Favorite quote: “Better well done than well said.”
— Benjamin Franklin
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Hanging at III Forks & Trulucks downtown.
Cycling on the Hike & Bike trail. Hitting tennis balls anywhere.
2020, 2021, 2022
2018, 2020, 2022
“change your smile, change your life.”
1111 e. 11th st., ste. 100 | kindredspirits-shop.com
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Avenir Medium Oblique ab cdefghijklm nopqrs tuvwxyz0123456789
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In this annual edition of EASTside Magazine, we proudly bring you the inspiring theme of "Leading from the Heart." Within these pages, we delve into the domains of housing, education, philanthropy, and art, uncovering the narratives of four remarkable women reshaping their communities and their impact that reaches far beyond their respective industries.
In a world where innovation and compassion intertwine, these women emerge as luminous symbols of true leadership. Beyond navigating social challenges, their authentic vision for positive change is an inspiring testament to their uniqueness. Discover each of their stories starting on page 14.
This issue is dedicated entirely to the trailblazing women at the helm of their fields. From local artist T.R. Rodriguez, who has infused years of practice into her artistic journey, to McKinney York Architecture firm, a women-led venture revolutionizing home reinvention while also preserving the essence of older homes in East Austin neighborhoods.
An exploration of Austin's culinary scene introduces readers to the evolution of Veracruz All Natural, now an Austin food staple that started as a single food truck. Meanwhile, dive into the vibrant world of CRAFT, Bobo’s Snack Bar, and Dorothy’s, all harnessing a creative and welcoming oasis built on connection and are a direct result of the creative synergy between women visionaries and their ties to community.
As you immerse yourselves in these pages, you'll witness the incredible journeys all from women-owned businesses. Their stories underscore the potency of passion, tenacity, and a profound commitment to the betterment of others.
In addition, our team would like to extend appreciation to the Leading Women featured in this magazine (p.23). Through their support, this special edition of EASTside Magazine has taken shape. In this dedicated section, you'll encounter the stories of women business owners and change-makers within our community who have made this issue possible.
Together, let's celebrate the women shaping our community and paving the way for a brighter, more empowered future. Now it’s time to pay a visit to the places within these pages and support local women who are providing change, connection, and community.
All the best, Ashley & Will Bowling
Dive deep into the story of a trailblazer dedicated to preserving our community's heart and soul. Meet Nefertitti Jackmon, the Community Displacement Prevention Officer for the City of Austin, captured in a powerful and emotional photograph by Eric Morales.
Forklift Danceworks is completely revamping creative expression by fusing artistic dance with local and global initiatives. Incredible choreography from the Danceworks team creates upscale productions with essential workers that sustain our everyday lives as the dancers themselves.
Their latest production, The Way of Water, explores the human experience with water and focuses on those who steward it. This multi-year global performance will occur in four cities: Austin, El Paso, Miami, and Venice, Italy. Forklift kicked off The Way of Water: Onion Creek this summer on June 24, choosing to focus on the Onion Creek watershed because of frequent flooding. With the help of the Austin Watershed Protection Department, Forklift uplifts the Watershed Protection staff and local youth
through lively performances that incorporate job movements.
Founder and Artistic Director Allison Orr saw the opportunity to integrate her passion for choreography with her fascination for the beauty and movement of manual labor. With Forklift’s history of collaboration with city departments, Watershed Protection seemed like a natural fit. “Austin has a long history with flooding,” Allison shares. So this partnership to raise awareness alongside Watershed Protection just made sense.
Allison has been putting on these innovative performances since 2001. It usually takes a few weeks and a team of 15-45 people, from choreographers to performers. Some of their previous initiatives can be seen on their website, such as a light performance with Austin Energy and a Play Ball Downs Field performance with local baseball players.
Forklift will host one more, The
Way of Water: Onion Creek, on September 23 at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park. The event is something to behold in-person, and tickets are free with advance reservations.
(512) 222-5287
2023 Cesar Chavez St. info@forkliftdanceworks.org forkliftdanceworks.org
10 vivid art
From her home studio in Cherrywood, a prolific local artist has steadily produced a dazzling and diverse body of work over the past twenty-five years.
Under the oppressive heat of the Texas summer, artist T.R. Rodriquez is an early riser. At 5:00 am, she starts her day with a cup of coffee and crosses her lush backyard enclave into her painting studio, lovingly built by her husband, Jonny. She works on three or four oil paintings at a time, surrounded by furniture she built and hand painted, until it’s time for breakfast. Then, it’s on to stretching canvases or working with leather, outside temperatures permitting.
Active in Austin for decades, she has been a regular stop on the Austin Studio Tour, where she annually opens her doors to welcome visitors interested in buying prints or original works.
Her many mediums include fastidious and colorful leather upholstery, rigorous and abstract colored pencil drawings, wood sculpture, furniture embellished with natural motifs, and, most recently, large format oil paintings. She fills the canvas with
dreamlike landscapes, both real and imagined, focusing on pastoral scenery from an earlier life in the Texas countryside.
With notable range and a palpable artistic curiosity, a throughline in her work is the use of vibrant colors and a technical approach. Her oil paintings are especially evocative, blurring the boundary between place and placelessness, familiar and foreign, and past and present. Spending time with them is soothing and hypnotic, and their large scale yields the feeling that one could almost fall into them.
While some feel muted, others bloom with tessellating foliage rendered in rich prismatic hues reminiscent of scenes from Alice in
Wonderland. As a collection, they are surreal and impressionistic, and a little magnetic – similar to the artist herself.
T.R. recently celebrated an opening exhibition of her oil paintings at Main Gallery in Smithville, Texas, and her work continues to earn the attention of those captivated by her unique style, diligently cultivated through a life well lived.
CONTACT: (512) 284-6133
trrstudio@gmail.com @trrstudio
ACTION! Eagle-eyed viewers can spot T.R.’s work in the background of The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl, which was filmed in Austin.
PLAN A VISIT: Catch T.R. on the Austin Studio Tour Nov. 4-13.
“When I find a subject, it just evokes something in me, and I want to let the viewer step into that feeling. I want them to feel there’s something just over that hedge and need to step forward.”
– T.R. Rodriquez
A Blank Canvas of Communal Space is Awaiting Creativity.
