300 737 277.


Come together with the local community, attend exciting events and get involved in some home grown initiatives!

Stories of language, learning and connection with the Melbourne AMEP Volunteer Tutor Scheme

Wed 13 September, 2pm - 3pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

This year the AMEP (Adult Migrant English Program) celebrates 75 years of service in Australia.

As part of these celebrations, the Melbourne AMEP produced a short video (More than Words - 75 Years of AMEP), a booklet of stories and posters capturing a variety of student experiences.

Boronia Mall’s 50th Birthday Celebration

Sat 9 September, from 11am

Boronia Mall, Ground Level, Central Space, Opposite Australia Post 50 Dorset Square, Boronia

Come and celebrate the 50th Birthday of Boronia Mall with activities for people of all ages! Enjoy storytime with Bernadette from Boronia Library at 11am, with loads of other great activities throughout the day, including:

• inflatable disco dome • face painting

• bubble magician • caricature artist

• community stalls • coffee van

• musical entertainment

• books

• plant stall, plus much more!

Join the Melbourne AMEP Volunteer Tutor Scheme for a showcase of the video and story project.

This session will include light refreshments and information about becoming a volunteer English tutor with the Melbourne AMEP. FREE

This event is proudly presented by Melbourne Polytechnic for the Melbourne Adult Migrant English Program.


Sat 16 September, 10am - 12pm

Mini market and talk

Montrose Library - 9800 6490

Come along to Montrose Library where Sim and Pat will share their experiences with the Montrose Community Cupboard. There will be a free mini market on the day, with bread, fruit and veggies on offer.

Sat 18 November, 10am - 12pm

Mini market

Montrose Library - 9800 6490

Join us at Montrose Library where Sim and Pat will run a free mini market and be available to answer any questions.

Hills Village: Exploring the potential for a co-housing community in the Dandenong Ranges

Sat 16 September, 11am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you interested in living in a community? We will introduce the concept and various models of cohousing, and a vision for what could be achieved in the Dandenong Ranges. The workshop will include a presentation and time for discussion and questions. The aim is to form a working group that can continue to research and develop a project together. FREE

Volunteers for Knox - Information session

Thu 5 October, 11am - 12pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to learn all about how you can get involved and make a positive impact. Discover the countless opportunities available for volunteering and find the perfect match for your skills and interests. A representative from Volunteers for Knox will be here to answer all your questions and share how you can be involved to build a stronger community. FREE

Fri 6 October, 11am - 12:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come to this fun, free info session where you can register your interest and find out about the brand new weekly Miller’s Community Choir. The aim is to form a working group that can continue to research and develop a project together. Our Choir-master will be the wonderful Barb Shearer-Jones, experienced counsellor, Community Chorister and facilitator of the ‘Uplifting Voices’ group sessions. FREE

Enjoyed the free session? Take the plunge and commit to the full 9 week term (Cost $90 - $10 per session) commencing at 11am, Friday, 13 October and concluding at 11am on Friday, 8 December, 2023.

Montrose Community Cupboard Miller’s Community Choir - Info session

Noah Symons: Musician talk and live performance

Sat 7 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Noah Symons is a live-looping one-man band known as Great Earthquake. Noah has performed around Australia and New Zealand and had his music featured on community radio around the nation and on Triple J when a local earthquake happens. Join us at Belgrave Library for a live performance, looping demonstration, and talk with Noah surrounded by his myriad of instruments including drums, guitar, melodica, bass, and keys. FREE

Sensory play with the Maroondah Toy Library

Tue 17 October, 11:30am - 2pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and join the Maroondah Toy Library and find a wonderful selection of sensory toys to stimulate and enchant your babies and young children. FREE

Sound outside: poetic listening in the bush. A talk about recent work by accomplished local artist

Sat 21 October, 11am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Over the course of the last two years, Peter has been creating a series of very successful sonic artworks in bushland sites that have intrigued and delighted visitors. His works have been accompanied by his very popular Birdsland Soundwalks. Sonic or sound installation art is a rare art form in Australia and, due to technical challenges, very rare in natural environments. Find out about this fascinating art form, learn how the artist tries to communicate via this medium, and discover poetic listening. FREE

Halloween at Yarra Junction

Tue 31 October, 4pm - 6pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come to Yarra Junction Library to enjoy an afternoon of Halloween fun for the family with local community groups. FREE


Tue 31 October, 5pm - 7pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Calling all families to come dressed in your scariest costume and take part in our ghoulish parade. There will be prizes up for grabs, with several categories and different age groups: ‘best dressed’, ‘ghastly grandparents’, ‘The Addams Family’, ‘terrible twins’ and ‘creepy caped’, just to name a few! Fun for all ages and the chance to dance or sing along to the Halloween tunes. After the parade, you can use the Halloween inspiration to decorate some scary cookies for a ghoulish treat. FREE

W a l k i n g


Women for the ocean: Daughters of the Deep

Sat 18 November, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Can you believe that globally women only hold 1.2% of maritime roles? Daughters of the Deep are making a difference by giving women the opportunity to be involved in marine science, to rise to leadership, and to protect the ocean.Kate will be sharing her mission and passion for why women need to be involved with the ocean and the initiatives they have been working on.

Come along with questions and to check out the merchandise table on the day! treat. FREE


- I n t r o t o d i g i t a l p h o t o g r a p h y L e a r n h o w t o u s e y o u r s m a r t p h o n e o r d e v i c e t o t a k e g a l l e r y - w o r t h y p h o t o s w h i l e e x p l o r i n g M o o r o o l b a r k a n d K i l s y t h . Y o u ’ l l l e a r n h o w t o c h a n g e t h e i m a g e b y a l t e r i n g a n g l e s a n d m a x i m i s i n g y o u r d e v i c e ' s c a m e r a s e t t i n g s , l e a r n a b o u t l i g h t i n g a n d c o m p o s i t i o n , g e t a d v i c e o n s e l e c t i n g t h e b e s t i m a g e s , a n d u s e v a r i o u s a p p l i c a t i o n s t o e n h a n c e a n d e d i t y o u r p ho t o s .

For more information or bookings scan QR code, call Mooroolbark Library on 9800 6480 or Japara Neighbourhood House on 9728 3587.

C O U R S E D A T E S :

T h u r s d a y s 9 : 3 0 a m - 1 1 : 3 0 a m

1 2 O c t , 2 6 O c t & 9 N o v a t

M o o r o o l b a r k L i b r a r y

7 S t a t i o n S t r e e t , M o o r o o l b a r k

1 9 O c t , 2 N o v & 1 6 N o v a t

J a p a r a N e i g h b o u r h o o d H o u s e

5 4 - 5 8 D u r h a m R o a d , K i l s y t h


$ 5 0

Proudly presented in partnership with Japara Neighbourhood House Inc. A spooktacular Halloween costume parade & scary cookie decorating

A Q U E S T I O N O F A G E : I N



J o i n J a c i n t a P a r s o n s i n a t h o u g h t - p r o v o k i n g a n d e n e r g i s i n g c o n v e r s a t i o n w i t h C l a i r e H a l l i d a y , a s t h e y d e l v e i n t o t h e p a g e s o f J a c i n t a ’ s l a t e s t b o o k , ' A Q u e s t i o n o f A g e : W o m e n , a g e i n g a n d t h e f o r e v e r s e l f . '

T h r o u g h c a n d i d d i s c u s s i o n s , J a c i n t a a n d C l a i r e i n v i t e t h e a u d i e n c e t o q u e s t i o n t h e i r p e r c e p t i o n s o f g e t t i n g o l d e r a n d r e - e v a l u a t e t h e m e a n i n g o f a g e i n g i n a s o c i e t y o b s e s s e d w i t h y o u t h .

2:00 - 3:30pm

Sunday 1st October 2023

Ageism Awareness Day

E a s t e r n E l d e r A b u s e N e t w o r k i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h :

C i t y o

f B o r o o n d a r a , E a s t e r n C o m m u n i t y L e g a l C e n t r e , E l d e r R i g h t s A d v o c a c y , K n o x C i t y C o u n c i l , M a n n i n g h a m C o u n c i l , M a r o o n d a h C i t y C o u n c i l , W h i t e h o r s e C i t y C o u n c i l , W h i t e h o r s e M a n n i n g h a m L i b r a r i e s , W o m e n ’ s H e a l t h E a s t a n d Y o u r L i b r a r y JOIN US Scan the QR code, click here or call (03) 9262 6555 Tickets $10 Concession $5 The Round Arts Centre 397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading, VIC, 3131


Be enlightened, entertained and inspired by amazing authors who will share the story behind their latest work and answer your burning questions!

Exploring found family in Young Adult literature with Alison Evans

Wed 20 September, 11am - 12pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Discover the magic of storytelling and explore the theme of “found family” in an exclusive discussion with Alison Evans. We’ll explore the powerful impact of friendship on our journeys, our identities, and our hearts, and the meaning of a bond you can choose. This discussion is perfect for anyone wanting to know more about character creation, or those who want to enhance their own writing skills. FREE

Meet the authors: Jodi Gibson and Philippa Kaye in conversation

Meet Young Adult author: Alison Evans

Mon 18 September, 11am - 12pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us for an enriching and captivating YA author talk featuring the acclaimed author Alison Evans! Hailing from the mystical Dandenongs, Alison is a prolific writer renowned for their extraordinary narratives that revolve around themes of queerness, science fiction, speculative fiction, and fabulism. Discover how their novels, Highway bodies, Ida, and Euphoria kids, came to be and how writing fiction can help you discover who you are! FREE

Mon 25 September, 2pm - 3pm Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Jodi Gibson and Philippa Kaye join us at Croydon Library to discuss their books and the growing popularity of feel-good fiction; give insights into their writing processes and experiences of being published; and celebrate the joy of reading. FREE


Discover the world of vegan Italian cuisine and cookbook self-publishing with author Nadia Fragnito

Tue 10 October, 6pm - 8pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Cookbook author Nadia Fragnito will take you on a journey through the wonderful cuisine of vegan Italian food and the regional food traditions that are woven through her books, A Vegan Summer in Southern Italy and Discovering Vegan Italian. Nadia will also share her insights into the process of cookbook selfpublishing. FREE

Both books will be available for purchase after the author talk.

Ferntree Gully Bookchat & poetry reading by Margaret Pearce

Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us for a very special poetry themed bookchat where local author Margaret Pearce will read poems from her three chapbooks, On the soapbox, Victorian weather and ‘More on the soapbox. These chapbooks will be on sale for $5 a copy (cash only). Margaret will also talk about her publishing journey. You are welcome to bring along and share your favourite poem or just sit back, relax and listen.


Cold War Games: History with Harry Blutstein

Thu 26 October, 2pm - 3pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Harry Blutstein is an Adjunct Professor at RMIT University and his book, Cold War Games, examines the underlying tensions between global superpowers during the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games in the midst of the Cold War. From blood in the polo pool to romance between warring athletes, the Games had it all.

Don’t miss this exciting presentation from an influential writer, journalist and historian. FREE

Meet the author: Vikki Petraitis

Mon 13 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

This year, author and podcaster Vikki Petraitis celebrates 30 years of writing true crime. She will talk about her experiences writing books on the Frankston serial killer Paul Denyer, Lawyer X, and police dogs. Vikki will also discuss her work in the podcast space. Her three true crime podcast series with Casefile Presents have been downloaded over six million times and topped chart around the world. In 2022, Vikki won the inaugural Allen & Unwin Crime Fiction prize for her highly acclaimed debut work of fiction, The unbelieved.

Vikki will discuss how three decades of true crime informed her fiction. FREE


Meet the author: Liz Ainsworth

Thu 30 November, 5:30pm - 6:30pm Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local author Liz Ainsworth as she shares her father’s story - Alec Doherty - a man she thought she knew. In researching and writing about his life, she learnt so much more. Alec Doherty was a well known Melbourne musician, teacher, mentor and music lover. During his life, Alec met and befriended many famous artists including Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jnr, Judy Garland and Eartha Kitt.

Alec’s story lives on in his daughter’s book Swimming for Scotland. FREE

Book sales

F u ndraisingfor the localcommun i t y
Cash only!


Share your current favourite reads at a friendly bookchat, or join a bookclub where everyone reads and discusses the same book.


1st Tues of the month at 2pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488


3rd Tues of the month at 11am

Healesville Library - 9800 6497


3rd Tues of the month at 2pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448


1st Wed of the month at 11am

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462


2nd Wed of the month at 2pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430


3rd Wed of the month at 10:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489


3rd Wed of the month at 10:30am

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457


3rd Wed of the month at 2pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455


4th Wed of the month at 10:30am

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457


4th Wed of the month at 11am

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498


1st Thu of the month at 2pm

Featuring LGBTQIA+, Indigenous and culturally diverse authors (Ages 16+)

Realm Library - 9800 6430


2nd Thu of the month at 6pm (Ages 16-25) Bayswater Library9800 6498


3rd Thu of the month at 1:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498


3rd Thu of the month at 6:30pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489


Last Thu of the month at 6:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430


4th Fri of the month at 10am

Knox Express - 9800 6470


1st Sat of the month at 2pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443

*Bookings required. Please contact hosting library for more information.


Calling all writers and those wondering how to begin... head to the library and learn from the experts! Be supported by fellow writers and gain confidence to begin your writing practice today.

Writing with Young Adult author Alison Evans

Fri 22 September, 11am - 12pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Unleash your creativity and join awardwinning author Alison Evans for an immersive writing workshop like no other! In this exclusive session, held at the library, Alison will guide you through the art of crafting compelling narratives. Through engaging exercises and interactive discussions, you’ll learn how to breathe life into characters and build worlds that resonate with readers.

Wed 13 September, 3pm - 4:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Emma at the Mooroolbark Library for 90 minutes of guided writing. Emma was once a passionate writer but found that she lost her spark and inspiration during the pandemic. Now, she is hoping to rediscover and share her love for writing! Her guided prompts will let you build new worlds and characters, explore your style, and look at things from a different perspective. Come along to take part in this low-pressure, supportive, creative workshop - and to enjoy some tea, coffee and bikkies, of course! FREE

Whether you’re an aspiring writer or simply eager to delve into the power of storytelling, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to tap into your imagination and leave with newfound writing insights. Don’t miss this chance to learn from Alison Evans and discover the magic of crafting narratives that touch hearts and minds. (Suitable for ages 12-18 years) FREE

Fiction writing workshop

Writing a ‘psychological’ memoir with Peter Quarry

Sat 23 September, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

In this 2 hour practical workshop, Peter will describe the benefits of writing a ‘psychological’ memoir, and provide hands-on skills and techniques for doing so. Peter will also discuss examples of psychological memoirs, including Prince Harry’s book, Spare.

