To Our New International Trustee from ECD

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A little look into the Eastern Canada District “Who dat? Who dat?� Not I-G-G-Y, but C-A-R-T-E-R This is Carter the Cardinal, the Eastern Canada mascot

Congratulations on your election and… Welcome to the Eastern Canada District! To get to know the Eastern Canada District better, we have prepared this package for you. It includes essential information about the District and the District Board. So, first thing’s first: we’re the realest, and we like to quote rap music (and by rap music, we really mean Drake #Torontopride #runningthroughthesixth). From this rather pointless paragraph, we learn that to survive in the Eastern Canada District, you must use hashtags and pretend to like Drake. To give you a better idea of the size of our District, here are some statistics: # of Board Members

11 (6 LtGs & 5 Executives)

# of Divisions

7 (but it’s a little complicated)

# of Members


# of Clubs $ raised for Eliminate (2014-15)

51 approx. $30 000 Canadian

# of DCON Attendees

approx. 300

Map of ECD

Some important things to note: - We have a lot of divisions without clubs. Technically, we should have 12 divisions, however, only 7 of them have active clubs - The yellow block is Québec. It’s really difficult to charter clubs in Québec, as most schools won’t allow clubs to access English resources. That’s why we are always trying to provide French translations of documents - Most clubs are concentrated near the Greater Toronto Area and the Ottawa Valley, which are two of Canada’s most densely populated areas

Communication The Eastern Canada District has several social media platforms, which you can find in the chart below. Website



Issuu Twitter

We are compiling previous accounts into one; where we publish the District Magazine “EC Key” Not in use anymore

We mainly communicate through email and Facebook. Each Lieutenant Governor operates their own divisional Facebook page, as does each Committee Chair with their own committee. If you would like to be added to these groups, feel free to contact the Lieutenant Governor or Committee Chair. However, by no means are you required to join these Facebook groups. So, what about calls? As most Board members don’t have long distance calling or texting, cells phones become somewhat redundant when working with the International Board. That is why Skype and Google Hangouts are so incredibly important in this District. We can’t wait for the awkward, glitchy video calls! Shortly after we find out who you are (#whoamI #deeptalks), you will be added to the ECD Board 2015-16 Facebook group and will be given the emails of the District Board. Feel free to send newsletters or updates through email or publish them on the Facebook group!

Kiwanis Family Relations Our Kiwanis District is the Eastern Canada & Caribbean (EC & C) Kiwanis District, which means that under one Kiwanis District, there are several Key Club Districts that are sponsored (Eastern Canada, Caribbean-Atlantic, Jamaica, Bahamas). The current District Governor is Serge Viau and the incoming District Governor is Allen Ure. The Governor-Elect from the EC & C District works with the SLPs. The incoming Governor-Elect is Phil Rossy. Don’t worry about remembering all of this! We just want you to start becoming familiar with some names you will hear throughout the year. Our Circle K District is the Eastern Canada Circle K District. They have about 200 members and 7 active universities. Their District Governor is Jordan Dunlop, with Jan Alexanian (again these are just names you will probably hear throughout the year) as the Circle K District Administrator. To be honest, our Districts don’t have the best relations, but hey more work for the Kiwanis Family Relations committee, right?

District Events The following chart includes information about some important events. Please note that due to finances, the District Board only holds two face-to-face board meetings: Board Trainer and Winter Board. However, we take advantage of events such as ICON and Key Leader to discuss some District business. Event


Board Trainer

May 29-31, 2015

Online Board Meetings

We try to have one per month.

Key Leader (Camp Argonaut)

September 25-27, 2015

Key Leader (Scotian Glen)

September 25-27, 2015

Key Leader (Brantford)

October 23-25, 2015

Key Leader (Bayside Youth Camp)

October 23-25, 2015

Key Leader (Arden) Winter Board

October 23-25, 2015 & November 6-8, 2015 To Be Determined **

District Convention

April 1-3, 2016

** In terms of your District visit, you will want to come during the Winter Board meeting (#Canadainwinter #winteriscoming #saveoursouls). This is really your only occasion to see the entire board together before District Convention. We understand that it’s pretty late in the year for your visit, which means that you won’t officially meet the ECD Board until late December. However, by taking advantage of social media and video calls, you can meet the exciting personalities of ECD long before December. What about rallies? Good question, IT! We know that in other Districts, Fall Rallies are huge. However, due to the vastness of this beautiful District, rallies are usually contained within divisions. Sometimes, other Districts’ divisions are closer than our own divisions. That’s why divisions 8/9/10 have their Fall Rally with a division in the New York District.

