2024 homes issue

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On the Eastside HOME side



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Brilliantly Uncurated Tales

Attend an intimate gathering celebrating authentic human experiences.




Creation Space

Peek inside a beautiful commercial space intended for creatives.



6 Best Art Galleries

A curated list of the top places to browse work from talented local artists



Checking into Rancho La Puerta

Escape to a wellness resort with mountain vistas, a holistic spa, and a rich legacy of connection & healing.



Real Deal Ramen

Discover the Asian staple that embodies luck and joy at first taste.


Meet the Local Pros p.23

4 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @eastsideatxmag SUBSCRIBE To receive EASTside Magazine in your mailbox, visit eastsideatx.com/ subscription. Spring & Summer CONTENTS OCCUPIABLE ART Mimicking the vibes of its next-door neighbor—Govalle’s sculpture park—CoXist Studio innovatively designs a functional piece of art that’s stylish and livable.

Outside In

As May ushers in the full bloom of spring and the approaching warmth of summer here in Austin, it’s still the ideal time to revel in the outdoors and savor the joys of home. This season invites us to step outside and gaze, with fresh eyes, at the homes that surround us, and envision the possibilities of what we could do with our own home and also appreciate the art-form of others.

In this issue, we are featuring three exceptional homes that will leave you wondering and dreaming about what it would be like to live in them or even build one for yourself. Stuck to the back of our 1970s home, we have a sunroom, and upon moving in, we thought it was the ugliest room in the house. Over time, though, it’s become our favorite space. Its broken terracotta tiles and acoustical ceiling have been removed to expose its imperfect concrete floors and wood framing above. The natural light and shadows that pass through it each day are special. The 20-something plants inside it surely think so! Most recently, our eight-foot sliding glass door was shattered in a weed eating accident; while plywood covers its opening, the light has shifted— in the most devastating way. The 1990 retrofit windows need to be replaced as did that old glass door. Now we have a forced remodel on our hands, and it’s time to draw inspiration from the talented architects and designers in this issue. This is their specialty; they pay attention to light and how it passes through a house—how it gives light and functionality to a space. Now, more than ever, I am fully aware of the importance in allowing the outside in.

These three unique homes vary from a pint-sized cabin emulating nature in its setting and material makeup to a modern home that takes curvy inspiration from a local sculpture garden to a home which is a simple, yet modern, renovation of a 100-year-old commercial building that transports all who enter into a rustic oasis.

But there’s more to explore and experience. Venture with us around the corner to discover our favorite local noodle spot (p.44). Don’t miss the hottest news on the town’s best coffee trailer (p.50), and find insider’s tips you’ll want to dig into (p.32).

Also, make sure to peruse our “Local Pros” section, where we spotlight the talented individuals and businesses who helped bring this issue to life and continue to enrich our local community narrative. When you embark on your next home buying or improvement journey, consider those who support and empower us to tell authentic community stories.

Last, but certainly not least, a heartfelt thank you to our exceptional photographers, writers, and dedicated team, whose collective efforts bring this beautiful magazine to life throughout the years.

On the Cover

Photo, by the talented Casey Dunn, of a thoughtfully designed home by Moontower Design & Build and crafted by Cross Cabin Build & Supply. The home referred to as the Cross Cabin is the first of its kind in Austin: natural, durable, equitable, and zero-carbon.

6 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
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Eric Morales, Will Bowling, Ashley Haguewood, Casey Woods, Leonid Furmansky, Casey Dunn, Baptiste Despois, Andrea Calo

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Abby L. Johnson, Chris Ferguson, Courtney Thomas, Ashley Bowling, Deven Wilson, Janine Stankus, Ben Haguewood, Tanya White, Alison Bryce, Tejal Thakkar

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Brilliantly Uncurated Tales

There’s magic in storytelling, and Hyde Park Storytelling invites anyone to share their unique perspective on life with strangers. Don’t be surprised with lineups. But do be surprised by the stories.

Some might say the shared experience of the pandemic deepened our desire to connect with one another. Smaller venues delivering focused experiences for participants exist across Austin. Hyde Park Storytelling, a uniquely intimate storytelling experience that’s hosted at Batch Craft Beer & Kolaches on Manor Road, attracts over two hundred guests every time.

This event is not a curated experience. Stories are not reviewed or approved in advance. There is no dress rehearsal or content reviews by producers. The only requirement for telling your story is to be one of the first to sign up when the next event is announced. It will be at least a month before you get that mic in your hand, and spots fill up quickly, as there is only room for 8-10 storytellers each gathering. Performers need not be experienced in any way; the mission here is to share your unique human experience with others.

For visitors, be prepared to get cozy with other listeners. You may be sitting on a blanket, and you’ll definitely find yourself chatting with someone you didn’t know prior. You may be lucky

enough to meet one of the event producers, Erin Givarz and Matthew Stoner, who originated the concept years ago in an effort to connect more deeply with their friends. The entire event concept expanded from the single idea of shared connection. Without any type of pre-approval of stories, there’s a heap of trust from both organizers and attendees.

“It’s a beautiful feeling to be [in attendance], to be connected to people you don’t know,” Erin admits proudly. Matthew agrees and elaborates, “We love new storytellers; we want anyone to share their story, as long as it is true. It’s got to be true.”

CONTACT: @hydeparkstorytelling


Shows are not recorded; you’ve got to be there to experience it. Follow @hydeparkstorytelling on Instagram for the schedule.

If you’re shy to tell your own story and want to create a unique platform for others to share theirs, the brains behind Hyde Park Storytelling are here to help. They offer complimentary feedback to anyone trying to launch their own version of the same.

Reach out to Matthew at @hydeparkstorytelling.

8 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
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Always free Always entertaining


12 community art



+ entertainment Spring +Summer 2024

Creation Space

Next Door

Creative Studios

Pollen Architecture delivers much-needed creative space to central East Austin, leveraging artful interiors and considerate outdoor courtyards as gifts to tenants and neighbors alike.


e wanted to bring the things that we knew worked well for artist studios: north light, open space, and a compact core,” explains Elizabeth Alford, principal of Pollen Architecture.

Standing below a sprawling heritage oak tree in a courtyard defined by lush rain gardens and quiet, discrete buildings, she continues, “But the landscape is one of the real pleasures of the project. A lot of people come to eat lunch here, since there are food trucks nearby.”