By the end of this workshop, participants will have the motivation, skills, and a plan to tackle their own memoir project. FREE

Stories with spice - presented by author Anne Freeman

Wed 25 October, 11am - 12:30pm Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to bypass the cringe and bring the smoulder! Join Anne Freeman, awardwinning contemporary fiction author, in a spirited exploration of what makes a successful spicy scene and how to craft one. FREE

Writing with the senses

Writing + publishing: A three-part series with author Rania Battany

Branding & getting started

Thu 12 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Writing & editing

Thu 19 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Getting published

Thu 26 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

This three-part series is suitable for all budding writers, whether you are hoping to publish with a big publisher or simply write your memoir. Rania Battany is a multi-published author and a qualified editor with extensive writing, editing and publishing experience. FREE

- presented by copywriter and editor Ana Tinc

Thu 9 November 6pm - 7:30pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

In this workshop, you will use tactile, aromatic, unique-looking and edible objects to inspire writing. These objects are designed to ground participants in the present moment and allow deep, stream-of-consciousness writing to take place.Whether you are a new writer, experienced writer, or a stressed-out creative, this workshop will provide you with a supportive environment where you can connect with like-minded people and share your observations, writing and reflections. FREE


Write your life (including the curly bits) with author Spiri Tsintziras

Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Experienced memoirist Spiri Tsintziras takes you through the principles of writing your life story. Suitable for those interested in life writing – either as readers or writers, but particularly for those who want to:

• compile interesting anecdotes or personal history for loved ones

• work towards writing a longer length work for publication

• write difficult material but don’t know where to start (or how to keep going)

Spiri Tsintziras is the author of My Ikaria, Afternoons in Ithaka, and co-author of the award-winning Parlour games for modern families. Her life writing has been published widely in anthologies, newspapers and magazines. She teaches professional writing at Swinburne University. FREE

Words Aloud: poetry and spoken word sessions

1st Wed of the month, 6pm -8pm Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Calling all wordsmiths, poets, spoken word artists, short story, letter, speech and song lyric writers! Share your words, stories and art with others in the intimate, cosy setting of The Parlour at Miller’s Homestead.

These sessions are a place for you to connect and be inspired by other wordsmiths and have a chance to perform your works to a respectful and inclusive audience.

Not a writer but would love to hear the writing of others? Please join us, as an audience member.

Each session will begin with a guest performer and will be followed by an open mic session. (Suitable for ages 15 - 100) FREE

Help yourself to tea and coffee during the session.


Last Tuesday Writers Group

Last Tue of the month, 2pm - 3pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Calling local writers, whatever your skill level, and whatever your chosen genre, to join us every month for feedback, support, inspiration, and lively conversation. All welcome! FREE

Emerald Ladies Writing Group

3rd Wed of the month, 6pm -8pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A semi-formal group dedicated to writing (and chatting) about life in general. Some are published authors and continue writing their novels, others are still figuring out what their next piece of writing is to be about. The group is largely about writing but on occasion, read aloud and critique fragments of their work. Please join us if you would like to meet new writing buddies. No need to book. FREE

Knox Writers

Every Thu night, 5pm - 8pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A group where people meet weekly to write and chat together. Feel free to join us for some company while you are writing! No need to book. FREE

Lilydale Lakeside Writers Group

4th Fri of the month, 4pm - 5pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

We invite writers of any genre, published or unpublished, to join us each month for lively discussion, feedback and inspiration. FREE

Mountain Ash Chapter

2nd Sat of the month, 10am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489

Bookings: bit.ly/macbelgrave

Mountain Ash Chapter is offering an inclusive space for the writing community of the Dandenong Ranges. Hosted by Belgrave Library, each facilitated session will be an opportunity for writers to connect with each other, be inspired, practice their craft and gain valuable feedback. Fees apply

Realm Writers Group

Last Sat of the month, 10am - 11am

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Discover starting points for your writing, unlock your creativity, and explore place, plot, point of view, and character. Get started, share your passion and find inspiration with other writers on the journey. Sessions are facilitated by Ian Flynn and Jos Vandersman. FREE


TECH 101

Learn how to make the most of our free resources, receive expert help in getting started with your new device, or discover something new!

Tech support one-to-one

Available at all libraries

Book on 1300 737 277 or events.yourlibrary.com.au

Book a 45 minute one-to-one session with Your Library’s Tech Support team!

They can assist you with:

• Setting up your iPad / Android tablet to download or stream a variety of library resources such a eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines (Libby), and films (Kanopy)

• Take advantage of free online courses through Be Connected and LinkedIn

• Learn the basics of your mobile phone, iPad / Android tablet or laptop

• General assistance with software and hardware tech troubleshooting! FREE

Every Monday, 1pm + 2pm Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A computer help session for seniors run by volunteers from the Lilydale Seniors Computer Club.

Please note this is not a one-to-one session. Our friendly volunteers will attempt to assist you as soon as possible during this 1 hour session. FREE

Laptop essentials

Every Tuesday, 10am-12pm Belgrave Library- 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

This course is for learners with very limited computer skills wanting to learn more, with step-by-step instructions and plenty of time to practice. Please bring your own laptop. Proudly presented by Mountain District Learning Centre. FREE

Lilydale seniors computer club

How smart is your smart phone?

Sat 9 September, 10am - 12 pm

Boronia Library - 9758 7859 mdlc.org.au/smart-phones

Do you have a smart phone and want to learn more about how to use it? Come to this workshop and find out what your smart phone can do for you! We can help you with specific questions and issues. FREE

Online safety: recognising scams

Mon 11 September, 2pm - 3pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 11 September & 2 November, 2pm - 3pm Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 30 November, 2pm - 3pm Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 4 September, 2pm & 2:30pm + Tue 5 September, 3pm & 3:30pm Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come to the Lilydale library for a virtual reality experience as we guide you along an amazing nature trek. FREE

Would you like to become more aware of your online surroundings? In this informative presentation, we will give you some basic tips on how to remain safe online, recognise a scam and phishing techniques.

Bring any questions or queries you may have in regard to this topic and we will do our best to answer them FREE

Sat 9 September, 2pm - 2:30pm, 2:30pm - 3pm or 3pm - 3:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Do you love table tennis, or maybe you want to experience VR for the first time? Join us at the library for a fun and interactive event where you can play against AI or even a friend in the realistic virtual table tennis game, Eleven Table Tennis! FREE

Minecraft for families

Thu 14 September & Mon 16 October, 4pm - 5pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have you been wondering why your child just LOVES Minecraft? Would you like to try your hand at this fun game on a laptop in a supported environment? Would you enjoy teaming up with your child to complete tasks in the Minecraft world?

Book in your child and yourself to come and play Minecraft together at Rowville Library! FREE

Virtual reality experience Virtual table tennis

Music streaming on your device

Tue 19 September, 2pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to learn how you can listen to music on your mobile phone, iPad or tablet. Access your favourite bands and discover hundreds and thousands more by streaming them on the internet. Find out how you can search for playlists of music for any occasion, including walking, sleeping, focusing, or meditating. We will introduce you to a music streaming app, and show you how to install it on your device and use it. FREE

Transferring your files

Mon 2 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

With your phone and tablet able to do more and more every year, from acting as a portable camera, to online shopping, to a quick and easy form-filling device, it’s important to know your files and photos are safe and backed up. In this workshop, we will focus on transferring files between your computer and device using a USB cable. FREE

Tablets/iPads with the Everyday Tech Skills Program

Wed 4 & 11 October, 10am - 12pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Everyday Tech Skills Program with Bridges offers fun and interactive sessions for over 50s, to develop technology skills. Learn the basics and make use of your tablet or iPad for everyday tasks such as:

• Understanding your device

• Connecting to WiFi away from home

• Using the onscreen keyboard

• Using screen rotation and locking

• Finding accessibility functions, including hearing and vision enhancement tools FREE

Apps and games to keep your brain active

Mon 9 October, 2pm - 3pm

Ferntree Gully - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Stay sharp with a wide range of apps and games to keep your brain active! We’ll take a look at some traditional brain training apps, educational apps to learn new skills, apps to improve your productivity, and everyday games to increase your digital literacy. We will provide you with a list of these apps for you to go through and download the ones you want to try. FREE


Smart phones with the Everyday Tech Skills Program

Wed 18 October, 10am - 12pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Everyday Tech Skills Program with Bridges offers fun and interactive sessions for over 50s, to develop technology skills. Learn about your smart phone for everyday tasks:

• Understanding your device

• Sending texts and making phone calls to contacts and non-contacts

• Creating contacts

• Using accessibility functions – hearing and vision enhancement tools

• Taking photos / selfies and screenshots


Healesville photo walk at Maroondah Reservoir Park

Sat 14 October, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Maroondah Reservoir Park

Maroondah Hwy, Healesville 9800 6400 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us in Healesville for a photo walk around the grounds of Maroondah Reservoir Park. Your camera will feast on water views, landscapes, 1800s engineering, the spillway and more! You’ll have a chance to learn some photography techniques and ask lots of questions as we go. Our photography expert, Katie, and volunteers from the Yarra Ranges Photographic Society will lead the walk, so you will have plenty of experts on hand to help you. All types of cameras are welcome, including phones.


Make your own photo calendar

Wed 25 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A photo calendar is the perfect gift for your friends and family at Christmas! Learn how to use the photos on your phone or laptop to make a unique calendar for yourself or your loved ones.


Please note: this event is free, however you will need to pay for your calendar to be printed.


Mon 13 November, 2pm - 3pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to digitise your documents and photos with your mobile phone, tablet, or iPad. We will demonstrate how these apps crop and enhance documents, options for saving documents or photos, and why it is so important to digitise. The apps we will be looking at are, Adobe Scan, Microsoft Lens, Google PhotoScan, and Phone Notes app. FREE

Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Do you love cooking and want to find more information on ingredients and recipes? Come and learn about our new app, New York Times Cooking. Normally a paid subscription, we are offering it free to library members! FREE

Fri 3 November, 2pm - 3pm Realm Library - 9800 6430

Tue 14 November, 2pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have a go at using apps and online services to create beautiful online scrapbooks and Photo Albums. We will be exploring platforms such as Snapfish, Officeworks and Kmart. FREE

Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 20 November, 11am - 12pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Manage files on your device, increase your device storage, and safely back up your photos and documents using the cloud. We will explain terminology including ‘data’ and ‘storage’, and provide practical advice to set up and use the cloud. FREE

Want to know how to create some extra cash in the piggy bank? Let us show you how! We’ll cover the best places to sell items online, how to enhance the quality of your listings, how to safely receive payments and what fees and costs are involved. We will cover popular sites like eBay, Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace, along with more specialty second-hand sites, and niche handcrafted sellers like Etsy. FREE

Selling secondhand items online
Digitise your documents and photo collection Cloud storage
Create online photobooks 21
New York Times cooking app with Tracey


Time for a career change?

We have you covered at these informative workshops and drop-in sessions.

Drop in one-on-one career service

Bayswater Library - 1st Fri of the month, 10am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - Mon 11 September & 16 October, 10am - 12 pm

A qualified Career Practitioner from the Swinburne Skills and Jobs Centre will be on hand to provide free 1:1 career services, including:

- Career planning sessions

- Resume advice

Join a representative from Jobs Victoria for free job seeking assistance.

Jobs Victoria Advocates can help you find work by connecting you to skills and training courses and helping you to apply for jobs. FREE - no need to book!

Bayswater Library - Thu 14 September, 10:30am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - Every 2nd Wed of the month, 2pm - 5pm

Knox Express - Every 2nd Thu of the month, 10am - 2pm

Lilydale Library - Tue 12 & 26 September, 9:30am - 10:30am

Mooroolbark Library - enquire for times

PH 9800 6480

Realm Library - Every 2nd Wed of the month, 10am - 2pm

Yarra Junction Library - 1st Mon of the month, 12pm - 4pm

- Job search advice

- Interview coaching

- Course advice

FREE - no need to book!

Jobs Victoria Advocates

Apprenticeship information session with Services Australia

Fri 6 October, 10am - 11am Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you currently studying or have recently left school, or are you looking for a change of career?

Do you have a young person in your life who is thinking about an apprenticeship or traineeship?

Come along and hear from Services Australia and find out what payments and supports are available to you. There will be information about starting an apprenticeship, income and means testing, eligibility and how to claim. FREE

Spring courses at Boronia Library with

The Very Basic Computer Class

Mondays 9am-11am during school terms

Course code (23DLE1K001)

Basic Computers and Cyber Security

Mondays 11:45am-1:45pm during school terms

Course code (23DLE1K001)

Bring Your Own Laptop

Mondays 2pm-4pm during school terms

Course code (23DLE1K001)

English for Living and Working in Australia

Wednesdays 9am-3:30pm during school terms

Course code (23LLNELW01)

Read Write Now I

Wednesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm during school terms

Course code (23LLNRWN01)

Read Write Now II

Wednesdays 7:30pm-9:30pm during school terms

Course code (23LLNRWN01)

Open Classroom for Digital Literacy Learners Thursdays 2pm-4pm during school terms

For course information and bookings, scan QR code, visit mdlc.org.au or call 9758 7859



Services Australia: Payments and services

Mon 25 September, 11am - 12pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 5 October, 10am - 11:30am

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Tue 10 October, 12pm - 1pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Hear about the ins and outs of Centrelink payments, learn about the specialist services that Services Australia offers, and discover the digital options that are available to you. FREE


Australia: Debt prevention and online services

Mon 2 October, 11am - 12:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Presented by the team from Services Australia, find out what you must tell us to avoid a debt, how to keep your details up to date, and what to do if you do not agree with a decision. You will also be shown how to create a MyGov account and link services, how to use the payment and service finder, as well as how to access the ‘Information in your language’ section. FREE

Planning for retirement: Delivered by a Centrelink financial advisor

Mon 9 October, 11am - 12pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn more about planning for retirement, as well as the role of the Aged Care service officer and how they can help you. FREE

partnered with the experts to help you make informed choices about your finances, and to arm you with the knowhow to avoid scams

Budget hacks for tough times

Fri 13 October, 2pm - 3pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Martina Eaton, Manager of CHAMPION

Emergency food relief service and community hub in Bayswater will be sharing helpful hints on ways to reduce your bills, make your groceries stretch further, and answer questions about the different help available throughout Knox for people who might be doing it tough! FREE

What to look for when choosing financial experts

Mon 16 October, 11am - 12pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to hear from a Services Australia financial services officer about what to look for when choosing financial experts. Topics covered include creating a financial plan for the future, comparing financial advisors, and what to expect from a financial advisor’s plan. FREE

Wills and estate planning

- with Oliver Beaumont

Mon 16 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local lawyer and Mooroolbark Library neighbour Oliver Beaumont, of Beaumont Lawyers, to learn about the ins and outs of wills and estate planning with all the information you’ll need to feel confident in arrranging your affairs. FREE

Retirement planning

- with Andrea Jenkins

Wed 25 October, 6pm - 7pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 30 November, 6:30pm - 7:30pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Understanding the various options available to you is the first step towards living a lifestyle of choice and independence upon retirement. Andrea Jenkins, Principal of Jenbury Financial, will share valuable insights. FREE

Superannuation & downsizing

Mon 20 November, 2pm - 3pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

As part of Services Australia, the Financial Information Service (FIS) is a free program providing education and information, helping Australians make informed financial decisions throughout their lives. Come and listen to Lara explain superannuation in connection to downsizing. FREE

Services Australia - carer payments

Tue 21 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Wed 29 November, 10am - 11am

(This session will be translated to Hakha Chin)

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A representative from Services Australia will join us to discuss the various payments available for carers. FREE



These informative sessions cover the topics you need to know about! We have the experts on hand to answer all your questions.

