+East Austin has one of the best streets in the world to explore P.34 the Sun
+East Austin has one of the best streets in the world to explore P.34 the Sun
2020, 2021, 2022
2018, 2020, 2022, 2023
08 Q&A
Ask the Expert
A family business is answering their most asked questions on solar energy.
Holding Space for Timeless Sound
A semi-retired performer keeps the art of live jazz alive in East Austin.
6 Best Pickleball Courts
Be courted off to one of East Austin’s best places to play this fun game.
Maximalist Elegance
Be immersed in ambiance while surrounded by mindfully curated vintage interiors.
A Match Made in Heaven
Take a trip through exquisite South African flavors paired precisely for an abundance of palatable potential.
Our drone perfectly encapsulates a stunning birds-eye view of Andaz Costa Rica’s private beach, Casa de Playa. This exclusive location, just a ten-minute boat ride from the resort, offers breathtaking views, fun in the sun, and incredible food. The image was taken as a private passenger boat departed after dropping off a couple at the beach, showcasing the serene beauty and luxury of this hidden gem.
s I reflect on these trips, shared on the following pages, my mind drifts back to hazy mornings where the sun has just started its drift into my cozy suite. The light pierces so poignantly that the lush greenery outside begins to glisten as its heightened by the sun, the smell of rich local coffee is so permeating that I can taste it on my tongue, and the breeze poetically wafts the sheer curtains to a flutter. The bliss of waking up some place new feels restful and resorting. I didn’t realize how soundly I would sleep until that day. Not what I expected, but somehow it’s healing.
As founders of a brand intentionally created to connect people who have a love for their city, but more so, a love for exploration, arts, culture, and people, we work nealry 24/7. Our small team are feet-to-theground many nights, weekends, and any other moment that anyone needs something; “we’re here to help.” It is our mission to connect people by sharing authentic and deeply moving stories while supporting local artisans and business owners and, in turn, to grow in appreciation for one another and inevitably fall in with this slice of Austin we call home. In addition to building a brand in an ever-growing audience of change-makers and creatives, Will and I parent a two-year-old, two middle schoolers, including a child with special needs—meaning the doctors and therapists appointments are frequent as are the soccer practices and football games. There isn’t a
second of this life we’ve built that I would change. But rather, there often becomes a need to escape the daily tasks to invest in a slower way of life, a state of mind that cuts through the busyness and fog like a piercing ray of sunshine to wake us up to these beautiful moments and people right in front of us.
I am well aware that travel memories will eventually boil down to a series of moments sealed in a bottle like a treasure map: staring a giant humpback in the eye with genuine curiosity in Hawaii, tasting a pint of Guinness with friends in Dublin, the fear pulsing through my body as I jump into the Caribbean Sea with sharks, the crisp wind whipping my hair on a speedboat in Lake Como, our son jumping the waves during a rosy golden hour in Cabo, exploring ancient churches perched over lochs in the Scotch Highlands, hearing the bustling of local chatter as we ferry to various Asian islands, sensing my smallness as we kayak under towering icebergs in Alaska, running through Queen Mary’s Rose Gardens in London as the rain begins to fall fast and heavy, hearing the delight of my kids’ squeals as we stumble upon a momma bear and her cubs crossing the road just feet from us in Yellowstone.
Perhaps all we can hope for is an accumulation of these magical moments scattered over the years is the ability to access them and replay them in our minds in order to time travel to a chapter in our book titled “happy moments.” Or perhaps these “happy moments” change us. Perhaps we allow them to sink so deep that they create a greater sense of connection to the people we share them with and to the landscapes we behold. What if we allow them to impact our souls to a greater appreciation for life itself and the people placed in it, to shift our perspectives and impact our daily interactions: our gratitude, our words, our connections, our intentions?
I believe, over time, these series of moments— connections and experiences—are healing to the soul. But for now, as I close my eyes to fix my gaze on the beam of sun that casts its morning shadow in my hotel suite, I see a songbird chirping overhead as if to say “good morning.” Indeed, it is. As I breathe in the serenity that surrounds me, she takes off. Her wings are outstretched wide; the sun on her back. Her graceful intuition leads me to believe she’s touched that heavenly realm—cast her eyes on jaw-dropping landscapes and encountered beautiful people—many I’ve yet to experience. Now, on the following pages, you have the opportunity to also escape the daily tasks and solidify your own magical moments in time allowing them to shift your perspective.
Enjoy making happy memories!
Ashley Bowling Founder & Editor-in-Chief
Publishing Editor & Founder
Ashley Bowling
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Business Development Graydon Laguarta Will Bowling
Copy Editor & Accts Rec. Pam Bowen Distribution Will Bowling Graydon Laguarta
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Eric Morales, Will Bowling,
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with John Hardy, Owner of Divided Sky Roofing & Solar
Meet the experts behind a family owned and operated solar company as they debunk myths around solar systems, their upkeep, and the installation process.
Q: Who should get solar?
A: Everyone has their own reason for getting solar. Generally, those who would like efficient energy for their home or those who want to have a secure backup resource for power outages benefit the most from solar. Ultimately, solar allows people to invest in their own energy needs.
Q: What should I look for if I am considering hiring a contractor to install solar panels on my home or business?
A: Asking questions can help you make a quality decision. Are they located in your area? What happens after the installation? Is their sales-
person able to assist you after the sale? Ask them how they came up with the design for your system and why they think it’s the right size. What assumptions are they using to design your system? Your contractor should be able to help you before, during, and after installation is complete.
Q: Can I get solar panels for free?
A: No, but there are many federal and local tax credits and rebates out there. A 30% federal tax credit
is available and applies to the system’s total cost. This cost includes batteries and any other equipment required to operate the system. Additionally, Austin Energy offers a $2500 rebate if a system is installed by one of their approved vendors--our company being one of them. (Be sure to consult with a tax professional regarding applicability.)
For example:
Total system cost
Austin Energy rebate
Q: Will solar keep my power on during a power outage?
A: Yes, but to keep the power on during an outage, your system must be paired with a battery system. With batteries, your home can continue to use the stored energy created by your solar.
Q: If I get solar, will I have a $0 electric bill?
period is much faster when you pair solar panels with solar batteries.
Q: I already have solar panels but the company that installed them is no longer in business. Can you help me?
-$2,500 30% tax credit
Final cost after rebate & credit . . . .
Q: What makes Divided Sky different?
A: As a locally owned and operated company, we are here for the longrun, not just the “one and done” quick sale. Additionally, being a full-service roofing and solar company, we don’t just sell equipment. We focus on educating people, so they can make the best choice for their home and their family. Repairing existing equipment (no matter the installer) and also installing our own products are what sets Divided Sky apart from the rest.
A: It depends on how much energy you use. The less you use, the easier it is to get a $0 bill. It really comes down to finding the sweet spot, where the cost of the system is equal to, or greater than, the savings. We specialize in helping our customers get the most out of their solar while minimizing their costs.
Q: Should I install a generator or batteries?
A: Generators are an excellent option for short-term power outages if you don’t have solar. However, with solar panels, batteries are a much better alternative to store energy. In addition to being eligible for a 30% federal tax credit, they can be used daily to offset your electric bill. Your payback
A: Yes. This is something we hear often, unfortunately, and results from fly-by-night companies. As a result, we work on all system sizes, types, and brands. We regularly fix and repair older systems that are no longer working the way they should, or systems that never worked correctly in the first place.
Q: Can I sell power back to the grid?
A: Yes, with “Net Metering” you can. Net Metering allows you to sell the power you do not use back to the power company. The downside is that they buy it from you at a wholesale rate but sell it back to you at retail. This is another way that batteries can save you money.
Contact: (512) 995-7663
August +Sept 2024
Alyssa Dawn Galloway, a self-taught creative, has been deeply involved in fine arts since childhood. The initial years of her professional artistic journey were marked by experimentation and a guarded creative process; however, this venture has since blossomed into an infectious passion for the Earth and our environment.
“Ididn’t seek a formal education in art, scared that I might begin to doubt my talents and lose my joy of painting,” Alyssa explains. Her creative process is soulful and deeply personal. Initially, her work was introspective and experimental, reflecting an inner, somewhat mystical, realm. Over time though, her focus has shifted to drawing inspiration from the pureness of nature.