After establishing Pollen in 2003, Elizabeth and her partner, Michael Young, renovated a small concrete block building at

the corner of 12th and Navasota streets to serve as their studio and workspace. Having spent over fifteen years in New York, the renovation came after the couple realized creative loft space, ubiquitous in other cities, barely existed in Austin.

Over the next several decades, Elizabeth and Michael would gradually acquire the rest of the

lots on the block, while demand for such space only increased. By early 2020, Next Door Creative Studios opened its doors, integrating a bevy of artists and creative design professionals within the dynamic, culturally-rich Eastside neighborhood.

The campus consists of four individual structures containing leasable units that vary in scale

from 250 to 2,000 square feet, all featuring private, vestibule entrances and an abundance of light and views. Delightful details abound inside and out, reminders that care was taken with each decision made.

Sensitive to the adjacent neighborhood, the scale of the buildings is restrained, offering a generous, landscaped pedestrian

10 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com eastside | art

boundary along bustling 12th Street, which also affords a layer of privacy for the tenants inside. Access to the outdoor spaces is maintained from the street’s edge, a porosity that invites curious visitors inside. Far from a corporate fortress, the indoor and outdoor spaces feel transparent, airy, and intimately connected to its spot in the neighborhood.

With appreciative neighbors and a tenant list comprised of

designers, architects, artists, and makers, Elizabeth and Michael’s long vision has yielded a creative space in harmony with its neighbors, attuned to the needs of the creatives shaping the future of Austin.


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GREEN PLEASE Ten Eyck Landscape Architects provided the critical landscape elements that help define the campus. WALK-INS WELCOME Make ATX offers classes, equipment rentals, and
gift shop for fabrication hobbyists looking for community
{the welcoming side of austin}
and professional

A Home for Performing Arts

A Beautifully Designed Facility Puts Students First

AISD’s spacious Performing Arts Center is where student musicians, dancers, thespians, and artists come to pursue their dreams and where Eastsiders can go to enjoy free to nearly free shows while supporting Austin’s up-and-coming talent.

Since its inception in the Mueller neighborhood in 2015, the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center (PAC) has blossomed into a world class resource for fine arts. The center’s programs support students across the district and the state. When they come to perform in the space, students are given the opportunity to develop professionalism alongside their talents.

Throughout the school year, PAC hosts dance shows, band concerts, choir performances, UIL state competitions, musicals, and more. In the 2023-2024 season alone, PAC Coordinator and former teacher Brad Distelhorst says there are “180 separate events” on the calendar. These events, open for the public to attend, take place

in the PAC’s main hall, black box theater, dance studio, multipurpose room, and lobby, which doubles as an art gallery.

A focus on education pervades every event at the PAC. Cole Rickman, PAC Production Supervisor and a former classroom teacher, says students who perform at PAC “get the best of the best when they come through here, no matter what.” The goal is to help students become comfortable working in a professional, quality performance environment to prepare them for their next steps, including college.

“We have started doing a lot of recordings here for college auditions,” Brad says. “In a couple weeks,” he adds, “a trumpet player is applying

The PAC truly serves as a world-class performing arts, visual arts, and educational space for Austin ISD fine arts students to engage in their craft and inspires them to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine.”
-Phillip Taylor, Austin ISD Fine Arts Director

for Juilliard and needs a really great recording [to send in], so we’re helping him get to that next level.” Brad emphasizes that all the PAC’s resources, including the recording studio, are available at no cost to AISD students.

The PAC’s biggest annual event is the Summer Theater Series (STS), during which students produce a play and a musical, complete with a student orchestra. For students interested in exploring theatre, the PAC also holds a two-week Rising Stars camp during STS. This year, over 400 students have signed up to audition.

This July, visitors can catch Shrek the Musical and The Twelve Huntsman, a play based on a Brothers Grimm tale.

12 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com eastside | entertainment

Attending shows at the PAC are always quality in their beautifully constructed space that was designed to look like a piano from the exterior and from the inside mimics a cello. Creativity pulses through every part of the space all year long, but in the summer, it’s a great way to beat the heat while supporting Austin’s newest talent.


1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd. austinisd.org/arts/pac @austinisdpac


The PAC freely lends microphones, lighting, and costumes to campuses across the district, enhancing student performances beyond its doors.

CATCH A SHOW! AISD student performances at the PAC are open to the public. Tickets typically cost about ten dollars for adults and are discounted for students and seniors. When art is on view, the lobby gallery is open to the public free of charge on weekdays (typically 9am to 6pm). Details can be found on the PAC’s online event calendar.

HUNGRY BEFORE A SHOW? Check out the “Places to Eat” guide linked on the PAC’s website for a list of nearby restaurants.

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1111 e. 11th st., ste. 100 |

Aesthetics and Humanism

Occupiable Art Balancing

If anything is evidence of East Austin’s changing identity, it’s the smattering of modern, multi-story monoliths that have cropped up among rows of traditional, single-story bungalows. But the local team at CoXist Studio is not about maximizing square footage for the sake of a sale. Their thoughtful approach to design fuses art, environment, and a fastidious attention to lived experiences.

14 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
Words Janine Stankus Photos Leonid Furmansky

The Sculpture Residence is simply, but aptly, named “occupiable art,” according to Megan Lin, co-founder of CoXist Studio along with her partner Frank Lin. The multi-dimensional, two-story home abuts Govalle’s grassy sculpture park, where Tom Bandage’s sculpture, “Functor No. 4,” first spoke to them.

“From one angle, it appears one way, and then as you walk around another side, it appears a different way,” Megan recalls her first experience with the artwork. “You can see some curves cut out, but it’s still rectilinear.” She explains, “We wanted the house to reflect the methodology of that design.”

Sourcing inspiration from the sculpture was actually the idea of builder Sharad Mudhol, longtime collaborator with Frank and Megan. After securing the lot, he entrusted them completely with the design—with only one caveat: to bring some element of the park into the house.

Megan and Frank set out to design something that

felt in conversation with Tom’s sculpture and the neighborhood itself. The smooth stucco facade reflects the work’s alternating curves and angles, with jutting balconies and impressively executed cantilevers that create similar cutout effects. Batten details add texture to the facade and an extra three-dimensional element to play with light and shadow. Sweeping glass panes create openness to the structure, inviting the outside in.