WORDS DEVEN WILSON | PHOTOS BAPTISTE DESPOISFueled by a desire to take a craft store and turn it into a community space for anyone to enjoy, Eli Winkelman is a trailblazer connecting people through colorful creations.
After mourning a sudden loss in her life, Eli Winkelman changed her trajectory by quitting her job and returning to the art of crafting. Wandering the aisles of craft stores such as Michaels, Eli became frustrated by the excitement of wanting to try new art forms but swayed against it by the cost and hassle of storage.
“I just wanted to use the [art supplies], and I thought, ‘If I feel this way, surely other people do too,” Eli explains. She took on a Field of Dreams mindset in 2013, and she decided to open the first iteration of CRAFT with a collection of paints, stamps, fabrics, and other crafting materials accumulated over time. After two more moves, CRAFT finally found its current home in Canopy Austin.
To put it simply, CRAFT works as an adults only gym for anyone wanting to exercise their creative muscles. And like a good gym, their space encourages anyone who feels they “aren't artists” to come in and find inspiration to try something new. Visitors pay an initial five dollars for entrance, and once they produce their art piece, a second donation is collected for what they think is fair for the items used. With a significant emphasis that anyone is welcome at CRAFT, the contribution beyond the initial five dollars is up to visitors' discretion, so any budget can come in and craft up a concoction. Beyond shifting the mindset that creativity is innate or lost with age, another unexpected impact of CRAFT is the community it forges.
After years in New York, Chanda Hopkins moved back to Austin with very few connections. She first stepped into CRAFT with the expectation of having a creative outlet. As a fashion designer in Austin with her own line selling on Shein, Chanda only expected to spend an afternoon at CRAFT. After experiencing the novel concept for herself, she recalls, “It literally changed the course of my life.” Chanda gushes,“There are no words to describe its impact on my life.” She reminisces, thinking about all the mediums she has dabbled with, thanks to the variety of choices, like leather burning and many others, housed inside CRAFT.
Chanda quickly made friends with each visit, which seems to be par for the course. Eli notes she frequently witnesses visitors leaving with a new group of friends. It started as a means for her and other creatives to have the space to try new things, and now CRAFT has built a formula not only for adults to get back in touch with their creative side but also get in touch with each other.
(512) 900-9957
916 Springdale Rd., Bldg. 4, Ste. 102 hello@madeatcraft.com madeatcraft.com
Whether in housing, education, philanthropy, or art, these four inspiring women bring an original outlook to their industry and are propelled to do good by others. Through their invaluable leadership, they strengthen Austin as a whole and set a standard for the rest of the world to follow.
Dr. Wallace has always found herself rising to positions of leadership, finding the challenge to be invigorating. Following her instincts, she now oversees the oldest and only historically Black university in Austin.
The recently throned President and CEO of Huston-Tillotson University is wonderfully amusing for the head of a 148-year-old college. Possessing a wealth of knowledge and a contagious smile, she brings an enlivening perspective to the institution.
Growing up in Shreveport, Louisiana, Dr. Wallace was raised by two educators in what she affectionately refers to as “the schoolhouse.” She admired the work of her mother, a sixth-grade reading teacher, and her father, Chief Finance Officer at Southern University; however, she sought to find herself in a different line of work.
Pursuing both her undergraduate and master's degrees at Grambling State University, that period in her life turned out to be total bliss. She fondly recalls the work ethic and playfulness of her college years, “I was captain of the dance team; I was in a sorority. I did everything fun, and I was very involved.” Post-graduation, she entered corporate America, working as a Human Resources Director. Her start in the corporate world came to a halt on a visit to the Grambling campus, when she bumped into the Dean of Students who offered her the position of Program Coordinator, planning events and activities for the institution.
“It was an opportunity to stay engaged with the culture of campus life,” she shares enthusiastically. “Higher education is an ever-evolving space. You see the trends come and go. You see culture being born. Getting the chance to be a part of that all the time was a no-brainer.”
Dr. Wallace’s career in higher education progressed, granting her a series of valuable experiences from various reputable institutions. After 20 plus years in the field, she received a call from Huston-Tillotson University (HT) and packed her bags for Austin.
It’s been just over a year since Dr. Wallace took the reigns at HT, and she’s still filled with vision. One of her plans is to infuse more resources into campus life that sharpen skills relevant to the Austin market, such as tech fluency. Outside of promising a quality education for students, Dr. Wallace wants HT to cultivate a breeding ground for everlasting memories of joy.
“I want students to have peace of mind in this world where diversity, equity, and inclusion are being attacked. Let us protect you and shelter you. Play your music loud. Run through the sprinklers. Knock yourself out,” she encourages. “Just soak up this precious time of being a college student because the world is out there waiting on you.”
htu.edu | IG: @mkwthe7th | FB: @MelvaKWilliams
“As a creative director and producer, you see things from their very beginning origins. You're setting the direction for a project and then bringing them to life. That's the realm of my work.”
As a young interdisciplinary artist, Jane is simply in pursuit of inspiration. In each area of her work, the self-starter has done her part to form an ecosystem that spreads ideas, sparks invention, and encourages collaboration.
The 30-year-old multi-hyphenate refers to each of her various creations as experiments: projects that arose from wondering things aloud to herself and answering with action. These projects include founding the nonprofit and creative community space Future Front, starting her own design house called Group Work, and also working as a recording artist.
At the age of 21, after graduating early from UT’s School of Journalism, Jane set out to form a gang of like-minded individuals to work with and be inspired by. In her case, this meant searching for artistic and multidisciplinary young women or people in the LGBTQ+ community. Her spirited initiative soon led her to the formation of Boss Babes ATX, a grassroots meet-up series that would eventually develop into the notable and flourishing venture: Future Front Texas.
“There was no grand vision or feminist agenda,” Jane explains. “It just came out of a creative experiment. I wanted to see more people like me in arts and culture.” Out of curiosity, she wondered how to meet, learn about, and support those like-minded people. From that, Jane organized meet-ups, then started doing workshops, and finally created markets. She expounds, “The entire organization has come from just asking natural questions about wanting to get to know other people and to be around other creatives.”
Future Front has three components: exhibitions, microgrants, and sharing resources. The team calls it a “third space,” meaning it’s not solely a museum nor is it a shop, but it’s an accessible third space that welcomes artists and creatives to share parts of themselves, connect with others, and learn.