An avid environmentalist, Alyssa paints from her heart, channeling the profound feelings she experiences in natural landscapes. Growing up in Texas, she discov-
Do you have a meaningful location you want to commemorate forever? Alyssa Dawn commissions custom art and offers live painting for events, making your artistic dreams come to life right before your eyes.
ered the beauty and vastness this state has to offer, and immersing herself in new topography quickly became an obsession. The desert in West Texas, in particular, holds a magical allure for Alyssa. She describes it as a living metaphor, where the intense quality of life is mirrored in the rugged, persevering landscape. “The dramatic changes in light throughout the day, from sunrise to twilight, absolutely captivate me,” she muses.
Although she never imagined being a landscape painter, the energy she derives from the environment keeps her focused on this subject. Alyssa explains that the land feels both familiar and foreign, reflect-
ing a sense of unbroken continuity that contrasts human-imposed divisions. “If more people could experience these vast, beautiful spaces, I believe it would inform better decisions and language around environmental issues,” Alyssa explains.
Learning about pollution, habitat loss, and deforestation stirs up an emotional response for Alyssa. While working at and visiting national parks around the U.S., she witnessed the transformative impact of nature on urban dwellers experiencing the wild for the first time. This connection to nature is why she paints landscapes devoid of human elements, aiming to
inspire and remind viewers of the natural world’s resilient beauty.
Alyssa encourages aspiring artists to follow their inspiration, whatever the subject may be. She believes the world needs more art that inspires others. Alyssa emphasizes the importance of focusing on what makes the artist feel alive and honing their craft around that passion, regardless of
formal education. She adds, “The Eastside of Austin is an incredible place for artists to be, with art on every corner and wonderful grassroots organizations that support our work.”
CONTACT: @alyssadawnarts
Austin’s Best Listening Room Experience
It’s probably the most tired question the uninitiated can ask about the century-old art form: Is jazz dead? Careful observers of the Austin music scene will answer with an astounding negative. But it’s asked for a reason, and one that Collin Shook, jazz pianist and proprietor of Monks, has sat with for some time.
Live jazz is often assigned to the oddball Tuesday night at the bar that needs to be filled or as the background at some buzzy brunch spot. With less frequent exposure to the classic style, “A lot of people consider jazz [is] what you hear in the background of a TV show,” says Collin. The down-to-earth musician and venue owner hopes to make the art form not only accessible to Austinites on a regular basis but to also present it in a way that listeners, whether longtime fans or first time explorers, have the opportunity to experience the joy of improvisational artistry.
Collin breaks down a three-party relationship theory of a live music ecosystem as he sees it: the audience, artist, and venue, each playing a role in creating a healthy environment. But there is a power imbalance in this equation, and, invoking the words of Spiderman, Collin acknowl-
edges that with great power comes responsibility. “The parties who hold the most power are the venue owner and the managers,” he adds.
In fact, many places in Austin have a jazz night, but “so many people have never gone into a room and heard a tenor sax player, an upright bassist, a drummer with really splashy cymbals, and a piano player really get into it,” explains Collin.
Monks offers audiences just that: an intentional listening room, putting the musicians at the forefront of the evening. The front room, which consists of the seating area and stage, is approximately 900 square feet and accommodates about 60 guests. The intimacy of the room creates an immersive, distraction-free ambience unlike any other live music experience in town. The proximity to the perform-
Tickets are available online, and a convenient seating map allows guests to choose where they’d like to sit. There is plenty of room in the on-site parking lot, but arrive early to ensure a spot. Bring your favorite brew and settle in for the experience.
As a semi-retired performer, owner Collin used to play 25 nights a month but now plays about 10 shows a year.
ers is captivating in and of itself, and the house rules ensure that listeners are fully immersed.
While drinks are allowed (currently BYOB), talking and texting are not. What Collin refers to as the “Alamo Drafthouse rule” not only creates a greater experience for the performers and attendees alike, it also allows Collin to produce extraordinarily high-quality livestream performances using multitrack recording, bringing the breadth of the live sound to listeners at home.
About nine of every ten performances feature local musicians, with touring acts coming through the doors from time to time. “I get a lot of great feedback from the musicians who play here. A lot of
people say it’s their favorite place to play,” says Collin. As a semiretired full-time performer turned venue owner, he knows how to make the experience a positive one for all parties.
Places like Monks set out to go beyond just selling drinks and filling a room. They also strive to create a platform to uplift artists who are the life blood of the live music industry. “It’s just up to the club owners and managers to try something and execute it.” Collin smiles and adds, “Jazz isn’t dying, honestly. It’s a timeless art form.”
September 27, 7-10pm
Explore the beautiful work of local women artists at The Cathedral’s September Opening Reception for Hispanic Heritage Month Exhibition with new works by Angelica Rahé, Eliana Bernard, Karmita, Laura Clay, Lisa Saldivar, and Lys Santamaria. Enjoy a lovely evening at this woman-owned gallery while supporting local artisans. Tickets start at $15. 2403 E 16th St. |
August 10, 9pm-2am
As an established lifestyle and entertainment-focused event for the lesbian, queer, non-binary, and trans community, Eden Austin is attracting a good-vibes-only crowd from all over the world for Austin Pride’s Largest Party. Hosted at The Venue ATX, tickets start at $20. 516 E 6th St. |
June 7-August 17, 10am-5pm
Explore the transformation of art at the “Evolving” Group Exhibition, featured at Art for the People Gallery. As the gallery’s second show in their new space, there are a plethora of captivating pieces, from small to big and paintings to photography. This exhibition is free to just stop by and admire the curated art from 38 local artists.
2801 S I-35 Frontage Rd., #130 |
August 14-18, showtimes vary
Celebrating legendary country music trailblazers, this unique performance is at the heart of music rhythms and blends them with the captivating artistry of acrobatics. Live music from Nashville Universal Music Group brings a new depth to the jaw-dropping techniques from the performers of Cirque du Soleil Tickets start at $53 for adults. 2350 Robert Dedman Dr. |
September 6, 8pm
If you love the theater, then this is the party for you. Celebrate the best in sing along show-tunes, and be sure to dress as your favorite Broadway character. If not just for the thrilling rave, go for the surprise guests from hit Broadway stars at Empire Control Room & Garage Tickets start at $20. 606 E 7th St. |
September 22, 7pm
Get ready for a blast from the past for those who grew up in the ’90s-2000s. Grab your Blockbuster card and join Myles Weber at Industry Eastside for a ’90s Kinda Love Comedy Show, featuring jokes and stories that bring back memories of infomercials and VHS tapes. Don’t forget to turn your pagers to silent. Tickets start at $20.1211 E 5th St., Ste. 150 |
September 28-29, 5-10pm
Providing a glimpse into African American tunes in Austin as it was during the ’40s, ‘50s, and ’60s, the festival brings back the hotbed of blues and R&B with artists performing various venues along the East 12th Street corridor. There will be 15 bands playing in six venues each day, all within walking distance of each other. Tickets start at $25 for adults. E 12th St. & Chicon St. |
September 28, 8pm-2am
This vibrant annual celebration explodes with cultural diversity, featuring live music that celebrates South American heritage with Brazilian, Latin, and Caribbean rhythms. Become dazzled by elaborate costumes, delicious food, and unique vendors. It’s a festival for everyone to enjoy, offering an unforgettable experience of blended cultures at The Venue ATX. Tickets start at $20, and attendees can check their website for places to get your very own traditional carnival costume. 516 E 6th St. |
In pursuit of hedonism and curiosity, those who value both will find balance in this lineup of dreamy destinations that offer nourishment for the soul through exploration and sun-drenched sea days lounging in the sand. The sensual allure of water awaits, with the promise of fine food and fun under the sun.
There’s something about the feeling of bare feet sinking into the soft sand and the smell of the salty air wisping through your hair. A veil of tranquility falls with the sound of deep blue waves crashing ashore from the force of the wind that carries them in and out in perfect rhythm. The same Pacific wind cools the body’s temperature to a perfect 98 degrees while the sun singes the skin, making it warm to the touch. There’s something magical at the sight of stumbling upon, not your first, but second beach of the day and being the only one experiencing the beautiful enchantment spent in seclusion.
