1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Coached by Lt. -Col. D. R . Kerr and Sgt. Charles Monahan, the U. of D. rifle team busied itself shooting for postal matches for the greater part of the schoo l year . Six four -year men and 15 others combined to turn in scores which won them victories over many of the larger universities of the country.
Dayton entered three five-man teams in the William Randolph Hearst trophy match and one 15-man team in the Corps Area Intercolle giate match in whic h the Flyer shooters finished fourth behind Culver, Ohio State and Indiana.
Highest individual score turned in was Joe Andrasik's 370. In the prone shooting Bill Allen, Earl Wile y, Bill Buehrle, and Jack Ritter all shot perfect scores. Don Kersting's 99 was the highest sitting score, while Andrasik shot a 96 in the kneeling position and Buehrle shot an 86 in the standing position to record the top scores.
Cumulative averages for the year showed Andrasik in the l ead with 91.56, followed closely by Buehrle's 91.53. Other leaders in their order were Bernard Hollenkamp , Robert Stoecklein, and Don Kersting.