Supporting you to identify scams

Wed 13 September, 2pm - 3pm (translated to Hakha Chin) Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 18 September, 11am - 12pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 21 September, 2pm - 3pm & Thu 5 October, 2pm - 3pm (translated to Hakha Chin Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

2nd Mon of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Tue 5 September, Thu 12 October & Fri 17 November, 10am-12pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

1st Wed of the month, 10am-12pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 21 September, 12 October & 16 November, 10am-12pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join the team from Latrobe Community Health Service to learn about the NDIS. If you need to find out about getting access, you have questions about a current plan, or you just want general information, come and have a chat. Bookings not required. FREE

In this informative session, the team from Services Australia will teach you how to recognise and avoid scams, how to keep yourself safe, and what to do if you think you may have been scammed. FREE

Breaking the myths of palliative care with Wendy from EPC

Wed 18 October, 11am - 12pm

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

EPC provides specialist palliative care to people who have a life-limiting or terminal illness in their own homes. Come and hear from Wendy how this is achieved and what is offered to our community for free. FREE

NDIS Connection Desk

Planning for the future

Thu 19 October, 6pm - 7pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Presented by the Eastern Community Legal Centre, this session will look at our rights as we get older, future decision making (including powers of attorney and medical treatment decisions), Wills and family agreements. FREE

Child health and development: a health education session

Mon 20 November, 11am - 12pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

This fun, interactive session by the Water Well Project is ideal for soon-to-be parents or parents with young children.It includes information about developmental milestones, child health, immunisations and frequently asked questions. FREE

Wed 25 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you aware that consumers have the same refund rights on seconds and samples as they would have on full-price products? A regulator from Consumer Affairs Victoria will be at Bayswater Library to help inform you, as a consumer, of your rights. FREE

Insurance and disasters

Thu 16 November, 2pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Presented by the Eastern Community Legal Centre, this session will look at why we need insurance, how we can be legally prepared, what to look for in insurance, and what to do if a disaster happens. FREE

Wed 29 November, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Legal Lingo Bingo, delivered by Eastern Community Legal Centre, is an interactive session where you will get to join in a game of bingo whilst also being introduced to a range of relevant legal topics. You will receive some useful information, such as what services are available to help you, and have some fun along the way! FREE

Legal Lingo Bingo
Consumer Affairs Victoria - Shopping Rights

Victorian Seniors Festival 2023

Tue 3 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 16 October, 10am - 11am

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Some older people need extra support to access aged care services and other supports in the community. In these situations, a care finder may be able to help. Care Finder is a free service. It exists to support vulnerable people who do not have access to a supportive person to assist with navigating the aged care system – to learn about, apply for and set up support services through a funded aged care package. Please join your local care finder who will explain:

• Who can use the Care Finder service

• How the Care Finder service works

• What help Care Finder can provide

• How to contact a Care Finder organisation FREE

Wed 4 October, 10am - 11:30am

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 6 October, 10:30am - 12pm

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Mon 16 October, 3:30pm - 5pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Wed 18 October, 10am - 11:30am

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to use your phone camera to take great photos you’ll want to share with friends and family! We’ll teach you the basics of the camera app on your phone, then you’ll have a chance to put your learning into practice with a short photo walk outside. FREE

In the event of wet weather, we will have an alternative indoors option for the walk.

We’re celebrating our wonderful seniors community this October! Join us for an exciting month of events at Your Library.
Navigating the Aged Care System with Care Finder Phone photography basics + photo walk

Accessing care services

Wed 4 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Estia Health are proud to present a free information session at Bayswater Library to help seniors in the community understand and access the support they need.

Discussions will include:

• Navigating the aged care systembenefits and challenges of obtaining an aged care assessment

• Accessing government funding - the cost of care

• The benefits of respite care for you and your carer

• Becoming a volunteer and making a difference in the lives of those living in residential care. FREE

Where’s that photo? Find, organise and share photos on your phone

Wed 4 October, 2pm- 3:30pm Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 27 October, 2pm- 3:30pm Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to locate photographs on your phone, how albums work, and how to manage your photo gallery.

We’ll also walk you through ways you can share your photos with friends and family, including email, messaging, and social media. FREE


Take a walk in virtual reality

Thu 5 October, 4pm - 4:30pm or 4:30pm -5pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 13 October, 2pm - 2:30pm or 2:30pm - 3pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 19 October, 2pm - 2:30pm or 2:30pm - 3pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of VR! In this 30 minute session, you’ll be able to experience virtual reality and explore interesting new worlds in Nature Treks. Stop by a remote island, listen to birds in a forest, or enjoy a winter wonderland without leaving your seat. FREE

Transition to retirement

Fri 6 October, 2pm -3pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you nearing the end of your working career and not sure where to from here? This session from Swinburne Skills and Job Centre will offer an overview of how to start preparing for your life’s next milestone and what you need to consider before making this next big step. FREE

Edit photos on your phone

Fri 6 October, 2:30pm - 4pm

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 20 October, 3:30pm - 5pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to edit photos on your phone with the free Google Photos app. We’ll show you how to brighten images, how to crop and straighten your photos, how to add unique effects and more. FREE


Thu 12 October, 2pm - 4pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you feeling less confident behind the wheel? Is maintaining your independence through driving important to you? Join the team from METEC Driver Training to learn how to keep your driving skills sharp, review road rules, and get valuable, practical advice about how to keep yourself and others safe on the road. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. FREE

Age pension: your choices - with Services Australia

Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 2 November, 2pm - 3pm Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join the team from Services Australia to learn about how to claim your pension, working while you get your pension, and all the other ins and outs of the Age Pension. FREE

Thriving at any age - with Linda Black

Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Discover the secrets to thriving emotionally and mentally as we get older, and defy the negative ageing stereotypes in common use and in the media.

Linda has a Psychology Degree, a Diploma in Applied Clinical Hypnotherapy and Certificate in Psychotherapy. She believes the more well-informed we are about ageing well, including the need to maintain emotional wellbeing and a positive mindset, the more we can really thrive in the later years of our lives. FREE

Keeping your driving skills sharp with METEC

Thu 19 October, 11am - 12:30pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 27 October, 10am - 11:30am

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn all about Google Maps and how it can make your life easier when getting from A to B. We’ll teach you how to confidently navigate the app and show you lots of interesting, handy features. You’ll then have a chance to put your new Google Maps skills to the test by taking part in a scavenger hunt outside.

In the event of wet weather, we will have an alternative indoors option for the scavenger hunt. FREE

Robots and coding

Mon 23 October, 2pm -3:30pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have some fun with our robots while learning the basics of coding. This is a fun and very hands-on workshop for anyone who’s ever wondered about how coding works and what you can do with robots.


Understanding aged pension and travelling outside of Australia - with Services Australia

Tue 24 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Services Australia will be going over everything you need to know about applying for and receiving the Aged Pension. You will learn who can get it, how much you can get, how to prepare a claim, how to claim, how to manage your payments and what other services are available.

Planning on travelling outside of Australia? Find out what you need to know before your travel, including international social security agreements, payment rates outside of Australia, what to do if you leave for less than 6 weeks, if you leave for more than 26 weeks and the process of returning to Australia. FREE

Google Maps + scavenger hunt

Change your thoughts, help your health

Tue 24 October, 3pm - 4pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Positive thoughts about ageing have helpful psychological effects on our health. These can have a cumulative effect over time that can lead to long term positive health outcomes. Find out how you can increase your positive beliefs and live well. FREE

Facebook for community groups

Mon 30 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Aged Care and elder rights

Mon 30 October, 11am - 12pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Presented by Rose Vince, our Elder Rights Advocacy (ERA) community educator, this session will help you better understand and navigate the aged care system.

Topics include Charter of Aged Care Rights, providers responsibilities, and how Elder Rights can support you when navigating the Aged Care system.

Rose will also cover what elder abuse is, what the signs are, and how ERA can help and what services are available for support. FREE

We’ll teach you how to set up a Facebook group and cover some important security settings. You’ll learn how to create a group that will encourage engagement and promote your group’s activities to the community.

Ideal for people who already run, or would like to establish, a Facebook group for a community group such as a crafting group, living and learning centre, etc. FREE



Begin or further your family or military history research, and enjoy fascinating events about remarkable people and places.

Second Tues of the month, 9:30am - 12pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join this friendly group of enthusiastic family historians to swap research tips and share stories and advice, over a cup of tea. People starting out on their family history journey are most welcome. FREE

Family + local history help

Make an appointment at a library near you with our specialised staff. Receive help with local or family history research, newspaper articles, library databases and any other research questions. FREE

Visit events.yourlibrary.com.au for dates and locations or call 1300 737 277 to make a booking.

Thu 21 September, 2pm - 3pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

We all know how useful Trove newspapers are in finding information about our families, but are you searching efficiently and finding everything?

Learn some tips and tricks to make your results more successful. Gail has been researching for nearly thirty years, written four family history books, President of Family History Connections for ten years, and Information Services Manager at Eastern Regional Libraries for over ten years. FREE

Knox Genies at Miller’s Homestead
Getting the most out of Trove

Hatshepsut: From queen to Pharaoh

Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

While people generally think of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt as males, there were a handful of females who took on the role of pharaohs. One of these was Hatshepsut, who became one of the most powerful, and is still well known today. This presentation will take you through her story as a strong woman, from a title of King’s Daughter, to Kings Great Wife, to a King who knew what was best for her beloved Egypt and how, after her death, many of her monuments were destroyed and her name left off the Kings list. FREE

Finding families with National Archives

Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have you ever wondered where to find records that relate to your family?

Patrick Ferry from the National Archives of Australia will give us an insiders view of the resources held by NAA and how to access them to assist with your research, including war, immigration and so much more. FREE

Cleopatra: Egypt’s last dynastic queen and ruler

Thu 26 October, 2pm to 3pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Cleopatra is a well-known name, largely due to the Hollywood movies based on her life. However, Hollywood doesn’t always interpret history accurately. She is shown to us as a beautiful woman who captured the hearts of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

This presentation will take you through her story as a Greek-Macedonian woman from a murderous family, co-ruler with her brother Ptolemy XIII before becoming sole ruler. Was her death from the bite of an asp as generally represented or perhaps a poison of her own making?

Running Rabbits: Military History Talk

Wed 1 November, 2pm - 3pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join presenters Lieutenant Rowen Smith (retired) ex Australian Army Reserve and Graham Hutchings, military history enthusiast, from the Running Rabbits History Museum for a talk on the First World War Armistice on the 11/11/1918 with the follow up of the peace talks in 1919. The talk will cover how the Red Poppy became a symbol of remembrance, the establishment of the Running Rabbits Military Museum, its collections and why local history is important. Questions will be welcomed. FREE


From Pilgrim to Piper with the author

Iain Townsley

Wed 8 November, 10:30am - 11:30am

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

As we approach Remembrance Day, we invite you to join local resident Iain Townsley who will tell his story.

From his many years on the front line in the British Army and how he reclaimed his Scottish heritage to how he became a piper who has performed at many local military ceremonies. Iain will have his book, From Pilgrim to Piper, for sale on the day. FREE

Charlie Hammond: 1870-1953

Tue 28 November, 2pm to 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

English-born Charlie Hammond was an established photographer when he settled in Tecoma in about 1911, where he remained until his death, 70 years ago, on 28 November 1953.

Hammond left a substantial collection of photographs, an important visual record covering parts of Ferntree Gully, Belgrave/ Tecoma, regions of Gippsland, and Melbourne.

Hills resident Terry Russell, a long-time researcher of Hammond’s life, will present highlights of Hammond’s work and photographs, many taken over 100 years ago. FREE

The Australian history of the Vietnam War

Tue 14 November, 10am - 11am

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to hear Vietnam War veteran Rob talk about the history of the Vietnam War, and Australia’s involvement in it. FREE



Wed 4 October, 2pm - 3pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Fri 27 October, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

What is the oldest building in the Knox area? Join us for a fascinating look at the history of some of Knox ‘s historical buildings and find out which is the oldest. FREE

Wed 11 October, 10am - 12pm

Ferntree Gully Cemetery

Main Gate, 37-41 Forest Road

Ferntree Gully - 1300 737 277 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join volunteers from the Knox Historical Society for an interesting look at our local history. On this walk around the Ferntree Gully Cemetery, we will learn about many people who are buried there. Meet at the front gates of the Cemetery - Forest Rd, Ferntree Gully. COST $10

Lilydale District Historical Society

Fri 6 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Lilydale Historical Society

61 Castella Street, Lilydale 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us for a visit to the Old Lilydale Court House. You will learn about the work LDHS does within the community and how they preserve our recorded history.


Please note that this is a walking tour and there may be some rough and uneven walking surfaces, including steps, and will go ahead if raining. This tour is subject to the cemetery being available (i.e., no funerals).

Historical buildings of Knox Ferntree Gully Cemetery Tour
Discover the history of your local area at these fascinating events throughout October 2023.

Ash Wednesday - 40 years ago

Wed 11 October, 2pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Southern Sherbrooke Historical Society revisits the fateful day in 1983 when hundreds of destructive fires, fanned by fierce winds, swept through south-eastern Australia, looking at the widespread destruction, personal loss, and resilience of the local communities. FREE

Historical Boronia in Photos

Mon 16 - Fri 20 October, 9am - 5pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

What was Boronia like in the past? Come and look at a collection of photos of historical Boronia. It will bring back memories, or teach you something new. FREE

Lilydale’s Historic Hotels - walking tour

Fri 13 October, 10am - 11:30am

Lilydale Historical Society

61 Castella Street, Lilydale 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Philip from the LDHS for a walking tour of Lilydale’s Historic Hotels. On this adventure along Main St, you will hear all about the colourful history surrounding the four main hotels in Lilydale.

Please Note: This is a walking tour and there may be uneven surfaces and stairs. Please meet at Old Lilydale Court House61 Castella St, Lilydale. COST $10

Stepping back in time

Thu 19 October, 10am - 11am

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and join a guided tour of Yarra Junction and discover “The Junction” of yesteryear. Commencing at the Yarra Junction Library at 10am and finishing at the Yarra Centre, Yarra Junction. FREE

slv.vic.gov.au slv.vic.gov.au

A trip down Memory Lane: sharing memories of Boronia

Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to look at photos from then and now, and learn from locals who have lived in Boronia for most, if not all, of their lives. Audience participation is encouraged for this presentation, and we invite local residents to share their experiences, stories and photos about our library and suburb. Tea and coffee provided. FREE

The history of Mooroolbark

Tue 24 October, 11am - 12pm Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local resident and president of the Mooroolbark Historical Society Marion Stott OAM, as she takes us for a journey through Mooroolbark’s fascinating history. FREE

Sat 21 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Eddie and hear about Kevin Heinze and the history of ‘The Peoples Garden’. After the talk, you can walk to The Peoples Garden, stopping at the Montrose Cottage where the Montrose Township Group are hosting the Montrose Flower Festival. FREE

Wed 25 October, 2pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

It is 85 years since the ANA Douglas DC-2 ‘Kyeema’ flew straight into the western face of Mt Dandenong killing all 18 passengers and crew. It remains one of the worst Australian airline disasters.

On 12 April 1962 British racing car driver Ron Flockhart was to fly his Mustang P51 from Moorabbin airport to Bankstown, NSW. His flight (and life) ended at Kallista. On June 8 1920 Francis Birtles, the Australian adventurer, became the first person to attempt an aeroplane landing in the Dandenong Ranges.

The Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society open its files to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Kyeema disaster. FREE

Odd, sad and tragic: stories of aeroplane crashes in the Dandenong Ranges
Kevin Heinze and The People’s Garden


Explore new paths to a happier and healthier lifestyle, guided by knowledgeable local experts.