This is Lāna’i.
Arriving at this private isle is much easier than one would think, thanks to Four Seasons, who has two properties on the island: one resting in the Kō’ele highlands and another perched beachside. Both properties were acquired with 98% of Lāna’i in 2012 by Oracle master Larry Ellison, lovingly referred to as Mr. Ellison by locals.
Touching down on Lāna’i’s red soil is unlike any other Hawaiian island, not only due to its lack of population but there’s also something even more alluring that doesn’t quite fit into words and must be experienced to fully comprehend. Upon encountering the people who live here, or even those who visit, you sense a familiar theme—gratitude, simplicity, and contentment. The story line is reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. How can one place evoke such a state of serenity, delight, gratitude, and wellness within the soul?
Lāna’i is the sixth largest Hawaiian island and the least populated in the island chain. Because of its inaccessibility, most neighbors live off the land and operate on the barter system. Very few roads are paved, meaning most stay off-limits during the rainy season. Backcountry hikes and four-wheel drives off the beaten path ensure Lāna’i is one of Hawaiʻi’s least explored isles—far removed from the popular resort areas found on other islands.
Four Seasons Resort Lāna’i is elegantly placed cliffside with panoramic views overlooking the sea and is a short stroll to the most populous beach on Lana’i: Hulopo’e Bay. But don’t be fooled by populous. At this white sand beach, the local surfers, alongside native families building sandcastles, are still few and far between. A short hike up a red dirt trail reveals the most spectacular views of Sweetheart Rock at sunrise and sunset. Visiting early enough in the year lends itself to glimpses of gentle giants frolicking in the shallows where they’ve traveled great distances to birth young humpbacks.
Life exists undisturbed.
Passing fellow guests, a rarity, while wandering through the resort’s lush grounds to your room, you’ll be greeted with a delightful “Aloha!” Each guestroom has its private lanai, with plush modern amenities and spa-like bathrooms, where rich wood tones meet creamy palettes. The aesthetic throughout the resort is inviting and relaxed, seamlessly blending old Polynesian charm with hand-woven rugs and modern luxury, welcoming the tropical foliage inside at every turn.
As if the deep wood tones and sleek furniture weren’t enough, the dining at Four Seasons Lāna’i is an experience just as unforgettable. Signature teppanyaki, sushi, and elevated Japanese fare
can be found at Nobu, while local organic options abound at Malibu Farm. Favorites include Pokeviché (spicy ahi tuna, sesame oil, tamari, avocado, furikake chips), Blueberry cocktail (peach bourbon, blueberry mint ginger agave, lemon), and tropical ice cream sandwiches (pineapple-coconut ice cream embedded between gingersnaps), accompanied with cliffside ocean panoramas. Osteria Mozza serves up Italian dishes fused with island ingredients, which also has one of the best seats in the house for sunset views of Hulopo’e Beach.
Whether you opt for Four Seasons Resort Lāna’i or Sensei, a Four Seasons Resort (an adults-only destination), guests can access the fine dining offered at both locations, Jack Nicklaus Manele Golf Course, and the numerous amenities and excursions. Discover Lanai’s untouched land via Jeep and get lost on secluded beaches in what feels like a far-off land. With a 40-inch telescope at the resort’s observatory, enjoy colorful planets and shooting stars in an unpolluted night sky. Explore what lies below the waters at Hulopo’e Bay Marine Sanctuary. Or, try your agility at Lāna’i Adventure Park course. Other land activities include archery, clay shooting, pickleball, and horseback riding on the hills of the Kō’ele highlands. Sea activities include sailing the Pacific at sunset, discovering the island’s lesser-touched snorkeling locales, and seasonal whale cruises, which sail into the densest humpback populations in the world where the curious mammals travel to warmer waters to birth their calves.
While Four Seasons Lāna’i appeals to avid golfers, honeymooners, and the like, kids 5 to 12 years old can enjoy daily activities that include tide pool exploration, lei-making, hula lessons, ukulele lessons, and a build-your-own volcano workshop.
While Sensei is an adults-only resort, Four Seasons Lāna’i does have an adults-only pool.
Take a direct flight from Austin to Honolulu on Hawaiian Airlines, then hop on a 25-minute flight from HNL to Lāna’i. Or, make it a two-island visit by stopping over in Maui for a few days. A 45-minute ferry ride from Lahaina lands guests on Lāna’i, where the Four Seasons team greets travelers at the ferry dock (or airport) and transfers guests to their choice resort.
Though both resorts have a spa onsite, visiting Sensei Lāna’i, A Four Seasons Resort makes for an unmatched spa experience. The senses are heightened at this resort’s self-contained spas called hales (ha-lay). These teak and glass Japanese structures pepper the sacred grounds of the resort’s highlands. Inside our sanctuary, there is an embodiment of serenity. And after an invigorating bodywork, guests are invited to stay a while. The 1,000-square-foot huts are full of elements designed to bring about a state of relaxation, complete with a tray of hot tea and local produce.
Inside, a rare perk beckons with its steamy waters. A deep wooden Japanese tub, called an ofuro, rests between natural wood tones and shoji screens. Its purpose is not to bathe but to cleanse the body and unwind the mind. The ofuro is filled before our arrival, and the large steam shower is set to the perfect sultry temp upon the treatment’s
end. Exiting the large sliding glass doors into a private oasis, two onsens are on deck: one a cool plunge pool, a perfect contrast to the heat generated inside from the infrared sauna, steam shower, and ofuro tub, and the other a hot pool for dipping, encapsulated by the leafy refuge. A small path leads to a rainwater shower where being one with nature takes on a whole new meaning.
Replenishing the soul is not the only way Sensei Lāna’i appeals to the body. Japanese dishes are carefully crafted and nutritionally optimized at the resort’s main restaurant, Sensei by Nobu. Every dish is perfectly balanced with fresh produce from the resort’s hydroponic farm, local fish and seafood, and lean meats—including indigenous venison. Famished souls should opt for the omakase menu, while the Açaí Sour cocktail, Yellowtail Jalapeño small bite, and hot pot main course are equally as delicious.
This is where wellness begins but not where it ends. The grounds are full of peaceful moments encompassing a modern-day journey reminiscent of Eden prior to the fall. Exiting the ultra-plush staterooms directly into gardens filled with sleepy Banyon trees dripping with vines feels like waking up in a hazy dream. Melodies of songbirds fill the air in harmony with flowing streams that meander into a large wrap-around lagoon pool that adjoins private garden alcoves and several hot tubs.
Tucked within the 24 acres of immaculate grounds of flora are ten private hot springs,
or onsens. Appealing to the senses once again, the sounds of rushing water through the Japanese gardens connect one private onsen to another via a series of waterfalls hidden within thick camouflage. At the same time, secluded pools bound by smooth black rocks entice couples to soak in tranquility day or night.
Captivating enough on its own to evoke a sense of well-being, Sensei Lāna’i is driven by a mission to promote wellness by developing a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t end once guests check out. To add to the sense of well-being, one-on-one consultations with experts are available as well as complimentary small group classes and guided activities such as Yin Yoga and Forest Bathing.
Beyond the surface, these spiritual uplands of Lāna’i are surrounded by undulating mountains with low-slung clouds that set the stage for the resort’s philosophy to nourish. The landscapes of the Kō’ele highlands are dense and mystifying, only accentuated by Sensei’s deep mission to provide a sense of wellness to each guest who steps foot on her fertile soil. From sanctuary-like accommodations and menus crafted by world-renowned chef Nobu, to customized wellness plans and luxurious spa experiences to flawless service, Sensei Lāna’i and Four Seasons Resort Lāna’i offer an untouchable practice in pause, impeccably designed on a personal level to leave guests dreaming of the day they get to return to the “Garden of Eden.”,, @fslanai
a state of mind
From the moment you step into an outdoor oasis with thatched ceilings and a view that stretches beyond the peaceful blue waters to layers of purple mountains, you realize you’ve just arrived in a faroff land—except it’s a place that naturally feels like home. It’s a place where guests and staff are greeted by name and treated like family, where sunsets display like swirls of tropical sorbets, where water and steam flow from the earth effortlessly, and where rest and wellness coexist.