So, what do we expect from you? We expect you to do your best (we couldn't have said anything more Canadian than that)! We ask that you always be open-minded and respect the differences in our District. Please be honest with us, and we will be honest with you. The most important thing and we cannot stress this enough…

gurl/boi, you needz 2 b RATCHET or RATCH-EH (if you’re classy) But don’t forget professionalism. Also, for my (Mona’s) sake, don’t use more than one exclamation point at one time!! For some reason, it really gets on my nerve!!! Why would you put 2+ consecutive exclamation marks!!!!???!?? Okay, you get the (exclamation) point. Oh, and we really like puns, so using puns is always a plus.

Meet the Board Eastern Canada District

2015 - 2016

Lieutenant Governors Shubhika Mahakul………………………………………………….……….. Great Lakes (Div. 2) Jaspreet Sagoo…………………………………….……………….………… Grand River (Div. 3) Isha Umar………………………………………………..……………. Thundering Waters (Div. 4) Sophia Song………………………………………..………….………………. Maple Leaf (Div. 5) William Zhang………………….. Ottawa Valley/ Parliament Hill/ Fleur de Lys (Div. 8/9/10) Payton Conrad……………………….………..…..……. High Tides/Rocky Shores (Div. 11/12)

“KEY CLUB is to a SCHOOL as BACON is to a BURGER; necessary to those who love it.”

Hello… or should I say “bonjour?” My name is Shubhika Mahakul, pronounced (Shub-ika Maha-cool) just for future reference. Welcome to our district, Eastern Canada. I live in Sarnia, ON also known as Narnia. My home club is the Northern Colligate Institute and Vocational School Key Club. The position I currently hold on our amazing board is Lieutenant Governor of Division 2; geographically, very close to Michigan. I have a crazy background. When you first look at me, you think “Wow, she’s from India.” But in reality I am born in the United States of America, precisely in New Jersey! However I live in the outstanding country of Canada. I consider myself a coconut. Brown on the outside white on the inside. I do like myself some Starbucks! My life revolves around 4 things in particular: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Family School Key Club The Arts

School is super important to me and I can’t wait to be a doctor, but my family comes first. I have millions of families, one being my Key Club family and you are being adopted into that. I am a very energetic person. I am very short, coming in at 5’3” but that can’t compare to the real me! I sing, act, dance and draw. I am a 15 year old rising sophomore for the 2015-16 year. I am an honours society student, SHSM student and I also play a mean game of badminton.

I start key Club only 9 short months ago. Within those months I was able to go to Key Leader, DCON, and ICON. I have gained so much experience that it seems like I’ve been in the Kiwanis family for years, but now I never want it to end. It is forever a part of me. When I first joined I hadn’t realized how much bigger it was. Then I met the past LG of my division and I wanted to be in that position. Only to be in it so soon. I always dreamed of doing great things for the world, making a change but never had anybody to support me till now. Key Club is composed of spirited people that are all alike but also different which makes it truly unique. I served as a Club VicePresident. I was confined to my school. By taking the risk that I knew would help the ECD I was introduced to a group of individuals who will help me be the best and have helped me create an everlasting friendship! I love serving ECD!

Hello there! My name is Jaspreet Sagoo I serve as Division 3’s (Grand River) Lieutenant Governor! To begin, I was born in Kenya (though, yes I am of Indian descent #hipster) and moved to Canada when I was 5. Up until middle school I was probably the shyest kid you’d ever met, but now I’m sure if you ask anyone of the district board they would say otherwise. I currently attend Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute in Kitchener, Ontario and I am enrolled in my last year of the International Baccalaureate program. My Key club journey started in grade 10 (kind of) when I officially joined the CHCI Key club (which is the biggest in all of ECD!). The year before I really wanted to join Key club but, being a naive grade 9 I chose not to because I thought I wouldn’t be able to make friends within the club #whatislogic #baddecisions #ragrets #stillvolunteeredtho. Boy was I wrong, Key club opened me up to so many opportunities and has allowed me to meet so many people from all over the world (some of which are now my closest friends). I slowly got more involved with Key club serving on the districts DCON planning and Major emphasis committees and eventually running for LTG. Throughout my term I’m trying to use all of my experiences to ensure that all of the clubs within Division 3 thrive.