Parkinson’s Support Group

1st Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6448

Do you have Parkinson’s disease and would like to meet other people? Join our monthly relaxed support group, share your stories, find out information and spend time with other people who understand your experiences. FREE

Carers Cuppa - with Different Journeys

Mon 11 September, 9 October, 20 November & 4 December, 10am-12pm Croydon Library

- 9800 6448

Come enjoy a cuppa with Different Journeys at Croydon Library. Meet other carers and talk to a carer peer support worker with lived experience. Talk with us about what help is available to you, and explore your opportunities. Tea, coffee, and biscuits provided. FREE

Brain Games

Mondays, 11am - 1pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Tuesdays, 1:30pm - 3pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443

Wednesdays, 11:30am - 1:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470

Fridays, 9:30am - 11am

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Maintain, train and improve your brain with fun activities. Regular brain exercises may help maintain or improve your thinking skills. FREE

Presented by Mountain District Learning Centre. Sessions run during school terms.


Regular meditation sessions

Sahaja yoga meditation

Every Tue, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430

Relax your mind and body and find balance in these free weekly meditation sessions. Dr Akshay and his team will introduce you to the meditative practice of sahaja yoga. FREE

Love, peace, harmony, meditation

Every Thu, 10:30-11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489

Join Bev for the Love, Peace, Harmony meditation to bring greater health, happiness, and success to your life. Meditation includes listening to music, positive mantras, and whole-body relaxation. Runs during school terms. FREE

Quiet time in the library

Every Wed (school terms), 3:30 - 4:30pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Please feel free to drop in and enjoy some quiet time, with activities such as mindful colouring, crossword puzzles, sudoku and mind-mapping. No need to book! FREE

Morning stretches with Amy

Every Fri, 10am - 10:45am

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and join Amy, our remedial massage therapist, as she guides you through stretches that will:

• Improve range of motion

• Decrease risk of lower-back pain

• Increase muscle blood flow

• Reduce pain and muscle soreness

• Prevent injury. FREE

Every Fri, 11am - 1pm (during school terms)

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Explore creative activities, gentle fitness exercises, gratefulness and mindfulness to help meet the challenges of everyday living. FREE

Yoga at the Library

Yoga with Jo

Every Friday, 9:30am - 10:15am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Jo at the Belgrave Library and practice Yoga and meditation in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Jo is a passionate and dedicated yoga teacher who specialises in teaching hatha and vinyasa style to students of all levels. Classes are run on a donation basis during the school term. BYO yoga mat. FREE

Wellbeing at Boronia

Slow Flow Yoga for Beginners

Wed 11, 18 & 25 October + 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 November, 11am - 11:45am

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

The gentle nature of Slow Flow Yoga means it is great for beginners, as well as more experienced students who feel like slowing down and sinking deeper into their practice.

In the intimate setting of the Miller’s Homestead parlour, qualified yoga teacher Charmain will work to your individual level while teaching you the basics, and help you to find your comfort level while going at a meditative pace. COST $10 per session.

Chair Yoga with Ramki

Fri 22 & 29 September + 6, 20 & 27 October + 3, 10, 17 & 24 November + 8 & 15 December, from 9:15am - 10am Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Yoga in the Park with Japara House

Fri 3 November, 9:15am-10:15am

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Yoga is designed to be practiced by people of all abilities, fitness levels and age groups and can strengthen your body whilst improving your flexibility and core stability.

Join us outdoors in next-door Hookey Park for this relaxing yoga class. All movements can be modified to suit everybody. Everyone is welcome. FREE

Join Ramki, qualified yoga instructor from the reputed Svyasa University of Yoga in Bangalore, in these Chair Yoga sessions in the parlour at Miller’s. COST $10 per session.

Chair Yoga with Katherine Spargo

Thu 19 October, 10:30am-11:15am

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along to this session of Chair Yoga, which offers all of the same benefits of traditional practice, modifying traditional yoga postures using the chair for support. FREE

Chair Yoga at the library

Art for wellbeing with artist Anudeepa

4th Mon of the month, 9:30 - 11:30am

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Connect with others through creativity in the beautiful boardroom at Miller’s Homestead. Join artist, Anudeepa Kadiresan, at these monthly art workshops to encourage you to be courageous and pursue your passion in art.

All materials are provided and you can help yourself to tea or coffee during the session. FREE

Tue 5 September, 2pm - 3pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along and give Zumba a go at the Realm Library with an instructor from the Goodlife Health Club (located right next door). Your workout will fuse Latin American music and dance rhythms to create a party-like atmosphere. Zumba classes involve moderate paced aerobic dance that will tone and strengthen your body. They help to burn fat, build your core strength, improve your stamina and... they’re lots of fun! FREE

Every Mon, 6pm - 8pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Every Tue, 10am - 12pm Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Every Thu, 4:30pm - 6:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

With art, there is no right or wrong! Thinking differently helps increase confidence and improves mental and physical health. Come and try some creative activities with Debbie from Mountain District Learning Centre. FREE

Wed 6 September, 2pm - 3:30pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Our talented bellydance instructor will guide you through a fun session where you’ll learn the basics and enjoy the beauty of this ancient art form. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience. This is a great chance to try out an exciting program from Rowville’s Community Learning Centre. FREE

Kadiresan Zumba taster class Bellydancing in the library
Art for wellbeing with Mountain District Learning Centre

Shi-Ba-Shi with U3A

Thu 7 September, 11am - 12pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and try a Shi-Ba-Shi taster class and learn more about what U3A has on offer. Shi-Ba-Shi is a gentle form of ‘’keep fit’’ exercises and not a martial art.The eighteen movements which are done slowly and smoothly, will stretch muscles, regulate blood circulation and breathing, strengthen joints and improve balance and circulation. FREE

Life less cluttered

Fri 8 September, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Do you feel you have too much clutter, and don’t know what to do? Do you want to help someone else who is in this situation? Join us for an informal talk about clutter and what Knox City Council can do to help. FREE

Movement: are you getting it?

Tue 12 September, 3pm - 4pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Moving is important to our health. Come and find out some of the many different and fun ways to keep yourself healthy. This event is proudly presented in partnership with the Maroondah City Council. FREE

Cycling and the art of bicycle maintenance

On your bike with Croydon Cycleworks

Thu 14 September, 10am - 11am

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Croydon Cycleworks will take you through all you need to know before you get on your bike, and provide tips and tricks to get you started on your cycling journey. FREE

Bike maintenance with Trek Bicycle Ringwood

Thu 14 September, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Do you love to ride? Have you got a bike that needs some attention? Come to Realm and learn how to keep your bike in tip-top shape from the experts at Trek Bicycle Ringwood. FREE

Keep your bike travelling well with Blake from Pedal Addiction

Tue 26 September, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Blake from Pedal Addiction to learn about bikes, basic maintenance and signs that it needs servicing or repairs. Come to our undercover loading dock, sheltered from any weather, to enjoy an informative and practical event. FREE


More to Mum - talks on motherhood with Louise East

Learning to treat yourself with compassion in motherhood

Thu 14 September, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and learn more about how to treat yourself with compassion in motherhood so you can be the mother you want to be and feel happier, lighter, and more confident. FREE

Free your wild heart with Sally

Thu 21 September, 6:30pm - 7:45pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Sally Carmichael and discover how you can make your spiritual practice work in your life in your way, because the world needs the gifts of your wild heart! FREE

Coping with the pressure of being the perfect mum

Mon 9 October, 10am - 11am

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Louise East from More to Mum, for this warm and reassuring session, in which she will help you understand where this pressure is coming from and how to deal with it, so you can feel happier, lighter, calmer and more confident in your mothering. FREE

Women’s self defence with Paragon Inc

Tue 26 September, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Being the mother you want to be

Tue 17 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Motherhood and Life Coach Louise East from More to Mum, for a reassuring and empowering session about how to navigate all the pressure, opinions and expectations in motherhood and focus on being the mother you want to be. FREE

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

If you are wanting to learn simple, practical self-defence skills and build your confidence, this workshop is for you! The team at Paragon Inc teach their students how to be superheroes through the martial art of karate, and leading with kindness is a core value of the school.


Mindfulness through music and sound

Mon 2 Oct, Tue 3 Oct & Wed 4 Oct, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join renowned Bansuri Flute artist and teacher, Vinod Prasanna, in this inspiring three-part workshop, focusing on meditation, connection, awareness and mindfulness through music and sound. Bookings are for all 3 parts of the workshop and you are not required to book into each separate date. Visit events.yourlibrary.com.au for details of each session. COST $45

No previous musical or mindfulness experience is necessary, though musicians and people on a mindfulness journey, will find these sessions very rewarding.

Radiant & Ageless Spring Make Up

Wed 4 October, 10am -11:30am

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Dee Harris, makeup artist, and learn how to:

• get your skin looking more youthful

• look glowing and radiant with minimal makeup

• tweak natural makeup for a glowing look Tea and coffee provided! FREE

Supporting the wellbeing of our young people

Thu 12 October, 6pm - 7pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

During this hour-long presentation, experienced educator and author Sharon Witt,will share the latest data on the state of youth wellbeing and offer practical tips and strategies for parents, educators and carers to promote and bolster their resilience. FREE

How’s your hearing?

Wed 18 Oct & 15 Nov, 1:30pm - 4:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Hearing Australia is providing free 15 minute hearing checks for adults over 18. Join us at Bayswater Library for a seamless hearing care experience. Don’t miss this opportunity to take care of your hearing health. FREE

Getting your child ready for the next stage

Thu 19 October, 2pm - 3pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local group Noah’s Ark and hear how to prepare yourself and your child for the next stage of their young lives. Learn how to navigate new stages in life such as kindergarten or school and how to ensure your young person has a successful transition. FREE


Tai Chi with Japara House

Thu 19 October, 2:15pm - 3:15pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Tai Chi is a great activity for all ages to stimulate the brain and exercise the body. It is beneficial for all ages and abilities, with an opportunity to meet new people. FREE

Wayapa for wellbeing

Launch celebration day

Sat 21 October, 11am - 2pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497

Wayapa® is an earth connection practice, based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that focuses on taking care of the Earth as the starting point for creating Earth, Mind, Body, Spirit well-being.

Healesville Library is thrilled to announce that we will be offering fortnightly Wayapa sessions. You are warmly invited to celebrate this initiative at our launch event, which will include a Welcome to Country, entertainment, rope bridge making for wildlife with Eco Warriors Australia, a free light BBQ lunch and an Introduction to Wayapa session. FREE

Wayapa sessions (from 26 Oct 2023)

Every 2nd Thu, 5:45pm - 6:30pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497

Come try it out at our fortnightly sessions, and make it a part of your self-care routine. FREE

Radiology tests explained

Fri 20 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join retired radiographer Beth Williams who will provide some guidance on what to expect when undertaking medical imaging examinations. It will include details of past interesting cases to help illustrate important reasons for the tests your doctor has requested. Feel free to bring your questions. FREE


Pain, depression and becoming who you are

Sat 28 October, 10am - 11am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Mat Richardson from Upwey Myotherapy at Belgrave library and hear him talk about how he explored pain through his own experience, the disability associated with pain, and how to cultivate a space to make pain less of a problem while enjoying life again. FREE

Gut health and your brain

Thu 9 November, 2pm - 3pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Local Naturopath Aidi Azari from NatureAid will speak about improving gut health and how you can make lifestyle and diet changes to maintain healthy gut microbiome, or how to improve it. FREE

Great digestive health with Lyndall from Unrefined Nutrition

Fri 10 November, 2pm - 4pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Boosting your energy with food and nutrition strategies

Mon 30 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Lyndal Harris, Nutritionist and Health Coach, joins us at Croydon Library to talk about how you can reclaim your energy and gain control of your health. FREE

with Sally

Mon 6 November, 3pm - 4pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Sally Carmichael, Reiki and meditation teacher, to experience how you can transform pain, anxiety, emotional difficulty and find purpose with this potent Japanese energetic-spiritual practice. FREE

Do you have gut symptoms such as bloating, IBS and/or constipation? Would you like to improve your microbiome? Meet with functional nutritionist Lyndal Harris from Unrefined Nutrition to find information and inspiration for looking after your digestive health. FREE

Lose weight whilst eating your favourite food

Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Jo is a health and wellness coach trained in nutrition, the psychology of eating, and yoga. She is committed to helping people not only lose weight but keep it off for good. Her focus is on how mindset affects the ability to lose weight and on giving advice related to diet and lifestyle changes. FREE


Find your Ikigai to a long and healthy life

Tue 14 November, 3pm - 4pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us for an hour long workshop to learn about Ikigai - a way of exploring and discovering one’s purpose and meaning in life. Find out how to improve your life by making small changes to your daily routine. FREE

StrokeSafe information session

Thu 23 November, 10:30am - 11:15am

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Roger, a presenter from StrokeSafe, to learn about what a stroke is, how to recognise signs of a stroke, what to do if someone is having a stroke, and how to reduce your risk of having a stroke. Roger will present common information about stroke and its prevention, and also draw on his own personal experiences, so every StrokeSafe talk is very different –and very powerful. FREE

Living with intention

Thu 23 November, 6pm - 7:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Hidden stories

Sat 18 November, 11am - 12:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Everybody has a story, but some are kept more hidden than others. Come along to hear stories of resilience and courage in the face of adversity, and listen to people challenging the norms. Presented by PLEDGE (People Linking to Embrace and Develop Gender Equality). FREE

Activation alert: the topics raised may activate uncomfortable emotions.

Taking time for you is an act of kindness to yourself and everyone around you. In this workshop you will have an opportunity to prioritise time to discover your dreams,encounter compassion for your story, connect to gratitude and walk away with an action plan. Prioritising this workshop is already a huge step towards ‘living with intention’. FREE



Discover how to leave a lighter footprint on our planet, and build a rewarding, more sustainable life.

Circular economy

Tue 5 September, 1pm - 2pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along for a talk by Waste Education Officer Anouk from Knox City Council, where she will teach us about the important concept of a ‘circular economy’. In this talk you will learn about consumption, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products. FREE

Electric vehicles: how they work and how to buy them

Tue 5 September, 10am - 11am

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Tue 3 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us for this informative talk with Bryce Gaton, EV transition consultant and EV writer/commentator, as he explains the basics of EV technologies and charging needs and reassures you that they will not ‘ruin the long weekend’ using examples from his long experience of driving EVs. He will also share information about: Coming emissions and fuel economy standards - and how in the near future these might revolutionise EV buying choice in Australia, and current options for buying new and second-hand battery electric vehicles and reliable sources of information about them. FREE

Sat 9 September, 11am - 1pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and learn how to make simple yet eye catching earrings and effortless necklaces. No one will even suspect that they’ve been made from textile waste! Everything will be supplied, but you are welcome to bring along your own textile waste that you would like to turn into jewellery, or that outfit you just can’t seem to find accessories to match. FREE

Jewellery making for adults

Sustainable gardening with Japara House

Wed 13 September, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn the skills to design, create and maintain a sustainable garden without causing harm to the environment or future generations. Learn about wicking beds, companion planting and maximising your harvest. A great time to learn the basics or ask those technical questions. FREE

Cooling our patch: The gardener’s role in urban greening and cooling

Tue 19 September, 1pm - 2:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Sustainable Gardening Australia as they discuss the importance of urban greening and how trees, shrubs, grasses and flowers create an urban forest in our built environments and bring benefits for both climate change mitigation and climate adaptation. Explaining the urban heat island effect and identifying ways this can be reduced, we will discuss what we all need to do to make our urban communities more resilient in a warming climate. FREE

DIY green cleaning

Tue 26 September, 1pm - 2pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn about the why and how of household cleaning with easy, simple, low toxicity recipes with Michelle, founder of Here and There Makers.