This is Guanacaste.
Costa Rica is known for many things. It’s one of the most biodiverse places on earth and is 98% carbon neutral. Yet, what may be lesser known is the people. Their value for life extends beyond their high value of care for their land and wildlife. (There’s no trash on the beaches or side of the road!) But the value placed on humanity is humbling. If you spend time at either of these two destinations, you will be invited to stay awhile and catch up with strangers, who, by the end of your trip, may seem more like friends. This is a culture where being in the moment and appreciating life lead the way to Pura Vida.
Flying into Costa Rica, I was surprised by the sheer amount of gorgeous volcano peaks jetting through the clouds. In fact, the country has over 200 volcanic formations. About 100 are said to show signs of activity, but only five are considered active: Rincón de la Vieja, Irazú, Poás, Turrialba, and Arenal.
Picture a resort set on a peaceful sea, where the unpretentious clean lines of immaculate architecture take a backseat to lush tropical forests, a place where infinity-edge pools blend into panoramic views of the bay. It is a place where good conversation and excellent food flow. This is Andaz Costa Rica Resort at Peninsula Papagayo.
Connected by a series of pathways and stairs, the villas and suites at Andaz were carefully crafted to give a sense of living in an elegant treehouse perched hillside. Views of monkeys swinging in trees give way to Culebra Bay. The penthouse suites have a spacious kitchen and living area that seamlessly open to a large outdoor terrace for lounging and dining under the stars. Even from the comfortable beds on the lowest level, sunrise views peek over the mountains each day to gently whisper “Good morning.” For the most spectacular view in the house, day or night, the rooftop is outfitted with a covered terrace, a lounger for star gazing, and a private pool to cool off in the midday heat. Each suite has all the conveniences of home (like a washer/dryer) accompanied by modern luxuries, plush bedding, thoughtful lighting, and natural materials.
There’s no shortage of things to do outside in Costa Rica. Yet, at Peninsula Papagayo, the experience is elevated by their friendly onsite staff at Casa de Playa and the expert guides at The Explorers. Take a 10-minute boat ride from the main resort to Nacascolo Beach where peaceful turquoise waters lap ashore at Andaz’s beach club, Casa de Playa, and be greeted once again with a fresh welcome mocktail and pineapple paletas. Nothing is lacking at this beach—guests can spend the day lounging with sun and sangria or dine near the extra-long infinity-edge pool where Chef Bruno’s crudo takes center-stage, complemented perfectly by their specialty whiskey cocktail or a fruit-infused spritz.
The afternoon at Casa de Playa is well-spent snorkeling, kayaking, or paddle boarding in the bay, compliments of the resort. During a new moon, book a night excursion to the bioluminescent bay where fluorescent waves make a magical splash and fish swimming through the water appear out of the darkness like shooting stars.
Humpbacks and sea turtles also make their way through the peninsula annually. Mothers emerge from the depths to birth their young at Playa Prieta (a black-and-white-sand beach) and Playa Virador. This “turtle tradition,” called imprinting, has a special occurrence after 45-60 days, a birthday (or hatching). Visit Prieta Beach Club in the evening to catch a glimpse of hundreds of mini green sea turtles making their first trek to the ocean. If you’re not visiting No-
vember through March, when hatching takes place, I still recommend Prieta Beach Club’s Sunset Bar, where guests can enjoy dinner and drinks with an electric sunset.
As if these magical phenomena weren’t enough, there’s still more to explore on dry land on the peninsula. Andaz crafts creative experiences such as ceviche and barista classes, yoga sessions and sound healing, canvas art and samba classes, and they also provide electric bikes for exploring the peninsula solo. The Explorers offers experiences immersed in nature: a zip line and ropes course, a paddle through magical mangroves on canoe or water bikes, or off-roading in UTVs to take in spectacular views and secluded beaches., @andazpapagayo
Further inland, you’ll find a place similar in their attention to detail, yet on a more intimate scale. This is a place with excellent locally sourced food, a community-centric spirit, immersion in nature, and also surrounded by water. This is Rio Perdido.
THE SPA: Rio Perdido and Andaz Costa Rica have their own onsite spa— unique to their setting, rituals, and traditions. I highly recommend getting the deep tissue massage times two! Both are an utterly relaxing experience but different. Andaz’s spa, ONDA, has the option to book a couples massage, tacking on extra time in your personal spa suite with a steam shower, indoor/outdoor shower, tub, and ocean view balcony. Rio Perdido’s massage therapists are set up in private open-air studios with the lull of pool cascades mimicking Costa Rica’s seductive summer soundtrack: waterfalls. Their therapists will also set up in guest’s private bungalows.
Rio Perdido’s eco-lodge, with soaring wooden ceilings and exposed trusses in the open-air dining room, is the only building on the property that peeks beyond the rough foliage of the 1500+ acre reserve. Stand-alone bungalows are hidden within a dwarf forest, connected by well-lit paths—each their own private getaway with floor-to-ceiling forest views, some with outdoor showers.
“This was no accident,” says Gabriel Saragovia, founder of Rio Perdido. Coming from a lineage of architects and designers, Gabriel had each of the 30+ bungalows and the main lodge designed to fit within the existing forest’s ecosystem without disturbing their indigenous environments. It’s obvious upon walking the grounds that “life finds a way,” and this eco-conscious team has respected this way of life.
Southwest and American have several flights daily, which land Austinites in the Liberia Airport in about a half day. American Airlines offers the luxury of direct flights from Austin on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Sundays. Andaz Costa Rica has a transportation company that transports guests to and from the airport, in a 30-minute drive. For Rio Perdido, I suggest opting for your own mode of transportation by renting a car and making the hour’s drive. Electing for a 4-wheel drive will allow easy exploration of this beautiful country, given there are many natural wonders and national parks to visit nearby. However, Rio Perdido can also arrange for airport transfers.
Flowing in perfect harmony with the sounds of howler monkeys and chirping songbirds, two rivers collide below the property perched on a cliff. Hidden beneath the 160-foot deep tree canopies, the masculine energy of Río Blanco and the feminine energy of the peaceful thermal waters flow to eventually intertwine in rhythm. The soothing thermal pools along the rocky river bed vary from hot to warm, perfect for a long, secluded, mineral-rich bath in the forest. A day trip to Miravalles Volcano, Llanos del Cortés Waterfalls, Tenorio Volcano’s Río Celeste, or rafting the nearby Tenorio River are all an adventure seeker’s dream come true.
KIDS CLUB: While Andaz Costa Rica appeals to avid golfers and couples seeking a romantic getaway, kids 4 to 12 years old can enjoy CAMBI Day Camp, and kiddos even younger can join the fun as long as they are accompanied by their adult. Daily activities include color therapy, sand castles & shell quests, pottery painting, hair wrap & nails, and kids yoga.
ADULTS ONLY: Rio Perdido welcomes children over 12, and their bungalows are designed to sleep up to three people.
At Rio Perdido, however, the Canyoning Adventure propels guests through zip lines that scale the gorge of the Río Blanco canyon. Blue waters rush below as we glide through the air on cables that begin and end at the lodge without seeing another soul on our voyage. Our group of three has three guides and a photographer to document our thrilling adventure of swinging through the stunning canyon, over suspension bridges, an actual “Tarzan swing,” scaling rock formations, and soaring above tree canopies. If visiting during the rainy season, Río Blanco canyon’s rushing waters offer another thrilling adventure: white water tubing. Their guides help you safely traverse the river on inner tubes through several intense rapids, revealing the canyon’s magic once more.
The local and friendly team at Rio Perdido has thoughtfully curated every detail of the stay, from an elevated dining experience to craft cocktails at the mineral-rich (warm, hot, and cold) pools that connect to the bar and hug the lodge. You can indulge in relaxing activities from cliffside yoga to bird-watching hikes to calming spa treatments. For outdoor enthusiasts, they offer a mountain biking circuit and arguably the best zip-lining experience and white-water tubing adventure in Costa Rica., @rioperdido
Imagine a place where ancient civilization collides with sun-drenched beaches covered in white sand and crystal clear waters. Mix in the thrilling option of swimming with whale sharks, whales, or in underwater caves, and it’s nearing perfection. Add in the element of ease that an all-inclusive resort brings. Tack on the fact that it’s only a few hours away by plane, and you’ve just landed in the ideal paradise.
