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2009/2010 | Diploma in Architecture | Bartlett School of Architecture | Wendy Teo Boon Ting

The Living Garden

Gems Cultural Center

U20 Exhibition

Flower Emergence

Alanya Seaside Bar

Food Junction Kiosk

Nonlinear Flower Field

Flower Lane

Special thanks to my parents

Flower Lane

Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009

Smart Geometry 2010 Workshop Barcelona, Spain, 2010


Exploration of flower’s responsiveness to the environmental conditions



Exploration of dynamic and mirror response within components structural behavior

Wendy Teo Boon Ting

Alanya Seaside Bar

Camley Park, London 2010


Workshop Installation


Food Junction Kiosk

Nonlinear Flower Field

Meds Alanya Workshop, Turkey Duration: 10 days


Manufacturing process of the notching and CNC cutting process


U20 group project


Exploration of the recycled, contextual material and the handcraft based manufacturing process



MEDS workshop Tutor

Diploma in Architecture



Flower Emergence

U20 Exhibition


Exploration of floral expression of hybridization of digital and natural textures





Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009


Exploration of the digital simulation process with CNC manufacturing process

Wendy Teo Boon Ting

U20 group project

The Living Garden

Gems Cultural Center

Spitalfield Church, London 2010

London 2010

Descour Proposal, New Orlean, 2010



Exploration of static and dynamic fractal expression (floating flower) within a spatial experience

Exploration of dynamic expression of hybridization of natural and artificial elements




Diploma in Architecture



Flower Lane

Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009


Exploration of flower’s responsiveness to the environmental conditions


Flower Lane

Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009

Original facade

Concept description : Floral Lane Portugal is extreme with its weather condition. The warmth degree is significantly varied from the day to the night. To represent the significant change in weather condition and the contextual condition, this project proposed a matrix of delicate flower field which is highly sensitive to these change and responsive to the passerby. Sunflower as a commonly seen flower in portugal, known for its blossoming for the daylight is the conceptual prototype of this project. The facade responsiveness is decided by two parameters:

Concept Description


The weather condition (light), The antipication of the passerby (time people spent in front of the flowers).

Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



When people walks through with slow motion, the time and intensity of the sensored received sunlight within the mechanism is enough for the engine to rotate to its full degree, it would level up the partial field of flower component in sequence.

Component Responsiveness to the Distance


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



Different scenarios of interaction between the passerby and the floral lane facade

Facade Responsiveness Strategy


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



Final Propose of the Facade Composition

01_azulejos example 02_experiment 1 03_experiment 2 Azulejos, blue tile is famous for its composition and its protection to the existing lisbon building. Its cultural and emotional engagement within the architectural context is also being seen as important clue for developing the facade pattern in this design.

01 02

Facade Pattern Development



Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



Floral Lane Facade Overview


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon






The study on the facade mechanism and integration had adopted different techniques such as CADCAM and Arduino interactive technique.

01 Vacuumed plastic sheet 02 plexi connector by lasercutter 03 flower component


04 aluminium folding sheet

Responsive Component Mechanism


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon






03 01 02 03 04

Laser cut pieces layout Mechanism Conceptual drawing Testing of the mechanism Kinetic Mechanism with Arduino

Series of mechanism study were being operated in order to find out the most efficient and integrated way to form the facade. Several simplification of the flower structure mechanisms are being experimented to see the further possibilities of simplifying the future manufacture process with assistance of CADCAM technology.

Responsive Kinetic Mechanism Experiment


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon





The physical model of the flower lane has been tested with different material and mechanisms. The moving mechanism is supported by the Arduino board and breadboard that scripted with arduino program.

4 5




2 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Light Sensor Connecting Tube Supporting Rod Pushing Rod - Reciprocating Mechanism Pushing Clock Servo Motor

A MDF B Plexi Glass

1:2 Component Prototype System


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



The flower component is made majorly with the plexi grass. it sensitivity would be actuated by two conditions, the time people spent in front of the facade and the intensity of the sunlight.

Prototype Materiality and Detail


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon




+ #include <Servo.h> Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo Servo myservo1; int int int int

potpin = 0;// analog pin used to connect the potentiometer potpin =1; val; // variable to read the value from the analog pin val1;

void setup() { myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object myservo.attach(10); }


void loop() { val = analogRead(potpin); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) myservo.write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); // waits for the servo to get there val1 = analogRead(potpin1); // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) val1 = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) myservo.write(val1); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value delay(15); }


Floral lane prototype testing with the scripted board.

