1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Vigorously fanning those few glowing sparks of literary genius that somehow survive civilization's ruthless regimentation, the Exponent, oldest of campus publications, has added its bit to the history of American letters and to the name and fame of the university. Issued monthly, it furnished the chief outlet for the embryonic Miltons, Addisons and "Immortal Bards" of Dayton and, by its active editorial policy and tone of dignity, made itself strongly felt in an ever-widening sphere of influence. In the eight editions of the Exponent, collegiate authors, playwrights and poets offered original and entertaining literary products ranging from the utmost in seriousness to the heights of hilarity.
Seldom did the Exponent step from the realms of literature to deal with outside activity, being content to let the journalistic organs of the university handle such matters
James Martin headed the editorial staff for the second successive year, with Marijane Spitler, Ambrose Nakao, S.M., Donald Coan, Alma Braun , Walter Steffen, Karl Schreiber and Ernest Sharpe as associates while Prof. Thomas J. Price, S .M ., supervised the organization as faculty advisor.