Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report January–June
Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Board Goals Goal 1. Mutual Goals
Assess district operations with a focus on Eaton RESA Operational Philosophy and use the Eaton RESA Operational Philosophy when making district decisions.
Goal 2. Quality Employees
Develop rubric based evaluations reflecting best practices implemented on an annual basis for all employees, and create criteria for merit pay. Develop employee orientation and mentoring programs. Evaluate and implement a substitute teacher training model.
Goal 3. Relationships with Stakeholders
Quality Relationships Customer Focus Educational Excellence Fiscal Integrity
Assess and implement collaborative initiatives to meet identified needs such as Common Core, Prevention, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), Technology, General Education, and Early Childhood.
Goal 4. Focused Service Approach
Where possible, implement common software for services such as a student data, finance, and Substitute Placement & Absence Management System.
Annual Employee Recognition
Creative Pulp 10 Years of Success End of the Year Wrap Up Holiday Parties for and by Staff Name Change Ceremony
The Multi-Tiered System of Support is a coherent continuum of evidence based, system-wide practices to support a rapid response to academic and behavioral needs, with frequent data-based monitoring for instructional decision-making to empower each Eaton County student to achieve high standards. Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Superintendent’s Office Dr. Beardsley is completing her second year at Eaton RESA. Under Christine’s leadership, Eaton Intermediate School District officially changed their name to better represent this organization. The ribbon cutting event was held in conjunction with the End-of-the Year Wrap-Up event on June 5, 2013. Community members, board members, Charlotte Chamber of Commerce members, and local press attended the event. The employees voted on the new name, which we believe increases the presence of Eaton RESA and enhances the community’s understanding of services and programs we provide to our districts and throughout the tri-county area.
In January, Dr. Beardsley accepted employee advice not to select carpet patterns that may affect students with visual difficulties. All employees were then offered the opportunity to vote on the carpet selections. The hallway now has a smooth surface that is more user-friendly for our students. In addition, Board Briefs to Staff, Local our conference rooms’ modern look show pride in our building and organization. The facility’s operating improvement didn’t end with the carpet; staff were asked to once again participate in Boards, and Public decisions by voting on their choice of conference room tables and chairs. Community feedback has been that the chairs are now more functional and comfortable for meetings and trainings. District Communication Maintenance staff appreciates the stacking ability of both the tables and the chairs, and the Leadership decreased weight makes room setups easier and faster.
Administrative Council Board of Education
Charlotte Can Do Leadership Group Eaton County Courts Eaton County Sheriff’s Department EIEA and ESPA Unions LEAs MAISA Legislative Committee MASA Region 6 Michigan Public School Partnership United Way
Negotiations Pulling from her experience and knowledge as a leadership mentor, Christine has developed Recognition and Award relationships with her administrative Nominations team. She mentors them to ensure progress toward personal and Region 6 Legislative organizational goals and objectives. Administrative feedback indicates that Representative they are pleased with the changes Christine has made in the restructuring of the council. The weekly Administrative Council Meetings provide a forum to ask questions, have input on decisions, and keep everyone up-to-date on organizational programs and events outside of their own department.
Christine and the EIEA Negotiation Committee successfully collaborated a new three year Certified Staff Master Agreement (2013–2016) which resulted in an innovative, fully merit-based wage system. This team also successfully created timelines and due dates for staff evaluations and observations and implemented them through the STAGES software.
Dr. Beardsley has been instrumental in evaluating and responding to the needs and requests of our local educational agencies. Throughout this six month period, there were several meetings with staff and local districts to discuss budget planning. The examination of the Special Education Funding Model implementation was a milestone achievement. The district needs were assessed as were the budgetary constraints; the final document was then reviewed with LEA superintendents and business officials to ensure understanding and transparency. It has been a year of difficult decisions and numerous changes, but Dr. Beardsley continues to work with our board, local superintendents, staff, and community partners to improve efficiencies and processes to better serve the educational needs of all. Our superintendent dilligently seeks out recognition opportunities for employees, programs and services, and our local districts. To that end, Dr. Beardsley: • Attended a Maple Valley Board meeting to commend Superintendent Ronna Steel for her compassionate leadership. • Recommended Dr. Metcalf for Superintendent of the Year. • Recommended Megan Lloyd for Outstanding Eduacator of the Year. • Met with the Creative Pulp team, and staff helped prepare their application for the 2013 Michigan Association of School Board’s Excellence Award. The video and application were submitted, and later won, the MASB’s 2013 Excellence Award for Creative Pulp.
Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Business Office and Human Resources
The business office began working with the new auditors to plan and prepare for the annual audit at the start of the year. Working from the auditor comments from the prior fiscal year, Ms. Davis established weekly departmental meetings for all accounting staff to ensure processes were updated to comply with audit recommendations. The Business Office established schedules to invoice local districts on a monthly basis. The Superintendent’s Office continued to aide in all Business Office activities as needed during the orientation time of the new Business Office staff.
Cash Management Conference Room Setups Custodial Services Facilities Maintenance Financial Reporting Grant Management Invoicing Mail Distribution Oneida Services Payables
Top on the list of achievements for the Business Office was their diligence in working with each department to amend the 2012–13 budget. There was an immense amount of work involved in changing the funding model for Special Education, which in turn affected the budgets of all departments. After considering all the changes in the funding model for Special Education and revamping the budget, the local superintendents and business officials were provided with financial information and given a voice in the discussion. Local districts requested a distribution of funds in excess of 7%, as per the previous funding model. The Board and Dr. Beardsley agreed to make one last excess fund disbursement and a presentation check was delivered to each local Board of Education board along with their disbursement check based on the previous formula. During this process, the CMSBO local superintendents were informed that due to the District Staff expiration of ARRA funds, each district will need to determine if they want to continue using the Data Local School Districts Director and/or the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) software system.
In the midst of all the budget amendments and MESSA proposals, the Business Office posted two request for proposals (RFP). Both the Finance MSBO Receptionist & Human Resource Software Package RFP Set Seg and the Custodial/Maintenance services RFP were posted in February. The finance Unions software process included a committee of accounting staff who reviewed the bid United Way submissions. The group selected three bidders to present on their software and local districts were invited to participate. The decision to purchase the SMART Finance and Human Resource Software System from Wayne County RESA was unanimous, and the planning began for the conversion. The Custodial and Maintenance RFP bids were reviewed by the chief financial officer, the Human Resources director, and the superintendent; they recommended to the Board of Education to award the contract to Auxilio COBRA Services.
Fingerprinting FMCA
Health Benefits Negotiations
Payroll Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Special Education Special education is ever changing and developing as we learn more about how to help our students with special needs. Special education trend data for the past 10 years was presented to the Board of Education, Local District superintendents, and Special Education administrators. This data summarized the changes in special education. The incidence of special education has shown a decline in the area of emotional impairment and an increase in students with autism. To continue increasing our knowledge, Eaton RESA partnered with Grand Valley State University through the Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) grant to provide professional development for teachers, related services staff, and parents on evidenced-based practices. We also continued our collaboration with the Ingham Intermediate School District for professional development on autism through the Capital Region Autism Network (CRAN) grant. Another support for students with autism is the parent training that is provided through the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and the Parent Support Group for Students with Autism. These are very active groups with the goal to help all children to be successful. The topics of the presentations included: Aligning Measurable IEP Goals to the Common Core, Surrogate Parents, Benefits and Challenges of Having a Sibling with a Disability, Criteria for Determining a Specific Learning Disability, Functional Behavior Assessments, and Behavior Intervention Plans.
Creative Pulp GECKO Handicapped Riding Program Related Services for Students Wraparound and Strong Families/Safe Children
During this year, Eaton RESA staff and the local Special Education directors developed Paraprofessional Guidelines for student support and planned a two day training for the summer. The school psychologists from Eaton RESA and the local Special Education directors reviewed the Oakland Schools Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) Guidelines to aid in the appropriate identification of students. These guidelines provide staff with updated research and practices. In an effort to provide more assistance to our families, Special Education continues to collaborate with the Department of Human Services, Community Mental Health, and Housing Services to provide wraparound support.
Meadowview School has had several staffing changes this year and continued focusing on providing quality services to our Meadowview students. The students have participated in several events including: Winterfest, a visit from the Easter Bunny, Irish Dancers on St. Patrick’s Day, and a School Picnic. The Meadowview students continue to sell snacks to the staff, from the “Meadowview Munchies” room, providing them with opportunities for valuable social interaction. Two of our Meadowview teachers had the opportunity to demonstrate how to integrate technology into the curriculum when working with students with cognitive impairments. This was presented to administrators throughout the state of Michigan at the Michigan Association for Administrators of Special Education (MAASE). The Creative Pulp program, housed at the transition site at Galewood School, celebrated 10 years of successful programming and was awarded the 2013 Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) Education Excellence Award. This program provides employability skills for students who are beyond high school and are preparing to join the work force. The students make handmade cards out of recycled paper which are being sold at Hidden Trails, Michigan Untapped, and the Eaton RESA Packard Facility.