The language of curves and angles abound inside the home—from the round and angled edges of the gold-veined quartzite kitchen island top to cathedral-like windows (flipped both ways) that appear in almost every room. In the living area, a wall with no edges is smoothly executed so that the space feels almost infinite. The curves and angles extend from mirrors to light fixtures to the smooth-stoned terrazzo contrasted by a rectangular backsplash in the bathrooms.

The repetition of these design motifs is not just an aesthetic fixation but also the thread tying together an entire narrative. Megan and Frank focused on how spaces

eastsideatx.com 15 {the welcoming side of austin}

flow throughout the house. Megan emphasizes, “We always say it’s like a series of events that come together to tell a story. So as you walk through this house, every time you turn and look at something, it’s a view outside, which is a very humanistic way of pulling things in.”

Contrast is another device they employ to humanize the space: smooth verses textured surfaces, shiny verses matte finishes, and dark combined with light color palates. “If everything’s all the same tone, the same color, the house is going to feel very sterile and cold,” explains Frank. “We try to select every material with balance and contrast, so that it embodies that humanistic feel.”

Even mundane details—like where the sink is in relation to the garbage and the dishwasher—are thought through with intention. It’s those little things that can make a space

Fitting in To the Lins, the lot represented a transition space between public and residential areas. They wanted not only to integrate the structure with the sculpture park but also bridge into the neighborhood streetscape. To achieve that, Megan says, they did things like “push back second floors or stagger them back to descale the elements of the buildings themselves so they don’t feel overpowering.”

so much more pleasant and functional. Because at the end of the day, says Megan, “We’re not [just] building houses, we’re building homes. And we always think about memory-making. This wonderful opportunity to have an impact at that level [of detail] is why we love what we do.”


1101 Navasota St., Ste. #3 coxiststudio.com @coexist_studio

16 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
We always say it’s like a series of events that come together to tell a story. So as you walk through this house, every time you turn and look at something, it’s a view outside, which is a very humanistic way of pulling things in.”
-Megan Lin
eastsideatx.com 17 {the welcoming side of austin}



a Home

Words Codi Chen Photos Casey Woods

If there’s one thing that surprises guests when they enter this home, it’s the incredible scent of the forest. That’s the magic of living in a space made entirely of natural materials that continue to release earthy aromatic scents.

estled in the Govalle neighborhood of East Austin, Greg Esparza and Jackie Letelier’s two-bedroom, two-bathroom home is made entirely of plant-based materials. “When people want to remodel or build a house, they think about how they want the home to look. Most people don’t think about how they want the house to smell,” Greg notes.

Greg, co-founder of Moontower Design & Build and CEO of Cross Cabin Build & Supply, is driven by his passion for structuring homes

with sustainable materials that result in zerocarbon emissions. His hands-on experience demolishing homes, especially when he first co-founded Moontower, gave him a front-row seat at how much non-biodegradable waste and harmful chemicals are not only installed in homes but also dumped into landfills. Greg recalls, “I just kept thinking, ‘Does it really have to be this way?’”

Turns out, the answer is no. After multiple years of research and design, Greg found a way to build a home without the traditional materials used in today’s construction practices, such

eastsideatx.com 19 {the welcoming side of austin}

as fiber cement siding, latex paint, and chemical adhesives. He explains that many people just accept that building materials have to be toxic, stinky, and itchy because that’s what will be most durable and long-lasting. He adds, “I am really passionate about materials that are natural, materials that you can really understand where they came from and how they’re made.”

The result is a natural, durable, equitable, zero-carbon home. By using natural plant-based materials, Greg aims to create homes that are healthy for both people and the earth. He advocates using materials like cork, essentially tree bark, for building exteriors. He also emphasizes using natural hemp and wood fiber insulation over synthetic materials. “With this project, I prioritized using only materials that participate in the Declare Program with the International Living Future Institute,” he proudly shares.

Catch the Vibe!

Though the Cross Cabin is the first of its kind in Austin, the Moontower Design & Build team has multiple projects on the horizon of the same nature. As the year progresses, look for more modern earth-friendly homes from Greg’s innovative team.

Indeed, the home does feel different from other new builds. Without the use of plastic or polyurethane, the walls are left unfinished, raw, and beautiful. The floor is covered with a natural linseed oil to protect and condition the wood, prepared to stand the test of time.

Aside from the structure of the home, Greg and Jackie’s interior aesthetic also aligns with their passion for nature. The home features a color palette inspired by the earth with pops of vibrant colors throughout. Handmade art pieces, some from Jackie’s native home of Chile, adorn the space, adding a deeply personal touch.

“I like that feeling of craftsmanship and handmade art, maybe a little bit of a rustic feeling but with a modern sensibility,” Greg says about his individual style.

The landscaping around the property is simple, yet beautiful, with a nod to the nearby greenbelt and swimming holes around Austin. A cowboy pool sits atop

limestone boulder steps, a simple, yet chic, place to cool off from the Texas heat. “The biggest thing was to keep everything low maintenance, more of a zeroscaping approach,” Greg explains. Cedar mulch covers the ground instead of grass, which reduces unnecessary water waste throughout the year. The cedar also blends perfectly with the colors and texture of the cork on the home’s exterior, creating a satisfying palette of ambers and shades of brown.

For Greg, living sustainably isn’t just a lifestyle; it’s a passion and a calling. His home is a testament to his belief that humans can live in harmony with nature, creating spaces that are not only beautiful and functional but also environmentally responsible.

CONTACT : 828 Airport Blvd. moontoweraustin.com, @moontoweraustin crosscabinbuild.com, @crosscabin

20 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com

A CarbonNeutral Future

By using fresh carbon versus fossil fuels, natural plant-based materials can have a negative carbon impact on the environment. More carbon is stored in the natural fibers of cork, hemp, and wood than the amount of carbon burned or released to process the materials.

A Fragrant Revolution

Greg Esparza’s home isn’t just a marvel of sustainable living; it’s a testament to the power of natural materials. Using plantbased elements like cork and hemp, Greg has crafted a space that not only looks stunning but also emits the soothing scent of the forest, creating a truly immersive experience.

eastsideatx.com 21 {the welcoming side of austin}
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My husband and I bought our first property in the Eastside over 15 years ago. We loved the vibe, its proximity to town, and the prices (at the time)! Since then, we have built dozens of homes and watched this area grow into the hip, creative magnet that it is today. We appreciate all things authentic, and I think that is why we are drawn to this area and remain here. It's also home to so many of our favorite local spots.