1:2 Component Prototype Testing


Floral Lane


Belem, Lisbon



Nonlinear Flower Field Smart Geometry 2010 Workshop Barcelona, Spain, 2010


Exploration of dynamic and mirror response within components structural behavior

Workshop Installation

Nonlinear Flower Field

Smart Geometry 2010 Workshop Barcelona, Spain, 2010

different structural behaviors within a same cell create different responses

Major Node Secondary Node Flexible Tube

Cell Behavior_01

XY dimension

Z dimension

when more forces exerted on the surface, then it wuld reduce the radius on XY dimension, and expand the radius on Z dimension

Cell Behavior_02

XY dimension

Z dimension

when more forces exerted on the surface, then it wuld reduce the radius on XY dimension, and reduce the radius on Z dimension Force= dimension change in X,Y, Z direction of the point

Exploration of Cell Behavior


Nonlinear Flower Field


Barcelona, Spain



A diagram of the Investigation Process Basic description on how the cell expands into a spatial system

Assemble Exploration on Behavior 1 within the cells

Exploration on Behavior 2 within the cells

Exploration on Network behavior

Concept Description


Nonlinear Flower Field


Barcelona, Spain





Fig. 01 relationship of the gear and layers of teeth Fig. 02 electronical relationship 1 servo motor with gear on to rotate the major gear 2 servo motor which activate the second behavior 3 the arduino with distance sensor 4 arduino with pressure sensor (embedded into structure which doing first behavior) Fig. 03 rotating relationship with teeth Fig. 04 structural behavior 1 Fig. 05 structural behavior 2




Prototype simulation process


Nonlinear Flower Field


Barcelona, Spain




_02 _03



1 Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig.

01 02 03 04 05 1 2 3 4

finished prototype kinetic mechanism lasercutting pieces arduino testing expanding cluster node gear kinetic mechanism transparent tube link to the 2nd structural behavior




Prototype Process


Nonlinear Flower Field


Barcelona, Spain







Fig. 01 1 2 3 4 Fig. 02 Fig. 03 Fig. 04 Fig. 05

Structural behavior works in part would affect the whole field First structural behavior will activated by the approaching passerby Second structural behavior will activated by bend sensor/pressure sensor First cell structural behavior Second cell structural behavior prototype overview1 prototype overview2 tube connection component detail major gear mechanism system


Nonlinear Flower Field Prototyping


Nonlinear Flower Field


Barcelona, Spain



Food Junction Kiosk Camley Park, London 2010


Manufacturing process of the notching and CNC cutting process


U20 group project

Food Junction Kiosk

Camley Park, London 2010



01 Site Overview 02 Natural atmosphere surrounding of the site 03 The site is next to the administration office of the Park 01

This kiosk design was designed for a 2 weeks food junction with cooperated with the social departement and camley park administrators. The duration of the whole project was 14 days. The Kiosk design tried to reduce construction harm to the natural environment by adopting the possible material obtained on site in order to achieve a high level of sustainability within the design process.

Site Context


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London






01 First attempt of form finding 02 The adaptation of seating area and table space 03 Notching testing model Besides considering the surrounded natural environment, the Kiosk design developed by considering the availability of material, adaptation of the human body, viable function after the food junction and the aesthetic of the overall form.

Design Process


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London



Since this Kiosk is majorly targeting the visitor of the Food Junction in Camley Park, the human scale is highly considered in this design. In order to achieve a high level of visitor use consideration in the final pieces, the relationship between different posture of human and the design pieces is being simulated and evaluated throughout the design process.

Human Scale Simulation in Rhino


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London



Notching Define Process


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London



1:10 Model Assemble Testing


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London



1:10 Model and Real Scale Kiosk


Food Junction Kiosk


Camley Park, London



Alanya Seaside Bar

Meds Alanya Workshop, Turkey Duration: 10 days


Exploration of the recycled, contextual material and the handcraft based manufacturing process


MEDS workshop Tutor

Alanya Seaside Bar

Meds Alanya Workshop, Turkey Duration: 10 days



This project explored the composition of different materials found from Alanya seaside within seasite context and the material properties. The hybridization of the natural texture and artificial language of structure introduces an intimacy between these hybrid textures and human body.