“Part of what we're here to say is this is actually really natural,” Jane asserts. “We need places where we can safely express ourselves so we can understand ourselves and find belonging,” insisting that is part of being human. “I want to make sure that the space exists outside of school,” she adds, knowing that as college years come to a close there can be a lack of purpose and connection in the years that follow. “Everyone deserves to be creative and to be connected. That’s the vision I have for this community.”
futurefronttexas.org | hello@futurefronttexas.org | @ futurefronttexas janeclairehervey.com | mgmt@groupworkcreative.com
Future Front is currently creating its first brick-andmortar space, soon coming to 1900 E 12th St.
“I know life is short and that inspires me to ask, ‘How do I want to show up in the world,’ and ‘What do I want to offer to the world in the brief time that I'm here?’”
Nefertitti approaches everything she does with unremitting energy. As a Community Displacement Prevention Officer for the City of Austin, Nefertitti is devoutly driven to honor her heritage and connect others with theirs.
efertitti grew up with an incredible support system. Raised in California by confident activist parents who wore afros and named their daughter after an African queen, Nefertitti was imbued with an unwavering sense of pride in her cultural identity. “I don’t think there has ever been a time in my life where I haven’t felt love and connection to Black culture,” she reflects fondly.
Over the years, Nefertitti’s career has taken many shapes, but her main mission is to follow her parents’ examples in celebrating and promoting African American culture. She describes this personal pursuit with the self-proclaimed title of Cultural Strategist.
“The common connection between many of my roles has been working in and around Black cultural preservation,” she shares. “I’m inspired by Nina Simone who said that she desires to help Black people become more curious about themselves. But I say I want to help Black people fall more deeply in love with themselves. In this world, Blackness is associated with so many negative terms. I desire to help humans understand the beauty of who they are and the cultural excellence that exists, and really expand that. That is my life's goal.”
There was no singular moment of revelation for Nefertitti but rather a continuous path she’s followed since childhood that always involved a love for her people. Even in elementary school, she wrote a paper on the revolutionary boxer Jack Johnson. “I don’t even know how I knew who he was,” she muses in disbelief. Her passion eventually led her to pursue an undergraduate degree in English and a master's in African American Studies.
In her career, she’s taken on leadership roles at a myriad of institutions, working for schools, nonprofits, and eventually the City of Austin's Housing and Planning Department. Her current role as the Community Displacement Prevention Officer involves helping the financially vulnerable remain in their homes. “Communities and people who have historically lived in an area are now forced out,” she explains. “Our job is to compassionately design programs from that lens and seek to expand access.”
In a rapidly changing city, spaces significant to minority communities have been occupied and altered. Nefertitti’s mission is to ensure that Austin still tends to all of its citizens. “Those of us who are in positions of leadership have a responsibility to make sure that people are cared for,” she affirms. “There's this fundamental question, ‘Am I my brother's keeper?’ To me, the answer should always be a resounding, ‘Yes!’”
linkedin: nefertitti-jackmon | Nefertitti.Jackmon@austintexas.gov
Native Austinite Rosemary Banda has always done her part to look after her hometown. For the past five years, she’s expanded her efforts at Love, Tito’s, a nonprofit sector of Tito’s Handmade Vodka which supports causes all over the world.
quick drive around East Austin covers the various landmarks of Rosemary Banda's life: Cisco’s where her parents met, the house her grandparents bought in 1918 that currently belongs to her sister, her old walking route to elementary school, and her favorite green spaces. The neighborhood that colored her childhood memories is still the site of so much of her work and service.
The instinct to take care of her home and community is one she credits to her family. Rosemary describes her parents as the sort of people who are always ready to offer a bed, a clean set of clothes, and a warm meal to anyone who needed it. That helpful characteristic rubbed off on her, and for the past decade, it’s intensified. “I’ve seen the changes to the city and the difficulties that come along with it,” she affirms. “It’s my passion to support the community here.”
In 2009, Rosemary completed the Hispanic Austin Leadership program, leading her to then serve on the Board of Directors for the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for six years. She was chosen as Board Member of the Year in 2015, her last year. “The Hispanic Chamber seemed like a great organization where I could be a voice for my community,” she shares. The experience exposed her to many challenges for people here in Austin, such as financial instability and the significant impacts of environmental changes.
In 2018, Rosemary became the Giving Coordinator for Love, Tito’s, the philanthropic sector of Tito’s Handmade Vodka. Her primary responsibility involves selecting charities to support, both in Austin and around the world. She ensures that a well-rounded variety of missions are supported, including animal welfare, food supply, healthcare, military and veterans support, and more.
Philanthropy extends beyond supporting charitable organizations; it’s an ongoing practice in one’s life and daily interactions. Rosemary honors that practice by being a caring neighbor at a time when her community needs it most. “Sometimes I don’t like certain things about Austin, but I never could leave. This is where my family and friends are.” Rosemary explains, “[Within] Austin’s culture and my family’s culture, it’s very instilled in us to help each other out.”
lovetitos.com | linkedin: rosemary-h-banda
“My days are very fulfilling knowing that I’m helping those in need and can reduce some people’s struggles. You can’t solve all the world’s problems but knowing that you are doing as much as you can counts.”
Celebrating its 62-year anniversary, Time Insurance Agency is looking fresher than ever as the third generation takes the reins. After years of nurturing their own skills in different industries, the Schuler sisters returned to Texas wanting to join the family business to ease the friction in the insurance buying process.
Lauren, the eldest and VP of sales, has led the charge of expanding into Dallas and bringing in a new demographic of luxury homeowners and women-owned businesses. Jennifer, the middle sister and VP of marketing, uses her experience as a project manager in tech and production to implement technological advancements and new digital channels. After spending her childhood learning the business from her father, Michelle,
the youngest, serves as the VP of insurance, overseeing all operations. Together, they’ve taken over the family business and are modernizing insurance in Texas.
They place client service and technology at the forefront to make quoting faster, more user-friendly, and transparent. Like their grandpa and father, they believe client care is still the most important and rewarding part of their business.