ASD Group Local Businesses Local School Districts PAC Peckham Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Eaton Great Start The Great Start staff meetings continue to play a key role in planning department professional development needs, sharing data and documentation needs and moving towards a more common system for the program. Great Start utilizes many communication devices (such as Facebook, the Great Start website, literacy brochures, and a quarterly newspaper insert in the local paper) to reach out to the community about their services.
February kept staff members busy. Great Start administration participated in the evaluation for Siren/Eaton Shelter’s domestic violence programs and resources. The Great Start Collaborative met to review and implement the online Great Start Readiness Preschool application. During this same time, library resources were organized Autism Support Group with the help of the Democratic Party Volunteer Squad, including two county commissioners, a judge, a retired attorney, and a retired volunteer teacher.
Connecting Kids Project Home-Based Support Preschool Roundup
Toddler Time in the Parks Welcome Baby Bag Project
With Spring, came the annual author visit. Nancy Shaw, author of Sheep in a Jeep, read to the children, autographed books, and participated in their center activities. In May, the department began planning for the upcoming year. The Great Start Collaborative Child Care and Early Education Committee planned and implemented a Preschool Round Up at the new Alive! Community Center. The round up provided an opportunity for parents to have developmental, hearing, vision, and health screenings completed. To assist parents in finding the right preschool for their toddler, a Preschool Fair was hosted that brought Barry-Eaton District Health together 16 preschool programs for parents to talk with and compare. Department
Summer brought another successful season of Great Start Toddler Time in the Parks, a literacy based outdoor event that had 358 participants at six sites.
Central Resource Center
Community Mental Health Department of Human Services Early On Family Court Great Start Readiness Preschools Housing Services of Eaton County Local School Districts MSU Extension Parents Parents as Teachers Siren/Eaton Shelter United Way
5 Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
General Education Michigan Law requires new teachers to be assigned to a mentor and the General Education Department (Gen Ed) provides training to these new teachers as well as their mentors. There were 50 mentors who completed the quarterly trainings during the 2012–13 year. MEA partnered with Gen Ed for some of these trainings. To further aid new teachers, Gen Ed has developed a New Teacher Academy that will provide additional support and guidance to be implemented in the upcoming year.
In January of each year, school improvement trainings are available for all district and building leaders. The first session began with a Data Day where the data specialist for Eaton RESA reviewed the data and resources available in order for districts and buildings to begin their collection activities. Three additional sessions scheduled in February, March, and April allowed the teams to come and work on their plans and obtain assistance from school improvement leaders at Eaton RESA. Teams had the opportunity to leave these training sessions with goals and strategies to achieve proficiency in reading, writing, and math. Gen Ed encourages these plans to move from compliance to action as teams strive for continuous Co-Teaching with Assistive improvement.
The newest addition to Gen Ed is the patent pending TIE Academy—a professional development series to aid in the use of instructional technology in the classrooms. The program is currently in a pilot stage and focuses on instructional modules to teach educators how to take technology to the next level in classroom instruction.
By using technology resources, Gen Ed is teaching the teachers how to work smarter, not harder. To this end, the data derived from many of the student assessments (such as MME, MEAP, DIBELS and Student Information Systems within the data warehouse framework) are an essential part of planning for curriculum enhancements and professional development trainings. Gen Ed shares a data specialist with Eaton Rapids Schools who maintains and interprets this student achievement data. Eaton RESA utilizes Data Director as the web-based data and assessment management system to house the test results of approximately 13,000 students for preAdvancED/ASSIST kindergarten to 12th grade.
Apple Computer
Capital Area Science and Mathematics Center McGraw Hill MiBLSi Michigan Department of Education Pearson Riverside Publishing
and Instructional Technology
DIBELS Institute Literacy Teaching and Learning Supports Mathematic Teaching and Learning Supports Mentoring Program MiBLSi Resources Professional Development
Gen Ed implemented a core reading program in School Improvement 2012–13 and provided literacy training for the local districts. Literacy training focused on “The Five Big TIE Academy Ideas of Reading” which includes phonemic awareness, alphabetic principles, fluency with text, vocabulary, and comprehension. These trainings offered a variety of professional development (PD) opportunities, as staff could choose an all day or after school session to work around their classroom schedules. Providing PD to teachers continues to be a key service of Gen Ed. They annually review the previous year’s professional development offerings and determine the relevance of the PD, if the PD is to be continued, and how the PD connects with the overarching MTSS model and school improvement goals and objectives.
Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) Various ISDs and Districts Various Regional, State and National Associations Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Prevention Program Services
The Prevention Program Services (PPS) Department is a regional prevention provider serving Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties. PPS maintains sustainability through grant seeking and writing, renewal of current grant funding sources, and advocacy efforts. In Eaton County, they communicate with the public through the Eaton RESA website, Eaton County Substance Abuse Advisory Group (ECSAAG) Facebook, ECSAAG Coordinator’s Update Newsletter, and the Eaton Drug Free website. Their Bullying and Violence broad scope of services includes truancy intervention coordination which entails working with local schools and families in addressing attendance issues Prevention
Choices Program
Coordinated School Health Program Eaton County Mental Health Resource Guide Parent Education Classes Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) Substance Abuse Prevention Coalitions Truancy Intervention Program Yearly Parent Education Directory
Twenty-five schools participated during 2012–13 in the Shaping Positive Lifestyles & Attitudes through School Health (SPLASH) program. They were provided Michigan Model and Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum training and materials for 200 teachers, as well as reimbursement for substitute costs and schoolwide nutrition education events.
The Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) program—a program that trains students to provide direct service to their peers—is currently implemented in 13 middle and 12 high schools throughout the tri-county area. There were 100 new high school PALs and 116 new middle school PALs who were trained in the 2012–13 school year. The Choices Program served 38 families in the 2012–13 school year. Students participated in a youth education series about drugs and alcohol, and their parents participated in the Staying Connected with Your Teen Barry-Eaton District parent education series. Nonviolent Crisis Intervention workshops were conducted for 162 school and agency staff in Eaton County to build skills in resolving conflict. This program annually offers county trainings, re-certifications, and/or onsite district trainings.
The Michigan Model Health program had 147 teachers county-wide attend trainings on the revised kindergarten through 6th grade health process. Health prevention specialists at Eaton RESA continue to work with each district to promote implementation of this program. bold
In March, the PPS Department once again participated in the annual Kick Butts Day which encourages individuals to quit smoking. This year, PPS partnered with Biggby Coffee to put a “Kick Butts Day” sticker on their coffee cups for the day.
Day s t t Bu th Kick rch 20 Ma 00 - QUI T
Throughout all Eaton RESA programs, the MTSS is engaged. PPS is integrating the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) and the MTSS systems into all current prevention initiatives.
CEI-Community Mental Health Authority Clinton and Ingham Substance Abuse Prevention Coalitions Eaton County Court System Eaton County Human Services Collaborative Council Eaton County Substance Abuse Advisory Group Michigan Department of Community Health Michigan Fitness Foundation Michigan Primary Care Association Suicide Prevention of Eaton County Vittoz Computer Consulting
7 Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Technology Department The Technology Supervisor, Will Cornwell, began the year by attending staff meetings throughout Eaton RESA to educate staff on how to get help with technology issues by utilizing the helpdesk. This system helps organize the already precious time of the Tech staff, and it provides data on the types of services and length of time needed for technology needs. Cornwell represented Eaton RESA on the 22.1 Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant Governing Board. As a member of the Board, he coordinates key information and initiatives required by the grant to the local schools. By hosting a Technology Vision Planning Committee meeting, he aided local districts in understanding and agreeing to the grant participation requirements. He then followed-up with each district to ensure all testing data was entered into the Michigan Technology Readiness tool by the March deadline. The Committee also participated in an Internet-centric vision for education presented by Google. A recording of this meeting is located on YouTube ( yVSEGB4SeTQ).
Assist with Computer Questions Email Support IT Help Desk
The expertise of the Technology Department at Eaton RESA was requested Meeting IT Setup by several local districts. Both the Eaton Rapids and Potterville Public School sought a county-wide technology perspective in ensuring their technology Network Accounts/Access solutions aligned with their district’s needs at the bond committee meetings. Charlotte Public Schools requested Eaton RESA Technology to Premises Security Systems attend meetings regarding a potential phone upgrade. The Tech Department Repair Programming Errors assisted Oneida Public Schools in developing a technology budget that incorporated grant dollars to purchase iPads and additional hardware and Telephone Support software needed in the district. While assisting the districts in their specific needs, the Tech Department also coordinated a 2GB Internet Bandwidth upgrade for the Eaton County WAN through the eRate program. All local districts signed a 3-year contract renewal for Internet bandwidth which is eligible for reimbursement using eRate funds due to timely application submission of the Tech Department. Technology is an ever-growing field, and trainings, such as the use of hashtags, will always be part of the department services. Hashtags are the newest way to leverage our social media presence, and the Tech Department promoted this new trend at the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) meeting, the county principal’s meeting, the administrative council meeting, as well as various department meetings.