Base Model Computational Exploration 01 02 03 04

cutting pieces of XYZ axis original concept of the enclosed structure 1/10 model testing 2d shape layout within 1200mm*2400mm wood panel


Base Model Computational Exploration


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey



Finishing Material

Stones picked from seaside

Exploration into varied natural or recycled materials obtained on site |

Substructure Material Leaf picked from site

Lighting Material

reused plastic cup from workshop daily meals

Major Structural Material

Wood panel made with composite wood material

Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey









Base Model Assembling Process duration: 7 days 01 02 03 04 05 06

Base Model Assembling Process


pasting printed 2d shapes on the wood panel machine cutting the wood panels notches defined on the wood panels sanding with the sand paper identifying the position of each wood panel assembling wood panel

Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey










Material Experiment Development duration: 3 days 01 02 03 04

plastic cup turning into lighting weaving leaves pattern as back seat notching wood panel together stones as finishing material 4

Material Experiment Development


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey






Issues found during construction period


01 02 03 04 05

01 02 03 04 05

reinforcement needed for seating seating area spatial elements and human scale adjustment seating area reinforcement needed ground texture adjustment needed structural support for the canopy needed



triangle shaped wood piece added as reinforcement adjusting human scale by introducing different elements adding additional wood pieces underneath wood panel stones layout added extending the horizontal wood panel as bar area and supporter


02 03

01 04

Issues and Optimizations During Construction


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey



above- Layout of stone as an implication of path toward the inner part of enclosed structure left- The tree-like structure allows the hybridization of nature and artificial language

Final assembled installation


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey



above- Finalized Sanding and Fixing process left- Finalized Seaside Bar installation with the seaside background

Finalized Seaside Bar


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey





01 Adopting the plastic cup as the lighting system of installation 02 Lighting from the top of installation 03 Lighting embedded in the bar desk


Lighting System of the Seaside Bar


Seaside Bar Installation


Alanya, Turkey



Flower Emergence London 2010


Exploration of floral expression of hybridization of digital and natural textures


Flower Emergence London 2010

This project consists of the discussion upon materiality, the manufacture method in the digital simulating process. This process is being executed to expand the hybridization of design language in natural and artificial pattern. Veiled Girl by Antonio Corradini(1668-1752) is the historical example of the hybridization of the nature and artifact. The maturity of sculpturing skill allowed Antonio to hybridize the softness sensation of the silk with the sculpturing material of stone. Taking Antonio’s mature sculpturing skill as reference, the execution of this project is a pursuit of hybridization skill on merging natural pattern in artificial body. Series of hybridization patterns of natural flow phenomenon are represented or emerged through the process.

Concept and Computational Manipulating Process


Flower Emergence





Turbulence Factor within the surface


Flower Emergence







01 Simulation on a single turbulent factor within the surface 02 Adjusting density parameter of the turbulent factor on specific location

Texture Experiment I


Flower Emergence







01 Simulation of more than 1 turbulent factor flow within the surface 02 The detail of wave collision

Texture Experiment II


Flower Emergence





Flower emerges from the surface


Flower Emergence









01 02 03 04

Crumpling Surface Experiments


Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation

Flower Emergence

on on on on

flower emerging from surface different rippling factors on the surface density change of turbulence merging emergence of flower and the turbulence







01 Spatializing the turbulence phenomenon 02 Defining the Spatial system with the developed language

Spatialize the Experiment


Flower Emergence







01 Testing on openning within the surface 02 Simulation on Integration of two different field attractors 03 Testing on the two different field attractors with physical model


Exploring with openning within the surface


Flower Emergence





U20 Exhibition Spitalfield Church, London 2010


Exploration of the digital simulation process with CNC manufacturing process


U20 group project

U20 Exhibition

Spitalfield Church, London 2010

01 Spitalfield Church Overview 02 The Spitalfield Church with the Table Layout 03 The Table Layout The U20 Exhibition was held in Spitalfield Church for a week time. The exhibition comprised a series of model from the past and present student of Unit 20 of Bartlett. Since the large amount of models will be exhibited, the table for locating the model needed to be designed and manufactured. This process of design is pursuiting the hybrid of computational design and the digital crafty effect on the final pieces.


Site Context




U20 Exhibition


Spitalfield Church, London




04 02

01 02 03 04

First attempt of cloth-dropping simulation Silky cloth simulation Fabric with flower emerged from the surface CNC milling on the High Dense Foam

After the testing on different fabric like surfaces with varied computational process, milling process took place for producing real scale table within 7 days.


