Upper Lillooet Hydro Project, Upper Lillooet Valley, British Columbia
At EBC, our comprehensive range of specialized services has earned us a first rate reputation across Canada. Our ability to adapt quickly, efficiently, and rigorously to our projects’ specificities sets us apart from the competition. BENEFITS —T eams specialized in civil works in urban environments as well as in remote locations —A bility to complete projects with our own resources —L arge fleet of specialized equipment, including heavy equipment and high-performance tools that are maintained and replaced as needed
New Champlain Bridge Montréal, Québec
With over 135 road and municipal projects to our credit, we’re well-versed in transportation infrastructure. We are fully capable of meeting any challenges in building, repairing, and rebuilding roads, bridges, overpasses, tunnels, and municipal watermains and sewers, in both high-traffic and remote areas.
— Earthwork and excavation
—D esign and construction of temporary structures — Specialized foundation work — Drainage — Concrete paving — Formwork and concreting — Traffic signage and management
Big Silver Creek Hydro Project, Mount Breakenridge, British Columbia
TUNNELS We specialize in tunnel construction using both traditional drilling and blasting methods and excavation using specialized equipment. Having completed over 50 km of tunnels for more than 20 projects, including municipal infrastructure, hydroelectric, subway, and other transportation projects, we have the experience and expertise to meet your needs.
EXPERTISE — Tunnel boring machine — Roadheader — Various types of consolidation — Drilling and blasting —M echanical excavation using the umbrella arch method —M echanical excavation using the sequential excavation method (arches and shotcrete) —M echanical excavation in pre-injected tunnel faces (chemical or cementitious)
A-Lepage Dock Port of Call Saguenay, Québec
With our diving equipment, specialized teams, experience with public and private sector clients, and multidisciplinary expertise, we’re your partner of choice for marine infrastructure construction and repair projects.
EXPERTISE —D esign and construction of temporary structures and supports — Construction of sheet-pile cofferdams —C onstruction and installation of concrete caissons
Rivière-du-Moulin Substation Saguenay, Québec
—S eabed dredging, levelling, excavation, and consolidation — Pile installation — Land-based and underwater backfill — Breakwater construction — Installation of lift systems and walkways
Rivière-du-Moulin W Saguena
Wind Farm ay, Québec
HYDROELECTRIC POWER Since 1968, we have participated in North American hydroelectric projects totaling over 10,000 MW of production capacity. As a leader in the energy sector, we’ve completed almost one hundred contracts with Hydro-Québec and other hydroelectric companies. Across Canada, we’ve honed our expertise in dams, tunnels, powerhouses and other hydroelectric infrastructure.
EXPERTISE —C onstruction and installation of camps on remote sites —D esign and construction of temporary structures —E xcavation of infrastructures such as diversion tunnels, penstocks and spillways using drill and blast —E arthworks such as cofferdams, dykes, foundations, and access roads — Construction of pumping stations —F ormwork, concreting, and grouting injection work
East-West downstream Dam - La Romaine-2 Havre-Saint-Pierre, Québec
— Installation of turbines and inflatable dams
WIND ENERGY We’ve been a key player in the green energy sector since 2006, installing more than 1,000 wind turbines with a combined capacity of 2,200 MW on over 18 projects. Our teams have built wind farms with up to 200 turbines but our capacity is limitless.
EXPERTISE —D esign and construction of temporary structures — Construction of access roads —F ormwork and concreting of concrete foundations —D esign and construction of electrical substations and underground grids — Wind turbine assembly and installation
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