As a realtor, I love matching people with their perfect neighborhood. I think a home should enhance your lifestyle. Whether it is a first-time home buyer, an investor, or a luxury home sale, I love to help people achieve their home ownership goals and make it fun along the way. My goal is to help people live their best life in Austin!

eastsideatx.com 25 {the welcoming side of austin} (512) 636-7579 laurel.prats@compass.com theprivatecollectiveaustin.com @laurelpratsatx CONTACT


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What the HAIL? Austin has recently experienced some bizarre and unexpected weather. Alongside the hail and rain, you might find yourself facing a different kind of storm: a swarm of roofers knocking at your door.

Amidst the confusion and unpredictability, Texas Choice Roofers’ primary aim is to offer clarity and resolution. We are dedicated to supporting Austin through these challenges. Our team will assist you in dealing with daunting insurance matters and simplify the process for you.

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When major ice storms wreaked havoc, created chaos, and shut down Austin for dozens of days in 2021 and 2023, an Austin icon held steady through it all: Callahan’s General Store. This was no surprise to East Austinites. After all, Callahan’s has been a steady provider of essential hardware needs to its neighbors for 46 years.

Sure, the baby chicks, animal welfare products, feed, grass seed, western wear and household goods at Callahan’s are great. However, whether you’re handy and need some plumbing help or a weekend warrior working on a household project, Callahan’s hardware department also has it all: nails, screws, nuts, bolts, hand tools, garden tools, rope, chain, pipe fittings, PVC, wood-burning stove replacement parts, live animal traps, and much more.

And, if the “stuff” isn’t enough, be sure to get loads of common sense, sound advice, and knowledge from folks like Mason Fry, one of the handiest hardware people you’ll ever have the pleasure to meet.

Located at 501 Bastrop Highway, between downtown and the airport, Callahan’s General Store is still here serving the needs of East Austin and Greater Central Texas.

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Exceptional Quality & Design!

Built by The Muskin Company and designed by award-winning architecture firm, Clayton Korte. The Sorin Row Homes boast a modern aesthetic, designer finishes, energy-efficient features, and a separate garage apartment! *Inquire for current builder incentives

Each row home features a detached garage apartment, offering the utmost flexibility. With its own kitchen, bathroom, and laundry connections, this space can be used as an office, guest quarters, or a rental unit, making these homes an exceptional investment. Now for Sale.

Built by The Muskin Company and designed by award-winning architecture firm, Clayton + Korte, the Tilley Row Homes boast a modern architectural aesthetic, designer finishes, and energyefficient features.

Each row home features a detached garage apartment, offering the utmost flexibility. With its own kitchen, bathroom, and laundry connections, this space can be used as an office, guest quarters, or a rental unit, making these homes an exceptional investment. Now for Sale.

30 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com muellersilentmarket.com
Under Construction | Now Selling Sorin
Hilary Herrin Realtor® Amanda Trevino Broker Associate Mueller Silent Market Team info@muellersilentmarket.com 512.761.5476 Compass is a licensed real estate broker. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or
Realtor® Amanda Trevino Broker Associate Mueller Silent Market Team info@muellersilentmarket.com 512.761.5476 Compass is a licensed real estate broker. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (including square footage). This is not intended to solicit property already listed. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. Compass is a licensed real estate broker. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement s made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (including square footage). This is not intended to solicit property already listed. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions.
| Under Construction | Now Selling Sorin Row Homes Facing Taniguchi Park Exceptional Quality & Design! Built by The Muskin Company and designed by award-winning architecture firm, Clayton + Korte, the Tilley Row Homes boast a modern architectural aesthetic, designer finishes, and energyefficient features. Each row home features a detached garage apartment, offering the utmost flexibility. With its own kitchen, bathroom, and laundry connections, this space can be used as an office, guest quarters, or a rental unit, making these homes an exceptional investment. Now for Sale. Hilary Herrin Realtor® Amanda Trevino Broker Associate Mueller Silent Market Team info@muellersilentmarket.com 512.761.5476 Compass is a licensed real estate broker. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (including square footage). This is not intended to solicit property already provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. MYDIVIDEDSKY.COM 512.995.ROOF FULL SERVICE SOLAR, REPAIRS, & REPLACEMENT STORE ENERGY TO USE WHEN YOU NEED IT.
Facing Taniguchi Park

Word of mouth

Spring +Summer 2024

32 go &do



six best


Getting Dirty

From generations of green-thumbed women, Plant Party’s owner, Keri Anderson, has rooted herself in “Springdale” as more than a simple plant pusher.

Working as a florist, I realized how much waste and how many chemicals are involved. So I wanted to do a different, cleaner concept.”
-Keri Anderson

orking as a florist, I realized how much waste and how many chemicals are involved. So I wanted to do a different, cleaner concept.” Keri elaborates, “That’s how I got started with the terrariums because its design pieces with plants.” This dip into the living design is how she expanded into fleshing out terrariums for several Whole Foods stores across Texas and found herself drawn to teaching others how to enjoy the soothing practice.

Eventually, she’d have visitors clamoring to trek down south to the bottom of Manchaca Road for her plant parties. “I was surprised that people drove all the way out there. But they did!” Keri exclaims. After three years, she moved the party to East 11th and, seven years later, fatefully found her current modern open-aired space on Springdale Road.

Upon entering Plant Party, guests can sense how Keri effortlessly breathes out an air of disarming hospitality that aligns with the calming effects of the cornucopia of tropical greenery. From top to bottom, there is an exotic and exciting vegetative friend eagerly awaiting a new steward to foster them, vertical pockets filled with fantastic locally made knick knacks to add a touch of gift to the plant shop. While other plant shopping experiences might end at the door, Keri prides herself in ensuring that even the most novice plant owner leaves feeling confident to level up their indoor gardening skills.