Clear Rate Dell Foxbright GoDaddy
In the Spring, the Tech Department implemented the Novell Identity Manager which will give the capability to synchronize network information between systems within the Eaton RESA infrastructure. In preparation for the statewide availability of the new MTRAx tool in the Fall of 2013, the Tech Dept hosted a training on the Smarter Balanced Assessment survey.
Google Gracon Logicalis The State of Michigan Verizon Wireless Wayne RESA Zayo Eaton RESA | 1790 Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Career and Technical Education
The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department is an active partner with high school principals, school counselors, and employers. Meetings are held monthly with school personnel and quarterly with employers. Information shared at these meetings assists in staff professional development activities. Eaton RESA participates regionally with region 14 (Clinton and Ingham) on CTE affairs. Parent-teacher conferences and a Spring orientation help parents become familiar with their students’ selected programs. All programs have a business and industry advisory committee with meetings held bi-annually. Eaton RESA updates the public with pictures and information through Facebook and quarterly newspaper articles.
Coordinators on-site at local districts Six Career Preparation Programs: Arts and Communications
Business, Management, Marketing, and Technology Engineering/Manufacturing/ Industrial Technology Health Sciences Human Services Natural Resources and Agrisciences
March was a busy month for CTE programs. Associate Superintendent Ralph Hansen presented at a principal’s meeting regarding the progress and implementation of the Career Planning and College Readiness initiative. The Eaton RESA Career Preparation Program proudly inducted 86 students into the National Technical Honors Society, which requires high standards of both academic achievement and attendance for participation. Approximately 1,200 Eaton County 8th graders visited the LCC West Campus Career Preparation Center with the theme of “Career Cinema” where they explored various career pathways through learning about different occupations. Finally, Eaton RESA held its second Employer Appreciation Breakfast where 50 partner employers met and interacted with students representing all 17 career programs.
In the past six months, CTE presented to various organizations including both Charlotte and Eaton Rapids Rotary groups, highlighting their accomplishments and awards. Job shadows and internships were conducted in all programs with a 96% rate of success. The year culminated with the annual Spring awards ceremony where 250 awards were given along with many scholarships from Olivet College, Lansing Community College, and various technical schools. The year concluded on a high note as students qualified and participated in the National SkillsUSA Championship held in Kansas City, Missouri.
Burcham Hills Retirement Community Eaton County Sheriff’s Department Farm Bureau LCC Local Districts MDE Office of CTE MSU Child Development Lab Olivet College Principals Potter Park TechSmith
9 Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
Eaton RESA 2012–2013 Semi-Annual Board Goals Report: January–June
Capital Area Michigan Works!
Providing employment skills and services to an entire county is the large task that the Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) staff have proven they can handle. The highlight of the year is the Jobs for America’s Graduate (JAG) Program which is a collaboration of the Eaton RESA CAMW! staff and Potterville Public Schools. Twenty high school students participated in the JAG Program this year. These students attended the National Leadership Conference held in Washington DC and presented a summary of their experience to the Board of Education. JAG staff and students presented a brief description of the high school dropout prevention program as well as description of classroom activity, Job Seeker Services: program goals, and objectives to the Eaton RESA and Career Connections Education Advisory (CCEA) Boards. In April, these students competed for the first time in the Career Development Applications and Referrals Conference in Benton Harbor and place 3rd overall. The JAG program collaboration with Career and Labor Market Potterville has completed a successful first year. The program director initiated a meeting with CAMW! leadership to discuss potential changes that would expand outreach and have a greater Information impact on the at-risk population.
Job Search Assistance
Community Partners: Asset Independence Coalition Eaton County Public Schools Eaton County United Way Human Service Collaborative Michigan Rehabilitation Services State of Michigan Veterans’ Services
Employer Partners: American Metal Roofs Beacon Sales
Another key service provided by CAMW! is the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Youth case managers conducted a summer job workshop at the local library which had 15 teenagers participate. The WIA programs wrapped up their program year on June 30, 2013 including Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth. These programs focus on preparing individuals to become economically self sufficient. All of the WIA programs exceeded their performance measures including their participant entered employment rate, employment retention rate, average earnings, credential attainment, skill attainment rate, and high school completion rate for our teenagers.
Job Search Resources On-Site Partners
Pure Michigan Talent Connect Resume Development
Employer Services: Employer of the Day and Hiring Events Pre-screened applicants Pure Michigan Talent Connect Recruitment Assistance Training
Centennial Acres CNI Plastics Eaton Rapids Medical Center Liquid Web Meijer Distribution Warehouse Spartan Motors WOW Cable
10 Eaton RESA | 1790 E. Packard Hwy | Charlotte, MI 48813 | Phone: 517.543.5500 | Fax: 517.543.6633
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