Surface Experiment Process and CNC Milling Process


U20 Exhibition


Spitalfield Church, London





01 High Dense Foam after CNC milling 02 CNC pieces after Sanding and Painting with Purple Color After the CNC milling, the pieces were sanded for making the form more linear and smooth. The color paint was decided considering the church interior color tone and the floor color tone.

Post CNC production


U20 Exhibition


Spitalfield Church, London




01 Simulation on the final assembling pieces 02 Final Assembled pieces in Spitalfield Church


Simulation on the Assembled Tables


U20 Exhibition


Spitalfield Church, London



Gems Cultural Center Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009


Exploration of static and dynamic fractal expression (floating flower) within a spatial experience


Gems Cultural Center

Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 2009

Tourmaline Two elements being compressed by the natural force and embedded by each other within a space

Mesoline crystal Different characteristic of element expression being seen within the stone

Exploration into Substance Transiting Expression

Moon Rock The overlaying of the elements create double image of the space


Cavansite The blue elements that parasite on the natural stone

Antimony sulphide Transparent to infrared red light, has the quality of opaque and translucent

Blue John The different composition of stone showing the transition of history and the textile.

This project initiated by observing the texture transition within the volcanic stone, which transiting from natural stone into crytalized stone because of the gas compression within the inner hollow part of it. Adopting the transition happened within observing and building, this project further the exploration by studying the texture transition of nature stone into precious stone, the roughness into delicacy. These observed change would being applied within the space of its time, events and field.

Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon




Material and Phenomenon 01-A Latex, 01-B testing of crumpling continuous expression within surface 02-A Plastic, 02-B testing of transmiting forces into components 03-A Reflective film 03-B testing of the geometry change within the cutting 03-C Sequence reflection change because of the deformity of film




03-A 02-B


Exploration into different expression of varied material


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



After studying the transition of properties within substances and the fractal expression of different materials, the Hybridization of the still and dynamic expression of fractalness happened within observation intrigued me. In term of deepening the exploration of the fractal expression that can possibly occuring within the building system, I applied the exploration of static fractal expression in the building language and the dynamic fractal expression in the building scenario and phenomenon by testing and developing the material for the spatial system.

01 Static fractal expression in building language 02 Dynamic fractal expression in building phenomenon and scenario 03 Hybridization of Static and Dynamic expression of fractalness



Concept Description



Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



01 02 03 04


Static Fractal Expression - lattice exploration with computation




Starting with polyline defining boundary Creating Surface and defining density in tessellation Reinterpretation of tessellation on surface Designing for introducing the flow within the tessellation


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon







The testing started with the Rhino unfold and folding which make it easier to be assemble again in the physical model. Since I applied the porosity/tessellation from the previous study into this testing model, the static fractal expression in spatial system is established with these tested spatial language 03

Static Fractal Expression - spatial representation in analog exploration


01,02 3d model before unfolding into pieces 03 physical model after assembling 04,05 The lighting effect within the assembled model

Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Initial with Triangular and Hexagon geometry

Static Fractal Expression - Process of hybridization of material in plan

the division within the geometry to define the supporting structure


Shadow expression within the hybridized structure and components

hybridization of soft kinetic flower component, flexible plywood, supporting component and roof component.

digital tessellation for the building roof module structure

Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon

physical model for material expression study and shadow study





1 Major structure and support 2 Flower (dynamic fractalness expression) structure installed 3 Division of the structure and Texture ( static fractalness expression) installed 4 More related context presented

Structural Strategy in Tessellation and Expression



Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon





The flower cluster were designed with reflective material like melinex film with vertical direction of cutting. It would creates a fractal expression of people when it is expanding. 01 Flower cluster 1:20 model 02 Kinetic mechanism testing with the servo motor 03 The scenario of people moving in the cluster and looking at the gems 04 Scenario of fractal expression within the expansion



Dynamic Fractal Expression - Kinetic Model Testing


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon




01 Lighting reflective effect on the Melinex film 02 Lighitng test with the film 03 Lighting simulation of the flower cluster within the building



Dynamic Fractal Expression - Lighting quality testing 1 lighitng reflection


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Dynamic Fractal Expression - Lighting quality testing 2 within the cluster


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon




1 Steel Grid system with the knot 2 Patterned CNC wood frame 3 Steel rod with knot holding wood plate 4 Flower strip plate with sensor 5 Flower Cluster Module within the structural system

The Flower Gems Cluster


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Building Developement 1 Major Focus: Hybridization of Urban gate and Private Properties