You will learn how to make:

• All purpose wonder spray

• Toilet cleaning gel

• Laundry powder

• Soft scrub

• Liquid soap from soap berries

• Infused cleaning vinegar

• Reusable dryer sheets

• Reusable wet wipes FREE

Toy, book and puzzle swap

Mon 9 - Sat 14 October (opening hours)

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have you been left with toys, games, books or puzzles in good condition that your children have grown out of, or are you looking for some new ones? Empty those toy boxes and bookshelves and bring them down to Ferntree Gully Library to swap with others. Donations will be accepted from Monday 2 October, or just bring them with you on the day. Any leftover goods will be donated to charity. FREE


Sat 14 October, 11am - 12pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along and meet Michelle from Plastic Bag Free Dandenong Ranges for a demonstration on how to make a bees wax wrap. These wraps are an alternative to using throw away plastic cling wrap; they are sustainable and reusable. Every participant will be given a free take home craft pack so that they can make their very own bees wax wrap. FREE

Spring cleaning the sustainable way

Thu 19 October, 2pm - 3pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Vicki Hottes, passionate earth steward and award-winning small business co-owner of Soap Shakin Sisters, will offer you a range of pro spring-cleaning tips, the sustainable way. Learn how to make DIY chemical-free cleaning products, discover what’s available through local programs regarding spring cleaning, and reducing, recycling and reusing, and get in the loop on what’s happening in terms of recycling on a national level. FREE

Spot the pollinatorsCitizen Science family workshop

Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 12pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Thu 16 November, 4pm - 5:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Discover the fascinating world of pollinators, and learn how you can contribute to their conservation efforts in an exciting family friendly workshop. “Friends with honey” will introduce you to the concept of Citizen Science, using the iNaturalist app, and show you how you can actively participate in the Australian Pollinator Count. We’ll explore the diverse range of Victorian pollinators and provide you with practical tips and techniques to spot and document these incredible creatures. After the presentation, you’ll have the opportunity to put your newfound knowledge into practice as we head outdoors (Ages 8 - adult). FREE

Mon 13 November, 10am - 12pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and meet Inez and her crew of volunteers from the Central Ringwood Community Centre and learn how to find new and interesting ways of turning “one man’s trash into another man’s treasure”, all while helping mother nature, one stitch at a time. Inez and her team of volunteers will demonstrate practical applications and show you how to use your sewing machine to achieve upcycling goals. FREE

Bees wax wraps demonstration Upcycling sewing demonstration

Making recycling work for you

Wed 15 November, 10am - 11am

Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Local Sarah Winkler is the author of Recycling for Dummies, and the founder of Everyday Recycler, an educational website - everydayrecycler.com, that offers simple and actionable recycling tips along with a directory of recycled products. Her mission is to create a world where recycled products are commonplace and waste is scarce. Join Sarah in an exploration of the challenges of recycling while learning practical and actionable recycling tips we can all use to help make recycling work. FREE

Come celebrate National Recycling Week with us!

Fri 17 November, 10:30am - 11:30am

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn all the dos and don’ts of recycling in Maroondah. Listen while recycling myths are busted and get all the tips on how to do it right for a better today and tomorrow. Places are limited so please make sure to register! FREE

Less-waste Christmas wrapping and cards workshop

Thu 30 November, 12pm - 2:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along to this free and fun, handson workshop, where you’ll learn how to wrap presents in a way that makes use of what you might have at home and reduces waste. Then, go on to create your own low-waste, up-cycled Christmas cards and gift tags. No previous craft experience required. For ages 15yrs+. Enjoy a free cuppa from the Miller’s kitchen while you’re there. FREE



Your Library is bringing you the best in home, gardening, and healthy living workshops.

Gardening groups

Join fellow gardening enthusiasts to learn or share knowledge in a welcoming environment. Groups feature guest presenters at some sessions. FREE


1st Tue of the month, 2:30 - 3:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au


2nd Wed of the month, 11am-12pm Croydon Library - 9800 6448 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Plant swap & chat

Wed 13 September, 11am-12pm

All about Orchids - with Denis Oliver

Wed 11 October, 11am-12pm

What’s the buzz about bees - with Claire Wed 8 November, 11am-12pm


Every 2nd Mon, 2pm - 4pm (from Mon 4 September)

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au


First Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 3:30pm Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au


Every 2nd Mon of the month

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462 events.yourlibrary.com.au

The Melbourne Botanical Gardens - with tour guide, Virginia Heywood Mon 18 September, 2pm-3pm

Plant swap, Seed Library & chat

Mon 9 October, 2pm - 3pm

Tussie Mussies with Helen

Mon 13 November, 2pm-3pm


Belgrave Food Garden - working bees

4th Thu of the month, 2pm - 3pm + 2nd Sun of the month, 10am - 12pm

Belgrave Food Garden, 1624 Burwood Hwy, Belgrave 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A recurring monthly community event held at the Belgrave Food Garden, rain or shine. An opportunity to get involved with our thriving community garden, meet other locals and learn or share skills amongst our knowledgeable volunteer base. This is a drop-in style event, arrive at any time, stay as long as you are able. All tools are provided and no gardening knowledge is required! FREE

Morning tea provided at the Sunday working bee.

Caring for your climbing rose - with Beth from the Rose Society

Tue 5 September, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498


Join Beth for an informative session on ways to encourage a healthy, flowering climbing rose. Pruning, feeding and lots of other detail included. FREE

Knox City Council’s Food and Garden bin service - information session

Recipe swap

First Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us at Bayswater Library for a casual monthly get together where we chat about food and cooking. This is a fun social activity to share some of your recipes as well as expanding your personal recipe book! FREE

Thu 7 September, 3pm - 3:45pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498


Your garden waste service is changing. Soon you will be able to add food scraps to your green garden bin, and since July, it has been collected weekly instead of fortnightly.

Come along to find out more about the new food and garden bin service and how you can help prevent your household waste going into landfill. FREE


Bliss ball magic

Presented by Liana

Wed 13 September, 10am -11:30am

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Presented by Nicole Mon 27 November, 11am -12pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to learn how to make these delicious, yet healthy snacks. Easy to make and great for the whole family. FREE

What’s for Tea? with Tracey - cooking demonstrations

Join cooking whiz Tracey, for a series of tasty and time saving recipes at Your Library. Tastings are a certainty! FREE

Beef and chilli black bean stir fry

Fri 15 September, 2pm - 3pm Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Spicy chicken and beans with pasta

Fri 13 October, 11:30am - 12:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au


Fri 17 November, 2pm - 3pm Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Composting for apartments and small spaces

Wed 13 September, 11am - 12:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come to this free workshop with Ella from Compost Community, brought to you by Knox City Council, where you will learn about the best systems to suit your small space. FREE

Basic orchid care

- with Beth from the Rose Society

Tue 3 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Beth for an informative session on how to care for your orchid. FREE


Tue 3 October, 2pm - 3pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Adrian, who loves everything “succulent”, and learn how to use a variety of colours and types of succulents to make a beautiful long-lasting, living wreath. Bring some cuttings of your own for identification, swap and share with others, and get ideas on what types of succulents you should be growing by Christmas-time for your wreath! FREE

Bonding with bonsai

Thu 5 October, 6pm - 7:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Victor Byrdy, an experienced and passionate bonsai enthusiast, who delights in sharing his love for bonsai. As an active member of a number of Melbourne’s bonsai clubs, he has taught, demonstrated and encouraged the development of bonsai. A display of various bonsai types and styles will be part of this introductory presentation.You will also learn how to care for and maintain a bonsai. FREE

Queensland fruit fly in Yarra Ranges - what you can do

Sat 7 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Queensland fruit fly (QFF) has been detected in Yarra Ranges and across Melbourne. QFF typically goes unnoticed until you find maggots in your fruit or veg. If left uncontrolled, this pest could destroy our ability to produce fresh fruit and vegetables in our backyards. But there are things you can do to monitor for, and help control QFF, once you know what to look for. FREE

Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Anna from the Coldstream Dairy and explore the art of cheese making! Anna will be demonstrating how you can make your own cheese at home, and will also talk about the different cheeses produced at the Coldstream Dairy. For all you cheese connoisseurs, there will be plenty of tastings on the day. FREE

How to make a succulent wreath
The art of cheesemaking

How to propagate with cuttings

Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Make more plants for your own garden, or to gift to friends, by learning how to propagate by taking cuttings. Michael and Inge Hammer are master propagators and will share their tips and tricks to increase your cuttings success rate. FREE

Gully Gardeners - Gardens of England with Michael Hammer

Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Michael from the Ferny Creek Horticultural Society for an armchair travel talk. Michael will show some short films of memorable English gardens that he visited on recent travels, including Sissinghurst, Stourhead, Wisley, and the gardens of the Lake District. Devonshire tea will be served. FREE

Food dehydrating workshop

Sat 28 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Rachel from Bush Edge Homesteading Australia for this hands on workshop on dehydrating food, and learn how you can create your own delicious original snacks or preserved food. FREE

Geranium or pelargonium?

Tue 31 October, 2pm - 3pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Yvonne Ritchie, a member of the Geranium & Pelargonium Soc. of Victoria, will answer the eternal question about these hardy, versatile flowering plants that have been mis-named for generations. Come along and find out the difference between a Pelargonium and a Geranium –and then tell your friends! FREE

Lilydale Community Gardens - gardening talk

Tue 31 October, 2pm - 3pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along and hear about plant propagation, companion planting, embracing beneficial weeds, self-seeding herbs & vegetables, together with a demonstration of cutting methods. Bring along your cuttings and seeds to swap. This will include a plant sale (cash only). FREE


Gully Gardeners - Making a terrarium

Thu 9 November, 12pm - 2pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Sharon and make a simple terrarium in this month’s Gully Gardeners session. This workshop is ideal for beginners.

COST $15

Fri 10 November, 11am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

In this workshop, we will learn about growing herbs and understanding their different requirements, the potential therapeutic benefits of different herbs, how to harvest, dry, store and brew your herbs, hot and cold infusions, decoctions, and blending and tasting. FREE


Tue 14 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Marilyn and Ro (from the Begonia Society) for an informative session on Begonias. Everything you have ever wanted to know about begonias (different varieties, success with growing and taking cuttings). FREE

How to build a butterfly friendly garden

Fri 24 November, 1pm - 2pm Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

All butterfly lovers are welcome to come and be part of the Butterfly Enthusiasts Club at Miller’s. Come and share your knowledge, and learn more about our precious local butterfly population during this series of monthly meetings. November’s topic will cover how to build a butterfly friendly garden at your place. FREE


bulbs from the Dandenongs

Tue 28 November, 2pm - 3pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Jane Tonkin of Bryan H Tonkins Bulbs, will give an informative presentation on bulbs for every season in your garden. She will cover selection, choosing the best location, and care – those needing extra care, those that can be ‘set and forget’, and bulbs that need minimal care. FREE

Grow your own herbal tea garden


Unleash your inner artist and let your creativity run wild by joining in the fun at our crafty workshops and groups

Knit + crochet groups

Come along to our friendly knitting and crochet groups where you can craft in good company! BYO needles/hooks and yarn. Bookings required where indicated*. FREE

Crochet & conversation

Every Mon, 10am - 12pm*

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489

Every Mon, 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443

Every Mon, 6pm - 8pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Adult colouring groups

Relax, unwind and enjoy some creative time with others, at one of our regular colouring groups. BYO materials. Bookings required where indicated*. FREE

Creative colouring*

1st Thu of the month, 2pm - 3:30 pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457

Colour + colouring*

2nd Thu of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455

Colouring circle

4th Thu of the month, 2pm - 3pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448

A colourful life*

2nd Fri of the month, 2pm-3:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480

Colour me happy!*

3rd Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430

Chat and crochet*

Every 2nd Mon, 1:30pm - 3pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470

Crochet afternoon*

1st Wed of the month, 2pm - 4pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480

Knit and natter*

2nd Thu of the month, 1:30pm-3pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Knit and crochet for charity

1st Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm*

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455

3rd Fri of the month, 1pm -4pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Community crochet*

4th Fri of the month, 1:30pm - 3pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Australian Crafters’ Aid Network (ACAN)

1st Sat of the month, 1pm - 3pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489


Craft groups

Grab your current craft project and join us for a chat, skill-sharing, and a cuppa with friendly fellow crafters. Bookings required where indicated*. FREE

Get crafty*

3rd Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 3pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Rowville Craft Group

2nd Wed of the month, 2 - 4pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443

Crafternoons at Miller’s Homestead*

3rd Wed of the month, 1pm - 4pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989

Mooroolbark Craft Corner

3rd Wed of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480

Croydon crafters

Every 2nd Thu, 2pm - 3pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448

Crafty afternoons*

Last Fri of the month, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Diamond art - Ferny crafternoony*

4th Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm

(Fees apply) - Ferntree Gully Library

9800 6455

Paint and sketch together

3rd Tue of the month, 10am - 12pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Bring your own easel, paints and sketching materials to these relaxing, social, monthly sessions in the delightful grounds of Miller’s Homestead. Help yourself to tea and coffee while you create and connect with other artists in your community. If the weather is favourable, you can spread out in the garden and paint or sketch ‘Plein Air’. FREE

Drawing for adults with Noah

2nd Thu of the month, 2 - 3pm Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local artist Noah who will facilitate drawing sessions with a focus on loosening up, learning to notice and focus, whilst looking at old and new methods. Subject matter will range from still life, nature, portraiture, and more. No experience required. Materials provided, all welcome! FREE

Lyrebird Quilting

3rd Sat of the month, 1pm - 4pm Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Enjoy an afternoon of quilting, knitting, crocheting, and sewing with our friendly craft group at the Belgrave Library. Work on your project and have a cuppa and a chat. All welcome, from beginners to advanced. Membership fees apply.


Magazine paper collage

2nd Tue of the month, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

3rd Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Paper Collage allows your creativity to run riot. Bring your imagination and thoughts to life, create a wonderful gift or just enjoy a social afternoon of crafting. FREE

Kindness and service workshop - community craft group

1st Sun of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

The Kindness & Service Fair is a monthly event for the community that encourages families to raise generous, thoughtful, civic-minded children by offering opportunities for them to practise kindness and serve others together. There will be talks, storytelling, and activities that are kid-friendly, hands-on service-learning projects. FREE

Women’s art circle

3rd Sat of the month, 10am - 12pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A friendly group of women who meet to work on our own creative projects and have a chat. Bring along your work in progress whether it be painting, drawing, mosaics, or another craft. FREE

Healesville Zinesters

Thu 7 Sept + 5, 12, 19 & 26 Oct + 9, 16, 23 Nov, 3pm - 6pm

Sat 9 Sept + 28 Oct + 11, 18, 25 Nov + 2 Dec, 10am - 1pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come to Healesville Library and learn how to make zines. Zines are fun and easy to make - no experience needed. Local zine maker Cora Zon will be on hand to help you. Supported by the Valley Recovery Committee. FREE

Sat 4 November, 10am - 1pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497

Join us for a morning tea to celebrate the amazing zine display at Healesville Library. Come along to eat and make zines. FREE

Wed 6 September, 10:30am - 12pm Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to make a produce bag to use for fruit and vegie shopping. Basic sewing machine skills required. Lilydale Library is partnering with Yarra Ranges Tech School for this event. Meet at the Library before heading across to the Tech School. FREE

Make a produce bag

Macrame workshops

Want to learn macrame? Join us at the library to try your hand at these fun and friendly workshops!