Offering house plant calls, Keri can virtually walk customers through their homes showing them where they can place new plants. Guests can even send in photos to help problem solve plant issues, and for anyone living in Austin proper, she can even visit in person.


really want people to be inspired and connected with nature,” Keri smiles.“That’s my

32 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com eastside | word of mouth

goal.” Whether it’s by getting their hands playfully dirty at the variety of terrarium-building parties hosted at the shop or virtually after a customer’s newly delivered plant arrives, Keri maintains a rooted relationship with anyone looking to make their space greener.


Think all that’s needed to know to take care of a new plant is on that tag? Think again! “Many times, plants you buy will be from Florida or California, and their sun differs greatly from ours.” Kerri explains, “The tags usually are from the growers, and the growers don’t really know where the plant is going.”

CONTACT: plantparty.co

979 Springdale Rd #114A @plantparty.co

So, it’s always better to work with someone local who knows our environment inside and out to better care for any new greenery.

eastsideatx.com 33 {the welcoming side of austin} DALLAS 502 S FITZHUGH AVE. (214) 235-9473 NORTH AUSTIN 13219 RESEARCH BLVD #200 (512) 953-SKIN (7546) WWW.SHAMANMODS.COM 1901 E 7TH ST. | (512) 981-MODS (6637) EAST AUSTIN PIERCING STUDIOS

Eastside Art Galleries

Visit Some of the Most Colorful Spaces Austin

In a city full of creatives, it should come as no shock that displayed all over East Austin are some of the most talented works by local artists. Read on, and you’ll find six of many galleries you should add to your next outing.


Ivester Contemporary

Displaying a variety of artistic mediums, Ivester is the proud host of gorgeous, fine art pieces adding unique conversation pieces to any home or office space. The way gallerist, Kevin Ivester, operates his business is at the center of connecting artists to the community built from support and interest. Stay on the lookout for their upcoming events to meet the artists in person. ivestercontemporary.com | 916 Springdale Rd., Bldg. 2, Ste. 107


grayDUCK Gallery

Housed in a refurbished 100-year old house, and bringing together both vintage and modern, grayDUCK Gallery is home to not only art pieces but also poetry readings, film, music, and performance art. Only open Saturdays and Sundays, this gallery makes for the perfect date night, solo stroll, or group outing for anyone wanting to experience a variety of mediums. grayduckgallery.com | 2213 E Cesar Chavez St.

Rubina Art Gallery

Using primarily oils and watercolors as the medium, Rubina Anjum’s visions are centered around our beautiful planet Earth. What’s extraordinarily beautiful about this exhibition is Anjum’s conjunct poetry, effortlessly blending her work with words for the viewer to better digest the overall experience.  rubinaart.gallery | 2103 Tillery St., Unit A



Located in the heart of East 6th, RichesArt Gallery has been gifted the title of “Austin’s Best Gallery” while featuring local artists, clothing, events, and even art classes. As this city’s Premier Black-Owned Art Gallery, Richard successfully expresses his heart through the art displayed in his gallery. He specializes in watercolor, bringing the true sensual nature of art to life, captivating the community with his expression of beauty. richesart.com | 2511 E 6th St., Unit A


Lydia Street Gallery

At this contemporary fine art exhibit, gallerist Deanna Miesch brings a tender approach to the venue with her specialty in Art Therapy, hosting her practice in a private studio inside the gallery. The gallery itself displays work from mid-late career artists not only from Texas but also from several other places around the country. The current exhibition Gabriele Galimberti: The Americans & Toy Stories, will be on display until May 12, 2024. Lydia Street will participate in the Affordable Art Fair at the Palmer Events Center May 16 through May 19. Deanna will also be showcasing her own work at Lydia Street Gallery from May 31 until June 30. lydiastreetgallery.com | 1200 E 11th St., #109

Central Machine Works

Currently highlighting artists exclusively signed with Spaceflight Records, these musicians prove they have quite the eye for the visual arts as well. “Friends of Spaceflight Group Show” showcases the broad talent of artists who have a passion for inclusivity and stripping away at the economic barriers of the arts. Central Machine Works, on the other hand, is a large brew pub that offers rotating exhibits from various artists and mediums. central-machine-works.com | 4824 E Cesar Chavez St. 3

34 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com

3920 Briones

4BR/3BA home spans almost 3,000 sf and is loaded with upgraded features! Situated one block from John Gaines Park & Pool, a quick walk to Morris Williams Golf Course and easy access to hike & bike trails! muellersilentmarket.com

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Home+ away Spring +Summer 2024



Cowboy Cool

A Postwar Building Transformed into a Modern Home

Mediterranean ease meets the Texas breeze in this historic Foster Heights building, imaginatively renovated as a personal residence by husband and wife design duo Jen Turner and Jack Barron.

Near the end of a quiet cul-de-sac and nestled within a row of postwar single family homes, one building in particular stands out. Gleaming white in the Texas sun, six concrete steps lead to an arched portico and two full-height, diagonally slatted steel doors.

The smooth stucco facade is unembellished, yet its stepped parapet makes it taller than the neighbors, implying an institutional past. Four simple, single hung windows flank the portico symmetrically, evenly spaced and marching continuously around the structure’s deep, rectangular perimeter.

Originally built in 1928 for the Federation of African American Women’s Clubs, it bears a landmark designation from the Texas Historical Commission, having served as a critical hub for Austin’s African American community at the time.

After decades shuffling between

ownership as leasable office space, it hit the open market in 2013, just as Jen Turner and her husband, Jack Barron, were planning a move back home after 15 years in New York and Portland. The couple scooped up the property and, with respective backgrounds in architecture and hospitality, set to work imagining an

38 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
eastside | home

ambitious and thoughtful plan for the building’s next era as a verdant space to live, work, and spend time among nature.


wanted to truly live indoors and outdoors,” Jen explains, “a Mediterranean lifestyle that reminded us of our time studying at the University of Texas.”

The premise is evident from the moment guests step through the home’s front doors, which don’t lead inside but rather to an outdoor breezeway framing a modest, interior courtyard. Clad on three sides in ruddy, locally made D’Hanis brick, the courtyard’s large windows and custom steel framed glass doors reveal taste-

ful interiors unfolding around the central outdoor space.

The brick extends continuously into the home’s collection of comfortable areas, which feel more like one fluid path of travel that is broken into zones. The rooms aren’t necessarily divided, but well-curated furniture and specific material treatments create thresholds between them. As a result, the interiors are bathed in warm light that is reflected off the brick and stucco finishes into the home, creating a variety of light play throughout the day.