Tiffany has been a mortgage loan officer since 2006 and was in the financial services industry prior so she has experienced economy shifts before. Although this is another unprecedented year, don’t assume it’s not the time to purchase a home. Tiffany is more than happy to talk about any questions, concerns, and loan qualification criteria as she strives to help clients make the best decision possible for their family. She continues to do this very successfully year after year by being genuinely interested in her clients’ needs and the future of the families she works for. Tiffany’s role as a Sr. Mortgage Loan Officer is an avenue to care for people as they make one of life’s most monumental decisions, and as such, she is so grateful for her repeat business and referrals.
Tiffany has been an Eastside resident and homeowner since 2001, and in her off time, she enjoys walking her dog, Rosie, around her
EM Franklin neighborhood, trying new spots on the Eastside, volunteering with Meals on Wheels, and traveling when she has the chance. Tiffany has been recognized by the Austin Business Journal as a Top Producer in the last 10 years and has helped over 1400 families make the dream of home ownership a possibility. She has also been recognized as a Five Star Professional for over 10 years, and she’s so proud to be part of the team at First United Mortgage Group as they have been recognized as the #1 Mortgage Lender by the Austin Business Journal in 2022.
Mantis Massage is a woman-owned and -operated deep tissue clinic specializing in corrective therapeutic massage with two Austin locations.
There’s no cookie-cutter option with us. Every session is customized by our therapists who use a variety of modalities to best suit their individual client’s needs. We push off walls to dig into knots, pin and stretch your limbs, and engage in ongoing professional education in our never-ending quest to alleviate chronic pain. Our dedicated therapists are invested in our client’s well-being so they give homework and self-care tips after sessions to make the effects longer lasting.
We can do Swedish (AKA relaxation) massage with the best of
‘em, but we pride ourselves in being part of our client’s healthcare routines. There’s no way to go through life without some sort of pain and tension, and those who visit can trust us to always help them feel better than when they came in. Don’t just take our word for it. One recent addition to our hundreds of 5-star reviews: “I can finally walk around and sleep normally again! The pain I’ve been having for months is about 99% gone.” When it comes to corrective deep tissue in Austin, we’re the experts.
Jessica Love is an exceptionally talented interior designer, known for her ability to bring out her clients’ unique qualities in every design. With a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from Sam Houston State University, she skillfully blends creativity with strategic thinking, breaking the rules when needed. Emphasizing individuality over trends, she crafts designs that reflect her clients’ personalities. With 18 years of experience, Jessica’s loyal clientele values her transparency and adaptability throughout the design process. Her passion for empowering lives through well-designed homes extends to her community work, supporting various non-profits such as Teaghlach Ranch, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Ten Thousand Villages, and Austin Habitat for Humanity. She recently launched Design Changes Lives, a 501(c)3 organization, to design spaces for children, building confidence and improving lives.
(512) 522-6035
When Lo Shabino opened Strange Bird Salon in 2021, she had two goals in mind. First, she wanted to create a proper 'clean air' salon that is haircutting-focused and completely chemical, artificial fragrance, and fume-free, promoting the long-term health of her team and clients. Second, she wanted to own a salon that has a caring staff who are well-trained in all tools and textures of hair. And she did just that.
Now her salon, located in the heart of East Austin on East 6th Street, is bustling with clients who have sought them out, not just for the talented artists who work there but also for their reputation for a completely unparalleled client experience. The salon environment feels more like a day spa than a salon, promoting calm energy and a chance to truly relax during your appointment. A business is a direct reflection of the owner, always, and Lo has clearly put her heart and soul into building a place that both stylists and clients want to be.
TEXT ONLY LINE: (512) 643-5043
Most businesses brag about their “A Team,” but at Austin Dental Spa, we brag about our “K Team”—Dr. Krista and Dr. Kirsten! These awesome young dentists bring energy and experience with the newest innovations and technology in dentistry to our already high-tech, high-touch approach to the dental experience.
Both from the Midwest, Krista DeCoursin, DDS, grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from Iowa School of Dentistry, while Kirsten Thouvenot, DDS, grew up outside of St. Louis, Missouri, and graduated from the University of Missouri School of Dentistry. They arrived in Texas as fast as they could, choosing Austin to start their professional careers. Both doctors are skilled in general and cosmetic dentistry, in addition to Invisalign and implant placement. Founder of Austin Dental Spa, Dr. Mark
Sweeney, says, “We hit the proverbial ‘home run’ by adding this dynamic dental duo to the Austin Dental Spa team.”
To learn more about the “K Team,” their state-of-the-art dental practice, and why Austin Dental Spa has been constantly voted as the best dentist office in Austin, visit AustinDentalSpa.com or call (512) 452-9296.
Established in 2008, Esty Skin Studio, Austin’s preeminent holistic spa, welcomes you to its historic Bailetti House location in vibrant East Austin. Founder Jessica Devon Nelson demonstrates her passion for sustainability with her exclusive vegan skincare line: Petals & Clay. Jessica spent years developing and refining the line, perfecting the combination of natural, organic, luxurious ingredients of the highest quality and efficacy.
Petals & Clay products are completely free of harmful chemicals and toxins, making them safe for all skin types. The line includes exfoliants, balms, serums, and masks that nourish and protect the skin.
The spa’s dedication to holistic wellness is evident in their treatments and in their services. Each spa treatment is de-
signed to provide powerful, long-lasting results that promote relaxation and rejuvenation. The team enhances each signature session with nutritional and lifestyle consultations to increase overall vitality and well-being.
Guests leave Esty Skin Studio glowing from head to toe and return regularly for their one-of-a-kind treatments, private spa parties, and approachable “vintage Austin vibe.”
As a female trailblazer in the world of business, DeLea Becker has been steadfastly committed to East Austin for over 23 years and continues to be a leader in the commercial real estate market. Her newest collaboration with Dick Clark Architecture, Swinerton, and Fort Structures at 2422 East 7th Street is set to break ground on a 48,000 SF office/retail building filled with owner/occupant spaces.
DeLea is founder and broker of Beck-Reit Commercial Real Estate + Beck-Reit Asset Management. Additionally, she co-owns Beck-Reit & Sons, Ltd., a 24-year-old civil construction company. DeLea is highly active in the real estate industry, gaining honors from Austin Business Journal, Bisnow, CREW, CCIM, WRECONF, CREi Summit, and National Association of Realtors.
If you’re looking for a place to grow your business and build wealth, contact DeLea and her team. For years, they’ve been helping clients find ways to grow their business while also embracing the creative community and East Austin culture.