Macrame keychains with Jeanette

(FREE) Thu 7 September, 10:30am - 12pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480

Mini wall hanging with Lynn from MDLC - Cost $5

Fri 13 October, 2pm - 3:30pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Macrame feathers for beginners with Heather (FREE)

Tue 17 October, 1:30pm - 3pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Origami workshops at Miller’s

Come and try the art of origami at Miller’s Homestead, in celebration of the wonderful ‘Origami Dreamworld’ exhibition by the Melbourne Origami Group (until 28 Sept 2023). FREE

Introduction to origami

Sat 9 September, 10am-12pm

Creative processes in origami

Thu 14 September, 10am-12pm

Sonobe units

Sat 16 September, 10am-12pm

Intermediate origami

Fri 22 September, 10am-12pm

The basics of paper

Mon 25 September, 10am-12pm

Origami butterfly - drop in activity

1-28 September (during opening hours)

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Introduction to sketching and painting

Mon 11 September, 11am - 1pm

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join Angie for an introductory workshop into sketching and painting. FREE

Botanical illustration for beginners with Bronwyn Ward

Sat 16 September, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join local artist Bronwyn Ward for a relaxing morning of drawing from nature. Designed for beginners, Bronwyn will take you through simple drawing materials and introduce you to advanced natural history illustration techniques to create your own botanical drawings.All materials supplied. FREE

Greeting card workshops

Join us to create some beautiful greeting cards for your loved ones! FREE

With the Basin Community House (FREE) Fri 22 September, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Cricut card making

Thu 9 November, 2pm - 3:30pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480

Christmas cards with Nerys & Laura

Tue 21 November, 6pm - 7pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455


Portrait workshops

Thu 21 September, 4pm - 6pm

(youth 0 - 14) & Sat 23 September, 2pm - 5pm (adults)

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join former Upwey Archies winner and professional artist Alyson May for a free portrait workshop, aimed at both emerging and established artists; a great way to get your Upwey Archies entry started or finished! Bring your Archies canvas board (or buy one at the workshop), and be guided by Alyson on the fundamentals of creating a stunning portrait. Materials supplied (no oils). FREE

Proudly presented by Burrinja Cultural Centre and Upwey Township Group.

Book folding workshops

Up-cycle old books into beautiful homedecor at these relaxing book folding sessions. FREE

Spring book folding with Nerys

Mon 25 September, 10am - 12pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 (beginner-friendly) Ages 12 - adult events.yourlibrary.com.au

Book folding with Kay

Mon 9 October, 1:30pm - 3pm (intermediate - adults session)

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Weaving with Grand Valley Spinners and Weavers

Wed 4 October, 2:30pm - 3:30pm

Montrose Library - 9800 6490 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn how to set up and weave on a simple loom. A variety of fibres including handspun wool will be provided as well as a small wooden loom which is yours to keep. Feel free to bring along any wool you would like to use as well. COST $5

Sculptural basketry

Sat 7 October, 11am - 12pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Ruth Woods, artist, educator and author of the book ‘Finding Form with Fibre’ will be presenting a talk on using materials such as plant fibre from the garden, or recycled fabrics and clothing from op shops to create sculptural basketry. Watch a demonstration of her skills as a basketry craftsperson. FREE

Art talks by children

Sat 14 October, 10:30am - 11:30am

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

A panel discussion on art, life, playgrounds, school life, and everything else! Come and join the winners of the 2022 Upwey Archies – YOUTH category, as they discuss their art, their lives, and their portraits from their own perspective. A panel discussion of art by our youngest artists, this will be a very entertaining event. FREE


Sensory bags and more

Mon 16 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Sensory play can improve a child’s language skills, social skills, fine motor skills and more. Come along and learn how to make sensory bags for your child. These bags are a portable, inexpensive, no-mess, no-fuss option for sensory play whenever and wherever you are. FREE

Photography workshops

Come and learn some great techniques to improve your photography FREE

Digital photography with The Basin Community House

Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Learning photography with play and toys - presented by Janan Lee

Sat 18 November, 10:30am - 12:30pm Knox Express - 9800 6470

Crochet poppies workshop

Fri 3 November, 9:30am - 12pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Wed 8 November, 2pm - 3pm

Mooroolbark Library - 9800 6480 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along and learn to make crochet poppies for Remembrance Day. Yarn supplied, BYO crochet hook. Crochet experience required. FREE

Electrical wire jewellery with Vivian Qiu

Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 12:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Vivian will teach you how to make jewellery using electrical wire collected from renovation sites. You can make a statement jewellery piece, - necklace, earrings, pendant or bracelet. FREE

Furoshiki: Japanese wrapping workshop

Wed 15 November, 11:30am - 12:30pm Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Leanne O’Sullivan, of Kimono House Japanese Textiles and Craft, returns to Belgrave Library for a Furoshiki wrapping cloth workshop. Leanne will demonstrate several different styles, including gift wrapping and a carry bag. Furoshiki cloth is provided. COST $10


Fri 17 November, 2pm - 3pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Have you always wanted to learn patchwork? Have you tried it in the past and have questions?

Come to our low-key and fun event with Sue from The Basin Community House to learn or brush up on the basics of patchwork. FREE

Chinese brush painting

Fri 24 November, 1pm - 3pm Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

During this enjoyable and informative two-hour workshop, you will learn how to paint flowers and birds or landscapes, using Chinese brushes, ink and colour on Xuan paper.

Your teacher, Echo Wu, will reveal the important techniques through step-bystep teaching. Each participant will be able to bring home a piece of artwork. COST $15

Wed 22 November, 2pm - 3pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Ebru is a traditional Turkish art form that creates beautiful patterns on paper using dyes and water.

Join us for a mindful workshop and take home your own masterpiece as Ezgi Sert walks you through this timeless practice. Kits are provided. COST $10

Tue 28 November, 1:30pm - 3:30pm Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Let your creativity flow at this beginnerfriendly workshop and make these stunning necklaces using cotton, paper, cardboard, beads and buttons. Lots of fun to make, they are also a great way of recycling your sewing supplies. Materials supplied. Feel free to bring your own beads if you wish. FREE

Wed 29 November, 2pm - 4pm & Sat 9 December, 10:30am - 12:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come along for this workshop on how to make a Christmas wreath for your home. All materials will be supplied. FREE

Patchwork and sewing with The Basin Community House Turkish marbling art workshop Sustainable Christmas wreath making
Vintage-style handmade necklaces


Try something a little different, just for the fun of it. It could be the start of a new passion!

Accordion music group

2nd & 4th Mon of the month, 7pm - 8pm Belgrave Library - 9800 6489 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you an accordion player? The Belgrave Library is proud to host a group of local accordionists who gather to play and practice in an informal and welcoming environment. This group is open to all who have some level of experience playing the accordion. Come and join us for a fun and musical evening with fellow accordion enthusiasts! FREE

Interactive travel display: Japan

Fri 1 - Sat 9 September (library hours)

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

As part of Adult Learners Week, we have an interactive display on travelling to Japan. Come and QR code the videos to get an individual feel for the fun of Japan. FREE

Sat 9 September, 10am - 2pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and meet the dedicated members of Surrey Park Model Boat Club while they show off their miniature replicas, complete with working engines, sails, and all the trimmings. FREE

Mon 18 - Sat 30 September (library hours)

Boronia Library - 9800 6488 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Learn about the Spring Equinox and the origins of Easter, Eostre, in our interactive display. QR code some interesting information and join in on Easterthemed activities for all. FREE

Model boat exhibition
Spring Equinox and Eostre

Come and travel the world from the comfort of the library. FREE

Hiking the Mont Blanc Trail with Mel

Thu 21 September, 2pm-3pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Explore eastern Africa, gorillas and safaris with Nicole Mon 23 October, 11am-12:30pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Take a European adventure with Debbie

Tue 28 November, 2pm-3pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Jazz concert with the Australian Jazz Museum

Sat 18 November, 11am - 12:30pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Step into a world of enchanting melodies and soulful rhythms at our jazz concert in the library! Join us for an intimate morning filled with the timeless allure of live jazz music, performed by volunteers from the Australian Jazz Museum. FREE

Model aircraft exhibition with Knox Model Aircraft Club

Sat 25 November, 10am - 4pm Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and meet the dedicated members of Knox Model Aircraft Club while they show off their miniature replicas. You’ll have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of planes in all sizes and colours. FREE

Mon 30 October - Mon 6 November (during opening hours) Rowville Library - 9800 6443 events.yourlibrary.com.au

If you’ve ever been tempted to pick up the timeless craft of woodworking, let this exhibition inspire you! During this week you’ll be able to see some of the wonderful creations handmade by members of the Knox Woodies. FREE

Fri 10 November, 9:30am - 11am

Realm Library - 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

From time to time, the Australian Textile Arts and Surface Design Association’s National Committee sends out an exhibition of small surface design works in a suitcase. The suitcase travels by post from one venue to another, anywhere in Australia; this November, it comes to Realm Library. FREE

Knox and District Woodworkers Club display The Suitcase - an exhibition
Armchair travel talks


Come along and meet kindred spirits at these fun and inclusive regular and one-off events.

Ranges chess club

Every Tue during school terms

Beginners and Juniors 6:30pm - 7pm

Social Chess: 7pm - 10pm

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489

Lilydale Lakeside chess club*

1st Wed of the month, 5pm- 7:30 pm

Lilydale Library - 9800 6457

Chess at Bayswater*

2nd Wed of the month, 2:30pm - 4pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498


1st Thu of the month, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Board games in the hills*

1st Thu of the month, 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Let the games begin!

Whether you love board games, card games, or chess, we have a game for you! Join us at our friendly regular social games groups. *Bookings required FREE

Bridge social group

Every Mon, 11:30am -1:30pm

Knox Express - 9800 6470

Scrabble at Croydon

Every 2nd Mon, 10am -11am

Croydon Library - 9800 6448

Scrabble at Bayswater*

4th Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Healesville games group

1st Tue of the month, 2 - 3pm

Healesville Library - 9800 6497

Belgrave Library - 9800 6489


4th Thu of the month, 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Knox chess enthusiasts

Every Fri from 12pm

Rowville Library - 9800 6443

Drop in Fridays - cards + chat*

Every Fri at 1pm - 4pm

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462

Board + card games fun

3rd Fri of the month, 3:30pm - 5pm

Ferntree Gully Library - 9800 6455

Realm board gaming

2nd Sat of the month,11am - 4pm

Realm Library - 9800 6430

3rd Sunday Board Games

3rd Sun of the month, 2pm - 3pm

Croydon Library - 9800 6448



Tue 12 September, 24 October & 28 November, 6pm - 7:30pm

Ferntree Gully Library- 9800 6455 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Calling all AFOLs (adult fan of LEGO)! Come along to Ferntree Gully Library for our new adult LEGO night where we will have building challenges, share builds and projects, and meet fellow AFOLs. Snacks and drinks provided. For ages 20+ FREE

Dungeons & Dragons

2nd Tue of the month, 5:30 - 7:30pm

Realm Library- 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come play Dungeons & Dragons, the world-famous tabletop role-playing game! Library staff will run the session, so all you need to bring is your imagination! Supplies kindly donated by Games Portal Ringwood. All experience levels welcome. (Ages 18 +) FREE

Would you like to play D&D at Belgrave Library’s regular sessions?

Put your name on the waiting list so you’ll be the first to know when places become available (ages 10 - adult). Please see staff at Belgrave Library or call 9800 6489 to register your interest. FREE

Magic: the Gathering

Every Wed, 4pm - 5:30pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Join us to play the epic card game Magic: The Gathering! Do battle with other players by casting spells, using artifacts, and summoning monstrous creatures. No prior knowledge of the game is needed, just an eagerness to play (all ages). Runs 2pm - 5:30pm during the school holidays. FREE

Proudly sponsored by CardTastic Collectibles & Gaming

Warhammer 40K

4th Sat of the month, 1:30pm - 4:30 pm Knox Express - 9800 6470 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Warhammer 40,000 is currently the most popular miniature wargame in the world! Seeking worthy foes? Bring your armies to Knox Express!New players are welcome to try our library armies and learn to play.

In the interests of time, please limit armies to no more than 1500 points. FREE


Sports Trivia Night

Fri 15 September, 6pm - 7:30pm Realm Library- 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Are you a sports trivia buff? Come along to Realm Library and put your knowledge to the test. Bring along a group of your friends, or meet some new ones and take home the Trivia Night cup!* FREE

*NB: the Trivia Night cup may be invisible to the naked eye, but you know you’re holding it.

Cook Island flavours: Community lunch

Thu 16 November, 12:30pm - 2pm Healesville Library - 9800 6497 events.yourlibrary.com.au

The spring edition of Community Lunch will be based on the flavoursome and multi dimensional cuisine of the Cook Islands. Please join us if you would like to share in a delightful experience of food, fun and friendship. Featuring a special performance by the U3A Ukulele Group! FREE

Cash donations to the Community Lunch program are welcome.

Bookings essential - we can cater for dietary requirements if notified by Friday 10th November. Please email sharni.steel@erl.vic.gov.au if you wish to volunteer in the program.

Watch the AFL Grand Final at Realm Library

Sat 30 September, 2:30pm - 5pm Realm Library- 9800 6430 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Come and watch the AFL Grand Final on the big screen at Realm! No need to book, just meet us in the library. FREE

Please note, Realm Library will close at 5pm, no matter when the grand final finishes.


Movie lovers groups

Do you love watching and chatting about movies? You’ve come to the right place! Join our friendly movie lovers groups to watch some great movies. All welcome!

*Bookings required FREE

Monday night at the movies*

1st - 3rd Mon of the month from 5:30pm & 4th Mon of the month from 6:10pm. Visit events.yourlibrary.com.au to find out which movies will be screened

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Around Film

2nd Wed of the month, 11am

Coffee / tea provided. BYO lunch.

Yarra Junction Library - 9800 6462

Miller’s Matinee

2nd Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm

Miller’s Homestead - 0438 284 989

Realm in Motion - Weekly movie club

Every Fri during school terms.

6pm - 8pm (all ages). Free popcorn!