With the conveniences of direct flights and all-inclusive resorts, this destination becomes simple for families who want to escape Austin in search of a getaway with little planning involved. The next destinations provide five-star luxury experiences and activities, allowing everyone to find something relaxing to do, no matter their vibe.
This is Mexico, more specifically, Mexico’s peninsulas.
Flying two hours east will immerse travelers in a vastly different landscape, yet a similar ease of life with idyllic beaches and welcoming culture await. Under Caribbean blue skies lie emerald seas that convert to aquamarine waves as they crash on whitesand beaches dotted with cream coral. Under those same sun-soaked skies, Mayan ruins rise out of lush green forests amidst colorful architecture, matching its sea life ablaze with a canvas of color.
This destination, however, caters to the modern and luxe travelers who seek to escape the rowdy scene of Cancun and Los Cabos and lures those seeking seclusion at an elegant adults-only resort. This is UNICO 20°87° Hotel Riviera Maya.
On Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, UNICO 20°87° embraces its natural surroundings, paying homage to colonial architecture and supporting local artisans in every design detail. With an unfiltered view of modern Mexico, UNICO aims to whisk guests away with a one-of-a-kind all-inclusive experience, gifting all who stay a deep connection to the region—hence the name.
This resort’s sun-filled interiors, moody backdrops, and intimate spaces are easy on the eyes. The design details carry into each stateroom, where guests have the option to specify their every preference, from the firmness of the pillows to the scent in the room to their daily mini-bar selection. Each guestroom reflects Mexico’s past and present with putty-colored walls, woodbeamed ceilings, leather armchairs, a lounger, and fabulously soft beds dressed in crisp white linens. At turn-down, rooms are stocked with local artisanal treats, and the bathrooms are filled with soaps by local artisans. They’re designed in rich wood tones and black stone, while the vanity mirrors float to allow the Caribbean sun to seep past the bedroom into the bathroom.
Accommodations include a “local host” who checks in daily, ensuring everything from a good night’s rest, restaurant reservations, unpacking, and even ironing services are attended to. While the ground-level guestrooms have swim-up pools, the upper levels have outdoor hydro-spa tubs for the ultimate seclusion, and nearly all the rooms boast ocean views.
Dining at UNICO is not a singular experience. Each of the five restaurants offer a multi-sensory, fine dining experience, all the way to their lively bars and beachside cafes. The food is
For the ultimate day of cultural exploration, visit Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage site. For over two thousand years, this Mayan city was the greatest in Central America because of its access to the underground cenotes that pepper the region, gaining the ancient world access to fresh water. Now rediscovered, the Yucatan is riddled with these underground caves begging to be explored. A quick search will render various nearby cenotes that each bring their own sense of wonder accompanied by a small entry fee. However, I suggest visiting names like Ik-Kil, Zaci-Ha, Sac-Aua, or Secreto Maya. A trip to the Yucatan wouldn’t be complete without a visit to Las Coloradas Pink Lakes, a magical land where sea water transforms from cobalt blue to fuscia. Red algae, plankton, sea salt, and brine shrimp all attribute to this natural phenomenon that is an incredible sight to behold. To add to its photogenic beauty, Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve is also home to Mexico’s pretty pink flamingos.
sourced locally, the service is impeccable, the drinks are delicious, and the atmosphere is elegant. Every detail is intentionally played out, adding to the concept of modern luxury meets local spirit.
There are plenty of moments of seclusion at UNICO, from the luxe men’s and women’s spas (complete with a hydro-circuit, eucalyptus steam room, complimentary mud masks, and dreamy spa treatments) to a “smaller” relaxation pool near a boardwalk with private cabanas ready to rent where the lull of waves crashing ashore eases the body and mind. There are also ways to connect to other travelers through art classes, board games, and a pool table in the main bar, as well as mixology and cooking classes.
Just a short drive south, Playa Akumal’s shallow azul waters are the perfect locale to get up close and personal with sea turtles. Bring your own lifejacket and snorkel gear or rent it there, but know that lifeguards do paddle the shallows to ensure the turtles are respected. Drive a bit further south, and you’ll come upon one of Yucatan’s most photographed beaches, full of Mayan history where limestone formations dramatically rise from the turquoise sea. Tulum’s Archaeological Site features ruins perched cliffside overlooking some of the most stunning stretches of coastline., @unico2087
Garza Blanca offers babysitting and a kids club with fun activities like bingo, yoga, pickleball, a talent show, s’mores on the beach, and sombrero-making, to name a few.
Los Cabos is known for many things, but most notably for its striking monochromatic desert mountains colliding with a beautiful blue ocean powerfully crashing ashore. The iconic Arch of Cabo San Lucas, where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean, is also a sight to behold. Adventure seekers can partake in activities such as deep-sea fishing, whale watching, or exploring the rugged vistas on ATVs. This is Garza Blanca Resort & Spa Los Cabos.
Set on Mexico’s rugged and hazy Baja Peninsula, Garza Blanca provides ample opportunities to relax on a pristine beach, at one of their many pools, or in the spacious suites. All the suites have ocean views and private terraces with a dining table, seating area, and oversized hammock. Most suites have living areas, multiple bathrooms, full-sized refrigerators, a cooktop, and washer/ dryer.
There’s no need to overpack because this resort offers all the creature comforts for everyone in the family. A fullsized crib, a baby monitor, bottle warmers and sanitizers, a stroller, and bouncers are all available. While my little one enjoyed her loot (a coloring book, beach bag, hand-crafted toy, and turtle stuffy), the bigs felt extra special having kid-sized robes and slippers.
Adults can find peaceful moments at the spa, complete with a hydrotherapy circuit, or at the rooftop bar. It’s rather tempting to squander the day lounging by the rooftop infinity-edge pool gazing out at the hazy pink horizon, sipping a Mezcaltini with passion fruit, Chile Ancho Liquor, basil, and lime. But those same pink skies and blue waters beckon a sultry sunset sail on the Pacific to complete a peaceful sun-soaked day.
Activities catered to “big kids” include horseback riding on the beach, a cooking class (with a history lesson), paddle yoga (floating platforms in the pool), making artisan quartz bracelets, and an electric bike beach tour.
Garza Blanca has nine pools: two being adults-only, one at the spa with the hydro-circuit and power shower, and one being the best view in the house on the rooftop. But there is also a picturesque infinity-edge pool near the ocean for all to enjoy. The kid’s pool has ankle-deep water, shoots, and water spouts. One pool has a fun underwater window, another has a swim up bar, and another has what feels like an endless game of volleyball. The pools are immaculately clean and kept the perfect temp year round.
I could eat beachside every day at Garza Blanca and never grow tired. Pool-loungers are satisfied all day long with dishes like Tuna Sashimi, blackened fish tacos, a heaping bowl of chips and guac, and a local dish called Aguachiles—topped with a hearty dose of spice and ashed onions—all accompanied by passion fruit margaritas under the sun.
However, leaving the resort lends itself to discovery. The charming town of San José del Cabo, with its cobblestone streets, art galleries, and historic mission church, hosts an Art Walk every Thursday. Culinary delights await at every corner, from fresh ceviche to hearty tacos al pastor. Immersing yourself in the local culture while sipping locally produced wine or a refreshing cocktail made with regional tequila allows visitors to experience Cabo’s culture in all its glory., @garzablancaloscabos
Whether it’s a sun-soaked day napping on white sand, a sultry spa day full of relaxing moments, a day spent alongside a cheerful canvas of colorful creatures swimming in clear blue waters, a swirling beachside dance party under a starlit sky, a day spent pool side indulging in local cuisine, time spent conversing with locals learning their story, a day exploring ancient civilizations, or gazing at electric sunsets too peaceful to put into words, escaping the everyday is healing for the soul. Each destination offers a unique perspective on life that one simply cannot gain by staying put. Call it lavish. Call it gratification. Call it curiosity. Our souls were created to connect by exploring everything under the sun.
August +Sept 2024
East 11th Street beats out famous streets across the world to become a top destination without paving over its roots.
