1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
"Spring Swing" is the annual dance sponsored by wom e n s tud ents of the university. Inaugurated in 1937, the dance proved so succe ssful that it has become a custom.
Starting along modest lines, the 1937 Spring Swing wa s a complete success. Then in 1938, wishing to make the dance unusual, th e women turned the table s on their escorts by calling for them, purcha sing bids and taking over all financial responsibility . .
Miss Eileen Fiel, president of the women's organization, was general chairman of the dance. Working under her direction were Florence Siegel, Mary Graziano, Marjorie Coffman, Mary Sharkey, Miriam Lo sh, Mary Ann Fry s inger, Ann Keye s and A nn Ferneding.
]. Ferron, Fitzpatrick, P. Wagner, R. Ni e ha u s, Bishop, Giambrone, Hacker, ]. C. Baker.