#FUNFACTS -I like #hashtags and use them a lot (but I don’t have twitter) -Like Maria (our IP KCI President), I too make A LOT of Lists #organizationfreak? #Ithinkso -I LOVE LOVE LOVE learning new things and meeting new people -I have an obsession with nature and mountains (during road trips I get really emotional when I see mountains because it’s just too beautiful) -I play alto and tenor saxophone -Sneezing once is something that is quite foreign to me -I DO NOT like winter -JLaw is my spirit animal

#GOALS 1. Organize regular interclub activities between not only schools but with Circle K and Kiwanis clubs within this area. (more networking + sharing stories!) 2. Ensure that club officers have access to a lot of resources and adequate training to serve members (including any info from International Board). 3. Strengthen membership within clubs and possibly charter a builders club and key club. 4. Make sure MEMBERS have direct access to info they need whether it’s to help a younger member or just for curiosity.

Hi, my name is Sophia Song and I will be entering my fourth and final year in the T.O.P.S Program at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute. I was born in South Korea and I immigrated to Toronto, ON, Canada when I was 10 months old – so you could basically say I have lived here my entire life eh? I am usually very extroverted, and I love to approach and talk to people but sometimes I have these moments where I freeze up for no reason at all. My heart starts to pound and my brain stops functioning and I end up looking very awkward. Here’s an example: At ICON this year, I went up to Maria Palazzolo to ask her if I could take a photo with her. I was so prepared to look cool and all that but it kind of went like this: “Uhh h-hi c-c-can I y-y-ou – picture?” – in front of several members of the International Board and my fellow ECD Board members. Great times, great times.

1. Don’t call me Sophie. EVER. My friends call me Soapdish. I don’t mind that.

2. I love to rant. Sometimes they’re things that don’t actually annoy me but I just like ranting about them anyways. Why not.

3. I have a thing for Korean stationery. I always buy them, but I never actually use them. Every time the school year rolls around, I take them out and admire them.

4. I am addicted to shopping. 5. I make a very tasty omelette but I got sick of making those for a while. Nowadays, I’m all about dat smoothie lyfe doe.







I! am! the! current! Lieutenant! Governor! of! Divisions! 8/9/10! of! the! Eastern! Canada! District.! My! divisions! include! Ottawa! Valley,! Parliament! Hill,! Pembroke,! and! Hull! (Quebec).! ! To! begin,! I! was! born! in! Shanghai,! China,! a! bustling,! central! city.! At! the! age! of! 3,! my! family! and! I! moved! to! Ottawa,! Ontario.! In! truth,! we! almost! moved! to! Sydney! Australia,! but! I! think! that! I! can! say! on! behalf! of! my! parents! that! we! all! enjoy! Canada! more!!As!a!rising!sophomore!in!the!International! Baccalaureate! Program! at! Colonel! By! Secondary! School,! academics! play! a! big! role! in! my! dayUtoU day!life.!Of!course,!I!always!manage!to!find!time! to! spend! with! my! parents,! little! brother,! and! grandparents.!PS!I’m!not!the!hot!dog!;)!

Key! Club! has! been! my! second! family.! Although!I!joined!in!grade!9,!I!did!not!find! interest.!In!grade!10,!I!decided!to!pick!up! from!where!I!left!off,!and!during!Key!Club! week,! I! learned! the! amazing! history! and! achievement! behind! this! studentUled! organization.! I! was! inspired! to! take! action.! I! attended! all! the! meetings,! and! later! became! a! Junior! Executive! of! my! home! club.! Nervous,! but! excited,! I! ran! and! received! the! honor! of! serving! my! divisions! as! the! Lieutenant! Governor.! After! ICON,! I! changed! again.! I! am! so! motivated! to! help! those! around! me,! and! those! who! are! not! as! fortunate! as! me.! I! want!to!inspire!everyone!to!come!to!the! realization! that! happiness! comes! from! happiness,!and!that!Key!Club!creates!this! through!service.!

! ! ! !•


I! love! to! read!! The! Chronicles! of! Narnia,! The!Pendragon!Series,!Great!Expectations,! And!Then!There!Were!None!are!favorites!!


• Creating!visual!art!is!my!hobby,!but!being! a!perfectionist!is!not!easy!!I!love!details.!! ! !