Realm Library - 9800 6430

Get-togethers for seniors

We would love you to come and join us for a chat and a cuppa - what a nice way to meet new people! Tea / coffee is provided. All welcome - no need to book! FREE

Seniors chat & coffee

1st & 3rd Wed of the month, 1:30 pm - 2:30pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498

Seniors morning tea

Every Fri, 11am - 12pm

Boronia Library - 9800 6488

Every 2nd Sat, 10:30am - 12pm

Bayswater Library - 9800 6498 events.yourlibrary.com.au

Tired of completing the same puzzle over and over again? Bring it along and trade it for one that’s new to you! Puzzles must be at least 500 pieces, in good condition, with no missing pieces. No children’s puzzles please. FREE

Jigsaw puzzle swaps

Browse events by library


Read, connect, chat - Fourth Wed of the month at 2pm 12 BAYSWATER Caring for your climbing rose with Beth from the Rose Society - Tue 5 September, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 57 Knox City Council’s Food and Garden bin service - Thu 7 September, 3pm - 3:45pm 57 Jobs Victoria Advocates - Thu 14 September, 10:30am - 12pm 23 A walk down Memory Lane - Mon 18 September, 1:30pm - 3:30pm 41 Exploring found family in Young Adult literature with Alison Evans - Wed 20 September, 11am - 12pm 08 Free your wild heart with Sally - Thu 21 September, 6:30pm - 7:45pm 47 Basic orchid care with Beth from the Rose Society - Tue 3 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 58 Accessing care services - Wed 4 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 30 Book folding with Kay - Mon 9 October, 1:30pm - 3pm 66 Services Australia: Payments and services - Tue 10 October, 12pm - 1pm 25 Budget hacks for tough times - Fri 13 October, 2pm - 3pm 26 Macrame feathers for beginners with Heather - Tue 17 October, 1:30pm - 3pm 65 How’s your hearing? - Wed 18 Oct & 15 Nov, 1:30pm - 4:30pm 48 Chair Yoga with Katherine Spargo - Thu 19 October, 10:30am-11:15am 44 Radiology tests explained - Fri 20 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 49 Edit photos on your phone - Fri 20 October, 3:30pm - 5pm 31 Understanding aged pension and travelling outside of Australia - Tue 24 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 33 Consumer Affairs Victoria: Shopping Rights - Wed 25 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 28 Reiki with Sally - Mon 6 November, 3pm - 4pm 50 Electrical wire jewellery with Vivian Qiu - Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 12:30pm 67 Meet the author: Vikki Petraitis - Mon 13 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 10 Begonias - Tue 14 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 61 Services Australia: carer payments - Tue 21 November, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 26 Vintage-style handmade necklaces - Tue 28 November, 1:30pm - 3:30pm 68 Legal Lingo Bingo - Wed 29 November, 1:30pm - 3:30pm 28 Conversation Circle (English conversation) - Mondays 9:45am -10:45am 22 Brain games with MDLC - Mondays, 11am - 1pm 42 Recipe swap - First Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 57 Get crafty - Third Mon of the month, 1:30pm - 3pm 63 Scrabble at Bayswater - 4th Mon of the month, 1:30 - 3:30pm 71 Bayswater’s monthly plant & harvest swap - First Tue of the month, 2:30pm - 3:30pm 56 Magazine paper collage - 2nd Tue of the month, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 64 NDIS Connection Desk - 1st Wed of the month, 10am-12pm 27 Seniors chat & coffee - 1st & 3rd Wed of the month, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 74 Chess at Bayswater - 2nd Wed of the month, 2:30 - 4pm 71 Novel-teas Bookclub - 4th Wed of the month at 11am 12 Art for wellbeing with MDLC - Thursdays, 4:30pm - 6:30pm 45 Mahjong afternoons - First Thu of the month, 1:30 - 3:30 pm 71 Knit and natter - 2nd Thu of the month, 1:30pm - 3pm 62 Bayswater Book Lovers - 2nd Thu of the month at 6pm 12 Bayswater Bookchat - 3rd Thu of the month at 1:30pm 12 Rummikub - 4th Thu of the month, 1:30pm - 3:30pm 71 Drop in one-on-one career service - 1st Fri of the month, 10am - 12pm 23 Community crochet - 4th Fri of the month, 1:30pm - 3pm 62 Jigsaw puzzle swaps - Every 2nd Sat, 10:30am - 12pm 74


Drop in one-on-one career service - Mon 11 September & 16 October, 10am - 12 pm 23

Learning to treat yourself with compassion in motherhood- Thu 14 September, 10:30am - 11:30am 47

Hills Village: Exploring the potential for a co-housing community in the Dandenong Ranges

- Sat 16 September, 11am - 12pm 03

Music streaming on your device - Tue 19 September, 2pm - 3pm 19

Portait workshops with artist Alyson May - Thu 21 September, 4pm - 6pm & Sat 23 September, 2pm - 5pm 66

Writing a ‘psychological’ memoir with Peter Quarry - Sat 23 September, 10:30am - 12:30pm 14

Noah Symons: Musician talk and live performance - Sat 7 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 05

Ash Wednesday - 40 years ago -Wed 11 October, 2pm - 3pm 39

Art talks by children - Sat 14 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 66

Edit photos on your phone - Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 31

Planning for the future- Thu 19 October, 6pm - 7pm 27

Sound outside: poetic listening in the bush with Peter Mcilwain - Sat 21 October, 11am - 12pm 05

Odd, sad and tragic: storiesof aeroplane crashes in the Dandenong Ranges - Wed 25 October, 2pm - 3pm 40

Pain, depression and becoming who you are -Sat 28 October,

Japan - Fri 1 - Sat 9 September (library hours) 69

Life less cluttered - Fri 8 September, 2pm - 3pm 46

How smart is your smart phone? - Sat 9 September, 10am - 12 pm 18

Boronia Mall’s 50th Birthday Celebration - Sat 9 September, from 11am 02

What’s for Tea? with Tracey - Fri 15 September, 2pm - 3pm 58

Spring Equinox and Eostre - Mon 18 - Sat 30 September (library hours)69

Meet Young Adult author: Alison Evans - Mon 18 September, 11am - 12pm 08

Remember, play and use your senses for fun - Mon 18 - Fri 22 September, 9am - 5pm 41

Card making with the Basin Community House - Fri 22 September, 2pm - 3pm 65

Keep your bike travelling well with Blake from Pedal Addiction - Tue 26 September, 2pm - 3pm 46

Tablets/iPads with the Everyday Tech Skills Program - Wed 4 & 11 October, 10am - 12pm 19

Take a walk in virtual reality - Thu 5 October, 4pm - 4:30pm or 4:30pm -5pm 31

Transition to retirement- Fri 6 October, 2pm -3pm 31

Mini wall hanging with Lynn from MDLC - Fri 13 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 65

Historical Boronia in Photos - Mon 16 - Fri 20 October, 9am - 5pm 39

Everyday with the Everyday Tech Skills Program - Wed 18 October, 10am - 12pm 20

A trip down Memory Lane: sharing memories of Boronia - Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm 40

10am - 11am 50 Food dehydrating workshop - Sat 28 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 60 Grow your own herbal tea garden - Fri 10 November, 11am - 12pm 61 Lose weight whilst eating your favourite food - Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 11:30am 50 Create online photobooks - Tue 14 November, 2pm - 3pm 21 Furoshiki: Japanese wrapping workshop - Wed 15 November, 11:30am - 12:30pm 67 Insurance and disasters - Thu 16 November, 2pm - 3pm 28 Women for the ocean: Daughters of the Deep - Sat 18 November, 10:30am - 11:30am 06 Charlie Hammond: 1870-1953 - Tue 28 November, 2pm to 3pm 37 Crochet & conversation - Mondays, 10am -12pm 62 Accordion music group - 2nd & 4th Mon of the month, 7pm - 8pm 69 Laptop essentials - Tuesdays, 10am-12pm 17 Art for wellbeing with MDLC - Tuesdays, 10am -12pm 45 Jobs Victoria Advocates - 2nd Wed of the month 2pm - 5pm 23 Reader to Reader - 3rd Wed of the month at 10:30am 12 Emerald Ladies Writing Group - 3rd Wed of the month, 6pm -8pm 16 Love, peace, harmony meditation - Every Thu, 10:30am - 11:30am 41 Board games in the hills - 1st Thu of the month, 7:30pm - 8:30pm 71 Drawing for adults with Noah - 2nd Thu of the month, 2pm - 3pm 63 French book club - 3rd Thu of the month, 6:30pm 12 Belgrave Food Garden working bees - 4th Thu of the month, 2pm - 3pm + 2nd Sun of the month, 10am - 12pm 57 Yoga at the Library - Every Friday, 9:30am - 10:15am 43 Australian Crafters’ Aid Network (ACAN) - First Sat of the month, 1 - 3pm 62 Mountain Ash Chapter - 2nd Sat of the month, 10am - 12pm 16 Women’s art circle - 3rd Sat of the month, 10am - 12pm 64 Lyrebird Quilting - 3rd Sat of the month, 1pm 63 Ranges Chess Club and Board Games in the Hills - various dates/times 71 BORONIA Interactive travel display:

Digital photography with the Basin Community House - Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm 67

Historical buildings of Knox - Fri 27 October, 2pm - 3pm 38

Great digestive health with Lyndall from Unrefined Nutrition - Fri 10 November, 2pm - 4pm 50

Patchwork and sewing with the Basin Community House - Fri 17 November, 2pm - 3pm 68

New York Times cooking app with Tracey - Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm 21

Spring courses with MDLC (various dates) 24

Art for wellbeing with MDLC - Mondays, 6pm - 8pm 45

Crochet & conversation - Mondays, 6pm - 8pm 62

Monday night at the movies – Mondays (see events for details) 74 Conversation Circle (English conversation) Tuesdays at 10am 22

Books and beyond – 1st Tue of the month at 2pm 12

Quiet time in the library - Wednesdays (school terms), 3:30pm - 4:30pm 43

Jobs Victoria Advocates - Every 2nd Wed, 10:30am - 2:30pm 25

Brain Games with MDLC- Fridays, 9:30am - 11am 42

Seniors Morning Tea – Fridays, 11am - 12pm 74

Wellbeing at Boronia – Fridays, 11am - 1pm 43

Parkinson’s Support Group - 1st Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm 42

Knit & crochet for charity – 3rd Fri of the month, 1pm - 3pm 63

Crafty afternoons – Last Fri of the month, 2pm - 3pm 63


- 3pm 08

Where’s that photo? - Wed 4 October, 2pm- 3:30pm 30

Croydon Library turns 50 - Sun 15 - Sat 21 October 04

Finding families with National Archives- Fri 20 October, 2pm - 3pm 36

Retirement planning - with Andrea Jenkins- Wed 25 October, 6pm - 7pm 26

Google Maps + scavenger hunt - Fri 27 October, 10am - 11:30am 33

Boosting your energy with food and nutrition strategies - Mon 30 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 50

Writing with the senses - Thu 9 November 6pm - 7:30pm 14

Thur of the month, 2pm - 3pm 62

3rd Sunday board games– 3rd Sun of the month, 12:30pm - 4:30pm 71


Book sale – Mon 4 - Sat 9 September 11

Online safety: recognising scams – Mon 11 September & 2 November, 2pm - 3pm 18

Spring book folding with Nerys – Mon 25 September, 10am - 12pm 66

Electric vehicles: how they work and how to buy them– Tue 3 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm 52

Toy, book and puzzle swap – Mon 9 - Sat 14 October (opening hours) 53

Apps and games to keep your brain active – Mon 9 October, 2pm - 3pm 19

Discover the world of vegan Italian cuisine with author Nadia Fragnito – Tue 10 October, 6pm - 8pm 09

Ferntree Gully Cemetery Tour – Wed 11 October, 10am - 12pm 38

Bees wax wraps demonstration – Sat 14 October, 11am - 12pm 54

Ferntree Gully Bookchat & poetry reading by Margaret Pearce – Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 09

Take a walk in virtual reality – Thu 19 October, 2pm - 2:30pm or 2:30pm - 3pm 31

A spooktacular Halloween costume parade & scary cookie decorating – Tue 31 October, 5pm - 7pm 06

Running Rabbits: Military History Talk – Wed 1 November, 2pm - 3pm 36

What’s for Tea? with Tracey– Fri 17 November, 2pm - 3pm 58

Hidden stories – Sat 18 November, 11am - 12:30pm 51

Christmas card making with Nerys & Laura – Tue 21 November, 6pm - 7pm 65

Tue 5 September, Thu 12 October & Fri 17 November, 10am-12pm 27
making for adults- Sat 9 September, 11am - 1pm 52 Carers Cuppa with Different Journeys - Mon 11 September, 9 October, 20 November & 4 December, 10am-12pm 42 Supporting you to identify scams - Wed 13 September, 2pm - 3pm 27 On your bike with Croydon Cycleworks - Thu 14 September, 10am - 11am 46 Meet the authors: Jodi Gibson and Philippa Kaye in conversation- Mon 25 September, 2pm
Services Australia : carer payments- Wed 29 November, 10am
11am 26 Scrabble at Croydon– Every 2nd Mon, 10am -11am 71 Pageturners bookchat – Third Tues of the month at 2pm 12 Croydon Gardening Group (various events) – Second Wed of the month 56 Croydon crafters – Every second Thur, 2pm - 3pm 63 Colouring circle – Fourth
recycling work for you - Wed 15 November, 10am - 11am 55
storage 101 -
11am -

What to look for when choosing financial experts – Mon 16 October, 11am - 12pm 26

Phone photography basics + photo walk – Mon 16 October, 3:30pm - 5pm 29

Armchair travel with Nicole – Mon 23 October, 11am-12:30pm 70

Aged care and elder rights – Mon 30 October, 11am - 12pm 34

Child health and development: a health education session – Mon 20 November, 11am - 12pm 28

Bliss ball magic – Mon 27 November, 11am -12pm 58

Learning photography with play and toys – Sat 18 November, 10:30am - 12:30pm

78 HEALESVILLE NDIS Connection Desk- Thu 21 September, 12 October & 16 November, 10am-12pm 27 Meet the author: Liz Ainsworth – Thu 30 November, 5:30pm - 6:30pm 11 Transferring your files – Mon 2 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 19 Sculptural basketry – Sat 7 October, 11am - 12pm 66 The art of cheesemaking – Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm 59 Healesville photo walk at Maroondah Reservoir Park – Sat 14 October, 10:30am - 12:30pm 20 Spring cleaning the sustainable way – Thu 19 October, 2pm - 3pm 54 Wayapa for wellbeing – Sat 21 October, 11am - 2pm 49 Make your own photo calendar – Wed 25 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 20 Facebook for community groups - Mon 30 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 34 Spot the pollinators - citizen science workshop– Sat 11 November, 10:30am - 12pm 54 Cook Island flavours: Community lunch – Thu 16 November, 12:30pm - 2pm 73 Selling secondhand items online – Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm 21 Healesville Zinesters – (various dates) 64 Healesville’s Garden Gossip - Every 2nd Mon, 2pm - 4pm 56 Healesville games group - 1st Tue of the month, 2 - 3 pm 71 Healesville bookchat - 3rd Tue of the month at 11am 12 Last Tuesday writers group - Last Tue of the month at 2pm 16 KNOX EXPRESS Circular economy – Tue 5 September, 1pm - 2pm 52 Supporting you to identify scams– Mon 18 September, 11am - 12pm 27 Robotic companion animals – Thu 21 September, 11am - 12pm 41 Dementia: a health education session – Sat 23 September, 11am - 12pm 41 Services Australia: Payments and services – Mon 25 September, 11am - 12pm 25 DIY green cleaning– Tue 26 September, 1pm - 2pm 53 Services Australia: Debt prevention and online services – Mon 2 October, 11am - 12:30pm 25 Navigating the Aged Care system with Care Finder – Tue 3 October, 1:30pm - 2:30pm 29 Bonding with bonsai – Thu 5 October, 6pm - 7:30pm 59 Writing + publishing: A three-part series with author Rania Battany (various dates in October) 14 Planning for retirement – Mon 9 October, 11am - 12pm 25 Book sale – Tue 10 October, 10am -2pm 11 What’s for Tea? with Tracey – Fri 13 October, 11:30am - 12:30pm 58
67 Bridge social group – Every Mon, 11:30am -1:30pm 71 Chat and crochet – Every second Mon, 1:30pm - 3pm 62 Brain Games – Wednesdays, 11:30am - 1:30pm 42 Magic: the gathering - Wednesdays, 4pm - 5:30pm 72 Conversation circle (English conversation) – Thursdays, 10am - 11am 22 Knox Writers – Thursdays, 5pm to 8pm 16 Jobs Victoria Advocates – every 2nd Thu of the month, 10am - 2pm 23 Knox Express Bookchat – 4th Fri of the month at 10am 12 Warhammer 40K – Fourth Sat of the month, 1:30pm - 4:30pm 72 Crochet poppies workshop – Fri 3 November, 9:30am - 12pm 67 Sustainable Christmas wreath making – Wed 29 November, 2pm - 4pm & Sat 9 December, 10:30am - 12:30pm 68 AFOL LEGO night – Tue 12 September, 24 October & 28 November, 6pm - 7:30pm 72 Gully Gardeners (various events) 60 & 61 NDIS Connection Desk- 2nd Mon of the month, 2pm - 4pm 27 Ferntree Gully Bookchat – 3rd Wed of the month at 2 pm 12 Colour + colouring for adults - 2nd Thur of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 62 Knit and crochet for charity - 1st Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 62 Board + card games fun – 3rd Fri of the month, 3:30pm - 5pm 71 Diamond Art at Ferny Crafternoony – 4th Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 63