What better marker of a place worth visiting than a distinguished gateway arch— like that which marks the start of East 11th Street? With its brick balustrades, cherry iron arch, and blazing Lone Star, it welcomes visitors to a stretch of East Austin that has been dubbed “third coolest street in the world” by Time Out magazine.
The arch, erected in the early 2000s, is also a symbol of change. The neighborhood was subject to legal segregation from 1928 to the mid ’50s, with I-35 as the clear dividing line. Despite restrictions, Black businesses thrived during that time, and echoes of that era still survive along East 11th. In 1945, Victory Grill opened as a social club for Black soldiers returning from war. Flourishing as a famous blues joint for almost 80 years, it still operates today. The now-restaurant, Hillside Farmacy, pays homage to the Hillside Drug Store which opened in 1950 by local Ulysses “Doc” Young—one of the first Black pharmacists in Austin.
But for the most part, the monuments of East 11th’s early heyday were swallowed in the wake
of desegregation. It wasn’t until 1999 that the Austin Revitalization Authority passed the Urban Renewal Plan to revive parts of East 11th and 12th streets.
The early 2000s saw a re-injection of history and culture. Along with the arch, Charles Urdy Plaza was born, featuring a 50-ft shimmering mosaic, Rhapsody, representing some of East 11th’s celebrated musicians and characters. New cultural institutions popped up like Kenny Dorham’s Backyard, which sets the thoroughfare alive with blues and jazz. The Texas Music Museum brought its traveling exhibitions along with a marketing slogan, “Come Over to the East Side.” Dance studio, Ballet Afrique, opened in 2008 with a mission to offer youth “an opportunity to experience
the richness of their own culture through the arts alongside other beautiful cultures represented in Austin.”
Indeed, Austin’s recent rapid growth brought a mélange of new influences and, inevitably, new businesses. Ben’s Long Branch BBQ (est. 1981) became the crowd magnet that is Franklin Barbecue today. Old Thousand resides in the restored Street-Snell building, serving Chinese classics with a modern twist. The historic Haenel building was a booming business hub from the late 1800s through the 1900s that eventually fell on hard times before it was restored in 2001. It now houses Vintage Wine and Books, a charming roost for sippers and bibliophiles.
For shoppers, there’s a cadre of clothing boutiques: Lovecraft, Kindred Spirits, Charm School Vintage. For travelers, the Frances Modern Inn, in its newly renovated building, offers an experience out of a vintage postcard era and houses the all-day Italian restaurant, Poeta. Further down, Paper Boy has become a popular modern brunch spot, and Hillside Farmacy serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, and
house-made sodas in its immersive, historic space. For those seeking simpler pleasures, Nickel City carried the “local dive” torch for its predecessor, Longbranch Inn, which opened in 1935.
Along this walk, it is easy to be dazzled by all there is to eat, drink, see and do. But lest you forget the roots of this revitalization effort, look no further than the middle of the street. “Black Artists Matter” is loudly etched in yellow across both lanes. A collaboration between Capital View Arts and Austin Justice Coalition, the mural is a proud nod to the creatives and community members who keep Black voices alive in this historic boulevard-turned-travel destination.
Austin Revitalization Authority
East End Cultural Heritage District
Diverse Arts Culture Works @diversearts
Cocktails, ambiance and a twist of kitsch Busy Signal is a new Blackowned business speakeasy on East 11th. It’s attached by a faux phone booth to the historic Victory Grill and offers craft cocktails, small plates, and live music.
Paddle Away at these Curated Courts.
Grab a paddle and a friend to score big at one of East Austin’s pickleball courts. Whether at the finest facility hosting top players or a hidden gem around the corner, the perfect court awaits.
Play with Austin’s best at Eastside Paddle Club with luxury amenities, such as private locker rooms, showers, DUPR assessment clinics, while merchandise and refreshments are available for purchase. Boasting six indoor courts, and four rooftop courts coming soon, any member has access to unlimited open play, tournaments, challenge courts, member socials, and the lounge. | 979 Springdale Rd.
Step out of the city and onto the field. At The Pitch, there is something for everyone, from conquering the courts to watching Austin’s FC2 soccer team score. Enjoy your choice of three different restaurants, two bars, a coffee bar, and a kid-friendly snack bar with soft-serve ice cream and popcorn. With a calendar full of events, there is almost always some reason to make a trip to one of their three outdoor courts. | 13000 Harris Ridge Blvd.
Nestled in the heart of East Austin, Other Racket Social Club is a small, yet picturesque, gem with three outdoor courts, courtside cabanas, and a lounge with refreshments. Cool off after a match in their cold plunge pool or warm up in their sauna. Stay late for the assortment of food trucks, full bar, and occasional entertainment on their 11-foot screen and stage. Pets and kids are welcome daily until 7pm. | 2717 Manor Rd.
As Austin’s first pickleball facility, ATPC is home to many players, new and experienced. Classes, workouts, junior development programs, and competitive and team leagues are all available with USAPA/USPTR certified coaches. For those who are inexperienced but ready to turn up the heat, group lessons start at $25 a person. ATPC hosts a family and pet-friendly atmosphere with eight outdoor courts (at only $4 a session) and covered picnic seating. | 7800 Johnny Morris Rd.
For those who play casually, Pan American Park offers three lighted outdoor pickleball courts that are open to the public. Bring your friends or join a communal game with neighbors. The park features a nice sized playground for kids and is pet-friendly. | 311 Chicon St.
In addition to its 16 indoor courts, Austin Pickle Ranch makes it easy to begin the pickleball journey, offering $10 introduction clinics with professionals and quality racket rentals included. Enjoy a risk-free way to try out the sport and meet others who are new as well. Access to daily open play during nonpeak hours, DUPR assessment clinics, competitive play, and guest passes are available in their base membership. | 11000 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Combining tennis and squash, padel originates from Mexico and has developed over the past century. Padel Club Austin, the first and only in the city, features nine top-of-the-line courts, a pro shop partnered with Wilson, and a lounge to enjoy their traditional Spanish menu with the nostalgia of American classics. They offer complimentary introduction clinics, and students gain free admission. | 511 Industrial Blvd.
The Menagerie, a private vacation rental just a few blocks from Main Street in Fredericksburg, is a testament to the harmonious blend of history and artistry. Interior designer Sarah Stacey, in collaboration with property owners Nicole and Ramzi AlRashid, envisioned a space that would transport guests to an eclectic and whimsical realm.
This 1910 historical property was initially comprised of a Victorian mansion, barn, windmill, and carriage house. Fast-forward a century later, each of the eleven historic units have been transformed into a luxury, oneof-a-kind experience. “The designs in each room are definitely maximalist but also calming. Each time you come into a room, you’ll find little details you didn’t see before,” says Sarah.
The journey of curating The Menagerie’s unique, bold rooms began at local auctions and antique markets. With the peak of pandemic shortages, vintage goods became the primary source of decor inspiration. “We started by selecting the rugs and primary furniture like sofas for each room, and then the spaces organically come together in their own distinctive style,” Sarah explains.
The collection throughout consists of prints, hand-painted pieces, and artworks from around the world, adding a touch of global diversity. Most notably, each interior has bold, playful wallpaper that often covers the ceiling, immersing guests in an eccentric ambiance. “I love how all of the mansion’s rooms are decorated differently, yet they still come together cohesively,” Sarah states, adding, “I also think the rose quartz and amethyst chandelier in the La Hermosa suite is a really unique find.”
The exterior landscape around the
Next to the Rapture mansion is the original barn on the property; however, this space has been transformed into six incredible suites, each designed and renovated with comfort in mind.
property complements the interior’s aesthetic. “Once the mansion, suites, and bungalows were complete, the landscaping was designed to harmonize with the overall vibe of the place,” Sarah explains, noting the plentiful butterflies and other wildlife that can be seen among the plants and flowers on the property. All pathways around the property and areas near the pool are ADA-compliant (including pool access equipment), ensuring all guests can enjoy the luxurious getaway.
The Menagerie is a unique, opulent experience with incredible design appeal. Whether staying in the Rapture mansion, one of the six suites, or four bungalows, there’s no doubt that you’ll be delighted by each guestroom’s collection of art, history, and fantastical whimsy.