The palette is further complemented by handmade tile, sourced from Mérida, Mexico,

which adds another layer of color, texture, and scale. “I did have to learn how to import a shipping container from Mexico during this project,” laughs Jen, “but it was worth it.” Additionally, ceiling height was gained by removing drab, 70s-era dropped ceilings, exposing the original ceiling joists after re-roofing the building and adding insulation.

Other unique features include the custom dining table by local designer and carpenter David Clark, who repurposed several 5-inch square columns that were removed, milling them down to create its wooden base. He also provided the custom shelves in the kitchen and other spaces.

There aren’t any hallways; passages are the rooms themselves. The spaces all flow directly into one another around the courtyard but still feel intimate and private.”
- Jen Turner

Behind the home is a generous, fenced-in backyard with a tempting pool, cast-in-place concrete planter bed for a garden, and a Quonset hut, used as the couple’s studio and workspace.

If some of the design moves seem familiar, it’s because several were directly leveraged into the design of Austin’s celebrated Carpenter Hotel, which Jen and Jack would open four years later after establishing their hotel and restaurant group, The Mighty Union.

CONTACT: themightyunion.com info@themightyunion.com

eastsideatx.com 39 {the welcoming side of austin}
UP NEXT: Jen and Jack are also working on a ceramics venture called “La Mama.”

Checking In at Rancho

La Puerta

Imagine a world where the rhythms of nature intertwine with the serenity of selfdiscovery, where the soul finds rest amidst the rugged beauty of Baja California. This kind of bliss exists at Rancho La Puerta, where every breath is infused with the essence of wellness and renewal, heightened by a sense of fun and friendship.

Rancho La Puerta is a sanctuary where the embrace of wellness and camaraderie awaits just over the San Diego border in Baja California—Tecate, Mexico, to be exact. Upon arrival, visitors are greeted not only by the warm hospitality of the staff but also by the remarkable friendliness of loyal guests who make this wellness resort and spa their cherished retreat each year.

“How many times have you been to The Ranch?” as the regulars lovingly call it. It’s a question that echoes daily at the community dining hall, followed by gushing conversations over a favorite activity of the day. No matter whether you’re indulging in a delicious organic meal grown in their ancient garden, sweating it out in a unique fitness class, relaxing in the spa, or getting lost on the lush grounds, the inclusive spirit permeates every corner of The Ranch. Whether it’s your inaugural visit

or your thirtieth, the sense of community is palpable, with guests forming lifelong bonds and traditions of returning each year over a course of decades.

For me, I had no expectations for a week spent in the mountains of Mexico. Little did I know that I was about to embark on a journey of wellness and renewal unlike any other. Rancho La Puerta encourages guests to step away from the WiFi; in fact, only a few places on the sprawling 4,000-acres are equipped with the modern technology. Wrongfully, I assumed that I would need the likes of this connection with a demanding workload back home. The reality, though, is that a connection to a device is hardly missed at all. In fact, I find myself in the shoes of many first-timers who yearn to stay longer as the week comes to a close. But as they say on The Ranch, “You can’t come back unless you leave!”

Opting for a shorter stay from Saturday to Wednesday, I soon realize the luxury of choices that await me. The daily schedule brims with an array of fitness classes, activities, and spa treatments, each promising its own unique, alluring satisfaction and relaxation. From morning hikes with breathtaking views to aerial yoga, from water workouts to culinary adventures, the possibilities are as diverse as they are enticing.

Navigating the multitude of offerings becomes a delightful challenge, with each experience promising its own rewards. Among the favorites are Samba Yoga, Cardio Drum Dance, Sound Healing, Yarn Painting, an early morning Breakfast Hike, Latin Dance, Stretch, Warm Stone Deep-Moisture Facial, Scalp Treatment, Samba Barr, Aqua Board, Pickleball, Watercolor, and last but certainly not least, a Culinary Class with guest chef Tonya

40 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com eastside | away

Holland. Special themed weeks are also offered throughout the year, such as Water Week, Culinary Week, or Family Week. Though the options to workout the body and relax the mind are endless, there’s still ample room for pause at this upscale adult version of a fun childhood summer camp.

Amidst the whirlwind of activities, it is the sense of community that leaves the most lasting impression on me. Whether dining with new friends engaging in brilliant conversation, realizing the kindness of strangers, napping in Sound Healing class, or simply sharing in the memories of stories and friendships formed here over the years, even solo guests find connection and camaraderie that transcends age, background, and borders.

Throughout my stay, I’m continually remind-

ed of The Ranch’s legacy, founded in 1940 by Edmond and Deborah Szekely. Their before-its-time vision of tending to the mind, body, and soul remains as relevant today as ever, upheld by their daughter, Sarah, and a dedicated team committed to the motto of siempre mejor, “always better.” Mrs. Szekely, at 102 years old, still makes her way to The Ranch one night each week to welcome guests and share her story.

The beauty of Rancho La Puerta lies not only in its quiet picturesque mountain vistas but also in its commitment to holistic wellness and sustainability. With acres of pristine landscape, an organic farm, and mindfulness practices, The Ranch and its team of experts they bring in each week embody a deep reverence for the earth and its healing power. It’s truly a magical place where every visit promises new discoveries and connection.

eastsideatx.com 41 {the welcoming side of austin}

2020, 2021, 2022


2018, 2020, 2022, 2023



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Sip+ taste

Spring +Summer 2024



48 dine east


50 sip


Real Deal Ramen

Hakata-Style Ramen in East Austin

Directly translated, Marufuku (pronounced mah-roo-foo-koo) in Japanese means ‘circle of good luck,’ and when eaten, it’s like enjoying a bowl of happiness. This humble dish in Asian culture is a staple and was a source of important nutrition during periods of food shortage. Now though, there’s always a good season for eating ramen. It’s no longer a cold weather food; it’s an every day food.

Hakata-style ramen, which is the only style Marufuku offers, delivers a rich and dense broth created by a high-boiling, long-cooking technique that extracts healthy goodness from the marrow of the pork bones. This milky broth, combined with braised pork belly, long and skinny artisanal noodles, and the toppings of the diner’s choice, makes for a tasty and filling meal option.