Okay%so,%here%it%is.%My%name%is%PAYTON CONRAD%and%I%live%in%Sussex%a% small%town%in%New%Brunswick.%I%was%born%in%Prince%Edward%Island,%and% have%also%lived%in%Nova%Scotia%and%Ontario%all%before%I%reached%the%age% of%one.%I%attend%Sussex%Regional%High%School.%Despite%all%of%the%places%I% have%lived,%for%my%whole%school%career%I%have%gone%to%school%in%Sussex.%I% am%a%very%busy%person%and%I%try%and%involve%myself%in%a%lot.%I%am%a% dance%instructor%and%a%competitive%dancer.%I%am%a%super%outgoing% person%I%have%a%very%bubbly%personality,%and%love%to%make%new%friends.% The%only%time%I%ever%get%shy%when%I%get%asked%to%use%my%hidden%talent,% which%is%singing,%but%be%carful%once%you%get%me%doing%it%I%don’t%ever% stop!%% I%joined%Key%Club%half%way%through%the%year%in%grade%10.%All%Key%Clubs% are%different,%and%I%would%call%my%home%club%very%unique.%We%are%a% small%club%of%all%females.%%We%are%striving%to%get%males%to%join%our%club.%I% was%president%last%year,%and%then%I%got%elected%as%LG%of%division%11\12% this%year,%being%the%only%person%in%my%division%running.%I%hope%to%help% make%a%big%impact%on%all%of%the%Key%Clubbers%that%I%get%the%privilege%of% meeting.%% Interesting)facts)about)me)% • Tacos%are%my%favorite%food%% • I%can%teach%Zumba%% • I%love%ABC%Family%% • I%actually%go%to%band%camp%(I%know%really%funny%right)% • I%have%one%sister%% • I%am%a%waitress%% • I%LOVE%sparkles%

Executive Board Mona Adib…………………………………………………….……….. District Governor Danica Dy…………………………………….….………… District Secretary-Treasurer Kejie Zhang……………………………………………………..…………… District Editor Michelle Ye…………………………………….…….………………. District Webmaster Horiane Bisherera……………………………………..………………. District Translator Shelley Des Cotes…………………………….……..……………. District Administrator

Hey there! My name is Mona Adib and I am the current District Governor of the Eastern Canada District. To begin, I was born in Iran, and came to Toronto, ON at the age of four and hence speak Farsi with a “North American” accent, as my grandmother used to say. I am the product of a dentist and an oral surgeon, so you will definitely hear several comments and puns regarding teeth. I currently live in downtown Toronto with my favourite people: my mom and sister, and I am an incoming senior at the TOPS Program at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute. After my family, my school is my top priority. Not only do I love learning and oddly enough, doing homework from time to time, I absolutely adore my fellow colleagues. The TOPS Program is a competitive high school program focused on mathematics, science and english. More importantly TOPS is a family, and my friends and teachers play a huge part in my life. After my family and school…. Key Club of course! I joined Key Club in grade nine with the intention of just having somewhere to eat during Thursday lunches. Soon, I found myself enveloped in service and the Kiwanis Family. There are hundreds of organizations dedicated to service. However, Key Club is the only one that combines camaraderie with service, and because of this fact, I quickly fell in love with Key Club. In grade ten, I was elected to serve as the Club President, which I honestly think was the year that I was able to make the greatest impact on this organization. Towards the end of my grade ten year, I took a risk and ran for District Governor. You’ve probably already noticed that I am awkward —I face a lot of social anxiety. Although, my situation has drastically improved due to all the experiences I’ve been exposed to as a District Governor, I still dread large audiences and crowds. After one term as the ECD Governor, I had to ask myself if I wanted to continue to serve my District or if I wanted to serve Key Club International. My answer was and will always be: my District. I am incredibly in love with Eastern Canada because in this District, I have met my greatest friends, mentors and inspirations, and it’s these people I wish to serve. I’ve been able to witness not only members of the ECD grow, but to witness the District grow as a whole, and for that reason, I decided to run for District Governor for my second term. I am so grateful to be able to serve such a hard working and humble District. I hope that throughout this year, you will be able to see the Eastern Canada District the way I see it. Random Facts 1. I have very limited drawing abilities. However, if you ask politely, I will draw you my rendition of a dog. 2. I love breaking into dance whenever I can. If you play the right song, I will show you my version of “Single Ladies”. 3. I used to be in a French program. When I say I “slayyy” the language, I mean I am that bad. 4. I love to read. My favourites include Clockwork Orange and Batman comics. 5. I own way too many books on paradoxes. 6. I lack time management skills so sleep is not a thing in my life. Skype calls at four am can definitely be a thing. 7. I like to think I type fast, but I get really nervous typing around other people. So don’t look at me when I type.

Danica Dy

“I don’t normally smile like a goof, but if I do, it’s for Key Club.”