(512) 472-8833
Boiling water...honey biscuits...a perfected tapestry of cardamon leaves, golden ginger, and sweet milk. Over the brim of the old teapot and under the sweltering Texas summer sun, she learned to prepare fresh chai for her mother from a recipe Naaz inherited from her grandmother who also learned it from her mother. They discovered in privacy a gentle expression of love: to pour, to share. Chit Chat Chai now gets to share this beloved tradition with patrons. This chai is more than a drink; it’s a vessel of rich spices that now carry the stories of generations, whispered through time-honored recipes in a glass. Naaz’s recipes are made with only the freshest of ingredients and are directly replicated from the recipes she was taught as a young girl.
As a local businesswoman, she’s curated a traditional, authentic blend that resonates with the flavors of Austin’s community for everyone to enjoy. Taste the heritage of her family’s tradition, finding, with each cup, not just a beverage, but an experience that brings each person a little closer, one warm sip at a time.
(714) 930-6087 | @THECHITCHATCHAI
When April was inspired to create Skin Whisperer in 2018, she wanted to go against the grain of what most people do to their skin to age reverse. Intuition led her to want to create real change in the skin with a gentle, pain-free, natural approach instead of creating a trauma response to stimulate temporary results.
Popular “quick fix” methods can end up aging the skin faster in the long run. Her facials go beyond the surface level by using specific modalities that retrain the muscles, impact cellular health, and stimulate collagen regeneration. She’s seen incredible results treating sagging skin on the face, neck, décolletage, hands, plumping up lips, cystic acne, post acne scars, hyperpigmentation, dark circles, and toning up the jawline. She can also thicken hair and eyebrows using near infrared treatments.
For body contour clients, she uses advanced, results-driven modalities that allow for controlled destruction of excess fat cells with sculpting capability. If you are looking to rid of stubborn fat or tighten loose skin on the thighs, upper arms, belly, love handles, bra line, shrink stretch marks, or minimize cellulite, April is your girl. Her clients are extremely satisfied after seeing their results stay years after treatment. Tailoring treatments to each client’s needs, there are various packages available for body sculpting, including payment plans using Care Credit. April will empower you with a unique, new way to #loveyourtrueself.
In March 2023, Rachel Spillman-Johnson was given the opportunity to rent the space on East 6th Street which was next door to her current business, Skin by Rachel. She felt called to open a yoga studio where people could connect with each other and feel supported in a space that cultivates leveling up mind, body, and spirit while seeking to create programs accessible to underserved communities on the east side. The studio is named after the Holly neighborhood in which it resides to honor the past and create a future of community and connection.
Coming from a sentiment that Rachel’s grandfather, who practiced medicine, stated “Health is Wealth” repeated throughout her life, she put that mantra into motion by creating a studio that focuses on yoga philosophy, formats, and its profound benefits: a true mind-body connection.
On June 21, 2023, the studio officially opened with fun and intimate yoga classes beginning on summer solstice.
Kindred Spirits is rooted in and runs on the belief that each person has a responsibility to do their best by the world. In an effort to meet that challenge, they strive to offer beautiful clothing, jewelry, accessories, and apothecary while adhering to an ethos of sustainability, positive impact, and community involvement. Their goal is to give an avenue to women- and minority-owned small makers who are doing the same by selling clothing created in small batch using natural fibers and materials, and apothecary made of sustainably sourced, natural and organic ingredients.
“We feel beyond lucky to belong to a community that is woven together by mission and passion, a community that creates, curates, offers, and receives beauty, quality, and joy.” Becky delights, “Our role is to put good out into the world, and we receive so much good in return. What luck!”
In the heart of Windsor Park lies a hidden gem that is revolutionizing the perception of massage therapy. Merkaba Massage Studio is owned by a natural healer, educator, and self-care enforcer. Born and raised in Austin, Ruthie has a passion for the well-being of her community. Her fervor for holistic wellness is contagious, and her goal is to change the mindset around massage. It is not merely a luxury but also a necessity for our overall well-being.
With a wide range of specializations, including deep neuromuscular relief for pain, cupping, pre/postnatal care, and Fascial Stretch Therapy, the team can customize a treatment to individual needs. Whether you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines that have plagued you for years, or you simply want to enhance your body’s natural healing abilities, the therapists at Merkaba have the knowledge, skills, and tools to help.
It is common for clients to walk through the doors of Merkaba with debilitating aches, only to leave with a new-found sense of relief and freedom. The team’s dedication to eliminating pain and promoting overall well-being is truly remarkable.
Massage therapy is an essential part of self-care and health care. Merkaba is leading the way in changing the narrative around massage, prioritizing the health and well-being of the mind, body, and spirit. So why wait? Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you and experience the transformative power of Merkaba Massage Studio.
A rainbow of queer pride flags bring a sense of vibrancy to the “up and coming” neighborhood of Hornsby Bend. Step into this coffee shop, and bright yellow, pink, and orange hues provide a backdrop for a buzz of activity. Families and friends laughing over coffee and a meal alongside strangers are brought into a welcoming atmosphere for all created by Val Galvan and Alex Lopez. “Our mission is building communities,” Alex explains as conchas bake in the oven behind the counter. Val interjects, "We don't want anyone to ever feel alone."
Coming from the Rio Grande Valley, Val and Alex are the sole souls running the show on a day-to-day basis. Alex brings a background as a pastry chef and a keen business sense, while Val adds the creativity and vibrancy that gives Dorothy’s life. Wanting to provide a safe space beyond Austin’s bar scene, this dynamic duo quickly played their well-versed card of family concha recipes.
While the traditional concha is typically either white, brown, or pink, Val and Alex wanted to do something outside the box with their conchas. With their queer community in mind, they landed on their now-viral rainbow conchas. Initially making dough for solid-colored conchas, Alex had the idea to blend them, creating the rainbow effect. These vibrant pastries draw the masses, but after one bite, they gain acclaim as some of the best conchas ever made. Growing up under the “machismo” mindset so many Latino queer people are under, Alex points out, “Seeing ourselves represented
in a super traditional Mexican pastry is healing.” They continue, “We grew up when we didn't have representation in our culture, let alone our food.”
Experiencing the brilliant impact their colorful conchas have made, the duo drew a snaking line out the door to deliver up the prettiest conchas in town. In fact, it’s not only Far East Austinites clearing out their stock but visitors who’ve seen their conchas on TikTok.