Building Developement 2 Major Focus: Hybridization of Elevation and Building Interior Elements

Building Developement 3 Major Focus: Hybridization of Gems Language and the building language

Building Developement 4 Major Focus: Hybridization of Gems Language and Building Language

Building Developement 5 Major Focus: Hybridization of Gems Mathematical Expression (fractalness) and Natural Expression(floral Expresion) (Cluster)

Building Developement 6 Major Focus: Internalization and Externalization process of Hybridization

Building Design and Integration Development


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon







01 02 03 04

Interior Spatial Experience of Hybrid Frractal Expression


Spatial experience of cocoon like flower cluster wall texture merges with the ceiling texture Interior spatial experience 1 Interior spatial experience 2

Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Exterior view of Gems Cultural Center


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



6 2

7 3 Ground Floor- Reception The Entrance of the building is a public park allowing people to look through the 2nd floor tree-like structure from the bottom. The gaps between the stair and steelplate fabricated staircase would also allowing people to notice the texture of the building upper part partially. By the same time, the stair connection to the beam grid enhancing the fluidity of building in form. The reception would be situated on the upper side of the building plan as there is a glear glass installed on the building top which allowing natural light to come through.



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Main Entrance Secondary Entrance Worksops Toilet Mechanical Room Reception Elevator Public Park

Ground Floor Plan Scale: 1/100

The Gems Cultural Center Ground Floor Plan


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon




4 1

First Floor- Gems Store The gems store of the building are being located on the first floor of the building which is sided by a void and allowing people to see the floating flower cluster hang on the upper floor of the building

2 3

1 2 3 4

Gems Store Gems Reception Stair Elevator

First Floor Plan Scale: 1/100


The Gems Cultural Center First Floor Plan


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon





The Gems Exhibit Hall - Floating Flower Cluster As the Gems Exhibit Hall is located on the top front side of the building, the morphing flower cluster are expected to form as an artificial landscape which is hybridized with the gems expression. Integrated with the morphing mechanism, light and material, the flower clusters are being finalized into a morphing tree like structure.

1 2 3 4



Gems Introduction Area Gems Exhibition Cluster Stair Elevator


Second Floor Plan Scale: 1/100

A The Gems Cultural Center Second Floor Plan


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Roof Floor Plan Scale: 1/100

The Gems Cultural Center Top Floor Plan


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon





01 Walking from the Side Pathway to the Main Entrance 02 The interior view of the Ground Floor

Exterior and Interior View from Ground Floor before entouring the fractal expression


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



A-A’ Section of Gems Cultural Center Scale: 1/100

The Gems Cultural Center Viewing Process

The process of looking inward the gems cultural center is a process of shifting viewpoint from a macroworld into a microworld, from a building into object, from material into immaterial. The sensitivity and sensibility of the intertwining natural phenomenon and artificial elements would be shown through the interaction between the visitor and the gems. The floating flower like gems cluster has a crucial role in presenting this building scenario.


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Looking upward from the ground floor


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



Looking at the Gems cluster


Gems Cultural Center


Belem, Lisbon



The Living Garden Descour Proposal, New Orlean, 2010


Exploration of dynamic expression of hybridization of natural and artificial elements


The Living Garden

Descour Proposal, New Orlean 2010

The Living Garden is an outdoor interactive installation consists lighting, movement, irritigating and growing elements. Through the interwining relationship of these elements within the installation, the sensibility of the visitors and the sensitivity of the phenomenon are expected to be represented through multidimensional interactions. Interactive Method: The Photosensor/Infrared sensor embedded within the installation would detect the movement of fish to change the lighting status of the fiber optic embedded around the moss cluster and affect the growth and spread of moss/algea. The circulation of water and moss would also be an interesting part of the installation for the viewer to see how they affect the growth.

Concept Description of the Living Garden


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



The Living Garden is an interactive platform for sensing the instanteous movement and long term nature change. The lighting of the Living Garden would be activated by fish movement identified by the distance sensor. The lighting would spreads through the black box and reachs to the fiber optic installed around the moss cluster and the orchid platform. By then, the lighting would affect the growing system decided by the movement. Passerby interaction with the fish would also affects the lighting and growing system. The water from the aquarium would also spread from the aquarium and being pump ed into the moss cluster and irritigating the flower within the cluster. The moss is expected flows through water and spread to the rest of the irritigation system from time to time.