Hello friend! My name is

Horiane Bisherera

and I am the

Translator for the District of Eastern Canada. I’ve barely live sixteen years of my life, but for as far as I can remember people have always said about me that I was a old person living in the body of a teenager. In fact, it’s probably because being the first baby of a soon to be (at the time) nurse and a computer scientist, our house was always full of books about science and for a young child who was fascinated with the world around her and reading we can say it was my paradise. It is at a young age that I developed my profound love for biology and computer, as well as my love for reading, writing and science.

As I said earlier, both of my parents, work to help people and I’m sure it was a big influence for me since I’ve always been the first kid to help and ask if people needed help. Then, I discovered, when I was in seventh grade, that I could have a bigger impact around me, do volunteering and make new friends. I couldn’t believe and signed up for Key Club right away. (As you may know I am from district 10 and we have seventh grader in our club because our school is in Québec). At the time, I was a shy young girl with a lot of insecurities and a big fear of crowd (a slight agoraphobia if you want my opinion) but our teacher advisor saw something in me and signed me up for different volunteering activities and got me involved with the Kiwanis (I was the only person from my club to go to Key Leader and was terrified!) and with other club. In a matter of time, Key Club was the only thing I could think about and wanted to get involved more and more. That’s when I became my club’s president. As if I wasn’t enough involved, the past district translator asked me if I would like to myself, be the next translator. I hesitated a little bit, but at the end accepted and I am happy I did! I met incredible people throughout my journey and work, both in my club and in the district board with incredible people, fantastic friends. Also, this journey helped me become a strong young woman who’s not afraid to take risks.

Writing this page about was really hard, as I don’t like to talk about myself. But as I said, Key Club is always making take risks

! ! Hi,!I!am!Shelley!Des!Cotes,!Administrator!for!Eastern!Canada!District! of!Key!Club!International.! I!was!born!in!London!Ontario!and!lived!there!with!my!mother!and! Kiwanis!obsessed!father!until!I!graduated!from!Western!University!in! 1969.!At!that!point,!I!moved!to!Toronto.!I!lived!in!Toronto!until!1985,! and!then!moved!to!Kitchener,!Ontario.!I!am!married!to!Steve!(2nd! husband),!and!have!1!son!(James)!and!1!beautiful!granddaughter! (Harper).!I!joined!Kiwanis!in!1996,!and!have!held!the!positions!of!Secretary,!President,!and! Lieutenant!Governor.!I!have!been!Administrator!for!Key!Club!for!just!over!2!years.!I!love! working!with!Key!Club.!I!truly!believe!that!Key!Club!is!the!best!leadership!training!in!the!world! for!high!school!students.!I!love!to!watch!as!the!Board!of!Directors!grows!and!matures!during! their!year!in!office.!! We!are!a!small!district!with!only!1700!members!in!50!clubs,!but!our!passion!for!community! service!and!Key!Club!is!unparalleled.!I!am!very!proud!of!my!key!club!members.! I!demand!that!my!board!respect!each!other,!and!work!hard!to!fulfill!their!goals!during!their! year.! I!am!very!passionate!about!the!ELIMINATE!project,!and!will!talk!about!it!to!anyone!who!asks! for!more!information.! Shelley&Des&Cotes&

Board Support Brill Aritonang……………………………….………..Membership Development Chair Amirthan Sothivannan…………………………..…………………Major Emphasis Chair Still Looking :D ………………………………………….….…….……Kiwanis Family Chair Annu Puri……………………………….….………………Assistant District Administrator

Hello and nice to meet you! My name is Brill Aritonang and I’m the new chair of Membership Development of the Eastern Canada District. I came to Canada at the age of 10 from Indonesia and as a child with my parents and brother. As a child people would comment on my hyper antics and attitude; about how I’d always try to make friends by rolling down hilly slopes. Here I am 5 years later attending St. Francis Xavier S.S. in the IB Program and residing with my family in Mississauga, ON. I always strive to keep my grades and be involved in school clubs and activities as well as my family. However, if I’m not studying or spending quality time with my family, I’m either down with my friends in parks and malls or watching Netflix or reading yet another book on music history. Some of my hobbies include playing musical instruments (I can play the piano decently, not the guitar), reading old books (1984 or Macbeth?), and chatting with people. I always enjoy making new friends because that means more people to talk with (I like to think I’m a chatterbox) and definitely people to collaborate with. I hope you can stand my awfully bad puns but I look forward to working and serving my community and

! district!