Thanks to a friend who stepped up to serve as their defacto social media manager, Dorothy’s online presence garnered an international following from even Mexican families who demand their relatives bring back box loads. Both Val and Alex have witnessed their popularity cause neighbors and their growing queer community to break sweet bread together, living up to the heart of the operation for Val and Alex. As Val perfectly puts it, “That’s why it's called Dorothy's. Everyone's a friend of Dorothy's.”
14509 FM 969, Ste. 110
Female-founded Kindred Spirits boutique shop has something for anyone wanting a fresh look: a new outfit, a piece of jewelry, or a signature accessory. Or maybe pampering someone else is in order. Customers enter once for an on-trend look, but they keep coming back for the plush socks that feel so good you will not want to take them off. 1111 E 11th St., Ste. 100 | kindredspirits-shop.com
Wondering why ripping out your unwanted hair by the root is on a pampering list? It’s simple! European Wax Center brings all the benefits of waxing in an efficient, effortless manner. Just look at their online reviews. Waxing verses shaving benefits include exfoliation, finer (and reduced) hair growth, and of course that smooth, sexy feeling in all the places that are hard to shave. 1900 Aldrich St., Ste. 170 | waxcenter.com
After a singeing summer, it’s time to indulge a little. Whether it’s a walk in nature, a new outfit, a focus on the body, or relaxation, East Austin has an abundance of places to get pampered.
The Spa at Fairmont Austin is a luxurious addition to the spa scene in town. One of the last spas to reopen post-pandemic, visitors have been welcome only for about a year now. Scheduling just one treatment gives access to all their facilities for the day, where guests can enjoy the downtown views while lounging poolside, simmer in the giant hot tub, hydrate that sun-dried skin in the steam room, and even order a healthy and delectable lunch to enjoy while sitting in their plush robes. This spa day is so relaxing that just one treatment might not be enough. 101 Red River St. | fairmont.com/austin/spa/fairmont-austin-spa
Pamper: to indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; to spoil 2 1
For those who desire to step away from synthetic beauty practices but maintain the lasting results, The Skin Whisperer is delivering just that. Through a unique multi-step process, these facials "keep on facialing" for weeks to come. With a proprietary blend of holistic medical-grade ingredients and noninvasive technology that reaches a cellular level, clients are able to customize their experience, which, in turn, helps to solve even the most challenging issues like complex skin conditions, stubborn cellulite, and aging, by reawakening the body's own collagen production. 2304 E 16th St., Unit B | skinwhisperertx.com
Merkaba Massage Studio can help when you are needing more than just a little pampering and are actually in physical pain. They help cleints with whole body recovery. Specializing in deep tissue massage therapy, the studio will leave any visitor transformed with a custom session designed to rehabilitate their pain points and enhance their overall well-being. Their therapists are trained in bringing every customer to a new level of peace and relaxation within their body. 5802 Berkman Dr., Ste. B | merkabamassagestudio.com
Take a break from housework and let someone else clean the sheets when you leave. Sentral Apartments is not the typical apartment complex. It’s an innovative, flexible living community, where guests can reside full-time, or for a few months, or even just one night. Enjoy all the amenities, including a plunge pool, workout room, and grilling area, just steps away from many incredible Eastside bars and restaurants. 1614 E 6th St. | sentral.com/austin/east-austin-1614
Connecting with nature and sunshine are two things known to increase dopamine levels in the brain. Grab the comfortable kicks, and head to the Butterfly Garden, part of Mueller’s Southwest Greenway. While walking the beautifully landscaped trail, enjoy the oversized sculptures, rest the mind, and open the heart and eyes. You may even spy a butterfly Tom Miller St.
Fall +Winter 2023
A modest mid-century home in Windsor Park receives a gentle renovation and expansion, breathing light and outdoor views into its smart, art-filled interiors.
Nestled at the end of a cul-de-sac and set back below a mature tree line is a quiet, modernist ranch home dating back to the earliest days of Windsor Park, one of Austin’s oldest planned communities.
From the street, the home looks much as it did in the 1950s. Homeowners Brian Carlson, a principal architect at McKinney York Architects, and his husband, Omar Barnhart, purchased the home in 2007 and knew that any eventual renovation would need to preserve the best components of the home’s mid-century detailing.
The original, triangular clerestory windows at the front of the house were preserved, and a wall below the ridge beam of the gabled
roof, which previously separated the living room from the kitchen, were removed. These simple moves helped push light into the home, a strategy complemented by a generously day-lit primary suite addition at the home’s rear, which added about 400 square feet and an abundance of day-
light to the home’s original tiny footprint.
Beyond the original brick exterior wall, the couple added a double height bedroom, master bathroom, and an expansive, hidden closet with self-contained laundry utilities. Outside the
suite, a small mud room and a taut home office create a light-filled threshold connecting the backyard to the main artery of the home.
A rich material palette in the addition introduces warm and earthy terracotta tones over a white oak floor, supported by sensitively sized and placed windows. Notably, three human-scale, undivided portals help balance high and low light in the bedroom, while also creating a visual connection to the home’s expressive, ruddy brick as it transitions from an exterior façade into an interior finish.
In the backyard, the exterior addition bookends one side of the wedge-shaped plot, which enjoys additional privacy thanks to its adjacency to a quiet utility easement. Adding a simple, covered porch offers shade at the new back entrance.
Quiet and poised, the well-crafted and thoughtfully-detailed spaces are bright, well-proportioned, and expertly curated. As the couple turns their attention to a more ambitious kitchen renovation sometime soon, the story is only beginning to unfold.
Construction, well-known for their craft and expertise in sensitive expansions and new construction, provided general contracting services for the project.
The land of fire and ice is one of the coolest hot spots for adventurous travel. A melting pot of natural wonders from geysers, glaciers, and gorgeous gorges, there’s a good reason travelers miss their connections to Europe.
Embrace the sense of adventure on the first day by experiencing what Iceland's tiny, but mighty, capital city, Reykjavik, offers. Far more than a place to rest for a layover to Europe, get lost wandering the city streets, soaking up the colorful architecture and stunning mural scenes painted along the winding roads. Don’t miss the iconic towering Expressionist-style church of Hallgrímskirkja, gazing upon its impressive stone entrance. Stretching into the sky, take the trip to the top of the tower and look out onto the city and expanse of Icelandic mountains beckoning new arrivals to traverse them.