Function and Scenario of the Living Garden


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean




4 6 8 5 300cm 9 200cm

3 2






70cm 132.5cm




Structures and elements 1. Steel column 2. Plywood 3mm 3. vacuumed plastic moss cluster 1mm 4. plastic sheet for 3mm thickness 5. resin tank thickness 10mm 6. fiber optic pipe 7. black light cone 8. infrared distance sensor (4 pieces) 9. water pipe for 10mm diameter

Elevation of the Living Garden



Structures and elements Scale: 1/40 1. Steel column 2. Plywood 3mm 3. vacuumed plastic moss cluster 1mm 4. plastic sheet for 3mm thickness 5. resin tank thickness 10mm 6. fiber optic pipe 7. black light cone 8. infrared distance sensor (4 pieces) 9. water pipe for 10mm diameter

The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



Structural Strategy: Prefabricated components Prefabricated component 1: Prefabricated component 2: Prefabricated component 3: Prefabricated component 4:

Estimated Installation time: 3 days Estimated Disassemble time: 1 day Vacuum form- Moss cluster CNC milling - plywood structure Hollow column Aquarium

Required electricity: 1. 4 pieces of 12V led lighting and arduino 2. 6 pieces of water pump






1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Description of Living Garden


Aquarium Seating area Moss and lighting fiber optic orchid flower orchid seed platform

The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



Prototype: The mechanism system of the Living garden In this protoype, the mechanism of how the installation structural system and the discussed elements are being integrated into one system for seeing how would the phenomenon reconfigurating the space within the non-stoply water circulation.

The Prototype of the Mechanism


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



Mechanism Operating Process


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean





01 The water circulation system I - spatial system with texture and water through orchid flower 02 The water circulation system II - moss core cluster embedded with fiber optic and irritigation system

1:5 prototype experiments and scenarios


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean







01 02 03 04 05

Phenomenon 1- Water flow The water in this prototype flow within different interfaces such as fgathering core, moss cluster, flower and the textured surface and would bring the exchange of substance within these different surfaces. For instance, spread of moss and nutrient is expected in this system.


water flow

water irritigation pipe connected to the cluster water container which gathering the water from rain or filtered water from moss core water gathering core that dispersing the water to the flower and the textured surface orchid flower and the connecting tube flower textured cluster allows water to come in and observing the moss grow.


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean






01 Moss spreading through the texture within days 02 Detail of Moss spreading 03 The Moss sample collected with the cluster Element behavior properties and phenomenon 2: Moss and its growing phenomenon Moss is a kind of organism that can purify the pulluted water. It itself can be an nutrient for the other living organism relying on the soil and water system. In this design i was looking into the growth of moss and how its occupying the surface within days. The fact that moss would grow through the surface very quickly within time and spread through the dripping water flow through the surface intrigues me. The experiment with moss start with watching the growth of moss within the foam surface. And then testing with the plastic uneven surface to see how the moss occupy the surface within water flow

Moss and its growing phenomenon


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean





01 The clustered Moss cluster with lighting and irritigation system 02 The moss spreading through the irritigation 03 The detail of Moss Cluster Phenomenon 2-Moss and Lichen within the cluster a vacuum form clustered Moss and Lichen is being designed for the irritigation system embedded with light and sensor.

01 Moss and Lichen within the cluster


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



01-1 01-2

02 01 Normal Fiber Optic 02 Damaged Fiber Optic 03 Fiber optic lighting flow and intensity test within the cluster with the distance sensor input Element behavior properties and phenomenon 3: Lighting phenomenon of Damaged Fiber optic As the flower and moss is so sensitive to the intensity of the lighting, a night time lighting intensity is a crucial issue of the project. Considering not to use the strong light to affect the flower growing circulation, fiber optic which create mild intensity of light is being considered in the design. The normal fiber optic can only transfering the light from each edges. However, the damaged fiber optic can spread the light through the damages surface of fiber.


