1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Bringing to an end four years of academic and social life, the Senior Farewell, planned and executed by president Tom Manning and his energetic committee, was replete with smiles and tears as seniors bid adieu to their college careers and to each other.
Held at Triangle Ballroom, May 20, the dance was a complete success as Gray Gordon's Tic-Toe Orchestra offered both sweet and swing to satisfy all.
Members of the committee were Bob Stoecklein, Ray Fitz, John Hacker, Ralph Niehaus, Mary Graziano, Kay Struck, Les Giambrone, Paul Wagner, Don Coan, Jake Baker, Willie Banks, Bob Moran, Bill Fitzpatrick, Ed Bishop, Jack Torpey and Jack Ferron.
George gets a shampoo. Tiny sings in the shower and Wolf cuts off the whiskers. Thompson asks for a later per.
Just a bull session. Ferron gets a date while Doonan and Bishop dream. Line gathers to sign in
Giving the papers the once over. Everybody seems inter• ested in dinner - except the boy on the bed.
Behind walls that will shelter memories longer than the walls will endure-that's dorm life.
The s lamming of doors . the stir of voices . . . the sound of running feetthese serve a s our alarm clocks. The constant in and out waiting in line in the lounge room for a look at Life free periods in the club room with familiar sounds . . clicking billiard balls . . the tinkling piano . . . dull thud of the ping pong ball that's dorm life.
Drowsy afternoons when everyone sleeps -busy Saturday evenings when everyone is going somewhere in a hurry. The sudden hush when word goes around that the "w arpaint i s on," meaning someone's in trouble . . . waiting for your roomie to ge t in at 11 :50 p. m .... that's dorm life. Never ending " bull sessions"-started on an impul se and ended when the walls are bulging. Tri cks of the trade . . . French sheeting a bed taking out bed-springs turning off the water turning off lights in the shower the bitter water wars . . that's dorm life. Th e Dormwhere the s tudent LIVES-in the fulle s t sense of the word.
Major Keltner speaks To the a sse mbled crowd below The band marche s down Main street And Daw son struts his s tuff All aboard for Huntington on the Migration special ... Prac ti ci ng the card di splay in the s tadium The sq uad lines up.