Virtual reality experience – Mon 4 September, 2pm + Tue 5 September, 3pm 18

Make a produce bag – Wed 6 September, 10:30am - 12pm 64

Jobs Victoria Advocates – Tue 12 & 26 September, 9:30am - 10:30am 23

Sustainable gardening with Japara House – Wed 13 September, 11:30am - 12:30pm 53

Botanical illustration for beginners with Bronwyn Ward – Sat 16 September, 10:30am - 12:30pm 65

Phone photography basics + photo walk – Wed 4 October, 10am - 11:30am 29

Lilydale District Historical Society – Fri 6 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 38

Queensland fruit fly in Yarra Ranges - what you can do – Sat 7 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 59

Age pension: your choices with Services Australia – Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm 32

Lilydale’s Historic Hotels: walking tour – Fri 13 October, 10am - 11:30am 39

Cleopatra: Egypt’s last dynastic queen and ruler – Thu 26 October, 2pm to 3pm 36

Lilydale Community Gardens - gardening talk – Tue 31 October, 2pm - 3pm 60

Book sale – Mon 13 - Sun 19 November 11

Write your life (including the curly bits) – Fri 24 November, 2pm - 3pm 15

Lilydale seniors computer club – Mondays, 1pm + 2pm 17

Lilydale Lakeside chess club – 1st Wed of the month, 5pm - 7:30pm 71

Lilydale bookchat – 3rd Wed of the month at 10:30am 12

Bookish: The Lilydale Library bookclub – 4th Wed of the month at 10:30 am 12

Conversation Circle (English Conversation) – Thursdays, 12:30pm 22

Creative colouring – 1st Thu of the month, 2pm -3:30pm 62

Lilydale Lakeside Writers Group – 4th Fri of the month at 4 pm 16

- 3:30pm 56

for wellbeing with artist Anudeepa Kadiresan – 4th Mon of the month, 9:30am - 11:30am 45

Genies at Miller’s Homestead – 2nd Tue of the month, 9:30am - 12pm 35 Paint and sketch together – 3rd Tues of the month, 10am - 12pm 63 Words Aloud: poetry and spoken word sessions – 1st Wed of the month, 6pm -8pm 15 Crafternoons at Miller’s Homestead – 3rd Wed of the month, 1pm - 4pm 63

Miller’s Matinee – 2nd Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm 74


Introduction to sketching and painting - Mon 11 September, 11am - 1pm 65

Bliss balls with Liana - Wed 13 September, 10am -11:30am 58

Montrose Community Cupboard - Sat 16 September & 18 November, 10am - 12pm 03

Radiant & Ageless Spring Make Up - Wed 4 October, 10am -11:30am 48

Weaving with Grand Valley Spinners and Weavers - Wed 4 October, 2:30pm - 3:30pm 66

Phone photography basics + photo walk – Fri 6 October, 10:30am - 12pm 29

Edit photos on your phone– Fri 6 October, 2:30pm - 4pm 31

Breaking the myths of palliative care with Wendy from EPC -Wed 18 October, 11am - 12pm 27

Kevin Heinze and The People’s Garden - Sat 21 October, 10:30am - 11:30am 40

Stories with spice - presented by author Anne Freeman - Wed 25 October, 11am - 12:30pm 14

From Pilgrim to Piper with the author Iain Townsley - Wed 8 November, 10:30am - 11:30am 37

MILLER’S HOMESTEAD Electric vehicles: how they work and how to buy them - Tue 5 September, 10am - 11am 52 Chair Yoga with Ramki– (various dates Sept - Dec) 44 Origami workshops at Miller’s (various dates in September) 65 Composting for apartments and small spaces– Wed 13 September, 11am - 12:30pm 58 Cooling our patch: The gardener’s role in urban greening & cooling – Tue 19 September, 1pm - 2:30pm 53 Mindfulness through music and sound - Mon 2 Oct, Tue 3 Oct & Wed 4 Oct, 10:30am 48 Ferntree Gully Art Society group exhibition - 3 Oct - 9 Jan 04 Miller’s Community Choir - Info session - Fri 6 October, 11am - 12:30pm 03 Phone photography basics + photo walk – Wed 18 October, 10am - 11:30am 29 How to propagate with cuttings – Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3:30pm 60 Slow Flow Yoga for Beginners – (various dates Oct & Nov) 44 Spot the pollinators - citizen science family workshop – Thu 16 November, 4pm - 5:30pm 54 How to build a butterfly friendly garden – Fri 24 November, 1pm - 2pm 61 Less-waste Christmas wrapping and cards workshop – Thu 30 November, 12pm - 2:30pm 55 Miller’s monthly plant, produce, seed + recipe swap – 1st Mon of the month, 1:30pm


59 Services
5 October, 10am
11:30am 25 Keeping
4pm 32 Wills
2:30pm 26 Being
11:30am 47 Tai
Japara House - Thu 19 October, 2:15pm - 3:15pm 49 The
Tue 24 October, 11am
12pm 40 Where’s
3:30pm 30 Geranium
2 November, 2pm - 3pm
3 November, 9:15am-10:15am 44 Crochet poppies workshop - Wed 8 November, 2pm - 3pm 67 Cricut card making - Thu 9 November, 2pm - 3:30pm 65 The Australian history of the Vietnam War - Tue 14 November, 10am - 11am 37 StrokeSafe information session- Thu 23 November, 10:30am - 11:15am 51 Beautiful bulbs from the Dandenongs - Tue 28 November, 2pm - 3pm 61 Online safety: recognising scams - Thu 30 November, 2pm - 3pm 18 Jobs Victoria Advocates – enquire for times 23 Conversation Circle (English conversation) – Wednesdays, 9:30am - 10:30am 22 Crochet afternoon – 1st Wed of the month, 2pm - 4pm 62 Mooroolbark Craft Corner – 3rd Wed of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 63 A colourful life – 2nd Fri of the month, 2pm-3:30pm 62 Magazine paper collage – 3rd Fri of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 64 REALM Zumba taster class - Tue 5 September, 2pm - 3pm 45 Shi-Ba-Shi with U3A - Thu 7 September, 11am - 12pm 46 Virtual table tennis - Sat 9 September, 2pm, 2:30pm & 3pm 18 Movement: are you getting it?- Tue 12 September, 3pm - 4pm 46 Stories of language, learning and connection - Wed 13 September, 2pm - 3pm 02 Bike maintenance with Trek Bicycle Ringwood - Thu 14 September, 5:30pm - 7:30pm 46 Sports trivia night - Fri 15 September, 6pm - 7:30pm 73 Armchair travel with Mel - Thu 21 September, 2pm-3pm 70 Watch the AFL Grand Final at Realm Library- Sat 30 September, 2:30pm - 5pm 73 Apprenticeship information session with Services Australia - Fri 6 October, 10am - 11am 24 Coping with the pressure of being the perfect mum - Mon 9 October, 10am - 11am 47 Supporting the wellbeing of our young people - Thu 12 October, 6pm - 7pm 48 Take a walk in virtual reality - Fri 13 October, 2pm - 2:30pm or 2:30pm - 3pm 31 Navigating the Aged Care system with Care Finder - Mon 16 October, 10am - 11am 29 Sensory bags and more - Mon 16 October, 6:30pm - 7:30pm 67 Sensory play with the Maroondah Toy Library - Tue 17 October, 11:30am - 2pm 05 Getting your child ready for the next stage - Thu 19 October, 2pm - 3pm 48 Change your thoughts, help your health - Tue 24 October, 3pm - 4pm 34 Create online photobooks - Fri 3 November, 2pm - 3pm 21 Gut health and your brain- Thu 9 November, 2pm - 3pm 50 The Suitcase: an exhibition - Fri 10 November, 9:30am - 11am 70 Upcycling sewing demonstration - Mon 13 November, 10am - 12pm 54 Find your Ikigai to a long and healthy life - Tue 14 November, 3pm - 4pm 51 Come celebrate National Recycling Week with us!- Fri 17 November, 10:30am - 11:30am 55 Living with intention - Thu 23 November, 6pm - 7:30pm 51 Chinese brush painting - Fri 24 November, 1pm - 3pm 68 Armchair travel with Debbie - Tue 28 November, 2pm-3pm 70 Retirement planning with Andrea Jenkins - Thu 30 November, 6:30pm - 7:30pm 26
Macrame keychains with Jeanette - Thu 7 September, 10:30am - 12pm 65 Fiction writing workshop - Wed 13 September, 3pm - 4:30pm 13 Supporting you to identify scams - Thu 21 September & 5 October, 2pm - 3pm 27 Women’s self defence with Paragon Inc- Tue 26 September, 6:30pm - 7:30pm 47 Walking photography course with Japara Neighbourhood House (various dates Oct & Nov) 06 How to make a succulent wreath- Tue 3 October, 2pm - 3pm
Australia: Payments and services - Thu
your driving skills sharp with METEC- Thu 12 October,
and estate planning - with Oliver Beaumont - Mon 16 October, 1:30pm -
the mother you want to be -
17 October,
Chi with
history of Mooroolbark -
that photo? - Fri 27 October, 2pm-
or pelargonium? - Tue 31 October, 2pm - 3pm 60
pension: your choices with Services Australia- Thu
in the Park with Japara House - Fri


Bellydancing in the library - Wed 6 September, 2pm - 3:30pm 45

Model boat exhibition - Sat 9 September, 10am - 2pm 69

Online safety: recognising scams - Mon 11 September, 2pm - 3pm 18

Minecraft for families - Thu 14 September & Mon 16 October, 4pm - 5pm 18

Writing with Young Adult author Alison Evans - Fri 22 September, 11am - 12pm 13

Historical buildings of Knox- Wed 4 October, 2pm - 3pm 38

Volunteers for Knox - Information session - Thu 5 October, 11am - 12pm 03

Thriving at any age: with Linda Black - Wed 18 October, 2pm - 3pm 32

Google Maps + scavenger hunt - Thu 19 October, 11am - 12:30pm 33

Cold War Games: History with Harry Blutstein - Thu 26 October, 2pm - 3pm 10

Knox and District Woodworkers Club display - Mon 30 October - 6 November 70

Digitise your documents and photo collection - Mon 13 November, 2pm - 3pm 21

Jazz concert with the Australian Jazz Museum - Sat 18 November, 11am - 12:30pm 70

Turkish marbling art workshop - Wed 22 November, 2pm - 3pm 68

Model aircraft exhibition with Knox Model Aircraft Club - Sat 25 November, 10am - 4pm 70

Crochet & conversation – Mondays, 12:30pm - 2:30pm 50

Tao Te Ching Reading Circle - 1st Sat of the month, 2pm 12

Brain Games – Tuesdays, 1:30pm - 3pm 42

Conversation Circle (English Conversation) Tuesdays, 3pm 22 Rowville craft group - 2nd Wed of the month, 2pm - 4pm 63 Jobs Victoria Advocates – Thursdays, 11:30am - 3:30pm 25 Morning stretches with Amy - Fridays, 10am -11am 43 Knox chess enthusiasts - Fridays from 12pm 71 Kindness and service workshop - community craft group- 1st Sun of the month, 2pm - 3:30pm 64 YARRA JUNCTION Getting the most out of Trove - Thu 21 September, 2pm - 3pm 35 Hatshepsut: From queen to Pharaoh - Thu 12 October, 2pm - 3pm 36 Stepping back in time - Thu 19 October, 10am - 11am 39 Robots and coding - Mon 23 October, 2pm -3:30pm 33 Halloween at Yarra Junction - Tue 31 October, 4pm - 6pm 05 Superannuation & downsizing -Mon 20 November, 2pm - 3pm 26 Jobs Victoria Advocates – 1st Mon of the month, 12pm - 4pm 23 Yarra Junction Planters - 1st Mon of the month, 2pm (various events) 56 Around words bookchat - 1st Wed of the month at 11am 12 Around Film - 2nd Wed of the month, 11am 74 Drop in Fridays: card + chat - Fridays, 1pm - 4pm 71 81 Sahaja yoga meditation – Tuesdays, 6:30pm - 7:30pm 43 Dungeons & Dragons – 2nd Tue of the month, 5:30pm - 7:30pm 72 Jobs Victoria Advocates – Every 2nd Wed of the month, 10am - 2pm 23 Realm Readers bookchat – 2nd Wed of the month at 2pm 12 One more page bookclub – 1st Thu of the month at 2pm 12 Novel Idea bookchat – Last Thu of the month at 6:30pm 12 Conversation Café (English Conversation) – Fridays 12:30pm - 1:30pm 22 Colour me happy! – 3rd Fri of the month, 1pm - 2pm 62 Realm in Motion Movie Club – Last Fri of the month during school terms, 6pm - 8pm 74 Realm board gaming – 2nd Sat of the month, 11am - 4pm 71 Realm writers group – Last Sat of the month at 10am 16

Find your library

BAYSWATER Shop 26 Mountain High Shopp Cntr 7-13 High Street PH 9800 6498


Reynolds Lane PH 9800 6489


Park Crescent PH 9800 6488


5 Civic Square PH 9800 6448


110 River Street PH 9800 6497


509 Burwood Highway

Wantirna South (next to Supercheap Auto)

PH 9800 6470


Building L5, Box Hill Institute, Lilydale Lakeside Campus Jarlo Drive PH 9800 6457



935 Mount Dandenong

Tourist Road PH 9800 6490


7 Station Street


PH 9800 6480


Ringwood Town Square

179 Maroondah Hwy PH 9800 6430


Stud Park Shopp Cntr Stud Road PH 9800 6443

FERNTREE GULLY 1010 Burwood Hwy PH 9800 6455

30 Dorrigo Dve (cnr Melrose Crt) Boronia PH 0438 284 989

To view opening hours and a wide range of services and resources,visit yourlibrary.com.au.


1A Hoddle Street PH 9800 6462

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