Why did I join Key Club? I first joined Key Club in Gr. 10 when Mississauga’s own Key Club started as an organization for volunteering. However, I met a lot of cool people and bonded with them over volunteering efforts and hanging out at wherever the meet was held. I met a lot of awesome people there as well as the fun of joining a community effort. I believe that the people in Key Club Mississauga and my desire to create an impact drove me to run for this position so that I am able to spread the joy and excitement of Key Club to other communities in the ECD. I look forward to serving my district and community with my best effort!

Hi! My name is Amirthan Sothivannan and I am the Major Emphasis Committee Chair of the Eastern Canada district. My story begins in the Ottawa Hospital, where I was born to Sri Lankan parents. I speak English, French, and Tamil. I currently live in Ottawa with my parents and two brothers, and I am entering my senior year at the Gifted/AP program at Lisgar Collegiate Institute. My two biggest passions are medicine and music. I sing and play an inordinate amount of instruments (I think the current count is 9 or 10), and I love to pique my curiosity by delving into the mysteries of diseases, syndromes, and disorders held by the human body. Service, giving back to the community, has been a third passion of mine since my childhood – leading me to join KEY Club in my freshman year (not to mention the enticing possibility of luncheons at the one and only Fairmont Château Laurier in downtown Ottawa). I attended my first meeting as a fresh-faced, open-minded Grade 9, prepared to be bored out of my mind. Instead, I was bombarded with youthful enthusiasm and initiative, and I too became an ardent follower of the Kiwanis family and its service projects. I was elected as External Affairs Manager of the Lisgar Key Club for the 2015-2016 school year, and later selected to chair the Major Emphasis Committee for the Eastern Canada District. Being a singer, instrumentalist, band frontman, host, and speaker, I feel very comfortable interacting and inspiring others; I barely even feel my nerves anymore! It is my enthusiasm and my passion that shine brightest. My overarching goal for the 2015-2016 school year is to inspire and motivate all of you to go out in your communities and make a difference, no matter how big or small. Community service is a two-way street that benefits not only the donor, but also the receiver. I believe that throughout this year, you will be able to experience the inner joy, peace, and excitement service can bring, as well as watch the ECD grow in its service capabilities, commitments, and contributions.

Fun Facts 1. I’ve been training in South Indian Classical music (aka Carnatic music) since the age of 5, but give me a genre to sing, and I will sing it. 2. My favourite book is Dracula (I know, not very original, but the book is great) 3. I don’t watch TV at all, except for soccer, and a few other sports. I don’t particularly need to watch shows as my friends seem entertained by spoiling every single show for me. 4. I enjoy shopping way more than I should. 5. I’m a very happy-go-lucky person. 6. Don’t be offended if I suddenly tune out in a conversation – I’m probably thinking of a tune, a beat, or some lyrics, or simply pondering the mysteries of life.

Hi! I’m Annu Puri.

It’s nice to meet you! My name is Annu Puri, and I am the Assistant District Administrator for ECD Key Club. Congratulations on your well-deserved position as an International Trustee! As a former Key Club District Governor, I completely understand the vital role an International Trustee plays for the district(s) they serve. I’m looking forward to getting to know you a little better over the next year. A little bit about myself: I have just recently finished my first year of university at the University of Waterloo for the Accounting and Financial Management program. I first joined Key Club in Grade 9, and have had the privilege of serving at the club and district levels of the organization. It’s truly amazing how my best friends are all individuals whom I met through Key Club—the organization truly helps you open doors. I can talk about Key Club for days and days and still not be tired of it—just ask Shelley if you don’t believe me! Outside of Key Club, I am a sports enthusiast as I play and/ or watch many sports (some include: basketball, cricket, football, soccer, hockey, etc.). I also like to stay involved within my university, and I currently assist several clubs on campus such as an orientation committee, a student-led consulting group, and several mentorship programs. If you have any questions about transitioning into university life, feel free to shoot me a message at any time! As the Assistant District Administrator, my role is primarily to assist the District Administrator and act as a support to the ECD district board. If you have any questions about my role, Key Club in Eastern Canada, or any miscellaneous questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Yours in service,

Favourite Fundraiser: Miracle Minute At the 2013 EC&C Kiwanis Convention, Key Club representatives were able to raise approximately $750 in just two minutes! Miracle minutes are great examples of how, collectively, we can make a large impact even as individuals.

Fun Fact: I’m currently writing this post halfway across the world (from India), and I’ve actually seen Kiwanis signs around a few cities!

Thanks for Reading! See you soon!

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