Lighting phenomenon of Damaged Fiber optic


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean






01 02 03 04

The Moss Cluster Lighting Change indicating Fish Movement Lighting Souce The Light spreading through the fiber optic Lighted fiber optic with the reflection of the night-blue

Phenomenon 3- Lighting interactive system embedded with the cluster lighting source connecting to the sensor and cluster that gathering light Lighting within the surrounded cluster which would be initiated by the visitor with distance sensor. 01 Lighting interactive system embedded with the cluster


The Living Garden


Descours Proposal, New Orlean



Wendy Teo Boon Ting http://wendyteo1004.blogspot.com/”Wendy’s Blog http://www.youtube.com/user/ecclipse”Wendy’s Video http://www.flickr.com/photos/wendyeccll/”Wendy’s Photo Album ecclipse28@yahoo.com ecclipse28@hotmail.com -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/2006-5/2006 7/2005-9/2006 7/2005-9/2005

Guo Jun Pei Architecture Firm, Taiwan Designer Puli Elementary school, Taiwan Public Art of Peterlin Postproduction + detail designer Heart Tree on the green field, Taichung Clouds along the Street, Taichung Mosaic Clouds in Elementary School, Taichung Zengliang research department, Taiwan Intern Research Projects with Electric Engineering department


Education Graduate diploma of architecture, in University College of London (2009-present) Master of Science, in National Chiao Tung University (2008) Bachelor of Construction & Development, major in architecture , FengChia University (2003-2008) Relevant course: Art, Drama, Foreign language, Literature, Philosophy and society science. Experience Public Art -Participated in “Art Installation of Grass” competition, MiaoLi, Taiwan, 2006 -Participated in post-production of public art designed by Peter Lin (artist), 2005-2006 -Designed for the Camley Park food Junction Kiosk, 2010 -Designed and tutored the MEDS Alanya Workshop, 2010 Exhibition -Designed and coordinated the exhibition- “Something about Colors” for the International Student Organization in FengChia University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2006 -Exhibiting series of art works as collection of Madam Liew (Patience Daily Café), Kuching, Malaysia, 2006-present -Designed for the Sublime Flesh, Spitalfield Church, London, 2010 Professional Work 7/2007-8/2008 DIVOOE ZEIN Design Studio, Taiwan Assistant designer Discovery Hill Planning and designing, Xiamen, China O Villa, Ubud, Bali 7/2006-8/2006 JRC Architecture Firm, Malaysia Intern (Elite Internship Program)+designer Ngu’s Family House design, Kuching, Malaysia

-Participating in the Marcos&Marjan Digital Workshop, Taichung, Taiwan, 2005 -Participating in Suzhou Creek rehabilitation workshop, Shanghai, China, 2007 -Participating in the Marcos&Marjan Digital Workshop, Taichung, Taiwan, 2008 -Participating in Zsennye Design workshop, Zsennye, Hungary, 2009 -Participating in Smart Geometry workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 2010 -Tutoring in MEDS Alanya Workshop, Turkey, 2010 Honors -2002, Awarded the Merit Award for participating in “the 3rd Web Page Design Competition of Malaysia” -2002, Awarded College Scholarship by Taylor College in Malaysia -2003-2008, Granted scholarship for the Best Grade in class. -2003-2008, Awarded Oversea Chinese Student Scholarship. -2003-2008, Awarded Excellent Academic Scholarship by Oversea Chinese Affairs of Taiwan. -2005, Obtained 2nd prize in Literature Award (Short Story) of FengChia University. -2005, Awarded Chinese Culture Scholarship. -2006, Obtained 3rd prize in “Art Installation of Grass” Competition. -2006, Obtained 1st prize in Literature Award (Short Story) of FengChia University. -2007, Obtained Best Representation Prize in Suzhou Creek Rehabilitate Workshop. -2007/2008, Awarded Great Distinction in Graduate Design of FengChia University Architecture Department. -2008, Awarded 2nd prize of The first Cross-Strait Architecture Award organized by Taiwan Architecture Magazine. -2008, Awarded one of the TOP10 in 2008 YOUTAL2 competition, Taiwan (young and talented architect award) -2008, Awarded Distinction work in Revit Cup Architectural Competition of China -2008, Nomination of IFLA International Student Competition by IFLA organization -2008, Honored Membership of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China -2009, Voted as Participant favourite of Archiprix 2009 -2009, Awarded 1st Prize in Holcim Sustainable Architecture Competition, Next generation category Publication - The first Cross-Strait Architecture Award review, Taiwan Architecture magazine, p.68-p.71, p.79 - The Archiprix International Montevideo 2009: world’s best graduation projects, p.71 Conference -MiniPaper “Thermal Environment and Human Thermal Responses in Air-conditioned Office in Taiwan” accepted by PLEA (Passive and low energy architecture) in Singapore, 2007

Curriculum Vitae


Wendy Teo Boon Ting


Diploma in Architecture



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