Humaniti Montréal, Québec
EBC has been building and developing the urban landscape since 1968. Today, our Building Division continues to deliver on projects that enhance the quality of life of their occupants. People are at the heart of the EBC mission. On every project—be it traditional engineering, project management, design-build, or public private partnership —EBC champions an innovative collaborative approach. BENEFITS —E xpertise in public and private projects —E xperience in the residential, institutional, commercial, and industrial sectors —S upport through all project stages, from pre-design to final delivery — State-of-the-art tools —E nvironmentally friendly techniques and technology —C ompliance with the high performance standards needed to qualify for numerous environmental certifications
RESIDENTIAL At EBC, we know how buildings can affect their occupants. We prioritize the construction of living spaces in harmony with their residents’ well-being and the environment. With the wide-ranging experience we’ve acquired over the last few decades, we’re able to offer tailor-made, high-quality solutions that meet deadlines and budgets.
BUILDING TYPES — Rental housing — Condos — Seniors’ residences
District Griffin Peel Street Montréal, Québec
Station Est Montréal, Québec
CHUM - Ambulatory Center Montréal, Québec
INSTITUTIONAL Our understanding of complex technical requirements gives us an edge on large-scale projects. Our expertise, rigorous planning abilities, and tight control of budgets and schedules are widely recognized and respected.
BUILDING TYPES —A cademic institutions (university complexes, science buildings, etc.) —H ealthcare/research facilities (hospitals, community health centres, nursing homes, laboratories, etc.) —G overnment buildings (detention centres, courthouses, etc.) — Cultural institutions (museums, libraries, etc.)
Pierre Lassonde Pavilion Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec Québec City, Québec
—S ports facilities (aquatic centres, sports complexes, arenas, etc.)
Galderma fé, Québec
COMMERCIAL Our expertise in this sector is extremely diverse, ranging from the construction, modernization, optimization, and renovation of a wide range of buildings to the restoration of heritage edifices. Our dedicated teams have the knowledge and experience to deliver buildings that meet our clients’ commercial needs.
BUILDING TYPES — Office buildings — Warehouses — Distribution centres — Shopping centres — Hotels and recreational facilities — Mixed-use facilities
Ottawa Art Gallery Ottawa, Ontario
At EBC, we’ve helped build, expand, and redevelop numerous industrial buildings. Our understanding of specialized equipment and methods is a major asset on large-scale projects. We have the experience and expertise required to tackle the most complex projects in this critical economic sector, where optimal productivity is of the essence.
— Agri-food installations — Pharmaceutical facilities — Airports — Water and waste treatment plants — Light industrial installations
Québec - Montréal - Brossard - Ottawa - Mississauga - Vancouver - Timmins - Val-d’Or