1 minute read
Dramatics COLLEGE IS
from Daytonian 1939
by eCommons
Continuing in their second year of existence with renewed vigor, the Thespians, U.D. dramatic club, widened their scope of activities and enlarged the membership to twice the number included last year. In addition to pre senting two three-act and one single-act play, the Thespians also participated in the musical show and many of the programs in the U.D. radio series over local station WI-IIO.
Guided by Maurice Reichard and Dr. William 0. Wehrle, S.M ., the organization presented its first play, "Happiness Ahead" immediately before Lent. A comedy about life in a trailer camp, "Happiness Ahead" enjoyed complete success and was given in repeat performances at the National Military Home and St. Elizabeth Hospital.
Playing in a majority of the programs of the radio series, the Thespians were commended for their quick grasp of radio technique and capable handling of roles in a novel medium.
Officers elected for the year were William Fitzpatrick, president; William Michael, vice-president; and Betty Jane Israel, secretarytreasurer.