1 minute read
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Although the glee club was established in 1920 by Bro. Th omas Poit ra s, S.M., it was not until 1928 that the group presented it s first p u b li c concert. In 1931 Maurice Reichard, pre sent director, reorga n ize d the club . Through hi s direction the group became well kn own, singi ng over WLW and several local stations.
In 1936 still further recognition was given to the lo cal singers a s they e n tered into musical competition with nine oth er Ohi o colleges in the Ohio intercollegiate glee club conte st over station WEN S in Co lumbus. Each year the club adds to its pre stige and during th is past yea r mad e numerous local appearance s and broadcasts, be sides cooperat in g with the Monogram club in pre senting th e annual mu sical comedy.
Officers of the organization are William Michael, pres i dent; Ralp h Lo~rey, vic e -president; and Bernard Hollenkamp, sec r e tary -treasurer.
R ea r : Fitzpatrick , Ska• p ik, D Baker, Strasser, lmh olt, Drury, We ilbach er, SteinJage, Kappeler, Michael, P Jacobs, Beare.
Seco n d; Reichard , Spe gel e, Ruh, J. Winte r, Loges, E. Kersting, Unve rferth , Velez, T, Winter, G lemet.
F r o n t : Bauer, K rumh ansl, J. F erron, B Holl enkamp, Schwering, Boo les, J. A. Murp h y, Wilcox, Lohrey.