APRIL 2012
SINCE 1968
ECC joins facebook By Mario McCalla Staff Writer
The Essex County College Department of Marketing and Electronic Media, performed a multi-day launch of Essex County College’s official Facebook page ( http://www.facebook.com/EssexCountyCollege ) in February, marking ECC’s leap into the world of social media. Essex County College recently joined the masses of secondary education schools, businesses and individuals sharing information and distributing their product or promoting their cause through the new, explosive use of social media networking. Many students, who commute long distances or are confined by time at Essex County College, finally have a way of keeping up with the numerous events happening across two campuses. As technology continues to evolve, standard dot com school websites are no
longer the only way to present information readily about an institution. There are about 845 million registered Facebook users and 500 million registered Twitter users. Colleges across the country are continuously reacting to the rise in the usership of the internet, mobile devices, and social media. Social networking, coupled with 44 percent of American adults owning smartphones, according to PC Magazine, has made Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare ubiquitous and mainstream among the public. Most institutions of higher education have already adapted to using networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to disseminate information, publicize events, and bring students regardless of location closer to the happenings on campus but there are more sure to come. Social media networks allow both continued on page 2
INSIDE: ECC asks for a “Like”, but still blocks social media sites on campus. - page 6
Whitney Houston - page 9
Missing alligator - page 10
Corporations are people? - page 7
Our Roving Photog meets Redd - page 4
Nearly 2.5 million people from 127 different countries are being trafficked into 137 countries around the world.
By Lev D. Zilbermints and Christie Avila
Essex County College hosted Operation Code Red, an event designed to bring attention to human trafficking. Held in Smith Hall, the three-day event sought to educate the ECC community about human trafficking and how to stop it. Lynn Wilson-Buchet, a representative of Homeland Security Blue Campaign, presented a video explaining what human trafficking is and who is involved in it. According to Wilson-Buchet, human trafficking is defined as, "sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age or the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage or slavery." According to the United Nations, 2.5 million men, women and children are trafficked and sold into forced labor and prostitution. Global profits for human trafficking exceed $31.6 billion. The U.N. estimates that human exploitation takes place in 127 countries around the world. “Human trafficking is exploitation-based, while human smuggling is transportation-based,” said Buchet-Wilson. However, there are laws which protect victims of human trafficking. These laws include the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, outlawing slavery and involuntary servitude; the Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000; and state criminal statutes. Some of the goals of TVPA legislation include public awareness and education about human trafficking; diplomatic measures to make countries obey international laws; new tools for law enforcement; stricter penalties for offenders; and protection for victims of human trafficking. Following Lynne Wilson-Buchet's presentation, a group of Jefferson Township Middle School students made their own initiative heard. “The initiative, called Project Gold, is a student movement to abolish modern-day slavery,” said Dan Papa, a Social Science teacher at Jefferson Township Middle School. In his remarks, Papa described how he and students from 6th, 7th and 8th
Source: eutrio.be
grades joined forces to, "awaken the spirit of the 19th century abolitionist movement in order to end modern-day slavery." The students gave a video presentation and spoke at some length about the project. They listed five things that young people could do to raise awareness about human trafficking. These included making pictures and videos; making posters, finding facts appalling and savage; creating a club; educating one's peers; and supporting the abolitionist movement. Sharon Ciliento, a Language Arts/English teacher, said after the event that the idea came to the students after reading the book Outsiders. "There is a letter to the book's main character to stay young, optimistic and to stay gold. The connection is that kids who are trafficked are no longer gold [innocent]. We are trying to educate others so that more kids can stay gold," said Ciliento. Currently, Project Gold is implemented by two high schools and one middle school in New Jersey. The students advocate for stricter laws and penalties. More information can be found on projectstaygold.org.
Essex County College 303 University Ave. Newark, NJ 07102
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