1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Checking in four years ago from a considerable variety of localities and climes, we were the first freshmen to wake up and find women in our midst. Some of us, still a little prudish from the strictly stag days , gave them their own classrooms and sat back to await results. By the time we were perspiring through the annual military inspection spring had arrived and the campus, replete with flowers and trees developed an epidemic of sighing couples swearing undying love.
Returning that fall, we weren't the usual sophisticated sophomores - we merely enjoyed a true appreciation of our worth. As proof we put men in every activity and invented a couple of new ones so the ladies could get in too.
Came our third year and Martin and Steffen took over management of the Exponent and News, the latter pulling down an all-American rating; Manning, Niehaus and Wagner divided among themselves a bunch of all-Ohio and allBuckeye ratings; and the girls began to get into a few heretofore masculine classes.
Returning for the last time to find President Tredtin succeeded by capable Fr. Elbert, time flew, bringing with it a kaleidoscope of inauguration , second reign of Homecoming Queen Mary Graziano and a series of school radio programs. By this time the fair sex had moved in, bag and baggage, becoming full-fledged coeds. Announcement was made of a graduate school to open in July. And now we're ready to step out into a troubled world, better able to face it for our four years at U.D.