For dinner, the food scene in Reykjavik punches well above its weight class with an unrivaled international selection from which to choose. Plan to visit in the summer and indulge in the fantastic bar and nightlife scene, a truly bizarre time out under the midnight sun.
Before hopping in the rental car, grab a fantastic cup of coffee from Reykjavik Roasters and prepare to embark on the Golden Circle. A closer scenic route by Reykjavik, this road trip takes adventurers past towering waterfalls like Gullfoss, Geysir (all geysers namesake), Þingvellir National Park, and the can’t-miss site, Reykjadalur Valley.
Wildflowers bloom alongside a hot spring river in the Reykjadalur Valley that meets with a cold river in a spot called The Confluence. For those who like it hot, stroll further upstream on the boardwalk, and for those who need their bathing waters just right, head downstream to feel the temps gradually dip as the hot and cold water mix in stone pools.
For a one-of-a-kind dining experience in an actual tomato greenhouse, stop by Friðheimar to enjoy the freshest tomato soup and bread. The atmosphere in this place is amplified by the majestic Icelandic horses on the property.
Load up on road trip snacks before venturing farther than the Golden Circle for the far out sights of the famous Icelandic Ring Road. The
first stop should be Vik, a tiny town that’s home to monumental geological sights. While in Vik, head to Reynisfjara to explore caves made of hexagonal basalt columns that feel totally alien as the frosty ocean waves crash on the bizarre black sand beach.
Farther east, take in the surreal hues of blue at Breidamerkursandur Glacier and Diamond Beach. The mighty wall of ice invokes an unparalleled sense of wonder as chunks of solid ice break off in a mighty roar, making waves in the bay. Directly south, Diamond Beach is where those chunks are naturally cut and refined into still massive ice diamonds shimmering on the black sand.
For dinner, make plans to stop at Black Crust Pizzria in Vik and enjoy their Icelandic-style pizza made to look as black as the beaches with a volcanic burst of sauce and cheese to satisfy the hunger built up by the day's adventures.
46 lucky seven
48 dine east
An All New Veracruz
A renowned family of restaurateurs with a reputation for delighting taste buds has opened a new brick-andmortar location, offering an expanded food and drink menu imbued with three generations of traditional craft.
The women behind Veracruz All Natural are already local legends, earning accolades and adoration since the Vasquez sisters opened their first humble food truck in 2008, long before trailers were ubiquitous with contemporary urban dining.
Fifteen years later, sisters Reyna and Maritza have shared the lore of their mother’s home cooking with innumerable Austinites. Aided by Maritza’s stepdaughter, Lis-Ek Mariscal, the family has left an indelible legacy on the city and yet are firmly focused on the future.
“This new location is the culmination of a dream, but it feels like a beginning,” explains Lis-Ek. “Our menu is inspired by the dishes my grandmother would make to keep our family afloat in Mexico. Our new location not only honors what made us ‘Veracruz All Natural’ but also allows us to offer something different. We love making great food that isn’t just wrapped in a tortilla!”
Inside, a bright, beachy dining room is adorned with floorto-ceiling murals honoring Latina heritage, all designed and painted by women. A colorful portrait of María Félix,
contributed by artist Aurora Covarrubias Goribar (@artauroracov), is worth visiting in and of itself.
While artful décor and attention to detail abound, there is no upstaging the carefully curated dishes and drinks available all day. Fan favorites include the Cochinita Pibil, grandma’s signature recipe of pork marinated in orange juice and achiote, served with red onion escabeche, refried black beans, rice, fried sweet plantains, and homemade blue corn tortillas.
To drink, the Doña Diabla, a blend of Arette Blanco and
Curacao liquors and named after the 1950s film of the same name starring María Félix, marries delightfully with cucumber and jalapeño juices, mixed citrus, agave, mint, and salt. For non-drinkers, it makes an excellent mocktail.
Stopping by to enjoy the new bar, menu, and space is to share in the next chapter of a beloved local brand from a family whose success feels as natural as the cuisine they have gifted the city.
(737) 318-4896
1905 Aldrich St. #125
Interior designers BRWN Collective sourced handmade furniture from Mexa Design, pottery from Clay Imports and Garden Seventeen, and plants from Newton Nurseries and Austin Plant Supply.
Veracruz has proudly partnered with Desnudo Coffee, now serving rich roasts at all their locations.
“We want everyone to feel like part of our family. When you step up to our food truck or into our restaurant, we want you to know you’re eating homemade food. We want to share that feeling of being able to come home to your own family’s restaurant.”
– Lis-Ek Mariscal
Beyond tried and true wine establishments, a plethora of local businesses sell some great wines. From coffee shops to beer-centric watering holes, unexpected gems are hiding in plain sight, just waiting to be sipped.
When the caffeine high fades and the wear and tear of the daily grind start to catch up, it’s time to trade in the warm comfort of the coffee cup for a bottle of vino. After a hard day of remote work and world-class coffee at hip café Figure 8 Coffee Purveyors, grab some vino to go from their small, but highly curated, offering of wines. Selections range from local Texas makers like Soto Vino to California favorite Populis and beyond.
1111 Chicon St. | figure8coffeepurveyors.com
Consisting of the products of thoughtful vintners, such as low-intervention enthusiasts Scott Sampler of L’Arge d’Oor, the selection at Mour is sure to please those seeking out exquisite craftsmanship in an approachable setting. This neighborhood-centric eatery brings global flavors to the table as well as the wine rack.
1414 Shore District Dr., #120 | mourcafe.com
For the prodigious drinker, or those suffering decision fatigue, a wine subscription is a must. Known primarily for their excellent craft beer and cocktails, Brew and Brew’s Press Wine Club impresses just as much as their daily libations. For $99 a month, members receive three bottles and exclusive access to a members-only
tasting on the third Thursday of each month. 500 San Marcos St. | thebrewandbrew.com
For Mueller residents and beyond, WhichCraft is a hoppy place. What many don’t realize is that this craft beer hub is also home to an affordable collection of unique, first-rate bottles. Without the stuffy airs often associated with bottle shops, selecting your varietal of choice at WhichCraft is always a pleasant and inviting experience. 1900 Simond Ave., #200 | whichcraft.com
Treat yourself, for goodness’ saké. Uroko is an informal and undeni-
ably delightful sushi spot hidden within Springdale General. While perhaps not technically wine, saké offers white wine drinkers similar flavor profiles to explore. Whether choosing a bottle to pair with temaki on site, or grabbing one for the road, their small, but mighty, collection is sure to expand the palate and spark intrigue and excitement.