“Hakata-style is not the same as everybody might think. Hakata is an old fishing port, a poor village, where people needed enough energy to support their bodies to go out fishing all day. This enriched pork soup allowed them to fish longer, with more energy, so they could better feed their families,” says Jason Zhang, one of the partners responsible for bringing Marufuku to Austin.

The popularity of ramen

has grown in the west, after first being introduced to young, budget-conscious adults in an instant form in the 1970s. While ramen restaurants existed, they catered mostly to foreigners looking for comfort food from home. The growing interest in Japanese culture and the unique flavor profile of ramen created a boom of hungry restaurant goers. Experiencing authentic foods from different cultures, especially during the pandemic when

44 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com eastside | taste

international travel came to a halt, became of high interest to adventurists. Other popular Japanese food options, like sushi, sashimi and tempura, are not customizable the way ramen is, bringing further appeal to the warm and comforting meal.

The first Marufuku location in Texas was Dallas and expansion into Austin was a natural fit. “Mueller is an interesting area


Depending on the source, there’s anywhere from 5 to 27 types of ramen. Commonly found broths: Tonkotsu: pork broth (Hakata ramen uses this recipe) that’s milky and dense

Miso: miso based (fermented bean paste), opaque and savory

Shoyu: soy sauce based, tangy and bright

Shio: chicken bone and seafood broth, transparent and light


in Austin; it’s a new community [with] a lot of young families. It’s growing, and it has all the ingredients that match what Marufuku is all about,” explains Carlos Herrador, Executive Vice President Franchise Operations. “It was the perfect spot for our first Austin restaurant. This is why [it’s] so successful.”

Ramen is not only a decadent and filling comfort food that has

Austinites coming back for more, but it’s also the addition of sakés or a favorite cocktail from their full bar that can complement any dish on their menu. These aspects combine together perfectly, setting Marufuku apart from other Raman noodle places in town.


1900 Aldrich St., Ste. 180 marufukuramen.com

eastsideatx.com 45 {the welcoming side of austin}

Lucky Seven

Top Picks for Family-Friendly Dining

It can be tricky finding a familyfriendly spot that appeals to both the grown ups and the little ones. Keeping everyone entertained and fed while enjoying some quality time can sometimes feel daunting. Lucky for you, EASTside’s got you covered! With summer just around the corner, we’ve found seven fabulous family-friendly go-tos to keep everyone entertained for hours.


Enjoy some world-class beer and wine; Meanwhile the kids (and adults) can blow off some energy on their playgrounds or soccer field. Featuring live music and several scrumptious food trucks, this 3+ acre venue is sure to satisfy the whole family. Go for breakfast, lunch, or stay all day, because Meanwhile Brewery is made for play. 3901 Promontory Point Dr. | meanwhilebeer.com


Oddwood is another fabulous brewery located just off Airport Boulevard; yet, there is nothing “odd” about experiencing some family time while enjoying pizza and playing old school games like PacMan. Make Oddwood your next family outing and enjoy their selection of arcade games, delicious small batch brews, and famous KG BBQ from the trailer parked just outside. 3108 Manor Rd. | oddwoodales.com


A bakery, cafe, beer garden, and bar all in one, their large fenced and shaded patio is the perfect space for the whole family. There’s no place like Sour Duck

Market for an amazing day of live music, fresh air, and some of the tastiest handcrafted baked goods this side of the capitol. The kiddos will love their own menu and have plenty of space to play in their mini food truck, while grown ups can choose from their wide selection of sustainable coffee, craft cocktails, beer, and wine. 1814 E MLK Jr. Blvd. | sourduckmarket.com


If you’re craving queso and chips, head over to Kerbey Lane on Aldrich Street on Tuesdays for an evening of kids-eat-free with the purchase of an adult meal. You can’t go wrong with a good deal, and the littles will

love the options, such as pancakes for dinner, on their personalized, colorable menu.

2200 Aldrich St., Ste. 100 | 100 kerbeylanecafe.com


This food truck experience will be one of the best places to bring your wee ones for some delicious handmade pasta that even the pickiest of eaters love. Located outside of the Monarch, the entire area is fenced in, making it an easy space to watch the youngsters play while running back and forth from the table for more. patrizis.com | 2307 Manor Rd.


Been waiting to watch the game?

Easy Tiger’s Linc location is the perfect spot any day of the week. With a kid friendly menu and delicious beer on tap, it will be an easy decision for you to spend the day out and about. Bonus: they offer giant Jenga and cornhole! 6406 N IH-35 Frontage Rd. | easytigerusa.com


It’s no secret Lou’s menu is already one of the top rated places to grab a bite. Next time you’re headed to their East Cesar Chavez location, bring the kids along to get in on the fun. They’ve got plenty of outdoor play space, kid-friendly food, and delicious ice cream to enjoy after a long hot day. 1900 E Cesar Chavez St. | lousaustin.com/eastside

46 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
eastside | food scene

EASTSIDE dining guide


The menu at Cisco’s provides flavorful TexMex options for any meal of the day. Order favorites like their mouth-watering breakfast tacos or comforting cheese enchiladas for dinner. Either way, the food and the service will have you wanting more.

1511 E 6th St. | ciscosaustin.com


Kebabalicious's Turkish-style meats and wraps are mouth-watering. Ingredients are locally sourced, and the lamb is Texasraised and grass-fed. After one taste, visitors never visit a chain kebab shop again. 1311 E 7th St. | kebabalicious.com

Buenos Aires Cafe

Journey into the heart and traditions of Argentina with savory empanadas, asadoinspired meats, and decadent dulce de leche desserts—all scratch-made in house, destined to make guests dream of chimichurri and a perfectly charred bite of South American cuisine.

