1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Advanced military trammg classes are offered to junior and semor stude nt s at the University of Dayton. All freshmen and sophomores are required to tak e the basic military course. This year , under the instruction of Lt.-Col. D. R. K e rr , P.M.S. & T. , and Major Ed g ar Keltner , six companies were organized with th e junior and senior students acting as commanding officers. Over the six companies , the R. 0. T. C. battalion , Lt. -Col. Kerr placed a cadet major and hi s s taff .
CADET 1ST LTS. - R e ar: J. F erron, Spatz, H. Mullen, Zahn, Krumh a n s l , Flanagan, R Myer s. Front: Lorenz, Rudzienski, An• dra si k , Crimes, Myrick, Pflum , R e illy.
Litkowski, Winklejohn, Carrigan, Scharf, Schmitt, Furst, Wiley, J. Thomas, Stapenhor sl, Ri e d e l , Gli ck, R. Fors lhoff. Front: Mueller, Kerez s i, Lemming, F. Murphy, Stolz , Born s, G. Humm, L F ink , Thompson, W. mn.
COMPANY A - Cadet Capts.
Ryan a nd B. Hollenkamp, Cadet 1st Lts. Schroeder , Grim es, Lorenz, H. Mull e n, Cadet 1st Sgt. Schmitt.
COMPA NY B - Cade t Capt.
Wagner , Cadet 1st Lts. R. Moran, Pflum, Spa tz , Zahn, Cadet I s l Sgt. Stapenhorst.
COMPANY C-Cadet Capts. R Sto eckl ein, Steffen, Cadet 1st Lt R. Mye,s, Cadet 1st Sgt. J. T hom as.
COMPANY D - Cadet Capt. Rab, Cadet 1st Lts. Nieberlein, ReilJy, and Rudzienski, Cadet 1st Sgt Thomp son.
COMPANY E - Cadet Capt. Coan, Cadet 1st Lts. Andrasik, F lanaga n , and Myrick, Cadet 1st Sgt. Lemming.
BAND COMPANY-Cadet Capt. Buehrle, Cadet Isl Lts. J. Ferron a nd Krumhan sl, Cadet 1st Sgt. W. Hill.