1023 Springdale Rd., Bldg. 1, Ste. C | urokoaustin.com
Community Garden is a laidback, boho-chic morning hotspot for fresh acai bowls. But after hours, this haven transforms into a sweet oasis centered on great music and great sips. Representing exciting young
producers like De Levende and beyond, Community Garden brings folks together over the finer things that Austin loves most. Gather your friends for an experience that tantalizes both the tastebuds and the ears.
1401 Cedar Ave., #2 | @communitygarden.austin
Excellent coastal-inspired Mexican cuisine is only enhanced by excellent wine pairings. For the uninitiated, Este offers the perfect opportunity to explore the beautiful terroir of Mexico. With esteemed producers like Dominio de las Abejas dotting their wine list, patrons best be prepared to fall in love with this too often overlooked region.
2113 Manor Rd. | esteatx.com
Featuring a rotating selection of the world’s most satisfying dishes, Mour Cafe is where gastropub meets comfort. They serve environmentally-conscious ingredients, sourced from local farmers, which bring flavor that’s uniquely Austin to each soul-filled dish. 1414 Shore District Dr., Bldg. 3, Ste. 120 mourcafe.com
The menu at Cisco’s provides flavorful TexMex options for any meal of the day. Order favorites like their mouth-watering breakfast tacos or comforting cheese enchiladas for dinner. Either way, the food and the service will have you wanting more.
1511 E 6th St. | ciscosaustin.com
This charming cantina serves up tacos and margaritas with a smile. The handmade corn tortillas make a soft bed for barbacoa, carnitas, pollo, and more. 4715 E Cesar Chavez St. denadacantina.com
Spacious and welcoming, Industry is perfect for a night out with friends or family gatherings. Their extensive menu takes cues from Texas cuisine, resulting in familiar, fun, and low-key healthy options from breakfast to late-night snacks. This, combined with their 30+ beers on tap and happy hour deals, has locals coming back over and over again. 1211 E 5th St.
Designed as a cozy neighborhood pub, Oddwood Ales provides a variety of flavorful ales, home-made pizzas, and Italian dishes in a relaxed atmosphere with arcade games and a pet-friendly patio. 3108 Manor Rd. | oddwoodbrewing.com
Disrupting the fast food industry one sandwich at a time, Flyrite is a drive-thru with all-natural, antibiotic-free chicken as well as gluten-free and vegetarian options.
2129 E 7th St. | flyritechicken.com
This unassuming store-front houses an outstanding array of fluffy-light donuts, a variety of kolache flavors, and savory breakfast croissants. Even if the food wasn’t enough, the warmth of the owners Sochea and Sarong make the trip to S-H worth it every time. 5313 Manor Rd.
Something about Hillside Farmacy's weekend brunches, patio dinners, and cocktails just makes sense. Perhaps that’s due to its historical location in the lovingly renovated 1950s Hillside Drugstore. Or perhaps it’s because the fresh, carefully selected seasonal food that comes from local farms and onto your plate is just good medicine. Enjoy an “Adult Happy Meal” every Wednesday night, Texas grass-fed beef or house made veggie burger, fries + an old fashioned for only $20. 1209 E 11th St. | hillsidefarmacy.com
Known for their upscale, yet playful, dining experience, their high-quality, authentic ingredients steal the show. They’ve created endless options, while still remaining true to traditional Japanese soul food recipes. There’s a bowl at the table for everyone. 1600 E 6th St. | Ramen-tatsuya.com
Stepping inside Bobo’s Snack Bar feels like a warm embrace from an old friend. Though it’s a neighborhood pub, it feels like stepping into the home of an eclectic artist, where mid-century modern furniture mingles with retro lighting and gallery-worthy art. The bartenders extend a welcoming hand to all who enter, treating them like cherished friends. Long tables invite guests to play board games, while lounge-style seating encourages guests to stay a while. Cozy bar stools line a teal-tiled bar, lovingly referred to as the "kitchen counter.” Once seated, guests can choose from a vibrant array of cocktails or savor a draft, as groovy music sets the tone.
Bethany Andrée and Karl Gilkey, the devoted owners since 2018, pour their hearts into every detail at this neighborhood establishment. For Bethany, Bobo’s is akin to her greatest art project, an extension of her own living space. Karl's craftsmanship shines in the self-built bar, while the living room-style seating boasts furniture from Bethany’s personal collection. Transformed from a former used car lot, this haven exudes a retro charm reminiscent of old Austin with a touch of Palm Springs; yet, it's conveniently nestled on the corner of Airport Boulevard and 38th 1/2 Street.
Bobo’s Snack Bar is a staunch supporter of local artisans. From the artwork to the beer and wine selections, and even the bites on their concise menu, everything celebrates the ingenuity of progressive Central Texas producers. The menu accommodates a variety of dietary preferences, meaning guests can relish gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian options. Delight the taste buds with Karl’s homemade Masa Cakes, or savor the bold flavors of the new Bola’s Pizza with BBQ Jackfruit. Pair these delights with a refreshing Slim Ricky mocktail or go allin with Bethany’s top pick: Mean Espresso Martini.
Notably, Bobo’s curated wine selection highlights low-intervention and natural wines, echoing their commitment to environmental consciousness. The duo are stewards of the earth, not just through sourcing but also through their impressive composting efforts. Even on bustling nights, Bobo’s generates more compost than waste, underscoring their unwavering dedication to quality.
Whether gathering with friends, enjoying a date night, or unwinding in the afternoon, Bobo’s is an unpretentious choice to feel at home, minus the post-party cleanup hassle. The ambiance, energy, and impeccable service infuse a touch of excitement into any evening.
(512) 657-2594
3850 Airport Blvd.
Make Wednesdays even more special with Bobo’s Wine & Whiskey Wednesdays, featuring whiskey flights and a generous 50% off wines by the bottle. Happy Hour is 4-6pm Wednesday through Saturday and 2-5pm on Sundays with 20% off snacks and drinks.