1201 E 6th St. | buenosairescafe.com

Mour Cafe

Featuring a rotating selection of the world’s most satisfying dishes, Mour Cafe is where gastropub meets comfort. They serve environmentally conscious ingredients, sourced from local farmers, which bring flavor that’s uniquely Austin to each soul-filled dish. 1414 Shore District Dr., Bldg. 3, Ste. 120 mourcafe.com

Casa Colombia

Long-time Austinites know that a visit to Casa Colombia offers an authentic culinary journey, serving up traditional Colombian dishes made from scratch like empanadas, arepas, and bandeja paisa served alongside an array of bright, fresh-squeezed fruit bevs. 2409 E 7th St. | casa-colombia.com

Marufuku Ramen

Nestled in the heart of Mueller, Marufuku is the next best thing to the authentic taste of Japan. With its rich, flavorful broths and tender noodles, this cozy neighborhood joint offers a Japanese fusion experience that invites guests on a culinary journey. 1900 Aldrich St., Ste. 180 | marufukuramen.com

Flyrite Chicken

Disrupting the fast food industry one sandwich at a time, Flyrite is a drive-thru with all-natural, antibiotic-free chicken as well as gluten-free and vegetarian options. 2129 E 7th St. | flyritechicken.com

S-H Donuts

This unassuming store-front houses an outstanding array of fluffy-light donuts, a variety of kolache flavors, and savory breakfast croissants. Even if the food wasn’t enough, the warmth of the owners Sochea and Sarong makes the trip to S-H worth it every time. 5313 Manor Rd.

Hillside Farmacy

Something about Hillside Farmacy's weekend brunches, patio dinners, and cocktails just makes sense. Perhaps that’s due to its historical location in the lovingly renovated 1950s Hillside Drugstore. Or perhaps it’s because the fresh, carefully selected seasonal food that comes from local farms and onto your plate is just good medicine. Enjoy an “Adult Happy Meal” every Wednesday night: Texas grass-fed beef or house-made veggie burger, fries + an old fashioned for only $20. 1209 E 11th St. | hillsidefarmacy.com

48 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com pick 15 OUR FAVE RESTAURANTS ON THE EASTSIDE

De Nada

This charming cantina serves up tacos and margaritas with a smile. The handmade corn tortillas make a soft bed for barbacoa, carnitas, pollo, and more. 4715 E Cesar Chavez St. denadacantina.com

Fruta Feliz

A happy place where breakfast is served all day. Of course, you can also get lunch, but why would you when you can have chilaquiles, huevos rancheros, and authentic breakfast tacos at 8PM? 3124 Manor Rd.

Austin Daily Press

At the corner of MLK and Chicon is a unassuming window offering a flavor-packed menu with house-made meats and condiments. Their menu, influenced by customer feedback, features creative and mouth-watering combinations. Try The Edward Bowl, Chicken Tinga Street Tacos, or The Cuban torta, which showcase their commitment to big flavors from a tiny establishment. Don’t forget to add a side of their famous j-pups! 1900 E MLK Jr. Blvd. | austindailypress.com

Jacoby’s Restaurant

This Southern-inspired menu features family-raised beef that comes directly from the Jacoby Ranch, served with heaping sides of veggies to match its freshness. Enjoy their signature chicken fried steak or a juicy burger on their cozy patio overlooking the Colorado River.

3235 E Cesar Chavez St. | jacobysaustin.com

Llama Queen

Formally known as Llama Kid, this Peruvian gem is casual and delish. Diners will be delighted to sip a pisco sour that will have them feeling like they’re in the Andes. There’s no misstep with any of the ceviche options, and the Malaya Frita short rib is just yum. 4620 E Cesar Chavez St. | llamakidatx.com


KG BBQ is a carnivore's paradise, where the smoky aroma of Texas barbecue 'meats' middle Eastern cuisine. This truck is earning its spot in the Austin food scene as an unforgettable dining experience that fuses traditional Egyptian flavors with a Texas twist: think Smoked Lamb Chops with mint chimichurri and Brisket Shwarma. 3108 Manor Rd. | kgbbq.com



Coffee in the Buff

Stripped Back & Elevated Coffee on the Eastside

“Desnudo means naked,” Sergio Trujillo, co-owner of Desnudo, translates the name on every coffee lover’s lips in Austin that he says is “reflecting the purity of our coffee itself.”

Transparency runs deep in the mission at Desnudo as the Trujillo brothers care deeply about the quality of the coffee they pour and also the quality of care they provide to their small-scale Colombian farmer partners. Beyond simply buying their beans, the brothers maintain active relationships to positively impact a group often neglected by larger-scale purchasers.

Sergio recalls the farmer’s disbelief in their success. “Next year, we’re going to buy more, and then we want to pay more,” Sergio assured them, adding, “because you’re going to have to work more.” Despite the doubt, the brothers returned after a successful start and bought a whole kilo of beans, leaving the farmers saying, “Oh, these guys are for real.”

This dedication to deliver good coffee runs so deep at Desnudo that it spills out from the trailer and into every customer’s experience. Visitors arrive hoping to try their coffee, only to be met with an intimidating line of like-minded coffee connoisseurs. Yet, each one leaves feeling beyond satisfactorily served by Sergio, Juan, and their

crew. “We always focus on the experience,” says Sergio, elaborating, “We want people to get that feeling of being with family.”

That feeling aptly comes through in many ways once the coffee hits taste buds. While others might disguise poor quality with mass-produced syrups, Desnudo carries its high expectation for excellence by finding the right balance for its espresso pour and any house-made syrup added to it. “We’re always striving to provide better products,” Sergio grins.“People respond to that.”

It’s hard not to sing their praises once the rich umami miso flavor mingles with the sweet touch added to the robust espresso in their Brown Sugar Miso Latte. Any time the season allows, they’ll partner with Eastside farmers, Boggy Creek, to keep their fruit-based syrups sourced locally. So, each seasonal syrup carries a fruitful vibrance that can only come from land to latte as soon as possible. Even their drink aptly named Desnudo, the stripped-back concoction of a simple double shot espresso poured over ice, brings out the vibrant flavors of their coffee beans that the brothers take pride in alongside their supported farmers.

CONTACT: 2505 Webberville Rd. desnudocoffee.com @desnudocoffee

RUMOR HAS IT. Is Desnudo ditching the camper and moving to brick and mortar?

“No,” Sergio answers coyly and reveals, “Do you know Rogue Radish? We convinced Chef Max Snyder to join our team.” This means that not only will the insane culinary talents Max offers reside on the Eastside, but there will also soon be even more incredible quality to experience at Desnudo. While the menu is still in the works, the brothers hint it could begin with pastries made to accompany their coffee for a well-rounded order, satisfying both the growing thirst and eventual hunger Austinites have for Desnudo.

50 EASTside | Spring 2024 find more at eastsideatx.com
eastside | sip
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