CONTACT: The Menagerie @themenagerietx
Sarah Stacey Interiors @sarahstaceyinteriordesign
Turning off Highway 71 onto a nicely paved, winding road, mini-hills tickle your stomach, and vistas of live oaks stretch far and wide.
Both the rolling hills and tangled oaks set the tone for a thrilling weekend spent in the Texas breeze, relaxing under starlit skies, with a dash of childhood adventure sprinkled in. Between Austin and Bastrop, there’s a sprawling oasis awaiting families of all ages. Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa—a retreat that spans 400+ acres along the Colorado River—just a stone’s throw from bustling East Austin.
Pulling up to the resort’s long circular drive is not akin to arriving on scene of the ’70s western, Blazing Saddles, as one would imagine. However, it is where a rustic modern lodge meets southern hospitality. The resort itself is perched along the rolling hills fringed with oak trees, greeting us with an authentic rustic charm. Upon arrival, a cowboy photo-op with the resort’s longhorn was in order before making our way to our guestroom overlooking a pecan grove, the kid’s playground at a near distance, and the large fishing pond in far distance. The resort has an array of suites available for large families or friend groups outfitted in the same modern lodge aesthetic found throughout the resort. Only two-stories, the building spreads out naturally under the shade trees.
This isn’t just any family getaway; it’s a blend of rugged cowgirl life and aquatic thrills, a combination that proves as refreshing as a dip in the crystal-clear pools that meander just a short stroll from our suite. The Crooked River Waterpark features a winding lazy river, a two-story water slide, a large shallow pool for little ones, an adults-only pool, and a splash pad. Sun-soaked days are as sweet as the breeze, especially with a cocktail and watermelon slice in hand.
Evenings are a celebration of all things any good childhood-camp-meets-luxe-resort should have. Under pink skies at Maude’s Bar & Terrace, we sampled the Artisanal Cheese Plate, Charcuterie, and Lamb Sliders while the air filled with the sound of live music strumming familiar tunes. The kids played with new-found friends on the lawn
while we finished off Summer Sippers, like the Tropical Old Fashioned and a Salted Rosemary Paloma, accompanied by a slice of Bourbon Pecan Pie. As the evening deepened, we gathered around a campfire for s’mores, then to end the night, we opted for stargazing over the showing of Twister
The morning arrived with the option of a Renegade Trail Ride or kayaking the Colorado River. An old-fashioned outpost offers meet-and-greets with goats, pigs, and alpacas, while it’s also the starting point for the horseback ride. Being a mid-summer’s day, we booked the latter and paddled two miles along the cypress-lined Colorado River.
With the morning’s adventure behind us, the lure of the waterpark was impossible to resist. The lazy river, once again, offers a serene contrast, where we floated along, soaking in the sun under baby blue Texas skies filled with puffy clouds.
The evening lent itself to booking tomahawk throwing and archery, followed by yard games like pingpong, horseshoes, corn hole, and
a friendly pickleball and bas ketball competition. And if you can’t take the heat, the resort also has an indoor arcade, pool table, shuffleboard, and ping-pong, not far from Maude’s or Maverick’s Roadhouse.
Our final day was marked by a family bike ride around the sprawling grounds, visiting the resort’s adorable farm animals, and a family photo session with their mascot, a Texas Longhorn, ensuring our memories were solidified in true Western style.
Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort & Spa is a place where the spirit of Texas meets the joys of summer camp, where guests can ride horses, splash in pools, and create lasting memories under peaceful skies. Packing up to leave, one thing was certain—this won’t be our last visit. After all, everything is bigger in Texas, including family adventures, and we’re so grateful that this quiet piece of land rests a short 30-minute drive from where we hang our hats.
575 Hyatt Lost Pines Rd. @hyattlostpines
August +Sept 2024
44 taste
Started by three restaurant savants, this small-scale eatery couples a refined and delicious menu with a beautiful space, creating an ideal location for lounging and making memories with friends.
When Holiday co-owners Erin Ashford, John DiCicco, and executive chef Peter Klein decided to start their own restaurant and cocktail concept, they wanted to create the sort of place they would frequent. For them, that meant prioritizing simplicity, flavor, and beauty.
The trio met in 2015 during their shared time at Olamaie. Erin served as the beverage director and cocktail expert, and John and Peter worked as station partners on the kitchen’s hotline. John coined the idea to open this concept during the pandemic, anticipating a comeback in the industry post-lockdown. Already serving as the co-owner of Kinda Tropical for two years, he wanted to begin this project with the help of his good friends: Erin and Peter, who both happened to be award-winning experts in the industry.
Thanks to luck and timing, the team found an old auto body shop with a cheap lease, perfect for its location, spaciousness, and oversized windows. In March 2023, after a heavy facelift and intense menu experimentation,
they officially opened their doors.
The difficulties of running a restaurant together are overcome by the facility, which comes from their common vision, complementary skills, and vast knowledge. Their shared mission involves creating a comfortable and high-quality experience that speaks to the value of in-person experiences for their patrons. “We wanted to draw on the fine dining experience,” explains Chef Peter. “The same level of attentiveness but without the formality.”
The menu reflects that combination of luxury and ease, offering elevated versions of relatable and easy-to-understand items. Familiar favorites like burgers, pasta, steak, and french fries are flawlessly cooked with fresh ingredients and possess subtle surprises. Similarly, their rotating drink menu presents cocktails executed at an expert level. Inventive yet filled with the classics, there’s an array of delicious martinis, the hallmark of their cocktail selection.
A stable feeling of relaxation is largely thanks to the aesthetics and size of the space. Arranged on a huge patio and “no reservations required” allow
the establishment to operate with European pacing. The understated ambiance, brought to life with the help of Tropic of Capricorn Design, takes inspiration from vacation hubs like Marfa and Mexico City with its airiness, creamy palettes, cacti, and unique furnishings. Elegant and minimal, the design reinforces the dining experience. “We believe the biggest flex is letting the food and drinks speak for themselves,” Erin adds.
Since opening, Holiday has become a flavorful destination for Austinites. Their success results from a simple setup: a group of friends who happen to all be driven, determined, and gifted in their respective capacities.
I think a lot of people hear the name Holiday and expect vacation vibes. But it’s more like a transportive feeling of traveling to a place where you can leave everything else at the door and enjoy yourself while you’re here. It’s not as literal as the name implies, but a little bit more metaphorical.”
-Chef Peter Klein
Enjoy half-off martinis every Sunday. For weekend travelers, Holiday is just under 10 minutes from the airport.
CONTACT: 5020 E 7th St. @holidayon7th
Time Travels: Eateries & Hangs that Will Take You Back
It’s time to immerse yourself into a different era through ambiance and cuisine. When deciding where to dine in East Austin, you’ll find a select few spots that muster up a different decade. Full of charm and emotion, these throwback bars and eateries offer a nostalgia reminiscent of the good ol’ days, asking the question: “Did old school ever really go out of style?”
Put on your flared pants and blow out your hair because when you step into Skinny’s, you’ll feel as though you’ve entered straight into the ‘70s. This summer, they’re offering open swims in their cowboy pools from 4 to 6pm. While you’re taking a dip, enjoy some refreshing cold beer and their buffalo wings and mini corn dogs. 1806 E 12th St. |
Kitty Cohen’s is a classically designed bar inspired by the rebel women from retro years. Enjoying an afternoon cocktail on this exquisite patio lounge will feel like you’re inside the set of Palm Royale. Sip on the drink of the summer, Kitty’s Spritz, made with Deep Eddy Grapefruit Vodka, Pear Liqueur, sparkling wine and soda, refreshing, fun, and the perfect addition to the 1970s pretty pink ambiance of Kitty Cohen’s. 2211 Webberville Rd. |
If you have a hankering to step into an authentic dive bar and listen to the best classics on a jukebox, look no further. “Always on the Way Home,” Busty’s
offers the timeless, 1950s feel of homemade burgers with their juicy, fully-loaded classic, “The Burger” priced at only $7 (or make it a double for only $2 more!). Opening at 11am everyday, this might just become your new go-to hang. 6214 Cameron Rd. |
Described as an “old-school Austin vibe that’s stylish, relaxed, and unpretentious,” Bobo’s is overflowing with mid-century mod vibes. When you walk into this eatery, you’ll feel it’s homage to “what made Austin weird in the first place,” taking guests back to the good ol’ days. The ’50s swank doesn’t stop at the classically cute cocktails. This is the place to bring some pals and order the Smoked Chicken Spread for the table. | 3850 Airport Blvd.
The most delicate combination of traditional, fabulous, and secretive, Justine’s is home to authentically vintage French home cooking and atmosphere. If you’ve ever seen the cover of Interview Magazine in the ’80s, you’ll see the vibe of Justine’s plain as day. Host a private party or dine in for a dinner date. Either way, this restaurant’s energy will make you feel just as extraordinary as the atmosphere. Their specials change often, but a must-try menu item is their traditional Ratatouille. 4710 E 5th St. |
Everyone will feel right at home at Redbud Ice House. A balance of ’50s vintage with a touch of a ’90s icehouse, Redbud features wood
paneled walls, exposed pipes, vinyl booths, and a menu that’s derived in traditional icehouse fashion. “Be a bud and bring a bud” to enjoy this 1950s-style eatery, and sip on their house beer, brewed specially for Redbud by Batch Craft Beer. 2027 Anchor Ln. |
A modern take on comfort food from the Deep South, Sawyer & Co. is a charming, old-fashioned, “more refined diner.” They offer a full bar through breakfast, lunch, and dinner, keeping up the tradition of southern comforts in a mid-century mod setting complete with an AstroTurf patio. Their dine-in menu features delicious classics such as Creole Shrimp & Grits and a Catfish Platter. 4827 E Cesar Chavez St. |
The menu at Cisco’s provides flavorful TexMex options for any meal of the day. Order favorites like their mouth-watering breakfast tacos or comforting cheese enchiladas for dinner. Either way, the food and the service will have you wanting more.
1511 E 6th St. |
Kebabalicious's Turkish-style meats and wraps are mouth-watering. Ingredients are locally sourced, and the lamb is Texasraised and grass-fed. After one taste, visitors never visit a chain kebab shop again. 1311 E 7th St. |
Long-time Austinites know that a visit to Casa Colombia offers an authentic culinary journey, serving up traditional Colombian dishes made from scratch like empanadas, arepas, and bandeja paisa served alongside an array of bright, fresh-squeezed fruit bevs. 2409 E 7th St. |
Journey into the heart and traditions of Argentina with savory empanadas, asadoinspired meats, and decadent dulce de leche desserts—all scratch-made in house, destined to make guests dream of chimichurri and a perfectly charred bite of South American cuisine.
1201 E 6th St. |
Featuring a rotating selection of the world’s most satisfying dishes, Mour Cafe is where gastropub meets comfort. They serve environmentally conscious ingredients, sourced from local farmers, which bring flavor that’s uniquely Austin to each soul-filled dish. 1414 Shore District Dr., Bldg. 3, Ste. 120
Nestled in the heart of Mueller, Marufuku is the next best thing to the authentic taste of Japan. With its rich, flavorful broths and tender noodles, this cozy neighborhood joint offers a Japanese fusion experience that invites guests on a culinary journey. 1900 Aldrich St., Ste. 180 |
This unassuming store-front houses an outstanding array of fluffy-light donuts, a variety of kolache flavors, and savory breakfast croissants. Even if the food wasn’t enough, the warmth of the owners Sochea and Sarong makes the trip to S-H worth it every time. 5313 Manor Rd.
This Southern-inspired menu features family-raised beef that comes directly from the Jacoby Ranch, served with heaping sides of veggies to match its freshness. Enjoy their signature chicken fried steak or a juicy burger on their cozy patio overlooking the Colorado River.
3235 E Cesar Chavez St. |
Disrupting the fast food industry one sandwich at a time, Flyrite is a drive-thru with all-natural, antibiotic-free chicken as well as gluten-free and vegetarian options. 2129 E 7th St. |
A happy place where breakfast is served all day. Of course, you can also get lunch, but why would you when you can have chilaquiles, huevos rancheros, and authentic breakfast tacos at 8PM? 3124 Manor Rd.
At the corner of MLK and Chicon is a unassuming window offering a flavor-packed menu with house-made meats and condiments. Their menu, influenced by customer feedback, features creative and mouth-watering combinations. Try The Edward Bowl, Chicken Tinga Street Tacos, or The Cuban Torta, which showcase their commitment to big flavors from a tiny establishment. Don’t forget to add a side of their famous j-pups! 1900 E MLK Jr. Blvd. |
Something about Hillside Farmacy’s weekend brunches, patio dinners, and cocktails just makes sense. Perhaps that’s due to its historical location in the lovingly renovated 1950s Hillside Drugstore. Or perhaps it’s because the fresh, carefully selected seasonal food that comes from local farms and onto your plate is just good medicine. Enjoy an “Adult Happy Meal” every Wednesday night: Texas grass-fed beef or house-made veggie burger, fries + an old fashioned for only $20. 1209 E 11th St. |
This Peruvian gem is casual and delish. Diners will be delighted to sip a pisco sour that will have them feeling like they’re in the Andes. There’s no misstep with any of the ceviche options, and the Malaya Frita short rib is just yum. 4620 E Cesar Chavez St. |
Tucked away discreetly within Pershing East lies a hidden culinary haven awaiting discovery. Behind unassuming doors, Chef Chris Gallucio unveils a menu inspired by French and Italian cuisine. The cafe is open daily for lunch from 11am to 3pm, where culinary artistry and ambiance converge to create an unforgettable dining experience. 2501 E 5th St. | @pranzoatx
The Cape Meets East Austin
Just east of I-35, adventurists and wine-lovers are invited to step into another world and experience the wines, food, and culture of South Africa. Sip on chilled grape varietals common to the region and learn about culinary delights of this lesser-known wine at Cape Bottle Room.
Cape Bottle Room opened with a commitment to bring South African wines to Central Texas, and it remains committed to creating a cultural space that brings these unique wines and gastronomy events to the community. Not always confident in the concept, Danya Declusin, co-founder and proprietor, shares, “If we needed to pivot away from South African wines, I would’ve considered it, but we’ve been going strong for two years now; I’m definitely hooked. We are South African, and that’s it.” Austin’s Eastside holds special appeal for their business concept, representing a diversity and sense of culture that’s open-minded.“I’m bringing guests to an unknown region and need willingness to give it a chance,” Danya explains.
Numerous grape varietals are available to meet every taste profile. Chilled red Cinsault wine, a French varietal typically used as a blending grape, is always on hand; it’s light-bodied, dry, and carries notes of cherry or strawberry. The Cap Classique is an effervescent wine filled with flavor that some consider a contender to champagne. Chenin Blanc is the most planted white
grape varietal in South Africa, produced with such a range of taste profiles that it’s difficult to pin down.
With an expanded menu, there’s plenty to nosh on while sipping. Cape Bottle Room offers charcuterie boards that include dried meat called Biltong, cured in vinegar and air dried whole before slicing. It is typically softer and saltier than its beef jerky counterpart. Cheese boards from Antonelli’s are a staple. General Manager, Casie Wiginton, is a Certified Cheese Professional and has the Level 3 WSET wine certification, meaning she knows how to bring the pairings together beautifully.
Cape Bottle Room gives many reasons to visit, with a variety of events, like Flight Club, which is
wine and sushi pairing from Osome, rugby game-viewing dinner nights, or pasta-making classes in partnership with Intero. Anyone interested in deepening their knowledge of South African wines can join the monthly wine club, take a wine and cheese class, or catch one of the top-shelf tasting events that happen quarterly.
With things going well at Cape Bottle Room, it’s hard not to think about what’s next. Danya smiles, “It’s still top secret, but there are expansion plans, so stay tuned!”
500 San Marcos St., Ste. 102 @capebottleroom
SHINY & NEW: The Cap Classique Producers Association (CCPA) celebrated 50 years of sparkling wine from South Africa. While that is only a drop in the bucket age-wise compared to champagne, which traces back to the Romans, the tasty bubbles have experienced double-digit growth in recent years and are gaining notoriety globally.